Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: r3wt on September 25, 2013, 08:15:51 AM

Title: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on September 25, 2013, 08:15:51 AM
lets try this again, shall we. lets see if we can't orphan the attackers blocks. checkpointed and such with my copy of the chain at 28905

replace addnodes in conf with:






coming soon


coming soon...
coming soon...



git clone

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 to be release @ block 28,903(28,901 current block)
Post by: 794259332 on September 25, 2013, 08:55:29 AM
the download link?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 07:26:41 PM
on your mark get set go.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: pr9me on September 27, 2013, 08:38:07 PM
I, for one, am very happy to see NAN back in action. :D

Props to r3wt for sticking to projects!

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: n01d3x on September 27, 2013, 09:05:16 PM
Last block I have is 28903 and that was about 25 minutes ago. I didn't use the installer file, just loaded the qt then added the blockchain. Is this the last block? Are any of your clients detecting new blocks?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: iGotSpots on September 27, 2013, 09:08:26 PM
I, for one, am very happy to see NAN back in action. :D

Props to r3wt for sticking to projects!

It won't be, though. He either didn't mine the block being used to pay everyone back (and is offering 1 BTC for it lol), or mined it himself and doesn't want to give it up now.

A premine within a premine...premineception?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 09:09:54 PM
Last block I have is 28903 and that was about 25 minutes ago. I didn't use the installer file, just loaded the qt then added the blockchain. Is this the last block? Are any of your clients detecting new blocks?

yes its going to be slow because its currently stuck at very high difficulty compared to network hashrate. i'm not a miracle worker. just be calm down and relax

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: n01d3x on September 27, 2013, 09:12:32 PM
Just trying to make sure I have it running correctly. I'm always calm and relaxed. Why so serious?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 09:15:06 PM
Just trying to make sure I have it running correctly. I'm always calm and relaxed. Why so serious?

because this block is missing and i promised vern that i wouldn't let someone else mine it, and apparently someone else has




addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'> [account]
backupwallet <destination>
createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...}
decoderawtransaction <hex string>
dumpprivkey <nanotokenaddress>
getaccount <nanotokenaddress>
getaccountaddress <account>
getaddressesbyaccount <account>
getbalance [account] [minconf=1]
getblock <hash>
getblockhash <index>
getblocktemplate [params]
getnetworkhashps [blocks]
getnewaddress [account]
getrawtransaction <txid> [verbose=0]
getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]
getreceivedbyaddress <nanotokenaddress> [minconf=1]
gettransaction <txid>
getwork [data]
getworkex [data, coinbase]
help [command]
importprivkey <nanotokenprivkey> [label]
listaccounts [minconf=1]
listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]
listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]
listunspent [minconf=1] [maxconf=999999]
move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment]
sendfrom <fromaccount> <tonanotokenaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]
sendrawtransaction <hex string>
sendtoaddress <nanotokenaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]
setaccount <nanotokenaddress> <account>
setgenerate <generate> [genproclimit]
setmininput <amount>
settxfee <amount>
signmessage <nanotokenaddress> <message>
signrawtransaction <hex string> [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex},...] [<privatekey1>,...] [sighashtype="ALL"]
validateaddress <nanotokenaddress>
verifymessage <nanotokenaddress> <signature> <message>
walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>
walletpassphrasechange <oldpassphrase> <newpassphrase>





{"code":-5,"message":"Block not found"}





"hash" : "22f031fa702d6c69c6d4bcebb5853c20ea745fc7e095b3ed31b3d26289694043",
"confirmations" : 2,
"size" : 191,
"height" : 28902,
"version" : 1,
"merkleroot" : "32700c2d986f069e156586928bf756540f2e064f55f7ebd1dfdb4b5ff3bdddbe",
"tx" : [
"time" : 1380312675,
"nonce" : 1633615872,
"bits" : "1d010c10",
"difficulty" : 0.95498659,
"previousblockhash" : "98b828ec3342be32b2de70c4e28f3b0b1cf54fb243a8a65c0f8660672434c8c2",
"nextblockhash" : "730265923b0862a30b45cf2b61a20f31f817f14f663ef9d399774238186d981b"


getransaction 32700c2d986f069e156586928bf756540f2e064f55f7ebd1dfdb4b5ff3bdddbe


{"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found"}


gettransaction 32700c2d986f069e156586928bf756540f2e064f55f7ebd1dfdb4b5ff3bdddbe


{"code":-5,"message":"Invalid or non-wallet transaction id"}


getrawtransaction 32700c2d986f069e156586928bf756540f2e064f55f7ebd1dfdb4b5ff3bdddbe


01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fffff fff0f0462e6455202cd00062f503253482fffffffff0100901ec4bc1600002321021524595bdda1 1a507e83fe46c32eddf849890bb60aa669a42ee6b4233b0ae0fcac00000000


decoderawtransaction 32700c2d986f069e156586928bf756540f2e064f55f7ebd1dfdb4b5ff3bdddbe


{"code":-22,"message":"TX decode failed"}


decoderawtransaction 01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fffff fff0f0462e6455202cd00062f503253482fffffffff0100901ec4bc1600002321021524595bdda1 1a507e83fe46c32eddf849890bb60aa669a42ee6b4233b0ae0fcac00000000


"txid" : "32700c2d986f069e156586928bf756540f2e064f55f7ebd1dfdb4b5ff3bdddbe",
"version" : 1,
"locktime" : 0,
"vin" : [
"coinbase" : "0462e6455202cd00062f503253482f",
"sequence" : 4294967295
"vout" : [
"value" : 250000.00000000,
"n" : 0,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "021524595bdda11a507e83fe46c32eddf849890bb60aa669a42ee6b4233b0ae0fc OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex" : "21021524595bdda11a507e83fe46c32eddf849890bb60aa669a42ee6b4233b0ae0fcac",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"type" : "pubkey",
"addresses" : [

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: n01d3x on September 27, 2013, 09:20:08 PM
Wow! I wouldn't think even you would try to pull something like that off. That sucks bro. Someone was stoked to see that block!

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 09:25:30 PM
Wow! I wouldn't think even you would try to pull something like that off. That sucks bro. Someone was stoked to see that block!

dumbass, that block is for reparation to cryptsy but thanks for accusing me. join the ranks with the rest of the trolls. hope you are proud of yourself.. the coin was forked and people were buying coins that only existed on a bad fork. i mined the block and then someone else orphaned it and now all is lost. these coins belong to biter, qwep, h4xx0r, and whoever else lose coins on the fork! who bought 20 btc of nanotoken!!! whoever mined this block must contact BitJohn or big vern at once.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 09:31:26 PM
person who mine this block

addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1380317234,
"lastrecv" : 1380317234,
"conntime" : 1380313478,
"version" : 65009,
"subver" : "/Nanotoken:",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"startingheight" : 28902,
"banscore" : 0

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: n01d3x on September 27, 2013, 09:36:09 PM
Wow. I was actually implying that iGotSpots was wrong and that even you wouldn't have done that. I've tried to support you and your coins this whole time. Your ego is losing you support. Enjoy your wasted time and worthless coins bro. I'll never touch another thing you are involved in and I'll be sure to advise anyone else who asks the same.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 09:44:07 PM
Wow. I was actually implying that iGotSpots was wrong and that even you wouldn't have done that. I've tried to support you and your coins this whole time. Your ego is losing you support. Enjoy your wasted time and worthless coins bro. I'll never touch another thing you are involved in and I'll be sure to advise anyone else who asks the same.

oh, i tought you were directing that at me. i apologize. you gotta understand people are attacking me contstantly.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: iGotSpots on September 27, 2013, 10:10:51 PM
You need to calm down. It's not trolling if it's the truth.

Why wouldn't you mine this block before releasing it if you are trying to correct the problem? Pouting and running away only makes it worse...

We are cool, I'm not trolling you. I'm trying to help you and have been all along. I even told you I would personally mine the big block and send it to Vern myself. You sent me a broken QT that didn't connect, then this happens a few days later...

And don't say you are working for free. You've premined every single coin you've ever launched, not to mention that red text that magically disappeared was there for a reason. Stop pouting, grow the fuck up, fix your mess, and stop talking shit to the only ones of us that are honest and still even willing to help you at this point.

I didn't want to see your NAN people get fucked any harder. It's bad for you and alt coins as a whole. You fucked up (again) with your attempt to fix it. I'm going to call you on it, even if we are cool with each other, when it comes to messing with other people's money

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3 Launch is go
Post by: r3wt on September 27, 2013, 10:16:07 PM
You need to calm down. It's not trolling if it's the truth.

Why wouldn't you mine this block before releasing it if you are trying to correct the problem? Pouting and running away only makes it worse...

We are cool, I'm not trolling you. I'm trying to help you and have been all along. I even told you I would personally mine the big block and send it to Vern myself. You sent me a broken QT that didn't connect, then this happens a few days later...

And don't say you are working for free. You've premined every single coin you've ever launched, not to mention that red text that magically disappeared was there for a reason. Stop pouting, grow the fuck up, fix your mess, and stop talking shit to the only ones of us that are honest and still even willing to help you at this point.

I didn't want to see your NAN people get fucked any harder. It's bad for you and alt coins as a whole. You fucked up (again) with your attempt to fix it. I'm going to call you on it, even if we are cool with each other, when it comes to messing with other people's money

it is fixed. Nyc logan mined the block and is turning it over to cryptsy. go worry about lottery tickets and leave me alone. please. if i was making any money i'd have more than 4 litecoins and .02 btc to my name.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens v3.0-r3--Returning to Cryptsy
Post by: r3wt on September 29, 2013, 09:13:20 PM
nanotokens will be relisted at cryptsy, possibly in both markets.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: iANDROID on September 30, 2013, 07:48:56 AM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: n00ber on September 30, 2013, 08:38:41 AM
Thanks r3wt, I still have 800 nan in my wallets somewhere.

Edit: Still couldn't find nan in cryptsy.  >:(

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: manoamano on September 30, 2013, 09:11:01 AM
Thanks r3wt, I still have 800 nan in my wallets somewhere.

Edit: Still couldn't find nan in cryptsy.  >:(


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: bitcoin44me on September 30, 2013, 10:36:25 AM
Nanotokens got removed from cryptsy :(

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: n00ber on September 30, 2013, 10:44:58 AM
Nanotokens got removed from cryptsy :(

Where to trade nan now?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: bitcoin44me on September 30, 2013, 10:56:14 AM
Nanotokens got removed from cryptsy :(

Where to trade nan now?

They are not on mcxNOW, so I have no idea which exchange is using them .......

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: jdebunt on September 30, 2013, 10:57:49 AM
Wouldn't mind seeing NaN on an exchange again....doubt MCXNow will ever list it though, so i guess Cryptsy is our best bet :)

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: spark_li on September 30, 2013, 12:31:20 PM

and current working pool

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: spark_li on September 30, 2013, 12:37:16 PM
current nan can trade on

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: like on September 30, 2013, 12:49:39 PM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: n00ber on September 30, 2013, 12:52:46 PM

Can't understand anything from that site.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Edit: Killed in 51% attack
Post by: r3wt on September 30, 2013, 05:13:51 PM
killed in 51% attack last night, almost immediately after relisted at cryptsy.

this guy swears up and down it was him but all fingers seem to point at his ip address. fortunately i have a copy of the blockchain @ height of 30000 so i will be hardcoding in about 50 checkpoints or so tonight, recompiling and redistributing. there will also be a change to the source that will prevent old or modified clients from connecting to the network. you have been given notice.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: iANDROID on September 30, 2013, 05:17:11 PM

Can't understand anything from that site.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Edit: Killed in 51% attack
Post by: Hazard on September 30, 2013, 05:23:50 PM
killed in 51% attack last night, almost immediately after relisted at cryptsy.

this guy swears up and down it was him but all fingers seem to point at his ip address. fortunately i have a copy of the blockchain @ height of 30000 so i will be hardcoding in about 50 checkpoints or so tonight, recompiling and redistributing. there will also be a change to the source that will prevent old or modified clients from connecting to the network. you have been given notice.
Such redundancy accomplishes nothing... One checkpoint at the highest height does the same thing.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Edit: Killed in 51% attack
Post by: r3wt on September 30, 2013, 05:28:54 PM
killed in 51% attack last night, almost immediately after relisted at cryptsy.

this guy swears up and down it was him but all fingers seem to point at his ip address. fortunately i have a copy of the blockchain @ height of 30000 so i will be hardcoding in about 50 checkpoints or so tonight, recompiling and redistributing. there will also be a change to the source that will prevent old or modified clients from connecting to the network. you have been given notice.
Such redundancy accomplishes nothing... One checkpoint at the highest height does the same thing.
noted... Hazard i have a question, are you a copy paste dev or are you an actual programmer?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 01, 2013, 01:22:41 AM
bump! its go time biatches!

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: X68N on October 11, 2013, 05:33:29 AM
Cryptsy said they waiting for the developer to fix the issue, so is it fixed or not yet?


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 11, 2013, 05:46:35 AM
Cryptsy said they waiting for the developer to fix the issue, so is it fixed or not yet?


it was more or less killed in an attack

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: spark_li on October 11, 2013, 09:48:23 AM
when can find NAN in ?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: X68N on October 21, 2013, 12:24:07 AM
so its officially dead? :-(

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on October 21, 2013, 12:30:19 AM

Are you going to launch this again.


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 03:30:21 AM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 03:35:09 AM
BitcoinExpress(BCX)杀害 NAN

  也许你应该 诅咒 BCX 成 第八 代 不是我


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: ropyu1978 on October 22, 2013, 03:40:35 AM
Excitement curse ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 03:48:47 AM
BitcoinExpress(BCX)杀害 NAN

  也许你应该 诅咒 BCX 成 第八 代 不是我


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 03:52:41 AM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 03:59:42 AM

right back at ya like, its not my fault so go fuck yourself. i worked my ass off to fix it so you can fuck off for your shit talking and cursing of me.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 04:10:23 AM

right back at ya like, its not my fault so go fuck yourself. i worked my ass off to fix it so you can fuck off for your shit talking and cursing of me.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 04:13:09 AM

right back at ya like, its not my fault so go fuck yourself. i worked my ass off to fix it so you can fuck off for your shit talking and cursing of me.

nanotokens had legit services, a store opening and an online wallet, plus multiple other services. if not for the(multiple) 51% attacks of BCX, the coin would still be listed on cryptsy and you would still be profiting from trading it.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 04:22:27 AM

right back at ya like, its not my fault so go fuck yourself. i worked my ass off to fix it so you can fuck off for your shit talking and cursing of me.

nanotokens had legit services, a store opening and an online wallet, plus multiple other services. if not for the(multiple) 51% attacks of BCX, the coin would still be listed on cryptsy and you would still be profiting from trading it.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 04:28:26 AM

right back at ya like, its not my fault so go fuck yourself. i worked my ass off to fix it so you can fuck off for your shit talking and cursing of me.

nanotokens had legit services, a store opening and an online wallet, plus multiple other services. if not for the(multiple) 51% attacks of BCX, the coin would still be listed on cryptsy and you would still be profiting from trading it.

I will not compensate your losses, as i was not the cause of neither your investments nor your losses. if you want the person responsible his name is BCX, or BitcoinExpress. you seem to be purposely ignoring that fact.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 04:34:22 AM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on October 22, 2013, 05:52:41 AM

I will not compensate your losses, as i was not the cause of neither your investments nor your losses. if you want the person responsible his name is BCX, or BitcoinExpress. you seem to be purposely ignoring that fact.

How would I be responsible? ? ?

He claims you stole his money via an investment scheme. He sent you 20BTC worth of NAN he mined and you claimed you never got it because it was on some supposed bad fork. How convenient huh?

Just give the guy back his 20 BTC.


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 05:58:21 AM

I will not compensate your losses, as i was not the cause of neither your investments nor your losses. if you want the person responsible his name is BCX, or BitcoinExpress. you seem to be purposely ignoring that fact.

How would I be responsible? ? ?

He claims you stole his money via an investment scheme. He sent you 20BTC worth of NAN he mined and you claimed you never got it because it was on some supposed bad fork. How convenient huh?

Just give the guy back his 20 BTC.


that is not true. he withdrew them from cryptsy after you attacked the coin, and they were lost on a fork. bitjohn said hey, cryptsy isn't responsible and told him i was. so i'm just taking the blame that was placed on me by the exchange and placing it on you, who destroyed the coin. welcome to the ignore list

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: like on October 22, 2013, 06:04:08 AM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 07:19:09 AM

I am not using deception to cheat your money.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 08:25:47 AM
How about you let this coin die and stop scamming people.
i scammed no one. you and all others should quit spreading lies or i will seek legal action against you.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens Relisted @
Post by: viboracecata on October 22, 2013, 08:56:09 AM
Thanks r3wt, I still have 800 nan in my wallets somewhere.

Edit: Still couldn't find nan in cryptsy.  >:(

My NAN also lost on cryptsy.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: viboracecata on October 22, 2013, 08:57:43 AM

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on October 22, 2013, 03:06:31 PM

So let me get this straight,

You got caught ripping off a Chinese guy for 20 BTC worth of NAN in an investor scheme. He sent them, provided an txid and you claim you didn't receive them due to some imaginary fork even though the NAN block explorer clearly shows you did.

In an effort to spread out your thievery, you create a super block of 250,000 NAN and like the dummy you are, you didn't mine it yourself LOL...Some kid did and was nice enough to send it to Cryptsy..,

You're a real mastermind aren't you?

You've been caught and you can't go back to your other screen name because that name has defaulted on BTC loans all over the place.

Just create a new name and start over.


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on October 22, 2013, 06:32:57 PM

So let me get this straight,

You got caught ripping off a Chinese guy for 20 BTC worth of NAN in an investor scheme. He sent them, provided an txid and you claim you didn't receive them due to some imaginary fork even though the NAN block explorer clearly shows you did.

In an effort to spread out your thievery, you create a super block of 250,000 NAN and like the dummy you are, you didn't mine it yourself LOL...Some kid did and was nice enough to send it to Cryptsy..,

You're a real mastermind aren't you?

You've been caught and you can't go back to your other screen name because that name has defaulted on BTC loans all over the place.

Just create a new name and start over.

the chinese guy and i had not exchange of anything. he bought from the exchange and withdrew to a fork, shit hit the fan and cryptsy used me as the scapegoat.
refute that bitch

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: Bitcoin! on December 05, 2013, 01:01:00 AM
Is the coin alive?
blockexplorer seems to be working
Nanotoken wallett fully synced although had to delete eveything on the roaming file but the config and wallet to download chain again!
Its alive again!

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 05, 2013, 02:56:56 AM
Is the coin alive?
blockexplorer seems to be working
Nanotoken wallett fully synced although had to delete eveything on the roaming file but the config and wallet to download chain again!
Its alive again!

last i checked it was alive and well. a bit of a ghost town though

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: 794259332 on December 05, 2013, 03:02:25 AM
Is the coin alive?
blockexplorer seems to be working
Nanotoken wallett fully synced although had to delete eveything on the roaming file but the config and wallet to download chain again!
Its alive again!

last i checked it was alive and well. a bit of a ghost town though

the nan on is this nan?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: CrytoEnthusiast on December 05, 2013, 03:09:56 AM
I hadn't heard of this coin before today and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who sees the potential. I hope the activity picks up for it, it does seem to be interesting. I don't have any though, if you're feeling generous MhJAcHrcHx9uYDmxf8eSuMV23Ae2F1KE9v is my WA :D

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 05, 2013, 03:46:54 AM
Is the coin alive?
blockexplorer seems to be working
Nanotoken wallett fully synced although had to delete eveything on the roaming file but the config and wallet to download chain again!
Its alive again!

last i checked it was alive and well. a bit of a ghost town though

the nan on is this nan?

yes. transactions have a bit of a delay though, due to the lack of a dedicated network with pools, miners etc.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: spiz0r on December 05, 2013, 04:30:58 PM
Do you have a windows qt?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: spiz0r on December 05, 2013, 04:52:08 PM
Do you have a windows qt?

I have just found it.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 05, 2013, 05:02:11 PM
Do you have a windows qt?

sorry about that, i think the site i had them on originally got taken down. for future reference, all the nanotoken builds/source is here. I know thats a wierd url but i'm a cryptography enthusiast. the name means "hash-joke-7kilobytes

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: spiz0r on December 05, 2013, 05:12:03 PM

I started to solo mine a bit :)

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: iGotSpots on December 05, 2013, 05:21:33 PM
Thanks for talking shit in private. Worthless fuck

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 05, 2013, 05:35:33 PM
Thanks for talking shit in private. Worthless fuck

Spots, i have no idea what you are talking about. I gave you your money, compiled a tickets installer for you. what more do you want? do you just like fighting with me? that's kinda childish. You've talked plenty of shit about me, don't pretend like you ain't

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: spiz0r on December 05, 2013, 06:23:56 PM
I hadn't heard of this coin before today and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who sees the potential. I hope the activity picks up for it, it does seem to be interesting. I don't have any though, if you're feeling generous MhJAcHrcHx9uYDmxf8eSuMV23Ae2F1KE9v is my WA :D
Sent 10 NAN.

Start mining! :)

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: X68N on December 07, 2013, 07:32:35 PM
with the chinese guy story, i think who is greedy and doesnt watch for safety....
He had the option to splitt the buys in smaller pieces to minimize risk.
He didn't so i would think he could afford this 20btc loss.

For the premine of the devileper, i would like to see it on the announce page.
everything up to max 0,5% is acceptable to me (max!).
1% is not, it is unfair and just too much.

But what i really dont like, is when premining isn't clearly announced.
So how much is the premine on this relaunch?
(or is it still 0,25% of the first version?)

:-) this is a question not an attack , greetings

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 07, 2013, 09:51:20 PM
with the chinese guy story, i think who is greedy and doesnt watch for safety....
He had the option to splitt the buys in smaller pieces to minimize risk.
He didn't so i would think he could afford this 20btc loss.

For the premine of the devileper, i would like to see it on the announce page.
everything up to max 0,5% is acceptable to me (max!).
1% is not, it is unfair and just too much.

But what i really dont like, is when premining isn't clearly announced.
So how much is the premine on this relaunch?
(or is it still 0,25% of the first version?)

:-) this is a question not an attack , greetings

the premine was 250,000 coins on the relaunch. of this i got 0%. the block was mined by iGotSpots, and sent to Paul Vernon of cryptsy. I trust that he used it to refund those effected by the forking of the coin and specifically the real chinese guy who lost almost 60k coins due to the mess. I'm not really sure if he had any left over, but i did receive a mysterious deposit of 3500 coins to my cryptsy account. its very possible that vern split the left overs among cryptsy users, or just sent it to me. its also highly likely that 3500 coins were from a buy order i placed shortly before the second 51% attack on the coin. I honestly don't know.

The original premine was 500,000 coins, of which i kept approximately 140,000 coins. i'm not really sure exactly how much it was, but i will admit the coin was originally launched as a pump and dump. After i initially sold some of them on the exchange, i became attached to the coin and i know my support lacked at times, due to my then lack of a technical understanding of the coin. There is no doubt that what i did was unethical and i am ashamed of doing it, but the best thing i can try to do is support the coin, and i'm hoping to be able to patch the 51% vulnerability it has so that it can become a useful cryptocurrency. I won't throw muddafudda under the bus here, but he is atleast somewhat responsible for the coin's shortcomings. As for the block reward mess, it was totally my fault. i did not do enough research before i decided i was able to properly construct object oriented c code and procedural based if statements. I am sorry to anyone who was hurt in my petty scheme. I hope that the coin is able to be restored to its previous standing as it was once very valued on cryptsy, and if it doesn't i hope to be able to repay the debt as i take responsibility for its failure and demise.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: X68N on December 07, 2013, 11:44:37 PM

thank you for this Statement.
I feeled a bit suprised when NAN crashed, because at the start it had a good reputation and value groth same as megacoin.
I had riskmanagement and spread my investments, so it doesnt hurt me much.
The thing with the premine is a difficult task. One side it is ok that the developper gets money in return, but
the problem is that on the early stage the person with the premine has a huge amount in relation to other market participants.
So if he drops huge sums, the price will sink. The only soloution is that the premined coins must be hold for a long time,
until it is possible to sell them in parts without pressing the market price.
Think about where Megacoin is now, nan had the same chance.
I realised than later that without a developper a coin is dead.
Like i read it you are honest about the problems and i think thats a good way to start/restart on a succsessful project.
Think about the analogy of robing a Bank versus be the owner of the Bank , longterm honestly is always more profitable  :)

i am missing the nice first page with the NAN logo, technical fact and links.
Did you deleted it?

So the first NAN Version had 80 million coins in total .
For the Relaunch is it the same amount or less?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: X68N on December 11, 2013, 12:55:23 AM
no answer?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: smeagol on December 11, 2013, 01:01:01 AM
How much profit did you get from the dump?  Just curious.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 11, 2013, 01:25:26 AM
no answer?

the same amount.

How much profit did you get from the dump?  Just curious.

i never dumped, i sold it in chunks of 500-1000 slowly overtime, i was paying muddafudda in chunks of 10000-20000 coins for each fix /revision.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: dE_logics on December 14, 2013, 04:48:47 PM
So you expect people to mine a coin with no specs.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: zeeyoon on December 15, 2013, 03:27:31 AM
Do you have a windows qt?

sorry about that, i think the site i had them on originally got taken down. for future reference, all the nanotoken builds/source is here. I know thats a wierd url but i'm a cryptography enthusiast. the name means "hash-joke-7kilobytes

It doesn't work   
out of sync

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 15, 2013, 05:00:34 AM
Do you have a windows qt?

sorry about that, i think the site i had them on originally got taken down. for future reference, all the nanotoken builds/source is here. I know thats a wierd url but i'm a cryptography enthusiast. the name means "hash-joke-7kilobytes

It doesn't work   
out of sync

It freezes halfway through downloading the chain. closing the client should solve the issue. I just synched the client on 3 different computers, no problems here. showing a difficulty of .2 atm, so its possible that there could be a fork, but i don't see it on any of my clients or on the server. let me know if you need assistance.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: zeeyoon on December 15, 2013, 08:09:50 AM
Do you have a windows qt?

sorry about that, i think the site i had them on originally got taken down. for future reference, all the nanotoken builds/source is here. I know thats a wierd url but i'm a cryptography enthusiast. the name means "hash-joke-7kilobytes

It doesn't work   
out of sync

It freezes halfway through downloading the chain. closing the client should solve the issue. I just synched the client on 3 different computers, no problems here. showing a difficulty of .2 atm, so its possible that there could be a fork, but i don't see it on any of my clients or on the server. let me know if you need assistance.

I'm Korean.  my english is poor  sorry.
yes,these is a fork and out of sync
window qt  ,is it  work?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 15, 2013, 08:42:51 AM
Do you have a windows qt?

sorry about that, i think the site i had them on originally got taken down. for future reference, all the nanotoken builds/source is here. I know thats a wierd url but i'm a cryptography enthusiast. the name means "hash-joke-7kilobytes

It doesn't work   
out of sync

It freezes halfway through downloading the chain. closing the client should solve the issue. I just synched the client on 3 different computers, no problems here. showing a difficulty of .2 atm, so its possible that there could be a fork, but i don't see it on any of my clients or on the server. let me know if you need assistance.

I'm Korean.  my english is poor  sorry.
yes,these is a fork and out of sync
window qt  ,is it  work?


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: vertebrae on December 17, 2013, 02:37:36 PM
Could you share peers.dat?

I can not sync with network, my config is:


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: romiferns on December 18, 2013, 10:12:08 AM
the port number i see is 19578



Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: vertebrae on December 18, 2013, 02:26:58 PM

Config File Settings


Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 18, 2013, 09:46:02 PM

Config File Settings


The windows qt link is not the official client. the official client link is here:

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: r3wt on December 18, 2013, 09:47:01 PM
Do you have a windows qt?

sorry about that, i think the site i had them on originally got taken down. for future reference, all the nanotoken builds/source is here. I know thats a wierd url but i'm a cryptography enthusiast. the name means "hash-joke-7kilobytes

It doesn't work   
out of sync

It freezes halfway through downloading the chain. closing the client should solve the issue. I just synched the client on 3 different computers, no problems here. showing a difficulty of .2 atm, so its possible that there could be a fork, but i don't see it on any of my clients or on the server. let me know if you need assistance.

I'm Korean.  my english is poor  sorry.
yes,these is a fork and out of sync
window qt  ,is it  work?


can you contact to update the wallet?
i don't know how to contact him
i can't deposit nan

I just deposited 50 NAN an hour ago and its in my account. perhaps you didn't delete the blockchain before you upgraded wallets?

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: romiferns on December 20, 2013, 07:09:40 AM
is there a pool for this coin.

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: spiz0r on December 24, 2013, 12:13:24 AM
is there a pool for this coin.

Official Nanotoken Pool:

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: JUmpy14 on February 26, 2014, 07:28:05 AM
pool is off:(

Title: Re: [Ann]Nanotokens 9/30/13 Launching again
Post by: ECF on April 30, 2014, 01:12:02 AM

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