Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Exchanges => Topic started by: orismarfh on March 23, 2018, 06:15:46 PM

Post by: orismarfh on March 23, 2018, 06:15:46 PM
I lost all my money transferring BTCs. After I have all my money invested in BTCs, including the money from my monthly rent, to trying to make micro transactions and earn some profit, I just lost everything by sending it to When I ask for help from Support, they say that it is not their problem and that they would spend more money to give me back what I lost than the amount I sent in the transaction.

I really wonder, when people have stopped worrying about each other. I'm sorry, you millionaires, I do not have that much money, but that little money is all I have.

I simply submitted BTCs from my wallet at to my wallet at and after a few hours I realized that the BTCs had not arrived. Unfortunately, I noticed that, by a 2cm error in the menu, instead of clicking BTC, I clicked on Tether USD, a cryptocoin I did not know until this my recent personal catastrophe happened. I created the BTC wallet (which was actually USDT wallet) and sent it from to, but from a BTC wallet to a USDT wallet. The USDT address inside the BTC network has never been used and the BTCs are there, floating without an owner and I cannot use them.

When I asked Kraken for help telling me all my desperate story, they would first ask me:

- How many BTCs have you sent? (What do you mean? BTCs are mine, it does not matter the quantity, for you it may seem small, for me it’s all I have)

Then they said, because it’s a small amount of money, they would not do anything about it. I keep asking myself, I must be very poor, because everything I had, is considered nothing for and If I live under some bridge or some friend’s house for pity, it does not make any difference to them. Of course, they earn millions a day, and they can not even give me an honest answer, just a CTRL-C + CTRL-V.

This was the official response from


At Kraken, we do what we can to prevent these mistakes from happening. That’s why we make sure that our deposit page contains a warning and acknowledgment that Kraken is not responsible for these mistakes.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to help you recover these funds. Many cryptocurrency users think of sending tokens to an exchange along the lines of sending funds to a bank. Somehow, the bank is going to track the funds and allocate the funds to the right account, even if mistakes are made. However, sending cryptocurrency to an address is very different from sending money to a bank account. Mistakes, if they are recoverable, require developers to step in and are very difficult and resource intensive. The cost of this outweighs the value of these funds in this case, and we will not be able to attempt a recovery operation.


I do not know who to ask for help, if someone has a little compassion and can help me, I thank you with all my heart and soul. Thank you very much for reading my post.

Post by: Zocadas on March 23, 2018, 07:48:52 PM
Kraken is the only one, which can help you. Maybe try a new ticket,  with needed informations:
-Amount of Bitcoin, you sent.
-Transactions ID
-Bitcoin address, from where you sent
-USDT (Tether) recieving address
and ask them once more to resolve your issue.
I wish you much luck, that they will help you. Tell them friendly your situation. They needn't help you, as it was your own mistake, not theirs. But maybe they find a way, to solve your issue without much effort.
Meanwhile you could look here in forum around on beginners & help section

learn about cryptocurrencies and find a way to earn and recover from your loss.

Post by: Slow death on March 23, 2018, 07:51:43 PM
even if your situation is serious, they will not be able to help you because of the cost of this operation as they have explained. you will have to try to solve your real-life income problem, ask for help to your relatives, friends and anyone you know. It will be complicated for them to understand you, but you do not have many options. Stay calm and look for solutions in real life. I wish you good luck

including the money from my monthly rent

Never do that again!

Post by: orismarfh on March 23, 2018, 08:14:39 PM
Kraken is the only one, which can help you. Maybe try a new ticket,  with needed informations:
-Amount of Bitcoin, you sent.
-Transactions ID
-Bitcoin address, from where you sent
-USDT (Tether) recieving address
and ask them once more to resolve your issue.
I wish you much luck, that they will help you. Tell them friendly your situation. They needn't help you, as it was your own mistake, not theirs. But maybe they find a way, to solve your issue without much effort.
Meanwhile you could look here in forum around on beginners & help section

learn about cryptocurrencies and find a way to earn and recover from your loss.

Thank you ZOCADAS, I will try do that! But, Why you said they are only one who can help me?  Im Computer engineer but new in Bitcoin, Technically do you know why only they can help?

Thank you

Post by: orismarfh on March 23, 2018, 08:22:35 PM
even if your situation is serious, they will not be able to help you because of the cost of this operation as they have explained. you will have to try to solve your real-life income problem, ask for help to your relatives, friends and anyone you know. It will be complicated for them to understand you, but you do not have many options. Stay calm and look for solutions in real life. I wish you good luck

including the money from my monthly rent

Never do that again!

Thanks for understanding "Slow death", do you know which is this technical procedure that generates a lot of cost?  Can I look for a specialist or company?

Post by: Potato Chips on March 23, 2018, 08:32:49 PM
In the first place this is your own mistake for not paying attention so asking them to take responsibility is already out of the question, It's basically up to them if they will retrieve it for you. You signed up --> you clicked "I agree to your TOS" etc.. = You have to comply

Also, Remember that they are still a business which is why generally, they won't do something that could just bring loss to them.

Quote from: orismarfh
Thank you ZOCADAS, I will try do that! But, Why you said they are only one who can help me?  Im Computer engineer but new in Bitcoin, Technically do you know why only they can help?

Because they're the only ones who has an access to their users private keys which is necessary in order to retrieve your mistakenly sent coins

Post by: orismarfh on March 23, 2018, 08:34:55 PM

Because they're the only ones who has an access to their users private keys which is necessary in order to retrieve your mistakenly sent coins

Ahh ok. Now I understand. Thank you so much

Post by: Zocadas on March 23, 2018, 11:01:16 PM
Kraken is the only one, which can help you. Maybe try a new ticket,  with needed informations:
-Amount of Bitcoin, you sent.
-Transactions ID
-Bitcoin address, from where you sent
-USDT (Tether) recieving address
and ask them once more to resolve your issue.
I wish you much luck, that they will help you. Tell them friendly your situation. They needn't help you, as it was your own mistake, not theirs. But maybe they find a way, to solve your issue without much effort.
Meanwhile you could look here in forum around on beginners & help section

learn about cryptocurrencies and find a way to earn and recover from your loss.

Thank you ZOCADAS, I will try do that! But, Why you said they are only one who can help me?  Im Computer engineer but new in Bitcoin, Technically do you know why only they can help?

Thank you

Because they're the only ones who has an access to their users private keys which is necessary in order to retrieve your mistakenly sent coins
Yes, Kraken owns the address, where you sent your Bitcoin. They have access to the private key.
Bitcoin and Tether have the same addresses. So the owner ( the one, who owns the private key and that is Kraken) can import the Tether address to a Bitcoin wallet with the private key and the Bitcoin appear.
The best chance to get help by Kraken is to provide all needed data to simplify their work.

Post by: Potato Chips on March 24, 2018, 12:08:48 AM
The best chance to get help by Kraken is to provide all needed data to simplify their work.

Kraken already said that they can't help OP so suggesting to ask for their help again basically means that op didn't paid attention to their previous statement.

Or is it that you haven't read the first post completely?

This was the official response from


At Kraken, we do what we can to prevent these mistakes from happening. That’s why we make sure that our deposit page contains a warning and acknowledgment that Kraken is not responsible for these mistakes.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to help you recover these funds. Many cryptocurrency users think of sending tokens to an exchange along the lines of sending funds to a bank. Somehow, the bank is going to track the funds and allocate the funds to the right account, even if mistakes are made. However, sending cryptocurrency to an address is very different from sending money to a bank account. Mistakes, if they are recoverable, require developers to step in and are very difficult and resource intensive. The cost of this outweighs the value of these funds in this case, and we will not be able to attempt a recovery operation.

Post by: Zocadas on March 24, 2018, 06:09:02 AM
To read a thread carefully does not only mean to read word for word, but also between the lines. When an exchanger first must ask, which amount was sent, then there is a high probability that a support ticket was sent without the necessary informations. And when they got an answer, as in OP indicated, then chances to get help go to zero.
It is probably his only chance (even though a low chance) to get back his funds, so why shouldn't he send a friendly proper support ticket with all needed infos? If it was my money, I would do first the most obvious, before giving up/thinking about other steps.

Post by: Oceat on March 24, 2018, 08:12:23 PM
I don't think that they can help you since it is your fault in the first place, that's why we should have to be very careful of sending funds to an address. You must do the double or triple check if necessary and always be curious when sending, this makes you think twice before you click a button.

including the money from my monthly rent

Do not ever do that again.

Taking too much risk including your personal needs is not a good sign but when you are in desperate times always think multiple times and think what's the stake of risk you are putting in. Be responsible OP!

Post by: Potato Chips on March 24, 2018, 08:39:18 PM
To read a thread carefully does not only mean to read word for word, but also between the lines. When an exchanger first must ask, which amount was sent, then there is a high probability that a support ticket was sent without the necessary informations. And when they got an answer, as in OP indicated, then chances to get help go to zero.
It is probably his only chance (even though a low chance) to get back his funds, so why shouldn't he send a friendly proper support ticket with all needed infos? If it was my money, I would do first the most obvious, before giving up/thinking about other steps.

Yes op's previous support ticket didn't have all necessary info's which is why the support asked "how much is it", but the main point here is, they would've asked other info's aside from that if it was really needed, and the fact that they didn't means it's not so I don't get why you are suggesting to sent another one.

Aside from giving up and learning your lesson the other option is to beg until they blocked you.

Post by: timerland on March 25, 2018, 08:27:09 AM
Seems like a classic case of sending BTC to a different coin's address to me.

It's one of the deadliest yet most common mistakes to make for sure.

By using their service, you are agreeing to a bunch of terms and conditions which do not hold them accountable. It is also clearly stated that you are depositing to a USDT address before you are able to generate one:

By depositing, I acknowledge that Kraken is not responsible for any coins sent to the wrong address.

While you can try to convince them that they have the moral obligation to refund you the funds, it is true that it takes manual labour to get this done, and if they handled every case that came their way there's probably going to be major disruptions, especially for smaller amounts.

I wish you good luck, but I can't honestly see anything other than an automated reply from them with the same message every time unless you get lucky.