Bitcoin Forum

Local => 中文 (Chinese) => Topic started by: zhangweiwu on October 29, 2013, 12:03:43 PM

Title: topboy: 是否有打算开始提供交易API?
Post by: zhangweiwu on October 29, 2013, 12:03:43 PM

Title: Re: topboy: 是否有打算开始提供交易API?
Post by: topboy on October 30, 2013, 03:46:27 AM

Title: Re: topboy: 是否有打算开始提供交易API?
Post by: evozone on October 30, 2013, 07:12:36 AM

Title: Re: topboy: 是否有打算开始提供交易API?
Post by: oldfox126 on October 30, 2013, 07:57:48 AM

Title: Re: topboy: 是否有打算开始提供交易API?
Post by: zhangweiwu on October 30, 2013, 04:03:12 PM

我想用API做两件事,一是快速止损,即发现跌速达到每分钟5元时,立即用market order止损。二是投机,即发现跌速达到每分钟5元时,如果这种情况持续十几分钟,用market order低点买进。



How to find if an order is executed, on BTCChina
        1. If an order is a market order, or it can be executed immediately like
        a market order (e.g. buying at a price much beyond the market price), it
        will be executed without producing an item in getOrders list. The order  
        is simply not there, non existance! This can be verified by just go to  
        order management in the browser and verify market orders ain't there.    
        You need to look up transactions to find its trace, but there is no way  
        to look up transactions in BTCChina's API. (Tried "getTransactions" in  
        the hope that it is there undocumented.) In this case, the order maps to
        a single transaction, with an averaged price. I experimented with a      
        market order of as large as 60BTC, and it is marked a single transaction
        . There is no way to find out how the price averaged up.    

        2. If an order can not be executed immediately, it will obtain an
        order ID. This is different from the Transaction ID, because in this
case an order maps to multiple Transactions if needed. I experimented
with a purchase of 53BTC and it is splitted into
multiple transactions.

An order in the order book has an 'amount' and an 'amount_original'. The
latter being the amount of the order, the former means the remain
effective amount to be dealt with, which is the original amount minus
the amount dealt.

So how do you place a limit order and check its result?

1. Obtain a list of all orders (except those dealt like market orders).
2. Place an order.
3. Obtain a new list of all orders, and compare it with the old one.
The newly placed order is often listed a few seconds later, so you have
to try a few times to make sure it is really not there.
4. If the new order is in the new list of orders, find its ID and track
its progress until it either finish or times out.
5. If the new order is not in the new list of orders, keep trying until
it times out, and then assume it is fully dealt like a market order.

There is a risk: if an order is placed, neither listed nor executed for
so long time that the routine times out, then it would be mistakenly
considered as fully dealt. To prevent this:

6. If the new order is not in the new list of orders, and the routine
times out: Update the wallet once to see if the wallet change reflect
the contract being fully dealt. If not, this triggers an alarm and this
market no longer participate trading before human intervention.

But that introduces a new problem: if the wallet is updated 5 minutes
ago, and some others (human using browser for example) deals, before the
routin deals, then it would trigger a false alarm. So far there are no
good ways to deal with this situation. We will have to live with it.

Title: Re: topboy: 是否有打算开始提供交易API?
Post by: bhy on October 30, 2013, 07:35:37 PM
我更关心的是,你们什么时候能把 https 连接正经做好啊?
