Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: adamstgBit on October 07, 2013, 02:40:01 PM

Title: US Government Shutdown
Post by: adamstgBit on October 07, 2013, 02:40:01 PM

As most of the world knows the US democratic and republican party, are putting on a really good show, and have shut down a good part of the US federal government.

I've heard that when the US is putting on a show with its right hand, you should look at what its left hand is doing...

so what is it that they are trying so hard to make everyone not notice, the war in syria?

it would seem the effects of the Government Shutdown  on the bitcoin market as well as other markets is negligible, why do you think this is, i would think watching the US government in such turmoil would shake even more confidence from the USD.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: adamstgBit on October 07, 2013, 03:14:38 PM
some news from today about this can be found here ->

The U.S. must increase its debt ceiling by Oct. 17 or face the possibility of defaulting on its debts, a move that would shake the global economy and financial markets.

this is most retarded, the US cannot be allowed to default, only because republicans want one more inch. can it?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: Ivanhoe on October 07, 2013, 03:23:39 PM
some news from today about this can be found here ->

The U.S. must increase its debt ceiling by Oct. 17 or face the possibility of defaulting on its debts, a move that would shake the global economy and financial markets.

this is most retarded, the US cannot be allowed to default, only because republicans want one more inch. can it?
We'll see 17 oktober ;D But nah i don't think it will default neither.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: smoothie on October 07, 2013, 04:27:16 PM
some news from today about this can be found here ->

The U.S. must increase its debt ceiling by Oct. 17 or face the possibility of defaulting on its debts, a move that would shake the global economy and financial markets.

this is most retarded, the US cannot be allowed to default, only because republicans want one more inch. can it?

At some point the gigantic debt bubble will pop. Will be interesting to watch it unfold.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: adamstgBit on October 07, 2013, 04:39:32 PM

their running our of money, talking about default, and now they retroactively pay people to stay home, wow the logic is profound!

whats a dollar worth if you don't have to work for it?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: adamstgBit on October 07, 2013, 04:57:16 PM
I thought the government was "of the people, for the people, by the people".

How do we shut down "the people"?


i'd imagine some paper was signed, phone calls were made, and finally, funds were frozen!

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: adamstgBit on October 07, 2013, 05:00:26 PM
it should be noted that last time something like this happened in Australia, the queen came down and fired everyone in the government.

that bitch gets shit done right 8)

long live the queen!

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: jasinlee on October 07, 2013, 05:00:34 PM
I thought the government was "of the people, for the people, by the people".

How do we shut down "the people"?

Well to do that you would have to make their money worthless, know their every move from surveillance or other means and then make them believe that this is all for their own good.....oh wait.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: smoothie on October 07, 2013, 05:08:32 PM
it should be noted that last time something like this happened in Australia, the queen came down and fired everyone in the government.

that bitch gets shit done right 8)

long live the queen!

And the queen doesn't have any special interests or funding from any banking cartels? I beg to differ that she gets things done based on the good of everyone and has no special interests for the reason for her actions as the authority.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: MerchantMiner on October 07, 2013, 05:38:57 PM
What i know so far............... Well then F.E.M.A has been buying up billions or rounds of ammo 5000+ armored transports , Tanks, F.E.M.A mass population transport vehicles i.e large buses, more guns than a small country has in its armament and region 3 that includes Washington DC buying up all available food packets. The training of Russian troops all 15000 of them and the U.S government trying to take your guns from you all. the dollar isn't worth the paper its printed on and the U.S debt is controlled by other country's not the FED reserve! or the Rothschilds/Rockerfellers

Given a privileged insight into certain government documents with thanks to (****) and (***) UK , I would say the Americans are well and truly Fucked.

The U.S like ALL of Europe can not pay its debt back its IMPOSSIBLE and to argue that point is retarded so please don't waste your time i wont respond.

The USA has to default on its debt you have to collapse!!!!!!! for there to be a new start for everyone who trades the dollar its that or Hyper Inflation so basically your damned if you do and your damned if you don't , there's no happy end to the Economics of the US its that simple unless the Rothschild/Rockerfeller Family write of the debt they control your will always be slaves , its mathematically impossible for Britain to pay off its debt, the same as the USA

(****)= me in jail !!!!!!!!

If the Debt Celing isn't sorted by the 17th i would suggest the American people run for the hills and bunker down, Governments don't but Billions of $$$$'s of Military hardware to not kill people with it inc its own people .................. 9/11

The Republicans who are doing this are Terrorists its how we in Europe see the situation , this is why you have the right to bare arms to defend against Terrorists and that right is not being used. people like Alex Jones sucks balls i hate him fucking CIA, Obama wants to give the American people cheap and free health care like we have in the UK and its seen as a bad thing well looks like the people are too fucking dumb to fight for a good thing..................Shame 

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: RodeoX on October 07, 2013, 05:42:00 PM
The republican plan to stop government waste. Send all the employees home, but continue to pay them.  ::)

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: MerchantMiner on October 07, 2013, 08:12:41 PM
The republican plan to stop government waste. Send all the employees home, but continue to pay them.  ::)

with no productivity from them lol , makes ya wonder dude!

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: ErisDiscordia on October 07, 2013, 08:50:04 PM
The "shutdown" is great! More people might realize they don't need the government :)

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: firefop on October 07, 2013, 09:24:31 PM
Does anyone else see the irony in the shutdown... leaving the duties of government as outlined in the constitution intact?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: EmperorBob on October 07, 2013, 10:51:11 PM
You need an option that says "Shutdowns are always good."

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: wachtwoord on October 07, 2013, 10:57:04 PM
Well the last time the US came close to defaulting and was subsequently downgraded the price of treasury notes actually went up because people were selling stocks and buying bonds  instead. The very bonds that caused the insecurity.

People can be incredibly stupid.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: RodeoX on October 08, 2013, 01:43:04 PM
Well the last time the US came close to defaulting and was subsequently downgraded the price of treasury notes actually went up because people were selling stocks and buying bonds  instead. The very bonds that caused the insecurity.

People can be incredibly stupid.
I thought that was weird also. It shows how few places there are to invest. Gold is too high, stocks are risky and manipulated right now, short term real estate is hard; I guess downgraded bonds look ok in that environment? All good news for bitcoin.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: HyperBeam on October 09, 2013, 02:22:31 AM

Sums it up pretty well.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: viboracecata on October 09, 2013, 07:48:53 AM
Amazing, I never heard this before.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: Dreamweaver on October 10, 2013, 08:37:56 PM
How much do you want to bet that if a default does happen, it'll happen while the government is "shutdown". If that happens, more people will fall under the notion that they desperately need government now more than ever, not the other way around.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: adamstgBit on October 10, 2013, 08:42:38 PM
How much do you want to bet that if a default does happen, it'll happen while the government is "shutdown". If that happens, more people will fall under the notion that they desperately need government now more than ever, not the other way around.

the republicans have made yet another offer,

they will temporarily rise the depth ceiling so theirs no default and in exchange they want Obama to talk.

its your last term anyway Obama go down with a bang and give them the finger!

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: RodeoX on October 11, 2013, 01:48:00 PM
How much do you want to bet that if a default does happen, it'll happen while the government is "shutdown". If that happens, more people will fall under the notion that they desperately need government now more than ever, not the other way around.

the republicans have made yet another offer,

they will temporarily rise the depth ceiling so theirs no default and in exchange they want Obama to talk.

its your last term anyway Obama go down with a bang and give them the finger!
That's how to negotiate with hostage takers alright. If I were Obama I would sit back and watch the republican party implode.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: yvv on October 11, 2013, 01:52:09 PM

their running our of money, talking about default, and now they retroactively pay people to stay home, wow the logic is profound!

whats a dollar worth if you don't have to work for it?

They don't pay. Those who are affected by shutdown are on unpayed leave.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: EmperorBob on October 11, 2013, 11:25:38 PM
The word "shutdown" is pretty fricking misleading.
60% of employees are still working. The remainder are on unpaid leave and every time this happens, they end up getting back pay after the shutdown is over.
80% of the money is still being spent. This means that even a "shutdown" US Government runs at a deficit.

It's political theater, and not much else.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: halfawake on October 12, 2013, 06:15:22 AM
The word "shutdown" is pretty fricking misleading.
60% of employees are still working. The remainder are on unpaid leave and every time this happens, they end up getting back pay after the shutdown is over.
80% of the money is still being spent. This means that even a "shutdown" US Government runs at a deficit.

It's political theater, and not much else.

I have mixed feelings about this.  In one sense, I'm inclined to agree with EmperorBob here.  Unless you had a trip planned to go to a National Park, or work for the federal government, the government shutdown doesn't affect most people.  Oh, and I should add, unless you happen to own a retail business near a major federal employer.

For anyone who doesn't fall in those conditions, yeah, I can understand the shrugs and yawns about the government shutdown.  The mail is still getting delivered, and the trash is still getting picked up, so it's kind of a yawn to those who aren't directly affected by it. 

Having said all that, this is peanuts compared to what will happen if the US actually does default on its debt, as is the looming danger.  If you live in the US like I do, and happen to have any overseas vacation plans, you might want to cancel them if this actually does happen, because the US dollar will almost certainly plummet if the US federal government defaults on its debt.  I don't, thankfully, have overseas vacation plans.  Nevertheless, I wouldn't be surprised if this debt thing happens, and if it does, I also wouldn't be surprised if it induces a major recession. 

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: cowandtea on October 13, 2013, 02:33:56 AM
Anybody know how long the shutdown is and when the shutdown is over?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: btctraderr on October 13, 2013, 06:01:51 PM
The word "shutdown" is pretty fricking misleading.
60% of employees are still working. The remainder are on unpaid leave and every time this happens, they end up getting back pay after the shutdown is over.
80% of the money is still being spent. This means that even a "shutdown" US Government runs at a deficit.

It's political theater, and not much else.

Yep, also it's the media and both sides of the house creating such hysteria so they can step in at the last minute and save us from a crisis of their own making and look like people that care about 'jobs' and 'families'. What a joke. 

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: Hfleer on October 13, 2013, 09:22:45 PM
Having said all that, this is peanuts compared to what will happen if the US actually does default on its debt, as is the looming danger.  If you live in the US like I do, and happen to have any overseas vacation plans, you might want to cancel them if this actually does happen, because the US dollar will almost certainly plummet if the US federal government defaults on its debt.  I don't, thankfully, have overseas vacation plans.  Nevertheless, I wouldn't be surprised if this debt thing happens, and if it does, I also wouldn't be surprised if it induces a major recession. 

That definitely would be troublesome if they default, would not like to see this outcome.  Hopefully they can avoid it.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: polarhei on October 14, 2013, 08:19:55 AM
The both big parties are playing very dangerous, getting bigger. Let us see if they fail to plan something within 3 days.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: safeminer on October 14, 2013, 11:38:37 AM
Haven't really heared anything about this topic in my country's news anymore.
Is it still on shutdown ? Are they going to raise the debt ceiling ?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: philipma1957 on October 15, 2013, 03:30:33 AM
who knows they are privy to more info then most of us.  But if you have BTC and live in the USA hold those coins   and hope for a price spike.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: BitChick on October 15, 2013, 04:06:10 AM
Haven't really heared anything about this topic in my country's news anymore.
Is it still on shutdown ? Are they going to raise the debt ceiling ?
They're still shut down. They media will wind up the drama machine to full throttle then at the last second they'll announce a radical. unprecedented and revolutionary solution... print more dollars. Maybe, just maybe, the US government will use its uber can-kicking skillz to do the right thing by going into default and bursting the bubble(s) but that would kill their chances of re-election stone dead so its not likely.

Yes.  It is really hard to believe that they would really go into default.  I don't think most people believe that will happen.  But if it does?  Crazy times ahead for the world, and probably BTC too.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: BitChick on October 15, 2013, 04:07:31 AM
Haven't really heared anything about this topic in my country's news anymore.
Is it still on shutdown ? Are they going to raise the debt ceiling ?

I am in the US.  I have not been hearing much here either!  Granted today was a holiday-  Columbus Day.  Maybe tomorrow?  I don't watch the news on TV though.  I only happen to see whatever is on the internet.

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: steelhouse on October 16, 2013, 04:38:29 PM
some news from today about this can be found here ->

The U.S. must increase its debt ceiling by Oct. 17 or face the possibility of defaulting on its debts, a move that would shake the global economy and financial markets.

this is most retarded, the US cannot be allowed to default, only because republicans want one more inch. can it?

It will not default, amendment 14 requires the debt and retirement checks be paid first.  The government still takes in $240 billion a month and the interest payments are like $9 billion a month.  Obama and the democrats are trying to trick you.  The only way it will default if Obama fails to cut or reduce the pay of federal employees.  A girl Meg Whitman was able to fire 15,000 employees, can Obama man up?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: wachtwoord on October 17, 2013, 03:23:59 AM
So when will all the museums and national parks reopen?

Title: Re: US Government Shutdown
Post by: RodeoX on October 18, 2013, 08:33:35 PM
So when will all the museums and national parks reopen?
Yes. I wonder what is left of them? An exception was made for the mining industry. While hikers were arrested for entering the park, miners were working without oversight.  >:(