Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: the joint on July 28, 2011, 10:32:44 AM

Title: Personal Training for BTC (learn from the best!) - Diet/Exercise Regimen
Post by: the joint on July 28, 2011, 10:32:44 AM
Hi, I recently saw a similar thread regarding personal training and would like to make a competing offer.

While I am not a licensed personal trainer, I would bet good money I know more about athletic training than 99% of personal trainers out there.  I trained personally under former Mr. Universe Jeff Primm for 4 years.  Jeff's website can be found at and he is also a former trainer for the Detroit Lions minor league football team and someone who has trained with bodybuilders like Lou Ferrigno.  I know how to add muscle for skinny-types who want to pack on some hard muscle, and I know how to slim down if you're the type that has the bulk but wants to lose the fat.  Why?  I've been in both positions.  Standing 5'11, I've weighed 122 lbs. at 10% bodyfat (skinny) and as much as 208 lbs at 24% bodyfat (chubby).  I offer to you my knowledge that I have learned from the best of the best.

This offer first includes a full consultation, evaluation and analysis.  I will ask you a series of specific questions that will help me to confidently assess your current fitness level.  These questions will help me to take into account things such as current diet, current fitness level, past athletic experience, age, gender, personal interests, and other health/fitness factors so that I can create a personal diet and exercise plan specifically customized for you.  You would be absolutely amazed at how fast your body can change with the proper discipline and attitude.

*Note:  If you have a serious health condition, please use caution when seeking my advice.  I do not have past experience working with people that have significant health issues, physical disabilities, or who are elderly.  If you fall into this category and have specific health related questions, I can offer you another service.  This service will be called "Ask the Mr. Universe."  I have Jeff Primm's number in my phone and have his ongoing permission to ask him any health/fitness related questions.  I can provide this service for a very small negotiable fee (not to exceed .1 BTC per question).  This fee must be sent prior to me deferring your question to the Mr. Universe so that I do not needlessly occupy too much of his time.

The "Ask the Mr. Universe" service also applies to anyone who decides to pursue the evaluation and diet/exercise regimen process.  However, those who pursue the full process will have the "Ask the Mr. Universe" service incorporated free of charge.  This means that for any question that you have that applies to your fitness endeavors that I am not able to answer, I will defer your question to the Mr. Universe.  Rates for the evaluation and the creation of the diet/exercise regimen process will be negotiated privately through pm.  This fee will be 1-time only and will be requested after the consultation/evaluation but prior to the creation of the diet/exercise regimen.  This means, in essence, the consultation/evaluation is free but the diet/exercise regimen is not.  Unlimited additional fitness questions after the creation of the diet/exercise regimen will be answered free of charge.

I will accept payment in BTC only.

**Note:  This service is primarily intended for otherwise healthy individuals who are capable of engaging in various physical fitness exercises.  If you are unsure if you have any physical health abnormalities, consult a doctor first.

Here is an attached picture of me, currently standing at 5'11, 180 lbs. at 5.5% bodyfat.  This is the proof of my work.