Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => BitcoinJ => Topic started by: jonas.schnelli on October 16, 2013, 09:00:42 AM

Title: "This ECKey does not have the private key necessary for signing"
Post by: jonas.schnelli on October 16, 2013, 09:00:42 AM
while creating and completing a sendRequest with wallet.completeTx(pendingSendRequest), i encounter the error

"This ECKey does not have the private key necessary for signing"

When i try to spend less funds, the exception won't be thrown (i have to ECKey in my wallet).

What exactly does that mean?
Was there somehow a wallet corruption?
I did encrypt and decrypt my wallet (testing).

Title: Re: "This ECKey does not have the private key necessary for signing"
Post by: Mike Hearn on October 16, 2013, 09:09:36 AM
If this is with master, there might have been a regression w.r.t. encrypted wallets. I think someone else was complaining about this recently. I haven't noticed any issues myself, but perhaps the decryption process broke or something. It sounds like you have a mix of keys in your wallet, some of which have the private part and others which don't.

If you could debug it, that'd be helpful. I don't have time this week.

Title: Re: "This ECKey does not have the private key necessary for signing"
Post by: jonas.schnelli on October 16, 2013, 10:28:36 AM
Okay. Thanks.

I try to make this somehow reproducable and then try to debug it.

Title: Re: "This ECKey does not have the private key necessary for signing"
Post by: ganabb on February 28, 2014, 07:09:07 AM
Remember that bitcoinj is a low level library and gets used by everyone who can and should learn enough about Openpgp to use it there's a reason it's the standard industry.