Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: ferico on March 18, 2018, 06:52:17 PM

Title: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: ferico on March 18, 2018, 06:52:17 PM

I have started this topic to resolve the following problem : not all account/accounts holders have enough time/motivation to take part in subscription campaigns. Because of this they loose profit. On the other hand, there some people which are agree not only to satisfy the conditions of subscription campaigns, but also(and this is more importnant) they have time/motivation to manage several projects at the same time(but they dont have many accs).

So , i offer to combine the opportunities of both sides on mutually beneficial terms. All conditions are negotiated individually. The deals are protected by transaction through a guarantor.

This offer does not mean to transfer of full/partial account management.

Also we can work in Twitter and FB campaigns on several terms.

If somebody interested in my offer(customers and executors) pls write to me in a personal message in the telegram

Thank you for attention!

Title: Re: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: teddy5145 on March 18, 2018, 07:09:08 PM
This forum is mainly used for discussion, making Bitcoins from Signature campaign should come second or later so that shouldn't even be a reason to start account renting (Not enough motivation and lose profit)
This looks similar to account selling, albeit under account rent disguise, DT Member are not going to like this idea and this adds unwanted spam to forum ::)
Besides, how did you guarantee that the account are not going to get stolen, it is easy to change email or password.

Title: Re: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: loughlin on March 18, 2018, 11:09:37 PM
Which account you want to rent? Btctalk, facebook or twitter?
regardless, It's not exactly the right way to earn some money. I think renting btctalk is against forum rules, better check moderators about that

Title: Re: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: ferico on March 19, 2018, 06:49:29 AM
Which account you want to rent? Btctalk, facebook or twitter?
regardless, It's not exactly the right way to earn some money. I think renting btctalk is against forum rules, better check moderators about that

There will be NO TRANSFER login/password from one user to another. So once again : NO FULL ACCESS

It will be work on smart contracts and copy paste :) customer will give a text, and executor will write it in his account.

Title: Re: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 19, 2018, 07:16:41 AM
If people don't have enough time/energy/whatever to join a signature campaign, then they shouldn't join sig campaigns.

The above assertion ought to be as obvious as the statementthat water is wet, but the perception that's developed in certain neighborhoods in certain Asian countries, that spamming on bct is a viable career choice, is repulsive to me.

Nobody should subcontract shitposting or any of that other garbage.  That's a business model that makes me want to blow chow.

Title: Re: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: Mpamaegbu on March 19, 2018, 08:45:45 AM
OPs of threads like this should be simply tagged by DT memebers for bringing up such scummy ideas to ruin this noble forum. There should be sanity here.

Title: Re: Rent account for Bounty without full access
Post by: digaran on March 20, 2018, 08:15:16 AM
How much would you pay me if you were interested in renting my account a.k.a merit source, reputable, extremely trustable, without my sMerits (source or my own)? I would let you write down dozens of constructive and well thought out essays, then you could give them to me to post them as my own. you should pay me $10 per essay. (I know right? you write and pay, I get everything, you get nothing).

I'm in a dire need to rent a vagina for a duration of 5 minutes, for the holiest of all the purposes a.k.a jumping on them several times with a rhythm.
A new idea, how would you like to control my hands remotely on the keyboard? manage to keep me from getting banned for 5 minutes and  pay me $50. manage to keep me(yourself)from sending merits to your alts and pay me $50.