Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: PabloW on July 28, 2011, 03:27:54 PM

Title: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: PabloW on July 28, 2011, 03:27:54 PM
Suddenly its stopped changing its value like it has been for long time. Whats happening?

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: Jr00t on July 28, 2011, 03:32:38 PM
IMHO -- consolidation, which is a very good thing if you are bullish.

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: billyjoeallen on July 28, 2011, 07:18:39 PM
Bitcoin is really weird. For an internet currency, the time frames are shockingly long. Twenty minutes for confirmations, etc.  When the market was going through the roof, it was (I think) because of the 3-5 day delay of new people getting in. We saw the price climb every day and had to pay much more than we thought when we initiated our deposits. We were so afraid of missing out altogether, that we bought too high. Some even borrowed money to get in, and some of those have to sella little to cover the interest payments on the loan.

This downward pressure is compounded by miners who started buying and building their mining rigs when the price was high and climbing. Now they have to pay for their gear and electric bills, so they are forced to sell too low. Some even foolishly quit their day jobs and are even more desperate.

Both groups made decisions based on assumptions about the future, extrapolating trends that couldn't possibly continue.

The upward pressure comes from everyone who sees the present and future benefits of Bitcoin and who is also able and willing to utilize that knowledge.

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: Nagle on July 28, 2011, 07:34:01 PM
Suddenly its stopped changing its value like it has been for long time. Whats happening?
Its 15 minutes of fame are over.

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: johnyj on July 29, 2011, 12:33:28 AM
consolidating and going down again ;)

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: Jr00t on July 29, 2011, 01:20:03 AM
consolidating and going down again ;)

Depends on where you think the support is ;)

However there are some hefty sell orders on the books at mtgox right now....

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: notme on July 29, 2011, 05:52:22 AM
consolidating and going down again ;)

Depends on where you think the support is ;)

However there are some hefty sell orders on the books at mtgox right now....

The wall at 13.5 has been removed.

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: hiVe on July 29, 2011, 09:19:07 AM
consolidating and going down again ;)

Depends on where you think the support is ;)

However there are some hefty sell orders on the books at mtgox right now....

The wall at 13.5 has been removed.

It won't break the 13$ wall though.

Title: Re: Why is the btc stuck between 13 and 14 USD?
Post by: LeonGeeste on July 29, 2011, 04:20:44 PM
I think this thread is about ready to be moved to the "Price Speculation" child board...