Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: BitChick on November 07, 2013, 01:22:14 AM

Title: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: BitChick on November 07, 2013, 01:22:14 AM
Here is another fun one to bring back in a year or two and laugh at! 

From the article:
But make no mistake, Bitcoin is not the currency of the future. It has no intrinsic value.

It goes on to say how the US dollar has intrinsic value because the government says it does.  How does that make it more valuable then Bitcoin?  Really?   :-\ 

There is so much more to poke fun at here!  Enjoy!   ;D

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: rpietila on November 07, 2013, 01:26:24 AM
I am too busy counting my money to care about misled journalists.

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: BitChick on November 07, 2013, 02:43:13 AM
I am too busy counting my money to care about misled journalists.

YES.  ;D

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: symaxian on November 07, 2013, 03:06:23 AM
Pretty sure these guys will keep spewing the fact that Bitcoin is "nothing more than a bubble" til the end of their days. Though the attacks might become more varied and targeted, "What is Bitcoin secured by? Only number and computational theory! Yeah just theories!"

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: justusranvier on November 07, 2013, 03:07:27 AM
Only number and computational theory! Yeah just theories!"
Monetary Creationists...

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: FeedbackLoop on November 07, 2013, 03:10:04 AM
Only number and computational theory! Yeah just theories!"
Monetary Creationists...

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: BitChick on November 07, 2013, 03:10:49 AM
Only number and computational theory! Yeah just theories!"
Monetary Creationists...

C'mon now.  Some of us are creationist on here.  I know it is probably hard for you to believe since I seem to be highly outnumbered.  That said, evolution is a THEORY too.

But this is off topic and I know you were just cracking a joke.  ;)

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: FeedbackLoop on November 07, 2013, 03:13:48 AM

C'mon now.  Some of us are creationist on here.

 :o  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Flat Earther also?

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: exstasie on November 07, 2013, 03:20:04 AM
I am too busy counting my money to care about misled journalists.

Someone is just sad that they missed the boat on this one...

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: 420 on November 07, 2013, 03:29:57 AM
phase 1: ignore
phase 2: mock you
phase 3: demonize you
phase 4: ?
phase 5: profit

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: 420 on November 07, 2013, 03:38:46 AM
was twitter IPO done specially because of bitcoin's new rally? or was twitter planned for weeks in advance

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: live627 on November 07, 2013, 03:51:42 AM
Bitcoin is fiat currency in the most literal sense of the word.
I just died.

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: 420 on November 07, 2013, 03:57:23 AM
Bitcoin is fiat currency in the most literal sense of the word.
I just died.

just like gold; besides paperweight value

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: solex on November 07, 2013, 04:02:14 AM
The author of this joke article prides himself on being wrong as often as he is right

"Weisenthal embraces this freedom. He will make the same prediction repeatedly, crowing when he’s right and shrugging it off when he isn’t. Earlier this year, he wrote several times that a major stock index, the Standard & Poor’s 500, was about to post its first big loss of the year. When it finally happened, he hailed the successful prediction without reference to its less-fortunate predecessors."

Expect him to crow how great Bitcoin is in a few years shrugging off his previous idiot statements like water off a duck's back.

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: qwerty555 on November 07, 2013, 04:27:49 AM
I have just posted this on the Yahoo comments. I don't know if they will accept it or delete :)

    1 America is losing the power and influence you state.China is fast becoming the world leader and is now publicly active in that goal.
    Search 9-signs-china-making-move-against-us-dollar

    2 Use in trade is not the only criteria for intrinsic value its the PRICE and bitcoin has a price.

    intrinsic value

    Definitions (7)Save to FavoritesSee Examples
    1. General: Underlying, essential, inherent value.
    2. Ecology: Value that the environment and life forms have in their own right, and which is not derived from the human use they can or cannot be put to.
    3. Economics: No intrinsic value exists for any good or service except its price (see use value) which is reflection of its demand and supply position and not of any inherent quality.

    3 Your statement that Business/trade is only conducted in dollars is incorrect. There are swaps, barters, rights licences given, none of which is always taxed

    4 Cyber/crypto currency is definitely the future. Search the cost of handling money. Anything that reduces costs in handling counting theft will eventually be adopted by banks and governments. It may not be bitcoin but thats the only game in town at the moment and probably the testing ground for National schemes. Once teething problems are ironed out and public acceptance is widespread watch for Countries to copy it as an ADDITIONAL option in the first instance.

    5 Bitcoin has been ruled as a currency in Eastern District of Texas Federal Court. Also as private money by Germany apart from many others..

    6 Does it have to immediately have all and equal attributes to other fiats? No it can develop. Also Try searching hyperinflation wiki and see just how many fiats have tumbled in the last 100 yrs.

    7 Lastly it may not matter what the US position is as its China that is now market leader and they like it and they are trying to reduce dependence on the Dollar and will probably succeed and arguably already have to some degree. refer you back to 1 above.

    So what is more laughable..bitcoin or the article you wrote.


Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on November 07, 2013, 07:40:21 AM
Only number and computational theory! Yeah just theories!"
Monetary Creationists...

Intelligent Design?

The great lord satoshi?

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: Buffer Overflow on November 07, 2013, 11:52:26 AM
The U.S. Dollar has intrinsic value because the U.S. government which sets the laws of doing business in the United States says it has intrinsic value.

Maybe, just maybe, they are telling you pork pies?
Sshhhhh, keep it to yourself though. :D

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: RodeoX on November 07, 2013, 03:39:49 PM
Bitcoin is a joke... and the joke is on the author.  ;D

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: zeroday on November 07, 2013, 03:47:54 PM
On top of all these laws requiring the U.S. dollar to be used, the United States has a gigantic military that can force people around the world to use dollars (if it came to that) so yes, there's a lot of real-world value behind greenbacks

^and this is why I stick with bitcoin. Violence always leads to self destruction.

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: Quantus on November 07, 2013, 03:58:16 PM
"The United States has a gigantic military that can force people around the world to use dollars."

Please go on... Tell us all about this fantasy world Bitcoin users live in.

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: bitcool on November 07, 2013, 05:03:50 PM
Expect him to crow how great Bitcoin is in a few years shrugging off his previous idiot statements like water off a duck's back.

I doubt it.

Before going on, I want to be clear that saying something is a bubble is not saying it will go down. It could go to $500 or $1000 or $10,000. That's the nature of manias.

based on this, the inscription on his tombstone is going to read:  BUBBLE!

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: Buffer Overflow on November 07, 2013, 05:09:31 PM
"The United States has a gigantic military that can force people around the world to use dollars."

Please go on... Tell us all about this fantasy world Bitcoin users live in.


Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: Anon136 on November 07, 2013, 05:34:52 PM
sure bitcoin will someday return to the value it started with. i think everyone knows this. even if its 1000 years in the future SOME new crypto will eventually emerge that makes bitcoin look like childs play by comparison but so what? where is this rule that says that for something to not be a bubble it must retain its value for all of eternity? hell that would make everything a bubble since the universe will eventually run out of energy and everything will die. the purpose of bitcoin is to facilitate transactions, it has already done this many many many times, it is already a success.

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on November 07, 2013, 05:38:47 PM
the worth of twitter is a bigger joke in my opinion  ;)

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: Valerian77 on November 08, 2013, 01:44:39 AM
The real joke is inside the article:
why the U.S. dollar has intrinsic value. ... The U.S. Dollar has intrinsic value because the U.S. government ... says it has intrinsic value.

 ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: rpietila on November 08, 2013, 07:08:59 AM
The real joke is inside the article:
why the U.S. dollar has intrinsic value. ... The U.S. Dollar has intrinsic value because the U.S. government ... says it has intrinsic value.

 ;D  ;D  ;D

And remember - bitcoin is the definition of fiat.

(This much is funny, but that war=peace thing I don't like...)

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: qwerty555 on November 08, 2013, 08:20:23 AM
sure bitcoin will someday return to the value it started with. i think everyone knows this. even if its 1000 years in the future SOME new crypto will eventually emerge that makes bitcoin look like childs play by comparison but so what? where is this rule that says that for something to not be a bubble it must retain its value for all of eternity? hell that would make everything a bubble since the universe will eventually run out of energy and everything will die. the purpose of bitcoin is to facilitate transactions, it has already done this many many many times, it is already a success.

"Every 30-40 years the Reigning Monetary System Fails and has to be retooled"

According to a study of 775 fiat currencies by, there is no historical precedence for a fiat currency that has succeeded in holding its value. Twenty percent failed through hyperinflation, 21% were destroyed by war, 12% destroyed by independence, 24% were monetarily reformed, and 23% are still in circulation approaching one of the other outcomes.

The average life expectancy for a fiat currency is 27 years,

Title: Re: 2013-11-06 Yahoo Finance / Business Insider: Bitcoin is a Joke
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on November 08, 2013, 01:20:47 PM
I am too busy counting my money to care about misled journalists.