Title: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: BillyBobZorton on March 17, 2018, 11:57:00 PM Im sure we Tor users are well aware of the "Try again" message after completing the recaptcha and generally trying a bunch of IPs's until you get one that isn't banned, but im getting a new one that I don't remember ever getting before...
After successfully completing the recaptcha clicking all the damn cars, roads and buses and what have you, I finally get the green checkmark, then I press login, and I get this error: "An error has occurred! "Incorrect recaptcha." That's all. And this is a forum error btw, not an error within the recaptcha's box. Any ideas in how to get around this and why it is happening? my take is that you are unlucky enough to get your Tor node's IP changed right after completing the captcha, and the forum gives you that error.. Title: Re: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: theymos_away on March 18, 2018, 12:07:55 AM It means that when the forum asked recaptcha whether you actually answered it correctly, recaptcha said no. IP change is a possibility.
Title: Re: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: InvoKing on March 18, 2018, 12:10:31 AM Im sure we Tor users are well aware of the "Try again" message after completing the recaptcha and generally trying a bunch of IPs's until you get one that isn't banned, but im getting a new one that I don't remember ever getting before... After successfully completing the recaptcha clicking all the damn cars, roads and buses and what have you, I finally get the green checkmark, then I press login, and I get this error: "An error has occurred! "Incorrect recaptcha." That's all. And this is a forum error btw, not an error within the recaptcha's box. Any ideas in how to get around this and why it is happening? my take is that you are unlucky enough to get your Tor node's IP changed right after completing the captcha, and the forum gives you that error.. Read the post of nellius in this topic, it might help you too much (once you succeed to pass 1 captcha) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2286988.msg32027659#msg32027659 If your problem is solved, lock the topic. Title: Re: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: Dlugina23 on March 18, 2018, 06:28:14 AM Clear cookies,install brave browser,reset modem,dont login in Google email.This help me.
Title: Re: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: Silent26 on March 18, 2018, 06:50:33 AM It means that when the forum asked recaptcha whether you actually answered it correctly, recaptcha said no. IP change is a possibility. Yuph, I'm not using TOR for browsing. But I think the main problem why TOR keep saying "An error has occurred" and "incorrect recaptcha" is because of IP issue. Tor uses different IP's as it keeps you anonymous to the web. That's why everytime it loads/changed the recaptcha, the IP changed as well. By the way OP, do you just encountered this issue recently? Are you not having trouble in recaptcha in the past? Because there is a possibility that this is a browser issue. Clear cookies,install brave browser,reset modem,dont login in Google email.This help me. Brave browser is a good browser to stay anonymous, but besides from Tor browser, you can try firefox focus as well. Title: Re: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: BillyBobZorton on March 18, 2018, 05:19:41 PM It means that when the forum asked recaptcha whether you actually answered it correctly, recaptcha said no. IP change is a possibility. Yuph, I'm not using TOR for browsing. But I think the main problem why TOR keep saying "An error has occurred" and "incorrect recaptcha" is because of IP issue. Tor uses different IP's as it keeps you anonymous to the web. That's why everytime it loads/changed the recaptcha, the IP changed as well. By the way OP, do you just encountered this issue recently? Are you not having trouble in recaptcha in the past? Because there is a possibility that this is a browser issue. Clear cookies,install brave browser,reset modem,dont login in Google email.This help me. Brave browser is a good browser to stay anonymous, but besides from Tor browser, you can try firefox focus as well. I have been having problems with the "try again" or "connection error" stuff within the captcha box before. Like I said before, this message is within the forum, not within the captcha box, and it happens after you get a green checkmark of a successfully completed captcha. The only logical explanation is that the IP changes right after you complete the captcha, so once you press "login", you are already using a different IP, so the forum gives you that error. What I don't understand is that this happens even after I change IP sometimes, and as far as I know Tor only changes IP automatically every 10 minutes.. Title: Re: "Incorrect recaptcha" Post by: solarion on March 18, 2018, 06:52:21 PM It means that when the forum asked recaptcha whether you actually answered it correctly, recaptcha said no. IP change is a possibility. Billy this may the cause of this possible error you find. Else you may use the any VPN addon in your browser. I see this whenever I use VPN software in my desktop. If you want to go with the VPN and seeing the incorrect captcha when it is right also. You can turn it off with the VPN tokens and add the VPN after you logged into the website bro. |