Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: XanTheMadAussie on March 01, 2018, 01:10:46 PM

Title: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: XanTheMadAussie on March 01, 2018, 01:10:46 PM
I've been considering slowly spending my time getting into the professional side of crypto, rather than the fun side. I am a swing trader, a bot using aficionado, and a side fun-time discord administrator in a crypto community. I've recently considered looking into part-time crypto related jobs, particularly in the community manager side of things.

I have noticed that there are a lot of new coins coming out looking for community managers, and I was just wondering what you all thought of all the new jobs coming out in the crypto-sphere. Do you think this is sustainable in the long-term? Would love to be more involved in this, slowly start to supplement my income through sidestream income from crypto, until I find it replacing my 9-5 job completely.

Really curious about all of your thoughts.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: MV7 on March 01, 2018, 01:23:03 PM
As much as crypto is a growing industry, I would think long and hard about getting a 9-5 type job in crypto.

We still don't really have any idea what crypto will be like 10-20 years from now, making it inherently risky. I'm very positive towards crypto, and see slow public acceptance, but absolutely no one knows what will happen, and much of it depends on regulatory agencies, which we have no control over.

Also, make sure the people you are working with are reputable. There are so many ICOs nowadays with shady owners looking to make a quick buck.

Think about how working in crypto will look on your resume. If you're not already working in something like marketing/communications (since you said you're interested in being a community manager), or on the dev side, then this could leave a pretty large time gap on your resume if you decide that you no longer want to work in crypto.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: XanTheMadAussie on March 01, 2018, 01:27:03 PM
MV7, I share a lot of your sentiments!
Luckily, sales, marketing and customer services is the bulk of my employment experience. I am optimistically hopeful about the future of crypto, and I am wondering if "the early bird catches the worm" with a lot of these jobs.

I am no stranger to the ICO process, and have been into crypto for a while, but more on the buying and selling side of things. I've invested in a few ICOs, all of them have made me money before I jettisoned, but there definitely are a lot of shady characters around waiting to prey on unsuspecting individuals!

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: fempat on March 01, 2018, 01:30:37 PM
I've been thinking along this line recently too. And as someone remarked, crypto business is still very young and relatively risky. I'm thinking of entering it actually but along the developer line. I'm not too cool with the community management side.
Either way, I wouldn't recommend doing away with your regular job just yet. Crypto jobs can come I'm as a side job. Maybe as it evolves and becomes more mainstream, we can think about changing jobs.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: fabskie21 on March 01, 2018, 01:37:50 PM
Crypto Jobs would be probably be active for several years since it is the new trend of project fund raising. Many more companies will indulge in ICO thereby increasing the demand for advertisers and other crypto jobs. So i guess there's gonna be an increasing bunch of jobs for all crypto enthusiasts.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: dutchkay on March 01, 2018, 01:43:29 PM
Currently crypto is moving but do not forget that this blockchain technology is still in the infant stages, though getting aquintated with some skills in it ain't bad. I won't suggest doing away with the job you have currently but the developer side of the  technology will really come into handy in the future if it stands the test of time. If you have a job keep it and combine the two. Let's all play it safe and don't gamble at the moment.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: izanagi narukami on March 01, 2018, 01:50:44 PM
IMO, crypto world offer many opportunities for people to earn some money and thanks for this forum , it's create a lot of chance !
Nobody still aware of this so I can maximize my earnings from it.
Since bitcoin value still consider high, I can say that bitcoin will keep exist over next 5 years !

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: D-Fault on March 01, 2018, 01:55:47 PM
I think the current vacancy of a job might be not a long-term one but the key thing is connections - they'll call you again and again for a new coins' manager vacancy.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: binghope on March 01, 2018, 02:05:18 PM
The work in the crypto market is unstable, they only develop in a short time, after the crypto market is popular, every bitcoin-making activity on the bitcointalk forum and the investment in the altcoin will become more difficult. So if you have a chance, grab them, do not miss them.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: dado7 on March 01, 2018, 02:14:16 PM
It really depends on the projects you choose. But let's say it was a firm project with a good development team, healthy environment/community, and bright prospect/future.

Now, everything depends on whether the crypto world will still exist in a long term. Well, I don't know about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Neo or any other token out there, because it depends on the technology, critical mass of people for adoption, will of the Governments etc...., but I do believe that blockchain (in it's current or evolved form) will exist in the future. Blockchain already proved it's strength and usability. Crypto coins and tokens have yet to arrive there.

If you are asking whether you can make a career out of it - then why not? Even if you become a marketing expert working on, say, Ethereum chain, you can make your name and move on to other projects later. Build, learn, adapt, evolve, work, work, work and you should get there. Just make yourself a good plan and cost/benefit analysis (income vs. daily hours spent).

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: ericunc95 on March 01, 2018, 02:18:02 PM
I definitely agree that it would be important on which projects you choose to work for.  Some projects might have a long term need and sustainable growth for you, which I am sure is important.  Others could be just like coins themselves, up and down and done in a short time.  I do think it would be nice to be able to get away from the standard 9-5 to go to work for something you really enjoy.  I wish you luck in your endeavors!

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: thepo1m on March 01, 2018, 04:29:59 PM
I don't really know how the space will evolve, I know some people are making some decent income through community management and campagin managers but I won't advice you to leave your day job permanently for now, start and grow into the new role and see if it worth leaving for

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: mirgo1791 on March 01, 2018, 06:08:42 PM
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Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: DanWalker on March 01, 2018, 06:24:57 PM
This is a difficult question. I also had to make this choice and I chose crypto. Now I understand that this was the best decision in my life. If you don't succeed in realizing yourself in crypto, you can return to your previous job. But I doubt that you will have to do this.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Considered on March 01, 2018, 06:26:31 PM
You should invest your time in learning solidity, the language that is used to develop on the Ethereum platform. It has a huge amount of tutorials and videos for learning it. Plus its similar to javascript so if you already know javascript it will be a bit easier to grasp. As we know Ethereum is here to stay and currently there is a high demand for solidity developers and they are being paid premium rates.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: KJMZNine on March 01, 2018, 06:36:21 PM
It is very great that there are more and more coming up for crypto fans! I really like it and the people live it to get payed in coins or tokens. I also noticed that there are more job offers for blockchain fans in the last time!

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: tdeannova on March 01, 2018, 06:51:32 PM
there are many changes after I get to know crypto, especially my family life. community managers are a dream of many people, but not an easy thing as we see, it must have the talent, experience and support of the community.

if we can together convince and educate all societies, then I believe that crypto will be legal and can be used en masse worldwide. automatic work from crypto will be more. automatically work coming from crypto will continue to grow and survive for the long term.

now I am quite satisfied and very happy with the income I get from crypto.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: trudovik on March 01, 2018, 07:09:35 PM
I am sure that cryptography has come to us for a very long time, because today we have a lot of people who forge fi nish money, a lot of corruption, a lot of such issues that need solution.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: surfinonmyownwavebaby on March 01, 2018, 07:18:09 PM
Not only is it sustainable but you might actually find you enjoy a lot of things in crypto more than the 9-5. Other than ditching the 9-5 which is awesome, you have the freedom to live your life how you chose and be your own boss. This can be painful and tedious to get yourself to work at times, but once you work hard and realize profit there is hardly a better feeling.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: XanTheMadAussie on March 02, 2018, 08:35:44 AM
Thanks for all the awesome feedback.
I am a risk taker, usually quit a job with nothing to fall back on, which lights a fire under my butt to make something new work!

The only reason I haven't already gone "balls deep" is because in 2 months I will be a first-time dad. Your perspective changes when you're a family man-
"What if it doesn't work, how do I support my family?" and all that jazz.

I'm lucky in that my current job gives me plenty of time to be able to take these sorts of risks. I work school hours, but 1-2 days a week at home, and I have school holidays off (extremely lucky). I'll be taking 6 weeks off when the baby is born (2 months to go), so I might have a look around and see what I can get myself into while I have this time off, if this baby doesn't take up all my time!

Good to hear some of you are already in the crypto-sphere, I hope it's working out for all of you! If anyone knows any part-time CM jobs available let me know!
Otherwise, you can find me on Discord. I run a crypto-community on there, we're a close-knit group of 1000 members (around 300 active), and we all love crypto!

My discord ID is Xantham #3659 so add me and come say hi :)

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Nachoo on March 02, 2018, 11:34:31 AM
I'm not totally sure about going on the full side job with cryptos.
As someone already pointed out, we don't know how this will be in 10 years from now. You should keep a stable income and find a balance between the fun side and the professional one. This could be a totally new job of course, but I think that only people that are already rich (with nothing to lose or worry about) may try to make this a real and successful job

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: sazon84 on March 02, 2018, 11:45:23 AM
We do not know exactly what changes will take place in the field of Crypto-currency in the next 2-3 years.  But what I do not doubt, is that crypto-currency and blockchain are part of the future for the whole world.  No wonder some countries already approve the crypto currency and recognize bitcoin as official means of payment.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Niveus on March 03, 2018, 11:42:37 AM
Altcoin market evolves all the time and each month besides the questionable ICO there appear several worthy projects, which can improve the blockchain environment. At this moment there are no sound blockchain project in VR sphere, several projects work at supercomputer, but the niche still free yet. There is no certain leader in the sphere of banking services. I am sure that in nearest 2-3 years we will see many outstanding projects. Blockchain technologies develop and that is why it's worth of studying. In some time it will replace your main work.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Lewoll on March 03, 2018, 11:48:02 AM
Since I joined in this forum last year, I was too eager to learn everything related to Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and more stuff around this forum.
At start I spend at least a couple of hours daily but this year I spend more than that because I consider this participating signature and other bounty campaigns as a Crypto Job for my future retirement.
It's too tiring, indeed costs more time than social media that I used to be wasting my spare time.
But the reward is really promising, that's why my fingers are on top of the keyboard almost my entire spare time because this Crypto is the best thing happened in my life since last year.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Lewoll on March 03, 2018, 11:52:47 AM
We do not know exactly what changes will take place in the field of Crypto-currency in the next 2-3 years.  But what I do not doubt, is that crypto-currency and blockchain are part of the future for the whole world.  No wonder some countries already approve the crypto currency and recognize bitcoin as official means of payment.

I agree, we don not know how much left for ICO's and bounty campaigns will be existing but for sure I am earning bounty stake tokens since last year and I didn't sell them even a single coin because I want to keep them as my long-term investment and I would turn them all into local business investment because nothing's more secure assets than local assets for now.
Or I should divide them even, half for crypto assets and the other half for local business assets.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: djscreem01 on March 05, 2018, 08:20:16 AM
My esteemed investor friends, will you hold me if I tell you that your life is endless. will now be left in these currencies instead of paper currency and coins. for that reason it has continuity.  8)

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Mikhail.YT on September 21, 2018, 01:20:16 AM
Crypto jobs are in demand since most of the companies now are starting their own ICO project. One example of crypto jobs is providing Crypto Marketing and Community Management. Handling community is a crucial part of the project, therefore some of the companies hired Community Management Agency like Crowdcreate ( which is the number 1 Community Management and Blockchain Marketing Agency. Crowdcreate is experienced enough to promote and expose your company, that's why many companies chose Crowdcreate to raise their funds and grow their online community. Please visit their website now and ask for a consultation for free. :)

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Trading Eye on September 21, 2018, 01:41:40 AM
well, this has been a question of me / I want to work in the crypto field, which is technically in a company and what is qualified to get the job. what is clear is that all businesses need a lot of parts in running a business. and even in this field it continues to grow. so I'm sure working in the crypto field is a promising career.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: Fishthatgirl3 on September 21, 2018, 01:56:09 AM
I think crypto jobs will stay as long as crypto currency stays.
Crypto currency is getting more and more interesting and reliable. More and more people will use it for everyday purpose. I would say we will have crypto jobs a lot more and they will stay very long with us.

Title: Re: What Do You Think Of The Longevity Of Crypto Jobs?
Post by: entrepmind23 on September 21, 2018, 02:17:57 AM
I think crypto jobs will stay as long as crypto currency stays.
Crypto currency is getting more and more interesting and reliable. More and more people will use it for everyday purpose. I would say we will have crypto jobs a lot more and they will stay very long with us.

Yeah, right. As long as there are cryptocurrencies then the jobs would be there. Since a new industry is emerging, it would give more opportunity to people to find a suitable job for them especially those who are involved in information technology. Even though the price is not that encouraging as of the moment, we can see that the market is getting mature. Investors have become more strict when it comes to the project they are investing in and many of those scam projects are already dead.

It may not be exactly a cryptocurrency job but then it would be a blockchain related job. Blockchain can exist without cryptocurrency and many companies are already thinking of ways on how they can incorporate blockchain technology in their systems so that they can take advantage of the benefits that it will bring such as faster transaction, transparency, and lesser cost.