Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: Sukrim on July 26, 2011, 01:12:13 AM

Title: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Sukrim on July 26, 2011, 01:12:13 AM
I am just kinda curious, how much others have earned with their Tradehill referrals and what you do with them.

As I always hate threads that start like that without the thread starter also showing his earnings, here are my stats:

Number of Users Referred: 224

Your Earned Commissions
AUD   0.0013... AUD
EUR   0.05... EUR
LR   0.36... LR
USD   22.2... USD
(I'm still missing some INR and CLP... ;) )

I usually just convert my ref income everytime I hit ~1 USD to BTC and once I hit 1 BTC, I pull it over to my wallet.

Interestingly 1 ref'ed user is worth nearly exactly 10 US cents (until now, after 1 1/2 months) or a bit less than 1 Bitcent - do some of you have different experiences? Did it "pay off" yet, to pay some ppl to take your refcode (like some did in when TH started)?

Unfortuantely it seems like I can't turn off my signature here: I do NOT want to seem like one of these stupid refspammers who just open meaningless threads to show their reflinks - I am really interested in the topic!

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: BookofNick on July 26, 2011, 01:25:23 AM
I don't know how to tell how many people I've referred, but since I started advertising it on my YT page I've gotten exactly $0.86 USD. I'm not exactly impressed with that.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Sukrim on July 26, 2011, 01:36:48 AM
Click on your mail address in the top right corner ("Welcome [yourmailaddress here] | Log Out | flag flag"), then you have an overview over your account.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Smalleyster on July 26, 2011, 01:54:07 AM
I thought all that was a waste of time and I'm glad I decided not to play.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: BookofNick on July 26, 2011, 04:11:40 AM
Click on your mail address in the top right corner ("Welcome [yourmailaddress here] | Log Out | flag flag"), then you have an overview over your account.

Cool, thanks. Looks like I've got 40 users referred. $0.86 from 40 people? Meh.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: error on July 26, 2011, 04:57:46 PM
Um, 3 cents?

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: SHlFT on August 01, 2011, 03:15:56 PM
I got $20 from referals

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Littleshop on August 01, 2011, 06:37:04 PM
Four people signed up from my link in my signature.

I have received $27 so far which seems like a good amount from just four sign ups.  I am quite happy.

I just wish I could still use Dwolla to withdraw at Tradehill. 

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Jered Kenna (TradeHill) on August 02, 2011, 04:35:19 AM
Four people signed up from my link in my signature.

I have received $27 so far which seems like a good amount from just four sign ups.  I am quite happy.

I just wish I could still use Dwolla to withdraw at Tradehill. 

We wish we could use Dwolla still as well. It's not practical when you lose more with it than you gain to keep it up though.
We've started sending checks in the mail. It's old fashioned but it works. We're looking in to more options and will have something soon.

In regards to commissions there are a lot of inactive users on both Mt Gox and TradeHill. A lot of people sign up just to take a look or create multiple accounts. If someone trades $1000 USD we most likely receive $5.30 cents and 10% of that is 53 cents. It doesn't seem like much but we also have people trading a lot more than that and it can add up quickly. Raw number of traders isn't a very accurate way to gauge your referrals as one or two people can really run it up. Especially if they're actively trading back and forth for profit and not just making single transactions.


Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: IIOII on August 03, 2011, 08:49:03 PM
I wonder how you've got so many referrals.

Do you guys use additional advertising?

So far I've got one referral and $ 0.00 earnings.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: dacoinminster on August 03, 2011, 09:31:43 PM
I try to comment on every bitcoin article that comes out in the news (annoying some people), and I include my tradehill code in my comments. So far that has netted me 82 referrals, most of whom do not trade most of the time. I make almost nothing from them, but I like supporting Tradehill because I think they are (currently) the best bitcoin exchange.

Most of my referral money actually comes from a couple of people on this forum who used my code to sign up when TradeHill first opened. They trade much more than I do. Total referral income recently cleared $30 USD, almost all of it in what appears to be a steady stream from those first couple referrals.

I recently asked TradeHill if all my boosting for them qualified me for the special "invitation only" low trading fees. I got a polite reply that they would be happy to grant me lower fees if I could clear $30k in trades a week! Apparently there are some MUCH bigger players out there!

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: error on August 03, 2011, 09:40:36 PM
Still haven't hit 4 cents. Then again I seem to have stopped putting out my referral link....

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: berndl on August 05, 2011, 02:16:02 AM
So far I've got nothing from my referrals, maybe because I have just two of them?  ;)

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: TurboK on August 05, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
Sweet fuckall.

Then again, I haven't been spamming it everywhere.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: dacoinminster on August 05, 2011, 03:05:34 PM
I see you and your stupid monkey avatar on every single bitcoin article I ever read spamming your TH referal code and it pisses me off.

Glad to hear I am having an impact!

Seriously though, every article has the potential to introduce new people to bitcoin, and I want them to have a good experience if they try to buy some coins. Right now, it seems to me that TradeHill offers the best experience.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: alan2here on August 05, 2011, 03:39:36 PM
How are fees at Tradehill vs those at Britcoin (inc The USA version)?

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Sukrim on August 08, 2011, 10:27:38 AM
How are fees at Tradehill vs those at Britcoin (inc The USA version)?
That's not the topic of the thread.

I doubt many people would click on something that has "bullshit" written right next to it... ::)
Personally I just put my Refcode in the Sig and that's more or less it.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: alan2here on August 08, 2011, 12:07:56 PM
It's verry relevent, you are justifying what some others in the thread are calling spam by saying that Tradehill is the best, and the best for beginners and so it's ok to what they call spam about it. I'm asking you about the difference in fees, and while I'm at it how straightforward Britcoin is in for example depositing funds.

Who's the BS comment referring to?

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Sukrim on August 08, 2011, 10:02:59 PM
Who's the BS comment referring to?
TurboK's signature

Concerning fees, have a look at in the "fees" section.
Also I have nowhere stated that Tradehill is the best or the best for beginners. This thread is about referral income gained on tradehill, not about comparing exchanges or their fee structure.

Yes, to me it seems too that I have either a few "powertraders" or some 1 time big buyers (.50 USD in referral income mean quite a big buy/sell at once...) in my referred users.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Jered Kenna (TradeHill) on August 09, 2011, 03:08:36 AM
To answer the question: standard is .6% and most people have 10% off of that from a referral code.


Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Maged on August 10, 2011, 03:45:49 AM
Off of 9 referrals...
LR   0.672319247
USD   0.1105923213

Might have helped that I was the second post in the TradeHill announcement thread  :-\

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: PatrickHarnett on August 11, 2011, 04:06:46 AM
I have not done any referrals and pay the full 0.6% (can't be bothered setting up a second account).  Out of interest, yesterday I downloaded all of my trade history to check just how much I had paid in commissions. 


So if I had referred myself I would be $6 better off.  At the moment, I consider I have way more than $6 or even $60 of value from my trading, and it helps keep TH in business.  I would prefer a 0.5% rate, but it's not the end of the world.

Title: Re: Tradehil referrals: How much have you earned?
Post by: Bitcoin Swami on August 11, 2011, 07:23:07 AM
I see you and your stupid monkey avatar on every single bitcoin article I ever read spamming your TH referal code and it pisses me off.

Glad to hear I am having an impact!

Seriously though, every article has the potential to introduce new people to bitcoin, and I want them to have a good experience if they try to buy some coins. Right now, it seems to me that TradeHill offers the best experience.

I also see your spam in every article and I wish you wouldn't do it.  It makes tradehill and bitcoin look like a scam.