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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Kluge on October 07, 2013, 07:35:03 AM

Title: My America, Land of Assholes
Post by: Kluge on October 07, 2013, 07:35:03 AM
[I submitted this to Forbes as an op-ed, but their editor-in-chief is a weak-willed vagina. Decided against posting in Politics, in case someone might take this "seriously."]

   Please don't misinterpret the title of my essay. I was very proud of the America I envisioned in youth from American history textbooks, ignorant of our true, wretched state. Growing up, I learned of Americans' great demonstrations of spontaneous will. While still Europeans, we demanded America's resources, forcing "Indians" off lands we could exploit more efficiently, were we generous enough not to enslave or kill them outright. Upon cementing our stranglehold of power as White America, we declared a war for independence over, by today's standards, shockingly-generous tax rates. We dumped traders' tea and made unlawful claim on territory justified individually by raw will. Out of criminality, there was new law, written by traitors, and so Chaos' Garden of Eve was established. When we finished our bloody business, we would begin our own imperial adventures to ensure American dominance of Our Continent. Very soon after tax rebellion we collectively initiated (less Loyalist dogs), we went on to crush tax rebellions against our government, failed to uphold contracts to pay many veterans of our wars, continued enslavement of races of lesser will, and continued the genocide of our natives. Historically, civilian power lust like ours was lost in the world after the hundreds of European powers consolidated into big hegemonic blobs and monarchs became too powerful to challenge. When the true America came out, messiahs of Chaos, we demanded change, and we were very willing to kill for it. Throughout history and even today, there are no rulers so willing to kill its own and others in so many unique instances, usually with no valid cause of war (and occasionally even with proven-fabricated casus belli) – but this is no surprise, remembering we established the most powerful stronghold of Chaos to ever exist.
   Without American exceptionalism so pervasive in American textbooks, any reasonable person, I think, would conclude America is inhabited primarily by assholes -- I very much yearn for that America preached to us in history class. It is disappointing to me, then, to consider modern Americans' failure of individual will. For example, consider most modern Americans will not wield arms except when ordered or prescribed by law. For, to do other than ordered is chaos – right? Yes – that is how the contemporary Americans think, and this thinking in itself I have no issue with. I do, however, take issue with how we now consider “chaos” a bad word – something “wrong” in the world we need to correct with government and homogeneity – except when chaos comes from government itself. It's a fascinating paradox, really. Government, we view as an enforcer of order. Yet – what does our government do? It acts as aggressor in unprecedented wars, implements so many regulations that simply discovering all the regulations which apply to a potential business is alone a barrier to entry, has a notoriously confusing mess of tax laws (such a confusing mess, in fact, that most American tax-payers pay a person or company to file tax forms for them – an indirect tax for paying taxes), and domestically, the US government violates its own laws when an Executive Order isn't able to legalize criminal activity. Our government, on all accounts, is an unrivaled force of chaos, hypocritically demanding pure order (otherwise phrased, submission) of its citizens.
   In revolting disregard to the philosophical implications of their submission, today's Americans quietly accept governments' demands! They do not take up arms, they do not otherwise violently protest – they are not feared. Americans are puppets of another's chaotic endeavors – of another's will! Citizens of America are disgusting, putrid abominations deserving of eternal torment in the deepest level of Hell. There is no more despicable, cowardly hypocrites to ever plague our Earth. I hate them all utterly, and would righteously spit on each one I saw and see were I not also the same pathetic scum. Still, while I don't deny my own inability to act purely on will, I am still willing to admit internal conflict due from the prevailing American attitude of defeatist-Nihilism, which turns these cowards to deification of others to justify our existence, whether radical animalism, humanism, or outright worship of government. While talking of Americans' government-worship, I should mention the US has – believe it or not – FOUR cable television networks dedicated to covering everything the US government does, operating twenty-four hours a day, covering everything government, insisting everything they do matters to the American people. Vile American journalists consider a politician shopping in-person at a grocery store worth minutes of each viewer's limited time. Even some American churches engage in government worship and even idolatry, with government symbolism behind the pew of God's shepherds! Worshiping false idols is of no difficulty to the American Heathen; the filthy pig claiming submission to religious law. This doesn't account for the hundreds of websites dedicated to news, nor the hundreds of radio, newsprint, and other television networks which dedicate resources to worshiping our government, implying theatrical squabbling in Congress and “official” text as more important than the will of individual men of production. If the citizens of America should all be doomed to eternal damnation, the agents of American media should certainly be damned back at least to their seventh grandfather, after being sewn inside a dead camel and irregularly beaten with blunt objects after the camel has significantly progressed into decomposition.
   This America we live in now – this prison of “rationality” - is not the America I was taught exists while growing up. This America we live in now, is the epitome of Nietzche's Last Man. America is a scam, and I hope we all die horrible deaths. -Or please kill me.