Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: squatz1 on March 12, 2018, 02:55:11 PM

Title: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: squatz1 on March 12, 2018, 02:55:11 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: BrewMaster on March 12, 2018, 03:20:58 PM
maybe the same reason why they get involved with a whole lot of other shady stuff, the greed!
it actually seems to be a strong driving force in the cryptocurrency market. people even buy bitcoin out of  greed, they want to get rich overnight, and don't get me started on altcoins and their pump and dumps.
so the same thing is true about  bitconnect and all the similar projects. people get involved with them because they think they can make money, they sometimes even close their eyes on facts because all they see is money!

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Xavofat on March 12, 2018, 03:58:17 PM
Part of it is the cult-like mentality.  After a certain point, people cease to start looking at it by the quality of the system but by how it's worked out already.  Just like all other Ponzi schemes, they paid out good returns at the start, which led participants to jump in and protect each other's irrational beliefs by thinking about the people who had gained money before them.

Before this mentality forms though, it's mainly just based on greed.  People aren't used to scams, so they just participate in whatever looks vaguely legitimate to them.

Scammers are also notoriously sociable - they're masters of persuasion.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Doge dealer on March 12, 2018, 04:34:22 PM
this is because they promised good returns ,they succeeded in getting people to buy in because we did not do our due intelligence , most people do not seek to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and information so they can make informed decisions and choices, most people only listened and followed and we all know the result.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: yoseph on March 12, 2018, 04:37:24 PM
this is because they promised good returns ,they succeeded in getting people to buy in because we did not do our due intelligence , most people do not seek to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and information so they can make informed decisions and choices, most people only listened and followed and we all know the result.
True and we can all agree that nothing entices a person more than the prospects of him/her making more money even though the whole thing seems to be highly suspicious in the first place,

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: tora on March 12, 2018, 04:50:11 PM
The simple answer is pure greed. Some saw a way to make easy money and plenty of it. Before investing potential buyers should ask themselves how someone can make such high returns yet they themselves cannot.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: squatz1 on March 12, 2018, 05:08:11 PM
this is because they promised good returns ,they succeeded in getting people to buy in because we did not do our due intelligence , most people do not seek to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and information so they can make informed decisions and choices, most people only listened and followed and we all know the result.

I think a lot of people got involved as well because they saw that others were gaining money, when you see others saying that it's working out you're going to be quicker to follow them. Plus, I think bitconnect was able to survive because the bitcoin price was increasing a massive amount and they were able to say they were making gains.

Once it went to shit, that was the end of bitconnect.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: beskid on March 12, 2018, 05:09:33 PM
People who invested in Bitconnect were driven by a thirst to earn easy money. More so, all this was happening against the backdrop of the colossal growth of bitcoin.  From the very beginning it was clear that there is a big chance not to have time to withdraw your funds.  And those who were cleverer, but still got there, had to withdraw the initial investment at the first opportunity.  And then it would be possible to take risks.  I use the same strategy even in normal ICO projects.  Earned normally - withdrew the enclosed and part of the profit and into the next project.  And the rest is not so pathetic, it may disappear, or bring more revenue.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Aura on March 12, 2018, 05:15:14 PM
Humans are born greedy, at least most of us. I am pretty sure that the people who participated knew the risks but ignored them because they knew there were people making tons of money by doing nothing and these people didn't want to miss that boat. Sadly for them, there doubts became reality.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: cho99 on March 12, 2018, 05:23:59 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
People are greedy and specially very stupid to believe and invest their money on that scam project , this is my answer for your question , what I want really to ask now is why you 're creating a topic on bitcoin discussion where we should only talk about bitcoin . So first of all this is not the right place for this discussion . Second you talk about a scamming dead coin who is already dead since January and no one is giving a damn shitt about it so WTF dude , you didn't find something more interesting to talk about it ?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on March 12, 2018, 07:26:22 PM
You really cannot blame anyone for that,there were people endorsing the coin and there were who are calling it a scam,one thing everyone must understand is that most of the people in cryptocurrency is interested in making the profit in a short period of time and if they find a good project on the outside they will jump into it without learning about the entire structure and that is the problem faced by the people who invested in it and held for a long time.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: tomahawk9 on March 12, 2018, 08:00:19 PM
Sure, there were a lot of red flags that people should've noticed, and a lot of warnings about bitcoinnect being a scam, but you need to understand that not everyone does (or wants to do) a proper research before 'investing' in X or Y cryptocurrency.

Most of the people who fell for this scam were newcomers who gave in to greed, they lacked understanding/knowledge about cryptocurrencies so, in this context, they fell for one of the most common cognitive biases: Authority Bias. They were inclined to follow someone who was seen as an authority figure (for example, the youtubers who "made a lot of money" and kept creating hype about bitcoinnect, or other people on social media), as newcomers they didn't feel the need to do a research about bitconnect because, in their eyes, those in "power" are recommending others to invest in bitconnect.

So, overall, people fell for the bitconnect scam because of a combination of naivety, greed, lack of knowledge, and most importantly, stupidity.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: diouf67 on March 12, 2018, 08:01:59 PM
There are two reasons, greed and stupidity but ultimately they become one. Stupidity remains as stupidity - if you cannot identify the very obvious warning signs then there's little hope for you in a dangerous financial environment. Greed turns in to stupidity as people ignore the obvious signs in front of them in favour of their greed.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 12, 2018, 08:03:40 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Greed make people easily ignore the warning signs, however big they are.
Greed and lack of experience is a bad combo and we are in a world everybody wants to get rich quick. And people forget to think "isn't this too good to be true?"

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: smoothenough on March 12, 2018, 08:04:40 PM
maybe the same reason why they get involved with a whole lot of other shady stuff, the greed!
it actually seems to be a strong driving force in the cryptocurrency market. people even buy bitcoin out of  greed, they want to get rich overnight, and don't get me started on altcoins and their pump and dumps.
so the same thing is true about  bitconnect and all the similar projects. people get involved with them because they think they can make money, they sometimes even close their eyes on facts because all they see is money!

Completely agree with this, people is dumb by nature and prefer the easy path to read, get informed and use their judgement to determine whether or not what they are doing is fine. This is the reason why scams exist and will always exist

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: silent17 on March 12, 2018, 08:14:32 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

I ask myself the same question before, I have known bitconnect before I even started to fully understand the cryptocurrency. I also see this warning sign but many of the users of bitconnect doesn't believe them because they say that they really do earn from bitconnect. That the reason I conclude that some people just wanted to earn money the easy way. They don't think about what going to happen to some people who are late to invest.

I ask some of the people who join a pyramid scheme and they say that as long as they earn big money. they don't care at its review.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: JohnHero on March 12, 2018, 08:21:56 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

I don't think anyone expected it to drop so dramatically. Crypto is still something new, so we all learn from mistakes. Ours or the mistakes of others.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: coinycoiny on March 12, 2018, 08:22:41 PM

Same as everyone really.

Companies, virtual currencies, properties, precious metals.

Buy it today if you think you can get your money back plus a bit.

What's the next one to go pop?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: boltz on March 12, 2018, 08:26:44 PM
Because the mirrage of getting rich instantly worked so well and many lost their life's sad but I hope lesson is learned and people will stay away from this kind of project and scams and better buy some bitcoin instead.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on March 12, 2018, 08:32:08 PM
Crypto is considered as easy way to make some good bucks by newbie investors so they try to find programs which claims high return per month or even daily basis. BitConnect claims to be a mining and trading company which many newbie believe as true because they don't have any idea on how mining and trading works in crypto world. This belief was also fueled by some so called crypto expert YouTubers who promoted this Ponzi for commission.

If return is high and there is referral program attached it's better to not invest in those projects.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: HashFace on March 12, 2018, 08:36:16 PM
For some it is just greed and stupidity, ignoring the multiple warning signs and the vast majority of people here advising people stay away.  But, believe it or not, there are people out there that try to get into the pyramid/ponzi schemes in the beginning, make some money, and cash out before the inevitable crash. These are the same people who promote it and try to get other people in so they can make more money.  

I mean, I see people here asking "What's a good HYIP to get into?"  That's basically what BitConnect was.  They know it is a scam, but the scam usually pays for a couple of weeks or months ... I think it's nuts but people do it, someone is left holding the bag.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ciciteng on March 12, 2018, 08:40:55 PM
Its just human nature; *greed*
They dont really understand the business model behind it. Just really blinded by fake testimonial without thinking further on what cause of that.
It's really fishy since the beginning if you really follow them since the price around 5 bucks.
So, please careful if you want to join those kind of business model, do research. Don't just buy what people says.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: on March 12, 2018, 08:48:41 PM
Quick easy money, people knew it was a scam but participated anyway.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Irunbounties on March 12, 2018, 08:56:07 PM
Quick easy money, people knew it was a scam but participated anyway.

Quick easy money and a nice website, that is all.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 12, 2018, 08:58:53 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Because of "GREED" which this is the main reason why do people make themselves involve into thise very obvious Ponzi scheme and being advised and warned out people for hundred times but it ends up on being neglected or doesn't make or pay attention to it and now when they lose up money they are regretting and crying which I do see a deserving thing for them.I didn't get involved myself into this project because in my first impressions this wont really sustain for long runs.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: herecomesjohnny on March 12, 2018, 09:05:56 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Humans are greedy and hungry for the money. In this world where the money is the spinning wheel that turns the world around the false promises that look absolutely fantastic to the individuals can be very attractive to the same. Bitconnect promises and plans were too good to be true but this certain type of the people in the search for the easy profit is not worried about the possible scams. For them, the scam is something that will not touch them! These type of the people are actually the ones that were hoping to get on the in another train like the Bitcoin investors in 2010 did.

Even if the reveal has shaken the investors there will still be a lot of more projects and coins that will attract these greedy types of people because of the easy profit smell that is unavoidable for them.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: tornikejr on March 12, 2018, 09:11:50 PM
People invested in Bitconnect, because they wanted to be rich overnight, but when project is promising returns that is too big to be true as usually it is scam.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: djibril cisse on March 12, 2018, 09:19:37 PM
it was very well promoted on youtube and it promised things that aren't possible. and once people are invested they are likely to refuse everything negative as fud. they stay in the same circle and get brainwashed.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Crypdon on March 12, 2018, 09:28:49 PM
It is because some people were actually getting rich from it. In a ponzi scheme like that it is inevitable that one day it will collapse but it was doing extremely well and people just wanted to get rich quick. There were people bragging about how many bitcoins they made, this enticed others, and then sadly it all went downhill.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: fatirborju on March 12, 2018, 09:44:30 PM
Due to the fields for lucrative investments in the future And the ever-rising prices become one of the biggest reasons why so many people are looking to invest in bitconnect and they just want to get a faster profit ....

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: digaran on March 12, 2018, 10:16:51 PM
Because of $100 Million and 20 shills. try investing $100 Million on a total scam token as activity token, shill for it with accounts other than my only account  and see what happens. rename the coin and replace me with a dedicated team of scammers. money will come. 9 from 10 are doing this, every facking day.

If you are an idiot, you would buy my tokens. and if I'm a scammer, I would let you to buy them. how many people are announcing a new coin every day? they are all total scams. no exception.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: vv181 on March 13, 2018, 05:47:27 AM
I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Because those kinds of people are the one who wants an easy way to make sums of money, they didn't want to work hard to achieve a wealth, and they didn't enjoy the process of making it. They blinded by a solution to get a get-rich-quick scheme type of investments. And personally, Bitconnect even though it clearly shows it's a scam, but the team is clearly capable of manipulating a lot of people.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: shadowdio on March 13, 2018, 06:30:11 AM
because bitconnect looks legit and many people believe that bitconnect will go to the moon, plus carlos matos convinced people that he promised to all investors that they will rich together if you invest in bitconnect, then people fall for it and invested their life savings.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: paul00 on March 13, 2018, 03:47:37 PM
It is not like all people who joined Bitconnect knows that it is scam in the first place until they had experience of being scammed by it. Those people who joined got bittend by the promises of having your money double or even tripled in a fast and easy way. I think there are really people who tend to be persuaded with this kind of promises especially when they were able to earn something on the first time and just get scammed once they have fully trusted it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Jorosss on March 13, 2018, 04:02:55 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

They want to risk their money, a high daily interest offer of bitconnect for lending from their investment is one the reason why they choose to join despite of those warnings from other that bitconnect is a ponzi scheme. People are getting greedy so they always ended up losing like what happened.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: moynul2050 on March 13, 2018, 10:56:09 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

They want to risk their money, a high daily interest offer of bitconnect for lending from their investment is one the reason why they choose to join despite of those warnings from other that bitconnect is a ponzi scheme. People are getting greedy so they always ended up losing like what happened.
Greed makes them forget the investment risk. they think fast to make money but do not analyze the investment method is good and right.
Finally they screamed by the bitconect they had become poor.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: 9jaflick on March 13, 2018, 11:14:55 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
must people invest on this pyramid scheme or should i call it ponzi scheme, out of greediness, they want to get rich  over night, they never care to read the handwritten  on the wall

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: darkangel11 on March 14, 2018, 12:00:34 AM
You really don't know why? Because of wasaaaa wasaaa wasaaaaa BITCONEEEEEEEEEEECT! ;D

Sure it was greed, but also a lot of high hopes. They were seeing all these people telling them that it's a great investment and how they are making tons of money every month.
The problem is that when all those people are making money and you're not yer in, it means that you are on the bottom of the pyramid  ;)

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: conanmori on March 14, 2018, 12:07:00 AM
Yeah i dont know why thy invested on that scam. I even told to my friend that its a scam and sell the coin why the price is high and yet he never listen in the end he lose big. I dont even know how people believe it that ponzhi scheme strat yeah it will start a big price at the begining but when people stop investing you lose it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bitcoinpeople1 on March 15, 2018, 01:44:33 PM
I believe it was pure greed, they saw some incredible numbers and they believed bitconnect would make them millions in a short time so they went into it in droves. People sold properties and emptied accounts to get into that scam. I felt so bad for them, but at the end, it was their own greed which did them all in.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: paulmaritz on March 15, 2018, 01:52:23 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Those who got involved knowing that it is a scam are no better than the main scammers themselves. They got involved with the hope of making a killing - in effect stealing from others - and getting out early.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bakujo0817 on March 15, 2018, 02:02:09 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
because many people like earning big while doing nothing and seeing others successful earning in bitconnect and fear that they will left behind if they dont invest not thinking what they entering.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: idgaf007 on March 18, 2018, 01:01:50 PM
It's because they want easy money plus bitconnect is advertised usually by a close friend or someone they know who already earned by investing. They just passed it through referals and word by mouth advertising. Then the people got hyped.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Girtod on March 18, 2018, 04:31:58 PM
There are two reasons: the low level of financial literacy, that is, people just do not understand what they are going to do. The second-people who are prone to risk, understand that in front of them is a financial pyramid, but they want to risk and think that they have enough ingenuity at the right time to withdraw money.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Corsicoin on March 18, 2018, 04:35:12 PM
Seriously how can you resist this guy :

The world is not gonna be like it use to be anymore ! ^^

Still laugh about it one time a day  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: European Central Bank on March 18, 2018, 04:51:52 PM
9.9 times out of 10 people know perfectly well what they're exposing themselves to deep down, they just refuse to acknowledge it to themselves and believe bad things will happen to other people. It was as textbook a ponzi as humanly possible, so much so it was almost like satire.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Silberman on March 18, 2018, 05:19:10 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
It is always the same reason, people know something shady is going on but they do not care as long as they can get their profits so they ignore all the warning signs and as long as their investment is working for them then they are willing to invest in such a project despite the risks, this is why you see many projects in cryptocurrencies that are very clearly scams but people keep investing in them.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: fetokun on March 18, 2018, 05:53:34 PM
Greed. The greed of huge returns can make a person ignore basic research to be done on a coin. Bitconnect was mostly promoted through youtube by guys with huge followings and since it was promoted by someone they trusted they bought the coin based on its hype and didn't do any research on it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Weirdwas on March 20, 2018, 11:10:42 AM
One of the things that drives humans to do much evil. Pure greed. They see numbers and they believe they can get rich overnight without trying and they all end up being scammed

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: niteroy on March 20, 2018, 03:27:18 PM
The simple answer is pure greed. Some saw a way to make easy money and plenty of it. Before investing potential buyers should ask themselves how someone can make such high returns yet they themselves cannot.
Yes, greed and the desire to earn quickly without exerting special efforts pushed people to the rash purchase of Bitconnect. Now there are many projects on the Internet that are inherently a typical pyramid and have nothing to do with crypto currencies, but the creators of such projects continue to work on the greed and stupidity of people. With Bitconnect, the situation has developed so much that many people have heard about bitcoin and have not figured out blockchain technology, what is real bitcoin and cryptocurrency, have invested their money in this pyramid, whose name was similar to Bitcoin. The banal reluctance to understand and study where they are investing their money has led to the fact that many have lost their money. Nobody canceled the "instinct of the crowd".

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Silberman on March 22, 2018, 05:55:33 PM
9.9 times out of 10 people know perfectly well what they're exposing themselves to deep down, they just refuse to acknowledge it to themselves and believe bad things will happen to other people. It was as textbook a ponzi as humanly possible, so much so it was almost like satire.
People have a tendency to see themselves as exceptional beings they think only good things will happen to them and that bad things only happen to other people, this kind of mentality is what causes many accidents and problems around the world some people think they are invulnerable and that things will always go their way then they find too late that is not the case.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Sayed Rifat on March 22, 2018, 06:51:23 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Bitcoin can wear many hats in this world, but it is first and foremost a prime example of how a currency not issued by a government or central bank can work just fine. That does not mean any cryptocurrency will make it, though, as there are plenty of useless altcoins to be found as well. For this reason people involved in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Razick on March 22, 2018, 07:17:46 PM
I think the answer to this one is quite simple. It was obviously greed. There was no way bitconnect could have kept going and it was painfully obvious that it was a ponzi scheme but people wouldn't listen when you told them because they believed bitconnect would make them crypto millionaires in a very short time. When it ended, it dawned on them that they made a grave mistake but by then it was already too late.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: wolfracer on March 22, 2018, 07:39:23 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Because all the people involved in bitconnect were greedy and ignorant, and they didn't pay attention to the people that gave proof of bitconnect being a scam, and there were people that promoted them via Youtube, IG. Those people caught by promoters didn't know anything about cryptocurrencies, and they were convinced that putting money into this program will lead them becoming rich.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: daarul50 on March 22, 2018, 07:46:24 PM
Since the beginning, many people have recommended that bitconnect is a scam project. however, there are still many people involved in the bitconnect project. greed makes them really lose. I suggest doing not be tempted by projects that promise you quick profits because it makes no sense. Successful people will never succeed if they do not experience a long process first to achieve success.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: pratik009 on March 22, 2018, 07:49:50 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Yes you are right.Many of poeple know that bitconnct is scam but some of people still don't know about it.The members of bitconnct got good profites from bitconnct platform beacause it gave daily intrest on thier investment to all they earned good amount of profit and they told this things to other people and that is the reason,why people got involved in bitconnct.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Adioliver on March 28, 2018, 06:57:55 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Well I guess their community had a great manager and he might have played trick with his words when questions were raised against bitconnect.From my experience I have experienced that people managing communities can be really effective whether an ICO be a success or not.So I believe that bitconnect had a good community manager.And the most important point here is greed off course.People fall for false promises which promises them to make them rich overnight.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: NoviceInvestor on March 28, 2018, 06:58:16 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Pyramid schemes are often very popular. Fundamentally people want to believe that they can get rich quick with no real effort on their part. So, greed clouds their reasoning, and they fall for utterly ridiculous scams.

All they need to do is create any hook that people can latch onto that 'it's different this time', such as turning the pyramid upside down or calling it a chart.


It has happened huge numbers of times, and will continue to happen as long as human nature doesn't change.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Silberman on April 03, 2018, 08:34:45 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Pyramid schemes are often very popular. Fundamentally people want to believe that they can get rich quick with no real effort on their part. So, greed clouds their reasoning, and they fall for utterly ridiculous scams.

All they need to do is create any hook that people can latch onto that 'it's different this time', such as turning the pyramid upside down or calling it a chart.


It has happened huge numbers of times, and will continue to happen as long as human nature doesn't change.
People want to believe that they can earn a significant amount of money without any effort but anyone that has in fact go to the trouble to earn a lot of money know that is not easy at all, you need to work very hard for long hours in order to make money, that is what they do not see they only see the person with a nice house and a nice car and think that he got that easily but they do not see all the effort he made in order to get that.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: toral host25 on April 17, 2018, 03:00:13 PM
I think People invested in Bitconnect, because they wanted to be rich supper fast, but when project is promising returns that is too big to be true as usually it is scam.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: enhu on April 17, 2018, 03:04:20 PM

The coin were constantly rising up like it weren't dumped by investors. Also there were local ambassadors I guess who help the promotion of the coin and that these ambassadors are making conferences to local people convincing people to invest without any idea about what could happen. I see them on facebook pages bragging and making selfies of them earning weekly from bitconnect.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: fritzwalter195 on April 17, 2018, 03:17:27 PM
It was just another scam like any other, the product may differ but it all has the same purpose, to fool you. Their main public were people who probably didn't knew much or nothing at all about cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: KingScorpio on April 17, 2018, 03:19:00 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

all cryptocurrencies are pyramid schemes decentral cryptocurrencies dont exist, its only called decentral because its not controll by the central bank it still has a new center though

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: azhariejaya on April 17, 2018, 04:22:31 PM
Many people are tempted by the big profits that bitconnect and similar programs offer even though they know there is a big risk of the benefits offered. People who suffered losses from bitconnect and other similar projects, they didn't need to regret and should take the lesson that wealth can't be obtained easily.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: 7788bitcoin on April 17, 2018, 07:02:16 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
It is evident, people are willing to risk their money even if they know it is a scam, they just want to make the profit they can and get out, but unfortunately some people got stuck and lost a lot of money, i had my reservations for investing in some of the coins and bitconnect was one of them, hopefully people will understand the difference between a good project and a scam atleast now.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: vipaleks on May 07, 2018, 08:24:21 PM
With the goal of earning money quickly on a hipe

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Anarchist on May 07, 2018, 08:47:46 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

all cryptocurrencies are pyramid schemes decentral cryptocurrencies dont exist, its only called decentral because its not controll by the central bank it still has a new center though


a currency using cryptographic protocols, how it can be a Ponzi? It's like saying bank notes are a pyramid scheme because it uses paper...

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: nerlial on May 07, 2018, 08:51:29 PM
Because it's interesting. You risk something and you can make a profit. I like to take risks. Bitcoin can keep your nerves in suspense this is so much fun.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Harrow30 on May 07, 2018, 08:54:56 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

As much as the signs were everywhere on the internet, people still stocked to it because it was yielding results; spanning 6months for them already. I had a close friend who had all his investment deposited in it and was cashing out at will. I believe he was just so so sure because of the fact that bitconnect was being traded genuinely.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Moana on May 07, 2018, 09:39:43 PM
People are blinded by greed. Getting involved in Bitconnect allowed them to dream to become rich quickly. The dream was a stronger attractor than a reality check. In such conditions, people would become deaf and blind if that's necessary to protect their dreams and illusions.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: aioc on May 07, 2018, 09:47:36 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

I think deception in marketing is one of the contributing factors why people invest here, they were promised a huge dividend just by lending them their Bitconnectcoin, some of the early investors are posting earning and payout stats, that is why many investors are lured to this scheme.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Ankhesenamun on May 13, 2018, 09:02:09 PM
People were involved because they wanted easy money. Many thought that they pyramid is not over and they will have time to grab a piece. If there is an opportunity to earn easily any Scam does not seem so dangerous.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: supelle.born on May 13, 2018, 09:20:12 PM
This is simple because getting rich is the dream of most people who invest in the crypto market and these scam projects have the power to trick investors with easy profits

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: coinlawyer on May 13, 2018, 09:23:46 PM
Because  there wil be always people that need cheap or free money without doing their  own research.
Just imagine what gains have made the team of Bitconnect if they would continue their game.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: taraku78 on May 13, 2018, 09:36:58 PM
Because they're thinking about easy money and didn't think about the business itself as Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 13, 2018, 09:52:41 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

simply reason why people get envolved in bitconnect even have many accusation that bitconnect are scams but people try to invest and join in bitconnect because they want earn fast people joining in bitconnect is gamble  big big big possible to lose their investment.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Sandus_Cryptolover on May 13, 2018, 09:59:42 PM
I feel people got involved to make a quick gain out of it, thereby luring more and more people into it. Was skeptical though as I saw how much people were into it with aggressive marketing.

Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: hhk1045 on May 13, 2018, 10:04:09 PM
Because some people want to become rich without working and taking a risk. However, these ponzi schemes are much riskier and always take greed people's money.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: jemine on May 13, 2018, 10:08:11 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Alot of people doesn't look at the potentials of a coin as long as its increasing they are OK and will jump all in. There are other projects that are still in exchange rite now and are worse than bitconnect people are still buying cos it gives them huge profit.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: walemil on May 13, 2018, 10:34:45 PM
People got involved with bitconnect because of the juicy returns promised by the scheme and truly they kept to this promise to raise people's hope and lure them into the scheme. So many similar lending platforms still duped so many people even after the exit of bit connect. It is a trend that may not change till we have a perfect system.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: snaper14 on May 13, 2018, 11:05:59 PM
people believe that there is an easy money in market by seeing just a few getting rich, the ponzi schemes like bitconnect have been around and so many times even before the crypto, I witnessed it with my own eyes but people are greedy and when you promise them to earn just by doing nothing they fall for it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: simpleholmes on May 13, 2018, 11:26:14 PM
Greed is the enemy of humanity and when we can`t control it the consequences can become fatal, so I guess the greed made people to avoid all the warnings and fall for this kind of scams.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: freshm4ker on May 13, 2018, 11:46:00 PM
They want the easy money plus bitconnect advertised usually by close friends or someone they know who has already invested. With word for advertisement they pass references and where people are humiliated.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: RAAAMA on May 13, 2018, 11:49:52 PM
What I see is people wanted to have a huge return in a very quick period of time. Therefore, people jump into the opportunity. Have some few relatives went into this because of the return they saw from others. Then suddenly, the market crash and most of the new investor suffers.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bhadz on May 13, 2018, 11:52:25 PM
Greed is the enemy of humanity
Not only those investors who got involved in bitconnect are greedy. The way did bitconnect advertised was encouraging and the most target of it are those people who are gullible with very few words. And if you guys watched on how Carlos Matos act on one of the marketing video of bitconnect, investors who lacked of knowledge on it are baited.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Cutieh01 on May 14, 2018, 12:29:38 AM
Greed is the enemy of humanity
Not only those investors who got involved in bitconnect are greedy. The way did bitconnect advertised was encouraging and the most target of it are those people who are gullible with very few words. And if you guys watched on how Carlos Matos act on one of the marketing video of bitconnect, investors who lacked of knowledge on it are baited.

 People who are not knowledgable in cryptocurrency world are prone to be scam with this Bitconnect scam. This is like printing money without having to deal with dirty paper or ink. If  there is someone convince you to join bitconnect please take advantage of the open source blockchain to check out Bitconnect.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: racham02 on May 14, 2018, 01:12:57 AM
People get involved in bitconnect because people are Greedy and hungry for money and they want to earn money that is easy to get and faster, and become rich, people are very easily brainwashed, they do not analyze the money invested in bitconnect can be just wasted.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bloodyvio on May 14, 2018, 01:52:19 AM
just like any other ponzi scheme investment
they are promised a huge profit if they get a new member (referral)
that's bullshit

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: #dhabitamartha on May 14, 2018, 02:02:05 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

all do not know that it's a clear scam we're just trying to work and want to get wages from our work even though sometimes we get fooled and get no results. just spirit and spirit.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Sinecoin on May 14, 2018, 02:07:03 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

I think many people were in denial/were blinded by greed about the fact that it was a ponzi scheme and they wanted to make a quick buck after they saw everyone else making a lot of money from other ICO's.  Furthermore, bitconnect was being pushed by many so called youtube "influencers" who managed to convince many people to invest into it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: hoavantathan on May 14, 2018, 02:16:25 AM
bitconnect and the similar projects are scams. investors think they can make money easily and fast so they become greedy. that's how many people become sheeps

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: zngit on May 14, 2018, 02:23:39 AM
Because of almost perfect testimonies of the users who already experienced the benefits of bitconnect. Even me I will try whatever the item if there were already huge good testimonies about this trusted item. Bitconnect seems doing good. It helps the people to have an additional money in the pocket that's why people love it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: nidacoinlove on May 15, 2018, 03:32:00 PM
Greed is the enemy of humanity
Not only those investors who got involved in bitconnect are greedy. The way did bitconnect advertised was encouraging and the most target of it are those people who are gullible with very few words. And if you guys watched on how Carlos Matos act on one of the marketing video of bitconnect, investors who lacked of knowledge on it are baited.
An year ago when I joined this forum I used to see two things being discussed frequently.
1. Greed control.
2. Enhancement of knowledge to understand things better.

However people who believe in marketing stuff and throw their money by watching videos and stuff will always bear the consequences, such scams will keep happening.
I personally warned my friends to not to invest in bitconnect, most of us were lucky but only one went into it and what happened next, I hope you all are wise to understand.  ;D

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: taeewo on May 15, 2018, 05:16:28 PM
Because we want to make quick money, i also invested just $200 and saw announcement the following month they are closing..... so painful but those joined early makes cool money on it...

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ABIR HASAN on May 15, 2018, 05:24:31 PM
I think because Bitcoin helps to get plenty of money in the roaches and to be quick, so people are involved with Bitcoin. But I'm a Bounty hunter.
But I have no idea about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Kola on May 15, 2018, 05:26:21 PM
IF it exists and gives profit for its creator, it means ppl still like to be fooled, coz they like easy way to do smth, put yr money and wait for profit, but in bitcoin u have to learn and read first about it, because it is not a simple thing for a regular man, so thats why ppl do not see differents between ponzi shceme and the right way to investing into cryptos

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bhadz on May 15, 2018, 08:56:16 PM
Greed is the enemy of humanity
Not only those investors who got involved in bitconnect are greedy. The way did bitconnect advertised was encouraging and the most target of it are those people who are gullible with very few words. And if you guys watched on how Carlos Matos act on one of the marketing video of bitconnect, investors who lacked of knowledge on it are baited.

 People who are not knowledgable in cryptocurrency world are prone to be scam with this Bitconnect scam. This is like printing money without having to deal with dirty paper or ink. If  there is someone convince you to join bitconnect please take advantage of the open source blockchain to check out Bitconnect.
This is already done and they have exposed but it can't stop that there will be the scheme that will come out soon and will do the same thing as bitconnect did. What you must say if there's someone that is convincing you to invest to these scams, you must avoid and say no. There are group of people in my country that are circle of friends that encouraged everyone to invest to bitconnect and now they are broken.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ts sms on May 29, 2018, 10:15:21 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
We see people getting attracted to Bitcoin every day. Because of this, I think the good aspects of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency and it is a profitable project. People can get good profits while investing in bitcoin. Bitcoin's popularity is increasing day by day. The price of Taatara Bitakaywa is increasing rapidly day by day. Considering these good things, I think people are attracted to Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dodz031718 on May 29, 2018, 10:28:11 AM
Succees in getting people to buy bitcoin did not do our due intelligence.Most people do not seek to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and information so they can make informed decisions and choices.Some investors saw a way to make easy money and plenty of it.Before investing,investors should ask themselves how someone can make such high returns.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: kotulo on June 05, 2018, 02:51:24 AM
When it comes to the beginning, it is beneficial to everyone, having monthly interest until it loses its value reveals its true nature.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Arkham Knight on June 05, 2018, 03:27:50 AM
Because in a perspective of naive and gullible newbie, all they hear is nice and good things and they became deaf on all the negativities around it. Majority of people who invested in it does not really know cryptocurrency and that scam used it for their benefits.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Getcoinsite on June 05, 2018, 03:37:41 AM
maybe the same reason why they get involved with a whole lot of other shady stuff, the greed!
it actually seems to be a strong driving force in the cryptocurrency market. people even buy bitcoin out of  greed, they want to get rich overnight, and don't get me started on altcoins and their pump and dumps.
so the same thing is true about  bitconnect and all the similar projects. people get involved with them because they think they can make money, they sometimes even close their eyes on facts because all they see is money!
Got it dude,its the greediness whos bring them to become a victim.if greed is an attitude of individual theres always a chance to be always deals in scams,because they will only looks in profit not in the matter

Because in a perspective of naive and gullible newbie, all they hear is nice and good things and they became deaf on all the negativities around it. Majority of people who invested in it does not really know cryptocurrency and that scam used it for their benefits.
Not only newbie is the victim instead those oldies too but they become greed that why the intention becomes a worst case

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ChaChaiTL on June 05, 2018, 03:44:13 AM
We first need to confirm that BitConnect (BCC) is an electronic currency similar to Bitcoin (BTC) and other coin. Up until now, BitConnect was in the top 15 on the roster, so everyone involved They are also easier to understand and accept

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: david tien on June 05, 2018, 05:00:20 AM
People invested in Bitconnect, because they wanted to be rich overnight, but when project is promising returns that is too big to be true as usually it is scam.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: jaaeeeyyyy on June 05, 2018, 12:03:49 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
One reason might be because they ignored the signs. They ignored the warnings. In this industry, there is a fine line between what's scam abd what's legitimate. Maybe that's what they thought. Anotger reason might be because they got blinded by the promise of huge profits. That's why they invested blind foldedly and inevitably suffered the consequences later on.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: JumpHIGH on June 05, 2018, 12:10:45 PM
Usually signs are the inductions about the project is legit or fake. Once we ignore the signs there are more disadvantages in our way to join at bitconnect. Signs is very important to follows or to back off in one particular project.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Assface16678 on June 05, 2018, 12:14:16 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
They might have been blinded by the promise of even bigger profits than what's already existing in bitcoin that they overlooked the obvious and dubious things that go with bitconnect. Another reason might be because they are persuaded by other people and them, having no prior knowledge about the company and even sometimes to bitcoin, they invested.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Shimmiry on June 05, 2018, 12:37:02 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
A lot of people blindfoldedly invested in this scam giving bitconnect the benefit of the doubt and ignoring what the news and signs have been showing them. After all, there is a fine line between what's scam and what's legitimate in this industry. Another reason might be because of the fact that bitconnect promised huge potential profits and they have been blinded by it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: asraaf8687 on June 07, 2018, 05:29:37 AM
in our opinion bitcoin currency is considered the easiest to make dollar currency very easy by beginner investors, so they make sure and find programs that claim the highest returns every month or every day. This trade is believed by many new people to be true, maybe they do not know how mining or trading is operating in the crypto world.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: raidzero on June 07, 2018, 05:31:45 AM
I guess the best guess is that there are many people that are not so smart or want to get rich fast. So they dump their money anywhere and hope that they make quick money. Like alot of ICOs.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: asraaf8687 on June 07, 2018, 07:43:37 AM
to our knowledge from the beginning people have recommended that bitconnect is a project that ultimately becomes a scam. However, there are still people involved in it. the greed of being a real person at the end is totally defeated. we advise never to be tempted by things that promise bigger or totally unreasonable gains.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Kristina_2805 on June 13, 2018, 06:37:08 PM
Bitconnect was not a very prudent idea probably...Anyway, there's no doubt for me that cryptocurrencies are going to displace roughly 25% of national currencies by 2030. They’re just much more efficient, the way they run. They are not very liquid today, but that/s a question of time. Have you heard about Paytomat? Basically, it is a Decentralized System for Cryptocurrency Payments. I've checked their team and partners, quite impressive. They support 11 cryptocurrencies already, have many trustworthy partners like SONM, NEM, Hacken.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Hartmas on June 13, 2018, 06:43:52 PM
This is a very interesting scheme that uses a lot of elements of interest to a large society, at the moment also interested in a huge number of people, and it's probably convenient and interesting after all.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Chicksteen on June 13, 2018, 08:05:53 PM
this is because they promised good returns ,they succeeded in getting people to buy in because we did not do our due intelligence , most people do not seek to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and information so they can make informed decisions and choices, most people only listened and followed and we all know the result.

I think, people get involved in bitconnect that bitcoin  is to get insane returns on their investment. A better future is just something that you get with it. Also many people find Bitcoin very convenient as a method of payment as it protects their privacy online and prevents their cards from getting hacked.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: markk94 on June 24, 2018, 09:57:26 PM
Personally think that maybe they try to get the fast profit in a nick of time, not minding about when the bitconnect could be down in the terms of SCAM. The sad part is when people that join bitconnect doesn't suspect any scam thing from this project.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Bourney001 on June 24, 2018, 10:17:08 PM
To get money like most of us in crypto but ye idk why people did not afraid this ponzi

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: maruf_h20 on June 25, 2018, 10:12:17 AM
People are involved with Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is a well known coin or digital currency in the current market. Its circulation is increasing day by day. This is an interesting topic, which is why people are involved with John Bitcoin, and it is possible to earn money through it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Le Van Cuong on June 25, 2018, 10:23:25 AM
Initially Bicconnect was $ 1. Then it raised the price to nearly $ 300. Everybody invested in it. After that, it went bankrupt, at which time many people lost money

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: gabmen on June 25, 2018, 12:45:41 PM
Initially Bicconnect was $ 1. Then it raised the price to nearly $ 300. Everybody invested in it. After that, it went bankrupt, at which time many people lost money

The promise of easy quick money of course. Though sensible people would realize that bitconnect is offering something that's probably too good to be true and would avoid it. Sadly, a lot also seem to have been blinded and invested anyways which really didn't end well for most of them

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: vhroen on June 25, 2018, 03:57:30 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Simply because people want to earn huge money in a quick and easy way possible. That's human nature, admit it or not. Bitconnect is similar to  Hyip program before Bitcoin becomes a common word nowadays. Risk takers love this kind of program since they are adept at how the program works and enticing newbies to join make them even richer for referral commision they get. Newbies and people invested less were deemed to suffer the bad fate as they can't get their initial investment as quickly as big investors did. But even if you managed to get your seed money once the human nature calls and greed prevail within the person's sanity and investing them again that made their investments to disappear.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: cah ndablek on June 25, 2018, 05:30:14 PM
Maybe people tend to choose a bitconnet is in the affairs of looking for income very easily without having to work however, the risks that arise when playing are also very large and they must be ready to accept all the facts without blaming others.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: qwk on June 25, 2018, 06:40:49 PM
Funny to see that almost everybody seems to blame the victims.
Sure, people were greedy, they wanted to believe that the promised returns would make them rich, etc.

But let's not forget one important fact:
The culprits who committed the crime were the people behind the Ponzi scheme.
They deliberately played the emotions of their victims to make them believe in their false promises.

It's a common misunderstanding to blame the victims of fraud "because they should have seen it coming".
Those who were able to "see it coming" were not the victims.
Those who were unable to see through the veil of lies, false promises & peer pressure, were exactly that: unable.
It's not their fault.

Never blame the victims of a crime!

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Bolivar_Tony on June 28, 2018, 08:46:31 AM
The only reason why many people join the bitconnect is greed. Because so many people want to invest money and do not want to work And they still want to get a lot of money. should that they want to join the bitconnect

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Margaretlove on June 28, 2018, 08:56:58 AM

Because it brings huge profits. Participants initially brought in a lot of money. MLM is always the case.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: waichi on July 01, 2018, 01:18:48 PM
Because people don't have any idea what they are entering into as long as they see money will come in. Greed it is. People were being deceived of higher returns that is why even though many experts are telling to avoid or not to buy Bitconnect, they still buy because they want to take the risk because of significant money.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: acilona116 on July 01, 2018, 01:27:46 PM
Some didn't knew. FOMO was huge also. Some people are easily gets brain washed up when they see other gets profit out of it. It's human nature, to be jealous when someone gets easy money and gets angry they they realize they been scammed

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Jocelyn Gucilatar on July 01, 2018, 01:52:11 PM
I want to join this bitcoin coz I was so curious about this. I want to know how I earn extra money here at bitcoin

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: RamseyJoyce on July 01, 2018, 02:40:34 PM
I think because they want to make easy money, want to make more money, more profit. And many other people join because they see so many ads about bitconnect. There are also some participants who are introduced to invest

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: makutu on July 02, 2018, 05:19:56 AM
BCC is profitable, I guess who helps promote the coin and these ambassadors are holding conferences for local people to persuade people to invest without any idea of ​​what's possible. happening.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: silviyako on July 02, 2018, 03:14:21 PM
It's just greed. People want to jump to something that they think they can get monoey from without having the patience to even do some research and observe these warning signs.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Peter Bailey on July 14, 2018, 11:47:38 AM
I think it depends on when they invested, and what they actually thought they were investing in.
If someone thought it was a real investment platform that could continue forever, and not a limited time thing, then they may have over-invested and feel bad.
On the other hand, those people who thought it had a limited time probably made a calculated investment and aren’t too worried about any loss, or made a little profit.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: FurDich on July 25, 2018, 03:28:52 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
People get involve in bitconnect because of the interesting content of it . It brought your soul to join into it and helps you to gain so much money .

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: hessanseen on July 25, 2018, 03:32:16 AM
Most people just want to get wealth through this way. We have to say that this is somewhat like Ponzi scheme. Some people who enter the market early will be successful. This will drive more people to participate.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: toreserve on July 25, 2018, 03:36:57 AM
For me, It's just because they can earn unstoppable money from bitconnnect

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: wonderfulvn on July 25, 2018, 03:38:32 AM
Because they can see a great deal of potential when they get involved in bitconnect

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: necessaryyou on July 25, 2018, 03:59:22 AM
because of its foreseeable future, people start getting involved in bitconnect

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: mikyadel on July 25, 2018, 06:20:38 AM
Humans are greedy and lazy by nature ! everyone's dream is to put some money into these investment websites like bitconnect or its similars , cloud mining ,basically anything that can make them money consistently without any effort.that's why these schemes will never end  ???

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: adejoke444 on July 25, 2018, 06:24:09 AM
The same way people knows that ponzi scheme is risk and can fall any time, they all are thinking to make quick money on it and exit after some time while some is just for greediness.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: asevila on July 25, 2018, 06:33:29 AM
Humans are greedy and lazy by nature ! everyone's dream is to put some money into these investment websites like bitconnect or its similars , cloud mining ,basically anything that can make them money consistently without any effort.that's why these schemes will never end  ???
I'm totally agree with you. Humans are too lazy to do their own research, they tend to put some money in Ponzi scheme and wait for the Lambo. They don't even think, that all the Ponzis are simply scams. It is simply lazy human nature.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Jetakenare on July 25, 2018, 06:42:08 AM
Everyone keeps saying that people are lazy or greedy etc. Bitconnect advertised itself as a token with an opportunity to earn by investing same token into whatever trading the company saw fit. Was it really a pyramid scheme? Is it not possible to actually earn an income by trading currencies? I think a lot of factors contributed to the fall of bitconnect,least of which would be the bad blood resulting from the certain whales not wanting the little guy to make a profit. Same as what is happening to bitcoin. Massive sell off, negative press etc. Does this make bitcoin a scam?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: cipherb on July 25, 2018, 07:10:01 AM
Peoples get involved in this kind of scams because of their greed they want to make rich in one night, they wanna earn money without any struggle but one thing should be remember if we are investing in bitcoins then we need to struggle more for learning and market research also timing of market entry and exit. bitconnect was a scam and many reviews about it was negative but greediness always make loss for us.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: KKH84 on July 25, 2018, 07:13:35 AM
Because they are tempted to profit one of them is the available investment system that will get monthly profits up to 40% per month with a maximum period of 299 days and a minimum investment of $ 100. The invested capital will be refunded when 299 days have been met, perhaps this is one, which makes a lot of people willing to invest in bitconnect.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Crypto_Sassy on July 25, 2018, 07:15:33 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

I am wondering even with the examples of Bitconnect and Davor , they still fall for impressio.

Pure greed make people to take such kind of stupid decision.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Marachgalthena on July 25, 2018, 07:16:02 AM
BitConnect is a company, an exchange, and an open-source Bitcoin-based Cryptocurrency. It was launched in February 2016 and became one of the most successful cryptocurrencies by price up until the very beginning of 2018, with an all-time high of $463 per token last month (currently at about $12), and a market cap of about $2.7B USD.
BitConnect uses a “Referral Bonus” system which was heavily advertised by multiple YouTube crypto personalities that are now facing legal charges for their recommendations. The YouTubers would get higher and higher investment profits for referring more people. In fact, the BitConnect platform was built to recruit others and give the user higher rewards for referring others to join the network.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: DungPhan on July 25, 2018, 07:28:25 AM
Most of the time, friends ask about an unbelievable investment

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Dana-pasar on July 25, 2018, 07:32:33 AM
because a lot of them are investing in bitcoin. they want big profits. even they also want to have a better future than before by investing in bitcoin gan .

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dmcx on August 03, 2018, 07:22:00 PM
Bitcoin prices have dropped from $ 20,000 to $ 6,000 at the end of 2017 Because of the Bitconnect. If Bitconnect does not scam investors, the current Bitcoin price may be $ 30,000 or even $ 40,000. I am very sad for the development team Bitconnect. They have created a coin that has no ecosystem but has a very high price on the market. and they killed it

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bidadari22_ on August 03, 2018, 08:18:04 PM
I think because they like easy ways to do things,put your money and wait for profit,but in bitcoin you have to learn and read first about it,because it's not a simple thing for ordinary men,so that's why ppl doesn't see the difference between ponzi shceme and the right way to invest in cryptos.On the other hand, people who think they have limited time may make calculated investments and not worry too much about losing,or making a small profit.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ogabonny on August 03, 2018, 08:21:04 PM
Bitconnect seemed almost legit at the time, the market cap was a few billion dollars, so people started to think that it was alright after a while.It was the biggest ponzi in the space

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: cxmyifan16 on August 21, 2018, 11:08:33 PM
I don't think that it is the best idea to get involved in bitconnect because as for me it looks not very reliable. I consider ether much better compared to that one and I am going to buy it for the long-term hold

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: maloibtc on August 21, 2018, 11:16:28 PM
I can't understand why some people waste their time on the bitconnect but to my mind, this is the best way to earn using btc, as far as I know it is better to invest in btc and ether which are the best now

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dimastegar on August 21, 2018, 11:27:09 PM
Maybe they are following other people who have benefited from Bitconnect. In other words they are also captivated by the words of people who have already benefited.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: sunsilk on August 21, 2018, 11:28:51 PM
Maybe they are following other people who have benefited from Bitconnect. In other words they are also captivated by the words of people who have already benefited.
And they were all rekt after the biggest exit scam that the bitconnect developers did. We've got some news here that the bitconnect boss has been arrested.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: PalindromemordnilaP on August 21, 2018, 11:34:33 PM
I think that they're (the team behind this infamous scam) are very professional about what they're doing and they're good at it, IMO. Having fooled so many investors for a long time until it reached to the point that its price hits hundreds of dollars is a proof how good those people doing their thing.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Lexurdania on August 22, 2018, 01:59:18 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Some peoples like to ignore people warning and be stubborn. I am reading how sad bitconnect victim but they are already warned by others peoples so i think its their fault too.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Dbzcoin on August 22, 2018, 02:16:25 AM
Cypto currencies  is considered as easy way to make some good bucks by newbie investors so they try to find programs which claims high return per month or even daily basis. BitConnect claims to be a mining and trading company which many newbie believe as true because they don't have any idea on how mining and trading works in crypto world. This belief was also fueled by some so called crypto expert YouTubers who promoted this Ponzi for commission, this is so true lessons learned everyone please becareful where you put ypur coins

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: abanansah on August 22, 2018, 02:23:58 AM
Any suppose cryptocurrency investment that offers a consistence payment of interest is a totally scam or ponzi scheme and you don't need any one to tell you that you will part with your money. There is no certainty in cryptocurrency hence any crafted investment like bitconnect is bound to fail.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: suraza21 on August 22, 2018, 02:41:32 AM
Everyone who joins bitnetin connet here is where we can exchange information as well as we can exchange experience as well as exchange knowledge about bitcoin skills

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Caladonian on August 22, 2018, 02:52:59 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Some peoples like to ignore people warning and be stubborn. I am reading how sad bitconnect victim but they are already warned by others peoples so i think its their fault too.
That's right those who got victimized are once been advised not to invest or been told to do research before investing their money but because they've believed that it can be an easy money to earned as someone they've knew also already benefiting from the said ponzi they take the risk blindly and now
they can't blame anyone but their own mistake.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Menaka sandaruwan92 on August 22, 2018, 03:39:22 AM
Price up every year
Verry past bitcoin transar and payment
Digital currency
Online payment
I think main topic people involved bitconnect

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: FlexBrah on August 22, 2018, 04:08:42 AM
because there was a pretty attractive payout program one percent per day from your deposit. Some people to maked good money who went in from the very beginning

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Shubhamgill33 on August 22, 2018, 06:26:17 AM
The primary reason was greed and greed only. People fall into these schemes due to the heavy returns promised but they do not look out for the warning signs.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Kasliono on August 22, 2018, 06:36:21 AM
I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
The answer is simple, at that time, there is no one know and think that bitconnect is a scam at the beginning, Also about the news stuff, people did not believe that news in a day, same as bitcoin which have many news about it is a scam or a bubble, but why the investor still buying btc? Because the news is not always right, and the people do not believe that the newa is right

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: coinwizard_ on August 22, 2018, 06:44:47 AM
One could say the same thing about religious cults, it is clear they are run by a nutcase but people still believe it. Bitconnect had the figures and stats to prove they were making big money and will share it. However, only a ponzi can deliver such results but they took a chance anyway

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Siren on August 22, 2018, 06:54:09 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Its given already as you have mentioned lots of reason for these victims scape from being victimized but still they continue to invest theres only one main reason for this foolish movements,and that is GREED because they wanna earn big and faster they entered this scams..i know many users that invested in bitconnect and they are accepting the reality that it was being greed what drives them here

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Radio-Active on August 22, 2018, 11:54:41 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Maybe because they were just blindly believe about the projects ? Some peoples maybe were not doing any due diligence before join bitconnect.
Not mention that many scam ICOS scammed many peoples with a millions dollars worth! In crypto, you must very picky to choose the project.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: daoquanghuan on August 22, 2018, 12:23:17 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Me and many others know crypto thanks to bitconnect. Some early participants paid off and got a profit but I was not so lucky. I lost a lot of money because of it, so many people anticipated the very high risk in this project but still participated. Because of its terrible interest, when no one joins again, this model will collapse and many people will lose money >:(

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Coroline on August 22, 2018, 12:38:14 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
because that person is tempted because bitconnect prices always increase, and when people start to follow then prices will always increase, because we know that it is pyramid.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: prehisto on August 22, 2018, 12:45:59 PM
They did not know that it was a scam.

They did not want to see the red flags, they did concentrate on the big potential of getting rich also the crowd was investing this could be a big factor when talking about scams.
It was not the first and not the last , unfortunately people are not doing their research properly.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dlhezter on August 22, 2018, 01:03:48 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
Well even if it was obvious that was a pyramid scheme many people still support on it they was blind because many people post that they have an income even if it was fake income they are being greedy in promoting scam pyramid scheme then after the platform was run out then they will cry like a baby posting irritated messages regarding on that project that in the first place that was their fault because they are being blind in the income that wasn't true at all.
They did not know that it was a scam.

They did not want to see the red flags, they did concentrate on the big potential of getting rich also the crowd was investing this could be a big factor when talking about scams.
It was not the first and not the last , unfortunately people are not doing their research properly.
In short they are being greedy on the power of being rich they always think that if they join on it they will rich instantly they are not making research before they invest into some project and in result they will be scam and they always said that it is better to be scam than to do nothing they need to have proper knowledge on where they need to have an investment and they are so lazy on doing some research.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: gabmen on August 23, 2018, 01:31:38 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
because that person is tempted because bitconnect prices always increase, and when people start to follow then prices will always increase, because we know that it is pyramid.

Well for people that's new in crypto, curiosity would play a part since there are members who actually did make a lot of money during it's run. Unbelievably quick and easy way to make money will surely get a person's interest

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: alyssajane1982 on August 23, 2018, 01:37:41 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
because that person is tempted because bitconnect prices always increase, and when people start to follow then prices will always increase, because we know that it is pyramid.

Well for people that's new in crypto, curiosity would play a part since there are members who actually did make a lot of money during it's run. Unbelievably quick and easy way to make money will surely get a person's interest

Yes because of its popularity a lot of new investors got attracted to this and made investments, but now what just happened? I am so sad a lot of people are scammed by this site.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Baronggot on August 23, 2018, 01:44:28 PM
We can't prevent people to stop them from investing in bitconnect because there are also people around them who already earned big from that crypto without realizing that is a scam. People who wanted to get rich instantly or perhaps desperately can be the number one target of the said scam.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Cryptogid on August 23, 2018, 01:47:29 PM
bitconnect was actually an investment platform where people just stake money and receive a particular percent per month,it was a soft work requiring no strees at all,almost everyone that new about it loved it..thats one of the reason,its was kind of safe investing with them,

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: muarip on August 23, 2018, 01:50:01 PM
We can't prevent people to stop them from investing in bitconnect because there are also people around them who already earned big from that crypto without realizing that is a scam. People who wanted to get rich instantly or perhaps desperately can be the number one target of the said scam.

It can happen because if we don't study it then we will get a big loss and will stress thinking about what you have done.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: tunapa on August 24, 2018, 09:57:53 PM
The saying was rampant back then  but really its was a new dimension that blended crypto to another level. It was perfect and people embraced it. They did well . but the pattern couldn't sustain them. Coupled with threats from securities. The had to pack up.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: @ophiuchuss13 on August 24, 2018, 10:03:56 PM
I think that at the first time  it was curiosity, people are always interested in new things and put them initially like in the game, there where the  risks, the risks can bring good money  instantly. who invested in the past, now feels very well

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Yadamosan on August 26, 2018, 11:54:49 AM
Maybe the reason is the people always had a lust on them, lust to earn money as fast as they can but it's not easy that they're thinking on;Earning money is not easy but when you wait and be contented on what you had you will earn money on the right time, people want's to be rich on just 1click but that's will never happen because on this season that bitcoin is really down they need to get another work, and the greed is always with them so i think they they've get involved in bitconnect just because they want to earn money that easy as they're thingkin on but it's not just by clicking or posting it's about to risk.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: edisystem on August 27, 2018, 07:18:06 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Because people always greedy by looking at the percentage of profit you can earn for each day which is really nonsense but people always go for it. Pyramid scheme always ended with scam and yet people still invest on bitconnect. The stupid thing is many people complain and mad because get scammed by them lol.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: stallerstobtc on August 27, 2018, 11:25:58 PM
Early adopters know they will have a bigger part than the later majority that will get fucked up.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: setialovers on August 28, 2018, 12:11:17 AM
Many people who investing their money in market dont research first. They just buying and not looking for bad potential about bitconnect. But its a lesson for us in cryptomarket and hopely no more coin like bitconnect

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Jessica2009 on August 28, 2018, 12:24:00 AM
   Bitconnect was an exchange and an open source Bitcoin based cryptocurrency it was one of the most successful cryptocurrencies  by price until the beginning of  the year 2018 . It became unfamous when the Thailand conference appeared in you tube displaying an unreal behaviors from a guest speaker and after that the exchange collapsed . The Bitconnect coin was among the top 20 successful cryptocurrency tokens now the Bitconnect is saying that it has come under cyber attack .

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: MidKnight on August 28, 2018, 02:37:28 AM
  Bitconnect was an exchange and an open source Bitcoin based cryptocurrency it was one of the most successful cryptocurrencies  by price until the beginning of  the year 2018 . It became unfamous when the Thailand conference appeared in you tube displaying an unreal behaviors from a guest speaker and after that the exchange collapsed . The Bitconnect coin was among the top 20 successful cryptocurrency tokens now the Bitconnect is saying that it has come under cyber attack .

Successful crypto by price? It is simply just one of the successful scams in the cryptocurrency world. It was obvious right from the start but there are just some greedy bastards who used it and promoted their referrals to earn much more and make the people they fooled lose in the end.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Helex on August 28, 2018, 04:20:59 AM
Greed. It blinds humans, plus those youtube shillers and referral fishers played huge part in it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: binting on August 28, 2018, 04:29:25 AM
the big  reason why they get involved with a whole lot of other shady stuff, the greed it actually seems to be a strong driving force in the cryptocurrency market. people even buy bitcoin out of  greed, they want to get rich overnight, and don't get me started on altcoins and their pump and dumps,,so the same thing is true about  bitconnect and all the similar projects. people get involved with them because they think they can make money, they sometimes even close their eyes on facts because all they see is money involve.....

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: goodman4hire on August 28, 2018, 04:38:37 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

People want to get paid!  Financial freedom is the holy grail of having a half way decent life.  They saw an opportunity and rolled the dice.  Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: josephpogi on August 28, 2018, 04:43:32 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
i dont know all about bitconnect but i heared before that that is s scam type but i think  its just a fud do all people sell their coin in a low price and fud is a part in cryptocurrency because only whales can control or manipulate it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: StephKram on August 28, 2018, 05:08:54 AM
Greed.  Pure and simple.  If you take a coin and start raising the price people will jump in.  They don't even realize what they are getting into.  They just see the dollar signs.  Even if you told them it was a mistake they would most likely ignore you so there isn't much that can be done. 

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Davido1174 on August 28, 2018, 06:36:36 AM
What actually makes people to lose on such programs is as a result of greed and wanting to make more money as a result. This was why people got involved in it and many lost money in it

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: rose9696 on August 28, 2018, 06:43:51 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
I do not think people know it is a fraudulent coin. Investors who pour money into Bitcoin are not knowledgeable about Crypto. They are just greedy people and want fast money. Some people have been cheated because of lack of knowledge. I think that's the main reason.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Kekenapep on August 28, 2018, 07:55:29 AM
They promised good returns and people were blinded by greed,as they thought they could get rich through it,it has become a regular feauture in the crypto world,people delving into systems that don't look 100% due to greed or so

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Dinuka Sampath on August 28, 2018, 08:31:59 AM
As i think people can earn money for bitcoi.with work hard.and if we work with brain we can get a lot of profit form this.and they wanted crypto currency so they involved to bitcoi.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: aladlanie04 on August 28, 2018, 08:52:23 AM
people thought bitconnect is not ponzi they are paying daily interest lending exchange with bitcoinnect coin generally they don't study how they function people only think they get daily % from their investment and referral comission , but actually when money flows in bitconnect they paid out to members the truth is so many members into this bitconnect because of youtube and videos some people post the videos that they earning hugely than other's with investment blah blah  people get greedy and join into this ponzi scheme but finally blast out this scheme all money is gone.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: yitzjoe on August 28, 2018, 09:01:16 AM
when people will join the pyramid scheme they should really understand the risks because if we are in the middle position to the top then we will get fantastic profits but if we are on foot assuming we join at the end of time then we will lose all our funds

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: nutildah on August 28, 2018, 09:05:23 AM
Early adopters know they will have a bigger part than the later majority that will get fucked up.

Not necessarily. Early adopters in Ethconnect got zilch, like everybody else.

Every time you knowingly invest in a Ponzi scheme, be prepared to lose all. There's so many different Ponzis right now that keep attracting people; in addition to the arbitrage schemes there's a bunch of different cloud mining scemes. Every time you see the words "arbitrage" or "cloud mining," think SCAM in your head. You'll be better off.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: itsamemario on August 28, 2018, 09:11:06 AM
It has to be some level of greed.  It was pretty obvious I don't understand people who put their life on a complete gamble.  I hope nobody lost everything.  Good people are often more willing to try things that might not be positive for them, it's stupid and sad.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: boyshx on August 28, 2018, 09:16:42 AM
There is simple fact for this one, people love free money and when the bitconnect came in as forked coin then surely everyone would wanted to have the chances of getting this coin and sell it as soon as they got their hands on it. But the project founder was also smart, he literally pumped the coin artificially and people started to think that its all new coin that will overcome the bitcoin prices in no time and thus in very short term other people also invested heavily into this coin and then it got even pumped more. But this was failure to not to understand the coin properly and everyone got scammed later on.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: sammyp on August 28, 2018, 09:23:32 AM
I’m not a victim but it’s the “Oliver Twist” ( I want more) in us. Even as at the time it became very clear that bitconnect was a scam, a friend of mine still had some greed in him. He invested in bitconnect when it came down as low $3 and asked me to watch him sell at $50 within a week. I’m still waiting for him to sell and take me to lunch from that profit. It’s simply the greed in us that makes us ignore the word “scam”.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: itsamemario on August 28, 2018, 09:29:03 AM
I think people hope they can get in and out before it goes bust.  Then when they see they actually get paid for a period of time, they want to start believing that it's really that good, so they find information and ideas to back the 1% part of their mind that says hey, what if it is real. And then... reality.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: nutildah on August 28, 2018, 10:08:55 AM
i was also invested my 5000$  ino bitconnect,  and i lost all my 5000$    but now i found another website for investment  , the website is geniun  because  the website owner floyd is live in chicago and they are genrating profit by our paykeyy shopping malls,  site  is
i am tracking the website since 4 months they guys paying in real and they have really shopping malls in chicago , so i think we can try paykeyy with little amount ,

Your website, paykeyy, is absolutely 100% a scam. It's simply another Ponzi scheme. Any time any "program" offers guaranteed returns, especially as high as this one, its definitely a scam. You might get back some of your capital but I bet you anything you will not get back your original investment.

I notice you selected "Test." In that case you might get back $20 to $22. But that is to trick you into thinking the site is legitimate, which I guarantee you, is not.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Heleacce on August 28, 2018, 10:23:23 AM
People again fell for easy daily profit. They don't do any apropriate research, don't do simple math and that's the end result. If something sound too good to be true it is a scam.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Goodnuel on August 28, 2018, 10:29:23 AM
People do things for various reasons. But most join bitconnect because they wanted to a get rich quick scheme.. It did serve a few as the early birds were able to rip the late comers.. But a lot of persons joined even with the knowledge that it would not last. Some noobs were caught in the process.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: richman3451 on August 28, 2018, 10:59:03 AM
I do not think that bitcoin is a financial pyramid is a new future currency is the same digital money who says that crypto currency is a pyramid or bubble then I advise you to learn in detail the market itself and to see the optimal

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: btcprospecter on August 28, 2018, 11:16:14 AM
Unfortunately people believe there is a way to get rich quick around every corner. People get blinded by the profits they believe others are making and don't want to miss out.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: yonjitsu on August 28, 2018, 11:29:18 AM
I believe that these people are just victims of a pure SCAM. As they could see, there is an existing token and as the price is getting higher and higher, they become blinded about it without even realizing the danger they're in and yes, it's already too late before they know it's just a scam. Wanting to earn big profit can sometimes so catastrophic that you really never thought would happen to you.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Suketlapangan on August 28, 2018, 11:53:56 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

I don't think anyone expected it to drop so dramatically. Crypto is still something new, so we all learn from mistakes. Ours or the mistakes of others.

yes we all learn from each other here, find out what we didn't know before.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: alexlee4694 on August 28, 2018, 01:17:15 PM
people believe that there is an easy money in market by seeing just a few getting rich, the ponzi schemes like bitconnect have been around and so many times even before the crypto, the risks that arise when playing are also very large and they must be ready to accept all the facts without blaming others.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: itsamemario on August 28, 2018, 10:01:46 PM


Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: jugger1028 on August 28, 2018, 10:38:43 PM
Everyone picks one random coin and bets their life on it like it's going to be the next Bitcoin, they don't give a shit if it's a BS shill or a ponzi scheme, all they care about is buying a lottery ticket. "Oh it's only $200 bucks..." multiply that by 5000 and some Russian dude is walking away with a million dollars for making a $20 website and fake references on a forked block chain.

Multiply this by 1000, this is what the state of crypto is today. Thousands of fake coins, tokens, and master nodes with fantasies...

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: CrucialTechnology57 on September 01, 2018, 01:29:08 PM
People are always running towards the profitable schemes and they got the provre that it is the profitable scheme though it is a pyramid model.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: callyf on September 01, 2018, 01:33:44 PM
From my point I don't think because it's already down

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: itsamemario on September 02, 2018, 07:40:08 AM
If you guys want something like bitconnect just dump your bitcoins into my affiliate links below and you probably will save a bit more than bitconnect investors

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: nutildah on September 02, 2018, 10:37:58 AM
If you guys want something like bitconnect just dump your bitcoins into my affiliate links below and you probably will save a bit more than bitconnect investors

Lol, what an amazing plug! I'm speechless (ok now I'm speechless).

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: itsamemario on September 03, 2018, 07:02:47 AM
It gets better.


but picture him saying

FILLLLLLLIOTTTTTTT FILLLLLLLIOTTTTTTT as you click my affilaite links below now for the best rate, only available for a limited time

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: cryptolet on September 03, 2018, 08:02:14 AM
People get involved in bitconnect because of greed and the desire to make quick money and get rich overnight even if they know it is a scam.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: admosfir on September 03, 2018, 08:07:37 AM
I think a lot of people are interested in bitconnect because it promises huge profits, indeed bitconnect gave big profits at the first, but in the end the price dropped and never been back

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Larrycool on September 06, 2018, 11:19:29 PM
First,  why will people not get involved,  it came like every other cryptocurrency out there with lots  of differences and potentials. However the fact that some people lost alot does not mean alot of people made so much money, sometimes it's one of the risk involved. You have just gotta be positive that you are making the right investment.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Keeping Up on September 06, 2018, 11:35:26 PM
whenever i see people get involved in this kind of system i can think of only few things why they joined.
some of which are:
1. they see it as a easy source of money.
2. ignorance - some of this individuals are new to crypto and they instantly jump on the opportunity without researching deeper into it.
3. risk takers - we can't deny the fact that there are those who know from the start that it is a scam but they still want to take risk by gaining early and exiting early..

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Uyiosarugue1 on September 06, 2018, 11:37:54 PM
People got involved bitconnect because alot of persons could not tell the difference between crypto-currency and a Ponzis scheme, bitconnect preyed on that ignorance

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Uyiosarugue1 on September 06, 2018, 11:39:56 PM
I think a lot of people are interested in bitconnect because it promises huge profits, indeed bitconnect gave big profits at the first, but in the end the price dropped and never been back
Well, aside the lack of clarity or general ignorance, greed was the driving force, 30 percent in a month was too good to be true

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: letzdodiz on September 07, 2018, 06:43:52 AM
One reason may be on the grounds that they disregarded the signs. They overlooked the admonitions. In this industry, there is a scarcely discernible difference between what's trick abd what's true blue. Perhaps that is the thing that they thought. Anotger reason may be on the grounds that they got blinded by the guarantee of gigantic benefits. That is the reason they contributed daze foldedly and definitely endured the results later on.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dekcutbusu33 on September 07, 2018, 07:26:10 AM
In my opinion, people invest in Bitconnect, because they want to get rich in a day, but when the project gives too many results to become true because it is usually fraud. As far as I know it's better to invest in the best Bitcoin and Ethereum now.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Ava Duvall on September 07, 2018, 07:29:06 AM
It has to be some level of greed.  It was pretty obvious I don't understand people who put their life on a complete gamble.  I hope nobody lost everything.  Good people are often more willing to try things that might not be positive for them, it's stupid and sad.
yeah it is sad, but most people don't think twice and make mistakes. when they loose everything then they think about what they have done

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: locsta123 on September 07, 2018, 07:34:50 AM
IMHO I think bitconnect falling and BTC falling around the same time are related there was so much money being thrown into bitconnect via btc and after all these people lost a bunch of their money the entire crypto market started falling but that is just my opinion what do i really know :O

BUt other than that bitconnect was bought because of potential profit, hek I knew 100% it was a scam but figured other people that knew it was a scam though "ehhh I can get in and get out" and some did some were smart/lucky enough to get out at the perfect time :) Others not so lucky and then we see btc drop to almost the price it is now in a very short time period....

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Fmradio98 on September 08, 2018, 03:21:06 PM
Its simply like trick like each other one.their item may vary yet everything has a similar reason, to trick you. Their primary open are individuals who likely dont know much or anything at all about cryptographic money

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Kusnechik on September 08, 2018, 03:25:16 PM
I myself burned on Bitconnect. As soon as he bought it, the course went sharply down. It's good that I bought a few tokens.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: suprex333 on September 08, 2018, 03:44:35 PM
Bitconnect is a coin that has a name but disappears quickly. Everything was faded and very unfortunate for this incident.
Now it's just a name and very sad, hoping for other coins not to be like bitconnect.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: devinks on September 08, 2018, 03:50:17 PM
because bitconnect is very profitable and promising in the future for profit. emerging risks must be acceptable when involved in bitconnect. patience and always be careful are the keys.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: As roma on September 08, 2018, 03:51:03 PM
Early adopters know they will have a bigger part than the later majority that will get fucked up.

I think most people just listen and follow and we all know the results.
This is because they promise good results, they succeed in getting people to buy because we don't do intelligence, most people don't equip themselves with the knowledge and information needed so they can make the right decisions and choices

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: maskeffec on September 08, 2018, 03:51:19 PM
Most of them buy without doing research first, lack of knowledge and information needed so they can make the right decisions and choices, most people just listen and follow and we all know the results.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: jamota on September 08, 2018, 03:57:46 PM
As far as I know it's better to invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum is the best step now.
In my opinion, people invest in Bitconnect, because they want to get rich in a day, but when the project gives too many results to become true it turns out to be fraud.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: adefirman98 on September 08, 2018, 04:04:59 PM
maybe from the promotional effects intensified by bitconnect, seminars everywhere, promotion on social media, so people who just found out about crypto and saw the benefits offered by them were easily attracted and participated in their parts and became victims.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: upyem2k on September 08, 2018, 05:17:04 PM
People got involved in bitconnect because of their greed for get rich quick investment. Everyone knew it was going to crash but got involved with the hope of making some cool money before it eventually crash.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: MonaLeeTracy on September 08, 2018, 05:33:44 PM
People got involved in bitconnect because of their greed for get rich quick investment. Everyone knew it was going to crash but got involved with the hope of making some cool money before it eventually crash.

the people who are involved in bitcoinnect should think long before. whether what they follow includes good things or not, because jumping is easy but the challenge is quite difficult.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: GabrielBrandon on September 08, 2018, 06:40:14 PM
People involved in bitcoin with the greed that it will make them rich within a very short time but the don't know it is not so easy.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Gabb on September 08, 2018, 09:11:07 PM
It is obvious that the majority of people who have been involved in such unsustainable and obviously fraudulent business schemes have been guided solely and exclusively by their incomprehensible desire to obtain large profits in an easy and fast way, because anyone with a bit of common sense can realize the limit between the possible and the desirable, and that is why many times those who face the great losses that these businesses entail, tend to deserve their failure.

That is why we must always have a clear mind regarding the promises that are usually offered in this type of pyramid schemes, in this way, when we opt for realistic goals in our investment plans, we will avoid falling into the hands of the scammers that today are so plentiful in the crypto-universe.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: alp on September 08, 2018, 09:43:34 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?
And who knew that these scammers all of us deceived? The project was very interesting and we all believed that the product will launch and the price of coins will soar.... But I figured they were caught in Thailand, right?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: faithofb on September 08, 2018, 09:52:41 PM
This is because they promised good returns and they ardise their integrity because of small thing. Lot of people will have imbibe their hope that it is a good project not knowing they are bad project. they succeeded in getting people to buy in because we did not do our due intelligence  choices, most people only listened and followed what they heard without making more research of what the project is all about.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bsce1-1 on September 22, 2018, 01:14:51 PM
In my opinion, this is because they promised a excellent return, they succeeded in getting people to buy because we did now not make our proper intelligence, most people did not prefer to supply themselves the necessary information and data so they make decisions and decisions, most humans simply listen and comply with and we all recognize the result.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Rituvohra01 on September 28, 2018, 04:45:49 PM
In a very simple language we can say it is just a greed.If someone saw a way of making easy money then they connected. I think people who participated knew its risk factors.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: jikurpa on September 28, 2018, 04:58:39 PM
The simple answer is pure greed. Some saw a way to make easy money and plenty of it. Before investing potential buyers should ask themselves how someone can make such high returns yet they themselves cannot.
not everyone as you say bitcoin was created with advances in technology and development of the times and along with its development is needed an advanced economic system also possible one of them cryptocurrencies and people follow bitcoin because they follow the development of the times and technological development

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: yoseph on September 28, 2018, 05:10:21 PM
In a very simple language we can say it is just a greed.If someone saw a way of making easy money then they connected. I think people who participated knew its risk factors.
People are just too greedy, when people see the chance that they are going to make an astronomical amount of money, they seem to lose their reasoning altogether and they become victims of such things.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: ghermghuda on October 01, 2018, 09:27:24 PM
In addition, something i have realized is that scams just eat us up without notice. Humans are humans and hence our dopamine effect always come inti play- i mean our emotions sometimes gets control over us and we taje initiatives we never wished we did, and that's why people are still getting scammed each day.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Zeque02 on October 01, 2018, 09:47:36 PM
Maybe the reason why they get involved in bitconnect is because it has they same features in bitcoin. Maybe they find it also interesting and have a good background how it was created and who are the people behind it. There is always a reason behind each doings.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: jcarlo on October 02, 2018, 12:00:13 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Maybe its because greedy from investor. Many sign that bitconnect is a scam and pyramid scheme but they ignore it because they just want to make more profits from it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: RockerNun on October 06, 2018, 02:09:28 AM
Now it's just a name and very sad, hopefully for other currencies unlike bitconnect. Because bitconnect is very profitable and promises in the future for profit. Most of them buy without doing the research first, lack the knowledge and information necessary so they can make the right decision and choice, most people just listen and follow and all of them We know the results. In my opinion, people are investing in BitConnect, because they want to get rich in a day, but when the project puts too many results to come true, it becomes fraud. People have been involved in bitconnect because of their greed to get rich quick investment.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: xbossJ on October 06, 2018, 03:04:51 AM
I got involved in a ponzi scheme because of the interest (ROI) it promised within a short period of time! What needed to be satisfied was my greed apitite! Yes, Mine isn't different from why people had to get themselves involved in "Bitconnect" the quest to make quick money effortlessly within a short time is what drives people into things like Bitconnect!!! Ponzis. Until My first ponzi experience I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand the fact of being broke and needed fast ways of making it big! When I realized people could part with milllions of dollars for 30%, 50% ROI in 14, 30, and 132 days, I knew I was joking all along.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Johnzky on October 06, 2018, 03:16:25 AM
maybe the same reason why they get involved with a whole lot of other shady stuff, the greed!
it actually seems to be a strong driving force in the cryptocurrency market. people even buy bitcoin out of  greed, they want to get rich overnight, and don't get me started on altcoins and their pump and dumps.
so the same thing is true about  bitconnect and all the similar projects. people get involved with them because they think they can make money, they sometimes even close their eyes on facts because all they see is money!
Absolutely Greed is the main reason why people still become victimized by bitconnect scheming imagine how huge the promised profit with a small amount of investing?

And besides i believe this scamming becomes an eye opener for all the investors and prospective investors to always seek for good profiteering in this riskier be aware and be observant

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: gesdan on October 06, 2018, 03:35:36 AM
maybe some people that bitconnect is a good project and good things, so they want to involved with bitconnect and anything else, or just people that just follow their trends or friends to involved in bitconnect without knowing what is bitconncent?

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: mithon2017 on October 06, 2018, 06:48:31 AM
Bitcoin is really good for us. people get involved Bitcoin connect because Bitcoin gives lot of opportunities to trade. you can development your life,  your country using it. so most of the people believe it. most of the people want to good life. and Bitcoin gives lot of promising chance to build up good life.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: zuziekatee on October 06, 2018, 07:28:09 AM
Every opportunity is a banger to always make profit from it whether its a good one or a bad one. the problem with people is greed and inability to enter or quit at the right time.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: lee cooper on October 06, 2018, 08:09:07 AM
They think bitconect will provide more benefits, even though bitconnect itself is a scam project because the team has fled. Initially, it did have good potential but the developers were not responsible so they ignored bitconect. A dilemma for crypto lovers.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bdc2343 on November 01, 2018, 06:17:01 AM
Everybody who uses bitcoin is profitable, they want to connect with each other, meaning they want to share their way of making money, and there can be many components of fraud. Many of the participants may be due to their curiosity or greed.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Bomber007 on November 01, 2018, 07:16:44 AM
People got into bitconnect because it promised good profit in a really short time, they got into it for the same reason that people still foolishly invest in High Yield Investment Platforms known as HYIPs, they just want to make profit real fast, it was a calculated risk for some people and blind risk for most because some people were lucky and made a lot of money from that scheme although the majority lost.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: J Gambler on November 01, 2018, 07:20:44 AM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Only to does whos willing to invest without regreting can invest their money to these Pyramid and Ponzi schemes. Yes, this is an easy money however, the problem here is when will it last? So if you are willing to take a risk, then do it.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Collinberg on November 01, 2018, 07:35:52 AM
Quick profit is the name of the game, and you have to admit that bitconnect promised that in spades, infact it not only promised that, it delivered that promise to many people, it is unfortunate that the vast majority lost though.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Agatha-Akina on November 01, 2018, 08:01:35 AM
Because people hear the promises of success, those who are not equipped with good knowledge will easily believe, and the results of how well we know. So be a lucid person before making a decision

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: saumang2m on November 01, 2018, 09:25:15 AM
People are joining the Bitcoin platform so. Because Bitcoin is such a platform. In which people can earn money by working without any investment. And can meet your life's needs. Almost all people around the world will be connected to Bitcoin in the coming time.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Aldrinx00 on November 01, 2018, 09:52:03 AM
I think most people who invested in Bitconnect are new in cryptocurrency and wants to earn huge, quickly without doing hardwork.
They don't have enough knowledge and didn't even study that this kind of hyip is a pyramid scheme, i hope people now realize how important due diligence is before investing.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Louis Jackson on December 08, 2018, 02:32:20 AM
 People fall into these schemes due to the heavy returns promised

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: libert19 on December 08, 2018, 03:49:28 AM
Because greed. For the record, some people already knew it was pyramid scheme, but still got in early and made profit.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dongyi17 on December 08, 2018, 05:38:54 AM
Scammer will do everything on their power to deceive and get what they want.. simply money...may it be in pyramid or what... investment in any platform like these is a little bit suspicious, if without careful investigation and knowledge regarding these will fall into huge loss... better not to enter into this.. just be patient with your bitcoin your profit will come to

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: luispitchler on December 08, 2018, 08:09:56 AM
to get rich quickly, of course.  the tempting offers are too huge to ignore for impatient people.. in the first few months, everything seem to be so cool so everyone was so confident it would last forever.  and the rest is history.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: Mondinic on December 08, 2018, 08:22:22 AM
well maybe in order to avoid being exposed to fraud again they realize that they are too quick to conclude, because this year it seems more and more Sacaming, so to not be affected they are too early to conclude, but sometimes it's true if too few supporters usually are scams, well but true browsing first is also important, before you consider a scam too early.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: dentolas on December 08, 2018, 08:42:21 AM
This is why there are cults and such... people get overwelmed and are carefully driven on their emotions to the point where the scammer want's them...
People behave a lot like sheep on a herd... and when money is concerned the herd turns carnivorous and greed takes over... the idea of uncountable riches rules thir mind and they just do what they are told by the master ...
human nature is sometimes so keen and strong and sometimes so dumb and predictable...

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: fisherycrypto on December 08, 2018, 10:47:19 PM
I think people hope they can get in and out before it goes bust.  Then when they see they actually get paid for a period of time, they want to start believing that it's really that good

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: kabum21 on December 08, 2018, 10:54:32 PM
That kind of scams occur at every moment in this ecosystem, remember that at that time much money entered the market and not everyone who entered here were as prepared or informed as we are now, so it is easy to think of people who are carried away by this kind of absurd income, in that moment of prosperity did not sound so crazy.

Title: Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect?
Post by: bolbau on December 08, 2018, 11:38:11 PM
I think Bitconnect is successful in implementing massive promotion strategies and attracts the public to attract as many investors as possible. the way the team conveyed what was their project's vision and mission also made a sense of community trust emerge. in spite of the eventual failure of this project, it has become part of the risk of digital investment, especially in the cryptocurrency industry