Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: digitalindustry on November 06, 2013, 03:09:58 PM

Title: PTS (Free and Open discussion) - Is someone GPU mining? add your comments.
Post by: digitalindustry on November 06, 2013, 03:09:58 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

lastly why should anyone bother mining this etc after watching how you abandoned your last coin ? (MemoryCoin / MEG)
which in my opinion seemed scammy..

sorry but i'm not going near this or any other coin you release.. the MEG ANN topic is more than enough of a reason why

and don't worry what i say makes no difference, we all know there is no stopping people from mining everything that is posted

If you want to discuss me, or MemoryCoin, that's fine - there's 10 different threads you can do that on, or you can start a new one. This thread is for discussion of Invictus Innovations ProtoShares - any further off topic discussion will be removed.

its always better to have a free and open discussion where possible .

My post was deleted on the Protoshares "official" topic for expressing the opinion that its always better to have an open discussion -  ??

so I'm not sure if or what the Op has to hide ? probably nothing , probably just a little excited about the new algorithm, we all get excited about these things sometimes ..

but if anyone would like to add anything here either about "Protoshares" the OP or the history of this feel free in a free manner

also general discussion about the Protoshares algorithm welcome , hell talk about your cat for all i care....

seems to be a lot of digitalocean in there at the moment what about when diff ramps up interesting to see what happens.

Bitshares , of course , from what i know of it is a scam that tries to "gamble" long short BTC , but other than that i know very little about it, i fully expect the interest is in the innovative new algorithm and the possible value of protoshares , Bitshares ....? well we will see i expect.


just imagine how quickly that comment would have been deleted.

Title: Re: A Free and Open discussion of Protoshares - see explanation - also add info
Post by: FreeTrade on November 06, 2013, 03:31:16 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
its always better to have a free and open discussion where possible .
My post was deleted on the Protoshares "official" topic for expressing the opinion that its always better to have an open discussion -  ??

Yes, I didn't want the topic to turn into a discussion of the moderation of the topic, which it was turning into.

I'm quite happy for you to discuss the moderation of the topic if you want, here's a good place for it - however you might find not that many people are interested in discussing it.

My policy is to delete posts not relevant to ProtoShares, that includes posts about deleting posts, posts about MemoryCoin, posts about me. If people want to complain about me specifically they should post their complaints about me on a thread about me and I'll defend my actions robustly. But I won't let trolls disrupt every topic I start by smearing their baseless accusations all over it.

Title: Re: A Free and Open discussion of Protoshares - see explanation - also add info
Post by: Luckybit on November 06, 2013, 03:35:59 PM
It seems a lot of really smart people are labeling Protoshares a scam. Why?

Title: Re: A Free and Open discussion of Protoshares - see explanation - also add info
Post by: digitalindustry on November 06, 2013, 03:47:24 PM
Um.... i'd like to chime in here :

as I'm one of those "smart people"

a "smart person" is defined by a stamp with three stars and a smiley.

I have such a stamp -

i don't really have to say any more.

I don't think ProtoShares , is a scam but. 

Title: Re: A Free and Open discussion of Protoshares - see explanation - also add info
Post by: digitalindustry on November 06, 2013, 03:50:31 PM

its always better to have a free and open discussion where possible .

Yes, I didn't want the topic to turn into a discussion of the moderation of the topic, which it was turning into.

I'm quite happy for you to discuss the moderation of the topic if you want, here's a good place for it - however you might find not that many people are interested in discussing it.

My policy is to delete posts not relevant to ProtoShares, that includes posts about deleting posts, posts about MemoryCoin, posts about me. If people want to complain about me specifically they should post their complaints about me on a thread about me and I'll defend my actions robustly. But I won't let trolls disrupt every topic I start by smearing their baseless accusations all over it.

ok no worries.

i hadn't even heard of "MemoryCoin" - except in passing .


Title: Re: A Free and Open discussion of Protoshares - see explanation - also add info
Post by: Skinnkavaj on November 06, 2013, 04:47:37 PM
It seems a lot of really smart people are labeling Protoshares a scam. Why?
Smart people.  :D

Title: Re: A Free and Open discussion of Protoshares - see explanation - also add info
Post by: digitalindustry on November 06, 2013, 06:46:31 PM
Um.... i'd like to chime in here :

as I'm one of those "smart people"

a "smart person" is defined by a stamp with three stars and a smiley.

I have such a stamp -

i don't really have to say any more.

I don't think ProtoShares , is a scam but. 
So that includes me too even though most of my posts on this account are nonsense?  :D
It's not a scam, though I'd like someone to take one of those big bounties.

It's hard for us Xanis, hard at the top.

Every post of mine makes perfect sense, and when people read them they nod their head and say out loud " hear here , I say !"

This includes non English speakers .

Title: Re: PTS (Free and Open discussion) - Is someone GPU mining? add your comments.
Post by: digitalindustry on November 07, 2013, 03:48:57 AM
Has the mPoW been cracked !

my feelings are i'm 60 /40 that it has not as Difficulty is still low .

but there are other implications - because people running multiple cores are claiming low returns, which if so could be a "mini revolution."

and at which point i will have to give out the "digitalindustry Award For Outstanding Achievement In The Field Of Excellence"


Its just getting smashed by a fat guy with a degree in C++ and Cryptography, armed with his single ATI HD 5970.

Title: Re: PTS (Free and Open discussion) - Is someone GPU mining? add your comments.
Post by: mcgreed on January 02, 2014, 08:13:02 PM
Its just getting smashed by a fat guy with a degree in C++ and Cryptography, armed with his single ATI HD 5970.

Did I ever mention that I think that comment is derogatory and unsuitable for civilized conversation? I meant to. If I haven't, now I do.

That comment is derogatory and unsuitable for civilized conversation. :)