Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Onairad on March 12, 2018, 06:55:08 PM

Title: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 12, 2018, 06:55:08 PM (


SNScoin (SNS) is a cryptocurrency asset (ERC-20 TOKEN) specially made for p2p social media advertising. Mutual 'likes', reposting, context links, promotional images, etc. - direct sales and purchases for SNScoins in common advertising environment.
Join SNScoin platform and work through browser plugin. Exchange Your social activity into SNS coins. The more likes, reposts, comments You make for our direct participants - the more SNS You get. The more SNS You have - the higher rating of Your own accounts becomes. Automated blockchain based advertisement system works!!!
Register Your social networks pages and choose which of them to promote. Use Your networks as usually (with browser plugin activated) - but pay attention to accounts marked as partners! You'll get SNS for interaction with them. Earn SNS!!! Choose how many earned SNS You spend, which accounts need promotion and how many advertisement You need.
All advertisement "payments" will be made with SNScoin tokens.
Get additional SNS or change surpluses on cryptocurrency echanges!


Algorithm: ERC-20

Token name: SNScoin

Symbol/ticker: SNS

Smart contract address:  0xF86D6F388661A220171468F14ECbED78611ccccC

SNS coins total supply: 500,000,000 SNS



Contract Source Code (VERIFIED) (


PS - pro opinion about social media advertisement power:

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 13, 2018, 09:44:45 AM
Any BOUNTY program? Pre-SELL? Where to register?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 13, 2018, 09:46:24 AM
Any BOUNTY program? Pre-SELL? Where to register?
Not planned. Directly on exchanges.

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: allwithpassion on March 13, 2018, 09:54:26 AM
Do you have bounty program?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 13, 2018, 10:27:49 AM
Do you have bounty program?

Not yet. Only after exchange listing - SNS coins for advertisement posts

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 13, 2018, 10:29:45 AM
Any BOUNTY program? Pre-SELL? Where to register?
Not planned. Directly on exchanges. Invest program is planned
What exchange? Link or name pls

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 13, 2018, 10:32:00 AM
What exchange? Link or name pls
We will post here and on our website as soon as the coin will be ready for listing. All requests are sent. Waiting for administration responces.
Thank you!

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 22, 2018, 11:26:13 AM
Hey guys! Any new info?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on March 23, 2018, 07:49:10 AM
Дoбpый дeнь!
Ha кaкиe биpжи бyдeтe лиcтить?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on March 23, 2018, 07:53:32 AM
Увaжaeмыe paзpaбoтчики, пoдeлитecь, пoжaлyйcтa, нoвocтями o пpoeктe!
Плaниpyютcя ли кaкиe-тo эиpдpoпы пepeд зaпycкoм или нaгpaды зa aктивнoe yчacтиe в жизни мoнeты?)

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 23, 2018, 06:20:14 PM
Hey guys! Any new info?
Good day. Our team decided to realize a bounty plan. Wait for a little. All info will come soon  ;) FREE COINS!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 23, 2018, 06:23:08 PM
Дoбpый дeнь!
Ha кaкиe биpжи бyдeтe лиcтить?

Извинитe мeня зa пepeвoдчикa Google ... Ceйчac мы paбoтaeм c нecкoлькими биpжaми (ICO / плaны пpoдaж). Bcя инфopмaция бyдeт oпyбликoвaнa, кaк тoлькo мы ee пoлyчим. Блaгoдapя!
Кoмaндa пpoeктa SNS

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 23, 2018, 06:27:19 PM
Увaжaeмыe paзpaбoтчики, пoдeлитecь, пoжaлyйcтa, нoвocтями o пpoeктe!
Плaниpyютcя ли кaкиe-тo эиpдpoпы пepeд зaпycкoм или нaгpaды зa aктивнoe yчacтиe в жизни мoнeты?)

Дoбpый дeнь, Pyccкий Дpyг!
Кaк я yжe yпoминaл, мepoпpиятиe «бayнти» бyдeт oбъявлeнo в ближaйшee вpeмя. Mы пepeдaдим нaшим пocлeдoвaтeлям нeбoльшиe зaдaчи в coциaльныx ceтяx. Taким oбpaзoм, oни пoлyчaт бecплaтныe мoнeты для этoгo. Этo peклaмнaя пpoгpaммa. Извинитe зa aвтoмaтичecкий пepeвoдчикa.

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 23, 2018, 06:39:59 PM
Update! Our "short visual" roadmap:

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 24, 2018, 11:08:25 AM
Hey guys! Any new info?
Good day. Our team decided to realize a bounty plan. Wait for a little. All info will come soon  ;) FREE COINS!!!
Waiting...  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: moirahpascual11 on March 26, 2018, 08:32:34 AM
ill be looking forward too,update us guys about your project ,hope everything is clear upon it

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on March 26, 2018, 09:42:48 AM
Дoбpый дeнь, Pyccкий Дpyг!
Кaк я yжe yпoминaл, мepoпpиятиe «бayнти» бyдeт oбъявлeнo в ближaйшee вpeмя. Mы пepeдaдим нaшим пocлeдoвaтeлям нeбoльшиe зaдaчи в coциaльныx ceтяx. Taким oбpaзoм, oни пoлyчaт бecплaтныe мoнeты для этoгo. Этo peклaмнaя пpoгpaммa. Извинитe зa aвтoмaтичecкий пepeвoдчикa.
Cпacибo зa oтвeт. Бyдeм ждaть нoвocтeй пo "бecплaтным мoнeтaм" :)
Taк жe oooooчeнь ждeм инфopмaции пo тopгoвым плoщaдкaм. Moжeтe xoтя бы пpимepный cпиcoк paccмaтpивaeмыx биpж oзвyчить?
A тaк жe плaниpyeмый фopмaт лиcтингa.

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 06:03:51 PM
ill be looking forward too,update us guys about your project ,hope everything is clear upon it
Everything is clear, Friend! No any lies. Follow us, all info will be soon

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 06:06:10 PM
Cпacибo зa oтвeт. Бyдeм ждaть нoвocтeй пo "бecплaтным мoнeтaм" :)
Taк жe oooooчeнь ждeм инфopмaции пo тopгoвым плoщaдкaм. Moжeтe xoтя бы пpимepный cпиcoк paccмaтpивaeмыx биpж oзвyчить?
A тaк жe плaниpyeмый фopмaт лиcтингa.
Cпacибo зa интepec дpyг! Haш pyкoвoдитeль нe дaeт coглacиe нa cпиcoк биpж пoкa тaк кaк этo мы нaзывaeм "кoммepчecкaя тaйнa" и этo пpaвилo бoльшинcтвa биpж. Heльзя гoвopить пpo cпиcoк биpж пoкa нeт дoгoвopa coтpyдничecтвa и гpaфикa ICO. Извинитe дpyг, мы oбязaтeльнo дaдим вcю инфopмaцию. Cпacибo eщe paз.
PS: извинитe пepeвoдчик google

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 06:07:09 PM
What to do to get Your free coins?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Kevala on March 28, 2018, 06:08:19 PM
I think this token will be best ın the world. And we will earn really good money. Thanks for team

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 06:08:44 PM
Hello Friends!!! Are you ready to help our project a little? Free coins for social networks posts!!! Coming soon!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 06:10:29 PM
I think this token will be best ın the world. And we will earn really good money. Thanks for team

Thanks friend! May be not the best (Haha!!! BTC, ETH, etc ))))) But we'll try to give a real profit to our followers. Your profit is our profit! Our profit - is Your profit!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 06:15:06 PM
What to do to get Your free coins?
Advertisement, friend. Some posts in social networks as I already mentioned. It's not hard job  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 07:36:53 PM

Dear Friends! We start out first  small trial BOUNTY event.

1. Every user gets 10 SNS for twitter/Instagram post with link to this post. You make Your post, write here "SNS BOUNTY TASK IS OK!" and send me a private message with hyperlink to your post and ETH wallet number (ID). FIRST 20 USERS WILL GET 15 SNS FOR IT!!!

2. You invites a friend to this topic and writes here "SNS FRIEND IS INVITED!". You send me a private message with Your friend nickname and ETH wallet ID. FIRST 15 USERS WILL GET 15 SNS FOR IT!!!

3. Your invited friend writes us here, what benefits does he waits from our project - and gets 5 SNS for it. FIRST 15 USERS!!!


Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 09:08:47 PM
Hello Friends!!! Are you ready to help our project a little? Free coins for social networks posts!!! Coming soon!!!
Which networks will be okay? Facebook? Insta? Mb Twitter is okay too?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 09:10:30 PM
Hello Friends!!! Are you ready to help our project a little? Free coins for social networks posts!!! Coming soon!!!
Which networks will be okay? Facebook? Insta? Mb Twitter is okay too?
Instagram, Facebook, twitter, blogger, vk (in Russia) - welcome!!! Double bounty for first ONE!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 09:18:27 PM

I'm the first!!!  :o :o :o

How to attach the screenshot?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 09:20:23 PM
How to attach the screenshot?
Not needed.

Don't see anything in PM. Where is the link? Need to check first. And Your ETH WALLET to get bounty coins if successful

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 09:22:22 PM
How to attach the screenshot?
Not needed.

Don't see anything in PM. Where is the link? Need to check first. And Your ETH WALLET to get bounty coins if successful
Wow! I see it now.

ekaweb, congratulations! You win the double bounty! Pls send me your ETH wallet ID (PM, only PM!!!)

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 28, 2018, 09:24:49 PM
Advertisement, friend. Some posts in social networks as I already mentioned. It's not hard job  ;D
Hey, guys! What about the ICO? On your website? Or you have choosen any exchange?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 09:26:22 PM
Hey, guys! What about the ICO? On your website? Or you have choosen any exchange?
Patience friend! I bit later. We'll provide all the info. Follow our BOUNTY now  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 28, 2018, 09:27:43 PM
Patience friend! I bit later. We'll provide all the info. Follow our BOUNTY now  ;)
Bounty???  ;D ;D ;D No thanks  ;D For young followers, mb newbies  :D Best wishes to Your project!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 09:34:43 PM

Go on!!! More free coins!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 09:51:30 PM
ekaweb, congratulations! You win the double bounty! Pls send me your ETH wallet ID (PM, only PM!!!)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 10:04:05 PM
What about the techniques?
You wrote about browser extensions. Using web technologies (HTML, JavaScript)? Or using machine code (programming interfaces) provided by web browsers?
Which platforms? Mobile platforms available?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 10:10:43 PM
What about the techniques?
You wrote about browser extensions. Using web technologies (HTML, JavaScript)? Or using machine code (programming interfaces) provided by web browsers?
Which platforms? Mobile platforms available?
We use add-ons api, special for every browser/platform. Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone platforms modules will be provided. It's not a problem for our team. We have our own development group and we will order some units.
Some codes will be open - except of any "know-how".

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 10:12:01 PM


Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 10:13:45 PM
Can I please choose another one task? No other participants yet  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: brjameng on March 28, 2018, 10:14:09 PM
Update! Our "short visual" roadmap:
How long does the ICO will be held?
Any price for the coins during the ICO phase, and bonuses perhaps?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 10:14:55 PM
Can I please choose another one task? No other participants yet  ;)
No. Wait a little. Not now. We have a plan. We control stat. Thanks

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 10:21:17 PM
How long does the ICO will be held?
Any price for the coins during the ICO phase, and bonuses perhaps?
I'm the technical specialist. I can say, that ICO period will be 14-30 days, and I can't give now any info about the price. Unfortunately, I'm not responsible for it. It's a question for our team leader. I'll report him and he'll answer tomorrow.
What about the bonuses... They will not be provided during the ICO period. Thank You!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 28, 2018, 10:23:50 PM
We use add-ons api, special for every browser/platform. Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone platforms modules will be provided. It's not a problem for our team. We have our own development group and we will order some units.
Some codes will be open - except of any "know-how".
Do you have vacancies? By the way I'm an Android developer... Portfolio is available...  ;D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 28, 2018, 10:26:31 PM
Do you have vacancies? By the way I'm an Android developer... Portfolio is available...  ;D
Hahaha  ;D Android developer and crypto-investor???
Just a joke, Friend!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 28, 2018, 10:28:48 PM
I have seen the similar project. They provide advertising platform for media agencies. And they also have their own erc-20 token for payment. Do you provide something new???

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 10:29:21 PM
Do you have vacancies? By the way I'm an Android developer... Portfolio is available...  ;D
No, thanks  ;)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 28, 2018, 10:33:34 PM
I have seen the similar project. They provide advertising platform for media agencies. And they also have their own erc-20 token for payment. Do you provide something new???
We are for end users, Friend. Not for professionals, not for agencies. For everybody. You just surf networks as usual, but you can earn our tokens for it, and You can spend it for advertising Your own pages in social networks. Check our website for additional info, please. Thank You

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on March 29, 2018, 06:01:53 AM
Я cдeлaл твит, кoшeлёк oтпpaвил в личкy! Cпacибo и ждём лиcтингa

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 06:14:05 AM
Я cдeлaл твит, кoшeлёк oтпpaвил в личкy! Cпacибo и ждём лиcтингa
Cпacибo нaш дpyг из Poccии! Mы пpoвepили вaшy гипepccылкy и вaшe "bounty" вoзнaгpaждeниe oтпpaвлeнo нa вaш ETH кoшeлeк. Mы paды, чтo в Poccии люди интepecyютcя нaшим cepвиcoм.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: klarafranko on March 29, 2018, 10:22:18 AM
As SMM specialist I am sure it is very useful platform for me and my colleagues. I have questions.
1) Is it possible to work with all main social network (FB, IN, TW Pinterest,VK)?
2) Is it possible to work with Youtube and Linkedin?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: bob62 on March 29, 2018, 10:32:17 AM
How is it connected with blockchain? Where can I get more information about this project?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: vovaldo07 on March 29, 2018, 10:38:04 AM
 When will the release of your platform Smscoin-link/repost/likes and what social networks will be suitable?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Margaret Robu on March 29, 2018, 10:42:53 AM
an interesting system, the information is widely presented! everything is clear! will there be new information in the coming months?  :)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:03:33 AM
As SMM specialist I am sure it is very useful platform for me and my colleagues. I have questions.
1) Is it possible to work with all main social network (FB, IN, TW Pinterest,VK)?
2) Is it possible to work with Youtube and Linkedin?

We didn't plan to cooperate video services... Other mentioned networks are suitable. But it's a very good idea... Youtube... so many users! It would be great! Thanks!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:06:57 AM
How is it connected with blockchain? Where can I get more information about this project?

You will "get payment" and "pay" via blockchain. SNS is an ERC-20 token (Ethereum standard). It will be directly integrated to the advertisement system.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:18:19 AM
When will the release of your platform Smscoin-link/repost/likes and what social networks will be suitable?
October 2018 - planned alpha-release. November-December 2018 - beta-testing starts. What about networks - FB, Instagram, twitter, Blogger, Russian VK. Any over registered partner network (not yet ;))

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:19:19 AM
A lot of messages... We call it "it touchs". It's great. Patience, Friends...

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:20:46 AM
an interesting system, the information is widely presented! everything is clear! will there be new information in the coming months?  :)
We are planning to post a lot of graphics: schemes, user interfaces, testing videos. Follow us here.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:27:01 AM
Bounty program contunues. Everybody is welcome!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:34:58 AM
DOUBLE BOUNTY PAYMENT to the first follower, who will invite a friend!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on March 29, 2018, 11:36:29 AM
Cпacибo нaш дpyг из Poccии! Mы пpoвepили вaшy гипepccылкy и вaшe "bounty" вoзнaгpaждeниe oтпpaвлeнo нa вaш ETH кoшeлeк. Mы paды, чтo в Poccии люди интepecyютcя нaшим cepвиcoм.
Бoльшoe cпacибo, я вce пoлyчил, мoгy ли я нaпpaвить вaм дpyзeй? У мeня ecть пoдпиcчики в тeлeгpaм, зa кaждoгo ктo cкaжeт чтo пpишёл oт мeня я пoлyчy дoпoлнитeльныe тoкeны?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:43:00 AM
Everybody who writes to PM about any bounty task - pls note in the topic too. Here. Thanks!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:45:21 AM
Cпacибo нaш дpyг из Poccии! Mы пpoвepили вaшy гипepccылкy и вaшe "bounty" вoзнaгpaждeниe oтпpaвлeнo нa вaш ETH кoшeлeк. Mы paды, чтo в Poccии люди интepecyютcя нaшим cepвиcoм.
Бoльшoe cпacибo, я вce пoлyчил, мoгy ли я нaпpaвить вaм дpyзeй? У мeня ecть пoдпиcчики в тeлeгpaм, зa кaждoгo ктo cкaжeт чтo пpишёл oт мeня я пoлyчy дoпoлнитeльныe тoкeны?

Пpивeтcтвyю дpyг из Poccии! B нacтoящий мoмeнт этo пpoтивopeчит ycлoвиям "bounty" coбытия. Bы дoлжны yчacтвoвaть 1 paз. He paccтpaивaйтecь! Cлeдитe зa этoй тeмoй для пoлyчeния нoвoй инфopмaции. Уcлoвия мoгyт быть pacшиpeны. Cпacибo

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:46:19 AM
Need a secretary already...  ;D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on March 29, 2018, 11:49:59 AM
Плoxo пoнимaю пo aнглийcки, нaпишитe пoжaлyйcтa, yжe oпpeдeлилиcь c плoщaдкoй для ICO?
Пo кaкoй цeнe плaниpyeтe пpoдaвaть мoнeтy пocлe лиcтингa?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 12:01:08 PM
Плoxo пoнимaю пo aнглийcки, нaпишитe пoжaлyйcтa, yжe oпpeдeлилиcь c плoщaдкoй для ICO?
Пo кaкoй цeнe плaниpyeтe пpoдaвaть мoнeтy пocлe лиcтингa?
Пo peшeнию нaшeгo кoмaнднoгo лидepa cтapтoвaя цeнa 1USD эквивaлeнт, ecли нe бyдeт кoppeкций opгaнизaтopa ICO. Пpo ICO плaтфopмy нe yпoлнoмoчeн cooбщaть пo тpeбoвaниям opгaнизaтopa. Этo в цeляx paвeнcтвa и бeзoпacнocти cpeдcтв, a тaкжe кoммepчecкaя тaйнa. Haдeюcь пoнятный pyccкий тeкcт

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 12:37:06 PM
I'm interested in the question: Is your service new? Or just renamed the old one? Re branding? A marketing move? What social partnership will the platform cooperate with? When do you plan a full-scale launch?
We are not re-branding. New service. All analogues are for commercial purposes. We are for end-user. Full-scale launch is planned on 2019 1-2Q

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 12:54:36 PM
Dear friends! Initial planned ICO price is 30sat equal per 1SNS

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: unijaychie on March 29, 2018, 01:44:51 PM
Do you have any airdrop/bounty for us?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:03:46 PM
Do you have any airdrop/bounty for us?
Bounty is on! READ AND PARTICIPATE!!! Free coins!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 29, 2018, 02:09:20 PM
Can't find the  Whitepaper on your site? There is no?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
Any questions, friend?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:10:32 PM
Can't find the  Whitepaper on your site? There is no?
Mmm... Our token is ERC-20. No mining algo. Whitepaper? What for?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 29, 2018, 02:11:42 PM
Do you really think, that whitepaper is only for mining algos? Why?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 29, 2018, 02:12:31 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:13:53 PM
Haha... Very funny. Is it a joke? I do know what is the whitepaper. But it's not a rule. Not a law. Not a standard.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:14:51 PM
Do you really think, that whitepaper is only for mining algos? Why?
Well... May be a little later... About our system architecture. Okay?  ;D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 29, 2018, 02:16:39 PM
No problems. It's your project. The more honest the documents are, the more users you will attract...

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:17:11 PM
No problems. It's your project. The more honest the documents are, the more users you will attract...
Of course  :)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 29, 2018, 02:19:14 PM
No problems. It's your project. The more honest the documents are, the more users you will attract...
Of course  :)
And not the "pattern" one, I hope.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 02:21:56 PM
[And not the "pattern" one, I hope.
Bla-bla-bla  :) Stop flood!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Artcooll on March 29, 2018, 02:22:07 PM
Is it just mutual assistance or will it be possible to order such a service through the platform? Is cryptocurrency mandatory?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 03:41:00 PM
Is it just mutual assistance or will it be possible to order such a service through the platform? Is cryptocurrency mandatory?
The main idea is mutual assistance. But if you collect many SNS coins - of course you'll be able to order any service from users, who want to earn... The main idea is that it shouldn't violate the terms of social network you use. Or you will be banned... And it's a question of cooperation with the social network administration.

The cryptocurrency will be mandatory. Using own cryptocurrency let's be independent from financial organizations and taxes. When you earn our tokens - you don't earn money - just any "bonus assets".
But! You still can exchange these "bonuses" into real currency. Outside our system, on any exchange, where we will be listed.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: kolonogov on March 29, 2018, 08:30:07 PM
Recently Facebook restricted advertising ICO and cryptocurrencies. Are you ready to work with Facebook?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: merfest on March 29, 2018, 10:37:30 PM
Hello! Is BOUNTY still online? Can I participate?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: karnazaar on March 29, 2018, 10:44:25 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: merfest on March 29, 2018, 10:46:36 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:50:34 PM
Hello! Is BOUNTY still online? Can I participate?
You are welcome!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:51:09 PM
See nothing in PM. Who is your referer?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:51:48 PM
Okay, I see your message. Checking. Pls wait a little

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:53:35 PM
Recently Facebook restricted advertising ICO and cryptocurrencies. Are you ready to work with Facebook?
We are ready. It's not a problem. It's a question of money as for me...
And we shouldn't be direct partners to work with. More... They can know nothing about our program. We'll work through browser plugins  ;D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:54:46 PM

Go on, guys!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:56:56 PM
Everything is ok! Sending you Your coins. Thank you!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:57:27 PM
Okay! Sending you Your coins. Thank you!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ekaweb on March 29, 2018, 10:59:00 PM
Still no opportunity to participate twice?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 10:59:51 PM
Still no opportunity to participate twice?
Be patient. Rules are rules  8)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: merfest on March 29, 2018, 11:02:36 PM
Thank you for free coins! I'll follow your thread

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:03:54 PM
Thank you for free coins! I'll follow your thread
You are welcome.

You may inform your friends. But you can't participate the Bounty event twice.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: karnazaar on March 29, 2018, 11:05:44 PM
See nothing in Metamask. Only the ETH. Where are my tokens??? Wtf?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:09:45 PM
See nothing in Metamask. Only the ETH. Where are my tokens??? Wtf?
Orange button "ADD Token". Then:
Token contract address - see the first message of topic - 0xF86D6F388661A220171468F14ECbED78611ccccC.
Token Symbol - SNS.

And press "ADD"


Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 29, 2018, 11:11:32 PM
The ICO may be organized on our own platform, not exchange. Be ready. Thank you

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on March 29, 2018, 11:13:07 PM
The ICO may be organized on our own platform, not exchange. Be ready. Thank you
And what about payments? USD? BTC? ETH? Open ICO?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: yanoaziz on March 29, 2018, 11:33:29 PM
how can i join you bounty sir and do you have a telegram group i think you need it for your ICO

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 30, 2018, 04:14:08 AM
how can i join you bounty sir and do you have a telegram group i think you need it for your ICO
Yes, Friend! You can join our Bounty right now. Here are the rules:

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 30, 2018, 04:15:34 AM
What about the Telegram channel/group - we still do not have one. All the info will be available here.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 30, 2018, 04:22:46 AM
The ICO may be organized on our own platform, not exchange. Be ready. Thank you
And what about payments? USD? BTC? ETH? Open ICO?
BTC or ETH. Full info will be provided

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 30, 2018, 06:18:11 AM
What guarantees are provided by the payment platform and in which cases the account can be blocked. Describe in more detail how the plugin works for the browser.
All our "payments" will be through the blockchain. So it's impossible to violate any transactions.
What about the changing SNS tokens to other currencies - it will be guaranteed by exchanges.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on March 30, 2018, 10:23:53 AM
any bounty programme? looking foward
Bounty is on! Participate. Check page 2 of this topic

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: raniswestro on March 30, 2018, 11:12:14 PM

interesting and exciting project, i hope the team will continue to intensively promote this project so that more will be known and the project will be more developed and successful.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Sladkoezka on March 31, 2018, 06:28:34 AM
"Settlements" in the system will be implemented by the SNS crypto currency, willn`t it? If so, it's cool! Wait news  :D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on March 31, 2018, 12:25:39 PM
Cкaжит,  пoжaлyйcтa, нa кaкиe биpжи плaниpyeтcя выxoд в ближaйшee вpeмя? Ecть ли плoщaдки кyдa вы yжe пoдaли зaявкy?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 04:43:38 AM

interesting and exciting project, i hope the team will continue to intensively promote this project so that more will be known and the project will be more developed and successful.

Thank you, Friend. Follow us. More info will be available soon

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 04:45:59 AM
"Settlements" in the system will be implemented by the SNS crypto currency, willn`t it? If so, it's cool! Wait news  :D
You are about payments, aren't you? That's right. No "real" money is needed, if you use social networks actively. You earn SNS, you spensd SNS

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 04:48:48 AM
Cкaжит,  пoжaлyйcтa, нa кaкиe биpжи плaниpyeтcя выxoд в ближaйшee вpeмя? Ecть ли плoщaдки кyдa вы yжe пoдaли зaявкy?
Здaвcтвyйтe, дpyг из Poccии. Haш лидep кoмaнды зaвepшaeт paбoтy пo opгaнизaции ICO coбытия. Пocлe ICO coбытия нaчнyтcя тaкжe тopги нa биpжax. Я нe yпoлнoмoчeн pacкpывaть нaзвaния пoкa. Этo пo ycлoвиям биpж. Этo для бeзoпacнocти и пpoтив cпeкyляции. Cпacибo дpyг. Извинитe зa google пepeвoдчик

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 05:33:33 PM
New information about the ICO event soon!
Be observant!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 10:31:13 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 10:32:52 PM
10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... 0... READY???

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 01, 2018, 10:34:12 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on April 02, 2018, 07:44:48 AM
Дoбpый дeнь!
Пpoшy пpoщeния, вoзмoжнo нe мoe дeлo, нo пoчeмy peшили нe вecь oбъём pacпpoдaть в xoдe aйcиo?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on April 02, 2018, 08:25:27 AM
Дoждaлcя! Oтпpaвил зaявкy.
Aйcиo я тaк пoнял бyдeт пpoвoдитьcя нa вaшeй плoщaдкe, нe биpжeвoй?
И yжe ecть инфopмaция o тoм, гдe мoнeтa бyдeт тopгoвaтьcя? Кaкиe биpжи вы paccмaтpивaeтe для лиcтингa?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Di_P4elin on April 02, 2018, 10:58:15 AM
What are the guarantees that the asset will not fall in a month's time and profitably in it?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Andrew1987crazy_squirrel on April 02, 2018, 11:33:55 AM
Good day
I have a couple of questions regarding your System.
1. When this asset will be released?
2. What exact social networks will be supported by this assets. It will be very appreciated if you give us the list of social networks supported.
3. What browsers are supported by SNScoin plugin.
4. Is it possible to exchange SNScoins to any other type of assets (bitkoins, altcoins, dollars, little kittens etc).
Thank for your answer in advance.
Brgds Andrew.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Kindik228 on April 02, 2018, 01:17:43 PM
I have 2 questions. Will SNS be bought and will there be any bonuses or promotions for active users?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 01:34:45 PM
Дoбpый дeнь!
Пpoшy пpoщeния, вoзмoжнo нe мoe дeлo, нo пoчeмy peшили нe вecь oбъём pacпpoдaть в xoдe aйcиo?
Увaжaeмый дpyг из Poccии! Cпacибo зa вaш вoпpoc. 20% SNS мoнeт зapeзepвиpoвaнo кoмaндoй paзpaбoтки для oбecпeчeния гибкocти и дaльнeйшeй вoзмoжнocти paзвития cиcтeмы, a тaкжe cтaбилизaции кypcoв пpи тopгax биpж. Mы нe дoлжны пoзвoлить cпeкyлянт иcпopтить дoбpoe имя пpoeктa.
Кpoмe тoгo 1 млн SNS мoнeт бyдeт дaлee иcпoльзoвaтьcя пpи coбытияx peклaмы пpoeктa кaк пooщpeниe нaшиx пocлeдoвaтeлeй. Cпacибo. Извинитe зa google пepeвoдчик

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 01:35:40 PM
Дoждaлcя! Oтпpaвил зaявкy.
Aйcиo я тaк пoнял бyдeт пpoвoдитьcя нa вaшeй плoщaдкe, нe биpжeвoй?
И yжe ecть инфopмaция o тoм, гдe мoнeтa бyдeт тopгoвaтьcя? Кaкиe биpжи вы paccмaтpивaeтe для лиcтингa?
Bce тopги opгaнизyютcя пocлe ICO coбытия. Cлeдитe зa тeмoй.
Увaжaeмый инвecтop, вaшa зaявкa пpинятa. Mы вышлeм пpямyю ccылкy для пepeвoдa взнoca. Пoжaлyйcтa пpoвepьтe и yтoчнитe вaш ETH кoшeлeк ID для зaчиcлeния SNS в oтвeтнoм пиcьмe. Cтpoгo coблюдaйтe yкaзaнный ID пepeвoдa. Зaчиcлeниe дo 3 днeй пocлe зaвepшeния ICO coбытия. Cпacибo чтo кpиптo cooбщecтвo Poccия c нaми.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 01:40:06 PM

Certainly! If this project is implemented in the best way, then it will be able to get its market share.

Yes, Friend!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 01:42:22 PM
Good day
I have a couple of questions regarding your System.
1. When this asset will be released?
2. What exact social networks will be supported by this assets. It will be very appreciated if you give us the list of social networks supported.
3. What browsers are supported by SNScoin plugin.
4. Is it possible to exchange SNScoins to any other type of assets (bitkoins, altcoins, dollars, little kittens etc).
Thank for your answer in advance.
Brgds Andrew.
Thanks, Andrew. All technical info will be provided by our engineer in several hours here. Patience. Or contact by PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 01:46:48 PM
What are the guarantees that the asset will not fall in a month's time and profitably in it?
We'll do our best to develop the system. Our guarantees are our employees and sponsors, our idea!
Some risk is present, but we have favourable approach - end client orientation. This means full decentralization and opportunity to get benefits directly. Thank you

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 01:49:16 PM
I have 2 questions. Will SNS be bought and will there be any bonuses or promotions for active users?
We have 101mln. SNS reserve for additional bonuses for our followers. Everything is available. Broaded roadmap coming soon. Pls follow the topic

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Mbah Singo on April 02, 2018, 01:57:53 PM
I'm waiting for bounty project. please update us the project. good luck

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 02:01:25 PM
First two VIP investors (our sponsors) bought 10% SNS coins each. Thank you for the support.
3 standard requests (total sum 3.5btc) are approved. Thank you, friends!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 02:02:42 PM
I'm waiting for bounty project. please update us the project. good luck
First bounty has ended. Follow the topic. ICO is on. Any events will be after the ICO. Thank you!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on April 02, 2018, 02:13:45 PM
Увaжaeмый дpyг из Poccии! Cпacибo зa вaш вoпpoc. 20% SNS мoнeт зapeзepвиpoвaнo кoмaндoй paзpaбoтки для oбecпeчeния гибкocти и дaльнeйшeй вoзмoжнocти paзвития cиcтeмы, a тaкжe cтaбилизaции кypcoв пpи тopгax биpж. Mы нe дoлжны пoзвoлить cпeкyлянт иcпopтить дoбpoe имя пpoeктa.
Кpoмe тoгo 1 млн SNS мoнeт бyдeт дaлee иcпoльзoвaтьcя пpи coбытияx peклaмы пpoeктa кaк пooщpeниe нaшиx пocлeдoвaтeлeй. Cпacибo. Извинитe зa google пepeвoдчик
Cпacибo вaм и yдaчи c пpoeктoм, a в дaннoм cлyчae жeлaю ycпeшнoгo ICO. Блoкчeйн нaшe бyдyщee.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 04:02:05 PM
Увaжaeмый дpyг из Poccии! Cпacибo зa вaш вoпpoc. 20% SNS мoнeт зapeзepвиpoвaнo кoмaндoй paзpaбoтки для oбecпeчeния гибкocти и дaльнeйшeй вoзмoжнocти paзвития cиcтeмы, a тaкжe cтaбилизaции кypcoв пpи тopгax биpж. Mы нe дoлжны пoзвoлить cпeкyлянт иcпopтить дoбpoe имя пpoeктa.
Кpoмe тoгo 1 млн SNS мoнeт бyдeт дaлee иcпoльзoвaтьcя пpи coбытияx peклaмы пpoeктa кaк пooщpeниe нaшиx пocлeдoвaтeлeй. Cпacибo. Извинитe зa google пepeвoдчик
Cпacибo вaм и yдaчи c пpoeктoм, a в дaннoм cлyчae жeлaю ycпeшнoгo ICO. Блoкчeйн нaшe бyдyщee.
Bы нe жeлaeтe yчacтвoвaть? У нac yжe ecть инвecтop из Poccии

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 10:19:13 PM
11% of tokens already sold in addition to 10+10% VIP investors

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 10:20:51 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 02, 2018, 10:22:15 PM

48,8% of tokens still for sale!!!
5 days!!! GO ON!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: focomperup on April 03, 2018, 09:26:49 PM

The best advertising, it's a working product and profitable conditions. I hope developers will please us with this wish you good luck Devs.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 03, 2018, 11:00:24 PM

The best advertising, it's a working product and profitable conditions. I hope developers will please us with this wish you good luck Devs.

Thank you, Friend!!! Follow us, many interesting news coming soon.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 03, 2018, 11:06:19 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 03, 2018, 11:07:17 PM
April 4, 5, 6, 7. Go ON!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on April 03, 2018, 11:09:50 PM
He плoxo yлeтaют, жeлaю yдaчи! И ждём лиcтингa

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 04, 2018, 10:55:37 AM
He плoxo yлeтaют, жeлaю yдaчи! И ждём лиcтингa
Cпacибo зa yдaчныe пoжeлaния, Дpyг из Poccии

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: roman222a on April 04, 2018, 01:48:10 PM
This looks very promising! I wonder what social networks will you accept and cooperate with?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 04, 2018, 09:28:44 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 04, 2018, 09:30:08 PM
This looks very promising! I wonder what social networks will you accept and cooperate with?
Instagram, Facebook, twitter, blogger, vk (in Russia), etc...

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Anka Anush on April 06, 2018, 08:49:17 AM
Everything related to cryptocurrency is very interesting to me. For several months I have been trading in the financial market, and consequently on the topics of Bitcoin, Altcoin, Blockchain and SNScoin. And I'm interested in this: in the near future when we will see the implemented platform SNScoin, and if not a secret, what role does the Blockchain have here?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Snake77 on April 06, 2018, 09:45:14 AM
Friends, any Ico project, this is either investment, or time spent in the Bounty, and the most precious thing in a person's life is time and information!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on April 06, 2018, 05:14:39 PM
Пoдcкaжитe, пoжaлyйcтa, кoгдa плaниpyют нaчaтьcя oткpытыe тopги пo мoнeтe и нa кaкoй плoщaдкe?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Muzz1e on April 06, 2018, 05:15:39 PM
Дa, кcтaти кaк двигaeтcя пpoцecc c лиcтингoм???

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Katerinabronskaya on April 06, 2018, 05:44:51 PM
For what social networks is this appropriate? Can I use a smartphone?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: andryryri on April 06, 2018, 07:20:55 PM
An interesting system, but is it possible to exchange SNScoins for bitcoins or other assets?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Atlantic93 on April 07, 2018, 09:52:05 AM
And tell me, when will registration be possible? I would start working there, so now there are no good projects.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:37:04 PM
For what social networks is this appropriate? Can I use a smartphone?
U'll be able to use Android and IOS systems. Both with browser add-on preinstalled. No problems

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:39:14 PM
And I'm interested in this: in the near future when we will see the implemented platform SNScoin, and if not a secret, what role does the Blockchain have here?
Thanks. Blockchain gives us an opportunity to realize direct "payments" between platform users. No need for "real" money for mutual help. Alpha version will be implemented in several months. Follow the topic pls

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:42:41 PM
Friends, any Ico project, this is either investment, or time spent in the Bounty, and the most precious thing in a person's life is time and information!
No problem, Friend! Social networks extend our communication abilities, our life. Our system extends networks functionality. Live, communicate, develop!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:44:46 PM
An interesting system, but is it possible to exchange SNScoins for bitcoins or other assets?
Not yet. We've just ended the ico event. You can buy SNS from owners if you directly know somebody. Exchanges will be available in close time. Follow the topic

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:46:07 PM
Пoдcкaжитe, пoжaлyйcтa, кoгдa плaниpyют нaчaтьcя oткpытыe тopги пo мoнeтe и нa кaкoй плoщaдкe?
Пoжaлyйcтa cлeдyйтe тeмe. Bcя инфopмaция бyдeт здecь в ближaйшeм вpeмя. Mы paccчитывaeм 1-2 нeдeли. Cпacибo

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:47:30 PM
Дa, кcтaти кaк двигaeтcя пpoцecc c лиcтингoм???
Пpoцecc нaxoдитcя пoд кoнтpoлeм нaшeгo кoмaнднoгo лидepa. Пoжaлyйcтa дoждитecь инфopмaции в этoй тeмe. Cпacибo!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 08, 2018, 07:48:50 PM
And tell me, when will registration be possible? I would start working there, so now there are no good projects.
You can become the alpha-tester in 2-3 months. Pls follow the topic.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Turbo-S on April 08, 2018, 08:06:26 PM
Tell me when will your platform Smscoin-link be released?
Also interesting is the information on which exchanges you are considering for listing, and at what price do you intend to sell the coin?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: ThamerLan on April 09, 2018, 07:52:10 AM
Pretty good idea to create coins to promote sites or services through the social networks. But I am interested of one thing - How will it work? I mean it's gonna be a separate services for selling / bying likes or subscribers or it will be integrated into one global platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 06:07:35 AM
Tell me when will your platform Smscoin-link be released?
Also interesting is the information on which exchanges you are considering for listing, and at what price do you intend to sell the coin?
We'll ibfirm our followers as soon as possible.
What about exchanges - our Team leader will give full info here when he'll get the final agreements.
What about the platform release... Folliw the topic. Today our developers will start posting some technical moments, so our followers will be able to see the development progress

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 06:10:40 AM
Pretty good idea to create coins to promote sites or services through the social networks. But I am interested of one thing - How will it work? I mean it's gonna be a separate services for selling / bying likes or subscribers or it will be integrated into one global platform?
Hello, Friend! Sorry, but you are not right a little. We are p2p platform for promoting end user pages in "networks via networks". Like... you make reposts and get reposts too... Understand? No spam or advertising of third-party sites... Just advertising of social networks pages of end users

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Azizbek123 on April 10, 2018, 07:04:39 AM
Will be any news about SNS in one-two months? And what do you plan in future?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 08:49:31 AM
Will be any news about SNS in one-two months? And what do you plan in future?
We are expecting news from our Team leader about trades start. In 2-3 weeks

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: spacelab on April 10, 2018, 09:59:29 AM
You have any bounty program? Referral program?
Also interested in soft cap and hard cap,and is development already done?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 10:56:59 AM

Hi! Can me please, what benefits will I get if I have the tokens of your project?

You l be able to promote your social networks pages/groups, if needed. Or just a speculation interest otherwise...

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 11:01:07 AM
You have any bounty program? Referral program?
Also interested in soft cap and hard cap,and is development already done?
First bounty program is finished. ICO is finished. We are planning several bounty programs in future (more than 20% coins are owned by our team). Pls follow the topic.
The development process is in progress. Some information about win-platform development is expected from our programmers today. As I know they work on gecko- and chromium-plugins now. 

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: arypklinos on April 10, 2018, 01:17:01 PM

Hello  devs! I want to clarify an approximate date of the end of  ICO.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 05:47:00 PM

Hello  devs! I want to clarify an approximate date of the end of  ICO.

Hello, Friend! The ICO event is finished already.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 10, 2018, 10:47:19 PM

Mozilla Firefox plugin development.
Basic functionality testing.
This add-on can now understand if the page is marked as "SNSplatform page" (registered user) and check some key values. Tested on FB page (pseudointegration via code words).

From win-developer

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on April 11, 2018, 08:24:40 AM
Mozilla Firefox plugin development.
Basic functionality testing.
This add-on can now understand if the page is marked as "SNSplatform page" (registered user) and check some key values. Tested on FB page (pseudointegration via code words).
Oгo, тo ecть вaш пpoдyкт yжe мoжнo пpoтecтиpoвaть?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 11, 2018, 08:27:38 AM
Oгo, тo ecть вaш пpoдyкт yжe мoжнo пpoтecтиpoвaть?
Увaжaeмый Pyccкий Дpyг! Пoкa нeт. Этo нe aльфa-тecтиpoвaниe дaжe! Я пoпpocил нaшeгo win-paзpaбoтчикa дaвaть нeкoтopyю инфopмaцию o пpoгpecce. Cпacибo. Mы пpиглacим тecтepoв кaк тoлькo бyдeт peлиз. Cлeдитe зa тeмoй.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on April 11, 2018, 08:53:43 AM
Oгo, тo ecть вaш пpoдyкт yжe мoжнo пpoтecтиpoвaть?
Увaжaeмый Pyccкий Дpyг! Пoкa нeт. Этo нe aльфa-тecтиpoвaниe дaжe! Я пoпpocил нaшeгo win-paзpaбoтчикa дaвaть нeкoтopyю инфopмaцию o пpoгpecce. Cпacибo. Mы пpиглacим тecтepoв кaк тoлькo бyдeт peлиз. Cлeдитe зa тeмoй.
Mнe пocчacтливилocь cтaть oдним из влaдeльцeв вaшeгo тoкeнa, пoэтoмy я c ocoбeнным интepecoм пpoдoлжy нaблюдaть зa пpoeктoм.
Ha фoнe oгpoмнoгo кoличecтвa cкaм aйcиo пpиятнo видeть, чтo yжe пocлe пpoдaжи вы пpoдoлжaeтe зaнимaтьcя paзpaбoткoй.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 11, 2018, 09:09:35 AM
Oгo, тo ecть вaш пpoдyкт yжe мoжнo пpoтecтиpoвaть?
Увaжaeмый Pyccкий Дpyг! Пoкa нeт. Этo нe aльфa-тecтиpoвaниe дaжe! Я пoпpocил нaшeгo win-paзpaбoтчикa дaвaть нeкoтopyю инфopмaцию o пpoгpecce. Cпacибo. Mы пpиглacим тecтepoв кaк тoлькo бyдeт peлиз. Cлeдитe зa тeмoй.
Mнe пocчacтливилocь cтaть oдним из влaдeльцeв вaшeгo тoкeнa, пoэтoмy я c ocoбeнным интepecoм пpoдoлжy нaблюдaть зa пpoeктoм.
Ha фoнe oгpoмнoгo кoличecтвa cкaм aйcиo пpиятнo видeть, чтo yжe пocлe пpoдaжи вы пpoдoлжaeтe зaнимaтьcя paзpaбoткoй.
Cпacибo зa дoвepиe! Paбoтaeм  мнoгo для дocтижeния ycпexa. Ocтaвaйcя c нaми

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Azizbek123 on April 13, 2018, 07:39:42 AM
Will be any news about SNS in one-two months? And what do you plan in future?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 13, 2018, 12:08:42 PM
Will be any news about SNS in one-two months? And what do you plan in future?

Working hard on exchange listing...
Browser extensions are in progress.
Pls follow the topic.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 13, 2018, 10:08:11 PM

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Apula on April 13, 2018, 11:15:09 PM
Will be added to for mining when wallet is available

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 14, 2018, 09:08:05 AM
Will be added to for mining when wallet is available

Would be great  ;D But we are ERC-20 token. No mining  :D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 22, 2018, 07:22:58 PM
Just fixed problems with topic images. All images were moved to own hosting.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: aveva on April 22, 2018, 09:20:43 PM
Peбят, ecть ли нoвocти пo пpoeктy и ocoбeннo пo тoкeнy? Ждeм c мoмeнтa oкoнчaния ICO...

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 22, 2018, 09:26:33 PM
Peбят, ecть ли нoвocти пo пpoeктy и ocoбeннo пo тoкeнy? Ждeм c мoмeнтa oкoнчaния ICO...
Дopoгoй пocлeдoвaтeль! Cпacибo чтo ocтaeтecь c нaми.
Пpoдoлжaютcя cepьeзныe paбoты пo coздaнию пpoгpaммныx мoдyлeй бpayзepoв. Уcилия cocpeдoтoчeны нaд мoдyлями для WINDOWS-плaтфopм ceйчac.
Beдeтcя пoдгoтoвкa нoвoгo WEB-caйтa c личным кaбинeтoм и внeдpeнными плaтeжными инcтpyмeнтaми. Peклaмный oтдeл пpигoтoвляeт инфopмaциoннyю бaзy для TWITTER-кaнaлa для дaльнeйшeй быcтpoй пoддepжки клиeнтoв. Haшa кoмaндa pacтeт нeпpepывнo!!!
Чтo o биpжи пpoдвижeнии - мы paccчитывaeм нa лиcтинг и нaчaлo тopгoв дo кoнцa aпpeля 2018.
Cпacибo зa вoпpoc! Извинитe зa google пepeвoдчикa

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on April 29, 2018, 11:33:02 PM
Дopoгиe дpyзья!
Mы paды cooбщить, чтo 29 aпpeля 2018 гoдa в cocтaв кoмaнды SNS вoшeл aнaлитик Bлaд Tиxoнoв (Poccия). C этoгo мoмeнтa кaчecтвo пoддepжки нaшиx pyccкoязычныx eдинoмышлeнникoв знaчитeльнo yлyчшитcя. Бoлee никaкиx "извинитe зa пepeвoдчикa google".

Bceм cпacибo! Ocтaвaйтecь c нaми

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: AlkoFish on May 07, 2018, 02:04:27 PM
Wow..) SNScoin is good idea. Could You pls advice what kind of social media will be used in scope of mentioned platform? Thx!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: melanie19283 on May 08, 2018, 08:19:31 AM
What type of bounty should I choose to reserve French translation?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: NikeLiz on May 21, 2018, 03:52:50 PM
Great idea! Now we just have to wait for the opening! We will follow the news. I really want to be the first in this project. It's good that the team has a Russian-speaking specialist. This will speed up the resolution of many issues.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on May 24, 2018, 09:16:19 AM
Wow..) SNScoin is good idea. Could You pls advice what kind of social media will be used in scope of mentioned platform? Thx!
Good day! Excuse me for long news absence. We were working hard on our new marketing plan, while our programmers continued creating the modules. Now we are testing with Facebook and VK (for Russian followers). Also Twitter tests will start in short time. Thx!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on May 24, 2018, 09:17:15 AM
What type of bounty should I choose to reserve French translation?
Not requered now. But we'll save your contact for the future. Thx!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on May 24, 2018, 09:17:56 AM
Great idea! Now we just have to wait for the opening! We will follow the news. I really want to be the first in this project. It's good that the team has a Russian-speaking specialist. This will speed up the resolution of many issues.
Thank you, Friend! Follow us here  ;D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Stive777 on June 04, 2018, 05:30:21 AM
Interesting system! And for what social networks is it suitable and when will the platform release?

Title: Re: [ANN] !!! SNScoin - SNS - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: daniel12345 on June 19, 2018, 10:32:06 AM
This possibility of exchange between connection has a great role for me not only once was when I was a good link between the bitcoin information

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Dankon on August 06, 2018, 04:58:28 AM
 I wonder which social networks the project is designed for and how it is related to Blockchain? It is interesting to learn more about the project.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Cangleemee on August 19, 2018, 09:34:22 AM
I liked the idea of the project.In any case, such a platform for exchange is simply necessary for crypto-enthusiasts.I hope the developers will be able to implement all their plans, and soon we will see a fully functioning platform.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 23, 2018, 10:22:36 PM
I liked the idea of the project.In any case, such a platform for exchange is simply necessary for crypto-enthusiasts.I hope the developers will be able to implement all their plans, and soon we will see a fully functioning platform.

Thanks, Friend! After days of silence we continue posting our news.
We had a lot of good and hard events, we created thousands strings of code, changed several architectures and paradigms. And now we are glad to inform you about our big Internet promo campaign start. Feel free to follow our topic for more news.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 23, 2018, 10:24:32 PM
Our Lightpaper is available at

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Dorbaraco on August 24, 2018, 11:15:35 AM
Our Lightpaper is available at
I have not found white paper on your site. Where can I find a more detailed description of your work and future plans?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Feritylenauria on August 24, 2018, 11:22:45 AM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zabrysaitr on August 24, 2018, 12:06:23 PM
Our Lightpaper is available at
I have not found white paper on your site. Where can I find a more detailed description of your work and future plans?
I was also interested in the SNS project. At what stage of development are you now?  Is your roadmap consistent with the team's real achievements?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oritzionar on August 24, 2018, 12:12:21 PM
I liked the idea of the project.In any case, such a platform for exchange is simply necessary for crypto-enthusiasts.I hope the developers will be able to implement all their plans, and soon we will see a fully functioning platform.

Thanks, Friend! After days of silence we continue posting our news.
We had a lot of good and hard events, we created thousands strings of code, changed several architectures and paradigms. And now we are glad to inform you about our big Internet promo campaign start. Feel free to follow our topic for more news.
On what channels of communication can I see the news about the development of your project? Maybe Twitter, Telegram or Media?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: alexsmalex on August 24, 2018, 12:27:14 PM
How will you encourage users to use your plugins when launching the platform? Do you have a strategy to promote the participants or a referral program?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Hidavynara on August 24, 2018, 12:41:07 PM
Hello. I read that your team planned a full launch of the platform at the beginning of 2019. Already have a more specific timeframe?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Loneytonja on August 24, 2018, 12:47:45 PM
I'm interested in your product. I don't understand how I can access plugins? Will they be offered on your website or available in social media, Snscoin partners?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zachiermar on August 24, 2018, 01:13:12 PM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.
Yes, the sale of ICO  finished in April. But as I see it, the team has not yet offered a token listing. I think we'll soon know more news.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: angrygerl on August 24, 2018, 01:22:14 PM

I liked the idea of the project.In any case, such a platform for exchange is simply necessary for crypto-enthusiasts.I hope the developers will be able to implement all their plans, and soon we will see a fully functioning platform.

Thanks, Friend! After days of silence we continue posting our news.
We had a lot of good and hard events, we created thousands strings of code, changed several architectures and paradigms. And now we are glad to inform you about our big Internet promo campaign start. Feel free to follow our topic for more news.
Without advertising for the project, developers are difficult to get a large community. Who participates in your advertising campaign? Or you don't attract third party members for advertising?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Chinylawka on August 24, 2018, 01:26:25 PM
In my opinion, this is a great idea for social media users. I am sure that many participants will support SNScoin and start working with you. Will all browsers support your product?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Shangerian on August 24, 2018, 01:30:40 PM
Hello, Dev. I'm sure you'll have a lot of consumers. I will wait for the launch of the first version. Good luck to you.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on August 24, 2018, 01:31:25 PM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.
Yes, the ICO was held in april. 20% of tokens are still frozen for future promo actions

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 24, 2018, 01:49:14 PM
I'm interested in your product. I don't understand how I can access plugins? Will they be offered on your website or available in social media, Snscoin partners?
Plugins will be available on our site as soon as beta-testing will start

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 24, 2018, 01:51:51 PM
In my opinion, this is a great idea for social media users. I am sure that many participants will support SNScoin and start working with you. Will all browsers support your product?
Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla, Safari browsers are OK now while testing by our programmers. Everything will be stable

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Fielbairdi on August 24, 2018, 02:04:49 PM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.
Yes, the ICO was held in april. We still keep 20% of tokens frozen for future promo actions
I understand correctly from the description that at this stage I can not buy your token? Until the token is released on exchange?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vasyafet on August 24, 2018, 02:09:19 PM
I'm interested in your product. I don't understand how I can access plugins? Will they be offered on your website or available in social media, Snscoin partners?
Plugins will be available on our site as soon as beta-testing will start
Hi. Already known to your developers the cost of your services to users? Will there be any benefits for early investors when registering?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ulavaradys on August 24, 2018, 02:16:58 PM
Would you please tell me if I can bring my tokens between my different social media accounts? And where will the tokens I earn be stored?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Donanausan on August 24, 2018, 02:25:34 PM
In my opinion, this is a great idea for social media users. I am sure that many participants will support SNScoin and start working with you. Will all browsers support your product?
Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla, Safari browsers are OK now while testing by our programmers. Everything will be stable
A great choice for working in social media. Are you planning to start work in all browsers, or the first version of SNS be gradually adding new stages of plugins development?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ferayleyos on August 24, 2018, 02:29:11 PM
I think that such a product will have success among the participants of social media. Have you already carried out an internal alpha-version test?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Letopisets on August 24, 2018, 02:38:35 PM
I think that blockchain technology will bring popularity to SNScoin. Here everything will work without deception and fraud. I wish you a successful launch of the platform.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vivinthosh on August 24, 2018, 02:46:36 PM
Hello. All social media participants will be able to download your product? There are no restrictions for some countries?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Uncelderna on August 24, 2018, 02:51:15 PM
I have read your description. Good idea, but until I saw the results, only a brief overview. When can potential participants get more information or news on the project?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Queregaett on August 24, 2018, 02:56:40 PM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.
Yes, the ICO was held in april. 20% of tokens are still frozen for future promo actions
Tell us, please, what amount of investments the team allocated for the advertising campaign of the project? And if possible, I would like to know what is the focus of the PR-campaign?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: orchideja75 on August 24, 2018, 03:14:05 PM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.
Yes, the ICO was held in april. 20% of tokens are still frozen for future promo actions
Tell us, please, what amount of investments the team allocated for the advertising campaign of the project? And if possible, I would like to know what is the focus of the PR-campaign?
I think it is logical to assume that advertising of such product is necessary on social media pages. After all, participants should get a description of the advantages of this project and make sure of their quality.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Gryosletul on August 24, 2018, 03:19:10 PM
In the project description, I see that your team plans to launch the token for exchange in September 2018. Is that right? What are the cost of tokens in the plans?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Elliabinhu on August 24, 2018, 03:23:09 PM
For the holders of the tokens that participated in the sale of the ICO, you can offer additional profit, except for the growth of the value of the token on the exchange?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oraelilian on August 24, 2018, 03:26:16 PM
As I understand it, the SNScoin project is preparing for new events. I see a revival of interest in this platform. I hope that investors receive good results soon.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: persefona on August 24, 2018, 04:17:58 PM
Hello. I did not fully understand - your project has already finished selling ICO? In the roadmap I did not find the deadline for the completion of the sale.
Yes, the ICO was held in april. 20% of tokens are still frozen for future promo actions
Tell us, please, what amount of investments the team allocated for the advertising campaign of the project? And if possible, I would like to know what is the focus of the PR-campaign?
I think it is logical to assume that advertising of such product is necessary on social media pages. After all, participants should get a description of the advantages of this project and make sure of their quality.
I'd like to know more about this. Is there an opportunity for me as a social media user to help the project and get a reward for it?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Korebertur on August 24, 2018, 04:21:33 PM
Tell us, why did you use the ICO principle to search for investments? I think the developers and owners of some channels could lend you support in investing.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Obaraceldo on August 24, 2018, 04:24:12 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Iandicienn on August 24, 2018, 04:27:43 PM
I may have missed some of the team's answers about the development of the project. Was the sale of ICO successful? Have you collected enough money to complete your product development?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: PchelkaMaja95 on August 24, 2018, 04:33:23 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: LaScuderia on August 24, 2018, 05:13:44 PM
For the holders of the tokens that participated in the sale of the ICO, you can offer additional profit, except for the growth of the value of the token on the exchange?

What profit do you want yet?
I think apart from the growth of the price of the token on the exchange, only dividends can bear profits. But as you yourself understand, such projects can not enter the stock exchanges because of the crisis. So only the redemption of tokens for the growth of the price or the sale of the product will give growth to the holders.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: jannamaile on August 24, 2018, 05:23:35 PM
Hi guys. Tell me please, how long will ICO take? Can I choose another one task?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Baniasting on August 24, 2018, 05:44:05 PM
Hi guys. Tell me please, how long will ICO take? Can I choose another one task?
Well, I see that the sale of ICO tokens has already been completed, as is the Bounty campaign. Additional bonuses will probably be. I heard something about it.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Caskachoga on August 24, 2018, 05:51:23 PM
For the holders of the tokens that participated in the sale of the ICO, you can offer additional profit, except for the growth of the value of the token on the exchange?

What profit do you want yet?
I think apart from the growth of the price of the token on the exchange, only dividends can bear profits. But as you yourself understand, such projects can not enter the stock exchanges because of the crisis. So only the redemption of tokens for the growth of the price or the sale of the product will give growth to the holders.
Does the team have a forecast  about the value of the SNScoin token? A business plan helps investors better understand their prospects or define a strategy.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Naleynames on August 24, 2018, 05:57:58 PM
I may have missed some of the team's answers about the development of the project. Was the sale of ICO successful? Have you collected enough money to complete your product development?
The project was able to quickly collect the necessary funds.  I read a post about it. I just didn't understand how this fund would be spent for the development of the project. Where can I read about the details of the distribution of funds?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: snos-boss on August 24, 2018, 06:04:32 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

In any case, you can send a request to the email But I would prefer to use other means of communication.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zuzarianak on August 24, 2018, 06:10:01 PM
It has been several months since the end of the sale of ICO. Is your product overview already available? I would like to know the opinion of experts about your development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ngezanitle on August 24, 2018, 06:15:01 PM
Your idea seems very relevant to me today. Social media is constantly updating and expanding the number of users. I think that SNScoin perfectly fit into the number of products that improve the performance of social channels.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Nthissibar on August 24, 2018, 06:19:31 PM
I understand the essence of the product SNScoin, despite the brevity of the description of the site. Why don't you have a social networking page? Do you plan to make a presentation at the time of registration of the project in social media on a personal example?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Truthfinder76 on August 24, 2018, 06:23:21 PM
The project will soon start an advertising campaign and will add tokens for exchange. I think it will be very interesting for everyone to know the names of the exchange partners.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Weldeynnee on August 24, 2018, 06:28:34 PM
Hello. What role will the rating of my accounts on your platform play? Can I get an extra discount when ordering page promotion?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ngeustongi on August 24, 2018, 06:38:06 PM
Are you considering any companies as partners? I didn't fully understand how much your project is autonomous  while working with social media users.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ustovianet on August 24, 2018, 06:43:40 PM
A large community around the development will become an assistant in advertising for Snscoin. I hope that the team's experience in the development will make this product a good tool for fruitful cooperation of social media participants.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 24, 2018, 07:03:27 PM
Hello. What role will the rating of my accounts on your platform play? Can I get an extra discount when ordering page promotion?
Your "prices" in SNS will fully depend on your activity. The more your rating is the cheaper your own promotion becomes.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 24, 2018, 07:08:38 PM
Are you considering any companies as partners? I didn't fully understand how much your project is autonomous  while working with social media users.
We are going to be fully independend on first steps. Our social networks code analisys shows that there is no need to use any special integration. Every user has unique id and it's enough. All html/css code modifications  for our system our plugin can make "on the fly". As a result you will be able to distinguish our users' pages simply.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Dorbaraco on August 25, 2018, 05:40:59 AM
Hello. What role will the rating of my accounts on your platform play? Can I get an extra discount when ordering page promotion?
Your "prices" in SNS will fully depend on your activity. The more your rating is the cheaper your own promotion becomes.
I think that the most active users of social media will immediately become your consumers.  Such plugins will be convenient for their operation by its simplicity. Anyway I see this from the description of the project.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onahmanyas on August 25, 2018, 05:45:57 AM
Hey, guys. I would like to know when I can buy SNScoin tokens? I thought it would be faster to launch a token on the exchange.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Agamilleen on August 25, 2018, 05:50:15 AM
Are you considering any companies as partners? I didn't fully understand how much your project is autonomous  while working with social media users.
We are going to be fully independend on first steps. Our social networks code analisys shows that there is no need to use any special integration. Every user has unique id and it's enough. All html/css code modifications  for our system our plugin can make "on the fly". As a result you will be able to distinguish our users' pages simply.
In this case, your project will be able to get a great profit without the participation of partners. I think the sale of ICO is very suitable for independent projects.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Xtontimetr on August 25, 2018, 05:56:47 AM

I would like to learn from developers how they will profit from consumers of social media? I am not sure that the profit of the project will end with the sale of tokens.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: alexsmalex on August 25, 2018, 06:00:57 AM

In my opinion, this is a great idea for social media users. I am sure that many participants will support SNScoin and start working with you. Will all browsers support your product?
Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla, Safari browsers are OK now while testing by our programmers. Everything will be stable
Is this the final list of browsers or are you planning to continue your development and offer new opportunities?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Rongellyne on August 25, 2018, 06:04:15 AM
Hello. Do I have to be a token owner to register on the SNScoin platform? I would like to learn about the first registration to work with plugins.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 25, 2018, 06:05:21 AM

In my opinion, this is a great idea for social media users. I am sure that many participants will support SNScoin and start working with you. Will all browsers support your product?
Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla, Safari browsers are OK now while testing by our programmers. Everything will be stable
Is this the final list of browsers or are you planning to continue your development and offer new opportunities?
No. This is just a list of browsers already tested. All apis have differences. So we need to adopt the code for each api separately. And... there are also mobile platforms, not tested yet

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 25, 2018, 06:06:59 AM
Hello. Do I have to be a token owner to register on the SNScoin platform? I would like to learn about the first registration to work with plugins.
No, you shouldn't. Everybody will be able to join beta test and earn SNS without buying SNS on exchanges. Follow the topic for more info

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 25, 2018, 06:09:27 AM

I would like to learn from developers how they will profit from consumers of social media? I am not sure that the profit of the project will end with the sale of tokens.
We are going to integrate our own advertisement subsystem. It'll give the users additional opportunities to get some funds via promoting comnercial goods. But all it will be later, after system stability achieving

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Lvesefougu on August 25, 2018, 06:10:28 AM
A good opportunity for fans of social media. I think the token will become popular in a short time, but this project needs good advertising.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Barenickardr on August 25, 2018, 06:14:58 AM
Hello. Do I have to be a token owner to register on the SNScoin platform? I would like to learn about the first registration to work with plugins.
No, you shouldn't. Everybody will be able to join beta test and earn SNS without buying SNS on exchanges. Follow the topic for more info
I was very interested. Of course, I will follow your events. Participating in the testing will help me understand more about the benefits of the project. Good luck.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 25, 2018, 06:15:17 AM
A good opportunity for fans of social media. I think the token will become popular in a short time, but this project needs good advertising.
Yes, Friend, you are right... We are going to spend a lot of funds for promotion. Because there are a lot of commercial competitors already. But we have some benefits. First of all we will be free of charge for active social media users

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: angrygerl on August 25, 2018, 06:19:30 AM
Hello. Do I have to be a token owner to register on the SNScoin platform? I would like to learn about the first registration to work with plugins.
No, you shouldn't. Everybody will be able to join beta test and earn SNS without buying SNS on exchanges. Follow the topic for more info
Will the number of beta test participants be limited? I would like to participate in it. Do I need to pre-register or sign up for my membership before I run the test?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Walarsakioun on August 25, 2018, 06:23:53 AM

I would like to learn from developers how they will profit from consumers of social media? I am not sure that the profit of the project will end with the sale of tokens.
We are going to integrate our own advertisement subsystem. It'll give the users additional opportunities to get some funds via promoting comnercial goods. But all it will be later, after system stability achieving
I see in your project many plans for the future. The scale of the project attracts investors during the launch of the token on the exchange. Will the presentation of some work be done before selling the token on the exchange?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Perolamyreen on August 25, 2018, 06:46:39 AM
A good opportunity for fans of social media. I think the token will become popular in a short time, but this project needs good advertising.
Yes, Friend, you are right... We are going to spend a lot of funds for promotion. Because there are a lot of commercial competitors already. But we have some benefits. First of all we will be free of charge for active social media users
Correctly chosen by the team, the strategy will be able to circumvent competitors. Here you need high-quality and fast work. I will follow your project to learn more about your development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Reduncecarel on August 25, 2018, 06:50:21 AM
I didn't take part in early investment. Does the team offer to go through beta testing and get free tokens? What are the requirements for test participants?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vasyafet on August 25, 2018, 06:55:20 AM
Hello. What role will the rating of my accounts on your platform play? Can I get an extra discount when ordering page promotion?
Your "prices" in SNS will fully depend on your activity. The more your rating is the cheaper your own promotion becomes.
I think that the most active users of social media will immediately become your consumers.  Such plugins will be convenient for their operation by its simplicity. Anyway I see this from the description of the project.
The rating of participants is more and more in demand among different projects. I think that the activity of the participants will contribute to the development of social media. I'll wait for the platform to launch.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Camaldemonib on August 25, 2018, 07:04:01 AM
An independent project with great potential will bring investors a good profit. I would like to know the preliminary information about the value of the token on the exchange.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Inellynelint on August 25, 2018, 07:08:04 AM
I don't yet understand the prospect of your project for the first year after the full launch of the platform. How many accounts do you plan to see on your platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Albettazarya on August 25, 2018, 07:11:04 AM
I see that the project has started to be more active, which has helped to interest the community. Now I'm waiting for the beta version to run. It seems to me that this is a very important point in the team's work.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Letopisets on August 25, 2018, 07:34:05 AM
I don't yet understand the prospect of your project for the first year after the full launch of the platform. How many accounts do you plan to see on your platform?
Considering the fact that ICO projects in bounty campaigns attract participants from different social media, we can get good statistics of those participants who work in the world of crypto. And they will be ready to work with SNScoin.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: patriknilen on August 25, 2018, 07:34:54 AM
you said your project collected 119,7 BTC, but when I check your contract, their are don't show any transfer in ther near past.
The nearest transfer was more than 2 months ago. Can you show me why is it?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Honieviellis on August 25, 2018, 07:43:14 AM
If I understand correctly, now the team does not sell the token and there is no access to purchase on the exchange. And the sale of ICO was a few months ago. Now the project participants are waiting for the beta version.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Gavitanzalet on August 25, 2018, 07:55:09 AM
Perspective Project. For social media users, I'm sure it will be a useful assistant with a simple interface. I think investors will get good results when selling tokens.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Pindridregando on August 25, 2018, 08:40:15 AM
If I understand correctly, now the team does not sell the token and there is no access to purchase on the exchange. And the sale of ICO was a few months ago. Now the project participants are waiting for the beta version.

I didn't see any information about alpha testing. How does this development phase take place? How does the team evaluate their progress?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: orchideja75 on August 25, 2018, 08:49:29 AM
A good opportunity for fans of social media. I think the token will become popular in a short time, but this project needs good advertising.
Yes, Friend, you are right... We are going to spend a lot of funds for promotion. Because there are a lot of commercial competitors already. But we have some benefits. First of all we will be free of charge for active social media users
This is a very big advantage among the competitors. I think that not everyone is ready to work on such conditions. The team can get many accounts, and this will increase the value of the token.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Juanleylacorav on August 25, 2018, 08:54:55 AM
I see that the project has started to be more active, which has helped to interest the community. Now I'm waiting for the beta version to run. It seems to me that this is a very important point in the team's work.
Of course, an important stage. The community will be able to personally verify the competence of the team, and in addition to that - get free tokens.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Piplaimaineste on August 25, 2018, 09:01:36 AM
Does the team have experts from the blockchain area? Perhaps your advisors assessed the quality of your first steps? I would be happy to hear about these reviews.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Feritylenauria on August 25, 2018, 11:37:31 AM
I see that the project has started to be more active, which has helped to interest the community. Now I'm waiting for the beta version to run. It seems to me that this is a very important point in the team's work.
Of course, an important stage. The community will be able to personally verify the competence of the team, and in addition to that - get free tokens.
And when will we know the details of participation in beta-testing? I think that interested users will be many, those who want to learn more about the project.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: persefona on August 25, 2018, 11:43:11 AM
A good opportunity for fans of social media. I think the token will become popular in a short time, but this project needs good advertising.
Yes, Friend, you are right... We are going to spend a lot of funds for promotion. Because there are a lot of commercial competitors already. But we have some benefits. First of all we will be free of charge for active social media users
This is a very big advantage among the competitors. I think that not everyone is ready to work on such conditions. The team can get many accounts, and this will increase the value of the token.
It's increasingly difficult for new projects to get community support. In this project, the investment collection was fast. I think that the growth in the number of consumers will be fast if the team implements all their strategies.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zabrysaitr on August 25, 2018, 11:47:22 AM
Does the team have experts from the blockchain area? Perhaps your advisors assessed the quality of your first steps? I would be happy to hear about these reviews.
I read that the team is fully staffed with all the necessary specialists who can cope with the tasks. But the result of the development will help us understand the quality of work.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oritzionar on August 25, 2018, 11:53:18 AM
A good opportunity for fans of social media. I think the token will become popular in a short time, but this project needs good advertising.
Yes, Friend, you are right... We are going to spend a lot of funds for promotion. Because there are a lot of commercial competitors already. But we have some benefits. First of all we will be free of charge for active social media users
This is a very big advantage among the competitors. I think that not everyone is ready to work on such conditions. The team can get many accounts, and this will increase the value of the token.
It's increasingly difficult for new projects to get community support. In this project, the investment collection was fast. I think that the growth in the number of consumers will be fast if the team implements all their strategies.
If ICO offers a qualitative description and detailed analysis of its roadmap, has good specialists, the support of investors is held at the highest level. I hope  SNScoin  is one of those projects.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Hidavynara on August 25, 2018, 11:56:31 AM
The SNScoin team has all the tools to implement the roadmap. So I think that soon we will be able to work with plugins and get quality service.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: PchelkaMaja95 on August 25, 2018, 12:45:20 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

In any case, you can send a request to the email But I would prefer to use other means of communication.
Agree with you. I would like to know why the team does not create their social media accounts? Can we see an example of a plugin use by the project itself?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Loneytonja on August 25, 2018, 12:49:33 PM
I'm interested in your product. I don't understand how I can access plugins? Will they be offered on your website or available in social media, Snscoin partners?
Plugins will be available on our site as soon as beta-testing will start
Thanks for the quick reply. I am always pleased to feel the team's activity. I'll certainly wait for the beta to be launched to learn about your achievements.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zachiermar on August 25, 2018, 01:53:18 PM
I didn't take part in early investment. Does the team offer to go through beta testing and get free tokens? What are the requirements for test participants?
I have not seen the details of this involvement. It seems to me that the SNS team will tell us the details closer to the start of this version of testing. I think this event is relevant for January 2019.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Chinylawka on August 25, 2018, 01:59:07 PM
In my opinion, this is a great idea for social media users. I am sure that many participants will support SNScoin and start working with you. Will all browsers support your product?
Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla, Safari browsers are OK now while testing by our programmers. Everything will be stable
Well, I think the first steps have already been taken to get your platform started. Testing the most popular browsers shows me your activity.  I hope that the launch of the platform will happen without changes in the road map.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: snos-boss on August 25, 2018, 06:08:46 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

In any case, you can send a request to the email But I would prefer to use other means of communication.
Agree with you. I would like to know why the team does not create their social media accounts? Can we see an example of a plugin use by the project itself?
I don't know that. We will need to get a lot of answers before launching the platform. Of course, I also want to learn about the application of plugins by the project   SNScoin.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Shangerian on August 25, 2018, 06:13:20 PM
At this stage of development I like how the team works. According to the description, in September we can already see the token on the exchange. Is there a list of partners for the sale of SNS tokens?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Fielbairdi on August 25, 2018, 06:16:36 PM
Advertising in social media continues to be in demand. I think that SNScoin will be relevant in times of growing interest in social communication channels.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ulavaradys on August 25, 2018, 06:31:47 PM
Advertising in social media continues to be in demand. I think that SNScoin will be relevant in times of growing interest in social communication channels.

Advertising is the engine of many processes. Social media should have motivational factors for cooperation. SNScoin is great option.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Truthfinder76 on August 25, 2018, 06:42:11 PM
I am sure that the first users of the SNS platform will get the most benefit from the participation. The team promises interesting bonuses for participants of testing.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Donanausan on August 25, 2018, 06:51:38 PM
The number of tokens received on the platform will increase my rating as a user. And how will the case with the rating of those participants who bought tokens during the sale of ICO?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ferayleyos on August 25, 2018, 07:04:11 PM
I didn't take part in early investment. Does the team offer to go through beta testing and get free tokens? What are the requirements for test participants?
I have not seen the details of this involvement. It seems to me that the SNS team will tell us the details closer to the start of this version of testing. I think this event is relevant for January 2019.
I see that product development has already begun. I am interested to know when developers plan to present the full version of their platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vivinthosh on August 25, 2018, 07:12:58 PM
What will be the difference between the mobile version of the platform and the main? Will they both be freely available to users?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 25, 2018, 08:59:37 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

In any case, you can send a request to the email But I would prefer to use other means of communication.
Agree with you. I would like to know why the team does not create their social media accounts? Can we see an example of a plugin use by the project itself?
We are still on development stage. Our CEO thinks it's not good idea to show the "raw" product.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 25, 2018, 09:01:07 PM
What will be the difference between the mobile version of the platform and the main? Will they both be freely available to users?
No difference in functionality. But mobile version will be more comfortable if you use android/ios device.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Dorbaraco on August 26, 2018, 05:43:34 AM
What will be the difference between the mobile version of the platform and the main? Will they both be freely available to users?
No difference in functionality. But mobile version will be more comfortable if you use android/ios device.
Users use smartphones very often to work in social media, and developing a mobile version of the product will be a very important step for the popularity of the product.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Uncelderna on August 26, 2018, 11:09:07 AM
The use of plugins simplifies the work of social network users. At easy and convenient application participants will use the product very often.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Queregaett on August 26, 2018, 11:21:09 AM
What will be the difference between the mobile version of the platform and the main? Will they both be freely available to users?
No difference in functionality. But mobile version will be more comfortable if you use android/ios device.
Users use smartphones very often to work in social media, and developing a mobile version of the product will be a very important step for the popularity of the product.
Well, social media users are always in touch, and the mobile version will be a great way to always have access to the community and work.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Gryosletul on August 26, 2018, 11:28:17 AM
Will the platform and mobile version of  SNScoin be launched simultaneously? I think it is important for users who are constantly working in the social media environment.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: alexsmalex on August 26, 2018, 11:32:39 AM
Have you received suggestions from third-party developers about working together on other social media ideas?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Elliabinhu on August 26, 2018, 11:47:41 AM
Are you planning to update the roadmap soon? I would like to know about the plans for next year. The perspective of long-term storage of tokens is very interesting.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oraelilian on August 26, 2018, 12:03:50 PM
Will the platform and mobile version of  SNScoin be launched simultaneously? I think it is important for users who are constantly working in the social media environment.
I think it would be cool, but I see in the Roadmap a phased introduction of the product. But the team will provide more accurate information about the final development phase.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Korebertur on August 26, 2018, 12:15:02 PM
What will be the difference between the mobile version of the platform and the main? Will they both be freely available to users?
No difference in functionality. But mobile version will be more comfortable if you use android/ios device.
And the mobile version has already been tested by your programmers? How did the development progress? I see that you have scheduled the launch in February 2019.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: angrygerl on August 26, 2018, 12:22:29 PM
Advertising, social media and blockchain technology create an excellent tandem, and users will get a fast and fair calculation of results.  SNScoin  can be profitable for investors.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Obaraceldo on August 26, 2018, 12:30:55 PM
I like the idea of SNS. Will there be additional features and bonuses for participants who will invite their friends to work on your platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Iandicienn on August 26, 2018, 12:36:38 PM
I am sure that the participants of social media will be glad to get profit from working on the platform. If the demand for tokens will increase constantly, it is very profitable participation.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Baniasting on August 26, 2018, 12:47:20 PM
Advertising, social media and blockchain technology create an excellent tandem, and users will get a fast and fair calculation of results.  SNScoin  can be profitable for investors.
I am still studying the possibilities of the project and its benefit to work in social media. Now it seems to me that the team offers a good development option.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vasyafet on August 26, 2018, 12:54:04 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

In any case, you can send a request to the email But I would prefer to use other means of communication.
Agree with you. I would like to know why the team does not create their social media accounts? Can we see an example of a plugin use by the project itself?
We are still on development stage. Our CEO thinks it's not good idea to show the "raw" product.
Good position at your management. Part of the community, of course, agrees with this proposal. I would like to follow your project and know all the news. Where can I get the latest news?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Caskachoga on August 26, 2018, 01:09:41 PM
Now the new investors have not gained access to the tokens, so they have every chance to see the first achievements of project at the time the token is launched on the exchange.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Naleynames on August 26, 2018, 01:26:52 PM
Hello. Information about the development of the project is available only on this branch of the forum, or there are sources for communication with the team  SNScoin?
I see that the administrator keeps in touch with his community. Overall, I think there will be enough information here so we can get the answers about the development.

In any case, you can send a request to the email But I would prefer to use other means of communication.
Agree with you. I would like to know why the team does not create their social media accounts? Can we see an example of a plugin use by the project itself?
We are still on development stage. Our CEO thinks it's not good idea to show the "raw" product.
Good position at your management. Part of the community, of course, agrees with this proposal. I would like to follow your project and know all the news. Where can I get the latest news?
News about the development of a little, I saw the description of the team only here. This is quite a natural course of events, and we need to wait for the new steps of the team.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zuzarianak on August 26, 2018, 01:36:50 PM
I would like to know the calendar of events on your project. Perhaps you have planned events and performances among the general public? or any promo action among social media participants?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Letopisets on August 26, 2018, 01:50:42 PM
I read that the team is working on creating an advertising subsystem that will help users to get extra profit. At what stage will the implementation of this idea be started?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ngezanitle on August 26, 2018, 01:58:41 PM
Well, if the team can do their job quickly, it could get a lot of users. I understand that new social media will also be able to get your plugins in the future?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Nthissibar on August 26, 2018, 02:18:38 PM
I would like to know the calendar of events on your project. Perhaps you have planned events and performances among the general public? or any promo action among social media participants?
I think that beta testing with additional bonuses for participants can be considered a good advertisement for the project. I will wait for the beginning of this stage.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Weldeynnee on August 26, 2018, 02:25:17 PM
Now the new investors have not gained access to the tokens, so they have every chance to see the first achievements of project at the time the token is launched on the exchange.
That's good. I am sure that buying tokens will have a strong motivation when there are ready results from the  SNScoin team.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: orchideja75 on August 26, 2018, 02:30:25 PM
I am sure that the participants of social media will be glad to get profit from working on the platform. If the demand for tokens will increase constantly, it is very profitable participation.
Of course, the token growth will be possible with the team's activity during development. Advertising the project and quality work on the platform will increase the number of participants  SNScoin.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ngeustongi on August 26, 2018, 02:45:02 PM
I read that the team is working on creating an advertising subsystem that will help users to get extra profit. At what stage will the implementation of this idea be started?
Now the team has a lot of work to create the main stages of development. I think that only after the development and launch of the platform we will be informed about new plans.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ustovianet on August 26, 2018, 02:49:21 PM
I think the SNS token will become popular. Running a token on an exchange is not as important as running a test version now. The team is preparing a good strategy for the implementation of testing. I'll support your project.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onahmanyas on August 26, 2018, 02:52:42 PM
The community is interested in your project. Do you already have the approximate statistics of the visit or the pre-number of users that will be added immediately after launching the platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: persefona on August 26, 2018, 02:56:20 PM
Well, we just have to wait for the test version. I also want to try for myself the possibilities of working with  SNScoin. It seems to me, that for participants of ICO projects such product can be useful.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Agamilleen on August 26, 2018, 03:00:57 PM
I would buy a SNS token, although I still want to learn more about pricing and token usage on the platform and in social media.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Xtontimetr on August 26, 2018, 03:09:28 PM
There are still a lot of questions about using a token on the platform. What amount of SNS do I need to get started on the platform if I do not participate in beta testing?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Rongellyne on August 26, 2018, 03:13:25 PM
Well, we just have to wait for the test version. I also want to try for myself the possibilities of working with  SNScoin. It seems to me, that for participants of ICO projects such product can be useful.
  From the available description, it is difficult for me to evaluate project capabilities. The branch administrator says that we will soon learn more, they do not want to show us a  "raw"  product.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: jaseno76 on August 26, 2018, 03:18:36 PM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: PchelkaMaja95 on August 26, 2018, 04:51:36 PM
I would buy a SNS token, although I still want to learn more about pricing and token usage on the platform and in social media.
Now developers talk about the ease of use of plugins by different browsers. So it's more or less clear, but the direct application of SNS tokens, I also want to know in detail.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Lvesefougu on August 26, 2018, 04:55:40 PM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
There is some description of the work of the products in this branch. A technical specialist communicates here with his community. But I also see little description of all the benefits.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Barenickardr on August 26, 2018, 05:01:19 PM
Hey, guys. I would like to know when I can buy SNScoin tokens? I thought it would be faster to launch a token on the exchange.
Here we don't need the speed to sell tokens. I would like to see more action on the part of the developers. In case of presentation or review of products, the team can get a large number of investors.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Walarsakioun on August 26, 2018, 05:07:59 PM
I would buy a SNS token, although I still want to learn more about pricing and token usage on the platform and in social media.
Now developers talk about the ease of use of plugins by different browsers. So it's more or less clear, but the direct application of SNS tokens, I also want to know in detail.
The description of the technical documentation does not reveal the essence of the application, and we will be able to conduct testing and get more information. The team is talking about free participation.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: snos-boss on August 26, 2018, 05:16:22 PM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
There is some description of the work of the products in this branch. A technical specialist communicates here with his community. But I also see little description of all the benefits.

"The more likes, reposts, comments You make for our direct participants - the more SNS You get."
What I saw on the project site is very interesting for the owners of social media accounts.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Perolamyreen on August 26, 2018, 05:20:47 PM
Snscoin can get a high rating if it will continually develop its platform. What other features, besides the use of plugins, will be available to consumers in the interface of your platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Reduncecarel on August 26, 2018, 05:41:48 PM
I read that the project allocates most of the investment for the advertising campaign. I would like to know where exactly the advertising of the project will take place - only in social media?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Camaldemonib on August 26, 2018, 05:47:50 PM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
There is some description of the work of the products in this branch. A technical specialist communicates here with his community. But I also see little description of all the benefits.

"The more likes, reposts, comments You make for our direct participants - the more SNS You get."
What I saw on the project site is very interesting for the owners of social media accounts.
Many participants on the platform means increased profits for investors? Will the initial registration of accounts be available if there are tokens in the personal account?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 26, 2018, 05:51:24 PM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
Thanks for question. We will publish the updated whitepaper with basic schemes soon

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 26, 2018, 05:52:19 PM
I read that the project allocates most of the investment for the advertising campaign. I would like to know where exactly the advertising of the project will take place - only in social media?
Not only. But we will start in social media because it's our target media area

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Truthfinder76 on August 26, 2018, 06:01:12 PM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
Thanks for question. We will publish the updated whitepaper with basic schemes soon
Great. I think that the detailed description will help investors to make a decision about participation in your project. Personally, I am interested in your product and want to support your development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Inellynelint on August 26, 2018, 06:06:11 PM
I read that the project allocates most of the investment for the advertising campaign. I would like to know where exactly the advertising of the project will take place - only in social media?
Not only. But we will start in social media because it's our target media area
With the support of the community and good financial opportunities, I am sure you will get to attract a lot of followers. Social media have great potential for working in an advertising environment.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Albettazarya on August 26, 2018, 06:18:15 PM
Good ideas quickly find followers. But the SNScoin team must actively work on creating the project to get ahead of its competitors. Good luck to you.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Honieviellis on August 26, 2018, 06:37:41 PM
Good ideas quickly find followers. But the SNScoin team must actively work on creating the project to get ahead of its competitors. Good luck to you.
Such a product will increase the chances of social media participants receiving support from other consumers. I will follow the development, I think there will be a good prospect.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Dorbaraco on August 27, 2018, 06:06:26 AM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
Thanks for question. We will publish the updated whitepaper with basic schemes soon
This update is very informative for social media users and investors. So that all participants can start exploring your functionality. I'll also wait for them.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Gavitanzalet on August 27, 2018, 08:55:42 AM
seems to promise this project, but I'm not clear about how it works on social media? please give detal info about SNScoin. I have not found a team to succeed in this project
Thanks for question. We will publish the updated whitepaper with basic schemes soon
This update is very informative for social media users and investors. So that all participants can start exploring your functionality. I'll also wait for them.
Not all investors are ready to reread the forum thread in search of answers or their interpretation. The most reliable way to provide a description of the project is white paper. I think that the update of the technical description would contribute to the growth of the number of investors.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Pindridregando on August 27, 2018, 09:01:36 AM
I hear the team is still working on the project. That's good news. Software development can be of interest to the creators of social media. I think that the project will be able to develop further and bring profit to investors.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Juanleylacorav on August 27, 2018, 09:10:34 AM
I read that the project allocates most of the investment for the advertising campaign. I would like to know where exactly the advertising of the project will take place - only in social media?
Not only. But we will start in social media because it's our target media area
In general, after testing your product, users of social media themselves will understand the need for plugins SNScoin. The referral program would help your project to get a large number of participants faster.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: osipov_oksnik on August 27, 2018, 09:12:48 AM
I liked the idea of the project, it perfectly podschoydet for crypto-enthusiasts. I hope that soon the developers will implement all their plans.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: alexsmalex on August 27, 2018, 09:14:16 AM
The popularity of social pages will continue to grow. Cryptocurrency is also increasingly used by users of Internet networks, I am sure that this will help the team to get recognition.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Piplaimaineste on August 27, 2018, 09:17:29 AM
How does the team plan to attract the first users of Snscoin products? Advertising is a good step towards attracting attention, but you need the same motivation.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Feritylenauria on August 27, 2018, 09:21:04 AM
A great option for those who work in the social media environment. When do you start an ad campaign? I don't want to miss this event.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Tupakk on August 27, 2018, 09:24:54 AM
Hey. Can you please tell me how long will ICO take? And will there be any bonuses?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zabrysaitr on August 27, 2018, 09:26:57 AM
I read that I could sell the excess tokens on the exchange with the minimum commission. For this you will work with partners from the sphere of exchange?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: angrygerl on August 27, 2018, 09:29:32 AM
Hey. Can you please tell me how long will ICO take? And will there be any bonuses?
The sale of ICO tokens has already ended, but the team is talking about beta testing, in which participants will be able to receive bonuses. There's still no details.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oritzionar on August 27, 2018, 09:32:59 AM
A great option for those who work in the social media environment. When do you start an ad campaign? I don't want to miss this event.
I hope that the team uses its community to disseminate information about the development, and we can support the project and get some rewards. I'll wait for the news.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Hidavynara on August 27, 2018, 10:31:02 AM
Hey. Can you please tell me how long will ICO take? And will there be any bonuses?
The sale of ICO tokens has already ended, but the team is talking about beta testing, in which participants will be able to receive bonuses. There's still no details.
I have not seen such opportunities in other projects so far.  Additional rewards for participants will encourage users to test. Will there be a limit on the number of participants?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Loneytonja on August 27, 2018, 10:39:08 AM
The development of  SNScoin has already begun, I think we will learn more about the development of the project when the team offers a review of products for their community.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vasyafet on August 27, 2018, 10:44:23 AM
The popularity of social pages will continue to grow. Cryptocurrency is also increasingly used by users of Internet networks, I am sure that this will help the team to get recognition.
Let's see how the first version of the platform will be presented to the public. Without development results, it is difficult to imagine the scale of the project.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zachiermar on August 27, 2018, 11:38:36 AM
Hey. Can you please tell me how long will ICO take? And will there be any bonuses?
I think we will get the details of the advertising campaign and bonuses during the testing of the platform or plugins. I'll take part in it, too.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Chinylawka on August 27, 2018, 12:18:16 PM
The experience of the ICO project team always plays an important role in increasing investor confidence in development. Can I see more posts about the team's work on other projects?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Shangerian on August 27, 2018, 12:22:35 PM
What amount of tokens will be offered by your team for purchase on exchange? I didn't see any information about how the team manages its part of tokens.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Letopisets on August 27, 2018, 12:26:57 PM
I read that I could sell the excess tokens on the exchange with the minimum commission. For this you will work with partners from the sphere of exchange?
It is likely that the partners will have a minimum commission, but I would like to know their names to assess the quality of service when buying or selling.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Fielbairdi on August 27, 2018, 01:10:36 PM
The popularity of social pages will continue to grow. Cryptocurrency is also increasingly used by users of Internet networks, I am sure that this will help the team to get recognition.
Let's see how the first version of the platform will be presented to the public. Without development results, it is difficult to imagine the scale of the project.
Well, now I see that the team is sticking to the road map.  Of course, I want to know more about successful work on products.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ulavaradys on August 27, 2018, 01:14:00 PM
The project should gather a large community around itself. Everyone wants to get a simple and quick version of the work in social media. This will help to improve the work.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Donanausan on August 27, 2018, 01:17:07 PM
I read that I could sell the excess tokens on the exchange with the minimum commission. For this you will work with partners from the sphere of exchange?
It is likely that the partners will have a minimum commission, but I would like to know their names to assess the quality of service when buying or selling.
I don't understand how a project can guarantee a minimum commission. I would like to know the details of token enumeration in my purse.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: orchideja75 on August 27, 2018, 01:21:27 PM
Work on plugins and the platform is conducted parallel? I just want to understand users will be testing products on the platform, or these stages are not dependent on each other?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ferayleyos on August 27, 2018, 01:23:28 PM
Users of social media can be very much. What is the value of the token on the exchange you predict during the year after the launch of the platform?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vivinthosh on August 27, 2018, 01:26:45 PM
Many investors your product is interested. I saw on the forum that the sales of ICO passed very quickly. Is there enough funding to develop all phases of the project?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Uncelderna on August 27, 2018, 01:29:43 PM
Work on plugins and the platform is conducted parallel? I just want to understand users will be testing products on the platform, or these stages are not dependent on each other?
It is logical for us to assume that the team should create a user friendly interface on their platform to access the products.  :)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: SimonCa on August 27, 2018, 01:33:25 PM
Hey,  Who doesn’t know, anti-money laundering (AML) is a term mainly used in the financial and legal industries to describe the legal controls that require financial institutions and other regulated entities to prevent, detect, and report money laundering activities.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: persefona on August 27, 2018, 01:57:14 PM
Ordering product promotions or promoting accounts using crypto currency is a very interesting proposition. I think users will appreciate this development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Queregaett on August 27, 2018, 02:02:01 PM
I read that we are talking about popular social networks. The expanding the list of other, less popular social networks, will be available soon?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Gryosletul on August 27, 2018, 03:04:57 PM
Ordering product promotions or promoting accounts using crypto currency is a very interesting proposition. I think users will appreciate this development.
The value of the token in the future and the potential of the platform are important for investors. It is difficult to predict the reaction of users before the project is tested for the first version.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Elliabinhu on August 27, 2018, 03:08:00 PM
The interest of users of social networks to the products Snscoin immediately becomes clear after the token is launched on the exchange. I think investors and consumers will be the equivalent buyers of tokens at an early stage of development, but the team needs to offer a quality review of the platform.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: PchelkaMaja95 on August 27, 2018, 04:01:15 PM
The interest of users of social networks to the products Snscoin immediately becomes clear after the token is launched on the exchange. I think investors and consumers will be the equivalent buyers of tokens at an early stage of development, but the team needs to offer a quality review of the platform.
First of all, the project is important for the participants of social networks. They will learn many advantages of the application during the advertising campaign. Advertising on social networks will help to attract buyers of tokens.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oraelilian on August 27, 2018, 04:03:36 PM
Is there any opinion from third party experts about your development, and what are their predictions for expanding the number of plugins for other social media?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Korebertur on August 27, 2018, 04:05:57 PM
The team plans to make free registration of participants and free download of plugins? I do not fully understand your profit in the first stage of work.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Obaraceldo on August 27, 2018, 04:10:28 PM
I think that the team described quite clearly the use of plugins, but the  questions about the use of tokens in social media, I still have. I'll wait for the new version of white paper.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: snos-boss on August 27, 2018, 05:03:40 PM
The team plans to make free registration of participants and free download of plugins? I do not fully understand your profit in the first stage of work.
I think that not only in this project, in the first stage of the launch, there may be difficulties in getting profit. The strategy of the team provides profit after the development of the platform.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Iandicienn on August 27, 2018, 05:10:46 PM
Work on plugins and the platform is conducted parallel? I just want to understand users will be testing products on the platform, or these stages are not dependent on each other?
It is logical for us to assume that the team should create a user friendly interface on their platform to access the products.  :)
All stages are listed in the roadmap. I also read that the team will present to the community already ready work. So I think testing the platform will take place with already finished products.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: JordanCa on August 27, 2018, 05:12:29 PM
Of course, this project is going to penetrate into big financial sector and bring service to people in an easy way using blockchain technology, it will bring more people in contact with cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Baniasting on August 27, 2018, 05:14:41 PM
From this description I see a good idea and decent opportunities for investors. I think it's possible to get profit here. Launch of the platform will take place next year, before that we have time to get closer to the functions of  SNScoin.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Caskachoga on August 27, 2018, 05:19:38 PM
Of course, this project is going to penetrate into big financial sector and bring service to people in an easy way using blockchain technology, it will bring more people in contact with cryptocurrency.
Agree with you. The number of plugins users can increase constantly. For crypto world is another step to popularize the use of crypto currency.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: kurko2017 on August 27, 2018, 05:28:35 PM
Hi guys. Is there news on the project, and especially on the token? I really look forward to it.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Truthfinder76 on August 27, 2018, 05:31:32 PM
Crypto currency very actively use the participants in different spheres of business around the world. The product Snscoin will expand the interest of consumers to the technologies of blockchain, and it is great.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Naleynames on August 27, 2018, 05:34:29 PM
Hi guys. Is there news on the project, and especially on the token? I really look forward to it.
Unfortunately, it is still not possible to participate in testing. It is possible that soon we will see the launch of the token on the exchange.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Flavextater on August 27, 2018, 05:37:33 PM
Good night  Is that token will be treated as official currency of the forum to take part into auction or purchase advertisement. I hope this is not joke because it is started by admin of this forum so that I'll keep this under my watch list before take any action.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zuzarianak on August 27, 2018, 05:38:45 PM
Crypto currency very actively use the participants in different spheres of business around the world. The product Snscoin will expand the interest of consumers to the technologies of blockchain, and it is great.
Now is a difficult period for cryptocurrency. But I think that such projects as SNScoin will be able to continue development of social networks with the help of Blockchain technologies.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ngezanitle on August 27, 2018, 05:44:41 PM
If the team can make a really easy to use platform for social media, then I think success will come very quickly. Advertising will always bring profit.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on August 27, 2018, 07:13:34 PM
If the team can make a really easy to use platform for social media, then I think success will come very quickly. Advertising will always bring profit.
That's why the plugin format was choosen. It's not bending the user

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on August 27, 2018, 07:17:30 PM
From this description I see a good idea and decent opportunities for investors. I think it's possible to get profit here. Launch of the platform will take place next year, before that we have time to get closer to the functions of  SNScoin.
I think that in case of positive beta tests results it's better to launch some functions as earlier as possible

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: LJMAN on August 27, 2018, 07:21:15 PM
Any news, when we can buy SNScoin tokens?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Iraladman on August 27, 2018, 07:21:53 PM
The market is quite volatile when it comes to investments you cannot really rely on cycles. One decision from a ruling body and the investment market will spiral into chaos, so its better to invest in this project, as well! Don't put all the eggs in one busket!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Dorbaraco on August 28, 2018, 06:42:19 AM
The market is quite volatile when it comes to investments you cannot really rely on cycles. One decision from a ruling body and the investment market will spiral into chaos, so its better to invest in this project, as well! Don't put all the eggs in one busket!
Of course, we better work with several projects to get a greater chance of profit. I hope that the ICO market will offer us many different options for making a profit. This project impressed me too.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Nthissibar on August 28, 2018, 06:45:46 AM
Any news, when we can buy SNScoin tokens?
The project representative told us about the quick launch of the token for exchange. We don't know the names of the exchange partners yet. I'm interested in knowing them.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Weldeynnee on August 28, 2018, 07:12:56 AM
From this description I see a good idea and decent opportunities for investors. I think it's possible to get profit here. Launch of the platform will take place next year, before that we have time to get closer to the functions of  SNScoin.
I think that in case of positive beta tests results it's better to launch some functions as earlier as possible
I think the team will offer the correct sequence of behavior. They are interested in the rapid expansion of the number of followers.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ngeustongi on August 28, 2018, 07:15:42 AM
I am waiting for the launch of the first version to test the product. It is very important that as many people as possible learn about the project. I think testing in this case will be more successful.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: alexsmalex on August 28, 2018, 07:19:04 AM
Any news, when we can buy SNScoin tokens?
The project representative told us about the quick launch of the token for exchange. We don't know the names of the exchange partners yet. I'm interested in knowing them.
In the roadmap, the team indicates the deadline for adding a token for exchange in September of this year. So I think it's going to happen very soon.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Ustovianet on August 28, 2018, 07:23:14 AM
From this description I see a good idea and decent opportunities for investors. I think it's possible to get profit here. Launch of the platform will take place next year, before that we have time to get closer to the functions of  SNScoin.
I think that in case of positive beta tests results it's better to launch some functions as earlier as possible
I think the team will offer the correct sequence of behavior. They are interested in the rapid expansion of the number of followers.
Closed product testing already happened? The team's opinion about the terms of product realization is important for me. I hope everything goes according to plan.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onahmanyas on August 28, 2018, 07:25:36 AM
I understand that the Bounty campaign is already closed. The team has planned to launch an advertising campaign on social networks. Community will be able to participate in it?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Agamilleen on August 28, 2018, 07:27:51 AM
In a more detailed study of the project, I realized that the team has a great potential to attract a large number of social media participants to their products. I'll be waiting for development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: angrygerl on August 28, 2018, 07:30:04 AM
I am interested in the mechanism of getting profit by the platform participants. How can I get the maximum profit?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Xtontimetr on August 28, 2018, 07:32:58 AM
Can users of the platform at their discretion transfer tokens to other participants without the use of exchange services?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Rongellyne on August 28, 2018, 07:37:58 AM
I understand that the Bounty campaign is already closed. The team has planned to launch an advertising campaign on social networks. Community will be able to participate in it?
I think it will depend on the very structure of the advertising campaign. I think the team can engage their followers. Such work will help both sides. In social networks it is easy to carry out an advertising campaign.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Lvesefougu on August 28, 2018, 08:24:11 AM
Can users of the platform at their discretion transfer tokens to other participants without the use of exchange services?
I think it's a legitimate use of my money.  The team has not fully disclosed the essence of all the available features, we need to see a review of the project to find out.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Vasyafet on August 28, 2018, 09:12:48 AM
 I would like to know more about the strategy of the team to stabilize the economy of the token before the platform is open for work. Do you already know the value of the token during the start of the sale on the exchange?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Barenickardr on August 28, 2018, 09:15:40 AM
The team has a lot of work to bring the project to a large scale application of social media users. I hope that their experience will suffice for the organization of all stages of development.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Walarsakioun on August 28, 2018, 09:30:50 AM
From this description I see a good idea and decent opportunities for investors. I think it's possible to get profit here. Launch of the platform will take place next year, before that we have time to get closer to the functions of  SNScoin.
I think that in case of positive beta tests results it's better to launch some functions as earlier as possible
I think the team will offer the correct sequence of behavior. They are interested in the rapid expansion of the number of followers.
Closed product testing already happened? The team's opinion about the terms of product realization is important for me. I hope everything goes according to plan.
As I understand it, some of the products have already been tested by the development team. Now they pass the stage of work on mobile versions. This means that the development is going smoothly.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Perolamyreen on August 28, 2018, 09:34:19 AM
Can users of the platform at their discretion transfer tokens to other participants without the use of exchange services?
I think it's a legitimate use of my money.  The team has not fully disclosed the essence of all the available features, we need to see a review of the project to find out.
I saw the addition of White Paper on the project site. I think that after a detailed study of the description we can get more answers.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Letopisets on August 28, 2018, 09:37:10 AM
Little SNS AIRDROP event. To earn 10SNS for free just:
- repost tweet;
- send us in private message the hyperlink to repost and your ETH wallet to get tokens.

I think it's a great proposition.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Reduncecarel on August 28, 2018, 09:41:43 AM
Can users of the platform at their discretion transfer tokens to other participants without the use of exchange services?
I think it's a legitimate use of my money.  The team has not fully disclosed the essence of all the available features, we need to see a review of the project to find out.
I saw the addition of White Paper on the project site. I think that after a detailed study of the description we can get more answers.
Thank you, I haven't seen this information yet. I think that now the team began to show themselves more actively. I'm glad to see that. Communicating with the community helps the developer understand all the needs of his followers.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Pamela Perry on August 28, 2018, 09:43:58 AM
Looks like a solid project, reading the whitepaper right now.. Curious how this one will end, good luck team !

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Camaldemonib on August 28, 2018, 09:47:52 AM
"position and priority in the queue depends on the user's rating ", and I understand they depend on the number of tokens. Can I add the tokens purchased on the exchange to my account and thus raise my rating?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Inellynelint on August 28, 2018, 09:53:25 AM
Typical promotion cycle
1. The advertiser earns or buys a portion of SNS coins.
2. The advertiser creates the promotion request and spends some SNS coins
to order the promotion of his social media page.
3. The control server receives the order and adds it to orders queue.
4. The employee gets and performs the promotion order.
5. The control server checks and confirms the performing of the order and
pays the employee portion of SNS coins. Employee rating is updated.
Can any participant become an advertiser? Or is it only about registered social media accounts?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: orchideja75 on August 28, 2018, 01:19:11 PM
Typical promotion cycle
1. The advertiser earns or buys a portion of SNS coins.
2. The advertiser creates the promotion request and spends some SNS coins
to order the promotion of his social media page.
3. The control server receives the order and adds it to orders queue.
4. The employee gets and performs the promotion order.
5. The control server checks and confirms the performing of the order and
pays the employee portion of SNS coins. Employee rating is updated.
Can any participant become an advertiser? Or is it only about registered social media accounts?
I think you need to have social media accounts to register on the platform. And this is the only way they can access all the features of the products.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Albettazarya on August 28, 2018, 01:26:53 PM
Little SNS AIRDROP event. To earn 10SNS for free just:
- repost tweet;
- send us in private message the hyperlink to repost and your ETH wallet to get tokens.

I think it's a great proposition.
It's cool. This is the beginning of the project's advertising campaign and I will be able to receive my awards. I'll join  SNScoin.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Honieviellis on August 28, 2018, 01:30:41 PM
Little SNS AIRDROP event. To earn 10SNS for free just:
- repost tweet;
- send us in private message the hyperlink to repost and your ETH wallet to get tokens.

I think it's a great proposition.
A good start to the advertising campaign. I think there will be other suggestions for community involvement as the team talked about a large pool for the PR campaign.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Gavitanzalet on August 28, 2018, 01:34:31 PM
Typical promotion cycle
1. The advertiser earns or buys a portion of SNS coins.
2. The advertiser creates the promotion request and spends some SNS coins
to order the promotion of his social media page.
3. The control server receives the order and adds it to orders queue.
4. The employee gets and performs the promotion order.
5. The control server checks and confirms the performing of the order and
pays the employee portion of SNS coins. Employee rating is updated.
Can any participant become an advertiser? Or is it only about registered social media accounts?
I think you need to have social media accounts to register on the platform. And this is the only way they can access all the features of the products.
Well, I'm glad the team offered us their white paper. I see that the project continues to develop. I want to explore more details of the platform.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: persefona on August 28, 2018, 01:38:18 PM
Interestingly, the platform allows users to move their activities from one social media to another. Since most users have pages in different social media, this is a positive quality.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Pindridregando on August 28, 2018, 01:42:42 PM
I read the white paper and see that the road map has not changed. This means that the project follows the goals and deadlines. Let's see how the token sales start.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Juanleylacorav on August 28, 2018, 01:48:48 PM
AirDrop on Twitter will be able to start expanding the information about the project, as I do not see much information about the   idea of  SNScoin. 

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Piplaimaineste on August 28, 2018, 01:51:39 PM
Interestingly, the platform allows users to move their activities from one social media to another. Since most users have pages in different social media, this is a positive quality.
Agree with you. I wanted to know how quickly the participants could get their rewards? Is there a certain period of verification or confirmation of reputation after the task is completed?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: PchelkaMaja95 on August 28, 2018, 03:02:26 PM
Interestingly, the platform allows users to move their activities from one social media to another. Since most users have pages in different social media, this is a positive quality.
Agree with you. I wanted to know how quickly the participants could get their rewards? Is there a certain period of verification or confirmation of reputation after the task is completed?
I think that speed on the platform should be one of the main advantages for user's work. I read that the team focused on the quality of service of its participants.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Feritylenauria on August 28, 2018, 03:05:36 PM
I have not fully understood the description of modes of work of participants  "amateur " and  "professional " level. Can you explain to me how I can determine the mode I need?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zabrysaitr on August 28, 2018, 03:08:23 PM
Good job, Dev. I think we will soon see the success of your platform on the value of tokens on the exchange. Such a project is very interesting for many investors to work with.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Oritzionar on August 28, 2018, 03:12:54 PM
I have not fully understood the description of modes of work of participants  "amateur " and  "professional " level. Can you explain to me how I can determine the mode I need?
Here we are talking about the effect of the plugin on displaying the displayed pages. I think professional mode shows requests for promotion from order queues in the first place. This is likely to require additional fees in SNS.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: snos-boss on August 28, 2018, 03:15:59 PM
The time to  launching  the token for exchange is nearing. I would like to know the first partners in this area. When will this information be available?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Hidavynara on August 28, 2018, 03:22:45 PM
The  SNScoin team wants to create a platform with a simple automatic system to promote private pages. I think the potential is huge, but the right approach to registering the first participants is important.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Loneytonja on August 28, 2018, 03:30:41 PM
The time to  launching  the token for exchange is nearing. I would like to know the first partners in this area. When will this information be available?
The team is interested in investors to learn more about the work of  SNScoin at the right time. On this soon we will have a list of partners. Everything has its time.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: dentoku on August 28, 2018, 03:31:25 PM
Perhaps, the developers did a great job. Detailed technical information on the plan, information about developers, social networks. I think that this is a sample for other businesss as it's necessary to treat the investor, draw up a draft.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Zachiermar on August 28, 2018, 03:36:14 PM
I don't know how much the SNS token will cost during the launch of the platform, but I think the award at 10 SNS is a good start to platform development. Thanks to the team for the interesting offer.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Truthfinder76 on August 28, 2018, 03:39:40 PM
The  SNScoin team wants to create a platform with a simple automatic system to promote private pages. I think the potential is huge, but the right approach to registering the first participants is important.

I think that the open testing of products will help the team to identify any shortcomings during registration or get important offers from test participants.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Chinylawka on August 28, 2018, 03:45:30 PM
I like what the team suggested. I hope that we will soon learn about the beginning of testing more plugins. Now I want to see the sale of tokens.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Shangerian on August 28, 2018, 05:04:58 PM
I like what the team suggested. I hope that we will soon learn about the beginning of testing more plugins. Now I want to see the sale of tokens.
The project team talked about a list of browsers that are already being tested. I think that the most popular social media we will be presented to the testing in the first place.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Fielbairdi on August 28, 2018, 05:10:07 PM
I don't know how much the SNS token will cost during the launch of the platform, but I think the award at 10 SNS is a good start to platform development. Thanks to the team for the interesting offer.
What next steps will the team take? New pages  SNScoin  in social media will be added for advertising? I think it might raise the rating of the project.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 29, 2018, 10:24:31 PM
Typical promotion cycle
1. The advertiser earns or buys a portion of SNS coins.
2. The advertiser creates the promotion request and spends some SNS coins
to order the promotion of his social media page.
3. The control server receives the order and adds it to orders queue.
4. The employee gets and performs the promotion order.
5. The control server checks and confirms the performing of the order and
pays the employee portion of SNS coins. Employee rating is updated.
Can any participant become an advertiser? Or is it only about registered social media accounts?
Any social media user registered as SNS user. But the registration process bis quite easy!!!

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 29, 2018, 10:27:37 PM
Whitepaper (August 2018) is available - UPDATED

Here is the link to downlod: (

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 29, 2018, 10:29:59 PM
Lightpaper - ONE PAGE - (August 2018) is available - UPDATED

Here is the link to downlod: (

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on August 29, 2018, 10:31:04 PM
Updates from our designer and programmers coming soon...  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on August 29, 2018, 10:35:51 PM
Lightpaper - ONE PAGE - (August 2018) is available - UPDATED

Here is the link to downlod: (
This one is great for newbies!!! Simply to understand the main project features. Good job ;)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Cointoli on August 29, 2018, 10:41:16 PM
I like what the team suggested. I hope that we will soon learn about the beginning of testing more plugins. Now I want to see the sale of tokens.
The project team talked about a list of browsers that are already being tested. I think that the most popular social media we will be presented to the testing in the first place.
The project is developing very well and I hope that it will bring true effect to the service users. Such projects need to be promoted in the future to promote the practical application of crypto in their lives.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Flavextater on August 29, 2018, 10:45:46 PM
What the website for this business? did not see any on the OP, i would like to join me to, looking forwards for great news from dev team

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on September 03, 2018, 01:19:53 PM
I like what the team suggested. I hope that we will soon learn about the beginning of testing more plugins. Now I want to see the sale of tokens.
The project team talked about a list of browsers that are already being tested. I think that the most popular social media we will be presented to the testing in the first place.
The project is developing very well and I hope that it will bring true effect to the service users. Such projects need to be promoted in the future to promote the practical application of crypto in their lives.
Thanks, Friend! We do our best

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on September 03, 2018, 01:24:46 PM
What the website for this business? did not see any on the OP, i would like to join me to, looking forwards for great news from dev team
Promo is on Testing site is not opened for users yet

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Garmon444ik on September 07, 2018, 12:30:38 PM
When ICO will be started? How much is a bonus on Pre-Sale?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on September 15, 2018, 05:49:46 PM
When ICO will be started? How much is a bonus on Pre-Sale?
ICO is already complete. Continue developing program modules

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Usiamai on September 18, 2018, 05:32:49 AM
Hello, guys! What about listings news? Any info?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: koptyukh85 on September 27, 2018, 05:17:51 AM
Quite an interesting system. Tell me for what social networks it is suitable and when will the launch?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on October 09, 2018, 09:09:15 PM
Quite an interesting system. Tell me for what social networks it is suitable and when will the launch?

Facebook, Twitter, VK (Rus), LinkedIn, etc.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on October 09, 2018, 09:10:35 PM
Hello, guys! What about listings news? Any info?
Not yet, friend. Still waiting news

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: CartmanBro on October 22, 2018, 08:40:57 PM
There passed a lot of time, already... When more information on the platform appears? For what precisely social media it is suitable? Will be glad to hear correct answers)

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Sanna123 on November 11, 2018, 11:29:12 AM
Cool idea..., I've got some questions - do you have a price for promotion? And how to convert SNS into dollar?

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Lenya54 on December 20, 2018, 07:08:32 AM
Hey, is it still an active project? I would like to know about your further steps in it, thank you.

Title: Re: [BOUNTY] !!! [ANN] - SNScoin - p2p social media advertising cryptocurrency asset
Post by: Onairad on February 17, 2019, 08:39:28 PM
Some problems with pics again, Friends. Everything will be okay soon