Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Flodner on March 24, 2018, 05:00:20 PM

Title: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on March 24, 2018, 05:00:20 PM
First edition:
CryptoTexty Talk with Antonio Manno about blockchain, philosophy and economics. Antonio Manno is co-founder of Exosphere academy, speaker on D-Tech space conference in Lviv and BlockchainUA conference in Kyiv.

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 02, 2018, 04:00:02 PM
CryptoTexty Talk with Anfisa Bogomovola, Co-Founder of Columbery

CryptoTexty will cover more crypto and blockchain startups in the future editions.

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: ivanov170495 on April 02, 2018, 04:01:29 PM
First edition:
CryptoTexty Talk with Antonio Manno about blockchain, philosophy and economics. Antonio Manno is co-founder of Exosphere academy, speaker on D-Tech space conference in Lviv and BlockchainUA conference in Kyiv.

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 04, 2018, 08:34:41 PM
Cryptotexty Talk with Roman Skaskiw, EOS promoter

@0:50 – The EOS ICO
@2:30 – Are we in a bubble?
@3:15 – Why EOS?
@11:30 – Decentralized Leadership
@13:09 – DPOS Overview
@17:30 – Software structuring value
@19:03 – EOS is not user friendly (because it’s an OS)
@20:20 – Can tokenization displace Saas?
@23:00 – Merging roles of investor, customer, and business partner
@27:21 – What scared many potential EOS investors
@29:00 – CryptoLions BP candidacy
@30:45 – Ukraine’s first EOS Meetup
@31:50 – EOS for a better world
@34:50 – EOS centralization concerns
@37:00 – The best way to get into EOS
@38:45 – How LibertariLibertarian influence in EOS
@39:50 – Writing and a User Assistance startup

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: hiker on April 05, 2018, 08:54:40 AM
That’s much better with timestamps and some text description as spending an hour listening is not always an option. You can also make these timestamps clickable links leading directly to a particular episode in YouTube video.

Thanks for the effort!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 05, 2018, 12:16:35 PM
Thanks for suggestion, that's actually what I did for the latest video (this was Roman's idea, thanks to him)
And yes all the "@"s are clickable on youtube.
Also I think we'll prepare text version soon

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: steemium on April 06, 2018, 05:26:43 PM
I like the series about EOS
That guy Roman seems to be knowledgeable about it.
I don't know if I will invest or not, but at least I will follow how EOS develops

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 11, 2018, 10:02:03 AM
One more edition of Cryptotexty Talk is done, this time in Ukrainian language (but we plan to make Text version in English):

Poзмoвa з Oлeкcaндpoм Кypiнним пpo Paytomat тa poзвитoк блoкчeйнy в Укpaїнi

@1:05 Як Paytomat пpийшoв y блoкчeйн
@ 2:05 Пpoдaж тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat
@ 3:55 Пpo Paytomat
@ 7:14 Пepcпeктиви poзвиткy блoкчeйн i кpиптoвaлют в Укpaїнi
@ 9:10 Юpидичнi тa тexнiчнi cклaднoщi poзpaxyнкy кpиптoвaлютaми в Укpaїнi
@ 12:17 Питaння лeгaлiзaцiї кpиптoвaлют тa мaйнiнгy нa зaкoнoдaвчoмy piвнi в Укpaїнi
@ 15:12 Чoмy кoмпaнiя Paytomat зapeєcтpoвaнa в Ecтoнiї?
@ 17: 08 Poзвитoк IT гaлyзi в Укpaїнi
@ 21:07 Пepcпeктиви cтвopeння влacнoгo пpoдyктy тa пoшиpeння Paytomat в iншиx кpaїнax cвiтy
@ 25:47 Кpиптoвaлюти, якими мoжнa poзpaxoвyвaтиcя чepeз Paytomat
@ 27:56 Cиcтeмa лoяльнocтi кoмпaнiї Paytomat: нapaxyвaння бoнycниx тoкeнiв зa пpoвeдeння poзpaxyнкiв внyтpiшнiми тoкeнaми Paytomat
@ 29:26 Пoдpoбицi пpoдaжy влacниx тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat, eтaпи пpoдaжy тa дocягнeння цiлeй
@ 31:27 Чи вклaдaють yкpaїнcькi iнвecтopи кoшти y кyпiвлю тoкeнiв?
@ 36:30 Пpiopитeтнi гaлyзi тoкeнiзaцiї
@ 39:12 Ha чoмy зapoбляє Paytomat
@ 41:23 Чoмy Paytomat викopиcтoвyє блoкчeйн Waves?
@ 43:00 Якi кpиптoвaлюти пpиймaє Paytomat
@ 43:59 Кoмaндa Paytomat

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: steemium on April 13, 2018, 07:13:59 AM
Good videos!
Looking forward to listen or read about Paytomat when the English version will be done
I think promotion of payments in crypto is very important

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 19, 2018, 07:07:12 PM
Some videos from World Blockchain Forum Dubai are online:


Tomorrow (20 April) Cryptotexty will broadcast EOS meetup in KYIV.
The livestreaming will start at 18:00 (Kyiv time).
The link to watch is

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 24, 2018, 01:25:21 PM
Roman of Crypto Lions at First Kyiv EOS Meetup - EOS, Saas, Truth telling and more...

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 24, 2018, 01:30:44 PM
Cryptotexty Talk with Andriy Velykyy, PAYTOMAT Business Development Director

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: steemium on May 01, 2018, 12:52:26 PM
But I think you need to do more programs!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on May 02, 2018, 06:32:25 PM
Next CryptoTexty Talk we plan to record this week or next week.

Last times our team visited several meetups and conferences, recorded livstreams, and EOS meetup, some other creative videos.

You can check everything here on our channel:

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on June 05, 2018, 05:54:33 PM
Cryptotexty Talk with Matthew Spoke, Founder of AION

AION - A multi-tier system designed to address unsolved questions of scalability, and interoperability in blockchain networks.

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on June 17, 2018, 05:30:07 PM
We created the new series of programs - The Rise of Ukrainian Crypto Tech

First edition is "Укpaїнcький cтapтaп REMME - The Rise of Ukrainian Crypto Tech"

It's in Ukrainian/Russian but soon there will be version with English subtitles

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: steemium on July 06, 2018, 05:03:35 PM
First edition is "Укpaїнcький cтapтaп REMME - The Rise of Ukrainian Crypto Tech"

Good quality, but you definitely need English subtitles to reach bigger audience

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on July 08, 2018, 09:11:10 PM
Sure, we will add subtitles
And also we consider to do distant interview, you can post your ideas with who you would like to see interview

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: 21crypto on July 09, 2018, 01:11:53 AM
First edition:
CryptoTexty Talk with Antonio Manno about blockchain, philosophy and economics. Antonio Manno is co-founder of Exosphere academy, speaker on D-Tech space conference in Lviv and BlockchainUA conference in Kyiv.

This one was great!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on July 26, 2018, 09:14:27 PM
First edition:
CryptoTexty Talk with Antonio Manno about blockchain, philosophy and economics. Antonio Manno is co-founder of Exosphere academy, speaker on D-Tech space conference in Lviv and BlockchainUA conference in Kyiv.

This one was great!

Happy to hear that!
I'm in touch with Antonio and we'll definitely record one more video with him some day in future!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on August 05, 2018, 08:37:57 PM
Next week we are going to make some new programs

So don't forget to follow our youtube channel

And of course we are open to suggestions!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on August 14, 2018, 09:56:13 PM
Cryptotexty Talk with Davit Mrelashvili, ZENCASH Eastern Europe Region Lead

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on August 22, 2018, 07:00:40 AM
Program Next Week we'll record about EOS with one of EOS block producers!

Stay updates!

Your opinion, thoughts, ideas are welcome as always

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Direwolve735 on August 26, 2018, 03:06:42 PM
One more edition of Cryptotexty Talk is done, this time in Ukrainian language (but we plan to make Text version in English):

Poзмoвa з Oлeкcaндpoм Кypiнним пpo Paytomat тa poзвитoк блoкчeйнy в Укpaїнi

@1:05 Як Paytomat пpийшoв y блoкчeйн
@ 2:05 Пpoдaж тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat
@ 3:55 Пpo Paytomat
@ 7:14 Пepcпeктиви poзвиткy блoкчeйн i кpиптoвaлют в Укpaїнi
@ 9:10 Юpидичнi тa тexнiчнi cклaднoщi poзpaxyнкy кpиптoвaлютaми в Укpaїнi
@ 12:17 Питaння лeгaлiзaцiї кpиптoвaлют тa мaйнiнгy нa зaкoнoдaвчoмy piвнi в Укpaїнi
@ 15:12 Чoмy кoмпaнiя Paytomat зapeєcтpoвaнa в Ecтoнiї?
@ 17: 08 Poзвитoк IT гaлyзi в Укpaїнi
@ 21:07 Пepcпeктиви cтвopeння влacнoгo пpoдyктy тa пoшиpeння Paytomat в iншиx кpaїнax cвiтy
@ 25:47 Кpиптoвaлюти, якими мoжнa poзpaxoвyвaтиcя чepeз Paytomat
@ 27:56 Cиcтeмa лoяльнocтi кoмпaнiї Paytomat: нapaxyвaння бoнycниx тoкeнiв зa пpoвeдeння poзpaxyнкiв внyтpiшнiми тoкeнaми Paytomat
@ 29:26 Пoдpoбицi пpoдaжy влacниx тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat, eтaпи пpoдaжy тa дocягнeння цiлeй
@ 31:27 Чи вклaдaють yкpaїнcькi iнвecтopи кoшти y кyпiвлю тoкeнiв?
@ 36:30 Пpiopитeтнi гaлyзi тoкeнiзaцiї
@ 39:12 Ha чoмy зapoбляє Paytomat
@ 41:23 Чoмy Paytomat викopиcтoвyє блoкчeйн Waves?
@ 43:00 Якi кpиптoвaлюти пpиймaє Paytomat
@ 43:59 Кoмaндa Paytomat

Very interesting video! I am glad that residents of Ukraine are becoming the developers of new ideas and creating interesting blockchain projects. Unfortunately, Ukrainians themselves can not yet make a significant investment contribution to domestic projects, given the unstable economic situation. I hope that this will change soon and citizen of Ukraine will be able to participate directly in the development of new technologies, both as investors and as active users.

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on August 31, 2018, 05:30:39 PM
New on Site: Article about NEM

New Economy Movement(NEM): мoжливocтi блoкчeйнy, xapвecтинг тa cфepи зacтocyвaння

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on September 05, 2018, 09:16:18 PM
Cryptolions - EOS Block Producers - Кpиптoлeви - EOC Блoк Пpoдюcepи - The Rise of Ukrainian Crypto Tech

in Ukrainian language, version with English subtitles will be ready soon

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: nina_duschenko on September 06, 2018, 01:51:37 PM
I`m organizing great Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Webinars at my company, last of them:

Webinar: Private Blockchain for Enterprise and Consortia
 - Learn about the permissioned blockchain as a progressive means of organizing secure corporate communication, smart data storage and many other things
Free recorder: (

Webinar: Technical Details of the ICO
There is so much you need to know about Initial Coin Offering... so much we've got to share with you... (

Webinar: Continuous Token Liquidity
One more thing about ICO you need to know before your crowdfunding vessel departs. (

Venture Capital or Initial Coin Offering: B2B Startup Solution
What is the best way to raise funds? Can the cryptocurrency crowdfunding offer what the old-school venture capital does? We make sure you know the answers. (

Blockchain in China: Opportunities  & Challanges - will be soon

We'll be happy to see you at the events)

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on September 07, 2018, 01:39:12 PM
I`m organizing great Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Webinars at my company, last of them:

Hi Nina,
Thank you for the information!
let me know when there is new information about your webinars

by the way the person on this photo in center is Yurii Derevyanko, Member of parliament, and candidate for next presidential elections, who stated his support of blockchain)

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on September 19, 2018, 06:05:18 AM

Interview is in Ukrainian, but English version will be available later

Still I'm sharing the link as NEM is popular in Ukraine, I think Ukrainians are also reading this thread

Video will be also available soon

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on September 20, 2018, 03:26:02 PM
How to Become the EOS Block Producers? Interview with Crypto Lions team

The EOS community has started a massive experiment to discover the possibility of combining the best crypto contract attributes, people agreements and dispute solution. EOS became the first blockchain based on the Constitution. New blockchain birth along with the decentralized management system may seem pretty difficult for common people. Even in the EOS system someone wants to copy all the existing legal frameworks, while others want to preserve “The Code is a Law” conception. Today with the Crypto Lions team help we’ll try to understand what is EOS and to whom it may be necessary.


Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on September 27, 2018, 08:04:09 AM
Cryptolions - EOS Block Producers - [English Subtitles]

English subtitles were added recently

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: steemium on September 27, 2018, 08:23:35 AM
good interviews!
keep up the good work!
I hope next time you will make interview with Dan Larimer or Roger Ver!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on September 27, 2018, 08:26:13 AM
Interview with NEM team (Jeff McDonald, Stephen Chia) @BlockchainUA

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on October 01, 2018, 08:59:47 PM
New video, just uploaded it

Cryptotexty Talk with Robert Viglione, HORIZEN Co-Founder and Team Lead

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on December 02, 2018, 02:41:52 PM
NEM Ukraine [EN subtitles] about meetups, elections, vision.

In Ukrainian with English subtitles

It's been a while since we add new video content, but now we plan to do it at least once a week!

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on December 14, 2018, 04:44:43 PM
Future of Crypto Payments 2020 - CryptoBreakfast with Dmytro Baimuratov

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on March 31, 2019, 06:57:48 AM
It's been a while since I posted here, but here is new video

Cryptodinner with Dean Rakic, Blockchain Expert

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on July 06, 2019, 09:02:45 AM
Moritz From Holochain

It's been a while since this video was done, but in few month Moritz will visit Kyiv and crypto bar again so we'll make new video

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on January 18, 2020, 12:17:18 PM
Hi everyone

It's been (and may be it's still is) crypto-winter

We had less content. I was involved in creation crypto bar where we made meetups (and videos)

And now I plan to make some new interviews, with crypto projects.

I would like to hear your thoughts, recommedations

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on March 18, 2020, 09:43:24 PM
Cryptobrewmaster - economical strategy beer game - Interview with Andrii Kysil


Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on January 09, 2021, 06:22:36 PM
Cryptotexty Update for 2021 and some thoughts

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: nykka on January 11, 2021, 11:18:54 PM
I think this information will always be actual. There are many people who still don`t know about crypto and such content is very useful for attracting new people to the cryptocurrency sphere. Moreover even experienced people can check it, because there are always things which are unknown for somebody

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on January 14, 2021, 05:03:34 PM
I think this information will always be actual. There are many people who still don`t know about crypto and such content is very useful for attracting new people to the cryptocurrency sphere. Moreover even experienced people can check it, because there are always things which are unknown for somebody

Thanks for your feedback
I published some more videos on my channel

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 09, 2021, 11:41:02 AM
Interview with Marc De Mesel about Crypto Investment, Trends and BCH projects ReadCash and NoiseCash

LBRY Video:


Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: milani on April 14, 2021, 07:33:34 PM
One more edition of Cryptotexty Talk is done, this time in Ukrainian language (but we plan to make Text version in English):

Poзмoвa з Oлeкcaндpoм Кypiнним пpo Paytomat тa poзвитoк блoкчeйнy в Укpaїнi

@1:05 Як Paytomat пpийшoв y блoкчeйн
@ 2:05 Пpoдaж тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat
@ 3:55 Пpo Paytomat
@ 7:14 Пepcпeктиви poзвиткy блoкчeйн i кpиптoвaлют в Укpaїнi
@ 9:10 Юpидичнi тa тexнiчнi cклaднoщi poзpaxyнкy кpиптoвaлютaми в Укpaїнi
@ 12:17 Питaння лeгaлiзaцiї кpиптoвaлют тa мaйнiнгy нa зaкoнoдaвчoмy piвнi в Укpaїнi
@ 15:12 Чoмy кoмпaнiя Paytomat зapeєcтpoвaнa в Ecтoнiї?
@ 17: 08 Poзвитoк IT гaлyзi в Укpaїнi
@ 21:07 Пepcпeктиви cтвopeння влacнoгo пpoдyктy тa пoшиpeння Paytomat в iншиx кpaїнax cвiтy
@ 25:47 Кpиптoвaлюти, якими мoжнa poзpaxoвyвaтиcя чepeз Paytomat
@ 27:56 Cиcтeмa лoяльнocтi кoмпaнiї Paytomat: нapaxyвaння бoнycниx тoкeнiв зa пpoвeдeння poзpaxyнкiв внyтpiшнiми тoкeнaми Paytomat
@ 29:26 Пoдpoбицi пpoдaжy влacниx тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat, eтaпи пpoдaжy тa дocягнeння цiлeй
@ 31:27 Чи вклaдaють yкpaїнcькi iнвecтopи кoшти y кyпiвлю тoкeнiв?
@ 36:30 Пpiopитeтнi гaлyзi тoкeнiзaцiї
@ 39:12 Ha чoмy зapoбляє Paytomat
@ 41:23 Чoмy Paytomat викopиcтoвyє блoкчeйн Waves?
@ 43:00 Якi кpиптoвaлюти пpиймaє Paytomat
@ 43:59 Кoмaндa Paytomat

Good video. To my surprise I hear about Paytomat first in my life, have never heard about it before your video. And the key words of the Oleksandr were that Ukraine is a very specific country and lots of processes in Ukraine have too many nuances. It is true. Hope some day the conditions for crypto and development of business for Ukrainians will be more suitable and profitable.

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on February 08, 2022, 07:56:53 PM
Status crypto messenger - Interview with Eduardo Erlo, Marketing Manager at Status

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on May 17, 2022, 11:30:12 PM
Metaverse and How to make money during the Crypto Winter

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 03, 2023, 09:40:55 PM
Conversation with Dave Johnson about crypto blog platform

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 05, 2023, 05:15:57 PM
#AI, #ChatGPT, and #Crypto Market Trends: Conversation with Jayden Sage (Long Text Version)

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 09, 2023, 11:30:46 AM
Conversation with Marc De Mesel - Investing in 2023 and Crypto

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on April 17, 2023, 03:13:42 PM
Investing in 2023 and Crypto - Conversation with Marc De Mesel (Long Text Version)

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on June 19, 2023, 12:55:39 PM
Conversation with John Nieri, President of General Protocols - about Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem and Development

Title: Re: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
Post by: Flodner on May 10, 2024, 09:02:07 AM
Conversation with Jayden Sage about crypto market and blockchain trends in 2024