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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: fernandoaleixo on March 14, 2018, 05:20:40 AM

Title: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: fernandoaleixo on March 14, 2018, 05:20:40 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: bitcoinblog on March 14, 2018, 07:08:35 AM
If u have good knowledge of Past. When education just started Dominating Money and people started learning Education value.

Kings of that time started Arresting all Knowledgable personality to hold them in there Kingdom, so that they can pride over them. And you can see such incidents where evert King was having Think Tanks to Dominate other kings.

Same thing is going on , Some nation who conquere this world by forces in which " Great Britain " is no 1. Looted almost all nations and make themself rich , and never allow other nations to get educated, bcoz they realize whoever get educated will talk about freedom.

Now Governments are doing same , they use Media to divert minds and make people busy in Lustful life so that they never talk about Freedom.

The only freedom which really required is of " Thinking " and that is what no government want. Because once someone started thinking , he can make government down due to InEquality.

Most of the revolutions came in history due to InEquality.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: hugoworld on March 14, 2018, 07:15:48 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

Most of the countries which have been suffering from hunger, narrow circumstances  have been exploited by colonialist states for many years. For that reason, they are poor and their resources are not enough for them.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: StoryBehindUs on May 25, 2018, 04:49:52 AM
I think because of their government or leader is not corrupt. So that their country is rich.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Funmmi2 on May 25, 2018, 09:35:15 AM
In any country,there is the leadership and the followers. The founding fathers of a country goes a long way to determine what becomes of the country. Some countries are poor because of bad leadership,mismanagement of resources, greed and misplaced priorities. This is common in African countries where corruption is rarely punished.on the other hand rich countries have popele oriented policies in place and proper implementation of the polices

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: boyptc on May 25, 2018, 10:10:53 AM
Corrupting leaders is a big problem for those countries that aren't moving and remains at the lowest rank. I'll give an example like Japan. I've researched that kids there in primary school are being taught on how to be polite and to have a good manner. And the academics will just come for higher level.

In summary, the citizens has also an important part for the growth of the country and the number one thing that they should have is discipline.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Sparklingangel on May 25, 2018, 02:50:44 PM
It is because of bad leadership. In some countries, the leaders loot their money and invest it outside the country leaving the masses to suffer.
It is also because some countries are blessed with rich a n good mineral resources which they utilize and make money with them.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Iwizzy on May 25, 2018, 03:19:11 PM
From my own point of view,i think the problem is from our leaders.
My reason is that, leaders are the first citizen of a country. They are the ones that decide what happens in a country, so when a bad or corrupt leader is ruling a country ,the country tends to suffer and their economy will crumble. For a country to strive good ,an effective leaders should to elected..

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: ompoetra on May 25, 2018, 04:00:52 PM
perhaps it could be that greedy state sovereignty sometimes wants power.

healthy government is free from corruption of the positive impact of prosperous society

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Rommel24 on May 25, 2018, 05:55:58 PM
It should think that, while some nation are still  rich and while still poor ? Maybe because it also started to her
people mindset,( lack of education through in business) rich mindset (educated through in business)look  try  explore  to others rich nation usually at very young age are mindset to handle the business and not to become employees,, you will see the big deference?

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: fernandoaleixo on May 25, 2018, 06:15:00 PM
If u have good knowledge of Past. When education just started Dominating Money and people started learning Education value.

Kings of that time started Arresting all Knowledgable personality to hold them in there Kingdom, so that they can pride over them. And you can see such incidents where evert King was having Think Tanks to Dominate other kings.

Same thing is going on , Some nation who conquere this world by forces in which " Great Britain " is no 1. Looted almost all nations and make themself rich , and never allow other nations to get educated, bcoz they realize whoever get educated will talk about freedom.

Now Governments are doing same , they use Media to divert minds and make people busy in Lustful life so that they never talk about Freedom.

The only freedom which really required is of " Thinking " and that is what no government want. Because once someone started thinking , he can make government down due to InEquality.

Most of the revolutions came in history due to InEquality.

But it's funny as some countries have all the skills and technology but are not willingly to share, althought that's understandable, such greediness is what keep the status quo in such a wrong world.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: DainSLane on May 25, 2018, 11:13:18 PM
Each country has a leader ship and it depends on how they handle their resources, the government officials should not be in corruption so that the government can implementing more infranstructure and high quality education.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Tramle091296 on May 26, 2018, 05:45:49 AM
Well you cant blame the people but being a poor have a many reasons to it. One of this is by handling of the government some of its is always political corruption always thinking about their own pocket better than the life of people thats why every people even their want to suceed if the goverment use their taxes in an evil way their effort is wasted same in country it will goes down and get a Huge loss of profit.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Sithara007 on May 26, 2018, 11:32:00 AM
Not all the countries are rich in natural resources. Take the case of Norway. The Norwegians happens to be one of the richest people on the earth, thanks to their abundant natural gas and petroleum resources. But the presence of natural resources alone doesn't guarantee that a particular country may remain rich. A perfect example is that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: gawer33 on May 26, 2018, 07:41:11 PM
perhaps it's culture, Japan, South Korea and Germany may have war many times but give them some/a decade/s they can be rich again they are goal oriented compare to poor countries. saw this in my country the Philippines we have a culture of poverty.

we embrace corruption as an individual, we don't have ethical moorings, we practice "kumpare system"(indulgence) in wrong ways.
we don't entrepreneurial spirit we prepare to have a luxurious/good house instead of stable business, one example is my family we voted 4-1 out to build a new house even he had one instead to increase our business. I always heard to my father "pwede na yan"(that will do) instead of giving good service to our customers. we prepare to have a job that to have a business.

we prepare to work abroad even opportunity is in front of you. last year my brother asking my parent's money so he can work abroad we disagree because we know we can make more money here(he's very skillful). just last month he had an income of 2,500,000 pesos(47,000 USD) he is now the richest man in the family in terms of income.

Filipino teach the family to give money to their family who's in need but not teaching them how to make money. I know a lot of Filipino overseas workers give money to their brothers and sister because they don't have work even to the children of their brother and sister for tuition fees but never ask their brothers and sister to do small business or accept any work or give money to them for their own business
(teach them how to fish not giving them a fish).

we practice yabang system (show off) cellphone loan, car loan, house loan even not needed.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Mariksa on May 26, 2018, 08:36:39 PM
A lot of countries are not as wealthy as others because of wars. That is because after wars the economy of the country is deteriorating. And it needs time to recover. Some countries have more wars, others less. That is why there is such a difference.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Nikola95 on May 26, 2018, 09:44:27 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

Most of the countries which have been suffering from hunger, narrow circumstances  have been exploited by colonialist states for many years. For that reason, they are poor and their resources are not enough for them.

Well, it is partially true. In many countries that is the cause of todays bad situation with economy. But You have example of few countries that were devastated just 70 years ago, Germany and Japan, but Germany in first place. Germany's infrastructure was totally destroyed, man population was also devastated, and to all that they had 10 or more milions ethnic German refugees from other countries, but mostly from east Prussia that was seized by Poland and USSR. And look where are they now. In every country government need to deal with corruption, organized crimes and all sort of traffiking ( weapons, drugs etc ), and all that just that people can be safe and free to do their daily jobs. Second thing that is needed is will of ordinary people to learn, and will to work hard. That't it. Germans did that. They worked hard and people get educated. But I am repeating myself, condition for this is respect of law ( No mafia, no drug smugglers, no corruption among politicians, and all of this is job of government, other part is job of people ).

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: qwirtiii on May 26, 2018, 10:06:46 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

I think that rich countries has a great teaching in terms of education so that if they got that knowledge from their school they can apply it to their works someday, from that they can get a higher position in their company and then they earn big salary from that . So , they can become rich.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Sidiq SP on May 26, 2018, 10:25:53 PM
the difference in every country why it can be rich and the other is not because of its natural resources and human resources, many rich countries at the cost of natural resources in its abundant territory make its own assets and income for the country, besides it is human, such as japan, america and others belonging to rich countries due to having superior human resources, have thoughts that can create something that produces and it becomes its own assets, and I think the poor country and many of the warfare in because of natural resources and people less and unbalanced, there was a dispute

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: JimmyPangan on May 27, 2018, 02:59:33 PM
because is good  goverment guidlines..if you remember about  mineral like natural gas and fossil fuel,gold,silver  i so think very rich the country have this resourcess.. if your country so poor i think you goverment is very corrupt..

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: KingScorpio on May 27, 2018, 11:26:54 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

there are cultural and geographic issues, for example, many countries that have for religious reasons a huge population growth and a youth bulge like turkey or india or the middle east and africa,

need for their development highly educated labour and goods from developed countries.

since they are not very good and copying them like china and japan they end up in a neverending economic inferiority since they constantly need those foreign currency to develop themselves.


Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Porosh on May 28, 2018, 09:21:57 AM
Actually,it depends on one country's population are how much educated,sincere,honest and responsible to their country.Also depends on this country's government,political issues,development system,managements etc.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Vinz1978 on May 28, 2018, 01:21:06 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

The reason why other countries remain poor until now is that they are ruled by a leader with no clear plan on how the country will get out of debt and how the country will progress.  Everything should start from a leader down to his subordinates and his fellow countrymen.  They need to be discipline and coordinate with one another to work for any plans they have in mind. They should learn how to maximize the country's resources and stop from borrowing money from other countries.  Corruption must also be prevented.  This is the main cause why every country are into debt and poverty.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: khufuking on May 28, 2018, 01:40:22 PM
Well let me tell you man , it is not about poor or rich , it is about the level of corrupt some countries have . I can give you a lot of examples of countries literally sit on mounts of  gold whether it is oil or nature resources and yet they are 3rd world countries . I know and understand that every country in the world have some sort corruption
but 1% corruption is not like 95% corruption , if you want to know what I mean take a look at Arica countries , most of them are rich by nature without even have to do anything and yet they are consider poor and 3rd world countries . 

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: FlightyPouch on May 28, 2018, 01:45:56 PM
Actually,it depends on one country's population are how much educated,sincere,honest and responsible to their country.

No matter how many people are educated, sincere, honest or responsible, there is not way that that country will be rich if the government are not responsible to his duty and his country. A dedicated leader do not look at what the people say to his works but he is focused in the results that it will bring in the future. You don't even need a nation that is sincere and honest, you just need an educated, smart and skillful people.

Also depends on this country's government,political issues,development system,managements etc.

Maximizing these things, it all comes to the government. So it just really depends on that Country's Government.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Adetayo Smith on May 28, 2018, 11:41:21 PM
well, what I believe in as an African especially is that, many of not most of all African countries are richly blessed and vastly endowed with life changing resources like crude oil, stones like diamonds, mining features and other lots of economic boosters but real sense of life, vast majority of not all African countries are as well blessed with well-riden corrupt leaders who cares not about their countries' future let alone her citizens. They're selfish and perpetrates evils without thinking about how to better the lots of the populace with the riches of their nations. So, with this, though not only African countries, others like South American countries, part of Asia, and the Caribbeans, also do this, some few numbers of countries will ever be rich and others poor if not checked and corrected.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Paul23 on May 29, 2018, 09:52:26 AM
The gap between rich and poor countries has grown exponentially ,
-Why some countries are continuing to be poor? and why are being rich ?,,,  Is that because of political intability,low level of education,bad leadership,geographical problem sand poor utilization of natural resources.
-It might be sometimes,but what I think poverty is not a problem at all because it can be combated by using different strategies.And the best strategy is by working hard in our daily economic activities and balancing our consuption with available production.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: xSplit on May 29, 2018, 10:36:58 AM
What if those people prefer to be poors? They may not have all the necessities of the modern man in the west

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: criza on May 29, 2018, 05:27:28 PM
I think that countries who are rich are determined by their good governance and consistently. Some do not have good govenrment but consistent for being corrupt. While others do have good government but not consistent. Other countries lack with those that is why they are poor while others have both so they are rich. Having those both necessity, opportunities in businesses, economy, and society will expand and grow. More money will come as they continue increasing their level of governance. They are good strategist and they know how to maximize their resources for the sake of their country and not for the sake of their own. They are selfless people who want nothing but the best for thier country.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: jossiel on May 29, 2018, 07:34:03 PM
What if those people prefer to be poors?
I don't think that there are people prefer to be poor. How can you desire to be poor if you know how the life of being poor is?

They may not have all the necessities of the modern man in the west
Sad to say that it's a fact, lack of necessities and opportunities as well. But good governance will lead a country to have a tiger economy although we shouldn't blame all the things to the government because that's given. Corruption is a never ending problem that keeps on occurring in each countries.

The conclusion in question explains that it is not Culture, Geography or Knowledge that causes a nation to become rich or poor, but the will, spirit and hard work of its leaders and its people is decisive.
Yes the location is also a reason, in Africa there are few businesses that wants to stay there because of the climate but mostly don't.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Monyero on May 30, 2018, 03:47:19 AM
With technology, education and health of a country will become rich. Especially if you have a lot of natural resources, petroleum and also a vast agricultural area of ​​the country will surely kaya.sedangkan war-stricken country continuously its people will be poor because they only care about keselamatanya and hide, rather than work. That's what makes them sometimes can not eat. it is very sad, but it is circumstances that force them like that.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: grave_2 on May 30, 2018, 05:51:46 AM
Because some countries have less then corruption to others. 8) 8)

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: xSplit on May 30, 2018, 11:14:28 AM
What if those people prefer to be poors?
I don't think that there are people prefer to be poor. How can you desire to be poor if you know how the life of being poor is?
Are you implying the life of the rich is universally better? If yes for what reasons?

They may not have all the necessities of the modern man in the west
Sad to say that it's a fact, lack of necessities and opportunities as well. But good governance will lead a country to have a tiger economy although we shouldn't blame all the things to the government because that's given. Corruption is a never ending problem that keeps on occurring in each countries.
Opportunities for what exactly? The western concept of opportunity doesn't apply to everyone

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 30, 2018, 11:54:03 AM
Simple and short:
It depends on the weight of the intellectual capita of whoever leads that country. No one can give what they don't have.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Westinhome on May 30, 2018, 12:14:31 PM
Ill think it depend only to those leaders on our country on how to handle and make some good works so that the people living on your country must be doing work hard and how to earn some money to live peaceful so that our children it will can go to school and learn some things need to know.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: SkyFlakes on May 30, 2018, 12:24:52 PM
The world that we lived in is so diverse that we can set a lot of categories in different areas. There is indeed countries that is so rich and so poor. I believe that this happened because of what happened in the past. I see the present as always an aftermath of what people do and what happened in the past. So if we would consider the history of those countries, we might see some differences that makes change on their country. If there is a good foundation on a country, then it is not a question why they will be rich in the future. So it is just normal to see this diversity as this was only a result that what they do with their country.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: 3acaga on May 30, 2018, 01:38:25 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

Developed countries have gone a much longer way in evolution - society, mentality and human culture. But I think that in found a highly progressive world this is no longer a problem of poor countries.
And the problem is different - it does not benefit rich countries sharing their experience, it is better to treat poor countries as former colonies and feed on their fossil and labor resources.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: PrinceFury on May 31, 2018, 11:12:31 AM
It based on how the economic leader and Political leaders guide and help their country to improve and grow the nation on many factors. Technology is the number one factor that i can say that the country is full of wealth like japan and america. By means of these, Work may be lessen and did faster so that the wealth also comes faster also. We can say that the country is poor because of lack of resources , shelters , over population and etc.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: popcorn1 on May 31, 2018, 11:18:12 AM
BAD LEADERS  ;)..Greedy politics greedy royals ..

All your public service money    like nice roads hospitals all go in the royals and politicians pockets..
i imagine the same all over the world ..

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: automail on May 31, 2018, 02:26:05 PM
Corrupt politicians and poor judicial system are the reason why a country is poor while rich countries have the opposite. The leader of the country will also determine on how the economy goes. Just like what happened to the Philippines, this is the first time they have a great leader and their country is just on the rise. Same goes for other developing countries. Resources like oil, agricultural, mineral, etc are also the factors that makes a country rich. More resources means more money and power.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: jossiel on May 31, 2018, 10:40:57 PM
That adds too! lack of education is also a primary problem why in Africa there are many children that starving to death. A person/family that doesn't have something to eat, tells their social status so it's sad to say that there are many people there doesn't have the capacity to work because they are living to survive and that's the only thing in their minds.

But with the thing about climate, I used to believe that the hotter the weather, the harder to survive.

Well those lazy people who are only depending on others or doesn't have the eagerness to get out of poverty will never be successful.

Are you implying the life of the rich is universally better? If yes for what reasons?
Yes, we know that living with financial freedom(rich) can put you out of the burden. You got something to eat, you can get what you want and you have the way to improve your way of living. (I'm not that rich but that's what I can see).

Opportunities for what exactly?
Livelihoods, working on a high paying job, get a proper education.

The western concept of opportunity doesn't apply to everyone
You're right.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: ocertie on June 04, 2018, 07:03:56 PM
In common language, the terms "rich" and "poor" are often used in a relative sense: A "poor" person has less income, wealth, goods, or services than a "rich" person. When considering nations, economists often use gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as an indicator of average economic well-being within a country. GDP is the total market value, expressed in dollars, of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a given year. In a sense, a country's GDP is like its yearly income. So, dividing a particular country's GDP by its population is an estimate of how much income, on average, the economy produces per person (per capita) per year. In other words, GDP per capita is a measure of a nation's standard of living. For example, in 2016, GDP per capita was $57,467 in the United States, $42,158 in Canada, $27,539 in South Korea, $8,123 in China, $1,513 in Ghana, and $455 in Liberia (Figure 1).2

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: coolcoinz on June 04, 2018, 08:20:52 PM
Sometimes reading these questions make me feel like I'm in primary school teaching 8 year olds.
A country can be poor because of its political situation (like ongoing wars), geographical situation (lack of connection with transport routes, no sea access), geology (no natural resources, barren soil), too cold or too hot climate, that makes the living conditions harsh. The more of these things you can add to the list the worse for the country.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: peacefulpeace on June 06, 2018, 12:08:52 PM
Human want are insatiable, the more technoligically advance a country becomes, the more she aspire for more prospects, the reason why some countries are rich and other are poor is greed, the rich countries continually want to feast on the poor, for she to remain poor. Lets take the case of Libya as a case study, Libya was a successful and technological advance country in a desert until America 'a bigger richer country' came into the picture, now Libya is a shadow of its former self, enrage by war. Hunger pestilence and starvation now the order of the day.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: luckybar on June 06, 2018, 12:11:46 PM
Human want are insatiable, the more technoligically advance a country becomes, the more she aspire for more prospects, the reason why some countries are rich and other are poor is greed, the rich countries continually want to feast on the poor, for she to remain poor. Lets take the case of Libya as a case study, Libya was a successful and technological advance country in a desert until America 'a bigger richer country' came into the picture, now Libya is a shadow of its former self, enrage by war. Hunger pestilence and starvation now the order of the day.

America didn't like that Libya was creating it's own gold backed currency, thats the main reason for the invasion.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: angel55 on June 07, 2018, 03:12:05 PM
A lot of country leaders just steal all the wealth for themselves.  It is estimated Putin is worth over 300 billion from stealing money from it's citizens.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Sithara007 on June 07, 2018, 04:21:06 PM
The perfect example is North and South Korea. Demographically, both the nations are quite similar. But huge gaps exist between the two, as far as living conditions are concerned. Another example is that of Yemen and Oman.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Rizqi on June 07, 2018, 05:07:50 PM
As far as I see rich countries and poor countries have many examples and their influence, internally and externally tied to each other, the natural rich countries in terms of leading the country, including 80% of the country's employees love the country so as not to do corruption, from outside countries inter-cooperative relations the country is so good that it builds trust and equals "profitable,
the impoverishment of many impoverished nations has many factors, there is no desire to maintain the integrity of the state or citizens so that politicians or leaders often do self-benefit instead of the public interest, and many others

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: bernashka on June 09, 2018, 02:29:11 PM
The richness and poverty of countries is affected by culture, economic institutions, government, natural resources, climate, and much more. And since all states have different, then the difference in the level of wealth is obvious.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: ptman on June 09, 2018, 04:20:17 PM
other country are rich and still rich until now because of their natural resource such as oil and gas, while poor country is still poor because they are not making alternatives on what they are lacking and maybe because also of the ignorance on new technology.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: lockes007 on June 09, 2018, 10:15:59 PM
This global phenomenon can be viewed from a historical perspective. The rich countries in the modern day were once primitive like the third world countries, it was until when their discovery of free labor and raw materials in these third world countries that brought about the technological revolution of the 20th century.
Hence, the thriving and continuous position of the rich countries as hegemony is highly dependent on these poor countries who spend their meager  national income on goods and services only which the rich countries have a monopoly over.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: change7 on June 10, 2018, 04:31:44 AM
I believe that the development of a particular country is dependent on the citizens and government of that county, in most develop countries like is corruption free and when money is allocated for a particular project, it is used judiciously to carryout such project. But in the developing and undeveloped countries corruption has left them in the state of acrimony and without hope. In this countries when money is allocated for a project the people in charge redirect the money to their personal account.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: IndigoRed on June 19, 2018, 01:22:55 AM
The richness and poverty of countries is affected by culture, economic institutions, government, natural resources, climate, and much more. And since all states have different, then the difference in the level of wealth is obvious.

Correct. From an economic perspective, productivity is the root cause of this disparity. The more productive the country is, the richer they are. And this productivity is impacted by their natural resources available, educational and healthcare system, infrastructure, availability of finance, etc. On a micro perspective however, countries behave like we do --We compete for dominance, some outsmart the others with better deals, while some will rob the other just to get ahead. This is the same reason why our environmental resources are depleting.
We've gotten so used to this gap between the rich and the poor, that it's impossible to even imagine equality or working successfully to solve world issues.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Aaric on June 19, 2018, 01:31:42 AM
The two major reasons in my eyes are natural resources and momentum. Momentum, when you're a poor country and you're lacking infrastructure, knowledge, poor are malnourished which also affects IQ, then it's almost impossible to get out of that hole.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Bennix on June 24, 2018, 05:54:14 PM
The reason why some countries are so rich and some are poor is inability of a leader to manage the resources in his country very well.I will use Africa and Asia as a case study Africa has alot of mineral resources but yet they are poor because their brains including their leaders are not working meaning they don't invest in advance technology, their leaders are cyphoning public fund into their personal  pocket and masses can't revolt to set up a working government ,but in some Asian countries, they don't have enough mineral resources but they invest in advance industrial technological and that why some countries are rich, while some are poor.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Degeneral002 on June 24, 2018, 08:11:43 PM
For a county to be rich then the leaders of those country do believe in that progress of the country and and also try as much as possible to use the available resources to build the country and sack any of the cabinate member that's not keying into the vision  of growth in the country. And some countries are poor because even the leader believes in stealing government fun without any plan of developing it, by so doing the country will remain poor and even poorer.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: itsliss on June 24, 2018, 11:57:05 PM
i think it has a lot to do about governance. every country is blessed with several resources from which the government can create wealth for the people through several laws and policies. the supposed rich countries of today are as a result of policies put in place by the government which in most case result in production and exportation. A lot of the poor countries have resources but chose to consume goods from other growing nations, this inhibits production and as such cause the people to be considered poor. every nation was once poor, some just chose to remain poor.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Serco on June 25, 2018, 08:29:49 AM
The government policy that has made the state orderly is a condition of progress in a country, if the country is not fair then technological and economic progress will be destroyed. There are so many corruption cases in every country that have harmed the state finances and this is what makes the country poor so it is left behind by other countries. However, if the state is fair and eradicates corruption then state policy will be regular to advance the country's economy.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Jane Moore on June 25, 2018, 08:37:04 AM
Nowadays globalization process opens bonders and makes all kinds of transactions faster, but vice-versa this leads to the fact that rich countries are enriched, and the poor become even poorer. This development gap can turn out very bad, so developed countries support the economy of the poor by lending to them and driving into long-term debt obligations.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: dauletbaeffberdakh on June 25, 2018, 01:08:02 PM
Undeveloped countries are rotting from within. I live there myself. Officials steal money, but we suffer from the people, we do not have enough money.
Salary in many countries is 200-500 $. This is enough inside the country, but in foreign countries it is a penny.
The government will do this so that you can not leave the country because of your debts. Not enough money? Take the loan, mortgage or money at a percentage or die.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: hilawnasaging on June 25, 2018, 02:24:01 PM
Basically, people tend to be selfish. Some people will love money and power over their family. Survival of the fittest, our world is slowly becoming a forest, wherein if you're the weakest tribe, you become extinct. The love and peace that existed in the past is now extinct. The new age has now emerge in our generation. Slowly, year by year, some countries earn a lot from the World Bank, for example U.S.A, because of their universal currency they tend to be the most powerful country in the world in terms of their financial economics. While Russia are rich in their military weapons. How about Singapore? Malaysia? Thailand? Still one of the poor countries that badly need economic support. Countries need to help each other for the world to become a better place for the future generation.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Mometaskers on June 25, 2018, 02:57:16 PM
It's a combination of factors but leadership still plays a large role. Case in point would be Singapore. It was used mostly as a trading port, it have no natural resources, for the longest time had to rely on neighbors for water. It is currently the only first world nation within its bloc (ASEAN).

People might say it's not completely democratic but so is North Korea.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: definitee on July 03, 2018, 11:02:15 AM
Economic growth is a sustained rise over time in a nation's production of goods and services. How can a country increase its production? Well, an economy's production is a function of its inputs, or factors of production (natural resources, labor resources, and capital resources), and the productivity of those factors (specifically the productivity of labor and capital resources), which is called total factor productivity (TFP). Consider a shoe factory. Total shoe production is a function of the inputs (raw materials such as leather, labor supplied by workers, and capital resources, which are the tools and equipment in the factory), but it also depends on how skilled the workers are and how useful the equipment is. Now, imagine two factories with the same number of workers.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: roworship on July 03, 2018, 02:24:43 PM
In the first factory, workers with basic skills move goods around with push carts, assemble goods with hand tools, and work at benches. In the second factory, highly trained workers use motorized forklifts to move pallets of goods and power tools to assemble goods that move along a conveyer belt. Because the second factory has higher TFP, it will have higher output, earn greater income, and provide higher wages for its workers. Similarly, for a country, higher TFP will result in a higher rate of economic growth. A higher rate of economic growth means more goods are produced per person, which creates higher incomes and enables more people to escape poverty at a faster rate. But, how can nations increase TFP to escape poverty? While there are many factors to consider, two stand out.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Emigham7 on July 03, 2018, 02:54:01 PM
The reasons why some country are so rich and others poor are basically :#poor leadership #lack of natural resources #lack of adequate human resources #war and disaster #lack of adequate land mass,and so on like that. Corruption and colonization is also a major contributing factor makes most nations of the world poor.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: yutakeo on July 03, 2018, 03:28:30 PM
First, institutions matter. For an economist, institutions are the "rules of the game" that create the incentives for people and businesses. For example, when people are able to earn a profit from their work or business, they have an incentive not only to produce but also to continually improve their method of production. The "rules of the game" help determine the economic incentive to produce. On the flip side, if people are not monetarily rewarded for their work or business, or if the benefits of their production are likely to be taken away or lost, the incentive to produce will diminish. For this reason, many economists suggest that institutions such as property rights, free and open markets, and the rule of law (see the boxed insert) provide the best incentives and opportunities for individuals to produce goods and services.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: vladimirhf on July 03, 2018, 04:28:35 PM
most of the poorest were victims of colonialism in the past, that empowered corrupt elites, the consequences are still here.
while the richest are the ones who explored and continue to interfere in the politics and economics of the 1st ones.

it's a zero sum game.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: on July 03, 2018, 10:55:31 PM
Because everyone works for himself, a human can't work for the community as I can see in history the communism can't work in our society. ANd without the communism, we can't reach this objective!

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: babyday88 on July 04, 2018, 06:29:51 PM
I think you should read a lot of books and documents that you will understand the problem. The economy of a country is determined by history and geography. a country without war, favorable geographical position will grow rich. The poor countries are the opposite. Another issue is the leadership of the country

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: hiroshmax on July 11, 2018, 12:43:20 AM
According to my opinion main reason is how people think about their future. Because people can deside everything. If they choose wrong way country will never be rich. Most of desition so hard. People afraid to take a risk. People don't like to change their life styles. So they try to teach old life styles to new generation. Because of the fear to change. Most of country take hard desition to build up their countries. Everyone must support. Ex. Japan after Nagasaki attack, Singapore, just see how they built up their country.
 We can do lot of things to build up any country. Need a good leaders and supporting peoples.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: sweetwine on July 11, 2018, 02:06:39 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

Many countries are rich because of having rich resources along with being large in land area. For example, we have the US, China and Russia. Some countries are abundant in oil, such as the Saudi Arabia, UAE.. They take advantage of the resources and build wealth times faster than other countries.

Other countries aren't rich in resources but their people are decent. Japan and Singapore are examples.

Poor countries mostly lack both of these and they dont have desires to grow and have a competitive economy. Being poor, they are vulnerable and being stuck in wars triggered by bigger countries.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Gwapoman on July 11, 2018, 11:52:21 AM
Government corruption is the number one reason I see why there's still poor countries in this world..
I wanna set as an example a province in my country(The Philippines),called Maguindanao..

A province in the southern part of the Philippines that is governed by a tyranny political clan for a very long time and now being tagged as the 3rd poorest province in my country.Rebels exist in this part of my country and it's also one of the reason i think why the province is not making any development.

In a province where poverty is in all time high,crime,rebels,drugs,guns and other illegal activities are just a normal scene to it's residents,how come that their political leaders is getting rich day by day?( ).In this article its very clear to see how this so called political leaders abused their powers and took away all the things their local people should've enjoyed.

It's just so sad to see that the leaders who had been elected to support and help the people are the ones taking advantage of it's power and making the community people suffer more.

other articles related to this corrupt political clan

This is just one of the clan that have a long political dynasty history in my country and there's still a lot more out here..and i beleived as long as this kind of people exist in my country,many of us would still continue to live in poverty and poor life.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: mboileau on July 13, 2018, 05:24:50 AM
The most important factor for the wealth generation of the country is the employment rate, countries with high employment rate have high economy and this high rate is depend on their infrastructural means, If a country is well in technology and the production industries like China than you have to watch the rich country the other reason for poor countries there are lot of reason behind this especially their leadership and the rate of taxes which they welcome to the new investors and the war thread in between the country,

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: trakatalopp on July 20, 2018, 02:57:32 AM
The industrial revolution is the deciding factor for measuring the richness of any country.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Electric4 on July 20, 2018, 03:54:22 AM
Really because of exploitation, and when you're down it's hard to crawl yourself up. Then you have entities like The World Bank, which is evil, putting poor country into more debt, by pretending to be helping them out.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Windrunner88 on July 26, 2018, 07:13:02 AM
This mostly has to do with government policy. It seems like wherever there is a loophole, somebody will use it. If companies can find a way to take advantage of a law or policy, then they will. Their main goal is to make money. That seems to often be the goal of politicians too, personal gain. Often these businessmen get together with the politicians and come to agreements where they both get richer. The politicians of rich countries make laws that let the businessmen pay less taxes or receive different subsidies. The politicians of poor countries make laws that allow (often) foreign businessmen to take advantage of their resources and people. For this the politicians get some cut for themselves. It mostly comes back to corruption.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Windrunner88 on July 31, 2018, 12:38:04 PM
Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor?
Actually, the question is interesting. Really, with all the technology that we have now, why countries are still poor?
We have improved our health care system and people are still unable to cure themselves. Moreover, in some countries, they die and suffer from strange diseases.
 About education, well, so many are still without degrees. Why? Why people can't just go to college and get an education? Is it so hard to learn basic economics rule and become rich? Moreover, the world is really divided. Different religions, different theories. We have developed many sectors but we still have work to do.
What about war, prostitution and migration?
Actually, to tell the truth, it seems that all the problems of the world are needed. The elite needs it to feel better or to be superior.

Migration is definitely a big issue that I didn't think about. There's something called brain drain. The exaggerates the problem poor countries are already faced with. Whenever truly smart and talented people come up in a poor society, they have to make a decision. Usually poor countries can't provide them with a worthy salary. This leads so many people to leave those countries. They leave poor countries and go to rich people. This was the poor countries are left with less qualified people. The rich countries keep getting the best of the best and they just get richer.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: LimePleasant on July 31, 2018, 02:45:11 PM
Mostly because of the system that is in those countries and the corruption.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: HaniBaloch on July 31, 2018, 03:44:28 PM
i thought a lot about this but i still don't know what is the reason who are responsible government or public.......

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: misimoto on July 31, 2018, 03:55:02 PM
I think it is about education that will give birth to intelligent human resources. When a country has a smart society (of course also economically savvy) then per capita income will rise and it will improve the country's economy.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Gaselemeg on July 31, 2018, 04:06:33 PM
This is a whole complex of problems that leads to the fact that some countries are poor and others are rich. Of the main ones I'd call error economic policy, financial insolvency and poor governance.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: parazhia on July 31, 2018, 05:27:52 PM
I think it all depends on how the government organizes and manages its economy. In essence the system of government and its policies will affect economic growth.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Milliionaiire on August 01, 2018, 05:23:09 AM
actually it all depends on the leader of the country. if the leader of a country has a goal to advance the country, no matter what happens it will be done for the welfare of its people. if the leader of a country is silent without any definite purpose the country becomes poor

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Windrunner88 on August 01, 2018, 01:30:48 PM
actually it all depends on the leader of the country. if the leader of a country has a goal to advance the country, no matter what happens it will be done for the welfare of its people. if the leader of a country is silent without any definite purpose the country becomes poor
What about the fact that the people choose the leader? Couldn't we say that the leader's views should be a reflection of the population? Or at least of the majority of the population? I guess this would only be applicable in democratic countries. What do you think "silent" leaders do? If they don't have ambitions for the country, then why do they want to be politician? I think it's usually that they have some personal ambitions. They don't care much if the country gets richer, but they do care if they get richer themselves.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: lemazullo on September 08, 2018, 11:37:01 AM
North and South Korea often serve as an example of the importance of institutions. In a sense they are a natural experiment. These two nations share a common history, culture, and ethnicity. In 1953 these nations were formally divided and governed by very different governments. North Korea is a dictatorial communist nation where property rights and free and open markets are largely absent and the rule of law is repressed. In South Korea, institutions provide strong incentives for innovation and productivity. The results? North Korea is among the poorest nations in the world, while South Korea is among the richest.4

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: krasheed11 on September 08, 2018, 11:43:36 AM
Each country has a leader ship and it depends on how they handle their resources.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: mzimino on September 08, 2018, 01:25:58 PM
While this seems like a simple relationship—if government provides strong property rights, free markets, and the rule of law, markets will thrive and the economy will grow—research suggests that the "institution story" alone does not provide a complete picture. In some cases, government support is important to the development of a nation's economy. Closer inspection shows that the economic transformation in South Korea, which started in the 1960s, was under the dictatorial rule of Park Chung-hee (who redirected the nation's economic focus on export-driven industry), not under conditions of strong property rights, free markets, and the rule of law (which came later).5 South Korea's move toward industrialization was an important first step in its economic development (see South Korea's growth in Figure 2).

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: jersti on September 17, 2018, 02:39:35 PM
Second, international trade is an important part of the economic growth story for most countries. Think about two kids in the school cafeteria trading a granola bar for a chocolate chip cookie. They are willing to trade because it offers them both an opportunity to benefit. Nations trade for the same reason. When poorer nations use trade to access capital goods (such as advanced technology and equipment), they can increase their TFP, resulting in a higher rate of economic growth.7 Also, trade provides a broader market for a country to sell the goods and services it produces. Many nations, however, have trade barriers that restrict their access to trade. Recent research suggests that the removal of trade barriers could close the income gap between rich and poor countries by 50 percent.8

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Latin-Crypto on September 17, 2018, 02:50:29 PM
Because people from countries which are abused from western countries, are going to this western countries to do the same work for more money. The people that stay in their countries are working for less money and the economy from the country is growing more slowly then the others with more salary.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: SneakyLady on September 17, 2018, 04:46:25 PM
The same reason people are rich or poor: a combination of circumstance and ver good or very bad decisions. Like usually attracts like, hence stereotypes of populations and countries accomplishing everything or nothing.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: HODLMANIAC on September 18, 2018, 12:05:36 AM
That's the World's order and I think it won't change  :(

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Rubyfhyy on September 20, 2018, 09:11:56 AM
Poor countries suffer from serious corruption, even not, they are difficult to compete with rich countries in technology, education and more.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: azulchzwang on September 22, 2018, 08:31:39 PM
Herrmann and collaborators replicated the previous results in subject pools in the U.S., Australia, England, Switzerland, Germany, China, and South Korea.  However, when they conducted the identical experiment with subjects in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Greece, Saudi Arabia, and Muscat, they found that the opportunity to punish other group members had much less ability to stave off a decline in contributions, and that the likely cause was that in those subject pools, punishing cooperators was almost as common as punishing non-cooperators.   As a consequence, subjects in the “bad” subject pools earned less in the experiment than did their counterparts in the “good” ones.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: oannejoannes on October 02, 2018, 07:46:46 PM
Economic growth of less-developed economies is key to closing the gap between rich and poor countries. Dif­ferences in the economic growth rate of nations often come down to differences in inputs (factors of production) and differences in TFP—the productivity of labor and capital resources. Higher productivity promotes faster economic growth, and faster growth allows a nation to escape poverty. Factors that can increase productivity (and growth) include institutions that provide incentives for innovation and production. In some cases, government can play an important part in the development of a nation's economy. Finally, increasing access to international trade can provide markets for the goods produced by less-developed countries and also increase productivity by increasing the access to capital resources.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: jimbojones3000 on October 03, 2018, 04:00:40 AM
Your all wrong :)

There are many reasons.. but the main reason is IQ.

Look at the poor countries.. all have low average IQs.

Then to compound the problem.. people with high IQs leave the poor countries and go to the western countries..

Take a look at IQ data - Then take a look at peoples income.. it all matches up perfectly..

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: 3lyntmy on October 03, 2018, 07:35:37 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

No doubt sure is problem from government  :D

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Beatrix77 on October 03, 2018, 10:25:08 AM
In terms of natural resources, social institutions, and economic governance, each country has different rates of influence. There are 196 countries in the world. 25 of them are very rich, with a per capita income of over $ 100,000 per year. Most of the rest are relatively poor countries and some are very, very poor. All countries more or less are on the road of development. But in poor countries, this is extremely slow. Remarkably, poverty and corruption are correlated and directly influenced. The richest countries in the world are also the least corrupt countries, and the most corrupt countries are also the poorest countries. When corrupt states, they can not collect enough taxes to build one body. Natural resources such as oil, precious metals can be a real problem. Poor countries tend to view them as a trump card. These natural resources are called "amplification effects" by economists. They will help a country with a wealthier institution, but with a bad institution, it will even make it poorer. This is called "resource traps".

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Miusu on October 03, 2018, 10:55:49 AM
I think we will never know who is the real responsible for it,
 the government or the public.. since the public that vote the leaders more responsibility is on its hand. Wrong law, wrong mindset leads to worst situation.

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Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: unesse on October 07, 2018, 05:35:09 AM
More than two centuries ago, Adam Smith wrote the book that is generally credited with initiating the science of economics. The central question he addressed is contained in its title, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. What is amazing is how prescient Smith was. Almost everything he said 240 years ago is still true today. Modern economic studies are confirming it. Think of an economy as reflecting three fundamental features: capital, labor and what I will call the “efficiency factor.” A country’s stock of capital consists of machinery, buildings, land, etc. Labor consists of the country’s human resources that are used in production. The efficiency factor determines how well the country turns capital and labor into output.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Jandrei1 on October 07, 2018, 09:01:08 AM
Because of the people and who governs them. Each and every country has its resources and manpower and it will depend on them how to utilize hem.Having a Good leader is a must.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: IndigoRed on October 08, 2018, 01:00:56 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

You mentioned technology. Actually, technology itself can cause the disparity. Expensive technology for others, seems elitist. Even if the whole of humanity should have access to life-changing technology, money and power still take the front seat. It’s similar to what is discussed about the new 5G technology.
What are your thoughts about this?

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: tapercha on October 16, 2018, 04:29:44 PM
What causes a “misallocation of resources”? In Smith’s day and in the country where he lived (Britain) it was mainly bad government policy. Under mercantilism, the British crown established monopolies that were protected against the rigors of competition in the marketplace. Tariffs and quotas did much of the same thing. Medieval guilds operated under anticompetitive conditions – controlling output, prices and entry into such crafts and trades as textile workers, masons, carpenters, carvers, glass workers, etc.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: interknit on October 21, 2018, 01:22:50 PM
As we look around the world today, we see many vestiges of these practices plus new ones – government created labor monopolies, currency controls, land use controls, etc. Plus, Hernando de Soto has brought our attention to something else. In Adam Smith’s England the existence of stable government and the rule of the common law was taken for granted. In many parts of the world, that is not the case.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Hardware.walletxid on October 21, 2018, 02:13:40 PM
My country is in middle of list but could be better

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: AlligatorBites on October 21, 2018, 03:15:22 PM
The principle is somehow similar to what we are experiencing in the society. There are some people who are rich, others are poor. Somehow it roots from where the individual came from. He is lucky if he came from a well off family. Same as a country, who already had money and power from the beginning of time. Another thing is resources and the proper utilization of it. For example, the Arab countries know how to make use of their oil resources to become rich.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: jersti on November 05, 2018, 07:48:29 PM
Let’s return to our simple picture of economies as having capital, labor and an efficiency factor. Capital is valuable because it increases output directly and also because it increases the productivity of labor. Yet Jones reports that capital-output ratio is remarkably stable across countries. Its average value is very close to one, meaning that an extra dollar of capital gives you an extra dollar of output. Even the poorest countries tend to have a capital-output ratio very close to the U.S. value.   So differences in physical capital contribute almost nothing to differences in GDP per worker across countries. It has also been documented that the marginal product of capital is very similar in rich and poor countries.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: MollyWalk01 on November 28, 2018, 02:06:42 PM
In some countries there are no resources, such as oil and gas for example. Others were colonies of different other countries and they were under the pressure of them, under the immediate complete political control, so they didn't have a chance to develop normally.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Goldleader on December 29, 2018, 09:48:46 AM
Corruption and greed can destroy the most vibrant economy just take a look at Venezuela. The inflation has reached milllion figure , currency render worthless, item beyond the reach ordinary citizen etc. 

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: ankhmary on December 30, 2018, 08:17:23 AM
i think it depends on the government how the rule their country

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Llaux on December 30, 2018, 02:32:29 PM
There are many reasons for these problems. Religion, politics, wealth, bad ethics. Technological advancement doesn't mean improvement of life quality for all, it means a better life for those who can afford it. What we need and we are going through is ethical advancement, getting our morals right. We live in a world where the president of one of the most powerful countries doesn't think (I'm not gonna say believe because that's a fact, not a ghost story) that global warming is real.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: galactic123 on December 30, 2018, 10:39:16 PM

wars and crimes

You gave a partial answer to your own question right there.  Other reasons that there are many, many, many poor countries include dictators who decide who may or may not prosper (if they dont like you, you are out of the game), as well as backwards customs and religious beliefs that quickly slows down societies. Countries where women are second class citizens, who are not allowed to work, and such. Heck, even countries where people are not really allowed to own things, causing them to depend 100% on whathever the government / general / king / emperor gives them or allows them.

Yes advanced countries often abuse poor countries, that is true. But many of these poor countries are / have been extremely flawed societies for a long time anyhow. Flawed in ways that hinders progress overall, even if left in peace. Not to mention when ruled by some all-powerful psychopath...

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Lintormi on January 01, 2019, 07:30:47 PM
Yes, everything is simple. It can not be all the rich, it is not a priori possible. Money flows from one to another. Similarly in countries. Some people have smarter people, more developed politics, economics, and so on.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Coffeemaker on January 01, 2019, 11:49:56 PM
It's boil down to leadership .if the leader are corrupt then the country will suffer in Long run

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: daniel08 on January 02, 2019, 12:28:45 AM
In my own opinion it is because of government which is the reason why some other countries are rich because of the technology that there economy is growing so fast that people can benefit from it , their people have work to sustain their everyday living , and some countries are poor because their government is corrupt and all they want is for themselves.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: maxou8524 on January 02, 2019, 02:55:55 AM
Because we have weak economic government systems in many countries.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 15, 2019, 11:56:37 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?

I think everything depends on their governments and the degree of progress they want to see in their countries, because they will always influence the good management they want to do, as long as it is covering interests for the nation and not for the ruler, where interests are intertwined particular that is what produces all the corruption, that is why some countries are richer and the poor will continue to be poorer.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: pavlooster on April 16, 2019, 06:32:40 AM
I think a country needs to have a good governance system to be successful. Good governments usually lead to economy growth, they will create the proper incentives for people and businesses to produce and improve their method of production. While bad government, you know the corrupt one, will inhibit or has slower economy.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: bitcoin31 on April 16, 2019, 12:56:14 PM
The system is orrganized that's why the country who are rich but remember not means the country is rich they all rich because there is some citizens there are poor. My country is in the thrid world country and I hope soon the economy of this will rise like the other country.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: semobo on April 16, 2019, 01:23:53 PM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?
Some countries have well knowledged leaders and also enough army and resources to become rich while other countries may lack some of it either resource or man power for managing their country.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: erikalui on April 16, 2019, 04:39:15 PM
Because of debt mostly. There are many countries that keep increasing their debt and then they become incapable of paying it even though they impose everything on their citizens in the form of taxes.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Daniel91 on April 16, 2019, 06:25:48 PM
If you really want to understand reason behind it study history, specially development of industry, trade, human civilization etc.
It's impossible to give simple and short answer here but basically western world used military power to conquer the rest of the world.
After that, they have used their raw materials and workforce for their own development and progress.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Zythiphill on April 16, 2019, 10:27:29 PM
Historically, some countries have been held in slavery , if you take Africa , there are so many fossils that the continent could be the richest on earth , but there buy stones for a penny

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 17, 2019, 03:56:43 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?
Some countries have well knowledged leaders and also enough army and resources to become rich while other countries may lack some of it either resource or man power for managing their country.
Some countries compete for who is stronger, take diplomatic measures through organizations such as the UN, which in reality never do anything, poverty and hunger continue, politics makes dictators continue to exercise in the world, in their countries, without the other countries manage to deactivate such a hecatomb of society.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Ciscopro2000 on April 18, 2019, 06:34:53 AM
America found the secret sauce to capitalism by unleashing the potential of its people.  Other countries, especially Communist countries, limit their people’s creativity by controlling all kinds of freedom.  You are pretty much screwed if you are not part of the ruling Communist party. 

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: flash101k on April 18, 2019, 06:52:12 AM
Because rich countries know how to turn poor countries into money printers for them, this is the truth!

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: berdpen on September 25, 2019, 11:05:17 AM
Culture... And maybe some random factors

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: xen1oph on September 25, 2019, 04:28:27 PM
Strange question. Because of the politics? Economy? There are too many options, all are obvious.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: ozing on September 25, 2019, 09:28:09 PM
The rich country wants the poor ones to remain poor for a reason.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: peter0425 on September 26, 2019, 03:38:54 AM
With all the technology, healthcare and education why is the world still so divided? With some places being rich while others being torn in wars and crimes, forcing people to hide or become refugees. What are your thoughts on the issue?
Because it happens that countries with advance living and economy has the advantage of gaining from other side of living.

And also that why there’s a classifications for each countries and the 3rd and5th world is the lowest of them all

The rich country wants the poor ones to remain poor for a reason.
Not that bad because sometimes it happens that poorer countries don’t wanna grow they are contented on what they have and what’s happening with them

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: Niya on September 26, 2019, 03:10:33 PM
History plays a great role about that. Countries which were rich 40-50 years ago are still rich despite the recent changes.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: akram143 on September 26, 2019, 03:32:32 PM
Politicians of poor countries getting richer and richer so their country is still poor even after all the development thing was made by their citizen.

Title: Re: Why are some countries still so rich and others so poor
Post by: berdpen on September 26, 2019, 07:12:47 PM