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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: countryfree on March 23, 2018, 08:03:29 PM

Title: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: countryfree on March 23, 2018, 08:03:29 PM

How come each time we hear about a new terror cat, the bad guy is always a muslim?
The only good news is that the police shot him. If I were muslim, I would consider changing religion, to make sure I couldn't be associated with a terrorist.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on March 23, 2018, 09:43:36 PM
How come each time we hear about a new terror cat, the bad guy is always a muslim?

Because the media is biased and you only hear what you want to hear? In America the majority of terror attacks and mass shootings are carried out by white people, often Christians, but the media doesn't call them terrorists because it's not part of their agenda and it probably isn't yours.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Mometaskers on March 26, 2018, 03:50:22 PM
"B-but, he's not a true Muslim. True Muslims don't do that!"

But seriously, Europe seems to be having a lot of this now. I think they failed to integrate these people. Though considering many of those that joined ISIS are third generation and are basically European citizens, it seems their community failed as well.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Genemind on March 26, 2018, 03:58:45 PM

How come each time we hear about a new terror cat, the bad guy is always a muslim?
The only good news is that the police shot him. If I were muslim, I would consider changing religion, to make sure I couldn't be associated with a terrorist.

Maybe it is because people already have a bad impression on Muslims. It's is true that most terrorists are Muslims, but not all Muslims are terrorists. I think it is not even a good news whenever we hear that Muslims get shot, we must also think that they are also humans.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: MeSoCorny on March 26, 2018, 04:37:53 PM
How come each time we hear about a new terror cat, the bad guy is always a muslim?

Because the media is biased and you only hear what you want to hear? In America the majority of terror attacks and mass shootings are carried out by white people, often Christians, but the media doesn't call them terrorists because it's not part of their agenda and it probably isn't yours.

That depends on what you label mass shootings. There are shootings of multiple people on a daily basis in places like Chicago. These are not white people. These are black people. In fact, black people, who represent 15% of the population, currently commit 50% of the crime in the country. The only narrative is driven by liberals and the liberal media who are intent on demonizing white people. Seriously, the amount of people killed by black people, and the amount of people killed by these white "mass shooters" are so far apart it's laughable. The media doesn't call out these Chicago shootings, and the other prevalent areas they occur around the country, at all because it's not part of their narrative. Hell, CNN wouldn't even share the details of a black man killing on FB live months back, while every other network was showing his actual pic, because their leftist agenda certainly didn't gel with the killers description.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: afrasiyab on March 26, 2018, 04:45:23 PM
with your post you re pointing that every muslim is terrorist which definetly wrong. Yes most of the terrorist attacks comes from muslims but it is because of the ignorance of muslims. Ignorance is real enemy in this world, Hitler started a world war with that ignorance fire. Instead of saying change religion to people try to look who prevents middle east the has a steady economy and life instead of civil wars and etc.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: sagor0707 on March 26, 2018, 05:06:28 PM
Are all terrorists Muslim? When people do other religions, why are they not terrorists?

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: countryfree on March 27, 2018, 09:14:16 AM
How come each time we hear about a new terror cat, the bad guy is always a muslim?

Because the media is biased and you only hear what you want to hear? In America the majority of terror attacks and mass shootings are carried out by white people, often Christians, but the media doesn't call them terrorists because it's not part of their agenda and it probably isn't yours.

I really hate those Americans who think they're the center of the world and who ignore the rest of the world. US is just ONE country. In Europe, Africa and M-E, more than 100 countries, all terror attacks come from muslims.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Sithara007 on March 27, 2018, 09:22:29 AM
If I were muslim, I would consider changing religion, to make sure I couldn't be associated with a terrorist.

In Europe, significant number of Muslims are either becoming atheist, or converting to other religions. But the problem is that, these people are considered as "apostates" by radical Muslims, and they face all sort of threats and harassment. And another issue is that far more white Europeans convert to Islam (especially young women), than those who are abandoning it.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: agimat on March 27, 2018, 09:26:19 AM
Im sure they are not son of allah, they are all son of  satan, they love to kill innocent people, for that they are not true muslim, because a true muslim is a peace loving.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Hitch-hiker on March 27, 2018, 09:51:12 AM
Are all terrorists Muslim? When people do other religions, why are they not terrorists?

Terrorism isn't confined to Islam, but if you look it up on Wikipedia it seems a large percentage of it is committed by muslims.

It's not so much Islam being the problem but the worship of books, any zealot can interpret a book to mean whatever they want if they have an agenda.

Catholics have crusades ( yes they still have them google the black pope or jesuits and war) and Islam wants a caliphate. it's all about power. The people dying and being killed are just pawns in the game or collateral damage that the hierarchy of both systems seems to think is acceptable.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Mometaskers on March 27, 2018, 03:21:50 PM
If I were muslim, I would consider changing religion, to make sure I couldn't be associated with a terrorist.

In Europe, significant number of Muslims are either becoming atheist, or converting to other religions. But the problem is that, these people are considered as "apostates" by radical Muslims, and they face all sort of threats and harassment. And another issue is that far more white Europeans convert to Islam (especially young women), than those who are abandoning it.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: summerbloom on March 27, 2018, 04:52:37 PM
Even the suspect of this terrorist are probably muslim i think is not true,, because according to FBI 94% of terrorist attacks carried by united states,, from 1980 to 2005 it just prove that terrorist is united states,,this state has been proven that american can suspected 9 times likely to non muslim than muslim,, what do you think?whosever ,,If all Muslims are terrorists, then all Muslims are peacemakers

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: darkrise on March 27, 2018, 08:24:37 PM

How come each time we hear about a new terror cat, the bad guy is always a muslim?
The only good news is that the police shot him. If I were muslim, I would consider changing religion, to make sure I couldn't be associated with a terrorist.

I think you should open your eyes. Do you remember the paris shooting ? surprisingly all the terrorists had their passports on them, its like they are going on a suicide mission, knowing they will die, so they bring their passport with them to show that syrian are dangerous and let all their country men and woman (from syria) get hated by the government they are living in... I FIND NO SENSE IN THAT.

If I would go for a suicide mission I would either rather stay anonymous, and get my mission achieved, considering I believe in it enough to risk my soul for it...or bring a note or something to explain my actions. Bringing my passport and killing the people who just allowed us into their country, thousands of men and woman from my lands, is just ridiculous . All three shooters had their passports on. Do you find this normal or understandable?

Trust me my friend, there are people fighting Muslims, not the other way around.. these people are your governments, and elite societies that if you look deeper into them, you see that they do not serve God...and they do not serve humanity.. so who do they serve? (you should answer that)...

I find it interesting why Muslims get attacked so furiously, I find it interesting why Isreal and USA want the sacred city of Muslims. I find it interesting why the Media and elite groups fighting Muslims and Arab countries in such a deceptive way, such as media and planting hate.

As a matter of fact, that makes me want to BECOME a Muslim, and not the vice versa!

so again my friend, OPEN YOUR EYES.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: worldofcoins on March 27, 2018, 08:32:43 PM
Islam is one of the only races that are known to still attempt to convert by force. Yes the catholics used to do it, but now they have grown with the times. I guess it's more understandable when you realize that most Islamic countries are a much more barbaric place than western countries, so it's only natural that this level of violence is carried out elsewhere, as they're socially accustomed to it.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: darkrise on March 27, 2018, 08:42:09 PM
Islam is one of the only races that are known to still attempt to convert by force. Yes the catholics used to do it, but now they have grown with the times. I guess it's more understandable when you realize that most Islamic countries are a much more barbaric place than western countries, so it's only natural that this level of violence is carried out elsewhere, as they're socially accustomed to it.

Excuse me for my comment but you are a complete ignorant and uneducated individual. I spent a decent portion of my life in the Arab countries and societies, what you are talking about is only in the movies and campfire stories.

"convert by force" which movie made you believe that?

go read a book...

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: anazinovjeva on March 27, 2018, 11:01:18 PM
Islam is still a young religion, I guess it's in "Crusade" phase. Most Muslims are not terrorists and those terrorists that commit terror attacks are brainwashed by their leaders that are most likely not that religiously zealous and just pursue material riches and power.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Sithara007 on March 28, 2018, 04:21:23 AM
Are all terrorists Muslim? When people do other religions, why are they not terrorists?

You need to ask yourselves that question. There are non-Muslim terrorist groups out there as well. But when it comes to religion-based terrorism, the sad fact is that Muslims are behind more than 99% of the cases.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Ashimwe on March 28, 2018, 04:31:47 AM
What about the mass shootings that happen In the USA everyday, are they Muslims, no, they are white Christians so I don't think its very good to blame the dead of a person on the entire religion, I think your just brainwashed by the media, it's you that needs to change and make a little bit of research

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: hugoworld on March 28, 2018, 06:57:19 AM
I do not agree with the opinion of your belief about all of the muslims are terrorists. Every religion has bad believers and good believers . For that reason, We should not label all of the muslims are bloody horrible creatures.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Rommel24 on March 28, 2018, 07:44:09 AM
Although the terrorism is real between muslim and non muslim but is not fare to accused  emmdiately or blaming as soon as possible that all muslim are terrorist  or even have a treat like(suiced boming)you are blaming also to muslim community without research the truth,,because  sometimes media coverage has  blindful the truth due to political issue,,

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: Sithara007 on March 28, 2018, 07:52:02 AM
Although the terrorism is real between muslim and non muslim but is not fare to accused  emmdiately or blaming as soon as possible that all muslim are terrorist  or even have a treat like(suiced boming)you are blaming also to muslim community without research the truth,,because  sometimes media coverage has  blindful the truth due to political issue,,

So you are claiming that the media is deliberately stoking up tensions between the Muslims and the non-Muslims? I don't think so. IMO, the media is deliberately hiding the crimes by Muslims. Remember what happened with the Rotherham child abuse scandal?

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: crazydave on March 28, 2018, 07:56:05 AM
well they said he was muslim
nobody really knows

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: countryfree on March 28, 2018, 10:11:26 AM
well they said he was muslim
nobody really knows

Read the news more thoroughly. I've read many articles about it in French. The guy shouted allah akbar before killing people, and he was going to the local mosque several times a week. There's just no doubt that he was muslim.

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: CarltonWyatt on March 28, 2018, 10:35:07 AM
The west need to stop allying with these middle eastern countries that are exporting the radical wahabi (a sect in sunni islam) Its quite worrying to think that as bad as Sadam, Gaddafi and now Assad are these regimes were very heavy handed on radical elements of islam and over the last decade we have systematically taken these leaders out whilst propping up the very dictators that explicitly support isis like groups. Its been very interesting watching Donald trump change his tone on Saudi Arabia

Title: Re: Terrorist kills 3 in France, he was... muslim
Post by: worldofcoins on March 28, 2018, 08:47:47 PM
I do not agree with the opinion of your belief about all of the muslims are terrorists. Every religion has bad believers and good believers . For that reason, We should not label all of the muslims are bloody horrible creatures.

At no point did OP state that he believes all muslims are terrorists. He is basically just highlighting that of all terrorists, most are muslim. There is a difference between those two statements.