Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Skybuck on November 04, 2013, 03:44:51 PM

Title: How to find Satoshi
Post by: Skybuck on November 04, 2013, 03:44:51 PM

The most important rule in the warfare is:

Never leak information to your opponent(s) in any way.

Satoshi has leaked at least the following information potentially:

1. He/she/they probably programmed version 0.01 or 0.1 or 1.0 something like that.

Every programmer has it's own style, even creating a pizza is a form of expression none will bake it the same ammount of time or mix the same ingredients in the same ammount.

A source code style profiler/detector could be tried and then let loose on all other open source projects. Perhaps Satoshi has worked on other open source projects.

If so his style could be found and then he/she/they be revealed ;)

2. He/she/they also leaked information about their computing speeds as was analyzed on some website which is also kinda interesting.

All kinds of combinations of cpu's and versions of windows or linux could be tried to try and reproduce the published results/blocks to see which machine/software combination fits best and coupling this to sales information may also reveal something though would be more difficult to do.

3. A third source of leaked information could be writing/posting style on forum(s). This could also be tried for an automated searcher ;)

4. Perhaps the same computers were used to try and find more recent bitcoins, perhaps those were spent, by matching computational/output results to earlier ones there might be a match.

5. Compilation speed, and executable instruction order could reveal which compiler was used, perhaps this will lead to other leads, perhaps download information on certain websites, perhaps even an IP for used compiler ;)

6. Perhaps he ordered pizza at regular times like some programmers do :) analyzing pizza sales could reveal programmers :) combined with other forms of information it could be filtered to find most likely match ;)
(Hypothesis: The more pizzas ordered the better the programmer ;) most pizza sales most likely Satoshi ;) ) (Come to think of it, somebody did order a pizza for 500 bitcoins or something, maybe he is secretly Satochi ! ;) :))

I wonder if idea 1 or 3 has been tried in an automated way ? If not it could be a research project funded by darpa in light of cyberwarfare defense/offensive/search-and-destroy evolution LOL ;)


Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: BitchicksHusband on November 04, 2013, 04:23:17 PM
Or you could not be a jerk and just respect his privacy.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: The 4ner on November 04, 2013, 04:31:15 PM
Or perhaps leave him be. All that matters is that we have Bitcoin now.
Lets put all our effort into significantly improving it.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: Skybuck on November 04, 2013, 04:46:27 PM
I'll play for the devil for a moment just for the fun/curiosity of it:

Suppose some day the bitcoin system comes to a halt/crashing and burning like the WTC what will your reaction be ?:

1. Kill Satoshi for the dirty Bin Laden that he is ?! ;) =D


2. Give Satoshi a medal... I am so happy that it came down, crashing and burning and losing all my money !

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: Skybuck on December 11, 2013, 06:32:37 AM
Apperently Satoshi used something like 50, 18 down to 15 computers, some computers probably broke because of overheat.

Where does a person get 18 computers ?

If it was the guy from Mircrosoft then maybe he installed some invisible bitcoin client on Microsoft's computers.

The electricity bill would have gone up during his period of mining in 2009.

This could be on record on electrical bills.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: BittBurger on December 11, 2013, 06:36:23 AM
If so his style could be found and then he/she/they be revealed ;)
3. A third source of leaked information could be writing/posting style on forum(s). This could also be tried for an automated searcher ;)
5. Compilation speed, and executable instruction order could reveal which compiler was used, perhaps this will lead to other leads, perhaps download information on certain websites, perhaps even an IP for used compiler ;)
combined with other forms of information it could be filtered to find most likely match ;)
(Hypothesis: The more pizzas ordered the better the programmer ;)
most pizza sales most likely Satoshi ;)

Why do you keep winking?   Its weird.   Reminds me of a guy with a moustache sitting in a van by a playground.


Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: kazzy on December 11, 2013, 04:25:03 PM
I am curious to know why satoshi decided to live off the grid after making something historic.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: on December 11, 2013, 04:28:43 PM
You can't, because he's buried in my back yard.  8)

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: blacksails on December 11, 2013, 04:40:07 PM
Apperently Satoshi used something like 50, 18 down to 15 computers, some computers probably broke because of overheat.

Where does a person get 18 computers ?

If it was the guy from Mircrosoft then maybe he installed some invisible bitcoin client on Microsoft's computers.

The electricity bill would have gone up during his period of mining in 2009.

This could be on record on electrical bills.
Maybe he was a rich guy? He might have had access to free electricity? A real computer nerd who had lots of them? There are a lot of possible reasons.


Anyway I think that if Satoshi now wanted to disappear we should respect that and not try to find him/her/them.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: Francky85 on December 11, 2013, 04:44:41 PM
I am curious to know why satoshi decided to live off the grid after making something historic.

Probably as to avoid the huge personal backlash from the Global elite rich bankers and payment proccessing buisnesses CEO's who he could end up bankrupting.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: Mylon on December 11, 2013, 05:02:57 PM
I am curious to know why satoshi decided to live off the grid after making something historic.
Who says he is off the grid? He is just not using the Pseudonym Satoshi anymore.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: vqp on December 11, 2013, 05:30:47 PM
if he is listening: Please use some coins to control the price swings.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: chowderman on December 11, 2013, 06:25:15 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto is actually the given name to the US Government software development team working in the joint op by the CIA, FBI, ATF, and DEA in order to develop bitcoin to be used to sniff out and track anarchists, criminals and sovereign citizen psychos. Under the guise of decentralization and free market experiments it is designed to attract them. It has lead to busts such as Silk Road, which will lead to more busts and start putting criminal scum away for good. Thats who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

Title: Re: How to find Satoshi
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on December 11, 2013, 06:47:46 PM
You could be right, but I just don't think they are that smart.  :P