Bitcoin Forum

Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: teramit on March 11, 2018, 09:28:38 PM

Title: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: teramit on March 11, 2018, 09:28:38 PM
You know DARPA , FBI and similar agencies have large RnD budgets.
Internet(first intranet) and TOR developed by similar agencies and they followed criminal with that products.
And we know that first mined bitcoins are not moving, who doesnt touches his 10 billion usd ? If S.N. is dead maybe thats why but if not it maybe a government project.
You cant touch country's money becaouse it is illegal. Yes they sold silkroad's money but that was a standart procedure. So its high probability bitcoin is a USA funded secret project. Nobody is allowed to say it and nobody is allowed to move first bitcoins. This is far best option.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: techbill on March 12, 2018, 12:16:36 AM
So you honestly think that Satoshi doesn't have other unknown Bitcoins?

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: leonair on March 12, 2018, 01:36:02 PM
IMO Satoshi Nakamoto will never work for them or for anyone because he envisioned to use Bitcoin for the sole purpose of decentralization and obviously no corruption digital currency that FIAT money already has a very long time ago(or until it was made).

BlockChain was never developed by DARPA so I don't think that Bitcoin is correlated with it, all the things in the internet was being innovated by different kinds of genius people for what good or bad it may be, so we can connect them by this so called 'Internet' thing for as long as we want but it will remain conspiracy theory until this assumption proven right.

Again, Maybe or maybe not. If that is really the case then we can't still do anything about it but to use Bitcoin if we still want to.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 12, 2018, 10:00:01 PM
IMO Satoshi Nakamoto will never work for them or for anyone because he envisioned to use Bitcoin for the sole purpose of decentralization and obviously no corruption digital currency that FIAT money already has a very long time ago(or until it was made).

BlockChain was never developed by DARPA so I don't think that Bitcoin is correlated with it, all the things in the internet was being innovated by different kinds of genius people for what good or bad it may be, so we can connect them by this so called 'Internet' thing for as long as we want but it will remain conspiracy theory until this assumption proven right.

Again, Maybe or maybe not. If that is really the case then we can't still do anything about it but to use Bitcoin if we still want to.
I agree on the point that not all major stuff being developed by those BIG agencies or government related since there are lots of geniuses throughout the net which same as you said.Not all the times they do have the involvement on a particular thing but we cant really be so sure if they weren't involve since there no proof or evidence such conspiracies but well I don't really care at all if those first mined bitcoin being moved or not as long we can able to utilize bitcoins usage then it should be fine for us.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Schirer on March 14, 2018, 10:38:46 PM
You know DARPA , FBI and similar agencies have large RnD budgets.
Internet(first intranet) and TOR developed by similar agencies and they followed criminal with that products.
And we know that first mined bitcoins are not moving, who doesnt touches his 10 billion usd ? If S.N. is dead maybe thats why but if not it maybe a government project.
You cant touch country's money becaouse it is illegal. Yes they sold silkroad's money but that was a standart procedure. So its high probability bitcoin is a USA funded secret project. Nobody is allowed to say it and nobody is allowed to move first bitcoins. This is far best option.

You have solid points. The amount of not moved BTC is staggering.

I have often speculated about this matter, that the creator of BTC could in fact be some agency like CIA which needed a anonymous way to move money for their black projects.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: BTCforJoe on March 14, 2018, 11:23:06 PM
First of all, Bitcoin is not considered a currency by the U.S. government, so your argument about not being able to touch a country's money is invalid.

Recently, an article in The Economist, titled "One world, one money (" from September of 1988 came to light, where the author is predicting that in 30 years [2018], a new world currency will prevail and be utilized globally:

THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency.

While I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I am a realist that likes to [over]analyze situations. The Economist is, and has always been owned or controlled by the Rothschilds. The Rothschild families have controlled world banks for generations. Control the banks and you control the world.

I used to laugh at anyone who claimed that the NSA created Bitcoin. I used to ask them why and how the NSA could create a trust less decentralized peer-to-peer currency that they have no control over, and what the purpose would be. But lately, seeing as exchanges are required to flip and turn over their customer database, and start implementing more KYC verification procedures, this could potentially have been the plan all along. It's highly doubtful that this is the case with Bitcoin, but it's not an impossibility.

The thing that truly makes me question the government's involvement? The network effect of the internet and when it was implemented. That's another example of something that was created by the government that they lost control over. Now they're trying to regain control (net neutrality), but we all know that it's too late. So could be the case with Bitcoin? Again, highly doubtful, but not an impossibility.

I have often speculated about this matter, that the creator of BTC could in fact be some agency like CIA which needed a anonymous way to move money for their black projects.

This. I firmly believe that Bitcoin was/is [being] used to fund black ops. I believe that the deep web is being utilized by governmental operatives, and Bitcoin could have been used as the method of compensation for conducting illegal contracts. And being amongst a space filled with the world's best hackers, Bitcoin became introduced to the public.

There are so many theories out there, and as much as I question who Satoshi Nakamoto is/was, it's satisfying to think that this system is irreversible. Blockchain technology is simply amazing, and whether Bitcoin was created by the government or not, cryptocurrency is the new money.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: leonair on March 15, 2018, 12:18:02 AM
First of all, Bitcoin is not considered a currency by the U.S. government, so your argument about not being able to touch a country's money is invalid.

Recently, an article in The Economist, titled "One world, one money (" from September of 1988 came to light, where the author is predicting that in 30 years [2018], a new world currency will prevail and be utilized globally:
Even though US will not consider Bitcoin as a currency it is still based on a $ value market cap.

The author was written the article 20 years ago or maybe this is the one you are pertaining to that was really written on 1988.

While I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I am a realist that likes to [over]analyze situations. The Economist is, and has always been owned or controlled by the Rothschilds. The Rothschild families have controlled world banks for generations. Control the banks and you control the world.

I used to laugh at anyone who claimed that the NSA created Bitcoin. I used to ask them why and how the NSA could create a trust less decentralized peer-to-peer currency that they have no control over, and what the purpose would be. But lately, seeing as exchanges are required to flip and turn over their customer database, and start implementing more KYC verification procedures, this could potentially have been the plan all along. It's highly doubtful that this is the case with Bitcoin, but it's not an impossibility.

The thing that truly makes me question the government's involvement? The network effect of the internet and when it was implemented. That's another example of something that was created by the government that they lost control over. Now they're trying to regain control (net neutrality), but we all know that it's too late. So could be the case with Bitcoin? Again, highly doubtful, but not an impossibility.

Conspiracy about Rothschild Family controlling over the world is too cliche(for me)
I think the active family members that are running the businesses is not that fully in control compare to the one that really started it all. It's quite obvious they already build an empire to which their family and future next generation doesn't need to work and think too much for maintaining the businesses so they are just leveraging it by hiring multiple financial people(maybe this is capable to control world) to do the work for them.

We can't blame those Rothschild's dynasty though as they are the one who pioneered this thing, I hope my great grandfather did it instead.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Alexander_Z on March 16, 2018, 08:01:49 AM
This. I firmly believe that Bitcoin was/is [being] used to fund black ops. I believe that the deep web is being utilized by governmental operatives, and Bitcoin could have been used as the method of compensation for conducting illegal contracts. And being amongst a space filled with the world's best hackers, Bitcoin became introduced to the public.

I am not a fan of conspiracy theories and I doubt bitcoin was created for such purpose, but I also believe it was and is used for this kind of operations. Probably not from the very beginning, but what was good enough for Silk Road is definitely suitable for intelligence agencies and the like.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: maremostro on March 17, 2018, 04:04:26 PM


Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: ItsFlavy on March 17, 2018, 04:30:22 PM
If you look at Satoshi's posting interval on this forum you'll soon realize he was just a normal dude doing what he loved. Then he disappeared off the face of the planet because he probably realized he created the most revolutionary form of currency in modern times.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: BenOnceAgain on March 17, 2018, 05:36:06 PM
Satoshi is whoever or whatever you want them to be.

Perhaps Satoshi lurks among us in these very forums?  Maybe even posting under a different name?  Perhaps I am Satoshi?  Perhaps you are Satoshi, trying to draw attention away from yourself?

Regardless of who or what Satoshi is, their unique ability to combine several ideas that were out there but not pulled together and create Bitcoin was more than merely innovative, it was revolutionary.

If Satoshi ever reveals themselves to the world, I hope to be able to shake their hand.  If they never do, I'm okay with that too.

The creation of Bitcoin will be marked as a turning point in world history, alongside the printing press, lightbulb, Internet, and automobiles.  Bitcoin marks the creation of a new paradigm.

My personal view is that Satoshi is a person, a single person, probably male.  Probably not part of the intelligence community, or if they are, Bitcoin was probably not something created by/for their use (though it may be being used by them now).  More like a hobby project.  But I haven't spent oodles of time trying to figure out Satoshi's identity.  They chose to go dark for a reason, I respect that.

Thank you, Satoshi, for your great contribution to humanity!

Best regards,

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: akishang on March 22, 2018, 03:41:38 AM
I don't think so. I don't see a point if they will do that. FBI is an organization to fight/investigate crime. They are not impostors. If Satoshi is alive and he knows that FBI is using his name, I 'm sure he will do something about it. He will never allow anyone to over his legacy. Considering how good he is, no wonder the FBI doesn't have any info about him.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: hamade on March 22, 2018, 10:38:48 AM
i dont think it , but bitcoin is supported by hidden government i think it is china
Remember when China abandoned support bitcoin what did happen !!
whoever bitcoin is supported by hidden government.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: yogg on March 22, 2018, 12:15:15 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto could be anyone.

If you want to look through the governmental agencies point of view, Bitcoin can be seen like a tool by the most indebted governments.

The world is a zero sum game, and fiat currencies have their value pushed down.
There is a race to devaluate currencies as much as government can, so they will repay their national debt with money that isn't worth anything anymore.
They don't care if this destroys people's wealth in the process.

Why is the USA still leading, and how it's power is fading away ?
It is through the US Dollar. Most of the world still uses it as a global reserve currency, and the USA has a total authority over it, but this is changing a little more, day after day.

Bitcoin can be anything.
It can be a trojan horse created by the Chinese to disrupt the world power order. (As portrayed in the TV serie "Mr Robot" with Ecoin (USA) vs Bitcoin (China))

Only the future will tell us, but serious discussions about SN are very interesting.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: wriizo on March 22, 2018, 06:51:32 PM
No way, why would he work for the FBI or other agencies. I mean you can never know but I don't see the logic on why Satoshi can be the FBI. He's probably somewhere on a island or in some low-key country hiding from the feds.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: charlie137 on March 23, 2018, 03:21:40 AM
england always used to be very good in cryptography. so it might be islands than western land) but its gonna take a while until the facts would be uncovered

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: whitefish on March 24, 2018, 01:30:43 AM
It can be from the beautiful Pearl of the Orient Seas.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Slava79 on March 30, 2018, 01:00:06 PM
You know DARPA , FBI and similar agencies have large RnD budgets.
Internet(first intranet) and TOR developed by similar agencies and they followed criminal with that products.
And we know that first mined bitcoins are not moving, who doesnt touches his 10 billion usd ? If S.N. is dead maybe thats why but if not it maybe a government project.
You cant touch country's money becaouse it is illegal. Yes they sold silkroad's money but that was a standart procedure. So its high probability bitcoin is a USA funded secret project. Nobody is allowed to say it and nobody is allowed to move first bitcoins. This is far best option.

It is hard to believe that someone doesn't touch such a big amount of money, but different people have different motivation and system of values.

In order to create something such complex and innovative as Bitcoin, a person should be far above it, meaning his main interests are laying in his creation success in the fist place. And moving this 10 or something billions would do exactly the opposite - spread FUD and cause market crash.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: atliens99 on March 30, 2018, 11:20:43 PM
First off satoshi for sure had other btc wallets and not just the one with 1 million btc.  For all we know satoshi could be an aritficial intelligence robot that wanted to a design a currency to make itself wealthy and take over the world.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: lili song on March 31, 2018, 11:06:40 AM
I think it can't be, because bitcoin not handle by the government. So I think is impossible. Bitcoin now decentralized system.
The system is good because in this system bitcoin can low and high the price. If bitcoin do centralized system, I'm not sure the price go high fast.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: RedUnicorn on March 31, 2018, 01:30:36 PM
I hardly doubt that. Not long ago i read article about some  guy that they thought was Bitcoin creator buying trying to buy gold for +100m in that days price he was going  to pay like +100k bitcoins there was much fud about it and it even reached US court ofcourse the guy denyed rumours about it and there wasnt way to prove it.  I do believe that some kind of group of geniuses created bitcoin besides i heard it wasnt the first time someone was trying to revolutionize Payment technology by using blockchain and that this time they actually suceded in doing so after it did blew out they thought it through and left those coins safe and now are living there dream life from side wallets.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: BitkoinJonny on March 31, 2018, 03:28:10 PM
Hi. Of course it can be possible. But I heard another version: Satoshi Nakomoto is Alexander Lukashenko ;D It's belarusian president :)

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Granxis on March 31, 2018, 09:30:37 PM
The FBI seems to be tired of dealing with criminal matters, Bitcoin requires very deep knowledge of finance and programing. If Satoshi Nakomoto is not a person, it could be an expert group.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: AverageGlabella on April 01, 2018, 02:22:43 AM
I don't think the FBI or any other authority would be pleased with one of their personal creating something like Bitcoin a way for people to trade without the needs of banks and something which is easier to stay anonymous when buying goods online. So I don't actually see why Satoshi being part of the FBI or involved in the government actually has an effect on us nowadays.

Yes it would of probably been a turn off in the early days when Satoshi was trying to sell the Bitcoin idea to people but now everyone knows how it works and knows it's not controlled by anyone I don't think it matters what Satoshi is involved in or anything.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Slava79 on April 05, 2018, 09:04:40 AM
The most popular versions of who Satoshi is:

1. Hal Finney.

2. Gavin Andresen.

3. Nick Szabo.

4. Craig Wright.

I think the real Satoshi is the team behind Bitcoin, who did all the marketing effort, the guy who bought pizza and the whole this forum actually who was there in the  old days.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Tyrantt on April 06, 2018, 03:38:12 AM
I think it can't be, because bitcoin not handle by the government. So I think is impossible. Bitcoin now decentralized system.
The system is good because in this system bitcoin can low and high the price. If bitcoin do centralized system, I'm not sure the price go high fast.

Pretty sure that some agencies can operate in shadow. Like that CIA project where they were putting LSD in peoples drinks,etc... Honestly, I can see NSA, CIA,FBI,etc... I mean, they've created the very first internet, right? Who knows...

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: jumbo on April 06, 2018, 06:02:42 PM
Long story short: FBI can by a lot of things, yet it is extremely unlikely to be right behind the Satoshi Nakamoto figure. May be FBI provided a side support.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: spacelab on April 06, 2018, 06:56:29 PM
very strange thing, but I think that this is a very slight chance, do not think, that it could be real

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Bitcoin-Turkiye on April 07, 2018, 07:24:17 PM
you may be right, but bitcoin is like an orphan.. as well as being centerless,  there is a simple error in the code,. and bitcoin it does not improve itself.. when you think about all of this It does not seem to have a huge power behind it..  it will show time...

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: MkGregor on April 07, 2018, 10:29:12 PM
Satoshi Nakomoto

A mysterious individual (or a group, who have created Bitcoin,opening up a whole new era in the history of technology. )
His claimed birthday date contains few significant dates at ones: 5th of April 1975

On 5th April 1933 a US president at the time, Franklin D.Roosevelt issued an executive order 6102, which explicitly called all American citizen to surrender their gold in exchange of banknotes under the threat of prison and a hefty $10000 fine.

On 21st of April 1975, Public Law 93–373 came into effect allowing American citizens, once again, own, store and trade gold.

Thus, the claimed date of birth of Satoshi Nakomoto encompass both government oppression and birth of the New Gold.

HOW'S that for a conspiracy theory?

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: cryptohoodz on April 12, 2018, 08:57:00 AM
Come to think of it, it's pretty amazing (or unbelievable), we all use this industry, based on a white paper written by someone who does not exist.
Could it be created by a government? Well, theoretically everything is possible. It would be the biggest scam ever haha...suppose a government created bitcoin and stored millions of bitcoin. 

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: aervin11 on April 12, 2018, 10:49:54 AM
If this was true that the government is "Satoshi Nakamoto" then why would they create a decentralize currency that would make them "Useless". I mean, we all know that governments are just looking for what is good/better on their people but not bad on them. Bitcoin/Blockchain is taking that power away from them and I don't think they would use themselves against themselves.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: zoran.drobnjak on April 15, 2018, 11:22:05 AM
Even if they initially were, ghost is out of the bottle long time ago and it really does not matter anymore.

Interesting parallel with Internet; Started out as a US military project, today is a decentralized network beyond anyone`s capacity to control it.
Also, whoever initiated creation of bitcoin is by far irrelevant as a project itself has outgrown its creator and similarly can`t be controlled by a single entity of any sort.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: rivkavender on April 15, 2018, 02:25:56 PM
it could be the NSA gathering up all the criminals for an easy system

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: soulcancer on April 15, 2018, 11:03:08 PM
the possibility that btc was invented by the "powers-that-be" is extremely high in my opinion...think about this, you damn near have to be a crypto expert to know that bitcoin is NOT anonymous...quite the contrary....this is a veritable wet dream for those in power...could you imagine what kind of information you would have about people if you could know EVERY txn that a paper dollar had been involved in??...and how that information could be used??....I have often thought that if you go to the internet and seek something that will "hide your tracks", it was most likely developed by someone in power....why would they waste their time looking at everyone, when they could just immediately target those who are trying to hide something?

edit:  I forgot to mention an article I read recently about the discovery of child pornography within the btc blockchain....its all just 1's and 0's....this sounds like a perfect way to gain control over people...if you download the blockchain, then someday....when you decide to speak up...we will destroy you....I was going to search for the article to post a link but, ummm....nah, you go ahead and type that into google

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: rivkavender on April 16, 2018, 04:12:01 PM
its the NSA believe meee!!

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: SooEz4Me on April 17, 2018, 05:25:03 PM
I think no, but everything happens in our life. Bitconnect was in the top 10 and people believed

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: BitcoinMarshal on April 20, 2018, 12:17:56 AM
No one can predict surely about this but this is possibility because they can do things like this hopefully this will reveal in near future or take some long time but surely truth about this will come who is behind this all I was shocked even early adapters those who work in start with this project have no knowledge who is this Satoshi Nakomoto like Gavin Anderson

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Daniel91 on April 23, 2018, 04:14:59 PM
I don't think so.
What will be their motive, reason to create bitcoin?
We know that because of anonymity bitcoin is very good tool for terrorists and criminals.
I think that even FBI use bitcoin but don't think they created bitcoin.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: dimitriaustralia on April 24, 2018, 05:59:34 PM
99% of all the bitcoin is owned by 1% of all the users.

Bitcoin is an improvement to the monetary system only in efficiency. The main issue of the previous fiat currencies is more abundant in Bitcoin which is the concentration of the elites wealth making all other users slaves for the system.
Fair distribution and manipulation proof are the most important elements needed. (

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Kopceak_MD on April 29, 2018, 05:48:38 PM
I assumed this option, but I'm not sure about it, we'll still find out, sooner or later. A person can not not touch his millions for years, probably he is waiting for a bitcoin price of 100,000 dollars :)

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Rugosa on April 29, 2018, 08:25:04 PM
I have a feeling that if the FBI was behind bitcoin, the Genesis block would not have been as noticable as it was, nor would it still be untouched.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: LogitechMouse on April 30, 2018, 10:06:16 AM
It can be or it cannot be. What is important now is Satoshi created a digital currency that can change the world (for me). It can change the economy of some third-world countries if they support cryptocurrency in their country. It doesn't matter now who is / are satoshi nakamoto. The thing is he/she/they contributed in the world currency by creating bitcoin. For me I don't care now who is/are satoshi but I just want to say thanks to satoshi because of his/her/their creation.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: welliamy on April 30, 2018, 10:31:46 AM
You know DARPA , FBI and similar agencies have large RnD budgets.
Internet(first intranet) and TOR developed by similar agencies and they followed criminal with that products.
And we know that first mined bitcoins are not moving, who doesnt touches his 10 billion usd ? If S.N. is dead maybe thats why but if not it maybe a government project.
You cant touch country's money becaouse it is illegal. Yes they sold silkroad's money but that was a standart procedure. So its high probability bitcoin is a USA funded secret project. Nobody is allowed to say it and nobody is allowed to move first bitcoins. This is far best option.

In my opinion no knows satoshi nakamoto who he/she is
Satoshi nakamoto is the who use by the unknown person
And who designed bitcoin and made the block chain database.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Arkyo on May 02, 2018, 03:55:58 PM

This pseudonym can hide a particular person, a group of scientists, intelligence agencies or even a group of states. The main thing is that the proposed technology works perfectly and over time makes us only richer! So, by and large, I do not care who Satoshi Nakomoto is.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: sureshotcoin on May 03, 2018, 12:01:00 PM
I do not know where this doubt was raised from, but I dont think it is any secret government project. It is a pure innovation of a pure genius who is an genius, both in mathematics as well as in programming which is a great combination added to his greatest creative abilities. This resulted in a greatest creation that is being exalted by even MNCs.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: faultunfmuzzled8 on May 04, 2018, 12:45:23 PM
Just rubbish talks. It means you don't know the real story behind the evolution of btcs yet.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on May 04, 2018, 12:55:54 PM
You know DARPA , FBI and similar agencies have large RnD budgets.
Internet(first intranet) and TOR developed by similar agencies and they followed criminal with that products.
And we know that first mined bitcoins are not moving, who doesnt touches his 10 billion usd ? If S.N. is dead maybe thats why but if not it maybe a government project.
You cant touch country's money becaouse it is illegal. Yes they sold silkroad's money but that was a standart procedure. So its high probability bitcoin is a USA funded secret project. Nobody is allowed to say it and nobody is allowed to move first bitcoins. This is far best option.

those large budgets are only used to keep the videos and papers logs of jeffrey epstein rapes with billionaires and foreigners. the rest is just marketing.

the entire actual and past personal working for the fbi and their families should be executed, aka killed, in a field and their corps let to rot in the great plains for the grass for the bisons to grow again.

nothing else to say.

ps. your marketing ploy to save the fbi doesn't work. death to them all, past actual and future.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: faultunfmuzzled8 on May 07, 2018, 02:07:59 PM
Just rubbish talks. It means you don't know the real story behind the evolution of btcs yet.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: NMNR78 on May 08, 2018, 08:06:04 PM
FBI is good but they ain't that good, clearly you got some points about DARPA, maybe this was initially a project funded and developed by a government for Black-ops. It can be anyone CIA, MSS, MOSSAD, SVR, BND  these intelligence agenices have vast amount of resources and hackers to do their bidding and these agencies are powerfull and cunning enough to manipulate people into thinking there is someone named Sathoshi Nakamoto is behind the development of bitcoin by leaving a trail of information on Internet, many had tried to find who is the real developer of bitcoin.

Israeli scholars Dorit Ron and Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute suggested a link between Satoshi and Silk Road, The Dark-web website that was taken down by the FBI in October 2013. They had suggested a link between an address allegedly owned by Satoshi and the site. Security researcher Dustin D Trammell owned the address, and disputed claims that he was Satoshi, In February 2014, Newsweek's Leah McGrath Goodman claimed to have tracked down the Satoshi Nakamoto. Dorian S Nakamoto a California-based engineer, Then in December 2015, reports by Wired and Gizmodo claimed to have identified Nakamoto as Australian entrepreneur Craig S Wright ,and the latest is an indian Mukesh Aggrewal owner of a Indian online casino,Grand Mondial  maybe these are the patsies of the original developer ,anything is possible ,maybe the future holds the truth.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: gruad on May 09, 2018, 01:41:15 PM
Whoever created the Blockchain, didn't do it for the money in the first place.

An interesting rumor about one of the Illuminati websites, where they mentioned they have created the Bitcoin to free people in the same way as they have created the typography machine to give people the knowledge and free them from authorities who kept people in the darkness.

They have mentioned that they are creating the system that will benefit everyone and mining is used for AI learning on a globally distributed network, that's why the reward is high, compared to most other jobs. (I think they are talking about the fusion and union of the blockchain and the AI).

But I'm not very sure about the purpose of their real and final agenda, whether it's the hive intelligence with no personality of the human being, or whether it's some other form of control or whatever else it may be.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: cryptosluck on May 10, 2018, 07:28:59 PM
I don't think FBI could be doing anything similar to this. If it was such, FBI could have revealed it by now.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: racebum on May 14, 2018, 01:14:33 AM
besides wondering why there are so many alt-right, flat earth conspiracy nutjobs on here

the best case for satoshi is Hal. An alter ego to keep heat away from him during development

the staggering amount of unmoved bitcoin is almost certainly lost. if there is a way to check last movement dates going way way back, large accounts that haven't moved since Hal died would be highly suspect. especially if they were active when he was in development. i'm sure much more has been lost besides his but what he had is likely to be very VERY large. countless stories have been told of people losing keys and hard drives crashing or just being recycled. a lot of mined coins in 2009-2010 may have simply been discarded.

this is of course not counting major holders who hodl large amounts. winkle. bitmain. possible roger, OG developers, random billionaires etc.

the endgame seems very easy to figure out. once the majority of the float is removed from active trading it takes very VERY little to bring the price up. as that happens you create FOMO and euphoria. people buy their .0001 btc and pay whatever. when the price is brough to 50-100k a coin, even 1m is not out of the question. the large holders can sell into strength a few coins at a time. 20 years out they have more money than anyone in recorded history.

it's really that simple

5 years ago i bet many people who were on this forum had many bitcoins, hundreds if not thousands. today. many of us have partial bitcoins, some have 1 full coin, maybe 2-3, very very few have hundreds and practically no one has thousands

the float is being removed bit by bit

now if you want to put your tinfoil hat back on, like after i slap you for thinking the earth is flat, there is one conspiracy that may hold weight. if you only have 10-100 major bitcoin holders they could easily form a syndicate. they push the price to an agreed upon amount. people FOMO like mad. they have set deals on who can sell how many each week. again, think 20+ years out. these people will own the world. it's rothchild v2.0 . what about alt-coins you may say? well this again could tinfoil one of a couple ways. #1 i'm not the only person who has realized this. ICO coins are made. pumped and sold for BTC. electronium comes to mind here. large and i mean LARGE orders of this crap coin have been traded for BTC. create a crap coin, pump it, unload for BTC. theory #2 the major players are behind a lot of the alt coins and use them to do something similar to #1. they get more BTC on the cheap by unloading said coins and drawing new people, new us dollars and new euros into the market. theory #3. ICO's will be regulated against in the major world markets drastically strengthening what it takes to bring them to market. they may call it the crypto protection act or some such thing. this again drastically shrinks the pool leaving fewer coins with at this point a very interested public. again, guess who owns large numbers of the best ones. even this most recent sell off....the price falls down to just above where it's profitable to mine with an s9 let alone the industrial asics. the ability to buy more cheap is there and you sour weak hands, they unload out of fear. it's only been like 5 months since the peak and countless comments now are very bearish. these people have likely sold and want to see it either burn or go lower. if it doesn't they will eventually fomo pushing prices right over that december high as they will now be competing with even more people over that small number of available bitcoins.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Avada77-Corporation on May 14, 2018, 01:23:44 PM
Tatsuaki nakamoto,

projet recovery by NSA for quantum energy.

By who , Why.

for me

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: yoseph on May 14, 2018, 07:25:28 PM
I don’t think even the FBI will create a system that they don’t have total control over. Since they would want to be ahead of anything if it was true then they would have arrested and frozen the funds of all those who use bitcoins for criminal purposes.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Derizo on June 28, 2018, 03:34:13 PM
i dont think the fbi could be behind satoshi nakomoto because bitcoin is one of the most successful busineess ever know. and i unerstand the the government are more focused on secret oranization! 

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: Strufmbae on June 28, 2018, 05:24:37 PM
Quote from: leonair link=topic=3106795.msg32333032#msg32333032


It is so very interesting How the story goes, The Op controversy wants an answer if satoshi nakamoto is an FBI or the FBI,  but the conversation between the qouted statement turns out to be an interesting idea to dig in ; is satoshi nakamoto part of the rothschild's family in connection to the FBI  system?? Or He is more than to that.  Is He also a part of a big gang organization the yakuza since he is a japanese. Want more ideas from the discussion please (watching).

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on June 28, 2018, 05:28:25 PM
I mean you can never know but I don't see the logic on why Satoshi can be the FBI.
To those who don't know, the FBI is an investigative agency.  They're cops.  Why would they have developed bitcoin?  That's so far out of their competence circle, it's a ridiculous suggestion.

Not saying Satoshi isn't a government agency, because I've long thought he might be, and that "he" isn't just one person at all.  I just have no idea which agency it would be.

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: nikoskakan on June 28, 2018, 09:37:06 PM
of course it can be!

Title: Re: Can FBI be Satoshi Nakomoto ?
Post by: CryptAssist on June 29, 2018, 06:19:11 AM
Why the FBI and not the the CIA or the NSA or KGB? Anyway, if a government agency made it, I would suspect it was an experiment in how digital currency could work that was then leaked. That would explain the small supply. Or maybe like TOR it was a military experimenting with potential ways to overthrow the banking system. One could theorize all day.