Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: kiba on February 07, 2011, 02:51:51 AM

Title: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: kiba on February 07, 2011, 02:51:51 AM
Stand Alone Complex - Phenomenon where unrelated, yet very similar actions of individuals create a seemingly concerted effort. Eventually, the individual acts eventually culminates into changes to society.

Conspiracy - Cabal orchestrating sophisticated plans that fundamentally change society.

Do you believe that the world is ruled by a few select cabals, or that society tends toward certain organization because of the dynamic caused by individual actors?

You can thank wikipedia for defining Stand Alone Complex.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: Nefario on February 07, 2011, 03:07:59 AM
Stand alone complex where the driving force is some of the worse elements of human nature.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: MoonShadow on February 07, 2011, 05:07:38 AM
It's a bit of both.  Think of it as several conspiracies all competing for similar, but conflicting, end goals.  And don't forget that there are several such multi-generational conspiracies that are open (not secretive) about their end goals.  The Muslim Brotherhood is one such conspiracy that has taken on much activity as of late, as their stated long term goal is the establishment of the 'Califate', basicly an Islamic empire worldwide.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: hugolp on February 07, 2011, 08:08:52 AM
It's a bit of both.  Think of it as several conspiracies all competing for similar, but conflicting, end goals.  And don't forget that there are several such multi-generational conspiracies that are open (not secretive) about their end goals.  The Muslim Brotherhood is one such conspiracy that has taken on much activity as of late, as their stated long term goal is the establishment of the 'Califate', basicly an Islamic empire worldwide.


Also, conspiracies dont have to produce the expected effects. I am sure there are a lot of unintended consequences. Central planning does not work and it applies also to conspiracies.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: on February 07, 2011, 09:49:36 AM
Lizardmen. Def. lizardmen.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on February 11, 2011, 05:40:22 AM
I think logical reasoning can help here...

Money gives power =>
More money = more power =>
People who have most money are the most powerful =>
People who make money, have absolute power =>

Conclusion #1: We're most likely ruled by Bankers.

Power corrupts =>
More power corrupts even more =>
Absolute power corrupts absolutely =>

Conclusion #2: We're most likely ruled by very corrupt people.

Conclusion #1 + Conclusion #2 = We are probably ruled by evil and ultimately currupted banker motherfuckers. (Which by the way plays very well with what the american founding fathers said about banks)

And because 98% of people has even no idea how the banking system works, there has to be some kind of conspiracy to keep the masses from understanding that.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: dwdollar on February 12, 2011, 06:08:56 AM
Anyone on top wants to stay on top.  People with common goals or interests form organizations all the time.  Why wouldn't "staying in power" be a common goal?

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: maxvendor on February 13, 2011, 10:30:19 PM
Read the trilogy Voltaire's Bastards by John Ralston Saul.

The world is run by inept technocrats, speculators and corporatists who have a fanatical ideology based on hierarchy, abstract systems and reason.

They all rule without memory or imagination. They are simply managers who have come up with complicated systems that never work and offload all responsibility when it fails. They claim there's too much regulation, so their perfect abstract model of trickle down economics didn't go as planned. The abstract model is always right, we are all wrong to assume it isn't and just need to let them take away all our rights and money in a neverending rerun of history. If it crashes again, it's our fault for not adhering perfectly to the model. The new CEOs we elect do the same thing over and over again.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: Anonymous on February 13, 2011, 10:35:59 PM
I think logical reasoning can help here...

Money gives power =>
More money = more power =>
People who have most money are the most powerful =>
People who make money, have absolute power =>

Conclusion #1: We're most likely ruled by Bankers.

Power corrupts =>
More power corrupts even more =>
Absolute power corrupts absolutely =>

Conclusion #2: We're most likely ruled by very corrupt people.

Conclusion #1 + Conclusion #2 = We are probably ruled by evil and ultimately currupted banker motherfuckers. (Which by the way plays very well with what the american founding fathers said about banks)

And because 98% of people has even no idea how the banking system works, there has to be some kind of conspiracy to keep the masses from understanding that.

This sounds about right.

Personally i think the world is run by humans.   :)

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: TiagoTiago on February 22, 2011, 11:19:51 PM
IMO, the world is run, mostly, by meme based organisms, many which are harmfull to their human hosts.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: no to the gold cult on February 23, 2011, 09:29:17 AM
It's a bit of both.  Think of it as several conspiracies all competing for similar, but conflicting, end goals.  And don't forget that there are several such multi-generational conspiracies that are open (not secretive) about their end goals.  The Muslim Brotherhood is one such conspiracy that has taken on much activity as of late, as their stated long term goal is the establishment of the 'Califate', basicly an Islamic empire worldwide.

Or NATO, or Goldman Sachs, or the EU, or PNAC, or Politcal Parties, or pretty much any of thousands of corporations out for market share etc. People get together, they talk, they attempt to maximise advantage. Conspiracy is what boardrooms are for, it's really not a big deal.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: no to the gold cult on February 23, 2011, 09:31:37 AM
I think logical reasoning can help here...

Money gives power =>
More money = more power =>
People who have most money are the most powerful =>
People who make money, have absolute power =>

Conclusion #1: We're most likely ruled by Bankers.

Power corrupts =>
More power corrupts even more =>
Absolute power corrupts absolutely =>

Conclusion #2: We're most likely ruled by very corrupt people.

Conclusion #1 + Conclusion #2 = We are probably ruled by evil and ultimately currupted banker motherfuckers. (Which by the way plays very well with what the american founding fathers said about banks)

And because 98% of people has even no idea how the banking system works, there has to be some kind of conspiracy to keep the masses from understanding that.

Actually in the hierarchy of these things, I beleive Power is above Money.

Power tells money what it is, where to go, what it can do, what it can buy and sell. Money is Powers bitch. Power clicks its fingers, and Money appears.

Bankers power comes from their power over money, not because they have lots of it. As we've seen, they can be flush out of money, but due to their massive power position they can tell governments "Give us money biatch, yeah that's right, like I thought.  Now, go screw the people some while we watch and touch ourselves."

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: TotalPanda on August 13, 2014, 07:02:02 PM
"We are probably ruled by evil and ultimately currupted banker motherfuckers"


Conspiracycoin  ;D

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: jaberwock on August 13, 2014, 10:44:49 PM
World is dominated by people that think they can do a stand alone conspiracy, but aren't as powerfull as they think, then end up only messing everything in their ways, thus making it looks like world is a stand alone complex that no one rules over it.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: dank on August 14, 2014, 03:06:02 AM
There are multidimensional beings controlling the world as we speak.  I know because I have seen one myself.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: notbatman on August 14, 2014, 08:36:17 AM
Stand Alone Complex - Phenomenon where unrelated, yet very similar actions of individuals create a seemingly concerted effort. Eventually, the individual acts eventually culminates into changes to society.

Conspiracy - Cabal orchestrating sophisticated plans that fundamentally change society.

Do you believe that the world is ruled by a few select cabals, or that society tends toward certain organization because of the dynamic caused by individual actors?

You can thank wikipedia for defining Stand Alone Complex.

The two concepts aren't mutually exclusive IMO.

When you say "world run by" I'll assume you mean the 1% those Guy Fawkes masked people keep complaining about. Those guys (the 1%) are definitely Cabal.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: noel57 on August 14, 2014, 09:44:48 AM
In my own opinion they both compliment each other the world over.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: cryptasm on August 14, 2014, 10:00:15 AM

A combination of both. Think there are people and groups who try to control society to a certain degree, especially with regards to culture and entertainment.

Title: Re: Is the World Run By Conspiracy or Stand Alone Complex
Post by: noel57 on August 14, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
I think logical reasoning can help here...

Money gives power =>
More money = more power =>
People who have most money are the most powerful =>
People who make money, have absolute power =>

Conclusion #1: We're most likely ruled by Bankers.

Power corrupts =>
More power corrupts even more =>
Absolute power corrupts absolutely =>

Conclusion #2: We're most likely ruled by very corrupt people.

Conclusion #1 + Conclusion #2 = We are probably ruled by evil and ultimately currupted banker motherfuckers. (Which by the way plays very well with what the american founding fathers said about banks)

And because 98% of people has even no idea how the banking system works, there has to be some kind of conspiracy to keep the masses from understanding that.

This sounds about right.

Personally i think the world is run by humans.   :)

A logical question demands a logical answer so Human's dominate the Earth right.