Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: mcqueen95 on February 24, 2018, 03:41:49 PM

Title: Money vs Barter
Post by: mcqueen95 on February 24, 2018, 03:41:49 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: BartS on February 24, 2018, 04:41:13 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
This is why we need money what you are describing is the greatest problem with barter, it is called the coincidence of wants, in order for a barter to work both people need to want something from each other and if that is not the case the transaction cannot occur, this is why money was created so no matter what you or someone else is offering you both will have something the other wants a medium of exchange, if you still want to see barter in action watch your favorite sport and wait for the trade season.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: danherbias07 on February 24, 2018, 04:49:19 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
This is why we need money what you are describing is the greatest problem with barter, it is called the coincidence of wants, in order for a barter to work both people need to want something from each other and if that is not the case the transaction cannot occur, this is why money was created so no matter what you or someone else is offering you both will have something the other wants a medium of exchange, if you still want to see barter in action watch your favorite sport and wait for the trade season.

Explained well. Cool. Just as your name says it.  ;D

That will always be the problem. What he really need at the time they want to trade something or an offer.
I need a glass of water but you have a glass of oil. I cannot drink it so again I need to look for someone to trade that oil until I die in thirst.
Money was created to take that out. Using as a middle thing to solve cases like this.
It was a good creation, it was just abused.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jaysabi on February 24, 2018, 05:04:39 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

This is exactly why barter doesn't exist large scale anymore. The economy is far too complex and bartering is far too inefficient as a means of consuming and satisfying wants and needs. Money plays the crucial role of being a medium of exchange and making the economy function more efficiently as buyers and sellers can rely on a centralized medium that is universally considered to be a store of value and universally accepted as payment. Bitcoin's lack of acknowledgement as such is only one of many major weaknesses standing in the way of it being a viable medium of exchange.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: darkangel11 on February 24, 2018, 07:12:58 PM
There's a vision of the future economy circulating around. Right now it's hard to imagine people going back to barter, as it was almost impossible to price things with that. With barter there are no universal prices and there are no fractions, like with exchanging cows for horses. What are you going to do if one of the horses is thin and not worth a full cow? Cut the cow in half? :D
Now, imagine that you're living in a space colony, a ship going to a new world, or even a city of the future where the food is being grown for free by the government and supplied to everyone and people are assigned jobs that they have to perform like performing system checks, doing maintenance. You're doing it for free as a community, to preserve systems that are keeping you alive. All physical work is being done by robots and other automated systems, health services are automated you just get scanned and a computer medicates you, you don't need fiat money, but you still have property. You can produce things like homemade meals that taste better than the free ones, art, you can gamble. In such would barter would again come into play.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: pitiflin on February 24, 2018, 07:50:47 PM
Barter system is one of the worst systems.
As per money vs barter system in macroeconomics, there are four major things.
  • Barter system cannot be considered a medium of exchange.
  • Lack of double coincidence.
  • No store of value.
  • Cannot be used for determining the GDP.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: MainIbem on February 24, 2018, 07:51:48 PM
The growth of human society has been that of evolution. Even this medium of exchange is evolving. Money has evolved from commodity (the barter era), to gold, to paper and now moving to virtual currency. Who knows what next after cryptocurrency!

In every of these eras, it solves an inherent problem. Coincidence in the days of barter and decentralization in the days of paper money.  

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Martinkuhn on February 24, 2018, 08:31:43 PM
We will also need a medium of exchange i.e. money in order to exchange goods and services.

whether this is in the form of cash, btc or credits etc money in some form or other will be needed.

I do not foresee society to revert back to barter trading as it does not function in a large scale.

Unless you foresee a apocalyptic future where humans live in small villages, then barter can function within such small groups.

Other than that, I doubt we will see significant to barter. 

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Hydrogen on February 24, 2018, 08:45:18 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

A barter system can work under those circumstances without money being involved.

An agreement could be made for the bank to barter away the cost of 1 suit for consulting services rendered. For example a bank could barter 10 chickens for the cost of your suit as part of your salary. Under a barter system, goods which can be traded, take the place of currency.

I think to gain a clear perspective of this topic, a person should ask how people exchanged goods and services before money or currencies were invented. How prosperous or poor were those societies? In terms of history, there isn't much effort put into illustrating what daily life was like for those who lived under a gold standard or in an era before fractional reserve banking was invented.

Obviously people bought and sold real estate before mortgage loans or fiat currency were created. This idea that it was impossible to buy or sell a house when the gold standard was in effect(which the establishment indoctrinates us into believing), doesn't seem realistic, does it?   :)

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Umar001 on February 24, 2018, 08:56:14 PM
Money is far better than barter, as the medium of exchange, barter is an old way  of exchange goods for goods without engage cash, which come with alot of problem example problem of double coesident of want etc. In this modern days money is the best way to exchange for goods and services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Granxis on February 24, 2018, 08:57:47 PM
The growth of human society has been that of evolution. Even this medium of exchange is evolving. Money has evolved from commodity (the barter era), to gold, to paper and now moving to virtual currency. Who knows what next after cryptocurrency!

In every of these eras, it solves an inherent problem. Coincidence in the days of barter and decentralization in the days of paper money.  
I think the exchange system is still going on, yes the exchange system is the basis of the economy. There is always a basic but invisible foundation of a building. All shopping is in fact the equation of power we consume with the power we produce.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Sidiq SP on February 24, 2018, 09:03:49 PM
for now it is very rare for this barter system to be done, the possibility that occurs in the event of a barter is when both parties want each other goods and happiness occurs, if ancient, before the money, this barter is used, but for now the money as a tool exchange of all goods, the allocation is very efficient in comparison with the barter system earlier

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: ainunfm on February 24, 2018, 09:08:11 PM
good logic
it just same like the description about coin cryptocurrency works

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: shuvo999 on February 25, 2018, 04:45:25 AM
Money is far better than barter, as the medium of exchange, barter is an old way  of exchange goods for goods without engage cash, which come with alot of problem example problem of double coesident of want etc. In this modern days money is the best way to exchange for goods and services.
I will support your stance too because nowadays, everyone is having his/her own needs. So they need money to buy what they want. Barter market was operating when people were not having proper currency system. Now it is not possible for it to function.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: amzadabir on February 25, 2018, 06:12:23 PM
Money is used as the always of our daily life. People without money are meaningless.Using money, my exchange of consulting services for a new suit is not simultaneous. The transactions take place at different points in time. For this to work, money must hold its value over time. Thus, money also acts as a store of value. I can hold onto money for a few days without having it lose value.
When money is established as a medium of exchange, people get used to calculating value in terms of money. Thus, money becomes a unit of account. Using money as a unit of account breaks down if we are doing cross-country comparisons. A Canadian dollar and a U.S. dollar are not.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Mometaskers on February 25, 2018, 06:44:26 PM
This is why we need money what you are describing is the greatest problem with barter, it is called the coincidence of wants, in order for a barter to work both people need to want something from each other and if that is not the case the transaction cannot occur, this is why money was created so no matter what you or someone else is offering you both will have something the other wants a medium of exchange, if you still want to see barter in action watch your favorite sport and wait for the trade season.

Couldn't have said it any better. Matter of convenience aside, barter would really require that you trade the item so it's not always easy. Of course there were enterprising people in the past that bought goods they don't need for reselling but without money, it was all really cumbersome.

Money also had the added benefit that it is also a store of value, which was great for people that produce perishable goods.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Feuerbach on February 25, 2018, 06:56:29 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
In today's civilized world, barter is impossible because of the variety of goods and services on the market. Barter can be where there is no civilization, because the savage before the monetary system has not yet grown

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: danim1130 on February 25, 2018, 07:38:48 PM
it'll be better with barter because there are too many benefits in the barter you can exchange either more than what you will be trade at .. like in bitcoin you are trading for some money and exchange it for tokens and take some profits.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: mostkey on February 25, 2018, 08:14:04 PM
it'll be better with barter because there are too many benefits in the barter you can exchange either more than what you will be trade at .. like in bitcoin you are trading for some money and exchange it for tokens and take some profits.
there are two possibilities to exchange fiat money with token. it could be that we get a profit or vice versa. there are some fake tokens that are not traded (none) in any exchange. I've often stuck with some of those pesky tokens. and right now I never invest in any token. because no one knows what the future of the token is

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: pixie85 on February 25, 2018, 08:32:32 PM
it'll be better with barter because there are too many benefits in the barter you can exchange either more than what you will be trade at .. like in bitcoin you are trading for some money and exchange it for tokens and take some profits.

How do you see barter working if someone wants to buy a fraction of a product? You have 1 gold coin worth 1000 USD and someone is selling jewelry and has some rings worth 700 each. How would you make a trade? Cut the coin?
Barter will never work in a modern society.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: goaldigger on February 25, 2018, 10:15:11 PM
If barter is our medium of exchange, then banks will not exist. You do not have savings nor investment also. How can you exchange your cow for a retirement? How can you distinguish expensive to cheap. It is just applicable then where life has not yet civilized, and the need of people is just the basic necessities.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: millgates on February 25, 2018, 11:24:02 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Money it self is only a representation of gold, so actually people in the past still do barter, they exchange their gold with rice, bread or other stuff. But in since tens years ago fiat system is come up, it is brake that concept. Likely the government and citizens are forgot about that main thing.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: BartS on March 02, 2018, 02:39:15 PM
Couldn't have said it any better. Matter of convenience aside, barter would really require that you trade the item so it's not always easy. Of course there were enterprising people in the past that bought goods they don't need for reselling but without money, it was all really cumbersome.

Money also had the added benefit that it is also a store of value, which was great for people that produce perishable goods.
This is the main reason of why the economy began to form when people became farmers they could get a lot more food to what they could use in a single day so they needed a form to retain some of that value and that is how currencies eventually were made, the farmer could lose the value due to perishable goods but with a durable form of money the wealth he created could not be destroyed that easily and stayed in the community this eventually created the capitalist economy that we know.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: doedz on March 02, 2018, 04:40:17 PM
Barter systems have long been abandoned and this is only part of history before people use the money to meet their needs.
History is unlikely to happen, and money is more popular today. and digital currency will be present in place of fiat.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Barley Hertog on March 02, 2018, 04:59:58 PM
Barter "as is" is ineffective. Even in P2P economy when people trade their services and goods to each other money is involved anyway.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: MaleKing on March 02, 2018, 05:02:58 PM
That's a very traditional way of doing things. And although it dissapeared because of Money, I think Barter has a chance now with the digitalization of our world.
Imagine if there would be a website where millions of people would be present and would have different skillz. They could match in a much simpler fashion.
But still, money WAY better than barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Clavulanic on March 02, 2018, 05:30:09 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Money it self is only a representation of gold, so actually people in the past still do barter, they exchange their gold with rice, bread or other stuff. But in since tens years ago fiat system is come up, it is brake that concept. Likely the government and citizens are forgot about that main thing.
A long time ago, barter is applicable but now, I don't think it will still be working with that kind of exchanging. Money is better and it is fair with the amount that is being bought or chose. Present time is much better than barter and besides, there are many ways to earn for it unlike just keeping barter resources which are not favorable with something in exchange. So I prefer money rather than bartering any stuff to survive.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: NavI_027 on March 02, 2018, 05:41:23 PM
Our economy is now too complicated to continue implementing this type of trading. For me, disadvantages of barter seems very obvious since way back hundreds of years from now that's why mankind develop a better system for making transactions more convenient which is the use of money.

For example, if I want a bar of gold and you want some pieces of diamond assuming that money is not yet invented, how will you know that the said deal is fair and square?. Another one, let's go back to your example which is I'll cook dinner if you do the dishes" do you think this exchange of services is fair? Of course not, right? It's because cooking is a much tiring task where you need to gather all the ingredients, prepare them, and cook comparing to the second one where all you need to do is wash and rinse.

That's the problem of barter, it doesn't store a constant value unlike money.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: xaviervilla on March 02, 2018, 06:02:03 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Okay pal just look at it this way, why would you think that people back then would have invented the first currencies? Well, the answer is quite obvious and is a real issue back then. clearly, if there  is such a thing that happens and you do not get no money anymore or should I say value, you will really sink to the bottom of any country that experiences the lost of money and its value except those who has transferred funds already. Almost killed by massive losses in the  crypto world that has lost lots of money due to greed. That is what I think.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: helen28 on March 02, 2018, 06:31:47 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Okay pal just look at it this way, why would you think that people back then would have invented the first currencies? Well, the answer is quite obvious and is a real issue back then. clearly, if there  is such a thing that happens and you do not get no money anymore or should I say value, you will really sink to the bottom of any country that experiences the lost of money and its value except those who has transferred funds already. Almost killed by massive losses in the  crypto world that has lost lots of money due to greed. That is what I think.
During those times that money was not yet visible barter system really makes confused in every people and it makes no sense and unfair because you don't know the real value of each item so either you gain or lose without even knowing, at some point an advantage because there is equality unlike today where there is a thing called rich and poor.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Reid on March 02, 2018, 06:33:18 PM
I think I have watched something like this in discovery channel or history maybe.
It is hard to work it out when both parties are not in a good agreement.
But it is still happening.
Example is in facebook, there are thoss who will barter their Jordan shoes for an electronic cigarette. The sad part now with this lind of trades is they want an addition of money to equal the price of the item.
The barter gets wrecked because of that, it was supposed to be items only without any paper money involved.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Canis Majoris on March 02, 2018, 07:19:14 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

A barter system can work under those circumstances without money being involved.

An agreement could be made for the bank to barter away the cost of 1 suit for consulting services rendered. For example a bank could barter 10 chickens for the cost of your suit as part of your salary. Under a barter system, goods which can be traded, take the place of currency.

Sorry to intervene here but I have to say that you are still implicitly using the concept of money in this scheme. It doesn't exist as a stand-alone currency having a denomination (think non-cash dollars here), but what is the concept of money in the first place? Essentially, money is a system of account, though it doesn't necessarily need to be abstract and unitless as in fiat. But as soon as you build relationships between the values of some goods against other goods and keep these relationships for future settlements, as in your example with chickens and suits, you are already making use of money conceptually. It is clumsy and not very convenient overall but it is still a system of account anyway, while barter is just a plain exchange of goods with no accounting done.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: noictib on March 02, 2018, 07:36:54 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Yeah , This is clear example that you want to go with those old times techniques where money was not exists and people were doing for each other , like one man can make shoes but he need food not shoes , so he needed a person who need shoes and want to give his food for that shoes not another thing .
Here you should think that why the reason for which the money entered in this world where people needed to get money for Thier work and that can be use to exchange for Thier desire thing .
Here currently cryptourrency is a type of barter agent which is use for the exchange for the particular coin with particular altcoins only but at the end we need Fiat to cash out for perfect use .
Clearly here we can say that we don't need any type of barter here because barter is a totally tough thing to Handle for everyone .

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: TamTPDH on March 29, 2018, 12:13:29 PM
ahh! yeah.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: themughni on March 29, 2018, 12:21:04 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

money makes it easy for people to transact and judge a good stuff. I am sure it

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: marinomario on March 30, 2018, 02:04:36 PM
I can not imagine what if we were without money, you traded services for something. we may not be rich if we always want goods and exchange them, you will lose your goods and of course every item has an important value to be able to exchange it. for example you want a car, then what should you exchange? of course this will be confusing, and could be negative for human trade. but the emergence of money, it becomes a solution for us to transact buying and selling for our needs. work to earn money to buy our needs. and this system will probably go on in our life.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: kramat on March 30, 2018, 02:30:15 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

money makes it easy for people to transact and judge a good stuff. I am sure it

money is now required to conduct each transaction and in each country has its own currency. so it is an identity and that is used by people from different worlds

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on March 30, 2018, 03:44:39 PM
First I want to say barter showing that human is a socials being, someone who give and who accept for satisfy himself and help someone else. That's our history we don't need to barate a system barter, with system barter we found money.

At this time after we found money, a barter system dissapear because money more worth compared barter because we feel money is more fair. The price of stuff will determined by money, and money will adapt about stuff.

The era will change, we just need for everything that will happened. And now cryptocurrency came and make human more easy to use, we can send money or by stuff with different country with fast procces. And we will see cryptocurrency will make money like a barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Be_Happy on March 30, 2018, 04:00:39 PM
Money is much more convenient to use, although I do not refuse barter if there is such an opportunity. But in order to use barter, you need to spend a lot of effort to find a person who needs your service and can provide the necessary service in return.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: sindikat on March 30, 2018, 04:10:32 PM
Barter systems have long been abandoned and this is only part of history before people use the money to meet their needs.
History is unlikely to happen, and money is more popular today. and digital currency will be present in place of fiat.
The money was invented as a measure of the amount of labor that people spend on the production of various goods. But governments and bankers United and began to manually manipulate the amount of money. From that moment on, people were enslaved to them. Bitcoin was supposed to change this system but users wanted to combine Fiat and cryptocurrencies. That is why we are seeing such a decline in prices.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: dragoz11 on March 30, 2018, 04:16:10 PM
this is why the system has changed because of this usefulness gaps, but you have a good point of view and if we were in barter mode still, would we use banks and would we have needed them in first case ?

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: limek on March 30, 2018, 04:46:32 PM
This is a revolution. People will go for the better way to achieve something they want. But, Barter is still being used though. Just we sometime never notice it.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: breathlessz on March 30, 2018, 05:08:59 PM
I think your example cant for barter, because it doesnt need each other, so appear something is called money for transactions. and now because of the technology development was created cryptocurrency

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: gentlemand on March 30, 2018, 06:13:21 PM
If barter became the dominant medium of exchange that would be taxed too, indeed it is in many a place. It doesn't matter if no money changed hands, the tax man still attributes a value to the transaction and wants his cut.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Canis Majoris on March 30, 2018, 08:33:52 PM
If barter became the dominant medium of exchange that would be taxed too, indeed it is in many a place. It doesn't matter if no money changed hands, the tax man still attributes a value to the transaction and wants his cut.

It may not work in practice as good as you may think. For instance, what if someone wants to exchange a live cow for two live sheep, how are the taxes to be determined and collected in that case? Should the tax collector cut out a pound of flesh from the cow and two pounds from the sheep? Also, why should there be a need to tax transactions in the first place? Are such transactions taxed now?

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: dado7 on March 30, 2018, 09:59:56 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Barter was replaced by money a long time ago for the reasons you already described. So why the question? Has some political party, society or movement brought that up - the incentive to return to the barter system?

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jeanpadel14 on March 30, 2018, 10:04:59 PM
The primary difference between barter and currency systems is that a currency system uses an agreed-upon form of paper or coin money as an exchange system rather than directly trading goods and services through bartering. Both systems have advantages and disadvantages, although currency systems are more widely used in modern economies.
Since the beginning of known history, humans have directly exchanged goods and services with one another in a trading system called bartering. Traditionally, bartering systems were used within the local community, but advances in technology and transportation make it possible for modern society to barter on a global level.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: readygoaw on April 06, 2018, 07:27:15 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

I like barter, but it is difficult to find someone who will need your services in exchange for his services. With money it's much easier to purchase everything you need.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Umar001 on April 06, 2018, 07:43:07 PM
Money is far better than barter, with money you can easily go for  what  you want, but with barter you have the problem of double coesident of want.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: audaciousbeing on April 06, 2018, 07:55:52 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

When people found a new way of doing things, that is when they then realize that the old way is absurd and life threatening situations. When Pentium systems started being produced, you can switch on your system and sleep to then wake up hoping that it would have fully loaded for you to use but today personal computers are being produced that won't even need to load for you to use.

The question is how did Barter worked when it did and not how can it work when it already faded out. During the time of barter, people don't bother about all of this complexities all they do is either till the ground, fish or hunt these 3 basic things that people engage in makes it easier to exchange your goods or services without issue. But with the industrial revolutions and several development that change our way of life which make several jobs show forth, makes barter an outdated practice and the need to find a lasting solution which gave birth to money.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Md.Sufian on April 06, 2018, 08:30:58 PM
Although money and exchange are different, there are many similarities between them. Which is a top complement. Because money is not exchangeable.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Canis Majoris on April 06, 2018, 08:44:59 PM
The question is how did Barter worked when it did and not how can it work when it already faded out. During the time of barter, people don't bother about all of this complexities all they do is either till the ground, fish or hunt these 3 basic things that people engage in makes it easier to exchange your goods or services without issue. But with the industrial revolutions and several development that change our way of life which make several jobs show forth, makes barter an outdated practice and the need to find a lasting solution which gave birth to money.

It is not only about making it easier to exchange goods or services, though it is definitely so without doubt. In the days of direct exchange, you and your family or your tribe could well exist completely on their own without any exchange of goods at all because in those backward times you exchanged only things that were in surplus. Money came about when the division of labor had started to emerge and exchanging goods had become a vital necessity, when you started to produce goods which cannot keep you going on their own and you had to exchange them just to survive.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: CASTIEL05 on April 06, 2018, 10:13:06 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Barter is the first medium of exchange happened in our history since money was not invented during ancient era. Money was firstly used in Mesopotamia. In the history, money is not like our money as of now. The value of money depends upon the weight of a gold, silver or bronze. But before they ancient people used money, they live in a system of barter change where goods were traded in another goods around the world.
Barter change worked during old times since they did not have any valued things to be a medium of exchange.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: qwirtiii on April 26, 2018, 09:12:01 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Well ,I think that's why we more than need money than barter. We all know that Money is all we need.
 Sometimes, We need to think that's better for us. When we're bartering we do not even want to equate ourselves And it is not appropriate for the thing we want.

Money to stay for all of us to be equal.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: spongegar on April 26, 2018, 09:18:16 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Barter works well for the people who are willing to exchange for things that you have. If they are not willing, find someone who is, exchange it for something else and offer that for what you want. But the problem with barter is that it is not universal and it is not constant. One might percieve that what you're offering isn't of value much like offering a heater in the middle of the desert. Money makes ir possible to directly exchange it for something else.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Theb on April 26, 2018, 09:41:29 AM
A lot of people here think that the Barter System does not exist anymore because of what they are calling "Coincidence of Wants", well let me prove you wrong because if you look at it money cannot buy everything. Some examples I see on how barter system still exist is in the area of politics where a government is selling their publicly owned companies to private corporations, mainly it doesn't revolve around the selling price but the promise of continuation and better service that only a private corporation can handle. That is why we are seeing transportations, jails, and government projects being handled by corporations in exchange for a better service they can provide compared to the government handling it. Yes is still involves money but the government wouldn't sell it in the first place if they don't have the capacity to handle its operations.

In the small scale one of the commonly most traded things are shoes from sneakerheads. You will see here is that people are trying to trade their Jordans in exchange of another pair of shoes, some will include cash, some will straight trade it shoe to shoe. So you see both large scale and small scale the barter system still works you just need to have a match or agreement with the other party.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: dado7 on April 26, 2018, 09:42:27 AM
Well, you have an actual good example of problems with barter system in foreign exchange.
One country can always produce some things and has to import others. You will notice, however, that there are many examples of countries that need a good but have nothing but money to offer in return.

Gas is a nice example. In Eastern Europe, most of the natural gas is imported from Ukraine and Russia. You need it, and you have to buy it, however, although you can make some export to Ukraine and Russia, you simply cannot balance it out with your needs for natural gas as one exceeds the other by far.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: LKing on April 26, 2018, 09:52:38 AM
Money system works great. It's bartering, but working through a common medium of exchange. Bartering becomes too unwieldy on the large scale.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: uberua on April 26, 2018, 10:12:43 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Money is a universal means of payment for goods. Barter trade is appropriate if both people are interested in each other's goods or services. For example, in the advertising business this type of exchange is very common

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: bajingluncat on April 26, 2018, 10:22:13 AM
I think for now in this era of barter system is difficult to apply, because as you say everyone has different needs, to get it then created money to simplify the transaction and to become a reference or benchmark price, but sometimes the difference of currency complicate it then I hope kedepanya crypto money can be a single money so that the transaction will be easy wherever we are

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: berrieswithwine on April 26, 2018, 10:23:26 AM
No, at least not according to David Graeber

"The author claims that debt and credit historically appeared before money, which itself appeared before barter. This is the opposite of the narrative given in standard economics texts dating back to Adam Smith. To support this, he cites numerous historical, ethnographic and archaeological studies. He also claims that the standard economics texts cite no evidence for suggesting that money came before barter, credit and debt, and he has seen no credible reports suggesting such."

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Edward Finney on April 26, 2018, 10:27:10 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

I think this is one of the biggest potential use cases for crypto, the barter economy. Once lightning, plasma, sharding, raiden and all of the other scaling solutions are implemented resource sharing like what Filecoin are trying to do will become allot more common place and I can see a future where I will trade some cpu power for maybe some extra file storage space.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: victorski on April 26, 2018, 10:33:43 AM
Barter definately have its advantages, but anyway having money, electronic or crypto especially, is way more practicaly and comfortably

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: evdoksi on April 26, 2018, 10:51:08 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

People had survived with barter system so it is possible. I do not think it would be as convenient as current system , perhaps that is why it evolved.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Yacov on April 26, 2018, 11:38:03 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
before money first money was created (shells, ceasalt) people used only barter ways to gain what they want. Well, seems like it didnt work out well.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: reverseflash on April 26, 2018, 07:39:06 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

People had survived with barter system so it is possible. I do not think it would be as convenient as current system , perhaps that is why it evolved.
Barter was relevant until the objects used in use was at least. At complication of any sphere barter becomes almost impossible. For this reason money has been thought up.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: budz0425 on April 26, 2018, 07:52:42 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
before money first money was created (shells, ceasalt) people used only barter ways to gain what they want. Well, seems like it didnt work out well.
During barter  system, there are lot of problem that they have encountered, that is why they are thankful when money was created that they can finally evaluate or measure properly the value of the thing that they are buying/selling, soon, it won't be impossible if crypto will replace fiat too.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Nichao on April 26, 2018, 07:58:02 PM
barter is cool when both sides need the thing, but money/crypto is much more often needed)

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Elseye on April 26, 2018, 08:00:35 PM
I don't actually think that we need "VS" here because money = barter actually.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: FreeOxen on April 26, 2018, 08:07:30 PM
True to an extent money is still barter, you just replaced the good that you exchanged with.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Ayaah on April 26, 2018, 08:12:35 PM
money is the new generation of barter. it is of the same process but it’s just using money as the mode of exchange.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Lakash on April 26, 2018, 08:18:27 PM
Barter is the old school way of purchasing goods. Using another goods to purchase goods. Barter is still exsistent as of now. There are still people using barter and will still be exsistent in coming years. Money, it is used as a mode of payment.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: shaadsufi on April 26, 2018, 09:05:11 PM
The primary difference between barter and currency systems is that a currency system uses an agreed-upon form of paper or coin money as an exchange system rather than directly trading goods and services through bartering. The main advantage of money over barter is that money is always going to be usable.  Barter is very often not possible.  This is because of the need for what is called a “coincidence of wants” (sometimes called a “double coincidence of wants”). Think about how barter works.  You have to trade something you have for something you want.  The problem with that is that the other person also has to want the thing that you have.  This is the coincidence of wants.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: yugyug on April 26, 2018, 09:56:44 PM
In ancient economics when money is not  the main form of exchange barter is the main trading practice. Barter trades are still applicable to some remote areas for instance, person A wants to barter his 1 whole chicken to a 3 dozens of eggs from a person B. Money or fiat was established as a medium of exchange as replacement for weighing standards of precious stones like silver where it was used as medium of exchange in ancient trading for barters as you have noticed most currency names are derived from units of weights like the UK - pound, Spanish- peso(weight) Turkish - lira(latin word of pound) .

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Chrystora123 on April 26, 2018, 10:16:40 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
before money is used our trading system we using a barter...then used gold and silver to make it more simple than barter,
because the thought is too complicated then the decision maker in every country made the money and its exchange rate,
so money is an update of barter...

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: criz2fer on April 26, 2018, 10:16:50 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
With a common commodity, money serves as every once need thats the reason why fiat was produce, to sell or exchange of services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Komobit on April 26, 2018, 10:45:30 PM
There is a project called 0x (zero ex) that is trying to help barter units (units of money, cripto or stocks) for goods (those goods will have their own value too) or goods for goods.

Is something like this happen probably money itself wont be that necessary in the economie since the scale of this barter system will be huge.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: SaiWAFU on April 26, 2018, 11:04:20 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

that's why people back on the day quickly adopts to monetary system. Gold, silver, and other precious metal and gems became a standard currecny in the market.

The good thing I see about it is that most people offers the best services or products because it serves as their medium for exchange.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: redcucumber on April 26, 2018, 11:18:44 PM
I agree with the comments of our other co forum members, what if the later wants a different product you must prepared a different variety of goods to get ready for your trade and how are things gonna be If the products you are trading will get spoil example meat or other goods that can make the trade not successful if the later is gonna receive a unusable goods that is eliminated in the use of money because it is something universally ready because of its acceptance all over the place its called legal tender.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: darkangel11 on April 26, 2018, 11:33:44 PM
I don't actually think that we need "VS" here because money = barter actually.

I always thought that barter cannot involve money. It's an exchange of goods and services directly into other goods and services. If you add money to the mix it's no longer barter because money isn't goods or services, it's a tool that allows us to price them.

The primary difference between barter and currency systems is that a currency system uses an agreed-upon form of paper or coin money as an exchange system rather than directly trading goods and services through bartering. The main advantage of money over barter is that money is always going to be usable.  Barter is very often not possible.  This is because of the need for what is called a “coincidence of wants” (sometimes called a “double coincidence of wants”). Think about how barter works.  You have to trade something you have for something you want.  The problem with that is that the other person also has to want the thing that you have.  This is the coincidence of wants.

That's correct. This system makes selling things for profit much harder. You have to be aware of the value of various items. Barter makes every single person into a pawn shop owner that's able to correctly price items of various origin, state, dating, and so on.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: mimienamphine on April 27, 2018, 12:01:28 AM
Barter is the beginning of money.Money came because it was too cumbersome in the barter to always have to go around looking for the person who likes the goods you have to exchange.But with money life is a little comfortable where you can now buy all you need from the market.Money is definitely better than barter trade but btc is even better and will take over the world soon.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: limek on April 27, 2018, 01:08:42 AM
For things that one need a lot, he/ she will find way to "barter" for it. If there are lots of demand of something, there must have agents or intermediates that can be involved. A common recognized mediums like money or btc is make this exchange a lots easier. People is always advancing for the better and not going backward. Technology won't died for decades.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Falmera on April 27, 2018, 01:22:57 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
When money was not yet discovered long time ago, barter was done by the ancient people. They did exchange of goods. Some had golds in exchange for other items or services. At our times, barter is still evident, but most of the time we are using paper money. Money is used inexchange for services or in buying goods.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Sadlife on April 27, 2018, 01:35:45 AM
This concept of microeconomics was used with ancient civilazation to exchange goods and services but over time it present some difficulties and flaws like you mentioned. That's how money came to existence it made trading easy and in time it develop to paper money which is the cause for humanity to discover another advance way of payment that is btc.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: altercreed on April 27, 2018, 01:46:50 AM
That depends on what will give you a good profit between the two. If i can make a trade lower than the money that i should get today but would later double my profit, then i will gladly trade it today.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Coin-1 on April 27, 2018, 01:59:47 AM
Barter has only one advantage. Its value cannot be tricked. The money are emitted by a central banks of the countries, and the governments can realize a monetary politics they wish. Therefore the price of the goods can be significantly increased at one day if the money is inflated. Bitcoin and other crypto currencies were designed to be a decentralized and transnational and their technologies are not depended on the opinion of any government.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Chusnul on April 27, 2018, 03:25:58 PM
The main advantage of money over barter is that money is always going to be usable. Barter is very often not possible. Think about how barter works. You have to trade something you have for something you want. Let's say that I am a teacher. If we have a barter system, I am going to have to find someone, for example, who wants to be taught and who has some chickens and rice for me to eat. I will have to find someone who wants to be taught and who can make me clothes to wear. In other words, I have to find people who have the things I want and who want the things I have to trade.  There are going to be many cases where this will not be possible. Thus, the main advantage of money is that it can be exchanged for anything. Anyone will take money because it is always valuable to them. By contrast, the things that I have to barter might not be valuable to various people and so it will be much harder to find chances to trade.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Argoo on April 27, 2018, 05:37:39 PM
Therefore, barter is almost non-existent on a global scale. With the advent of money, barter became ineffective. Barter again becomes a form of mutual settlement only if the money lose its credibility as a result of hyperinflation. However, if the state decides to switch to non-cash payment, a part of the population, I think, will have to switch to mutual settlement in kind, that is, in barter, because not all can use payment cards or crypto currency for various reasons.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: BigBos on April 27, 2018, 06:03:57 PM
I think people use money because they find it easier to use it. well, in the barter system, that is between fellow goods, and mutual need. I find it very difficult to find the willingness of someone who has become rich, so I better choose money in comparison barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: putriliesma on April 27, 2018, 07:00:21 PM
Money may be chosen more by people I think, if the barter still many shortcomings. One is to determine the value of both items to be bartered or exchanged. If it is not fair then the transaction will not be able to proceed or cancel.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Bumblecoin on June 05, 2018, 06:47:09 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
During the earlier days, the ancient people are using barter in their daily living. Gold or other products in exchange for products or goods or even services. And until now we are still using the method.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: cryptomoon1002 on June 05, 2018, 06:55:10 AM
i use bitcoin to barter work that i outsource to some people in china and philliphines... Because money is too valuable for me to exchange in exchange of their consulting services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: ChaChaiTL on June 05, 2018, 07:22:31 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Failed to change a commodity for the export transaction for the following international development for the national development is missing yet the currency through the commodity information are a trade for currency that the currency we can swap immediate with the profit if if they are not match with barter

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: squog on June 05, 2018, 07:34:27 AM
Actually we conceptualized money because of the problems of a barter system. You can't effectively exchange goods if what you're exchanging for is the same goods. Money places a value on all goods and services so that you can exchange them for pieces of paper that you trust have value vouched by the governing body of the country.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: realcrypto on June 05, 2018, 07:40:27 AM
I know people will be surprise at my response. In my community market people are still practice trade by barter. The people in my community are farmers and fishermen. So you can exchange your farm produce for fish.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: andika2018 on June 05, 2018, 08:43:44 AM
Barter work if the goods have same value. The value determined by both side and i think that will create fair barter. But right now with money, we can easily know the value of goods and we dont have to bargain. Right now, almost rare we can find communities doing barter

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Tynovten_ on June 05, 2018, 09:28:13 AM
Barter precisely exchange between goods, either the same kind or not similar but with the same value. You want to replace your car with a motor cycle of course motor value must be equal to the value of the car (regardless of the important motorcycle must be worth the price)

But it is not so easy you have to really find people who want to exchange. What if you have 1 goat and you just want vegetables of course this is very unreasonable.

Many weaknesses in the process of it.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: bering on June 05, 2018, 10:00:56 AM
barter won't suitable anymore for the current life because very impractical unless you're life in the countries which have high inflations such as Venezuela that barter system can be used at there and besides that people will thinking barter as second options for the payment because use cash for every transactions is more simple and usefull

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: funnynews on June 07, 2018, 09:30:54 AM
Actually, we moved from barter to money long time ago, and most people decided that money is much more comfortable to use!

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Nosequired on June 07, 2018, 10:32:53 AM
The good thing about bartering is that services don't really depreciate with the exception of technology replacing certain tasks but it's not something that's viable in today's day and age, it's just not versatile enough.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: evilgreed on June 07, 2018, 10:49:42 AM

          From my own personal opinion, if you have read the old and traditional way of earning, it was called barter trading. Since then our ancestors trade their goods for something they need and want. That is when the government decided to print and create money in exchange of every service and goods you take. That is what i have read something about old economic system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Snaic on June 08, 2018, 06:06:42 AM
That's why the money was invented to eliminate all the inconveniences of barter transactions. Barter, this is practically a relic of the past, the Middle Ages. The barter begins to be valued only during the period of hyperinflation in the state or during a period of significant cataclysms, natural or social. We better not go down to barter deals.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: funnynews on June 08, 2018, 10:53:09 AM
Barter can be useful in some cases, we use that in our small business here in neighborhood sometimes, to exchange some goods and materials that we need.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: virtualkeybuyer on June 08, 2018, 12:34:56 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
This is the actual reason that why barter system finished. It is the modern age and in this age new developments came to the scene and in these modern fields it is not possible to work out from those old systems that is why the new system. The system of money is introduced for the modern age. I think we do not have to think about the systems which are now old and are out of work.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Kertmu on June 08, 2018, 12:39:25 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Of course money is a currency, and when bartering you get a product that someone else has to sell to get that day. when bartering, you can get a non-spec, which for a long time can freeze the working capital fund of your capital.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jonatuzc on June 09, 2018, 09:32:25 AM
Lol… your example of selling services as a consultant to the Bank and getting paid with money is not really the perfect definition. It’s in no way having anything to do with barter. When you do a consulting job for the bank in an exchange for getting paid with money, man what you’re doing is a job, you’re actually working for the bank and not doing trade by barter.

Trade by barter can only exist between two people, when they exchange what they have to get another– let me say that I have a Gucci shoes which I no longer need, but needed Versace shoes. Luckily for me, you happen to have a Versace pair of shoes which you’re ready to exchange for a Gucci pair of shoes. When we both decide on giving what we have to get another, then it’s a trade by barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: cryptostardom on June 09, 2018, 09:40:34 AM
Introduction to money has helped a lot, since the old barter trading and exchanges would have been very difficult because the world is constantly changing and new Technologies are being introduced everyday. For such technologies like the digital currency it would have been very difficult to trade with the barter system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: mobiljonson on June 09, 2018, 10:33:05 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
the barter system has occurred since there is a payment system that is again the current trend. Barter is exchanging goods of equal value

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Sled on June 09, 2018, 10:54:13 AM
Money is far away better than barter because when we talk about barter, it is about exchanging things to something and it can be manipulative if the person is smart enough to fool the other person about the value of his item that he is offering while money has a fixed value that the people can easily look at to determine if he is paying or exchanging enough value.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on June 09, 2018, 11:10:23 AM
Barter can be useful in some cases, we use that in our small business here in neighborhood sometimes, to exchange some goods and materials that we need.
Barter era are being gone in some places because of technology but yeah it is still possible to done this thing in so many ways as long as the buyer and seller agreed upon. It just like trading you are buying the coins you want and the seller will sold his holdings to meet the demand and his own satisfaction.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Scavagers on June 09, 2018, 11:21:30 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Barter existed many years ago where the concept of currency is not yet established,it is also used when there is monetary crisis. People would trade goods which they do not have in their lands so they can make use of products of other lands. The reason why it does not much used in this time is because of the emergence of the concept of money. The advantage of having a medium of exchange is that you do not need to have a product to trade to have a product that you want,you can simply pay money and have something you want. It is also many times more convenient than doing barter trades.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: FiveReels on June 09, 2018, 11:32:20 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
The evolution of money has a better output compared to barter practices, This is the most easier way to transact goods and services because enables you to do it quickly and and more comfortable to process rather the traditional method (barter).

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Kez1817 on June 09, 2018, 11:53:54 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

      That is true,money is very important because it serves as a medium of exchange. You can't do barter anytime because not all you need you can get through barter to someone. Today you need money to get what you want and to buy all your needs. Today,people can exchange goods and services in money.You work in exchange of money. Barter only happen person to person if they have goods or services they want to exchange each other. Unlike the first time that monetary system not yet established only people do barter. We are now in a computer generation with new and modern technology which always need money to exchange for goods and services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: MAJICOIN on June 09, 2018, 11:59:50 AM
There were many difficulties in barter system that's why money is established and it is a medium of exchange for many thins for which a loss and difficulty is high in barter and money is the good way to do transaction in the world.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: ucingucingan on June 09, 2018, 12:51:20 PM
if we do barter it is not wrong in certain conditions, but I think that means we are going backwards in the world of economic civilization, because the money was created to overcome the problem while doing a barter such as the different needs of two people who make this transaction can be overcome by using currency

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: robotrobert on June 12, 2018, 07:43:23 AM
Barter can be useful in some cases, we use that in our small business here in neighborhood sometimes, to exchange some goods and materials that we need.
Lol… barter is of no use these days. Even in your neighborhood these days, there are lots of stores here and there where you can get what you need with your money. And these days when you need something from your neighbors, it requires no trade by barter, all you do is to just beg for that if it’s possible, or you can ahead to buy it from them… If that’s what is required. So no more trade by barter, although I know there are people that still does it, but it’s no that popular now.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: RasicaOla12 on June 12, 2018, 08:19:27 AM
Barter is a method of exchanging goods and services little known
This method has its origins in the past, when money was not available to you (not officially money), they do not use the money to buy each other's goods, or exchange goods. as primitive

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: mornabo on June 12, 2018, 08:39:39 AM

          From my own personal opinion, if you have read the old and traditional way of earning, it was called barter trading. Since then our ancestors trade their goods for something they need and want. That is when the government decided to print and create money in exchange of every service and goods you take. That is what i have read something about old economic system.
yeah it's a traditional financial system in the past decades, but in some areas of my country it's still preserving this barter system, but I think this barter system could be detrimental because you might trade it for a lower item, then government make money/currency with a certain rate to make it easier

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: ClackKendi on June 12, 2018, 08:45:58 AM
Money is a tool for us to trade products other than barter. You can buy something through money or sell something to receive non-cash such as barter. The same money will be exchanged for items of equal value

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jayar_cabaltera17 on June 12, 2018, 02:08:34 PM
Money is one of the most thing in the world because your power is depends on how many money you have. Barter was consider as a money many years ago and traditional way to had another product you want but now adays money is much better than barter or trading system before because you can put money in the bank to secure your account unlike before easily to take your possession if someone was want to get your goods or anything that can trade.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: BitcoinMarketer39 on June 12, 2018, 02:13:16 PM

          From my own personal opinion, if you have read the old and traditional way of earning, it was called barter trading. Since then our ancestors trade their goods for something they need and want. That is when the government decided to print and create money in exchange of every service and goods you take. That is what i have read something about old economic system.

You are right, that is the first way of earning something in the history, you need to trade on everything but as of today, trading is one of the way to earn more profit and that can be applied in the market of cryptocurrency, trading is necessary in order to multiply your money.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: no0dlepunk on June 12, 2018, 03:42:37 PM
Barter still happens everywhere, we got ebay, olx, and etc... the only reason why people uses money is because they don't have anything else to represent their valuables that could fit inside their pocket. Money serves as their offline Ethereum.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: marilyngroom on June 13, 2018, 05:58:37 AM
The government is very anti barter, because they can't collect taxes on it. But to live in this society, we have to use cash. I say get creative, see what you can offer somebody to barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: eekkaa on June 13, 2018, 06:47:51 AM
yes you are right money is a very important concept but with money you can exchange anything you want better you use money to exchange with goods you want. because with the use of unag better and more comfortable.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: MiukoOk on June 13, 2018, 08:17:12 AM
Barter is a form of exchange of goods of our father in ancient times at that time money has not appeared due to the exchange of goods with goods such as fish exchanged with old vegetables .. that is the form of exchange not through intermediaries

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: verguat33 on June 15, 2018, 06:29:30 AM
Introduction to money has helped a lot, since the old barter trading and exchanges would have been very difficult because the world is constantly changing and new Technologies are being introduced everyday. For such technologies like the digital currency it would have been very difficult to trade with the barter system.
Money brings ease in life because if you want to buy something in other city there is no need to take different products with you. Keep cash in your pocket and you can purchase anything anywhere. Now crypto has brought revolution in human life. It has eliminated the borders between the countries. Now you can use your wallet from your home to buy things.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Karakas on June 17, 2018, 04:40:00 PM
it would not be impossible if the crypto would replace the fiat as well. Because as long as the barter system, there are many problems they face, that is why they are grateful when money is created so that they can finally evaluate or measure correctly the value of what they buy or sell

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: marsmyname on June 18, 2018, 06:58:35 AM
Barter can be useful in some cases, we use that in our small business here in neighborhood sometimes, to exchange some goods and materials that we need.
Lol… barter is of no use these days. Even in your neighborhood these days, there are lots of stores here and there where you can get what you need with your money. And these days when you need something from your neighbors, it requires no trade by barter, all you do is to just beg for that if it’s possible, or you can ahead to buy it from them… If that’s what is required. So no more trade by barter, although I know there are people that still does it, but it’s no that popular now.
It is right that today barter system is not working because now people do not have commodities of their own to change with other people for their needs. Money has solved this problem, but paper money has also some problems while using outside the country. Now this problem has also been solved by cryptocurrency and blockchain has made it easy to shop anywhere in the world and pay from your blockchain wallet with just one click.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: kisscoin on June 18, 2018, 08:17:33 AM
You can make a chain barter. Do your services and get something in return if you don't need it you go where it comes in handy. And change as long as you do not have what you need to purchase the desired suit.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: super5star on June 19, 2018, 07:36:54 AM
if we do barter it is not wrong in certain conditions, but I think that means we are going backwards in the world of economic civilization, because the money was created to overcome the problem while doing a barter such as the different needs of two people who make this transaction can be overcome by using currency
Barter system was thousands years ago, then gold and silver started and then paper money. Now is the era of digital currency and the world is turning towards digital currency. Crypto is the best option to fulfill this desire for using digital currency throughout the world. I think this is the last thing we will use as regular currency and will not be replaced by anything else.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: aTriz on June 25, 2018, 01:10:43 PM
Lol… your example of selling services as a consultant to the Bank and getting paid with money is not really the perfect definition. It’s in no way having anything to do with barter. When you do a consulting job for the bank in an exchange for getting paid with money, man what you’re doing is a job, you’re actually working for the bank and not doing trade by barter.

Trade by barter can only exist between two people, when they exchange what they have to get another– let me say that I have a Gucci shoes which I no longer need, but needed Versace shoes. Luckily for me, you happen to have a Versace pair of shoes which you’re ready to exchange for a Gucci pair of shoes. When we both decide on giving what we have to get another, then it’s a trade by barter.
Yeah there is no concept of money in barter system. Barter system was hundreds years ago when there was no gold, silver and money. After barter system, buying and selling was in gold and silver and then in money. Now the time has changed and people are turning towards digital currency. Now the era of cash money is coming to end. The future will be of crypto.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Dmitry.Vastov on July 09, 2018, 05:40:42 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Obviously the money has upper hand over barter system. Money has numerous advantages and this is the reason why money system has replaced barter system with the advancement of technology, there are millions of advantages in transacting with money as compared to barter system as you need not depend on someone else need to buy soy and now the era is coming of virtual currency which is more advanced than this money system and if all go good then crypto will replace the money system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Kambal2000 on July 09, 2018, 08:17:35 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Obviously the money has upper hand over barter system. Money has numerous advantages and this is the reason why money system has replaced barter system with the advancement of technology, there are millions of advantages in transacting with money as compared to barter system as you need not depend on someone else need to buy soy and now the era is coming of virtual currency which is more advanced than this money system and if all go good then crypto will replace the money system.
Just like the time of barter and the money was introduced we are now at that moment, so hard to adopt since some were just comfortable at money itself but some are looking for innovation, just like what we are right now, other people finds cryptocurrency as replacement but there are lot of people too who are not in favor of it.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: sultanali on July 15, 2018, 08:20:27 AM
The main difference between the money system and the barter system id you distinctly observe is that of the decentralization, the value of the goods exchanged in the barter system was accepted by both parties and was not regulated by a central authority however when money was introduced that all changed

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Batman_Bitman on July 17, 2018, 08:54:44 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Obviously the money has upper hand over barter system. Money has numerous advantages and this is the reason why money system has replaced barter system with the advancement of technology, there are millions of advantages in transacting with money as compared to barter system as you need not depend on someone else need to buy soy and now the era is coming of virtual currency which is more advanced than this money system and if all go good then crypto will replace the money system.
Barter system was for the people of stone ages and paper currency is for the old people of today and for young generation digital currency is in the market. Barter system was much difficult to exchange commodities into your required ones. When the use of paper money started people felt ease in its use and the proof is this that it still exists in the world.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: phillippw6 on July 27, 2018, 03:41:58 PM
In the initial advent of economics, the word relied on barter system however as the number of goods increased the unit of measure to value and compute the value of multiple goods to be complicated and accepted by everyone for which the money system was introduced before the advent of banks

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Vritesh on July 27, 2018, 04:02:37 PM
Money and barter both are the exchanged system. But barter system is the old one and money is the prominent one. Money is the most important thing and is the right hand of any person. In comparison of money and barter, money is more useful as any good or service can be rendered with money but this is not so in barter as all things cant be exchanged with other goods. Money is the essence of any system. So now money is used more than the barter system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: peacefulpeace on July 27, 2018, 04:33:45 PM
for barter to have worked out as money did, there need to be mutual want between the both parties involved, so from the example above, there has to be an agreement or deal between the bank and the consultant, the bank has to provide suir for the consultant services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: RudeeTam on July 27, 2018, 05:09:50 PM
Bartering is as ancient as the first civilization and is currently being used today by mostly family but for small chores. It cannot be used as a good measure of trade between goods since the value of each thing must be agreed upon by all otherwise it will be chaos from person to person. It can work maybe on small scale or between individuals.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: genuin on July 27, 2018, 05:20:06 PM
do not misunderstand money with barter. Barter is an ancient term. Now people use money for a medium that used to be something they valued them to exchange for what they wanted. In other words the ancients thought that the goods used for barter were of value. money that is now circulating in their respective countries as well as having a value recognized by the government. With the money in their country, people are forced to follow the rules

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: RockBar0 on August 01, 2018, 10:20:14 PM
The government is very anti barter, because they can't collect taxes on it. But to live in this society, we have to use cash. I say get creative, see what you can offer somebody to barter.
The government is considering this market because of its very high profit without any taxes. However, at the present time people still have to use cash to trade everything in life. And one thing in the future will have people come up with solutions to avoid the problems that the government is looking at.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: astridwi on August 02, 2018, 04:42:45 AM
until now the money still is an Exchange that is often used by most people in the world, because it is using the money to buy and sell transactions, it is convenient and simple, and for the pembisnis to calculate the profit loss in more detail. and the money could also be used where aja, and in a country where only, not limited and broad in its use.
Unlike the case with the way transactions are barter system, few people are using this way. due to barter melaukan we also have to provide what should be exchanged with goods we want. in my opinion this is not efficient and is a bit difficult, and nialai stuff that we exchange and exchanged do not know certainly, just think of the shapes and the quality of the goods to be exchanged, thus there are not many people use this way. especially for the pembisnis, not all pembisnis using this system.
up to this point I prefer to use money as a tool of Exchange than with stuff.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: yanesna3 on September 27, 2018, 09:28:44 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Barter is very inconvenient to use because it will be difficult to find a person who needs your service in exchange for his service. It is much easier and more convenient to use money.         

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: darewaller on September 28, 2018, 11:23:18 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
There isn’t really much difference between the both of them, they are all under the same category and all methods of exchange. The barter system is just an old system of exchanging things, while money/currency is the new method.

And I think money is the best and far much better than barter system. No need to start explaining, you have give the examples and the explanation to why money is better than the barter system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: gabmen on September 29, 2018, 02:54:55 PM
The government is very anti barter, because they can't collect taxes on it. But to live in this society, we have to use cash. I say get creative, see what you can offer somebody to barter.
The government is considering this market because of its very high profit without any taxes. However, at the present time people still have to use cash to trade everything in life. And one thing in the future will have people come up with solutions to avoid the problems that the government is looking at.

Well the emergence of fiat means that the barter system has been put aside behind money. You can't really determine the value of a product unless you give it a price. Perhaps crypto will do to fiat what fiat did to the barter system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: joebrook on September 29, 2018, 04:46:10 PM
The government is very anti barter, because they can't collect taxes on it. But to live in this society, we have to use cash. I say get creative, see what you can offer somebody to barter.
The government is considering this market because of its very high profit without any taxes. However, at the present time people still have to use cash to trade everything in life. And one thing in the future will have people come up with solutions to avoid the problems that the government is looking at.

Well the emergence of fiat means that the barter system has been put aside behind money. You can't really determine the value of a product unless you give it a price. Perhaps crypto will do to fiat what fiat did to the barter system.
The Barter system was really not unfair at all, especially when the people used the weight of things as means of rate of determining the value of exchange which is not fair when someone uses wood to Barter for a cow.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Lorin on September 29, 2018, 06:35:52 PM
Money is a medium that used to buy goods or things that you needed, today you cannot buy things without money.  Barter is not suitable todays  generations. If you want this buy it or give me money thats the reality today. We can observe that as of now money is the root of some crimes.
Like here in crypto if you want more earnings or a good profit you need to invest or else stock your money without growing.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Friskaadew on September 29, 2018, 06:46:21 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

maybe for some things barter is still used, but this modern era is very rare because human needs are different, and the value of an item is very different, it will be very difficult to determine one item with another in this era, so according I am much more efficient and effective than barter

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Harlot on September 29, 2018, 07:06:11 PM
I think OP just have answered itself, there is no use for the barter system now as money is now being used for the medium of exchange. In your example even though you didn't get the suits from your bank you are still paid by the bank and you can use the money you earned to buy your suits in the tailor. I prefer what we have now compared to the barter system as there is really no standard when it comes to exchanging of goods unlike what we have in our fiat currency which in its own has value.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: adefirman98 on September 29, 2018, 07:16:44 PM
Before money is known, trade between humans relies on a barter system. Because barter at that time was only carried out between the two parties who incidentally needed each other's goods or services, trade was certainly difficult to occur actively. This trade barrier is because the condition called coincidence of wants as a prerequisite for barter - is not easy to fulfill.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: peacefulpeace on September 29, 2018, 09:41:39 PM
Barter is an outdated and obsolete system of transaction, replaced by fiat currency, barter system has so many shortcoming like the ones mentioned by the author of this thread, as a banker, i need to eat rice, will the trader in the market have use for my banking services in order to give me rice? these are some of the issues the barter system failed to address.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: hahay on September 29, 2018, 09:50:12 PM
The barter system was applied long before the world developed and as time went on to the modern age as it is now barter is no longer applied anywhere, except if both parties agree on the barter system, but for now the barter system is no longer used because of transactions with Cash or credit cards have become popular.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: wxa7115 on September 30, 2018, 01:34:59 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
This is why money is such a great invention, before the existence of money it was very difficult to price stuff the right way because there was not a unit that everyone accepted as a medium of exchange, so it was very difficult to tell what was more valuable a chicken or a fish? So money has been one of the greatest factors when it comes to human development can you imagine how slow the economy will have to move if everyone needed to barter for everything that they needed?

I'm sure that if we still had barter instead of a form of money we will not have computers today and we will not be communicating in this forum, that is why bitcoin is so revolutionary, bitcoin is going to change all aspects of society for the better.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: iMark on September 30, 2018, 02:05:39 AM
The government is very anti barter, because they can't collect taxes on it. But to live in this society, we have to use cash. I say get creative, see what you can offer somebody to barter.
The government is considering this market because of its very high profit without any taxes. However, at the present time people still have to use cash to trade everything in life. And one thing in the future will have people come up with solutions to avoid the problems that the government is looking at.
actually cash is also another form of barter because physical exchange with physical, thats why the government makes a bank
system online so that online transactions can be monitored by the government so they will not miss anything like taxes and so forth

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Wete on September 30, 2018, 02:16:23 AM
Money and barter are clearly different. For now money is the main transaction tool in the world. Of course we know, the purpose of people who work, trade, etc. is to get money, with money we can buy the needs we want, buy not barter. Barter is the way our ancestors used to make transactions. Example: Fruits are exchanged for rice, they will exchange the items they buy with other items they need. So, in my opinion, barter is the exchange of goods with goods, and money is exchanged for that item, which is called buying rather than barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: wxa7115 on October 08, 2018, 08:22:29 PM
Money and barter are clearly different. For now money is the main transaction tool in the world. Of course we know, the purpose of people who work, trade, etc. is to get money, with money we can buy the needs we want, buy not barter. Barter is the way our ancestors used to make transactions. Example: Fruits are exchanged for rice, they will exchange the items they buy with other items they need. So, in my opinion, barter is the exchange of goods with goods, and money is exchanged for that item, which is called buying rather than barter.
Even if the creation of money has made the economy a lot more efficient there are still a lot of people that prefer to barter to try to obtain stuff, I do not know about the laws in your country but there are several countries around the world in which transactions which use barter do not generate taxes, so if you are a very skilled negotiator then you can slowly but surely increase your wealth by getting more expensive stuff with your ability to barter.

However that is something that only a selected few can do, because as we can see, it is a lot more efficient to use money to obtain whatever you want even if that means that you need to pay a little bit of taxes with each transaction that you make.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Toreadore on October 08, 2018, 09:09:24 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

There is a reason a barter is really inconvenient for our current times. First of all, not every and all goods are available at the market at the given time, so you may just be sitting with your, say, "furs", if you want to trade them for "lumber", but "lumber" trader wants some "spices". That's for a simplest example.
Another thing is the prices isn't really fixed, in barter system. Everyone just make up their own prices, and that makes overall market chaotic.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: rosemary4u on October 23, 2018, 12:17:31 PM
I believe the mode of payment has really evolved and am happy with the current monetary system. Looking at the barter system of trade, sometimes you are faced with the problem of double incidence of want where you find it very difficult to find someone who is interested in the commodity at your disposure. I believe money is far better than the barter system of trade.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Salloystic on November 11, 2018, 08:03:28 PM
Barter existed as a result of absence of money. Barter is exchange of goods for goods. With the arrival of money, barter was eliminated completely. I am not even sure if barter is still in existence in some parts of the world. Paper money (cash) takes the position of barter to correct the problems that people faced when barter was used as a means of exchanging goods for goods such as :system are as:
1. Double Coincidence of Wants
 2. Lack of a Standard Unit of Account
3. Impossibility of Subdivision of Goods
4. Lack of Information
5. Production of Large and Very Costly Goods not Feasible.
Those are among other problems that barter could not resolve.
      Presently, cryptocurrency is taking the place of paper money that's money in the nearest future will go into extinction thereby leaving the whole world to adopt cashless economy which will put an end to those that engage in stealing paper money in some countries especially in my country

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: patarfweefwee on November 12, 2018, 02:44:54 AM
Barter existed as a result of absence of money. Barter is exchange of goods for goods. With the arrival of money, barter was eliminated completely. I am not even sure if barter is still in existence in some parts of the world. Paper money (cash) takes the position of barter to correct the problems that people faced when barter was used as a means of exchanging goods for goods such as :system are as:
1. Double Coincidence of Wants
 2. Lack of a Standard Unit of Account
3. Impossibility of Subdivision of Goods
4. Lack of Information
5. Production of Large and Very Costly Goods not Feasible.
Those are among other problems that barter could not resolve.
      Presently, cryptocurrency is taking the place of paper money that's money in the nearest future will go into extinction thereby leaving the whole world to adopt cashless economy which will put an end to those that engage in stealing paper money in some countries especially in my country

I think this person nailed it on the head but I'll put in a few ideas of.mine to sound original. One example of the downside of a barter system is that if the services or goods you peddle doesn't have much demand for it therefore ypur value decreases. A monetary system places a value on goods and services backed up by a trust that the government will provide.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: rose9696 on November 12, 2018, 03:05:01 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Barter is an old-fashioned method we use. Now everything is different. All items have their own value and you can not exchange with strangers with items. That will increase the surplus of the market. But you can also exchange goods with people who are not afraid of holes or words to get a precious item like antiques.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Ponti on November 12, 2018, 03:41:04 AM
This kind of exchange system was popular in the earlier days. Today barter can only be met in small antique shops and bazaar.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: yusupjatigumilar on November 12, 2018, 03:41:27 AM
that's one of the disadvantages of the barter system, not all transactions can be done by barter considering the needs of people are not always the same as the items we have to exchange, so this is where the real function of money is to deal with transaction problems that cannot be done with barter systems.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Casdinyard on November 12, 2018, 05:51:25 AM
The government is very anti barter, because they can't collect taxes on it. But to live in this society, we have to use cash. I say get creative, see what you can offer somebody to barter.
The government is considering this market because of its very high profit without any taxes. However, at the present time people still have to use cash to trade everything in life. And one thing in the future will have people come up with solutions to avoid the problems that the government is looking at.
actually cash is also another form of barter because physical exchange with physical, thats why the government makes a bank
system online so that online transactions can be monitored by the government so they will not miss anything like taxes and so forth

Of course, they love to control everything and so they see bitcoin as a threat for losing the centralization.

Using barter has a value designation and you can't exchange your copper to gold as it isn't have equal value unless you trade more copper to a gold. So fiat was born and it made our lives easier as we don't need to carry a sack of potato just to trade for other commodities.
I just don't get it what's the point of OP like the barter and fiat system are clearly enough to understand.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: ufaiz50 on November 12, 2018, 06:35:43 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
The barter system is used if both of them want the goods that both have as you are demonstrating, and in your case indeed the barter system does not exist because in your case the banking cannot provide a suit or whatever you want but this is why a currency is created.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: ninokh on November 12, 2018, 06:51:43 AM
barter is an activity of exchanging goods without the existence of an intermediary of money. this system was used because at that time there was no money. and humans are bartering because basically humans cannot produce all the items needed. after money is created barter left. people leave the barter system because barter is inefficient we have to carry items that will be exchanged everywhere. and goods that will be exchanged are difficult to break and it is difficult to find standard exchange rates. so that along with human development they switch to using money.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: awik p on November 12, 2018, 07:31:11 AM
that's one of the disadvantages of the barter system, not all transactions can be done by barter considering the needs of people are not always the same as the items we have to exchange, so this is where the real function of money is to deal with transaction problems that cannot be done with barter systems.
with the ineffectiveness of the barter system money was agreed upon, which acted as a mediator for various needs of everyone. so that with a certain value an item can be exchanged by money

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Dimon8 on November 12, 2018, 07:41:08 AM
After reading the world history of money and finance, we can conclude that barter is a myth, which was invented by some fanatics and ideologues of a moneyless society.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Snaic on December 12, 2018, 05:11:45 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
The need for barter arises only when, due to various large upheavals in society, the national money of the states depreciates greatly. The presence of paper money is a higher degree of development of financial relations in society compared to barter. Barter symbolizes the backwardness and underdevelopment of the market for goods and services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Indai24 on December 12, 2018, 06:29:09 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
The need for barter arises only when, due to various large upheavals in society, the national money of the states depreciates greatly. The presence of paper money is a higher degree of development of financial relations in society compared to barter. Barter symbolizes the backwardness and underdevelopment of the market for goods and services.

For me both are still beneficial but what is more beneficial as of now is money. And you're right barter was from the old times and it's not that applicable for now.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: houjinglong on December 12, 2018, 08:03:14 AM
No matter how money changes over time, the purpose of money cannot be used for trade. The evolutionary end point of money is to let the currency disappear. The reason why money is so big now is because people are usually more easily controlled by money, and future humans don't need money. This may take thousands of years to develop. When money disappears, human beings can enter advanced intellectual civilization. Now capitalism is only suitable for early human development. In fact, we are both primitive people and new human beings.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: virasog on December 12, 2018, 12:21:57 PM
No matter how money changes over time, the purpose of money cannot be used for trade. The evolutionary end point of money is to let the currency disappear. The reason why money is so big now is because people are usually more easily controlled by money, and future humans don't need money. This may take thousands of years to develop. When money disappears, human beings can enter advanced intellectual civilization. Now capitalism is only suitable for early human development. In fact, we are both primitive people and new human beings.

Money cannot be disappeared now and barter system cannot be restored. Although money may change its form from Fiat to Digital. The thing to note is that bitcoin is not currently used mainly as a currency. It is mostly used to trade with alt coins. Once bitcoin is more widely used in sale purchase of goods, then it will be more used as a main currency.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Nellayar on December 12, 2018, 01:17:49 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Money is one of the person's dream. In fact, in other people it is more valuable than blood, love life and etc. Money gives us power which we can use to manipulate other people. But even you have millions of dollar in your pocket, you will still incomplete when ot comes in other such as love. Remember, love and respect cannot buy, it plants to the mind and heart of the people around us. Money is much good than barter change since it has more specified value of what we want to buy or sell.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: nur rochid on December 12, 2018, 01:57:25 PM
No matter how money changes over time, the purpose of money cannot be used for trade. The evolutionary end point of money is to let the currency disappear. The reason why money is so big now is because people are usually more easily controlled by money, and future humans don't need money. This may take thousands of years to develop. When money disappears, human beings can enter advanced intellectual civilization. Now capitalism is only suitable for early human development. In fact, we are both primitive people and new human beings.

Money cannot be disappeared now and barter system cannot be restored. Although money may change its form from Fiat to Digital. The thing to note is that bitcoin is not currently used mainly as a currency. It is mostly used to trade with alt coins. Once bitcoin is more widely used in sale purchase of goods, then it will be more used as a main currency.
every time of course changes will occur, and evolution is something that is natural. so that over time, of course bitcoin has the opportunity to take place in a transaction, and everyone will follow it

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: johanesrobin on December 12, 2018, 03:11:53 PM
Convenience has always been a winner, before the barter system was used by traditional communities to meet their needs. then there is a currency that is more practical and accepted by everyone according to the agreement. and the future is bitcoin is very brilliant when fiat is no longer needed and everyone uses crypto currency faster.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: KorakPawon on December 12, 2018, 03:46:28 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
That's exactly the problem of barter, there's no certain standard for having equal things bartered. That's why money is better because it has value and almost all people in the world has accepted it as the system to do transaction to exchange barter, changing the complicated system with the better one. It's indeed working, and perhaps it will even be better when bitcoin cooperated with fiat in daily life, it would be even easier I guess.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Rashid555 on December 12, 2018, 03:59:55 PM
Money is good and advanced medium of exchange but in barter system we have face many problems like satisfaction for both the parties were difficult to meet and due to these problems money cane into existence and in the modern days a new and advance money introduced that is crypto currencies through which we can trade things with in seconds. Like in these days we can say that all parties can make transaction easily.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: JohnBitCo on December 12, 2018, 04:00:19 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
The need for barter arises only when, due to various large upheavals in society, the national money of the states depreciates greatly. The presence of paper money is a higher degree of development of financial relations in society compared to barter. Barter symbolizes the backwardness and underdevelopment of the market for goods and services.

For me both are still beneficial but what is more beneficial as of now is money. And you're right barter was from the old times and it's not that applicable for now.
Barter system was not good as there was no standard and in this practical world now, it is almost impossible to implement the barter system. The system has evolved to paper currencies, banks, credit cards and now digital currencies and it is hard to go back to barter system.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: sidodadii on December 13, 2018, 12:10:58 AM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: OrangeII on December 13, 2018, 03:20:21 AM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: gamalzour on December 14, 2018, 05:40:51 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
If we were still using the barter system in doing exchange, then there wouldn’t be anything like banks. We have banks because of the current way we do exchange. Everything now has values and instead of you exchanging what you have for what you don’t have  you make use of money to buy and also keeping the things you have.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: andrei56 on December 14, 2018, 11:18:15 PM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.
Barter may not seem to have a place for most of the people around the world but barter is everywhere but when you use money you just call it negotiation, if you want to buy something you could pay the full price but it is always useful to ask if that is really the best price and try to get a better one, that way you save money and you increase your experience and that will also help you to save money in the future.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jcarlo on December 15, 2018, 09:34:27 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Barter system is hard to implemented in modern economic system. Modern economic system require fast transaction record and money concept very useful. The problem with money right now is central banks always print money and market always flooded and its increasing inflation

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: mbluxs on December 15, 2018, 11:01:54 AM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.
yes I think, barter money has the same thing as buying what is needed. if in the past it used a type of barter not money. if you now use money as a means of payment.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: massbuldog on December 17, 2018, 06:38:03 AM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.
But Barter system has so many limitations and it is not very useful in every day activities like paying for doctor’s appointment and various others. In addition, the international transactions flop in the barter thing.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Ozero on December 24, 2018, 10:08:05 AM
Barter is the lowest and most backward form of financial relations in society. The current economy will develop very little if barter relations exist. The use of national paper money is a simple and reliable way of commodity relations and so far it has no alternative. Cryptocurrency has many advantages, however, there are many disadvantages, and considering them, it can only go in parallel with the national money of the states.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: nur rochid on December 24, 2018, 01:31:07 PM
Barter is the lowest and most backward form of financial relations in society. The current economy will develop very little if barter relations exist. The use of national paper money is a simple and reliable way of commodity relations and so far it has no alternative. Cryptocurrency has many advantages, however, there are many disadvantages, and considering them, it can only go in parallel with the national money of the states.
when the transition from barter to money, of course there are many pros and cons, because there must be an agreement to assess a currency, and certainly requires time for that, I think similar to the emergence of cryptocurrency at this time

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Godday on December 24, 2018, 02:24:45 PM
This kind of exchange system was popular in the earlier days. Today barter can only be met in small antique shops and bazaar.

I think for the moment barter is rare, because most people today use money as a tool for everything. so barter is sometimes not used anymore. moreover technology is also increasingly advancing. so it's hard to guess if barter will be used.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Carna on December 24, 2018, 03:10:09 PM
Well Barter was used in past.  And if we think properly, we can understand that we are using barter now too. Because changing money for products and services is barter. We just stopped to change product for equal product.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Altf4 on December 25, 2018, 12:58:41 AM
As we are now approaching the new era of modern technology ,especially in the highly urbanized places ,cities ,barter of goods is no more because this modern era people are llike to use fiat money or digital currency in purchasing of goods , but barter can still works in rural areas especially the mountainous areas wherein the goods in the mountain are barter with goods in the downtown, but for now fiat money and digital currency are now been used worldwide.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: iMark on December 25, 2018, 01:27:34 AM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.
in the era of globalization and increasingly advanced technology barter is not a widely used payment system, this system has long been abandoned because it is less efficient and fair, maybe if you are in a poor country like Africa you can still find a transaction system like this

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: illnino on December 25, 2018, 05:55:12 PM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.

Barter is interesting but I think it will be difficult to find an exchange for the necessary services or goods. With money it's much easier to get what you want. So we cant change situation.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: gabmen on December 27, 2018, 05:53:03 AM
actually, barter have advantages. barter no need money to exchange what you need. so if you dont have money, you can barter with what they need. you as consultant can make over the other thing what you have to get some clothes. so, its not depend on you are work as consultant or other job.
money, can be better solution to create thing like of you have it, you can exchange woth anything you want, as long as the value is good.
so, you can use barter if someone want and deal about what you do.
Well, I think, some people still use barter, and of course that might be quite profitable. well, but, I think that is rarely found, because for those who have money, they may not need barter.
in the era of globalization and increasingly advanced technology barter is not a widely used payment system, this system has long been abandoned because it is less efficient and fair, maybe if you are in a poor country like Africa you can still find a transaction system like this
Well even before any form of money used, this barter method was the most effective way to trade. Though with the dawn of new technology, it becomes less likely that barter system would be practiced in most parts of the world. Assets aren't fairly distributed to people you know.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Dr.Osh on December 27, 2018, 07:05:16 AM

in the era of globalization and increasingly advanced technology barter is not a widely used payment system, this system has long been abandoned because it is less efficient and fair, maybe if you are in a poor country like Africa you can still find a transaction system like this
you're right, a system like this might be very old school. however, I think there are still many people who are always bartering, because basically barter is done because they need each other together. well, but you're also right that this is a problem that's not fair enough. however, believe me, some people are still bartering us to need something, especially if you have something that is not needed, and you can exchange with something that is useful for you.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Rhosadah on December 27, 2018, 07:47:04 AM
First economic growth in each region using buying and selling services uses exchanges to get agricultural produce. You can buy with a few pieces of gold, silver or copper to be used as a benchmark for purchasing goods,
now the era has advanced using money as a legitimate transaction, but in the future it may become even more invisible like the digital currency, one of the initiators is bitcoin and other crypto.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: munareal on December 27, 2018, 07:57:31 AM
Barter can not work efficiently in our today's world because of its inefficiency like lack of a common measure of value. The parties cannot be compensated accurately for exchange made. One party will be cheated for lack of a standard measure of value

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: PlusOne88 on December 27, 2018, 09:15:30 AM
This is for the same reason why we do have money as a standard to use. Without money how can a person use barter sysyem effectively. The concept of money is still the same concept of the barter system. You give the persin money and in exchange the person gives you what your money is worth. The only difference with the real barter system is that anything can be priceless or low valued depending on how one might feel about the exchange of things.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jhongzjhong on December 27, 2018, 12:50:15 PM
Money was created to make transactions more efficient rather than barter exchange before. Imagine having a bag of salt and your family is very hungry. You are a trader of salt and each food you can eat has its different traders as well. Before you can eat something like fish, you need to find a fish trader first and it would take time, in short, you will die from waiting for a fish trader to trade his fish to your bag of salt. That's the reason why money was invented/created, to make transactions efficient and accurate.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: carodupuis on December 28, 2018, 10:45:21 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Maybe you go to a store where they are selling suits and offer to do some work for them like cleaning and you know whatever work that is worth the suit you need, lol. Well, if the world was still into trade by barter there will be ways for you to do that and get what you need, you will always have something to exchange with. During the time of trade by barter, I believe there are such things as precious stones, so you can always exchange with them.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: andrei56 on December 28, 2018, 10:51:38 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?

Barter system is hard to implemented in modern economic system. Modern economic system require fast transaction record and money concept very useful. The problem with money right now is central banks always print money and market always flooded and its increasing inflation
That is a big problem but if cryptocurrencies really become as successful as we believe they will then it is likely that during the next years and decades more people will begin to use cryptocurrencies as a form of payment and the currencies printed by the governments are going to begin to lose power and that will be a good thing since people will not be as affected by inflation if they use cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: iv4n on December 28, 2018, 11:45:48 PM
I already wrote about this matter. Money is a form of trust, you need to trust in money, seller needs to have trust in that money, all together needs to have trust in institution that create that money. What this system has thought us is that money rules, who create money rules, system works in favor of minority, while majority of people are slaves. Trust is broken long time ago, now we have tool to fight against system, crypto is our weapon.
Now we can choose to trust in crypto or in banks, every person on this planet will have to make a choice. Some of us chose long time ago!

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: acholagi on December 29, 2018, 02:19:50 AM
how can barter work?
Barter activities are by exchanging goods that we have with other goods owned by others,
transaction activities with barter schemes severely limit the movement of business people
the function of money here can be better and universal, as the best medium of exchange

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Kuchiyose on December 29, 2018, 02:39:00 AM
how can barter work?
Barter activities are by exchanging goods that we have with other goods owned by others,
transaction activities with barter schemes severely limit the movement of business people
the function of money here can be better and universal, as the best medium of exchange

It becomes one that can be used for the development of transaction tools in the future. it's best to wait for it to happen in the future of the day.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 29, 2018, 05:24:50 AM
Barter is not a perfect system since it can't be used by everyone when they are in less liquid.

So we created a medium of exchange called money to make the process by easier but the problem is the value is not constant it keeps decreasing day by day ecause of inflations that is why we need new technology to overcome this problem.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Spaffin on April 30, 2019, 07:40:24 AM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
The barrier existed before the advent of money and was not an entirely convenient form of payment. If a state makes a mistake and decides not to use cash, which is so much talked about in this forum as a desirable and natural phenomenon, then people will have to switch to using barter. This will lead to a fall in the level of development of the country's economy. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with such things.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: BeGoods on April 30, 2019, 10:53:50 AM
how can barter work?
Barter activities are by exchanging goods that we have with other goods owned by others,
transaction activities with barter schemes severely limit the movement of business people
the function of money here can be better and universal, as the best medium of exchange
the creation of a fiat currency because there is a limit in using a barter system, someone has difficulty exchanging their items with items that have the same value. then the idea arises to make a payment medium, and fiat is born. it's a good breakthrough, barter is not suitable for use now and certainly complicated

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: EdvinZ on April 30, 2019, 12:43:08 PM
Definitely, money is universal in the economic sense and can be exchanged for any product or service. In turn, barter is a local tool, to which you can use only with mutual agreement. Both of these tools can be used where their use is most beneficial for both sides of the transaction.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: joinfree on April 30, 2019, 04:13:50 PM
I can't really make the head and tail of your question @OP but if you mean to talk about how we can use barter system. Barter system is an old system where we used to exchanged goods with other goods. This was highly practiced during the slave trades when the Europeans came to Africa. Currently this sytem is archaic and not used anymore.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: OrangeII on April 30, 2019, 04:37:40 PM
Definitely, money is universal in the economic sense and can be exchanged for any product or service. In turn, barter is a local tool, to which you can use only with mutual agreement. Both of these tools can be used where their use is most beneficial for both sides of the transaction.
well, barter is only local, and money is universal. for now, transactions using money are certainly bigger and more attractive to people. however, money is a form of transaction after barter. however, some people must still use the barter system if it is needed.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Pamadar on April 30, 2019, 04:51:34 PM
Definitely, money is universal in the economic sense and can be exchanged for any product or service. In turn, barter is a local tool, to which you can use only with mutual agreement. Both of these tools can be used where their use is most beneficial for both sides of the transaction.
If being used and both agrees with how things will be processed, the old style of system might already been extinct or no longer popular nowadays, as the money / fiat system already take over and manage everything around, there's some left behind with old trading system but in due time it will be forgotten
and everything will be cover by Money transactions.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: bonker on April 30, 2019, 05:34:25 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
Barter system is not in practice anymore that is why we have fiat system, initially gold act as medium of exchange but its physical structure said to be heavy so people print money backed up by gold but later everything under their control.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Irviyandi on April 30, 2019, 05:40:39 PM
But now more people will choose money because the money will be faster and barter cannot be done by everyone because there is a certain amount of activity, and the possibility of the bank will be very difficult to develop with this barter system because the bank does not have enough personnel to provide service products.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Adriano2010 on April 30, 2019, 07:49:35 PM
I also think people use money more than any other things because on most countries there are still need of fiat money to buy basic things, food, pay utilities and other things which can't be buy even with credit cards.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Oilacris on April 30, 2019, 07:54:53 PM
how can barter work?
Barter activities are by exchanging goods that we have with other goods owned by others,
transaction activities with barter schemes severely limit the movement of business people
the function of money here can be better and universal, as the best medium of exchange
the creation of a fiat currency because there is a limit in using a barter system, someone has difficulty exchanging their items with items that have the same value. then the idea arises to make a payment medium, and fiat is born. it's a good breakthrough, barter is not suitable for use now and certainly complicated
Hate to say but this is what fiat money do have its purpose where patching up on the things that barter wont able to do.
Not all services or things can be exchange nor transacted through barter that's why creation of fiat is revolutionary on which
it do fits out not only on typical user but also in most merchants or other people who do offer services.

Title: Re: Money vs Barter
Post by: Chikitita2004 on April 30, 2019, 08:24:58 PM
Money is one of the important concepts, This section talks about money from the perspective of microeconomics.when people exchange goods and services without using money, this is called barter. "I'll cook dinner if you'll do the dishes" is an example of barter. Imagine an economy in wich i can sell services as a consultant to banks, but what i want is to buy a new suit. the clothing store that sell suits does not have any use for my services as a banking consultant. i sell consulting services for money, and i buy a suit using money. money serves as a medium of exchange. the bank does not sell suits. how can barter work?
No barter is not just exchange of goods for services but also exchange of goods for goods. In the history when money was not yet invented or in remote places where people do not have money they do barter like selling a piece of woodcraft for clothing, chicken for grains, vegetable of other items or offer a service for a sack of grains. There was a topic before that talked about the disappearance of money or in the event were there will be no money, so barter will happen.