Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RawDog on February 24, 2018, 08:26:17 AM

Title: NYC - morons
Post by: RawDog on February 24, 2018, 08:26:17 AM
NYC Finance Regulator Morons (

lol!  Look at these morons!  Don't they know that everyone already left a long time ago?  Just ask Jaron who spent a god-damned fortune and several years trying to please these idiots.  Trust me, no crypto company wants anything to do with those Guido pieces of shit in NYC.  USA is just not the place for new highly dynamic technologies in finance.  

EVERYONE ALREADY LEFT!!!  You guys fucked up.  You can't fix it now.

Just look at that dirty New York Jew who wants to make rules to control your money.  Typical.  

These NYC pieces of shit own and control the world's monetary systems.  This causes them to believe that the own and control your money.  The whole reason Bitcoin was created is to get rid of these scumballs.  This is precisely why all crypto is moving to Switzerland.

NY, SEC and FinCEN are gonna get replaced.  The new world is coming and Wall Street isn't invited.