Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: felipelalli on October 16, 2013, 04:24:11 AM

Title: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: felipelalli on October 16, 2013, 04:24:11 AM
Why Bitcoin is a religion for you? What Satoshi represents to you?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Wilikon on October 16, 2013, 05:00:03 AM
Bitcoin is my religion because there is a pyramid and an all seeing eye at its capstone hidden withing its code...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: viboracecata on October 16, 2013, 07:06:37 AM
Bitcoin is just one tool, but not religion, anyway with this powerful tool, we can change the world.

Even though, the way to spread it looks like religion.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on October 16, 2013, 07:09:27 AM
I wonder what ever happened to the Church of Satoshi thread
But for all you believers

Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: AU on October 16, 2013, 02:29:44 PM
Satoshi sacrificed himself for the prosperity of the COIN. Isn't is obvious :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: knight22 on October 16, 2013, 02:35:19 PM
Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?


Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Carlton Banks on October 16, 2013, 02:58:39 PM
Capitalist, industrialised society is kind of a religion replacement: the priesthood alone know how and why the machine keeps ticking over, and everyone else just believes it when they say so, as the results are demonstrative that it's all working (operative word in the last sentence: "believes"). Not so different from religion IMO, except that I suspect we have a much lower rate of non-believers (the heretics!) than religious society would have.

I guess this worldwide economic malaise is kind of like when Martin Luther came back from Rome, complaining that the priesthood are all corrupt, and with all the rational non-believers/heretics that were saying the same after all that renaissance stuff. So, Satoshi is more of a modern day Da Vinci than cyber-prophet, and I guess we're in a renaissance replay. And we're the neo-heretics.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: wachtwoord on October 16, 2013, 02:59:51 PM
If anything he would be a prophet :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Carlton Banks on October 16, 2013, 04:24:48 PM
If anything he would be a prophet :D

And he's already ascended to heaven! I think we're due a couple of martyrs.... not sure Dread Pirate Roberts counts, but he's definitely a modern legend of sorts. Were martyrs always so difficult to like?  ;D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: qwk on October 16, 2013, 05:30:17 PM
Satoshi is no god. His little software was not perfect from the beginning. He did not come down from the mountain with 10 golden rules engraved in stone for no one to question.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Lethn on October 16, 2013, 08:53:37 PM
My joking about it aside I don't think it is a religion at all, it's just a really, really, really, really fucking awesome tool that works so well at what it does it makes you stay away entirely from an oppressive and corrupt financial regime that we've been used to for so long so we all sound a bit mad when we talk about it. I know I hardly have anything to do with 'ordinary' banking anymore, once I can buy food and pay utility bills in Bitcoin I'm done with them, we've been enslaved to the ideas of debt being currency for so long we didn't know what it was like to be truly financially independent.

I'm not even sure I want to legitimately pay my governments' taxes anymore just to make countries who don't adopt Bitcoin bleed but that has a lot of risk to it unfortunately and you'd have to accept that you'd end up in jail for quite some time and I have things I want to do.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Killa on October 17, 2013, 02:23:38 PM
He is no god his software is full of bugs, he could be a prophet though.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: MAbtc on October 17, 2013, 04:56:45 PM
Why Bitcoin is a religion for you? What Satoshi represents to you?
Hehe, looking around this forum a bit, there is no doubt that bitcoin is indeed a religion for many people here. Not me -- I like the idea, and I hope it takes off, but mostly I am here to pad my nest egg.  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: imrer on October 18, 2013, 08:31:28 AM
What would bitcoin be a religion? It's just a great idea coming from (probably) one smart guy.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: inform on October 18, 2013, 06:23:47 PM


Satoshi is good guy in my eye for me i respect him!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Carlton Banks on October 18, 2013, 08:02:42 PM
What would bitcoin be a religion? It's just a great idea coming from (probably) one smart guy.

Religion, no. Belief system? Necessarily, yes. Satoshi was the original Bitcoin believer, he believed he had created a software design that constituted an abstract form of money. Once the first few additional miners and developers became convinced by his belief, they too became believers. And to say they were 100% rational in joining in isn't true, and can't be. For that to be so, they'd have to be capable of foreseeing all the potential problems right from the start, which is clearly impossible. But they saw enough potential benefits in the innovation to take a leap of faith. And if some critical insurmountable flaw in the plan emerges in the future? Well, it was never money in the first place, we all submitted to blind faith in something that we believed we truly comprehended, but in fact did not.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Mitchell on October 18, 2013, 08:04:24 PM
Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

This is awesome.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: AceWallen on October 18, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
yes, bitcoin is my religion and Satoshi is my god.  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: yogi on October 18, 2013, 08:48:10 PM
Yes, bitcoin is a religion because it's founded on a belief. The belief that an individual attacker will never have more than fifty percent of the networks processing power.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on October 18, 2013, 09:12:22 PM
Satoshi is no god. His little software was not perfect from the beginning. He did not come down from the mountain with 10 golden rules engraved in stone for no one to question.

His software wasn't perfect, but you have to admit, the core rules behind the protocol were amazingly insightful from the beginning.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on October 18, 2013, 09:13:03 PM
Yes, bitcoin is a religion because it's founded on a belief. The belief that an individual attacker will never have more than fifty percent of the networks processing power.

Is math, then, a religion, because it's founded on a belief(s) (i.e, the postulates)?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: yogi on October 18, 2013, 09:27:31 PM
Is math, then, a religion, because it's founded on a belief(s) (i.e, the postulates)?

Aren't religions founded on postulates?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: BCB on October 18, 2013, 09:29:28 PM
Other companies have software "evangelists"

so the metaphor is biblical, not religious.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on October 18, 2013, 09:32:26 PM
Is math, then, a religion, because it's founded on a belief(s) (i.e, the postulates)?

Aren't religions founded on postulates?

I think we have here an amazing example of an "if but not only if" situation.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on October 18, 2013, 09:34:39 PM
Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

This is awesome.

It is quite accurate too ha-ha so yah awesome XD

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Mitchell on October 18, 2013, 09:49:14 PM
Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

This is awesome.

It is quite accurate too ha-ha so yah awesome XD
It is. I laughed quite a bit.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on October 21, 2013, 07:14:51 AM
Found that old thread if you want a few more laughs

Gavin is The Pope
Satoshi is God
Then the matryr must be Laszlo  ;D

But this one XD

In Crypto We Trust

This weeks hymn:

Gotta love getting Zhou Tonged

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: elektibi75 on October 21, 2013, 08:17:32 AM
Why does everything has to be about religion...if something is good then just accept it that way  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Mike Christ on October 21, 2013, 08:38:07 AM
Why does everything has to be about religion...

See, if people could get over this one simple thing, we would actually have the energy to move forward and do something productive.  Religion (and politics) has proven to be the greatest black hole of human thought thus far, where nobody is ever wrong but nobody is ever right.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: MAbtc on October 21, 2013, 05:22:40 PM
Why does everything has to be about religion...if something is good then just accept it that way  :)
It has to be about religion because a large segment of bitcoin supporters are complete bat**** fanatics that have made it into a religion. How you view it is up to you.  :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on October 21, 2013, 09:29:12 PM
Why does everything has to be about religion...if something is good then just accept it that way  :)
It has to be about religion because a large segment of bitcoin supporters are complete bat**** fanatics that have made it into a religion. How you view it is up to you.  :)

Because were growing to big to just remain a cult XD

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: zachcope on October 21, 2013, 09:35:11 PM
Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

This is awesome.

It is quite accurate too ha-ha so yah awesome XD
It is. I laughed quite a bit.
Love it, and managed to slag off ripple too!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: scarsbergholden on October 21, 2013, 10:32:36 PM
bitcoin IS a religion, but satoshi is NOT my god, he is my PROPHET (you know, like Jesus)  :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on November 22, 2013, 06:02:45 AM
Behold the Angel

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Kiki112 on November 23, 2013, 02:37:56 PM
bitcoin IS a religion, but satoshi is NOT my god, he is my PROPHET (you know, like Jesus)  :D

shut your heathen mouth or the almighty will take revenge!
we don't want the bitcoin to drop :D,width=280,height=280,appearanceId=5.png/in-satoshi-we-trust_design.png

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: cdtc on November 23, 2013, 10:10:55 PM
Bitcoin is not a religion and I dont really care about Satoshi.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Spendulus on November 24, 2013, 02:04:15 AM
Why does everything has to be about religion...if something is good then just accept it that way  :)
It has to be about religion because a large segment of bitcoin supporters are complete bat**** fanatics that have made it into a religion. How you view it is up to you.  :)
LOL good comment but maybe not.  Suppose bitcoin was just a really strong meme, of which yeah, religion is another thing that forms that.  But other things do, too.  The Beatles did it.  The Rolling Stones.  Hate to say it, but Obama had a strong meme.   No, let's forget that last one - it wasn't so strong, or it would have lasted.

What causes a set of ideas to form a strong meme involves the (believer, follower, convert, whatever) to have to discover or root out some fair part of the theory on their own, since they will believe fervently if they figured it out themself instead of someone just telling them about it.

Bitcoin is not a religion and I dont really care about Satoshi.
I want to know and be able to prove I possess the whole coin not the one hundred millionth.

Although bitcoin is not a religion it certainly has it bitcoin athiests who fervently pursue their religion of bitcoin atheism.

"There is no coin" they say.  "The money is the money backed by governments" they say.  "We must have faith in the almighty dollar not the lowly bitcoin" they say.  These heretics and these infidels may be disregarded, yet we know that the Day of Revelations draws nigh, when they learn their dollars have no hamburger and fries buying power, and when those with the bitcoin wallet have full stomachs and cases of the finest beer.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Sindelar1938 on November 24, 2013, 02:56:06 AM
Satoshi is my sugar daddy...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: NewLiberty on November 24, 2013, 03:44:19 AM
Capitalist, industrialised society is kind of a religion replacement: the priesthood alone know how and why the machine keeps ticking over, and everyone else just believes it when they say so, as the results are demonstrative that it's all working (operative word in the last sentence: "believes"). Not so different from religion IMO, except that I suspect we have a much lower rate of non-believers (the heretics!) than religious society would have.

I guess this worldwide economic malaise is kind of like when Martin Luther came back from Rome, complaining that the priesthood are all corrupt, and with all the rational non-believers/heretics that were saying the same after all that renaissance stuff. So, Satoshi is more of a modern day Da Vinci than cyber-prophet, and I guess we're in a renaissance replay. And we're the neo-heretics.

Is it a coincidence that the whitepaper was published on REFORMATION DAY?
Also Halloween, the night of costumes and hidden identities?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: beetcoin on November 24, 2013, 03:45:49 AM
this thread cannot be serious. if by religion, you mean myopic fanboy who sees everything in BTC, then maybe. then again i can't say everybody on this site is like that, but there sure are lots of them.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: NewLiberty on November 24, 2013, 03:46:44 AM
Why does everything has to be about religion...

See, if people could get over this one simple thing, we would actually have the energy to move forward and do something productive.  Religion (and politics) has proven to be the greatest black hole of human thought thus far, where nobody is ever wrong but nobody is ever right.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Spendulus on November 24, 2013, 03:51:23 AM
bitcoin IS a religion, but satoshi is NOT my god, he is my PROPHET (you know, like Jesus)  :D

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

Bitcoin is not Caesar's.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: iarsenaux on November 24, 2013, 04:45:45 AM
Please stop this nonsense. God created people and people created bitcoin. Nothing is comparable to God.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Mike Christ on November 24, 2013, 06:37:20 AM
Please stop this nonsense. God created people and people created bitcoin. Nothing is comparable to God.

Let none doubt the power of propaganda.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: morphKET on November 25, 2013, 07:40:16 AM
I wonder what ever happened to the Church of Satoshi thread
But for all you believers

Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

I have never laughed so hard after reading this :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Spendulus on November 25, 2013, 03:36:05 PM
I wonder what ever happened to the Church of Satoshi thread
But for all you believers

Our Satoshi, who art in blockchain,
Encrypted be thy name
Thy transactions come
Thy will be done on ASICS
As it is on Github.
Give us this day our daily mining reward,
And forgive our zero-conf double-spends
As we forgive them that double-spend against us.
And lead us not into alt-chains
But deliver us from Ripple
For thine is the mining rig,
The hashing power, and the block reward,
For ever and ever

I have never laughed so hard after reading this :D
Zhou Tang could do this nicely.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: ajax3592 on November 25, 2013, 04:00:57 PM
Lol, people take no time in turning anything to a worldwide religion.
Why are we looking for a higher being everywhere, transcend yourself to that level instead and the GODS (aliens) will contact you telepathically.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: chowderman on November 25, 2013, 06:10:37 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto is the name of the US Gov development group that coded and designed Bitcoin. Then using the guise of decentralization and free markets, it has been used to lure and sniff out anarchists, degenerates and criminals, tracking each and every user one at a time. Its the perfect setup for perfect busts of criminal scum.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Kiki112 on November 25, 2013, 06:13:01 PM
Please stop this nonsense. God created people and people created bitcoin. Nothing is comparable to God.

dude,this is a joke :D
I don't know how you didn't understand but I hope you see it now ;)

I guess no one would actually think a human could be a god in the 21st century :D
exclude Jesus from this xD

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: We_love_Bitcoin on November 25, 2013, 08:55:52 PM
Satoshi is a liberator of the crowds. Definitely. He did what the Americam government always claims to do (when actually doing the opposite) and brought democracy to the middle east and everywhere else. Liberty means nothing, just another ammendment in the "independency" text, without the actual means to fullfil it given to you.
Govern-ment has no interest to grant you this liberty. Only the people or community have the interest to liberate and help the community.
I don't believe in god, but I do believe in rights :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: dank on November 25, 2013, 10:33:42 PM
Please stop this nonsense. God created people and people created bitcoin. Nothing is comparable to God.

dude,this is a joke :D
I don't know how you didn't understand but I hope you see it now ;)

I guess no one would actually think a human could be a god in the 21st century :D
exclude Jesus from this xD
We are all gods.  You have an ego and soul, negativity and positivity.  When you eliminate the ego, you're left with the soul, you are god, consciousness.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Spendulus on November 25, 2013, 11:08:26 PM
Please stop this nonsense. God created people and people created bitcoin. Nothing is comparable to God.

dude,this is a joke :D
I don't know how you didn't understand but I hope you see it now ;)

I guess no one would actually think a human could be a god in the 21st century :D
exclude Jesus from this xD
We are all gods.  You have an ego and soul, negativity and positivity.  When you eliminate the ego, you're left with the soul, you are god, consciousness.
I thought we were all dogs, but I will admit to being dyslexic.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Kiki112 on November 26, 2013, 05:07:08 PM
Satoshi is a liberator of the crowds. Definitely. He did what the Americam government always claims to do (when actually doing the opposite) and brought democracy to the middle east and everywhere else. Liberty means nothing, just another ammendment in the "independency" text, without the actual means to fullfil it given to you.
Govern-ment has no interest to grant you this liberty. Only the people or community have the interest to liberate and help the community.
I don't believe in god, but I do believe in rights :)

interesting, but how exactly did Satoshi bring peace to the middle east? :D

I don't believe in rights, I believe you can succed as much as other let you meaning I believe in justice :)
but it keeps failing me :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: iarsenaux on November 27, 2013, 10:16:11 AM
The more often you say that bitcoin is a religion, that harder it will be accepted on religious countries.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Spendulus on November 27, 2013, 06:37:32 PM
The more often you say that bitcoin is a religion, that harder it will be accepted on religious countries.

Look....if there is no bearded guy in a long robe (or guy in a suit, or guy in an orange sarong) with his palm out wanting your money ....

... it's not a religion.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Spendulus on November 28, 2013, 02:23:29 AM
I have seen people in google's adsense forum calling google a god, and they weren't joking... anything that gives you profit is a god, in god we trust, right?
the Evil One that you invoke (google) might, yes, have servants who would believe such things.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: niothor on December 02, 2013, 10:16:59 AM
The last time God appeared to me in a dream he said that you all should give all your satoshis to me.
Bunch of non-believers.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 02, 2013, 05:22:24 PM
Because Bitcoin and Satoshi make me believe that I can actually make money

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: Kiki112 on December 02, 2013, 09:00:30 PM
The last time God appeared to me in a dream he said that you all should give all your satoshis to me.
Bunch of non-believers.

I had the same dream except for
Satoshi told me that if a great man doesn't donate me bitcoins the world will end in 7 days   :o

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin a religion? Satoshi is our God?
Post by: mladen00 on December 03, 2013, 11:10:13 AM
If BTC is God, i hope that in my wallet will be politheit ;)