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Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: jacktheking on March 16, 2018, 12:43:42 AM

Title: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: jacktheking on March 16, 2018, 12:43:42 AM
To create a time-machine, we will need someone from the future to show us the technology. In order for that "someone" to visit our current time and show us their technology, we must find a way for him or her to get back to his or her time. In short, we need to build a time machine (randomly) to send future time traveler back before we can have a fully featured time-machine.

And in order to make sure that our plan works, all of us in our current time will need to make a promise to ourselves that we will visit our current time in the future once we have the technology to do so.

Anyone understand what I'm trying to say?

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: sunriseme on March 16, 2018, 02:41:28 PM
Yes, we are all here now, from the future.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: detector on March 16, 2018, 03:43:47 PM
Let say if someone from future never appear it means that either we or our world already extinct,right ?
Also I thought that if someone from future meet their own young age I think it will broke their timeline that affect on the future existency

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: jacktheking on March 17, 2018, 01:13:12 AM
Let say if someone from future never appear it means that either we or our world already extinct,right ?
Also I thought that if someone from future meet their own young age I think it will broke their timeline that affect on the future existency

However if we are prepared to meet our future selves, the timeline won't be affected because it already happened to our future selves - since they know this is going to happen, they will know when and where to meet their old selves (and the loop continue with old selves meeting meeting even older selves in their future).

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: Bumbr on March 17, 2018, 05:27:52 AM
What if it will look like injecting yourself in the simulation of your past. Without all these loops, sending back and others outdated concepts. What if at some stage of evolution, universe will be able to simulate itself from the beginning in some local area?

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: vlad230 on March 17, 2018, 08:53:59 AM
Yes, it's an interesting idea, not to mention the paradoxes that could arise from this.

Have you guys seen the videos with this guy "Noah" who pretends to have come from the future?

I consider it to be a hoax but let's day dream for a while... What if this could be true?

BTW, he says BitCoin will still be around in the future  :D

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: lelou on March 17, 2018, 09:26:27 AM
Let say if someone from future never appear it means that either we or our world already extinct,right ?
Also I thought that if someone from future meet their own young age I think it will broke their timeline that affect on the future existency

However if we are prepared to meet our future selves, the timeline won't be affected because it already happened to our future selves - since they know this is going to happen, they will know when and where to meet their old selves (and the loop continue with old selves meeting meeting even older selves in their future).

It won't make a loop, you can't go back exactly to your past timeline. IF you manage to go back exactly from the same timeline, there will be 2 cases.
CASE 1: the time you started traveling to the past won't happen if you succeeded because in that timeline you don't need to send your future selve to the past because you acquired the technology already. if this happened in the very same timeline then the first sending of yourself didn't happened.
CASE 2: you failed it to send it to your same timeline, you send it to other timeline where the future of that timeline doesn't send their future selves to the past or any other possibilities.

Let's say you travelled to the past, you can make a timeline where the people from that past don't believe your time travel thing and won't try your time travel machine ( you know john titor? ) or a timeline where the people believed you but agreed to never try time traveling.

Time traveling ideas and theories are very fun to discuss and the greatest thing about it is NO ONE IS WRONG in time traveling related arguments because no one really knows how and what will be the future and even the wildest imagination is possible. peace ;D

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: gawer33 on March 18, 2018, 03:01:14 PM
To create a time-machine, we will need someone from the future to show us the technology. In order for that "someone" to visit our current time and show us their technology, we must find a way for him or her to get back to his or her time. In short, we need to build a time machine (randomly) to send future time traveler back before we can have a fully featured time-machine.

And in order to make sure that our plan works, all of us in our current time will need to make a promise to ourselves that we will visit our current time in the future once we have the technology to do so.

Anyone understand what I'm trying to say?

unfortunately, this will not work you know its illegal for us to change the past, we might get executed if we tried so.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: vina.lugtu on March 19, 2018, 01:00:07 AM
If someone from the future appears and tells us how to create a time machine, I think the issue will be the materials. We all know that whatever the future have is non existent on this world yet. The programs used will also be a challenge if you know what I mean. The codes are just complicated. It will be a plus if he bought a manual with him, a manual that will spoon feed the information on how to create a time machine. It should be legit not DYI. :)

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: gawer33 on March 19, 2018, 10:16:11 AM
If someone from the future appears and tells us how to create a time machine, I think the issue will be the materials. We all know that whatever the future have is non existent on this world yet. The programs used will also be a challenge if you know what I mean. The codes are just complicated. It will be a plus if he bought a manual with him, a manual that will spoon feed the information on how to create a time machine. It should be legit not DYI. :)

like i said we are not allowing it

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: jacktheking on March 19, 2018, 12:06:59 PM
To create a time-machine, we will need someone from the future to show us the technology. In order for that "someone" to visit our current time and show us their technology, we must find a way for him or her to get back to his or her time. In short, we need to build a time machine (randomly) to send future time traveler back before we can have a fully featured time-machine.

And in order to make sure that our plan works, all of us in our current time will need to make a promise to ourselves that we will visit our current time in the future once we have the technology to do so.

Anyone understand what I'm trying to say?

unfortunately, this will not work you know its illegal for us to change the past, we might get executed if we tried so.

What if the past is that someone from the future-future send it to the future? So that the future have to send it to current (us) to not change the past?

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: vapourminer on March 19, 2018, 02:40:37 PM
a science fiction writer (larry niven) stated that time travel should be impossible.

the reasoning (which is kinda similar to what lelou posted) is there are two possible time line types :

1. a timeline type where time travel exists or will exist

2. a timeline type where time travel does not exist at all.

in the 1st type of timeline its possible to change the past. so, sooner or later, someone will alter the past so that no one invents or can use a time machine in that timeline. this means that, eventually, timeline type 1 always will become timeline type 2.  therefore the timeline where time travel doesnt exist is the timeline that stays, and is the current timeline where time travel is impossible.

probably explained it wrong. lookup "the laws of larry niven"

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: GentelMe on March 20, 2018, 04:22:08 PM
The reality, however, is more muddled. Not all scientists believe that time travel is possible. Some even say that an attempt would be fatal to any human who chooses to undertake it.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: Donovan XXL on March 20, 2018, 04:56:39 PM
Just say no to drugs, that will be easier.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: bones261 on March 21, 2018, 03:05:17 AM
I gather that everyone here is talking about time travel to the past. Time travel to the future is quite possible. Unfortunately, if you wanted to go far off into the future, you would either have to get rather close to a black hole or travel at relativistic speeds. Both methods may be quite dangerous to you health, however.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: jonajek on March 21, 2018, 05:34:14 AM
Time machine can be a great help but for me, creating a time machine would be a disaster if used wrongfully. If it use right like we want to witness how our heroes risk their life for our independence is really great. There is also a big problem for creating it, what if the future give you the exact formula and the things needed, it will not be done in the present as some of the materials would still not be invented. So for me, its a great no,no.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: Yungphash on April 13, 2019, 09:17:05 PM
Haha... I see what you did there.
Time traveling is a very crazy stuff to discuss because there is no record of someone that time traveled. Everyone is just speculating about it. I believe it never gonna be possible.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: kawetsriyanto on April 14, 2019, 12:44:10 AM
~snip~ we will need someone from the future to show us the technology. ~snip~

I doubt if you mean to have someone like Doraemon.  ;D

Anyway, I think we all are on the track for future technology. For me, the basic principle is to change people's perspective. With this digital era, it is the way to go there.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: vapourminer on April 16, 2019, 12:10:31 PM
To create a time-machine, we will need someone from the future to show us the technology. In order for that "someone" to visit our current time and show us their technology, we must find a way for him or her to get back to his or her time. In short, we need to build a time machine (randomly) to send future time traveler back before we can have a fully featured time-machine.

And in order to make sure that our plan works, all of us in our current time will need to make a promise to ourselves that we will visit our current time in the future once we have the technology to do so.

Anyone understand what I'm trying to say?

Ok you have an idea about how to use a time machine, but I how do we build a time machine, and where do we find that "someone" who comes from the future? and how do we know if he wants to travel back to the future?

perhaps we could use some sort of bait to lure a time traveler back to the present.

say take an extremely valuable, irreplaceable object (art? some curtural icon? some tech that was found accidentally so would not be able to be found again? not sure what would work). publish in all major publications that it will be destroyed on a particular date, so that some copy or another of that publication would be read by future folks so they would know about it.  state the only way we would not destroy that object on that date was if a time traveler from the future came back to claim it, but in return they would need to prove they are from the future and give at least hints as to how to make a time machine.

in short, gotta make it worth while for the traveler to come back.

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: yesiam6 on April 16, 2019, 07:43:50 PM
To create a time-machine, we will need someone from the future to show us the technology. In order for that "someone" to visit our current time and show us their technology, we must find a way for him or her to get back to his or her time. In short, we need to build a time machine (randomly) to send future time traveler back before we can have a fully featured time-machine.

And in order to make sure that our plan works, all of us in our current time will need to make a promise to ourselves that we will visit our current time in the future once we have the technology to do so.

Anyone understand what I'm trying to say?

Ok you have an idea about how to use a time machine, but I how do we build a time machine, and where do we find that "someone" who comes from the future? and how do we know if he wants to travel back to the future?

perhaps we could use some sort of bait to lure a time traveler back to the present.

say take an extremely valuable, irreplaceable object (art? some curtural icon? some tech that was found accidentally so would not be able to be found again? not sure what would work). publish in all major publications that it will be destroyed on a particular date, so that some copy or another of that publication would be read by future folks so they would know about it.  state the only way we would not destroy that object on that date was if a time traveler from the future came back to claim it, but in return they would need to prove they are from the future and give at least hints as to how to make a time machine.

in short, gotta make it worth while for the traveler to come back.
But wouldn't if those future people somehow have easy access to time machines have prevented some terror attacks like charlie hebdo instead of for example saving the Mona Lisa from destruction?
Or did this maybe already happen in a parallel universe where those events never took place because of time travelers?

Title: Re: Here's my theory to create a time-machine
Post by: xvids on April 30, 2019, 10:43:45 AM
I always have this in my mind what if the aliens that we see's on earth was human too.
And they are from the future who use time machine to visit our time.
And then their body got deform by the time machine and couldn't go back because of it.