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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: popcorn1 on March 04, 2018, 01:12:35 PM

Post by: popcorn1 on March 04, 2018, 01:12:35 PM
Sofie Hagen accuses Cancer Research UK of 'fatshaming' obese ...
Metro-1 Mar 2018
They said it would increase stigma for fat people and make some feel it was legitimate to criticise others for their weight. ... Cancer Research UK's prevention expert, said: 'The aim of the charity's campaign is to raise awareness of the fact that obesity is the biggest preventable cause of cancer after smoking.

Leading British doctors have said that denying surgery to smokers and the obese is discriminatory. Should healthcare be rationed based on lifestyle choices?

OK lets get some LOGIC back into the UK minds ..
The fact fat peoples and smokers they pay loads of TAXES without FAT peoples you loose loads in TAXES
without smokers you loose loads in TAXES
without drinkers you loose loads in TAXES and what do TAXES do? YES pay for the NHS you thick
peoples  ::) ::)..

Now are you saying because it's their own fault for being FAT SMOKERS they are potentially killing
themselves so because of this the healthy peoples should be seen first if they get sick?..

OK then why not ban people who have a car crash they could of walked saving themselves being crushed in a tin box and the fact many don't have a car it's no fair to those who was healthy eating and had no car..

You chose to risk your life in a car ?    not me so you should be seen last if you have a crash just like the fat people and the smokers maybe will have to wait one day  >:( >:(

If you fly you are worse than a smoker because you can die with 1 crash ;) ;)..
A fat person takes ages to die and some fat people don't die young they live till 70s at least BUT
go in a car you can die with 1 crash costing the NHS millions ;)