Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: cryptobenn on April 06, 2018, 08:14:07 AM

Title: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on April 06, 2018, 08:14:07 AM
Worldwide Wealth Creation Project : (

the FREE Coin is a crypto coin that starts with no monetary value, and with a high supply.

With 1400 Free Coins available per person on earth it is the only coin with sufficient supply to be adopted worldwide as store of value and exchange of value (transaction time about 20 seconds).

The FREE COIN has 2 short term objectives :

1) support the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

Between 1 and 5 % of the population uses cryptocurrency in 2017. We need to invite the other 95 % to try out the potential of cryptocurrencies. Therefore we offer a (nearly)FREE Coin, so that everyone can play with this coin without financial risks : create and restore wallets, send to other wallets, test how Exchanges work, ....

2) Be the basis for Airdrops.

Now that Google, Twitter and Facebook block publicity for Cryptocurrencies, how can a new crypto project reach potential investors ?
This is still possible via Airdrops. The holders of the FREE Coin are the ideal target audience for Airdrops. Everyone interested in cryptocurrency can obtain (nearly Free) them and store them in free wallets.
When a new project airdrops towards the holders of the FREE coin, they reach a large audience open for crypto.

The FREE COIN has 1 long term objective : after the mass adoption (nearly for free) it will become the most spread cryptocurrency in the world. People will trust it because of the hands-on experience they have with the FREE COIN. People will start using the FREE COIN as store of value. As the trust in the coin grows, the price will rise. It will become a very profitable investment for the holders. And finally it will FREE all of us from Banks and other 19th century institutions of the old wealth.


1) is the coin really FREE ? For 99,9999 % : to distribute the coin we have to use an exchange, and on an exchange some minimum amounts are imposed ...

1A) The cheapest price we can introduce is 0.0000000001 ether (9 zeros after the decimal point). This is not fully free, but very close to fully free

2B) If you create a "buy order" youself, this buy order should be for minimum 0.001 euro (limit imposed buy the exchange). But there is a way around this : Click on the sales order in the order book to which will display "click here to buy". Then you can change the "amount to buy" to buy 1 FREE Coin for 0.0000000001 ether (about 0.000000037 dollar)

2) Where can we obtain the FREE COIN : at!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH (!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH)
You can "click" on the Sales Order in the orderbook to "buy", and then indicate that you only want to buy a number of FREE Coin at 0.000000000001 Ether

3) The FREE COIN is an Ethereum ETH ECR20 type of token, so can be stored in every Ethereum ETH wallet. The Ethereum Contract can be found at (

4) Will the FREE COIN rise in price ? That is inevitable. Initially it is distributed free of cost, but as more people start to use it the laws of supply and demand will make that the price increase. The price of a coin is based of the TRUST of peole in a coin. Because people use it effectively, the trust will increase over time. The price of the FREE COIN is also linked to the price of Ethereum : if the price of the ETHER rises, also the linked value of the FREE COIN will increase.
The FREE COIN is also very democratic and inclusive : because the initial distribution is free, everyone in the world can become a FREE COIN holder.

Lets redefine the distribution of wealth on earth. Let us drop the 19th century definition of wealth imposed by banks, and let us create and distribute in a democratic and inclusive way the new wealth worldwide. (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 07, 2018, 09:23:33 AM
after input I received from several person on my first posting, I edited it taking into account your remarks.

Thank you for your input


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: Alex.Bentley on April 07, 2018, 09:26:52 AM
Is that an April,1 late joke? What is the main idea, I can't get it. Please, explain me.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 07, 2018, 12:19:42 PM

The main idea is that people without crypto experience can get (nearly) free of cost full functioning ethereum coins (tokens), so that they can gain hands-on experience with crypto without running financial risks (due to wrong manipulations, lack of knowledge, hack or fraude, ...).

This could convince people to start using crypto's, and also buy other crypto's once there feel confident.

If many people get the FREE COIN, it can also become a filter for AIRDROPS.

An, who knows, if the Free Coin is really adopted, then it might develop value.

So it does not start as a joke, in contrary to EG the Doge Coin ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 08, 2018, 09:26:17 AM
Our website now contains the essential information about the FREE COIN project : visit us at (

the symbol we have chosen to indicate the inclusivity of this coin :,h_192,al_c,q_80/97e55e_318cb64d11c647bb83e9594ec368f46a~mv2.webp

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: hangnga294 on April 09, 2018, 09:25:38 AM
Just read the whitepaper, I like the way you aim at disrupting the freelancing industry, you guys might be a competitor to upwork.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 09, 2018, 01:01:42 PM
well, about 3 billion Free Coins distributed in the first 3 days on Forkdelta (address trading) - so some people see the advantage of the Free Coin :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: Rowane on April 09, 2018, 01:13:51 PM
Is the project team planning to launch any marketing programs for promotion?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 18, 2018, 07:06:27 AM
The FREE did distribute 15 BILLION FREE coins in its first 10 days on Exchanges

Interesting observation :The 3rd largest EOS Coin holder (holding 5, 55 % of EOS coins) now holds 10 BILLION FREE coins.

More about the FREE coin on (

FREE coin is now traded on FORKDELTA :!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH
Current price is 0,0000000001 Ether, so nearly 20 million FREE for only 1 dollar :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 18, 2018, 12:05:53 PM
edited : info removed and placed as a seperate posting under Announcements (Altcoins)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: lanisimson on April 19, 2018, 03:46:50 AM
Interesting project. I will be waiting for more information, let's see another comment this project before enjoying this  & how this project will turn out.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 21, 2018, 07:30:58 AM

we had a few investors helping us by buying 2000 Billion and 50 Billion FREE coins.

In total there are now more than 2150 Billion FREE in circulation, that is more than any other coin. Number of holders is still limited to investors and early adopters, we will now start give aways and airdrops to obtain more ambassadors for our project. We also launched a LOTTERY, so that also people without financial means can obtain FREE coin,h_167,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a3b41a_f451396071084989a1c23b92e80c7cf1~mv2.webp,h_163,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a3b41a_5570d60bf5d044168cb8ec91670e35ce~mv2.webp

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: aamy90925 on April 22, 2018, 08:46:52 AM
Are there any news or release gonna be announced before end of this month ? I set my eyes on this

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 22, 2018, 01:57:51 PM
we do not plan a press release over the next month, we prefer to continue our current distribution of the coins via the proven approach.

Of course it is also possible that a blog posts something about us : we are the crypto with (by far) the highest number of coins in circulation. In function of the mass adoption of crypto that will start now, we see this high number of coins as an advantage.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 24, 2018, 07:40:49 PM
The FREE coin was launched early April 2018, to stimulate cryptocurrency adoption by crypto starters and to increase global wealth. For more info :

Our initial target audience were "crypto starters", and we offered our coins via Forkdelta and

Although we were able to distribute about 2200 Billion coins during April, we discovered that a DEX is sometimes too complicated for a starter.

Therefore we now also added a "webshop" button in our website, in which our starting investors can buy crypto using a standard webshop approach, and pay via PAYPAL. Once a day, the sold coins are manually transfered to the wallets of the customers.

If there are other suggestions how we can make the purchase of crypto more easy, please contact us on

Kind regards,


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: LoveCryptoAll on April 24, 2018, 08:04:42 PM
Colleague.  You did not provide technical information in the form of white paper. This is very important for investors.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 25, 2018, 07:11:17 AM
we are not a "technical" project, that promises some very advanced development (and that often can not be realized). Our source code is checked-in in etherscan, and can be consulted by everyone using etherscan.

The info about what we are trying to do is on our website and facebook : but I agree we can put that together in a whitepaper to be added. We will take that point.

We do not target real "investors" today : a real investor would be able to buy (nearly) all our coins, and that is in contradiction with the purpose of our project : a social experiment to make crypto more inclusive to provide easy and cheap (or even free via give aways and lotterys) to as many starters as possible. And we think it will also create wealth (as value of FREE is expressed in ether, and follows the increase of ether),h_197,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a3b41a_3b0f0ed3535d441487c9f6635db65478~mv2.webp

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: ekkoprasetya on April 25, 2018, 07:48:00 AM
let us know the information about the team behind your project and their track record.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 25, 2018, 12:01:00 PM
The whitepaper is available at

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: on April 25, 2018, 12:09:29 PM
The FREE did distribute 15 BILLION FREE coins in its first 10 days on Exchanges

Interesting observation :The 3rd largest EOS Coin holder (holding 5, 55 % of EOS coins) now holds 10 BILLION FREE coins.

More about the FREE coin on (

FREE coin is now traded on FORKDELTA :!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH
Current price is 0,0000000001 Ether, so nearly 20 million FREE for only 1 dollar :)

I would like to trying my success  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 25, 2018, 04:55:53 PM

I would like to trying my success  ;D

those (including me) who said this, but didn't really try it with the Bitcoin know what comes afterwards ... :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on April 26, 2018, 11:24:14 AM
This is very impressive. But I would like more clarity

clarity about which point ?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on May 03, 2018, 09:25:25 AM
In meantime we have 2500 Billion free coins distributed, and we added as an exchange where to get FREE coins.

For people without any experience with crypto exchanges, we even added a classical webshop to buy FREE.

More on our website :

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on May 04, 2018, 07:31:41 AM
First full month of ICO FREE coin finished,

more than 2500 Billion coins sold to investors,

buy NOW : 15 million FREE coin for 1 dollar (= 90 % discount on official launch price).

(once 5000 Billion is reached, price will be defined by law of Supply and Demand ...)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on May 10, 2018, 09:32:54 AM
The main purpose of the FREE coin is to make cryptocurrency more inclusive : facilitate access to crypto for persons that have no crypto experience yet.

We do that by offering a full functioning coin at extremely low price : this allows everyone to obtain FREE coins (nearly without cost), and allows less wealthy persons worldwide to gain crypto experience.

We do that also by donating coin packages to persons/teams that do an effort to reach specific target audiences which are today underrepresented in crypto. We invested already in smaller projects (in the Philippines, in Madagascar, in Nigeria) but today we were able to conclude our largest cooperation untill now : we donated 250 BILLION FREE coins to a team that tries to get women more involved in cryptocurrency (as entrepreneur or as investor).

Our project is not about selling a complex technical solution, our project is about bringing more people in contact with crypto, so that they also can benefit.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on May 24, 2018, 10:15:05 AM

Now  that we are approaching the end of our ICO, the FREE coin has been officially listed on : (

The FREE coin can also be bought via Forkdelta and via a classic webshop (payment via paypal), more info on (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on May 31, 2018, 06:35:12 PM
During the ICO (April-May) of the FREEdom (FREE) coin, we were able to distribute more than 4000 Billion FREE coins. Thank you all for your giving us your confidence !

In this ICO we concentrated on VOLUME, as from now we will concentrate on VALUE : we are very ambitious and our target is to multiply the price of the FREE coin with a factor 100 before the end of 2018

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on June 04, 2018, 05:54:30 PM

in the 4 days following the end of the ICO, the price of the FREE coin increased with 2159 %

Still 29409606 % to increase to reach our target for 2024 : 1 FREE = 1 Dollar

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value at start
Post by: cryptobenn on July 05, 2018, 11:10:03 AM
The founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin liked our Instagram message about paving the way for a crypto-only future.  ;D Thank you so much !

follow us at Instagram, under "freecoin2018"

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value at start
Post by: cryptobenn on July 15, 2018, 12:40:34 PM
3 months after our launch, our marketcap reaches 33,4 Million dollar (based on average price on different Exchanges the FREE coin is traded on).

This is an increase with 9062 % since the launch of the FREE coin on April 6th, 2018.

We are several years ahead on the planned evolution of the FREE coin price as published in our whitepaper ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value at start
Post by: cryptobenn on July 18, 2018, 05:53:05 PM valuates the FREE coin at 0,0000744 Dollar.

This means that since April 6th 2018 the FREE coin price increased with 202000 %, and that the FREE coin total marketcap is now 748 Million Dollar.

Early investors in the FREE coin : you are becomming rich :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value at start
Post by: Tiffanya on July 18, 2018, 06:25:42 PM
This is a pretty interesting project. I think it will be successful and more investors will come and join ico.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency starting with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on August 04, 2018, 11:07:15 AM
Freecoin is listed on CoinRanker. Your platform for streaming real time cryptocurrency prices: (

That is great news, thank you !!

I see it takes into account sales on - currently there are many technical issues on this exchange, so in practice there are no transactions going on there.

FREE coin is also traded on Tokendex/Forkdelta/Etherdelta (all use the same smart contract) and Can these exchanges also be included ?

Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency starting with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: cryptobenn on August 18, 2018, 06:38:41 PM
We are now also listed on CREX24 : (

we were already listed on and Tokendex, and did address trading on Forkdelta/etherdelta.

So there are now 5 exchanges on which you can trade the FREE coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Kutaxi on August 31, 2018, 08:05:25 PM
Hopefully this can be a leading market project, hopefully this can be a bright project in the future

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on September 05, 2018, 10:44:27 AM

Current daily sales of FREE coins vary between 20 Billion and 50 Billion FREE coins.

We will be adding extra Exchanges over the coming months, so the daily traded volume will continue to increase.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 05, 2018, 11:52:16 AM

Today is an important milestone for the FREE coin : we are listed on CoinMarketCap  :)

We are still providing further detail to CoinMarketCap so that they can calculate our exact circulating supply (4000 billion FREE coins) and as a result will also be able to calculate our MarketCap ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Christensen on October 06, 2018, 12:03:26 AM

Current daily sales of FREE coins vary between 20 Billion and 50 Billion FREE coins.

We will be adding extra Exchanges over the coming months, so the daily traded volume will continue to increase.

Hello good people, I know how you're doing your best to eradicate poverty. Long live you guys.
Keep up the good work.
Also is there any way I can get ( free coins ) at a huge discount? I'm willing to buy 20bn coins. Any assistance is appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.
Please you can PM  me any details. Thank  you

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: LaScuderia on October 06, 2018, 02:45:02 PM
Where is the technical information and information about those who are behind the project? This is a huge information for inestors to decide buy or not. Give it to us please.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 07, 2018, 12:19:21 PM
Where is the technical information and information about those who are behind the project? This is a huge information for inestors to decide buy or not. Give it to us please.


The technical information : you can read the source code of our coin via Etherscan :
We are one of the few projects that "checked in" our coin code in Etherscan. This is the only way to guarantee that the code you read is also the code that is executed on the Ethereum blockchain.

We published in the past the composition of our project team, but remove this later on because the members received too much spam ...

You still can contact our chief customer service officer via mail and via linkedin. His contact data is on our website.

Kind Regards

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: bellaobella on October 08, 2018, 07:32:13 AM
This coin has been listed on @Coinmarketdaddy (CMD). For all the trading information, total Supply, current price,  1 hour change, 24 hour change, 7 days change,  historical data , graph, calculator, convertor, reviews, statistics, and comments check out CMD twitter page @Coinmarketdaddy (CMD) and visit

FREE Market & Trading Data

Volume (24h)    $ 2.5K   
Price %(1h)    56.25%
Price %(24h)       47.29%

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 09, 2018, 03:51:16 PM

The advice of the technical analysis done by ( on the FREE coin ? STRONG BUY  :)

Discover more on (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: tohamy4 on October 09, 2018, 09:45:07 PM
A new market for trading

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 10, 2018, 10:10:30 AM
A new market for trading

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Thank you for having listed the FREE coin at your exchange.

The exchange looks nice.

Is there somewhere an announcement about this exchange ? On coinmarketcap or one of the rankings sites ? Would increase the trust of investors to deposit on this exchange.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: abahcoin on October 11, 2018, 06:19:53 PM
Thie coin posibble to sucess, because i see the potential market value, but the total supply too big.
Website error
We looked everywhere for this page.
Are you sure the website URL is correct?
Get in touch with the site owner.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 13, 2018, 08:26:19 PM

Last week has been extremely positive for the FREE coin :

- price increased with 115 %

- in the Coingecko ranking of marketcap we have made a jump from place 1254 to place 718

We are also on Coinmarketcap, but they still have to enter our total circulating supply before our MarketCap is calculated and we really appear in their rankings (should be around place 640 in the current Coinmarketcap ranking)

www.FREEcoin.Technology (http://www.FREEcoin.Technology)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 17, 2018, 07:26:04 AM

The FREE coin enters at place 687.

This is an UNDERESTIMATION :  takes only 1,3 Billion circulating supply into account, real circulating supply is 4 Billion.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: bellaobella on October 18, 2018, 10:57:01 AM
This coin has been listed on @Coinmarketdaddy (CMD). For all the trading information, total Supply, current price,  1 hour change, 24 hour change, 7 days change,  historical data , graph, calculator, convertor, reviews, statistics, and comments check out CMD twitter page @Coinmarketdaddy (CMD) and visit

FREE Market & Trading Data

Market Cap    $ 2.58M   
Current Supply   1,377,387,658,130
Volume (24h)    $ 6.69K   
Price %(1h)    -0.31%
Price %(24h)    4.22%
Price %(7d)         715.03%

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 19, 2018, 10:21:46 AM

The Steering Committee of the FREE coin approved the investment plan for the next 14 months :

Between October 2018 and December 2019 we will add at least 1 Exchange per month (with daily volume > 1 million dollar)

Follow us at (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on October 19, 2018, 03:27:56 PM
I see that the sales positions at 0.01 satoshis in FREE / BTC in do not fall, despite the strong purchases that occur almost every day, because they also continue to add huge amounts. 2 or 3 days ago I saw that they added 7,000 million in a single day.

Who adds these sales positions?

Are you still distributing? even when?

Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: RobinMorajker on October 19, 2018, 03:39:35 PM
Freecoin has a vast potential. The main question is how much it will value by year 2020

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 19, 2018, 04:24:18 PM
I see that the sales positions at 0.01 satoshis in FREE / BTC in do not fall, despite the strong purchases that occur almost every day, because they also continue to add huge amounts. 2 or 3 days ago I saw that they added 7,000 million in a single day.

Who adds these sales positions?

Are you still distributing? even when?

Thank you

We are not adding new coins to the market at this moment.

We still have some open sales orders on different exchanges (not at the lowest prices to not compete our own coin holders). Some of these orders we will cancel, to re-assign to new Exchanges that will be added.

At this moment there are 4000 Billion FREE coins distributed. This huge amount had no negative impact of the price, which rose from 0.0000000036 Dollar in April to 0.000002 Dollar today. About 7000 % in less than a year ?

New coins can be released as from 2019 (as described in our whitepaper : if number of crypto coin users doubles globally), will be done gradually and halted when this would impact the price.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on October 19, 2018, 04:28:09 PM
somewhere I read that there was a distribution or sale of tokens in April-May / 2018 at the lowest possible price, maybe those people who add more sales to 0.01 satoshis on

By the way, can you confirm your official Telegram group? I have entered in @TheFREEcoin, but there is no activity.


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 19, 2018, 04:34:46 PM
indeed, you will see activity in twitter and instagram, but not yet in the telegram group.

At the moment there are not enough subscribers to invest our time in it, we simply share our tweets also via this group. But we can be contacted via telegram.

All our focus now goes to our commercial plan for the next 14 months : adding large Exchanges, and being able to finance this. We consider this our top priority.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on October 19, 2018, 08:39:38 PM
They have announced an exchange every month, the truth is that they are making an important effort so that FREE Coin is available in many exchanges. Do they have a list of the planned exchanges or do they wait to unveil them every month?

For example, when will we see the next exchange?

Do you know which exchange is next?


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 19, 2018, 09:05:04 PM
They have announced an exchange every month, the truth is that they are making an important effort so that FREE Coin is available in many exchanges. Do they have a list of the planned exchanges or do they wait to unveil them every month?

For example, when will we see the next exchange?

Do you know which exchange is next?


The next Exchange is, planned for next week.

We are in advanced discussion with 8 other Exchanges at this moment (with final financial offers received), we will add them from small to larger (still 1 in the 1 million range, then to 4 million, to 8 million, ... , final one more than 300 million volume/day). We will announce them one by one just before the launch via our twitter account.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on October 19, 2018, 09:36:08 PM
I have to admit that you give good support to those interested. I want to take advantage of this instructive exchange of messages to launch a question I have in my head for a few days.

I do not really know the team, on the main website there is a link to Linkedin, but it does not work:

Do not get me wrong, I've been a Bitcointalk user for a long time and it's normal to distrust a bit of the new projects.

The question is: how do we know that once they collect a certain amount of $, they will not leave the project abandoned?

We must bear in mind that, as it is proposed, it is a project with a future, but it will take a few months for it to begin to take off.

You will have to have patience and a lot of confidence in the developer team.


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 20, 2018, 06:46:54 AM
I have to admit that you give good support to those interested. I want to take advantage of this instructive exchange of messages to launch a question I have in my head for a few days.

I do not really know the team, on the main website there is a link to Linkedin, but it does not work:

Do not get me wrong, I've been a Bitcointalk user for a long time and it's normal to distrust a bit of the new projects.

The question is: how do we know that once they collect a certain amount of $, they will not leave the project abandoned?

We must bear in mind that, as it is proposed, it is a project with a future, but it will take a few months for it to begin to take off.

You will have to have patience and a lot of confidence in the developer team.


When I click on the link it works ? Do you have a linkedin login, it is possible you have to be logged in to see the profile (like on Facebook)

Development team is currently investing all the income generated in coin sales in paying for new exchanges. We will continue to do this. Do not underestimate the fortunes to be paid to be listed on the top exchanges ...

Why would we leave the project ? In April the team members bought each an amount of FREE coins at 0.0000000036 Dollar (on same conditions as the general public). We have all interest that the coins that we hold continue to increase in value ...
The development is done, maintenance will happen by the ethereum blockchain, we now only do commercial work : Continue to adding exchanges is the best way to create value for our coin holders including ourselves.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on October 20, 2018, 07:55:59 AM
Right, I could see Ben's profile by logging in on Linkedin.

Another question, if you allow me, in Crex24 are giving away 25000 FREE / day, how are they distributed? Does Crex24 share it? How many times can each person receive them? I already know that you have to give a button to claim them, what I ask is how many times that button will appear to each person.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 20, 2018, 09:33:39 AM
Right, I could see Ben's profile by logging in on Linkedin.

Another question, if you allow me, in Crex24 are giving away 25000 FREE / day, how are they distributed? Does Crex24 share it? How many times can each person receive them? I already know that you have to give a button to claim them, what I ask is how many times that button will appear to each person.

On CREX24 there is a FAUCET running : everyone who has a login at CREX24 can go to On that screen you see all crypto's that are given free of cost.

Also our coin is there, you can click on GET to receive 25000 FREEcoins. You can do this twice per user, so 50000 in total.

So everyone can participate, you only have to create a login at :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 20, 2018, 10:22:03 AM
Right, I could see Ben's profile by logging in on Linkedin.

Another question, if you allow me, in Crex24 are giving away 25000 FREE / day, how are they distributed? Does Crex24 share it? How many times can each person receive them? I already know that you have to give a button to claim them, what I ask is how many times that button will appear to each person.

On CREX24 there is a FAUCET running : everyone who has a login at CREX24 can go to On that screen you see all crypto's that are given free of cost.

Also our coin is there, you can click on GET to receive 25000 FREEcoins. You can do this twice per user, so 50000 in total.

So everyone can participate, you only have to create a login at :)

I checked the CREX24 Faucet : already about 8000 persons did get 50000 FREEcoins via this faucet. The current supply is still OK for about 7000 others. Only a limited % of these coins are withdrawn to the external ethereum wallets.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: benres on October 20, 2018, 10:33:49 AM
A true and honest platform explaining everything that every cryptocurrency depends on the dictate of the market, with the goal of being the first cryptocurrency for the global crypto space this will not be an easy task to achieve but with a positive enthusiasm and hardwork everything will be achieved especially when Free coin is supported by crypto community and the development teams are strong to be able to move on when the road gets tougher.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 28, 2018, 11:21:27 AM

join our telegram channel on : (

FREE coin is now also listed on BLEUTRADE and will soon be listed on MERCATOX

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 31, 2018, 08:58:22 PM

We are now also listed on MERCATOX, will soon be listed on INSTANT BITEX and we signed a Strategic Agreement with swftcoin to be included in their application

Only 7 months after our launch, we already reach position 442 in (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on November 01, 2018, 09:55:36 AM

We are in advanced discussion with 8 other Exchanges at this moment (with final financial offers received), we will add them from small to larger (still 1 in the 1 million range, then to 4 million, to 8 million, ... , final one more than 300 million volume/day). We will announce them one by one just before the launch via our twitter account.

I think we have already seen the exchange of 8 million,Mercatox,
 will we soon have the 300 million? weeks or months?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 01, 2018, 02:44:28 PM

We are in advanced discussion with 8 other Exchanges at this moment (with final financial offers received), we will add them from small to larger (still 1 in the 1 million range, then to 4 million, to 8 million, ... , final one more than 300 million volume/day). We will announce them one by one just before the launch via our twitter account.

I think we have already seen the exchange of 8 million,Mercatox,
 will we soon have the 300 million? weeks or months?

as per our current planning : 1 month ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 06, 2018, 06:59:21 PM

The price of the FREE coin is currently a rollercoaster.

For the first time we reached place 107 in

We hope that we can maintain ourselves between place 100 and 200 untill we have added enough Exchanges to increase our daily sales volume.

If you want to be up to date with the latest news abput our project, follow us on telegram : (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: wishxy on November 06, 2018, 08:56:51 PM
Great news!
Good luck Free Coin! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 07, 2018, 08:25:22 AM
Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: mescalito on November 07, 2018, 08:25:33 PM
Typical pump and dump coin

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CryptoCrazyDude on November 08, 2018, 02:17:07 AM
The price of FREE Coin shoots up as many investors come to believe in the common goal of it becoming available to greater number, if not, all crypto enthusiasts around the globe.Some may interpret it as a typical Pump & Dump Coin but actually it is not.It happens to every coin/token, as in, "NO EXCEPTION".Bitcoin's Price goes Up & Down, same with Ethereum and all the rest, but did anyone bothers to say, it is a Pump & Dump?No, right?The upward trend of FREE Coin Price sends a strong signal for all enthusiasts.THIS SHOULD NOT BE MISSED!!!!Don't wait for FREE Coin to be listed on BINANCE before you take action.Get some while still at a very low price, NOW!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 09, 2018, 02:24:42 PM
The FREE coin is now also listed on BiteBTC :

You can trade the FREE coin against BTC, ETH, USD, DOGE, CNY and LTC on (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on November 15, 2018, 01:29:52 PM

We are in advanced discussion with 8 other Exchanges at this moment (with final financial offers received), we will add them from small to larger (still 1 in the 1 million range, then to 4 million, to 8 million, ... , final one more than 300 million volume/day). We will announce them one by one just before the launch via our twitter account.

I think we have already seen the exchange of 8 million,Mercatox,
 will we soon have the 300 million? weeks or months?

as per our current planning : 1 month ...

hello, I've seen in Telegram that they need help to finance listing on HOTBIT or similar.
Should I understand then that the exchange of 300 million is delayed?

HOTBIT has a daily volume of about 20 million

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 18, 2018, 07:31:06 PM


we will first list at some other exchanges : ethflyer (November 23rd) and Hotbit (early december). Next large exchange will only be in January

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 02, 2018, 07:58:01 AM
Uhhh so the whole point of this coin is to buy it for ETH and then place a sell order in BTC in hopes of that 600 BTC wall being eaten up? At current volumes that will only take about 700 days, lol.

"FREE" Coin (not free) is definitely a scam. It will end poorly for everybody who purchased it. Its just another ETH token with a gigantic circulation and zero plans for real world utility.

Lets break down your main objectives:

"1) Support the mass adoption of Cryptocurrency"

OK so you mean Ethereum, seeing as how this is an ETH token and you need ETH to move it. Ethereum is already doing pretty well without you.

"2) Make cryptocurrency INCLUSIVE, allow also access to cryptocurrency profits to people with less financial means"

What "profits"? You mean from other people buying the coin at a more expensive price than you? Why would they buy it in the first place?

"3) Create global wealth, by distributing a cryptocurrency coin that will increase fast in value"

This is the same point as #2. What will make it increase fast in value?

 - Your founder and Operations Head is completely anonymous. His LinkedIn profile redirects to the token's Instagram page.
 - Your whitepaper is completely devoid of any information on how it plans to achieve any sort of growth, usability or what people are _actually_ supposed to do with it.
 - You're pretty much insisting that the real reason why people should buy this is because the price will go up, something you cannot possibly guarantee, which makes it sound like a Ponzi scheme at best and an utter scam as most probably.

"How will the price of the FREE coin evolve over a longer period of time ? We do of not have a crystal
ball to precisely predict how Demand and Supply will work, but we took 2 assumptions :
1) The price of the Ether will continue to increase (value per year see chart below)
2) The price of the FREE coin expressed in Ether will multiply each year with a factor 10"

HOW ON EARTH could you POSSIBLY know this? Multiply each year with a factor 10? First of all, "factor 10" means nothing, you should have hired a better writer. Second of all, this is some low-level Ponzi bullshit.

The worst thing of all about this "coin" -- ITS NOT EVEN FREE!

And if that didn't sketch you out enough, they are offering their coin for sale via PayPal! I've never heard of a token that did that. There's no way this could be legal (in most countries).

This is just awful. Everybody that has anything to do with promoting this pile of garbage should be ashamed of themselves.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 02, 2018, 08:05:58 AM
Right, I could see Ben's profile by logging in on Linkedin.

Another question, if you allow me, in Crex24 are giving away 25000 FREE / day, how are they distributed? Does Crex24 share it? How many times can each person receive them? I already know that you have to give a button to claim them, what I ask is how many times that button will appear to each person.

No you can't, the URL in the LinkedIn box redirects to an Instagram page.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 02, 2018, 09:31:37 AM
Uhhh so the whole point of this coin is to buy it for ETH and then place a sell order in BTC in hopes of that 600 BTC wall being eaten up? At current volumes that will only take about 700 days, lol.

"FREE" Coin (not free) is definitely a scam. It will end poorly for everybody who purchased it. Its just another ETH token with a gigantic circulation and zero plans for real world utility.

Lets break down your main objectives:

"1) Support the mass adoption of Cryptocurrency"

OK so you mean Ethereum, seeing as how this is an ETH token and you need ETH to move it. Ethereum is already doing pretty well without you.

"2) Make cryptocurrency INCLUSIVE, allow also access to cryptocurrency profits to people with less financial means"

What "profits"? You mean from other people buying the coin at a more expensive price than you? Why would they buy it in the first place?

"3) Create global wealth, by distributing a cryptocurrency coin that will increase fast in value"

This is the same point as #2. What will make it increase fast in value?

 - Your founder and Operations Head is completely anonymous. His LinkedIn profile redirects to the token's Instagram page.
 - Your whitepaper is completely devoid of any information on how it plans to achieve any sort of growth, usability or what people are _actually_ supposed to do with it.
 - You're pretty much insisting that the real reason why people should buy this is because the price will go up, something you cannot possibly guarantee, which makes it sound like a Ponzi scheme at best and an utter scam as most probably.

"How will the price of the FREE coin evolve over a longer period of time ? We do of not have a crystal
ball to precisely predict how Demand and Supply will work, but we took 2 assumptions :
1) The price of the Ether will continue to increase (value per year see chart below)
2) The price of the FREE coin expressed in Ether will multiply each year with a factor 10"

HOW ON EARTH could you POSSIBLY know this? Multiply each year with a factor 10? First of all, "factor 10" means nothing, you should have hired a better writer. Second of all, this is some low-level Ponzi bullshit.

The worst thing of all about this "coin" -- ITS NOT EVEN FREE!

And if that didn't sketch you out enough, they are offering their coin for sale via PayPal! I've never heard of a token that did that. There's no way this could be legal (in most countries).

This is just awful. Everybody that has anything to do with promoting this pile of garbage should be ashamed of themselves.

We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

We will continue to create value

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 02, 2018, 09:42:52 AM
Right, I could see Ben's profile by logging in on Linkedin.

Another question, if you allow me, in Crex24 are giving away 25000 FREE / day, how are they distributed? Does Crex24 share it? How many times can each person receive them? I already know that you have to give a button to claim them, what I ask is how many times that button will appear to each person.

No you can't, the URL in the LinkedIn box redirects to an Instagram page.

thanks for informing us about this wrong link. We corrected it, so that it points to linked

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 02, 2018, 09:55:02 AM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 02, 2018, 12:40:10 PM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

You make a mistake in your assumptions : only 40 % of the tokens are in circulation. And Coinmarketcap knows that : look at what they write about circulating supply of FREE coin = 3,795 Trillion.
So the value they calculate is for the circulating 3.795 Trillion (the remaining supply is not included in the calculation of Coinmarketcap)
Believe me, CMC does a thorough investigation of a coin before they list you ...

If we wanted to manipulate : we could easily move another 1 Trillion from our cold storage to another wallet, and increase our coinmarketcap with 25 % ... But we are not playing this kind of games.

PS : look at Etherscan, they calculate the marketcap for the COMPLETE supply of 10 Trillion on about 190 million dollar :

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 02, 2018, 12:51:42 PM
But what incentive do people have to purchase this coin? All your website and whitepaper talk about is how its going to increase in value and that's why people should buy it. But why would this happen?

The entire token seems to be based on the art of tricking people into buying it in terms of BTC, whose smallest possible denomination is far greater than Ethereum's. But you have massive sell walls on both pairings so there's no way anybody is going to profit from this besides selling their tokens on a new exchange before you get the chance to.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Devss on December 02, 2018, 12:52:35 PM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

I think coinmarketcap also corrupted. This is absolute scam.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Driendy on December 02, 2018, 01:07:44 PM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

I think coinmarketcap also corrupted. This is absolute scam.

Agreed with you . 2500$ in volume and top 50 on coinmarketap. I mean even myself with my wage I can buy and sell a coin with a volume of 2500 $ and grow it to top 50. This is just ridiculous . It will blowup like balloon as soon as the pump stops .
New buyers , be ready to see your holdings down by 99%

Shame to Mercatox and any other exchange to keep a coin like that active . I hope soon the regulations will come to hammer them as they deserve.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Devss on December 02, 2018, 01:14:44 PM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

I think coinmarketcap also corrupted. This is absolute scam.

Agreed with you . 2500$ in volume and top 50 on coinmarketap. I mean even myself with my wage I can buy and sell a coin with a volume of 2500 $ and grow it to top 50. This is just ridiculous . It will blowup like balloon as soon as the pump stops .
New buyers , be ready to see your holdings down by 99%

Shame to Mercatox and any other exchange to keep a coin like that active . I hope soon the regulations will come to hammer them as they deserve.

I don't think mercatox is legit either what if they faking the volume by increasing it slowly. So the token created out of thin air and put a sell wall of 700 BTC on merca. Its getting ridiculous.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: crypto mania on December 02, 2018, 02:56:47 PM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

I think coinmarketcap also corrupted. This is absolute scam.

Agreed with you . 2500$ in volume and top 50 on coinmarketap. I mean even myself with my wage I can buy and sell a coin with a volume of 2500 $ and grow it to top 50. This is just ridiculous . It will blowup like balloon as soon as the pump stops .
New buyers , be ready to see your holdings down by 99%

Shame to Mercatox and any other exchange to keep a coin like that active . I hope soon the regulations will come to hammer them as they deserve.

I don't think mercatox is legit either what if they faking the volume by increasing it slowly. So the token created out of thin air and put a sell wall of 700 BTC on merca. Its getting ridiculous.

Mercatox is scammy exchange with fake volumes and order book. Don't trade there.

If anybody has traded there successfully for the longer period of time then please share your opinion about Mercatox because as for now I haven't found any person which is happy after using Mercatox multiple times. Finally, there is a problem always sooner or later especially with higher stakes accounts but nobody is safe few bucks scams are normal too.

T stay in the topic I will add that Free coin is a great example of how wild and unregulated crypto market is. A brand new coin with no volume jumps into the first 100 on CMC like that. Now I know why BTC SV is higher as LTC. You can manipulate everythng.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 02, 2018, 03:25:36 PM
We believe in the FREE coin, and so do our coin holders.

Yesterday we peaked at place 55 in Coinmarketcap with a value of 80 Million dollar for the circulating coins.

This is incorrect. According to your whitepaper you're only selling half the tokens (they are not coins) until its price reaches certain targets, which it is currently very far from reaching. Therefore at most only half of your coins are in circulation, but good job on tricking CoinMarketCap into believing otherwise.

We will continue to create value

So why would people buy your token other than because of your promises that it will increase in value? Your whitepaper says nothing about this.

I think coinmarketcap also corrupted. This is absolute scam.

Agreed with you . 2500$ in volume and top 50 on coinmarketap. I mean even myself with my wage I can buy and sell a coin with a volume of 2500 $ and grow it to top 50. This is just ridiculous . It will blowup like balloon as soon as the pump stops .
New buyers , be ready to see your holdings down by 99%

Shame to Mercatox and any other exchange to keep a coin like that active . I hope soon the regulations will come to hammer them as they deserve.

I don't think mercatox is legit either what if they faking the volume by increasing it slowly. So the token created out of thin air and put a sell wall of 700 BTC on merca. Its getting ridiculous.

Mercatox is scammy exchange with fake volumes and order book. Don't trade there.

If anybody has traded there successfully for the longer period of time then please share your opinion about Mercatox because as for now I haven't found any person which is happy after using Mercatox multiple times. Finally, there is a problem always sooner or later especially with higher stakes accounts but nobody is safe few bucks scams are normal too.

T stay in the topic I will add that Free coin is a great example of how wild and unregulated crypto market is. A brand new coin with no volume jumps into the first 100 on CMC like that. Now I know why BTC SV is higher as LTC. You can manipulate everythng.

we are not "brand new" : trading since April 2nd 2018. And it is not the first time we enter the top-100 of CMC ...

I feel a lot of frustration, no problem if you do not like our coin - there are coins enough to choose your favorite ...

We are happy that there are a lot of persons that believe in our coin,

Those who are early investors already made a benefit of 10000 %.

In 2019 no new FREE coins we be brought in circulation, we are sure we will still see a strong price increase.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 02, 2018, 03:45:41 PM
In 2019 no new FREE coins we be brought in circulation, we are sure we will still see a strong price increase.

You just admitted you're still sitting on 60% of your coins! That's 6 trillion you can dump at any moment! You can't "bring new coins into circulation" because that's not how Ethereum tokens work -- I thought you would have at least known that tidbit.

You never answered my question. _Why_ would the price of your coin increase? You don't have legitimate market orders -- your price just fluctuates back and forth between 1 satoshi and 0.00000001 ETH.

Your coin's actual volume is dismal -- look at it compared to its neighbors in the CMC ranking. Nobody is actually buying your coin (excuse me, token).

On top of that one of your most chatty Telegram members admitted the whole thing was a giant Pump N Dump scheme:

You can try to suggest that we should go away but really you're the one who should probably go away.

Oh, one last thing: why are you choosing to remain anonymous?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 02, 2018, 04:53:50 PM
we are not anonymous : to every exchange we give our ID and the data about our company : FREE Crypto Limited

on our website you see our 2 contactpersons with link to their linkedin

what coin holders write on our telegram channels is not under our control. We certainly do not apply pump and dump techniques

You do not believe that our coin will rise ? Fine, choose another coin to invest in.

We are not going to try to convince you, everyone is free to choose his own crypto projects.

This is what we believe in, and we are making a success story out of it :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: kotik085 on December 02, 2018, 05:42:18 PM
thank you, we believe, success

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 03, 2018, 02:44:24 AM
we are not anonymous : to every exchange we give our ID and the data about our company : FREE Crypto Limited

on our website you see our 2 contactpersons with link to their linkedin

I'm assuming this is you. Founder and Operations Head. How is this _not_ anonymous?

People don't use LinkedIn to create anonymous profiles like this, they use it to establish business credibility, something that you are pretty far from doing.

You do not believe that our coin will rise ? Fine, choose another coin to invest in.

It's far worse than that. I know your token is a scam (its not a coin, its a token that took 3 minutes to create in an Ethereum contract), so its my duty to warn the community of such. Pretty much everything you've said is a lie and you won't answer basic questions like _what_ would make your token increase in value?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 03, 2018, 08:45:10 AM
I have been observing the prices of FREE in Coinmarketcap for a few weeks and I must say that investors must be very careful with the values ​​that we see in CMC and that they do not base their investment decisions exclusively on CMC, because in many cases it is a mirage.

In the concrete example of FREE, which I have been following for a few weeks, I have observed that for FREE to be in the top100 of CMC it is as simple as making a volume of 200-300 $ in the FREE / BTC pair of MERCATOX.

Such an insignificant amount can cause a token to scale to the top100 or even top50 of CMC.

And why should we be careful?

Well because those trades are not logical, not to say that they are the same dev who do those operations, but of course, I do not have proof, but I can not believe that someone will buy FREE in MERCATOX, when they can buy it 350 times cheaper in Token.Store or recently in HOTBIT.

The dev should do something about it, of course if CMC puts them in the top50 thanks to these "defects" and the investors do not say anything, because they remain silent.

I believe that if it is a truly serious project, they should do something so that the FREE / BTC pair does not govern the price of FREE, considering that nobody will buy at that price.

I accompany current image of CMC with FREE in position 225. Yesterday, when FREE was in the top 100, the FREE / BTC volume in MERCATOX was higher. Look at that value that alone makes hundreds of positions in CMC go up or down.

The reason is in the calculation form of CMC, which makes a weighted price. Then a SMALL volume in FREE / BTC of MERCATOX can influence DECISIONLY in the total capitalization of the token, since its price is much higher than the other pairs.

Using a weighted price is logical when there is not much difference in price, however, in cases like this, in which there are pairs with very different prices, the result of the weighting is UNREAL.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 03, 2018, 09:30:45 AM

What's interesting is if you look at the markets where price is 350x higher than the others their total transaction volume is a whopping $153. This is the cheesiest token I've seen in the CMC top 100* in at least 3 years.

*Edit: now down to #194, and falling

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 03, 2018, 09:40:46 AM

What's interesting is if you look at the markets where price is 350x higher than the others their total transaction volume is a whopping $153. This is the cheesiest token I've seen in the CMC top 100* in at least 3 years.

*Edit: now down to #194, and falling

I have highlighted the FREE / BTC pair of MERCATOX because during the weeks that I have been observing, the other pairs made a volume almost 0.

Effectively today there are another 2 pairs in BiteBTC with a price of 0.00004 $.

It should be noted that 1 week ago, the difference was x1000

Another irregularity that I have observed in these weeks, is that CMC eliminates, almost half the time, the price of Token.Store, which is always the lowest, and often the highest volume.

This causes the price to be higher than the real one again.

The actual price, right now, is approx. 0.9 Gwei, both in and Hotbit. The others are artificial prices or people paying more than the bill.

In 1 Gwei there is an invisible selling wall, very difficult to pass. Probably, the people who bought in April-May and who already sold in 0.4 Gwei and 0.6 Gwei in large quantities, have another objective in 1 Gwei, so the Dev need to increase the community a lot to be able to abserve those huge sales positions .

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 03, 2018, 10:06:48 AM

The prices are indeed still changing a lot : from day to day, from exchange to exchange

This is normal for a young coin (April 2018) that brought a lot of coins to the market in only 8 months time

In 2019 no new FREE coins will be released, so we expect to see that prices between different markets harmonize

Investors should always check prices on different markets to find the best deal, CMC is indeed only an average price that is calculated and that can hide important differences.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 03, 2018, 10:26:37 AM

The prices are indeed still changing a lot : from day to day, from exchange to exchange

This is normal for a young coin (April 2018) that brought a lot of coins to the market in only 8 months time

I've been in crypto for a lot longer than you have and no, this is not normal. Its well-calculated price manipulation.

In 2019 no new FREE coins will be released, so we expect to see that prices between different markets harmonize

You said this already and I already told you you CAN'T "release" more coins because its a token and the supply is fixed. You are, however, sitting on a pile of 6 trillion tokens that you can easily crush the market with if indeed there is any upward price momentum from here on out (but I suspect there won't be any).

- Anonymous dev
- No business goals, no plans, no reason to purchase token other than promised magical profits
- 10 TRILLION supply

By the time I wake up tomorrow this will have sunk back down below 300 in the rankings.

However I will be paying attention to it to remind people that this is a scam if need be.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 03, 2018, 10:32:46 AM
Investors should always check prices on different markets to find the best deal, CMC is indeed only an average price that is calculated and that can hide important differences.

It would be great if they put this message anchored in the Telegram group. Are not you worried that there are investors who buy at a price 350 times higher?

Do not you think that it would be a gesture of fair transparency, to warn the whole inexperienced community, in the terms that you have just expressed?

Or is it better to leave it that way and that those inexperienced investors who arrive daily to the Telegram group who do not even know what Metamask or Myetherwallet is, fall as fools?

I truly believe that you are a serious and well-intentioned person, please do not let people who trust your project, investing their money, realize after they have bought it well above the normal price.

I think Hotbit is working well, it has a similar price and it does not do the weird movements that Token.Store does.

My congratulations, but tell the inexperienced community that there are pairs well above this normal price.

Your community and the community in general will thank you.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 03, 2018, 10:57:15 AM
Investors should always check prices on different markets to find the best deal, CMC is indeed only an average price that is calculated and that can hide important differences.

It would be great if they put this message anchored in the Telegram group. Are not you worried that there are investors who buy at a price 350 times higher?

Do not you think that it would be a gesture of fair transparency, to warn the whole inexperienced community, in the terms that you have just expressed?

Or is it better to leave it that way and that those inexperienced investors who arrive daily to the Telegram group who do not even know what Metamask or Myetherwallet is, fall as fools?

I truly believe that you are a serious and well-intentioned person, please do not let people who trust your project, investing their money, realize after they have bought it well above the normal price.

I think Hotbit is working well, it has a similar price and it does not do the weird movements that Token.Store does.

My congratulations, but tell the inexperienced community that there are pairs well above this normal price.

Your community and the community in general will thank you.

This is a good suggestion, we will apply it.

We had a similar message pinned in our telegram some time ago, was replaced afterwards with other messages,

But we will add it again

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 03, 2018, 11:00:58 AM

I've been in crypto for a lot longer than you have and no, this is not normal. Its well-calculated price manipulation.

No this is NOT price manipulation. As project team we are not even active on exchanges today.

It is easy to accuse people : I am sure you will feel yourself a very important person sitting behind his PC and spreading wrong accusations about project teams ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 03, 2018, 11:10:23 AM

I've been in crypto for a lot longer than you have and no, this is not normal. Its well-calculated price manipulation.

No this is NOT price manipulation. As project team we are not even active on exchanges today.

It is easy to accuse people : I am sure you will feel yourself a very important person sitting behind his PC and spreading wrong accusations about project teams ...

It absolutely is price manipulation. The chart for your token is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. Its just an extreme pump that was followed by a drastic dump. Your token has no innate value or utility, nor have you laid out any plans to achieve this. You're an anonymous token creator which anybody can be and do.

Peddle your garbage elsewhere.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 03, 2018, 12:00:46 PM

I've been in crypto for a lot longer than you have and no, this is not normal. Its well-calculated price manipulation.

No this is NOT price manipulation. As project team we are not even active on exchanges today.

It is easy to accuse people : I am sure you will feel yourself a very important person sitting behind his PC and spreading wrong accusations about project teams ...

It absolutely is price manipulation. The chart for your token is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. Its just an extreme pump that was followed by a drastic dump. Your token has no innate value or utility, nor have you laid out any plans to achieve this. You're an anonymous token creator which anybody can be and do.

Peddle your garbage elsewhere.

It is certainly not pump and dump. In case of pump and dump we would see a important variation in quantities bought, but this is stable.

It would not even technically be  possible with being active on over 15 Exchanges and 5000 coinholders.

It is not because you estimate it "bizare" that it is pump and dump

And we are not anonymous (but that you would see if you took the effort to check)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 03, 2018, 01:36:15 PM
I'm glad they acted quickly to add the pinned message.

Consider also adding a notice as the attachment in your web

, especially for those people newly arrived in this world, to which we have to offer the best possible information.

If you want to build a strong community and not just a Pump and Dump, you have to take care of these details.

Imagine how someone who has just bought FREE can react and check minutes or hours after he has been able to buy 350 times cheaper.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 03, 2018, 11:35:43 PM
It is fair to say that they have accepted my suggestion.

I have followed the Telegram group for several weeks and I have witnessed that many people enter this world for the first time and it is very easy for them to fall into errors that can seem foolish to more experienced people.

But we have to do our best because those new crypto-users do not get a bitter taste with their first experience.

Let's make a strong community, starting with helping new ones. The community will be 100 times stronger and above all, JUST.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 04, 2018, 02:37:47 AM

And we are not anonymous (but that you would see if you took the effort to check)

If you're not anonymous then why don't you list your full name on the website? You're the coin's founder and CEO. Why can't everybody know who you are? What are you hiding?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Mozzus on December 04, 2018, 06:39:52 AM
lol how can a shit like this be in CMC ? its just pure trash , look at that webpage.. stinks of a scam from a distance :D

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the cryptocurrency with (almost) NO monetary value
Post by: Sillyme on December 04, 2018, 09:09:13 AM
The FREE did distribute 15 BILLION FREE coins in its first 10 days on Exchanges

Interesting observation :The 3rd largest EOS Coin holder (holding 5, 55 % of EOS coins) now holds 10 BILLION FREE coins.

More about the FREE coin on (

FREE coin is now traded on FORKDELTA :!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH
Current price is 0,0000000001 Ether, so nearly 20 million FREE for only 1 dollar :)

I would like to trying my success  ;D


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 04, 2018, 12:09:37 PM

Those who want full names, click on the "linkedin" profile link and you see full names and experience of the contact persons.

We are currently reinforcing our core team : we have a former CFO of an international energy company joining us as "strategic advisor", and we are interviewing solidity/smart contract guru's to add a CIO function.

We will also add 2 community managers, for telegram/twittter/facebook

We are also talking with an international investment company, to speed up our launch at TOP-exchanges.

Everything is moving faster than we initially planned, so we have to re-organize our way of working to this new reality.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Nick808 on December 04, 2018, 12:56:15 PM

Those who want full names, click on the "linkedin" profile link and you see full names and experience of the contact persons.

We are currently reinforcing our core team : we have a former CFO of an international energy company joining us as "strategic advisor", and we are interviewing solidity/smart contract guru's to add a CIO function.

We will also add 2 community managers, for telegram/twittter/facebook

We are also talking with an international investment company, to speed up our launch at TOP-exchanges.

Everything is moving faster than we initially planned, so we have to re-organize our way of working to this new reality.

this is a completely different matter. hope you understand that marketing will not help in such a market and will focus better on expanding the community and the code itself. new people in a team are always good, but they need to be experienced and not just take up positions for beauty.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 04, 2018, 05:04:26 PM
We launched a bounty action on BUZZIN - announcement below :


Buzzin is a bounty platform, where new tasks and new rewards are added every day!

This is to help grow the community and spread the word about FREE coin.


To get started, simply sign up here

Do the FREE coin tasks make sure to complete and get referrals. You're already auto-registered, so you're good to go!

In order to receive your rewards, you must complete the tasks related to account registration (email, email confirmation, ethereum address, agreeing to terms of use, captcha). So, make sure you do that!

A bonus speed challenge starts right after you sign up, so if you're brand new, the challenge may have already started! Good luck!

Link to bounty:

FREE coin in the Top 100 on CMC

The FREE coin is a young cryptocurrency, being traded at different exchanges.
The price differences between those exchanges can be very important. So before buying on an exchange, check for the cheapest price available on

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: kotik085 on December 04, 2018, 05:16:25 PM
cryptobenn, you please answer to the question of whether running sales on IOS, and removed the limitation in this case or continue :) ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 04, 2018, 07:00:58 PM
cryptobenn, you please answer to the question of whether running sales on IOS, and removed the limitation in this case or continue :) ;)

What do you mean with IOS? Is it an exchange?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Sergejnoob on December 04, 2018, 11:55:53 PM
Wondering why CMC is allowing this scam coin to stay in the top 100 lol

everyone who is buying this shit coin is insane  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: gawer33 on December 05, 2018, 02:39:31 AM
Wondering why CMC is allowing this scam coin to stay in the top 100 lol

everyone who is buying this shit coin is insane  ;D

this is one of the most honest coins I have ever seen, it deliver its promise unlike other with good white paper but never been implemented. so who is scamming?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: kotik085 on December 05, 2018, 05:08:05 AM
What do you mean with IOS? Is it an exchange?

Yes, it's definitely true, this exchange #btc please tell me exchange #btc #FREE Coin

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Levyathan on December 05, 2018, 05:17:13 AM
Wondering why CMC is allowing this scam coin to stay in the top 100 lol

everyone who is buying this shit coin is insane  ;D
The coinmarketcap doesn't allow it but it is automatically listed on the top 100 because of their market cap in 24 hours.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 05, 2018, 05:43:29 AM

Those who want full names, click on the "linkedin" profile link and you see full names and experience of the contact persons.

"Full name"? So your full name is "Ben B."? What kind of a name is that? Either your last name is "B." (with a period, never seen a last name like that) or you're lying.

Everything is moving faster than we initially planned, so we have to re-organize our way of working to this new reality.

You have no plans except to rake in $$ from people who don't know how to properly use exchanges. Your sell walls are enormous so anybody thinking they can arbitrage your coin are in for an unpleasant surprise.

"FREE" Coin is a scam and if you purchase this coin you will lose your money.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: kotik085 on December 05, 2018, 07:16:11 AM
nutildah, you are a Troll, You are one negative is, don't write here, don't  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 05, 2018, 10:09:48 AM
nutildah, you are a Troll, You are one negative is, don't write here, don't  8)

click on the LinkedIn link, and see our full names in linkedin and our experience.

We will add our full names also to the website later today (for the persons who do not have a linked in access), at this moment there are too many visitors to do a refresh of our website. Wait 24 hours and it will be there

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 05, 2018, 10:11:03 AM
What do you mean with IOS? Is it an exchange?

Yes, it's definitely true, this exchange #btc please tell me exchange #btc #FREE Coin

best price for the FREE/BTC pair is currently on CREX24 (because there the BTC price is expressed with 2 more decimal points)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Sillyme on December 05, 2018, 11:16:16 AM
What do you mean with IOS? Is it an exchange?

Yes, it's definitely true, this exchange #btc please tell me exchange #btc #FREE Coin

best price for the FREE/BTC pair is currently on CREX24 (because there the BTC price is expressed with 2 more decimal points)


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 05, 2018, 11:50:07 AM
nutildah, you are a Troll, You are one negative is, don't write here, don't  8)

click on the LinkedIn link, and see our full names in linkedin and our experience.

We will add our full names also to the website later today (for the persons who do not have a linked in access), at this moment there are too many visitors to do a refresh of our website. Wait 24 hours and it will be there

Frankly I don't care if you do or not anymore. Your shenanigans have run their course, but at least you probably made around $10k for your stunt.]

Its going to be fun watching your Telegram implode.

*Edit: I notice it just came back online, and you have a 95% drop in price. I can live with that. Have a nice day.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: ESCALATIO on December 05, 2018, 12:04:36 PM
Hey Nutildah. You should drink less vinegar with your breakfast, you're sour as fuck.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 05, 2018, 01:19:07 PM
the current price displayed by Coinmarketcap is not correct : they only include the "cheap" pairs on Exchanges, they exclude all "high price" pairs on exchanges. See :

(markets indicated in grey are excluded from the calculation in coinmarketcap)

hope to see tomorrow again a "weighted average calculation" of the price over ALL pairs on exchanges

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 05, 2018, 02:27:04 PM

published on :
  See original article to also have the graphs

Historical index for the FREE Coin price prediction: A+ "Should I invest in FREE Coin CryptoCurrency?" "Should I buy FREE today?" According to our Forecast System, FREE is an awesome long-term (1-year) investment*. FREE Coin predictions are updated every 3 minutes with latest prices by smart technical analysis. It's important to note that due to the low market cap, FREE price can be easily manipulated. Q&A about FREE projections.  See Our Other Forecasts

At we predict future values with technical analysis for wide selection of digital coins like FREE Coin.

If you are looking for virtual currencies with good return, FREE can be a profitable investment option.

FREE Coin price equal to 0.000001 USD at 2018-12-05. If you buy FREE Coin for 100 dollars today, you will get a total of 231956205 FREE.

Based on our forecasts, a long-term increase is expected, the price prognosis for 2023-12-02 is 0.000169 US Dollars.

With a 5-year investment, the revenue is expected to be around +16833.6%.

Your current $100 investment may be up to $16933.6 in 2023.

Note: due to the specific nature of FREE Coin, the estimate can be significantly excessive / unrealistic!

Questions & Answers about FREE Coin Projection
What is the FREE Coin price today?
The current price of FREE Coin is 0.000001 USD today.

Will FREE Coin price grow / rise / go up?
Yes. The FREE Coin price can go up from 0.000001 USD to 0.000040 USD in one year.

Is it profitable to invest in FREE Coin?
Yes. The long-term earning potential is +3926.980% in one year.

Will FREE Coin price fall / drop?
No (see above).

What will FREE Coin be worth in five years (2023)?
The FREE Coin (FREE ) future price will be 0.000169 USD.

Will FREE Coin replace / surpass / overtake Bitcoin?
According to our predictions, this won't happen in near future.

Will FREE Coin crash?
According to our analysis, this will not happen.

Will FREE Coin hit 1 USD in a year?
Not within a year ( see above).

Will FREE Coin hit 5 USD in a year?
Not within a year ( see above).

Will FREE Coin hit 10 USD in a year?
Not within a year ( see above).

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 05, 2018, 02:50:20 PM
At this time, we DO have REAL prices in CMC.
I think that this is much better, we should not leave a single possibility that nobody can be confused by a wrong way to calculate prices by CMC.
This is how a good community is made, with truths and not with lies or confusions.

They are not real prices:
  • 1.-because there is a difference x325 with other markets and
  • 2.-because it is impossible to sell in them due to huge sales walls that are from the beginning.

To this day, the REAL position of FREE in CMC is 640 and not top100.
Top100, at the moment, is a hoax that devs should not allow if they want to be a SERIOUS project.
If they keep doing things right, the top100 can arrive, but not based on cheating.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 05, 2018, 04:31:25 PM
To this day, the REAL position of FREE in CMC is 640 and not top100.
Top100, at the moment, is a hoax that devs should not allow if they want to be a SERIOUS project.
If they keep doing things right, the top100 can arrive, but not based on cheating.

How can you believe this token is "serious" for a second when all the "dev" does it talk about what profits people will make from it?

published on :
  See original article to also have the graphs

This is all utter garbage. The same website predicts Cardano, ZCash and OmiseGO will all be down 99%+ in 3 months!

This is a shit token with no actual plans for how to achieve any sort of real world adoption or usage. Anybody can print 10 trillion of an Ethereum token in 5 minutes.

Conning a bunch of children into a get-rich-quick scheme is no way to run a business. This is the kind of shit I saw happening back in 2014-2015; I'm really surprised people are still falling for it today.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 05, 2018, 04:45:44 PM
To this day, the REAL position of FREE in CMC is 640 and not top100.
Top100, at the moment, is a hoax that devs should not allow if they want to be a SERIOUS project.
If they keep doing things right, the top100 can arrive, but not based on cheating.

How can you believe this token is "serious" for a second when all the "dev" does it talk about what profits people will make from it?

For the time being it is enough for me that CMC reflects the REAL price, without cheating.

From what I read the devs here, I think they still think that CMC does not reflect its real price now. I hope they reconsider.

I do not have enough data to talk about the seriousness of this project.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: kel-alt on December 05, 2018, 05:38:58 PM
High RIsk - High Reward -
@nutidah Dec 5 - Crypto is a high risk high reward asset and FREE is another example. I have had a number peter out and be de-listed (value zero) and a couple moon. Due to bad combo of idealism and greed I did not cash out enough at coin moon peaks or market moon peak. That being said I am well satisfied with my purchases - best biggest money I have made with anything in my life, despite hindsight timing regrets.
Dec 2 CMC showed FREE MC at 88 million! This is nonsense. The way MC is calculated is price X coins and is obviously not going to be correct for start up coins on small exchanges - today FREE MC is 1.6 million! With volume 1 to 10k - this cannot possibly have happened. I actually doubt 1.6 million USD has been spent into FREE, but I could be wrong. This price X number of coins valuation is not entirely trustworthy for any coin. Over time though anything can happen with these cryptos, you never know. No one could have predicted ETH from $2 to $1400 or Verge 140,000% X (see Motley Fool article, I don't remember it exactly). Anyway, I do not see any harm in throwing $100 bucks at this coin, win some lose some. Obviously you cannot invest in only one coin. FREE can be a part of a larger portfolio and very well serve both the idealism of crytpos changing the world and increasing in worth due to use case, or hyped speculation. I think it was Buffet that said something like the market is a place that rewards the patient. If FREE goes up sell some off and take some profit. Use FREE if payment options happen. The FREE coin giveaway shows the creators idealism and does not deserve so much negativity IMO. As long as people don't bet the farm on this coin, I see no harm. If it goes to zero, oh well, so what, like that has never happened before? Good luck to FREE and all cryptos!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: baljeetamsaini on December 05, 2018, 06:37:20 PM
To this day, the REAL position of FREE in CMC is 640 and not top100.
Top100, at the moment, is a hoax that devs should not allow if they want to be a SERIOUS project.
If they keep doing things right, the top100 can arrive, but not based on cheating.

How can you believe this token is "serious" for a second when all the "dev" does it talk about what profits people will make from it?

For the time being it is enough for me that CMC reflects the REAL price, without cheating.

From what I read the devs here, I think they still think that CMC does not reflect its real price now. I hope they reconsider.

I do not have enough data to talk about the seriousness of this project.

I agree with you 100%. Anyone can launch an ERC20 Standard Token in 5 minutes without any knowledge of Crypto at all. And, we already see loads of ERC20 Standard tokens coming out..... most of which would be scams, definitely.

The devs (should we really call them devs) seem to be from Africa and they only talk about strategies about how to increase the price of FREE..... huh

Plus, their whole idea is about mass adoption. Even after nearly a decade, the mass adoption of BTC is still a challenge. But, FREE coin will not be......

Their website say and I quote,

"The FREE (refers to FREEdom) coin facilitates every one worldwide to participate in the wealth redistribution and creation that is going on thanks to the introduction of  blockchain and cryptocurrencies."

FREE is only meant to make the devs (the pre-miners) rich...... making a bunch of heartless people rich. huh

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 05, 2018, 08:10:54 PM
If it was only about the money, we would not be investing these sums in listings on exchanges ...

We will continue with exchanges, now bigger than the 12 exchanges we are already listed on.

If we can get an investor on board, this would speed up listings at new exchanges. Else we will continue to add exchanges financed by our own means at the pace we have done the last 8 months.

We believe in the concept, and we keep investing in it.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: baljeetamsaini on December 06, 2018, 03:01:12 AM
If it was only about the money, we would not be investing these sums in listings on exchanges ...

We will continue with exchanges, now bigger than the 12 exchanges we are already listed on.

If we can get an investor on board, this would speed up listings at new exchanges. Else we will continue to add exchanges financed by our own means at the pace we have done the last 8 months.

We believe in the concept, and we keep investing in it.

Okie. Great. Getting an investor would definitely be a great thing that can happen for FREE. But, why would an investor invest in Free. Is there any "Transparency" of the Coin distribution.

Here is how you can create a "Transparency Report" and showcase it in the "Public Domain".

Check the website of "Veco", a CPU Mineable coin. They too pre-mined some coins and show the distribution of their Pre-Mined Coins in a Spreadsheet that can be accessed by anyone. (

If you do this, there are better chance that people have a more positive outlook towards your coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 07, 2018, 08:57:36 AM
the shamelessness with which some ask for things is enormous. They will have thought about them before saying them.
They are supposed to want to create a community, in which the medium of communication is the Telegram group, and one does not mind saying things like these.

I mean, keep fooling people so that FREE can be in the top100.

I hope the devs keep the message, at least as long as they follow the same conditions, that is, as long as there is a difference of x300 between the real and unreal prices.

TheFREEcoin Freecoin
IMPORTANT : PRICE of FREE coin The FREE coin is a young cryptocurrency, being traded at different exchanges. The price differen
Admin because of this comment people not buying on mercatox. If people will not buy on mercatox, our market cant grow up.  If our market will not grow up. We can not return on CMC TOP100. If someone will buy on mercatox, its their mistake.. I bought on mercatox from 1 sat 20 million free token. But its my mistake, i can search for first, find cheap price and then buy. But i didnt it and its my mistake. So for another people are also same like me. Who is smart, they will buy on hotbit or on crex, but who is stupid like me, they will buy on mercatox. But if we buy on mercatox more, our market cap will grow up. So, please delete this comment and allow them FREE. People should think for themselves and answer for their actions. Like me. Please delete this comment.

Juan Sanchez
Admin because of this comment people not buying on mercatox. If people will not buy on mercatox, our market cant grow up. If ou
What kind of community is what allows things to happen as it has happened to you? It is not any community! I am surprised by the things that people sometimes say in public. You are asking the devs to remove the pinned message, so that other people can fall into the trap that you have fallen into. It is incredible and unforgettable. What you should do is wait for the price to rise, not for people in your community to make mistakes that we can avoid.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 11, 2018, 03:37:19 AM


sorry guys but you should have listened to me.

I'm the only person who commented in this thread with any credibility whatsoever. I really was just trying to help you -- to help the little guy not get sucked into a con.

Now the coin has fallen from #70 in the rankings to #839, in the period of 1 week! That has to be some kind of a record.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 11, 2018, 09:17:25 AM
Let me give some good news to the coin holders that believe in our project : We announced our listing on BITKER, an Asian Exchange that opens up the Chinese and Korean market for the FREE coin. More info about bitker :

Before year-end the FREE coin will also be listed on another Asian Exchange, top-30, daily sales volume close to 100 Million USD.

For January 2019 we are negotiating with an Asian Exchange,  with a daily sales volume of about 150 million USD.

Follow our telegram channels, to be informed about the new Exchanges we add every month !

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 11, 2018, 09:20:31 AM
the shamelessness with which some ask for things is enormous. They will have thought about them before saying them.
They are supposed to want to create a community, in which the medium of communication is the Telegram group, and one does not mind saying things like these.

I mean, keep fooling people so that FREE can be in the top100.

I hope the devs keep the message, at least as long as they follow the same conditions, that is, as long as there is a difference of x300 between the real and unreal prices.

TheFREEcoin Freecoin
IMPORTANT : PRICE of FREE coin The FREE coin is a young cryptocurrency, being traded at different exchanges. The price differen
Admin because of this comment people not buying on mercatox. If people will not buy on mercatox, our market cant grow up.  If our market will not grow up. We can not return on CMC TOP100. If someone will buy on mercatox, its their mistake.. I bought on mercatox from 1 sat 20 million free token. But its my mistake, i can search for first, find cheap price and then buy. But i didnt it and its my mistake. So for another people are also same like me. Who is smart, they will buy on hotbit or on crex, but who is stupid like me, they will buy on mercatox. But if we buy on mercatox more, our market cap will grow up. So, please delete this comment and allow them FREE. People should think for themselves and answer for their actions. Like me. Please delete this comment.

Juan Sanchez
Admin because of this comment people not buying on mercatox. If people will not buy on mercatox, our market cant grow up. If ou
What kind of community is what allows things to happen as it has happened to you? It is not any community! I am surprised by the things that people sometimes say in public. You are asking the devs to remove the pinned message, so that other people can fall into the trap that you have fallen into. It is incredible and unforgettable. What you should do is wait for the price to rise, not for people in your community to make mistakes that we can avoid.

We KEEP the message, as long as there are major price differences.

The person (ZEK HERB) who asked to remove this warning message has been blocked on our telegram : not because of this message alone, but also because of other inappropriate messages he/she posted.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 12, 2018, 07:04:36 PM

We KEEP the message, as long as there are major price differences.

The person (ZEK HERB) who asked to remove this warning message has been blocked on our telegram : not because of this message alone, but also because of other inappropriate messages he/she posted.

Thanks for the comment. I understand that you have a good idea for the project and I hope you can carry it out.

However, the admins of the Telegram group did not react quickly as you are doing now.

I want to think that they are volunteers who sometimes do not transmit correctly the vision that you have.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 12, 2018, 09:50:14 PM

Everyone is volunteer on this project.

Also we do not control all telegram groups about the FREE coin : example - we discovered that there is a "FREE Coin China" telegram group, which is in no way linked to our project team. But for the outside world they all look official groups from the project. But I assume that happens to every project ...

On our facebook we maintain a list of "official" groups, but even these groups have an admin who is volunteer, and not all the time available.
But at least we can remove messages and persons if needed.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 13, 2018, 08:27:17 AM

FYI : (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Nick808 on December 13, 2018, 06:28:37 PM


sorry guys but you should have listened to me.

I'm the only person who commented in this thread with any credibility whatsoever. I really was just trying to help you -- to help the little guy not get sucked into a con.

Now the coin has fallen from #70 in the rankings to #839, in the period of 1 week! That has to be some kind of a record.

im think for those many who do not like to listen to the views of experienced users will be a lesson. investing in a project without a normal roadmap is nonsense.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 14, 2018, 05:59:39 AM
"FREE" COIN Official Roadmap

  • Phase 1. Get 0.05 ETH
  • Phase 2. Create a smart contract for a token with a supply of 10 TRILLION
  • Phase 3. Collect underpants
  • Phase 4. ???
  • Phase 5. Profit!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 14, 2018, 11:30:57 AM
"FREE" COIN Official Roadmap

  • Phase 1. Get 0.05 ETH
  • Phase 2. Create a smart contract for a token with a supply of 10 TRILLION
  • Phase 3. Collect underpants
  • Phase 4. ???
  • Phase 5. Profit!

You forget the about 135000 USD that the project team did invest untill now in the listing fees for Exchanges ... From our personal financial means ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 14, 2018, 01:07:44 PM
You forget the about 135000 USD that the project team did invest untill now in the listing fees for Exchanges ... From our personal financial means ...

By "project team" do you mean "you"? Your compatriot Emmanuel Adams is an ICO advisor for like 10 different ICOs. I'd be highly surprised if he pitched in on this.

Here's the thing: you got the tokens for free. You can sell them at the lowest price possible and still make a profit. Everybody you sell to is just going to be sitting on their tokens hoping new waves of suckers keep coming in to buy their tokens at an even higher price, which likely will never happen, because you're still sitting on 5+ trillion tokens. Unless you demonstrably "burn" the tokens by sending them to an unspendable Ethereum address, there's no way of knowing you won't just dump them on the open market for the rest of eternity.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 14, 2018, 02:11:45 PM
You forget the about 135000 USD that the project team did invest untill now in the listing fees for Exchanges ... From our personal financial means ...

By "project team" do you mean "you"? Your compatriot Emmanuel Adams is an ICO advisor for like 10 different ICOs. I'd be highly surprised if he pitched in on this.

Here's the thing: you got the tokens for free. You can sell them at the lowest price possible and still make a profit. Everybody you sell to is just going to be sitting on their tokens hoping new waves of suckers keep coming in to buy their tokens at an even higher price, which likely will never happen, because you're still sitting on 5+ trillion tokens. Unless you demonstrably "burn" the tokens by sending them to an unspendable Ethereum address, there's no way of knowing you won't just dump them on the open market for the rest of eternity.

Emmanuel believes in this project, he is putting a lot of effort into it ...

Also we as project team believe in it, that is the reason why we invested a lot of capital in Exchange introductions during 2018, and will continue to do so in 2019.

We can not distribute new supply on the market as we want : in the whitepaper we described how many extra coins can be released in function of the price reached.

I know I can not convince someone like you, with all that anger and frustration you have in you. I hope that one day you will look back, and realize that we really are working to get this into a success for all coin holders.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: @Hakermania@ on December 14, 2018, 02:40:35 PM
On coinmarketcap, I read that there are 3,798,107,651,660 FREE coins in circulation and that the Total Supply is 10,000,000,000,000. I would like to know 2 things:
1) How are the remaining FREE released and with what  a time frame?
2) total supply is a value that can increase?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 14, 2018, 02:58:01 PM
I know I can not convince someone like you, with all that anger and frustration you have in you. I hope that one day you will look back, and realize that we really are working to get this into a success for all coin holders.

I just see you trying to peddle this coin under the promises of profit, which means somebody else will be taking a loss. You're not "creating wealth," just simply trying to fool others into buying a bunch of digital nothing. The signs of a scam are always the same.

1. Promise huge returns
2. Create market pumps
3. Have little to nothing tangible to back it up.

Your whitepaper is completely devoid of anything original or intellectually stimulating. You claim you're trying to "help spread awareness of cryptocurrency"... as if there's a chance somebody has heard of FREE Coin and not heard of Ethereum. You are piggybacking off the second most popular crypto claiming you hope to achieve what it is already achieving.

So those are the reasons you will never convince me. I've seen dozens or hundreds of scams in this place and your project fits the stereotype to a t.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 14, 2018, 05:10:17 PM
On coinmarketcap, I read that there are 3,798,107,651,660 FREE coins in circulation and that the Total Supply is 10,000,000,000,000. I would like to know 2 things:
1) How are the remaining FREE released and with what  a time frame?
2) total supply is a value that can increase?

please read our whitepaper for the answers on these questions

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: pavan@hosur on December 16, 2018, 09:11:53 AM
All that price manipulation talk is making me dizzy. I don't believe that a coin such as this would stoop so low. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my honest opinion.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on December 16, 2018, 11:28:07 PM
@cryptobenn, I understand that you live in Belgium and Enmanuel Adams in Nigeria.

Who is in Seichelles representing the FREECOIN project?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 18, 2018, 09:00:14 AM
@cryptobenn, I understand that you live in Belgium and Enmanuel Adams in Nigeria.

Who is in Seichelles representing the FREECOIN project?

we have an investor in our core team nows who finances the Exchanges listings (This week BITKER and COINTIGER :)
He has a company in the Seychelles, we can make use of office and administrative support

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: prawy1984 on December 20, 2018, 10:44:33 AM
I believe this could be a great investment for ppl with small amount to spend on daily basis. Keep it up Ben!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 26, 2018, 10:58:47 AM

Our gifts to our coinholders : over the next weeks we will also be listed on LATOKEN, ZG.TOP, PURCOW and QIEX ! Happy Boxing Day !

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AlCamus on December 30, 2018, 05:45:16 PM
-Referral link included-

Especially now during the bear market it is easy to cumulate a lot of FREE via claiming free Satoshi in reliable faucets. Just do as follows:

1. Confirm your trash or alias email on (this is the microwallet for all faucet payouts; payouts are free at an amount of e.g. .002 LTC or .0001 BTC)
2. Then head over to (you can take this referral link of mine, or just get rid of the ‘?ref=ff6bd276c782’). There are daily and mystery bonuses in this faucet, so if you just login in twice a day you receive ca. 200 Satoshi a day.

Additionally, there are some coinpot tokens which are relatively stable (you get three per claim) and could be converted too. And bonus bitcoin ( is another faucet to get currently about 40 Satoshi each 15 minutes (but it is a little more tricky to explain, because of all these pop-ups and new loadings of a page. But if you are on that page, it is not that hard to understand. I prefer to change the claim settings here to ‘Always receive the average claim amount’).

What I finally do on coinpot is to convert every coin to LTC, as .002 LTC are ca. .000001700 BTC, and withdraw it to an exchange of my choice. Works well!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on January 02, 2019, 03:03:42 PM
@cryptobenn, you can confirm the new exchanges?. I think we had one today and in a few days Latoken is also planned.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on January 02, 2019, 03:13:39 PM
@cryptobenn, you can confirm the new exchanges?. I think we had one today and in a few days Latoken is also planned.

Look man. You seem like a nice guy, as does the person above you. However, its my duty to continue to reply on this thread to warn others that this token is a scam.

Just think about it: how can this token fulfill its mission of "worldwide adoption" when it requires an ETH gas fee everywhere it goes? The average ETH gas fee costs close to 100,000 FREE -- if ETH goes up in value how will anybody be able to afford to transact less than 100,000 FREE at one time? It will cost more in gas than the value of the number of FREE you are sending each time. Why wouldn't people all over the world just send tiny bits of ETH to each other instead?

In truth, there's no real reason why FREE should increase in value. It has no long-term plans (besides mass adoption), no utility, and its main positive is the fact that it is offering several thousand-fold returns in the future. That's a scam. No credible project has thousands-fold percent returns suggested in their whitepaper. Yet FREE does. Get out while you still can.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on January 02, 2019, 05:03:17 PM

Look man. You seem like a nice guy, as does the person above you. However, its my duty to continue to reply on this thread to warn others that this token is a scam.

thank you, for my part I appreciate the expert opinions. I try to be well informed.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 02, 2019, 06:31:05 PM
@cryptobenn, you can confirm the new exchanges?. I think we had one today and in a few days Latoken is also planned.

Why do you always doubt about us :) ?

Yes, PURCOW went live today, LATOKEN as of January 9th, and QIEX still to be confirmed (but also within a week).

It is easier that you follow our telegram groups, that is the source of real and up to date info

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 02, 2019, 06:40:53 PM
@cryptobenn, you can confirm the new exchanges?. I think we had one today and in a few days Latoken is also planned.

Look man. You seem like a nice guy, as does the person above you. However, its my duty to continue to reply on this thread to warn others that this token is a scam.

Just think about it: how can this token fulfill its mission of "worldwide adoption" when it requires an ETH gas fee everywhere it goes? The average ETH gas fee costs close to 100,000 FREE -- if ETH goes up in value how will anybody be able to afford to transact less than 100,000 FREE at one time? It will cost more in gas than the value of the number of FREE you are sending each time. Why wouldn't people all over the world just send tiny bits of ETH to each other instead?

In truth, there's no real reason why FREE should increase in value. It has no long-term plans (besides mass adoption), no utility, and its main positive is the fact that it is offering several thousand-fold returns in the future. That's a scam. No credible project has thousands-fold percent returns suggested in their whitepaper. Yet FREE does. Get out while you still can.


you keep accusing us being a scam. YOU, the person that makes publicity for a GAMBLING website ?? A GAMBLING website is the worst example of SCAM : only the house and an exceptional winner takes the money, all the rest loose ?? Be serious man ...
I invite everyone to use the search function of this forum and look for (The gambling site Nutildah is making publicity for in his signature) : you will read the multiple SCAM reported against this website : not paying winners, locking account of winners without reason, ... If you want to see a real scam, look at the signature of Nutildah ...

And the fact that we need GAS ? More than 95 % of all "coins" are Ethereum tokens, and use GAS ...

People who invested in 2018 have a profit of up to 700 %. And that is an underestimation : calculated on the value CMC displays (0.00000014 USD, because they do not take into account our "expensive" pairs FREE/ BTC), it would be more if you look at the value Coinmarketdaddy displays (0.000039 USD because they focus on the high pairs). Personally we calculated the real "average weighted coin price" about about 0.0000015 USD ...

Drink another glass of vinegar and spit another dose of venom if that makes you feel important ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on January 02, 2019, 08:25:13 PM

Why do you always doubt about us :) ?

I do not doubt, I'm asking. I know the Telegram channel, but I think it's interesting to keep this Bitcointalk channel updated. Personally I like the information we found in Bitcointalk.

I knew there were new exchanges and I have asked the question so that, personally, we inform all of the news, I did not expect you to misinterpret it, but it is normal in the written language.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on January 03, 2019, 03:47:40 AM
And the fact that we need GAS ? More than 95 % of all "coins" are Ethereum tokens, and use GAS ...

Yeah but their main mission statement isn't "worldwide adoption of cryptocurrency." The point is Ethereum is already doing that. Every time somebody wants to send FREE they have to pay for 100,000 worth of it in ETH gas.  So this means they already have Ethereum. So why wouldn't they just send ETH back and forth to one another.

Your whitepaper slogan is: "Social project to promote cryptocurrency usage and increase global wealth"

- ETH is already promoting cryptocurrency by having already been everywhere FREE is going
- How are you gonna "increase global wealth"? This would mean people selling FREE for more than they bought it, so some people are obviously not going to be more wealthy as trading is a zero-sum game. This is just rubbish.

Your other team member is your only testimonial, which must be a joke.

But the real joke is this:

You're suggesting your token will have a market cap of $310 million by the end of 2020? Why? What is going to propel this magnificent move into the top 25 coins by size? Don't just say "adoption." Give me concrete ideas on how you plan to achieve this. Your white paper is totally devoid of them.

You're also suggesting your token will have a market cap of $8.3 TRILLION by the end of 2024. This is just ludicrous. There's no way on earth that is ever happening.

A token whose only reason why people should buy it is because it will go up in value is a scam.

Really, shame on you for trying to prey on the hopes and the dreams of the poor and the financially illiterate by promising them vast wealth. A man your age should know better.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 03, 2019, 09:34:03 AM

Why do you always doubt about us :) ?

I do not doubt, I'm asking. I know the Telegram channel, but I think it's interesting to keep this Bitcointalk channel updated. Personally I like the information we found in Bitcointalk.

I knew there were new exchanges and I have asked the question so that, personally, we inform all of the news, I did not expect you to misinterpret it, but it is normal in the written language.

QIEX has now also been confirmed for January 10th

PS : we can not keep this bitcointalk up to date with every news, each time we post something here we have an agressive reaction of the local scammer Nutildah :)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on January 03, 2019, 10:06:52 AM

QIEX has now also been confirmed for January 10th

Personally, I prefer to talk to devs by this means of Bitcointalk because Telegram is a chat and therefore, messages are very difficult to find among so many memes and rockets.

I do not understand the need to add so many exchanges. Cointiger had a very large volume for a few days, I remember seeing $ 60000 and the last few days has dropped to $ 200. At this moment there are 5 pairs with volume 0 $.

So what is the use of continuing to add more exchanges?

I think that FREE should be much better known for people to use these exchanges.

I do not understand the reason for continuing to add more exchanges.

Do you think that this will increase the community or what is the reason?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 03, 2019, 11:41:41 AM

Being present on an important number of exchanges was a promise we made to our coinholders for 2018. In 2019 we will add less exchanges, but larger ones.

We will also invest in 2019 more efforts and means in building regional communities, with a focus on major asian countries.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on January 03, 2019, 12:12:20 PM

Being present on an important number of exchanges was a promise we made to our coinholders for 2018. In 2019 we will add less exchanges, but larger ones.

We will also invest in 2019 more efforts and means in building regional communities, with a focus on major asian countries.

Thanks for the reply.
On the important issue of use cases, I read something on Telegram but I am confused. Are you working on this matter or do you have it parked for a later phase?
I see that you have improved the web somewhat, added people to the team, you work in Telegram to increase the community and finally what you have commented about the exchanges, but the matter of use cases, how are you now?
(Apologies for my English as a translator)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 03, 2019, 06:39:55 PM

We keep focussing on our most important use case : start in crypto !

Today less than 1 % of the world population knows how to use crypto. But nearly everyone has access to a PC or smartphone, and is as such capable of starting with crypto.

The FREE coin is the ideal start : cheap (so low risk in case of wrong manipulation), large choice in exchanges and wallets.

So the FREE coin is an ideal start coin to learn about cryptocurrencies without financial risks.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on January 04, 2019, 03:51:24 AM

We keep focussing on our most important use case : start in crypto !

Today less than 1 % of the world population knows how to use crypto. But nearly everyone has access to a PC or smartphone, and is as such capable of starting with crypto.

The FREE coin is the ideal start : cheap (so low risk in case of wrong manipulation), large choice in exchanges and wallets.

So the FREE coin is an ideal start coin to learn about cryptocurrencies without financial risks.

You keep forgetting about the fact that people need ETH to use FREE, so they already know about cryptocurrency because ETH has taught them. It's not like you have comprehensive resources such as beginner's guides for getting into crypto or something. If somebody can buy FREE, that means they already know how to use ETH. So why wouldn't people just send tiny bits of ETH to one another for the same price of 100,000 of your tokens?

Also, I don't know how you can say its "without financial risks." If somebody buys $100 and the price plummets by 70% overnight (as it did yesterday), I would say thats a financial risk. If somebody only buy $10 of your coin, well, why wouldn't they just buy $10 worth of ETH and hold it as ETH is far less volatile and risky than FREE?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Gash on January 04, 2019, 02:25:05 PM

Why do you always doubt about us :) ?

I do not doubt, I'm asking. I know the Telegram channel, but I think it's interesting to keep this Bitcointalk channel updated. Personally I like the information we found in Bitcointalk.

I knew there were new exchanges and I have asked the question so that, personally, we inform all of the news, I did not expect you to misinterpret it, but it is normal in the written language.

QIEX has now also been confirmed for January 10th

PS : we can not keep this bitcointalk up to date with every news, each time we post something here we have an agressive reaction of the local scammer Nutildah :)

What is QIEX and why should we care? I will be speaking at Tech Blockchain summit in Shanghai this spring and want to know whether I can add a line or two to my speech about this coin and stuff that is allegedly coming along. I am now preparing an AI-based software for parsing chains and cracking asymmetric encryption patterns used in most algos. My plans include selling this software to the Cult of Serpent race and ISIS when its ready for deployment and usage.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on January 05, 2019, 08:48:32 PM
Congratulations on the apparent engagement, more exchanges are more ways to trade

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 08, 2019, 10:29:47 AM
Worldwide Wealth Creation Project : (

the FREE Coin is a crypto coin that starts with no monetary value, and with a high supply.

With 1400 Free Coins available per person on earth it is the only coin with sufficient supply to be adopted worldwide as store of value and exchange of value (transaction time about 20 seconds).

The FREE COIN has 2 short term objectives :

1) support the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

Between 1 and 5 % of the population uses cryptocurrency in 2017. We need to invite the other 95 % to try out the potential of cryptocurrencies. Therefore we offer a (nearly)FREE Coin, so that everyone can play with this coin without financial risks : create and restore wallets, send to other wallets, test how Exchanges work, ....

2) Be the basis for Airdrops.

Now that Google, Twitter and Facebook block publicity for Cryptocurrencies, how can a new crypto project reach potential investors ?
This is still possible via Airdrops. The holders of the FREE Coin are the ideal target audience for Airdrops. Everyone interested in cryptocurrency can obtain (nearly Free) them and store them in free wallets.
When a new project airdrops towards the holders of the FREE coin, they reach a large audience open for crypto.

The FREE COIN has 1 long term objective : after the mass adoption (nearly for free) it will become the most spread cryptocurrency in the world. People will trust it because of the hands-on experience they have with the FREE COIN. People will start using the FREE COIN as store of value. As the trust in the coin grows, the price will rise. It will become a very profitable investment for the holders. And finally it will FREE all of us from Banks and other 19th century institutions of the old wealth.


1) is the coin really FREE ? For 99,9999 % : to distribute the coin we have to use an exchange, and on an exchange some minimum amounts are imposed ...

1A) The cheapest price we can introduce is 0.0000000001 ether (9 zeros after the decimal point). This is not fully free, but very close to fully free

2B) If you create a "buy order" youself, this buy order should be for minimum 0.001 euro (limit imposed buy the exchange). But there is a way around this : Click on the sales order in the order book to which will display "click here to buy". Then you can change the "amount to buy" to buy 1 FREE Coin for 0.0000000001 ether (about 0.000000037 dollar)

2) Where can we obtain the FREE COIN : at!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH (!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH)
You can "click" on the Sales Order in the orderbook to "buy", and then indicate that you only want to buy a number of FREE Coin at 0.000000000001 Ether

3) The FREE COIN is an Ethereum ETH ECR20 type of token, so can be stored in every Ethereum ETH wallet. The Ethereum Contract can be found at (

4) Will the FREE COIN rise in price ? That is inevitable. Initially it is distributed free of cost, but as more people start to use it the laws of supply and demand will make that the price increase. The price of a coin is based of the TRUST of peole in a coin. Because people use it effectively, the trust will increase over time. The price of the FREE COIN is also linked to the price of Ethereum : if the price of the ETHER rises, also the linked value of the FREE COIN will increase.
The FREE COIN is also very democratic and inclusive : because the initial distribution is free, everyone in the world can become a FREE COIN holder.

Lets redefine the distribution of wealth on earth. Let us drop the 19th century definition of wealth imposed by banks, and let us create and distribute in a democratic and inclusive way the new wealth worldwide. (


BiteBTC is possibly SCAM, near future will indicate this. If it is a scam, also the project will loose coins... BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO CALLS US "FUCKING NIGGER".

We have had a lot of personal attacks/agressions already in this topic, but this is completely unacceptable !!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on January 14, 2019, 02:49:03 PM
When BZ.TOP or another exchanges?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on January 14, 2019, 03:29:22 PM
When Binance   ???  ;D     :D  :D  :D  :D

Seriously bro. How can you make a token for everybody in the world to have 1,400 when the exchange withdrawal fee is 15 MILLION??? A gas transaction fee of four cents is the equivalent of about half a million tokens. You seriously envision a world where the mkt cap of an Ethereum token supersedes that of Ethereum itself?

Didn't really think this one through did ya bud.

Oh man. You're just cursed now because I have to see this thread in my "new replies" every time somebody bumps it. You're better off closing it and reopening it as a moderated thread. Seriously.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 14, 2019, 07:10:24 PM
When BZ.TOP or another exchanges?

Next is LATOKEN (deposit is already possible, trading end of this week). Afterwards we will by end of January list on an additional exchange (about same size as latoken, contract is signed but we are still waiting for a confirmation of the listing date).

We are also talking with FatBTC (because they invite new coins to be listed against their FAT currency), part of the deal with FatBTC is that we have to be open about the "possible listing", but of course there are many candidates, so this is still very "embryonic".

But a top-20 exchange will be a "must have" in 2019.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on January 14, 2019, 09:40:29 PM
When BZ.TOP or another exchanges?

Next is LATOKEN (deposit is already possible, trading end of this week). Afterwards we will by end of January list on an additional exchange (about same size as latoken, contract is signed but we are still waiting for a confirmation of the listing date).

We are also talking with FatBTC (because they invite new coins to be listed against their FAT currency), part of the deal with FatBTC is that we have to be open about the "possible listing", but of course there are many candidates, so this is still very "embryonic".

But a top-20 exchange will be a "must have" in 2019.

Thanks for the answer.
Wish I had said ZG.TOP, is this exchange still in the plans?
Good to know from FatBTC although it is still very early

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 15, 2019, 11:16:12 AM
for we are not yet in real negotiations, so is one of the strong possibilities for later this year.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: garibaldi82 on January 16, 2019, 12:25:12 PM
What do you think about the price in near future?
Thank you!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 16, 2019, 04:10:06 PM
What do you think about the price in near future?
Thank you!

over the next 24 hour we will see a clear price drop, as from early next week we expect a steady price increase

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: sambuddha on January 16, 2019, 04:18:24 PM
What do you think about the price in near future?
Thank you!

over the next 24 hour we will see a clear price drop, as from early next week we expect a steady price increase
An interesting forecast. I like your self-confidence)) 8) I will follow the execution of the forecast. I also expect a quick price increase.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on January 19, 2019, 03:33:17 PM
What are the marketing ways to attract new investors?
In February, do you have expectations for new exchanges?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 19, 2019, 03:58:14 PM

In February :

- We will work on marketing / publicity, starting via twitter influencers.
- We are looking to some local exchanges (strong on Indian and Korean Market) - to be confirmed
- We are always looking at new exchanges to get listed when the possibility occurs.
- We expect a steady price increase, this will also attract investors.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on January 19, 2019, 04:28:37 PM

In February :

- We will work on marketing / publicity, starting via twitter influencers.
- We are looking to some local exchanges (strong on Indian and Korean Market) - to be confirmed
- We are always looking at new exchanges to get listed when the possibility occurs.
- We expect a steady price increase, this will also attract investors.

grateful for work and commitment

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on February 02, 2019, 12:13:20 AM
We are in the new month.
To be of great benefit, development and news

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 04, 2019, 12:23:45 PM
Are you "SLY" (or one of his collegues :  O Catalin, ...) ?

I kicked out "SLY" last week from our Telegram, after he tried to blackmail the team : he requested 50 Billion Free coin on his ETH wallet, or he would "start to distribute info that could damage the project" : Copy of his email

Za 26/01/2019 16:19

Hello dear Sir

I’m writing this email since you have blocked the Telegram messages
You have helped me before and you kindly gave me 30 billion coins
I don’t know where to go and I need to see my father

Please kindly send 50 billion coins to wallet 0xE................69

I don’t like doing this but I don’t have a choice
I have a piece of information which can bring Freecoin down
Please don’t try to block me on Telegram
Someone else holds this info
If I get blocked he will post this info
This locked address  has only 4 Trillion

We have 4 Trillion FREE coin in Circulation, 6 Trillion still locked (major part on a Ledger, remaining part on different on-line wallets)

We provide full detail to those who need to know (EG and alternative sites have full detail of all our locked wallets and do a close follow up of he movements on these wallets).

So if you want the most up to date info about our circulating supply, please consult

PS : if we had more circulation supply this would be good news, so why should we hide that ? Good news because our coinmarketcap and ranking would be higher (because CMC calculates this on circulating supply) and good news for coinholders because less supply still to be released that can impact price.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CoinClarity on February 04, 2019, 02:25:20 PM
Are you "SLY" (or one of his collegues :  O Catalin, ...) ?

No, I'm the guy who wrote an article detailing how your project was in all likelihood a scam.

PS : if we had more circulation supply this would be good news, so why should we hide that ?

Because you want people to believe they are "locked up" when you are actually out actively flooding the market with them.

Sir, if you had nothing to hide you would simply publish the other addresses where your 2 trillion missing "locked coins" are stored.

I think your investors need to be aware of all the red flags surrounding your venture. Chiefly:

- you have no roadmap or serious plans on how to market your coin
- you're inferring investors in your coin can achieve 10,000x returns in a matter of 3 years without explaining why
- your single testimonial is from your other team member, and most recently
- you are being less than transparent about the actual number of your tokens in circulation

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 04, 2019, 04:30:03 PM
Ha, you are that poor journalist that wrote an article about us without checking the facts with us directly ?

Early December 2018 you fabricate fake news about the FREE coin simply to attract readers for your own website, publish it without checking with us, and now in February 2019 you  are desperately trying to proof that you are wright in your accusations in your article ? Sorry Sir, we do not need your attention.

Also your current assumptions are ridicuously wrong...

We prefer that you remove the info about the FREE coin from your website : on this page you post that our current marketcap (for 3.9 Trillion coins) = 56 Million USD and that our coin price is 0.00001 USD. Well that is FALSE and ridiculous info !!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CoinClarity on February 04, 2019, 05:48:31 PM
Ha, you are that poor journalist that wrote an article about us without checking the facts with us directly ?

Early December 2018 you fabricate fake news about the FREE coin simply to attract readers for your own website, publish it without checking with us, and now in February 2019 you  are desperately trying to proof that you are wright in your accusations in your article ? Sorry Sir, we do not need your attention.

Also your current assumptions are ridicuously wrong...

We prefer that you remove the info about the FREE coin from your website : on this page you post that our current marketcap (for 3.9 Trillion coins) = 56 Million USD and that our coin price is 0.00001 USD. Well that is FALSE and ridiculous info !!

We get the info from a third party website, CryptoCompare:

It just seems like if you had nothing to hide, you would post the addresses of the missing 2 trillion coins. As I pointed out above, in November you moved 1 trillion from the main "locked up" address to another address, which in turn sent them to at least one exchange, and was doing so as recently as 2 days ago. I've posted all my evidence. If you wanted to put these accusations of scam to rest, you would post yours. I don't think that's too much to ask. Good day.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 04, 2019, 06:51:54 PM
THE FREE (FREEdom) coin team looks for an investor for our listing on !

The FREE coin :, wants to be the ideal coin for people that start doing their first steps in cryptocurrencies.

We are listed on, and realized in our first 10 months in 2018 a price increase of more than 700 %.

We are already listed on 20 exchanges (including LATOKEN, Cointiger, Hotbit, ....), for which the listing fees where paid by the current project team.  Now we have the possibility to list on the fastest growing exchange : (currently at place 7 of largest exchanges by adjusted volume on

We still need 7 BTC to finance this listing. The investor gets in return a large pack of FREE coins at a very LOW price (on the condition he/she agrees to keep the coins for at least 6 months).Do you want to invest 7 BTC to be part of a fast growing crypto project ? Contact us via ! #crypto #cryptocurrency #finance #projectteams #investments

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: SecretRecipe on February 04, 2019, 06:59:38 PM
interesting idea.. how do you plan on paying for future developments?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 04, 2019, 07:16:03 PM
interesting idea.. how do you plan on paying for future developments?

We have 2 solidity developpers in our project team, so that is not an issue.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Ano on February 04, 2019, 07:17:44 PM
interesting idea.. how do you plan on paying for future developments?

Read above post carefully how short funds they have and what is the requirement of the dev. This is one man show so it has very low chance to get survive in long time.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on February 05, 2019, 04:09:11 AM
We are already listed on 20 exchanges (including LATOKEN, Cointiger, Hotbit, ....), for which the listing fees where paid by the current project team.  Now we have the possibility to list on the fastest growing exchange : (currently at place 7 of largest exchanges by adjusted volume on

We still need 7 BTC to finance this listing. The investor gets in return a large pack of FREE coins at a very LOW price (on the condition he/she agrees to keep the coins for at least 6 months).Do you want to invest 7 BTC to be part of a fast growing crypto project ? Contact us via ! #crypto #cryptocurrency #finance #projectteams #investments

Given the fact that you refuse to address the accusations above I would say this would be an extremely poor investment for anybody. 7 BTC for an exchange listing for what is likely to be a scam token? Lordy lordy.

You obviously were telling your telegram group only 4 trillion coins were in circulation, however you can only account for 4 trillion coins as not being distributed... Where are the other 2 trillion coins??

If you follow the path of ETH addresses listed by CC, it proves that FREE tokens have been making their way from what is supposed to be a "locked" address to exchanges. If you could simply supply the addresses where the other 2 trillion "locked" coins are kept ("locked" is in parentheses because you keep moving them around), then it would make you look a lot more credible than you currently do... Just sayin'.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: IrinaDuisimbekova on February 05, 2019, 07:22:33 AM
Could you please provide use cases of your coin  ???

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on February 05, 2019, 08:31:52 AM
Before it was MERCATOX and now P2PB2B, with unreal prices mark the price of the token.

The true price of FREE is on TOKEN.STORE or HOTBIT and it is 100 times lower.

The dev do nothing, or do it intentionally or simply fall because they do not care that there are investors who are paying 100 times above the real price.

I have really lost faith in this project, with MERCATOX I gave them a 2nd opportunity, but I can not give more. You can not fool people in this way.

What does REAL PRICE mean? very simple, the price at which FREE tokens can be sold, something very important.

They are taking advantage of a failure in Coinmarketcap to reflect a reality very different from the real one.

Although the reality can be seen in that image, if one stops to see the prices of the different exchanges, people do not stop long enough for that.

Just take a look at that table, I would not think of buying in P2PB2B, if the price is 100 times higher than in other exchanges. It is logical.

But it is clear that there are people who are falling into the trap, because the greater volume is in the unreal price.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 05, 2019, 09:26:42 AM
We are already listed on 20 exchanges (including LATOKEN, Cointiger, Hotbit, ....), for which the listing fees where paid by the current project team.  Now we have the possibility to list on the fastest growing exchange : (currently at place 7 of largest exchanges by adjusted volume on

We still need 7 BTC to finance this listing. The investor gets in return a large pack of FREE coins at a very LOW price (on the condition he/she agrees to keep the coins for at least 6 months).Do you want to invest 7 BTC to be part of a fast growing crypto project ? Contact us via ! #crypto #cryptocurrency #finance #projectteams #investments

Given the fact that you refuse to address the accusations above I would say this would be an extremely poor investment for anybody. 7 BTC for an exchange listing for what is likely to be a scam token? Lordy lordy.

You obviously were telling your telegram group only 4 trillion coins were in circulation, however you can only account for 4 trillion coins as not being distributed... Where are the other 2 trillion coins??

If you follow the path of ETH addresses listed by CC, it proves that FREE tokens have been making their way from what is supposed to be a "locked" address to exchanges. If you could simply supply the addresses where the other 2 trillion "locked" coins are kept ("locked" is in parentheses because you keep moving them around), then it would make you look a lot more credible than you currently do... Just sayin'.

We provided all wallet information to, who are monitoring our circulating supply on a daily basis : they check daily the balance of all locked wallets. They do this for the FREE coin as they do for all other coins.

We provide internal information on a "need to know" basis : we think Coinmarketcap should have this info, we do not think that we have to answer every detail question of persons that are spamming our project since last December such as Nutildah and Coinclarity. Sorry guys, you can not continue to shout that we are a scam, and then hope that we answer every question that you put on the table. We simply IGNORE you.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on February 05, 2019, 01:28:00 PM
FREE proved to be reliable, we are following and observing the steps of the project.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on February 06, 2019, 03:37:55 AM
We provide internal information on a "need to know" basis : we think Coinmarketcap should have this info, we do not think that we have to answer every detail question of persons that are spamming our project since last December such as Nutildah and Coinclarity. Sorry guys, you can not continue to shout that we are a scam, and then hope that we answer every question that you put on the table. We simply IGNORE you.

You are a scam. If you weren't, you'd provide the addresses with the other 2 trillion "locked" coins. It's very simple and clear as day by this point. Its an extremely easy request, yet you can't fulfill it, because you are indeed running a scam. Any serious investor in this project would "need to know" where these coins are -- it should be kept a secret, there's no reason for that.

I hope your "investors" have the intellect to see what is going on here and the strength to do something about it.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 06, 2019, 01:17:53 PM

List of the Exchanges on which the FREE coin is currently traded : For an updated list, see (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CoinClarity on February 08, 2019, 10:05:54 AM
You don't want to just reveal the addresses where your other 2 trillion coins are and put to rest the accusations that you are selling coins that are supposed to be locked?

Could you please provide use cases of your coin  ???

This is also a pretty important question. As I outlined in my article about FREE Coin, I don't understand why this would be a universal currency when people already need ETH to move it around. Wouldn't they just use ETH as a universal currency?

The gas it costs for an Ethereum transaction is worth somewhere around 200,000 FREE Coins. If 1 FREE became worth $0.01 (still less than the cost of ETH gas to make a transaction), this would give your coin a market cap of $60 billion, or about 5.5x bigger than the current market cap of Ethereum.

If Ethereum's market cap also rose, well, let's face it: there's no realistic scenario where people will be sending less than 100,000 coins at a time.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 08, 2019, 11:55:05 AM
You don't want to just reveal the addresses where your other 2 trillion coins are and put to rest the accusations that you are selling coins that are supposed to be locked?

Could you please provide use cases of your coin  ???

This is also a pretty important question. As I outlined in my article about FREE Coin, I don't understand why this would be a universal currency when people already need ETH to move it around. Wouldn't they just use ETH as a universal currency?

The gas it costs for an Ethereum transaction is worth somewhere around 200,000 FREE Coins. If 1 FREE became worth $0.01 (still less than the cost of ETH gas to make a transaction), this would give your coin a market cap of $60 billion, or about 5.5x bigger than the current market cap of Ethereum.

If Ethereum's market cap also rose, well, let's face it: there's no realistic scenario where people will be sending less than 100,000 coins at a time.

We have a very high number of wallets in which FREE are locked (Ledger with 4 Trillion, several wallets with 350 Billion, 225 Billion, 50 Billion, smaller amounts + a very high number of low amount wallets to be used as paper wallets
Accusations will always be there, we have seen that from the start of our project, we stopped trying to convince everyone ...
we started adding to our website what we plan to do over the next few years, this is still "work in progress" as it is also subject to input from our user community

Ethereum can not be a universal currency if a major part of the world population starts using crypto : there are too few ETH so price of 1 ETH would become too high to be practical usuable if billions of people start doing crypto payments.(same for BTC)  ETH will remain the engine and fuel for those other coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on February 08, 2019, 02:14:50 PM
We have a very high number of wallets in which FREE are locked (Ledger with 4 Trillion, several wallets with 350 Billion, 225 Billion, 50 Billion, smaller amounts + a very high number of low amount wallets to be used as paper wallets
Accusations will always be there, we have seen that from the start of our project, we stopped trying to convince everyone ...

OK so your coin has no real world utility and you're not disclosing the locked coin addresses to the general public. Why does it have to remain a secret? Seems awfully shady.

Ethereum can not be a universal currency if a major part of the world population starts using crypto : there are too few ETH so price of 1 ETH would become too high to be practical usuable if billions of people start doing crypto payments.(same for BTC)  ETH will remain the engine and fuel for those other coins.

Uh, you're suggesting that people have to own 1 full ETH in order to use it? They already have to own ETH in order to move FREE Coin! You can't shake your association with ETH because people will always need it to transact your token. There are so many holes in logic with your token, its absurd to the point of laughable.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on February 12, 2019, 01:28:34 PM
FREEcoin is still new.
What news are coming?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Dump3er on February 12, 2019, 03:54:32 PM
We have a very high number of wallets in which FREE are locked (Ledger with 4 Trillion, several wallets with 350 Billion, 225 Billion, 50 Billion, smaller amounts + a very high number of low amount wallets to be used as paper wallets
Accusations will always be there, we have seen that from the start of our project, we stopped trying to convince everyone ...

OK so your coin has no real world utility and you're not disclosing the locked coin addresses to the general public. Why does it have to remain a secret? Seems awfully shady.

Ethereum can not be a universal currency if a major part of the world population starts using crypto : there are too few ETH so price of 1 ETH would become too high to be practical usuable if billions of people start doing crypto payments.(same for BTC)  ETH will remain the engine and fuel for those other coins.

Uh, you're suggesting that people have to own 1 full ETH in order to use it? They already have to own ETH in order to move FREE Coin! You can't shake your association with ETH because people will always need it to transact your token. There are so many holes in logic with your token, its absurd to the point of laughable.

You say you stopped trying to convince everyone. If you just publish the addresses that issue is going to be resolved, or at least the issue of those addresses being unknown. Perhaps you don't want them to be publicly known for mysterious reasons?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 12, 2019, 06:49:16 PM
We have a very high number of wallets in which FREE are locked (Ledger with 4 Trillion, several wallets with 350 Billion, 225 Billion, 50 Billion, smaller amounts + a very high number of low amount wallets to be used as paper wallets
Accusations will always be there, we have seen that from the start of our project, we stopped trying to convince everyone ...

OK so your coin has no real world utility and you're not disclosing the locked coin addresses to the general public. Why does it have to remain a secret? Seems awfully shady.

Ethereum can not be a universal currency if a major part of the world population starts using crypto : there are too few ETH so price of 1 ETH would become too high to be practical usuable if billions of people start doing crypto payments.(same for BTC)  ETH will remain the engine and fuel for those other coins.

Uh, you're suggesting that people have to own 1 full ETH in order to use it? They already have to own ETH in order to move FREE Coin! You can't shake your association with ETH because people will always need it to transact your token. There are so many holes in logic with your token, its absurd to the point of laughable.

You say you stopped trying to convince everyone. If you just publish the addresses that issue is going to be resolved, or at least the issue of those addresses being unknown. Perhaps you don't want them to be publicly known for mysterious reasons?

No, we do not give in to persons that try to blackmail us : In December coinclarity pubishes on their blog an article about us that we are "scam" (without checking facts with us or even warning us about the article), then 2 months later they start investigating if their is really something wrong with our coin. Would you still answer such persons ? For those who want to know our circulating supply, please check Coinmarketcap - they update in real time our circulating supply, they have full detail of all our wallets.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CoinClarity on February 13, 2019, 07:03:48 AM
No, we do not give in to persons that try to blackmail us : In December coinclarity pubishes on their blog an article about us that we are "scam" (without checking facts with us or even warning us about the article), then 2 months later they start investigating if their is really something wrong with our coin. Would you still answer such persons ? For those who want to know our circulating supply, please check Coinmarketcap - they update in real time our circulating supply, they have full detail of all our wallets.

Ben, we have nothing to do with your alleged blackmailers, and that has nothing to do with the fact that coins are moving in and out of your "locked" addresses. Furthermore we did communicate with your other team member before publishing the article, on your Telegram. You could read through it and find messages I wrote there before the article was published, unless you deleted them all already.

The reasons we think your coin is a scam are well outlined in our article:

Primarily, you're offering thousands-fold returns on your coin without going into detail why that would happen, which is a strategy used by Ponzi schemes to entice greedy people that can't help themselves into buying their coin. You have absolutely no plans for real-world use case scenarios and the one reason you give to people to buy your coin is "because it will go up in value." That's a scam.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 13, 2019, 09:36:57 PM
No, we do not give in to persons that try to blackmail us : In December coinclarity pubishes on their blog an article about us that we are "scam" (without checking facts with us or even warning us about the article), then 2 months later they start investigating if their is really something wrong with our coin. Would you still answer such persons ? For those who want to know our circulating supply, please check Coinmarketcap - they update in real time our circulating supply, they have full detail of all our wallets.

Ben, we have nothing to do with your alleged blackmailers, and that has nothing to do with the fact that coins are moving in and out of your "locked" addresses. Furthermore we did communicate with your other team member before publishing the article, on your Telegram. You could read through it and find messages I wrote there before the article was published, unless you deleted them all already.

The reasons we think your coin is a scam are well outlined in our article:

Primarily, you're offering thousands-fold returns on your coin without going into detail why that would happen, which is a strategy used by Ponzi schemes to entice greedy people that can't help themselves into buying their coin. You have absolutely no plans for real-world use case scenarios and the one reason you give to people to buy your coin is "because it will go up in value." That's a scam.

Our locked supply is in several wallets (1 Ledger with 4 trillion, 3 wallets with 350 Billion, 2 wallets with about 200 Billion, 1 wallet with 50 Billion, and a high number of (paper and online) wallets with smaller amounts). We had a lot of communication with Coinmarketcap about this, who wanted full clarity about all these wallets before they listed us. For our real circulating supply, see coinmarketcap who do update this in real-time.

That "other Team Member" (Aceboss) is NO team member of our project team. He is an external consultant, who was hired with the specific task to set up our different Telegram Groups and to increase our number of Twitter/facebook  followers. He has done good work on these tasks during about 2 months, and moved on to a new project. He has never been fully briefed about our real long term targets, and was as such not the correct person to explain this.

We position the FREE coin as the ideal starterscoin, to learn how to use wallets, exchanges, bots, ... Because of its low price it can be used without financial risks by novices. Via paypal we try to reach the complete starters, via the other exchanges we offered the FREE at the lowest cost possible on that exchange (and yes in BTC or ETH pairs this is more expensive that in USD,NXT,LTC,HTML,... pairs.

We will NOT release more than 4 Trillion coins, if the prices does not reach specific milestones. First milestone (0.000001 USD) has been reached as per CMC, but extra coins are not yet released (because not needed at this moment for the project) although we are allowed to release another 0.5 Trillion (see our whitepaper)

On Exchange Listings we did already spent more than 3 times the money that was collected by our sale of FREE coins (from the initial 4 trillion : 1,7 trillion were donated and 2.3 trillion were sold at prices between 0,01 and 0,4 gwei). Is that the typical approach of a scam ? we do not think so....

The "peaks" in coinmarketcap were not wanted neither caused by us : Coinmarketcap does not calculate a real weighted average price over all transactions, they calculate by excluding "outliers". Most of the time they exclude our high prices (FREE/BTC), but at those moments they excluded our low prices and as such overestimated our value. We are not responsable for this, we are also not happy with this because it confuses investors. So we did never manipulate the market contrary to your accusations. At this moment we are active on 22 Exchanges (with 31 pairs) so it should be clear that no one can manipulate the FREE coin sales unless you have access to enormous financial means.

And yes, technical speaken we are a "token", not a coin. But are we a scam because we call ourself a coin ? Then Binance Coin (BNB) is also a scam, because it is also a token on the ETH network. And 95 % of all coins are scams, because they are also tokens on the ETH or ETC blockchain ?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on February 14, 2019, 06:10:09 AM

And yes, technical speaken we are a "token", not a coin. But are we a scam because we call ourself a coin ? Then Binance Coin (BNB) is also a scam, because it is also a token on the ETH network. And 95 % of all coins are scams, because they are also tokens on the ETH or ETC blockchain ?

No, you're a scam because you're promising / suggesting your token will accrue insane returns without explaining why. As was mentioned in the post above, the only reason you give to people as to why they should buy your token is "because it will increase in value." Nobody ever said anything about you calling your token a coin the reason why you're a scam. You're a scam for a long laundry list of other reasons:

1. No team (sounds like its just you at this point)
2. No roadmap (outside of your huge price increase expectations)
3. No real ideas, much less innovation
4. You want to be a "universal currency" but ignore the fact that people already need ETH to transact your token.
5. You won't publish the addresses of your locked coins, and it would appear that coins are being moved from the one with 4 billion to exchanges.

On top of all of this, the token's price movements  can be characterized by a flurry of suckerings. you have your highest volume at low prices, and lowest volume at high prices. Everybody who buys in for more than 1 gwei always gets smashed. There's no reason this would ever change.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: josegines on February 14, 2019, 03:11:07 PM
Everybody who buys in for more than 1 gwei always gets smashed. There's no reason this would ever change.

It's been a long time below 1 Gwei

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on February 14, 2019, 03:59:06 PM
Everybody who buys in for more than 1 gwei always gets smashed. There's no reason this would ever change.

It's been a long time below 1 Gwei

Right, you just proved my point... The median ETH tx fee is currently 32,000 GWEI... this means somebody would need to send about 80,000 FREE in order to equal the gas cost for the transaction.

So Ben's model of their being enough FREE for each person on the planet to have 1,400 is bogus. Why send 1,000 of 1 coin when the cost is 80,000 to send it?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Dump3er on February 15, 2019, 10:51:43 AM
No, we do not give in to persons that try to blackmail us : In December coinclarity pubishes on their blog an article about us that we are "scam" (without checking facts with us or even warning us about the article), then 2 months later they start investigating if their is really something wrong with our coin. Would you still answer such persons ? For those who want to know our circulating supply, please check Coinmarketcap - they update in real time our circulating supply, they have full detail of all our wallets.

Ben, we have nothing to do with your alleged blackmailers, and that has nothing to do with the fact that coins are moving in and out of your "locked" addresses. Furthermore we did communicate with your other team member before publishing the article, on your Telegram. You could read through it and find messages I wrote there before the article was published, unless you deleted them all already.

The reasons we think your coin is a scam are well outlined in our article:

Primarily, you're offering thousands-fold returns on your coin without going into detail why that would happen, which is a strategy used by Ponzi schemes to entice greedy people that can't help themselves into buying their coin. You have absolutely no plans for real-world use case scenarios and the one reason you give to people to buy your coin is "because it will go up in value." That's a scam.

Our locked supply is in several wallets (1 Ledger with 4 trillion, 3 wallets with 350 Billion, 2 wallets with about 200 Billion, 1 wallet with 50 Billion, and a high number of (paper and online) wallets with smaller amounts). We had a lot of communication with Coinmarketcap about this, who wanted full clarity about all these wallets before they listed us. For our real circulating supply, see coinmarketcap who do update this in real-time.

That "other Team Member" (Aceboss) is NO team member of our project team. He is an external consultant, who was hired with the specific task to set up our different Telegram Groups and to increase our number of Twitter/facebook  followers. He has done good work on these tasks during about 2 months, and moved on to a new project. He has never been fully briefed about our real long term targets, and was as such not the correct person to explain this.

We position the FREE coin as the ideal starterscoin, to learn how to use wallets, exchanges, bots, ... Because of its low price it can be used without financial risks by novices. Via paypal we try to reach the complete starters, via the other exchanges we offered the FREE at the lowest cost possible on that exchange (and yes in BTC or ETH pairs this is more expensive that in USD,NXT,LTC,HTML,... pairs.

We will NOT release more than 4 Trillion coins, if the prices does not reach specific milestones. First milestone (0.000001 USD) has been reached as per CMC, but extra coins are not yet released (because not needed at this moment for the project) although we are allowed to release another 0.5 Trillion (see our whitepaper)

On Exchange Listings we did already spent more than 3 times the money that was collected by our sale of FREE coins (from the initial 4 trillion : 1,7 trillion were donated and 2.3 trillion were sold at prices between 0,01 and 0,4 gwei). Is that the typical approach of a scam ? we do not think so....

The "peaks" in coinmarketcap were not wanted neither caused by us : Coinmarketcap does not calculate a real weighted average price over all transactions, they calculate by excluding "outliers". Most of the time they exclude our high prices (FREE/BTC), but at those moments they excluded our low prices and as such overestimated our value. We are not responsable for this, we are also not happy with this because it confuses investors. So we did never manipulate the market contrary to your accusations. At this moment we are active on 22 Exchanges (with 31 pairs) so it should be clear that no one can manipulate the FREE coin sales unless you have access to enormous financial means.

And yes, technical speaken we are a "token", not a coin. But are we a scam because we call ourself a coin ? Then Binance Coin (BNB) is also a scam, because it is also a token on the ETH network. And 95 % of all coins are scams, because they are also tokens on the ETH or ETC blockchain ?

Could you please obtain a statement from coinmarketcap that they are fully away of all your mysteriously private locked wallets and that they will inform the public once you start moving those coins without public consent? Or publish the addresses.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 16, 2019, 06:58:30 PM

Could you please obtain a statement from coinmarketcap that they are fully away of all your mysteriously private locked wallets and that they will inform the public once you start moving those coins without public consent? Or publish the addresses.

Finally someone who asks it in a friendly way ...

OK, I did sent today a service request to to receive from them the list of locked ETH accounts they use to calculate in real-time our circulating supply.

Take into account that a reply may take a number of days.

Once received, I will publish the answer of CMC in this topic.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 18, 2019, 05:57:20 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: msdong on February 20, 2019, 12:20:43 PM
Someone is buying all FREECOINS on exchange??

FreeCoin Price on 0.0000000799 ETH look at Trade History :-)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 20, 2019, 01:51:57 PM
Someone is buying all FREECOINS on exchange??

FreeCoin Price on 0.0000000799 ETH look at Trade History :-)


some time ago we advised (for technical reasons with this distributed exchange) our user community to no longer trade FREE on Tradex . We also removed Tradex from our website.
As from then we have not been following how trading goes on that exchange ...

But indeed : looks as if someone is making a beautifull margin : buy cheap at tokenstore or hotbit or ... and sell 100x more expensive at

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 20, 2019, 02:41:29 PM

In our main telegram group we are currently running a POLL about the 6 Trillion FREE coins still controled by the project team.

Our proposal is that we deposit them all at a Notary, who will have full control of these coins.

This Notary will only release FREE coins to the project team, when the conditions for the release have been met (that is : when price levels as described in the whitepaper are realized).

We will respect the decision of our coinholders, poll is started now and will go on for 24 hours.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on February 20, 2019, 03:30:10 PM
You probably should because it will help keep you honest.

Just 5 days ago you moved coins from your 2nd biggest address to TokenStore:

So they are not "locked" addresses if you are moving coins out of them.

Also, this will always look ridiculous no matter how you try to justify it:

First of all, the price of ETH at the end of 2018 was $132, not $950 as you predicted in your spreadsheet.

Your market cap prediction for FREE was very close, but you are predicting it will go up 20 fold (2,000%) by the end of 2019, without explaining _why_.

Furthermore, you are suggesting that FREE's market cap will be 8.3 TRILLION by 2025. This is approximately 8x bigger than Ethereum itself according to your price prediction of $8,300 by this year.

So I just have one last question: were you high on crack when you came up with these estimates, or are you trying to lure people into buying your token with absurdly high profits?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CoinClarity on March 01, 2019, 10:23:27 AM
I notice that CMC has changed your total coins in circulation to 8.7 trillion:

So much for this schedule:

I also notice you edited your "locked" addresses post and removed all of them. Don't worry, I saved them all in a spreadsheet.

Address                                                                  Billions
0x5E49fDf3224db161671ca5445c6CdFf533833D30    4262
0xdad3f160F858AC82dF8AF5DEAb03EB2b1A7e44d5    724
0xf51A8cEE8d3e9Dc1764D2b6ef3FAD973ebDb0eC5    31
0x7e7b9f644d13a45f5119ef4834a505f608948698    350
0x8a3efbd50dd1796551ceb1836d39695823f8d152    350
0xec7e4557d37d469f42f60d7c1996f7022a338a65    350
0x17111165634194a31cdf7312f430225381b9830d    249
0xb24a94E9225B026AdBC2Dd3B08a4D99D83f2C8dD    50
0x1307b8d863E0cfc147AD0953613F98BbDF95be41    70
0x91f18e873233554F098AA28dEa12aCb6e37fe61     60
0x85fC404937cc106139EEE67839238d2DD1b20D3D    50
0x4a4296b35117C6F1173e579a05C8919F0949D15b    50
0x3c81FDB58998bcE6d9cA434e1A6FD3F81b26cf9d    30
0x66Cd51defFd6A0ABb292f2a947641370e468D70b    30
0x7Af98F995B1a64E26C73eb4802D8Af4b71f98825    30
0x9BF09Ae8638014e187f256DC826d9677caC4819E    10
0xd14603916F3e88147BF83f005dF8f097AC6541B5    10
0xA00B664C06Cb4F5Ef5d18CD74E81D96B998a7063    10
0x2Db9AF562c24B1788077b3d7482A8010B15E893d    5
0xFF604abBCC87B5b9273B1200126152cfa96f7455    2
0x8daD23a7D4980dCC5f35C7BE778c70eB426D58b7    2
0x4D83Bb32298c11Ff87e13C04463ED485b049ef88    1
0x99E199f253460bc9053A70758Ce96F2fC4Dd441A    1

The ones in red are addresses that have coins move out of them in August or later. I notice if you subtract them from the total, that leaves around 1.4 trillion "locked" coins.

Since 10t - 8.7t = 1.3t, that means you have probably moved around 100 billion coins in addition since my last calculation.

Congrats on your $10 million market cap.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on March 03, 2019, 05:55:02 PM
We removed our locked addresses because they were no longer valid : we had a poll in our main telegram group, 96 % of the participating voters approved the proposal to transfer the 6 trillion FREE coin in "locked addresses" to an external Notary. This Notary will manage this stock of FREE coins as described in the whitepaper.

Regarding the price/marketcap : we are perfectly on planning to meet our predictions

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Dump3er on March 04, 2019, 09:28:01 PM

Could you please obtain a statement from coinmarketcap that they are fully away of all your mysteriously private locked wallets and that they will inform the public once you start moving those coins without public consent? Or publish the addresses.

Finally someone who asks it in a friendly way ...

OK, I did sent today a service request to to receive from them the list of locked ETH accounts they use to calculate in real-time our circulating supply.

Take into account that a reply may take a number of days.

Once received, I will publish the answer of CMC in this topic.

My statement wasn't either meant to be friendly or unfriendly, but I just don't believe that you'll receive the answer from CMC your are looking for.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on March 12, 2019, 01:12:19 AM

What's new for FREE?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: mixasik on March 27, 2019, 04:33:33 AM
volume at stex $75000  :o
luring people to a khaliava.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on March 27, 2019, 05:28:33 AM
volume at stex $75000  :o
luring people to a khaliava.  ;D

Idiots are buying it at its maximum price (1 gwei).

With a buy wall of 4,270 ETH it will never reach 2.

Ben (the token creator) always gets first crack at listing orders on new exchanges, and with trillions of FREE under his control you can rest assured the price will never get higher than this. Contrary to whatever he claims, the total number of tokens in circulation is 8.7 trillion, you can verify this on CMC yourself:

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: farrokh on March 29, 2019, 05:54:24 AM
when will this coin listed on binance?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Syndrome on March 29, 2019, 06:32:08 AM
volume at stex $75000  :o
luring people to a khaliava.  ;D

Idiots are buying it at its maximum price (1 gwei).

With a buy wall of 4,270 ETH it will never reach 2.

Ben (the token creator) always gets first crack at listing orders on new exchanges, and with trillions of FREE under his control you can rest assured the price will never get higher than this. Contrary to whatever he claims, the total number of tokens in circulation is 8.7 trillion, you can verify this on CMC yourself:

The developers have all the cards and can lower the price on the exchanges without any problems. The fact that the sale of such a number of tokens at this price is a shame and a shame.
And thanks for paying attention to the number of tokens in the circulation. As always, the reality is different than the developers want to submit.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: farrokh on March 29, 2019, 06:58:41 AM
this is not eth or btc that you call so many coin!! it is freecoin with the low price. no one had less than 1 miliard of this coin.the exchanges dont aloow withdraw less than 100 milion of this coin.  1 miliard free coin=1 eth  . this means only 4000 people can have 1 miliard free coin or  one eth!!! the number of coin is very low against its price. after listing on binance it will grow and got 5-10 satoshi in 2019. its value will unfolded in 2021 and afterwards. it will get 1$ in 2024.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on March 29, 2019, 07:48:37 AM
this is not eth or btc that you call so many coin!! it is freecoin with the low price. no one had less than 1 miliard of this coin.the exchanges dont aloow withdraw less than 100 milion of this coin.  1 miliard free coin=1 eth  . this means only 4000 people can have 1 miliard free coin or  one eth!!! the number of coin is very low against its price. after listing on binance it will grow and got 5-10 satoshi in 2019. its value will unfolded in 2021 and afterwards. it will get 1$ in 2024.

Your math is wrong. 1 "miliard" = 1 billion = closer to 2 ETH.

If an exchange is charging you $38.90 (100 million FREE) for a withdrawal, you're getting ripped off.

At 8.7 TRILLION coins in circulation, the number of tokens in supply is THE HIGHEST of any coin!

Why on earth would Binance list this crap?

It will not reach a market cap of $8.7 trillion ever. I did the math and Ben expects it to surpass the ETH market cap by several fold, which is, plainly stated, ridiculous.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: farrokh on March 29, 2019, 08:56:36 AM
it is less than 0.000000001 eth in most of markets  means 1miliard= 1 eth . the price on the cheaper markets will rise and achieve to 0.00000001 eth soon and all the prices will equal in different markets.
i lost my money on yoke, prx,roco,zarko & .....  and they support team banned me. but freecoin team reply me and help me several times.  i had 7 succesful trade on this coin. its price had rise from its beginning until now. i love this coin and hold it until it get 1 cent or more .
this is good coin and will list on binance coin soon.if it doesnt list in binance it has enough market for buying and selling. more than 6600 wallet and 23 exchange  supports this coin. it has the most transaction speed such as xrp. all my transaction has done less than 10 seconds by freecoin.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on March 29, 2019, 09:15:13 AM
it is less than 0.000000001 eth in most of markets  means 1miliard= 1 eth . the price on the cheaper markets will rise and achieve to 0.00000001 eth soon and all the prices will equal in different markets.
i lost my money on yoke, prx,roco,zarko & .....  and they support team banned me. but freecoin team reply me and help me several times.  i had 7 succesful trade on this coin. its price had rise from its beginning until now. i love this coin and hold it until it get 1 cent or more .
this is good coin and will list on binance coin soon.if it doesnt list in binance it has enough market for buying and selling. more than 6600 wallet and 23 exchange  supports this coin. it has the most transaction speed such as xrp. all my transaction has done less than 10 seconds by freecoin.

OK... well you are free to lose your money how you choose. Just don't hold your breath waiting for Binance.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Syndrome on April 03, 2019, 07:52:59 AM
it is less than 0.000000001 eth in most of markets  means 1miliard= 1 eth . the price on the cheaper markets will rise and achieve to 0.00000001 eth soon and all the prices will equal in different markets.
i lost my money on yoke, prx,roco,zarko & .....  and they support team banned me. but freecoin team reply me and help me several times.  i had 7 succesful trade on this coin. its price had rise from its beginning until now. i love this coin and hold it until it get 1 cent or more .
this is good coin and will list on binance coin soon.if it doesnt list in binance it has enough market for buying and selling. more than 6600 wallet and 23 exchange  supports this coin. it has the most transaction speed such as xrp. all my transaction has done less than 10 seconds by freecoin.

Keep us up to date )))
If you honestly see what is happening at the price on the exchanges, understand why they gave the project such name. What name will you give the car so she will go.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: farrokh on April 04, 2019, 02:10:15 PM
freecoin is the best coin. This words only encourages me to buy this coin more. Some people always moan without reason. it's not important. You can avoid buying this coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: msdong on April 04, 2019, 05:18:34 PM
freecoin is listed on 0.2% fees good tradehistory

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: golden river mount on April 06, 2019, 04:05:10 AM

I am watching this project.
More things have changed.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: SIRASANI on April 15, 2019, 07:39:39 AM
What About Free Coin ..............?

look at down

Worldwide Wealth Creation Project :

the FREE Coin is a crypto coin that starts with no monetary value, and with a high supply.

With 1400 Free Coins available per person on earth it is the only coin with sufficient supply to be adopted worldwide as store of value and exchange of value (transaction time about 20 seconds).

The FREE COIN has 2 short term objectives :

1) support the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

Between 1 and 5 % of the population uses cryptocurrency in 2017. We need to invite the other 95 % to try out the potential of cryptocurrencies. Therefore we offer a (nearly)FREE Coin, so that everyone can play with this coin without financial risks : create and restore wallets, send to other wallets, test how Exchanges work, ....

2) Be the basis for Airdrops.

Now that Google, Twitter and Facebook block publicity for Cryptocurrencies, how can a new crypto project reach potential investors ?
This is still possible via Airdrops. The holders of the FREE Coin are the ideal target audience for Airdrops. Everyone interested in cryptocurrency can obtain (nearly Free) them and store them in free wallets.
When a new project airdrops towards the holders of the FREE coin, they reach a large audience open for crypto.

The FREE COIN has 1 long term objective : after the mass adoption (nearly for free) it will become the most spread cryptocurrency in the world. People will trust it because of the hands-on experience they have with the FREE COIN. People will start using the FREE COIN as store of value. As the trust in the coin grows, the price will rise. It will become a very profitable investment for the holders. And finally it will FREE all of us from Banks and other 19th century institutions of the old wealth.


1) is the coin really FREE ? For 99,9999 % : to distribute the coin we have to use an exchange, and on an exchange some minimum amounts are imposed ...

1A) The cheapest price we can introduce is 0.0000000001 ether (9 zeros after the decimal point). This is not fully free, but very close to fully free

2B) If you create a "buy order" youself, this buy order should be for minimum 0.001 euro (limit imposed buy the exchange). But there is a way around this : Click on the sales order in the order book to which will display "click here to buy". Then you can change the "amount to buy" to buy 1 FREE Coin for 0.0000000001 ether (about 0.000000037 dollar)

2) Where can we obtain the FREE COIN : at!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH
You can "click" on the Sales Order in the orderbook to "buy", and then indicate that you only want to buy a number of FREE Coin at 0.000000000001 Ether

3) The FREE COIN is an Ethereum ETH ECR20 type of token, so can be stored in every Ethereum ETH wallet. The Ethereum Contract can be found at

4) Will the FREE COIN rise in price ? That is inevitable. Initially it is distributed free of cost, but as more people start to use it the laws of supply and demand will make that the price increase. The price of a coin is based of the TRUST of peole in a coin. Because people use it effectively, the trust will increase over time. The price of the FREE COIN is also linked to the price of Ethereum : if the price of the ETHER rises, also the linked value of the FREE COIN will increase.
The FREE COIN is also very democratic and inclusive : because the initial distribution is free, everyone in the world can become a FREE COIN holder.

Lets redefine the distribution of wealth on earth. Let us drop the 19th century definition of wealth imposed by banks, and let us create and distribute in a democratic and inclusive way the new wealth worldwide.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 15, 2019, 09:09:17 AM



Follow Follow @THE_FREE_COIN

The $FREE coin reached place 21 on .
And still we are among the cheapest crypto on the market. Do not miss out this opportunity ...
#CRYPTOisTheFinancialRevolution #ETH #CryptoNews #coinmarketcap #cryptoisunstoppable #free $FREE

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: SIRASANI on April 15, 2019, 06:30:48 PM
Worldwide Wealth Creation Project : (

the FREE Coin is a crypto coin that starts with no monetary value, and with a high supply.

With 1400 Free Coins available per person on earth it is the only coin with sufficient supply to be adopted worldwide as store of value and exchange of value (transaction time about 20 seconds).

The FREE COIN has 2 short term objectives :

1) support the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.

Between 1 and 5 % of the population uses cryptocurrency in 2017. We need to invite the other 95 % to try out the potential of cryptocurrencies. Therefore we offer a (nearly)FREE Coin, so that everyone can play with this coin without financial risks : create and restore wallets, send to other wallets, test how Exchanges work, ....

2) Be the basis for Airdrops.

Now that Google, Twitter and Facebook block publicity for Cryptocurrencies, how can a new crypto project reach potential investors ?
This is still possible via Airdrops. The holders of the FREE Coin are the ideal target audience for Airdrops. Everyone interested in cryptocurrency can obtain (nearly Free) them and store them in free wallets.
When a new project airdrops towards the holders of the FREE coin, they reach a large audience open for crypto.

The FREE COIN has 1 long term objective : after the mass adoption (nearly for free) it will become the most spread cryptocurrency in the world. People will trust it because of the hands-on experience they have with the FREE COIN. People will start using the FREE COIN as store of value. As the trust in the coin grows, the price will rise. It will become a very profitable investment for the holders. And finally it will FREE all of us from Banks and other 19th century institutions of the old wealth.


1) is the coin really FREE ? For 99,9999 % : to distribute the coin we have to use an exchange, and on an exchange some minimum amounts are imposed ...

1A) The cheapest price we can introduce is 0.0000000001 ether (9 zeros after the decimal point). This is not fully free, but very close to fully free

2B) If you create a "buy order" youself, this buy order should be for minimum 0.001 euro (limit imposed buy the exchange). But there is a way around this : Click on the sales order in the order book to which will display "click here to buy". Then you can change the "amount to buy" to buy 1 FREE Coin for 0.0000000001 ether (about 0.000000037 dollar)

2) Where can we obtain the FREE COIN : at!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH (!/trade/0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH)
You can "click" on the Sales Order in the orderbook to "buy", and then indicate that you only want to buy a number of FREE Coin at 0.000000000001 Ether

3) The FREE COIN is an Ethereum ETH ECR20 type of token, so can be stored in every Ethereum ETH wallet. The Ethereum Contract can be found at (

4) Will the FREE COIN rise in price ? That is inevitable. Initially it is distributed free of cost, but as more people start to use it the laws of supply and demand will make that the price increase. The price of a coin is based of the TRUST of peole in a coin. Because people use it effectively, the trust will increase over time. The price of the FREE COIN is also linked to the price of Ethereum : if the price of the ETHER rises, also the linked value of the FREE COIN will increase.
The FREE COIN is also very democratic and inclusive : because the initial distribution is free, everyone in the world can become a FREE COIN holder.

Lets redefine the distribution of wealth on earth. Let us drop the 19th century definition of wealth imposed by banks, and let us create and distribute in a democratic and inclusive way the new wealth worldwide. (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 18, 2019, 10:07:52 AM


The FREE COIN Retweeted BiteBTC

More and more exhanges & projects start to use rhe $FREE coin to remunerate their users/followers

The FREE COIN added,


Follow us, Retweet & Like this #Airdrop tweet, Tag 2 your followers,
Fill the form  get free #FREE tokens (#ERC20).
We will giveaway  10,000,000,000 #FREE tokens to first 1,250 participants!

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 18, 2019, 10:19:45 AM
The $FREE coin can now be traded against #TUSD on #Mercatox : …

Also FREE/ETH and FREE/BTC pair available on Mercatox.   
#CRYPTOisTheFinancialRevolution #ETH #CryptoNews #coinmarketcap #cryptoisunstoppable #free #tusd #btc


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: legendster on April 18, 2019, 03:12:17 PM
While I don't think Free-coin is an absolute joke.. but the price seems to be manipulated on a regular basis.

I like cheap coins though, so I've put in $10 and basically stashed it in my wallet. Became like $30 ish in a day. I'm not touching it until a major bullrun happens with btc which would be the perfect time to cash out. I'd advice the same thing to any "investor" that might want to risk their money with this.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on April 18, 2019, 07:43:29 PM
While I don't think Free-coin is an absolute joke.. but the price seems to be manipulated on a regular basis.

I like cheap coins though, so I've put in $10 and basically stashed it in my wallet. Became like $30 ish in a day. I'm not touching it until a major bullrun happens with btc which would be the perfect time to cash out. I'd advice the same thing to any "investor" that might want to risk their money with this.

Thank you for not considering us a joke. Neither do we ourselves, if not we would not have listed on 25 exchanges in 1 year (Finexbox is the next exchange to be added)

Calculated price has extreme differences : on CMC they explicitly exclude all our BTC sales (confirmed by CMC) <=> on Coinmarketdaddy they only take into account our BTC sales....

We contacted all the exchanges we are active on with the question not to have bot-trading on our pairs. This to limit manipulation. But price differences between FREE/BTC and FREE/USD pairs will remain important for the near future. We also see that more and more buyers start finding our cheap FREE/USD pairs, which is good.

This price difference is currently confusing some people, so is not an advantage for our coin. We think it will take some months to reach satoshi level on the cheaper pairs.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: CjMapope on April 18, 2019, 07:47:27 PM
highest supply + i think the lowest price i ever seen an ETH token :D
breaking records, just maybe not good ones haha
i read your name as "CryptoBERN" lol  "freecoin" :P

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: SIRASANI on April 19, 2019, 04:54:48 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 21, 2019, 08:03:20 AM


Follow Follow @THE_FREE_COIN

The #FREE coin is ready for the next bull run : in 1 year
 time we listed on 25 Exchanges, these exchanges have a
 TOTAL daily volume of more than 2 Billion USD...
#CRYPTOisTheFinancialRevolution #ETH $FREE #CryptoNews #coinmarketcap #cryptopr #Binance

FREE Coin Markets

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 25, 2019, 07:36:15 AM


Follow Follow @THE_FREE_COIN

Which #cryptocurrency does sell more than 100 BILLION COINS each day ?

Only the #FREE coin !

current price only 0.00000015 USD, do not miss this opportunity to become a whale ...
#CRYPTOisTheFinancialRevolution #ETH $FREE #CryptoNews #cryptopr #Binance

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 25, 2019, 09:00:40 AM


Follow Follow @THE_FREE_COIN

Which #cryptocurrency does sell more than 100 BILLION COINS each day ?

Only the #FREE coin !

current price only 0.00000015 USD, do not miss this opportunity to become a whale ...

#CRYPTOisTheFinancialRevolution #ETH $FREE #CryptoNews #cryptopr #Binance

FREE Coin Markets

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: MARKET+ on April 27, 2019, 06:19:33 AM


Follow Follow @THE_FREE_COIN

Are you disappointed in your current crypto investments ?

Are you looking for an alternative for your $XRP , $Doge , $Verge , ... ?

Invest in the $FREE coin :  

#CRYPTOisTheFinancialRevolution #doge #XRP #verge #altcoin #FREE #altcoinnews #ETH #Crypto

FREE Coin Markets

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on April 28, 2019, 12:10:07 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: stchouse on April 29, 2019, 08:31:35 AM
FREEcoin has a bright future.
FREEcoin, + 25Exchanges where you can trade the FREE coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on May 23, 2019, 07:53:33 AM
BITBERRY is a leading Asian/Korean mobile crypto wallet, available for Apple and Android smartphones.

BITBERRY does an airdrop of 100 000 FREE coin, participation limited to 40 000 persons.

Download Bitberry on your smartphone via APP Store or Google Play : (

Request your 100 000 FREE coin : (

BITBERRY is operated by ROOTONE, the company behind the largest Korean Exchange UPBIT.

BITBERRY allows you to transfer the FREE coin without transaction fees !!

1) Transfers between BITBERRY wallets are always without transaction fee
2) Transfers outside the BITBERRY wallets (towards exchanges, blockchain) : the 10 first transfers per month are without transaction fee

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on May 23, 2019, 08:02:30 AM
BITBERRY does an airdrop of 100 000 FREE coin, participation limited to 40 000 persons.

100,000 FREE?! That's almost an entire penny!  :D

You are pretty generous though, if 40,000 people sign up you will have given away $330 worth of FREE at today's prices.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on May 23, 2019, 08:05:18 AM

In total we are distributing 50 Billion FREE coin via Bitberry (also all their existing korean users receive 100 000 FREE coin + follow up actions providing an "interest" on the FREE stored in Bitberry wallets)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Orair on June 13, 2019, 07:28:01 PM
BiteBtc scammers do not want to give coins, can’t their wallet be blocked? so they don't steal coins
I depozit 280 million there they want some confirmation

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: farrokh on June 14, 2019, 05:14:37 AM
bite btc exchange   stole 1bilion freecoin from me too.they listed freecoin 4-5 times more that other sites to Incite investors.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on June 14, 2019, 11:13:36 AM
we asked coinmarketcap to remove BITEBTC from our "markets", so that other persons would not be tempted to deposit in this exchange. However coinmarketcap estimates that they already give a clear warning on the page of BITEBTC, so they do not remove BITEBTC from our exchange list ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: mein kampf on July 12, 2019, 04:07:51 AM
can i buy Free coin using credit card from the USA?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on July 13, 2019, 03:32:26 PM
can i buy Free coin using credit card from the USA?

yes, via (

but if you have experience with trading on exchanges, you can buy them cheaper via for example CREX24 in FREE/USDT pair or via contiger FREE/USDT

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Major_investor on July 22, 2019, 12:22:22 PM
Dont use Fedlio SCAM
Attention please!

Update July 16th 2019:

As you've all noticed, no longer exists. Instead you will be redirected to

It is promised to release the blocked accounts and funds when a form is filled out and a signature is placed under it.

I had telephone contact with my police officer and the bank in the Seychelles.

The bank has no relation to This was assured by the sales manager and the IT specialist. The manager was unfortunately not reachable, but is informed. I should receive an official e-mail with a statement from the bank within the next few hours. They will investigate the matter.

The police say that it is a normal step for fraudsters to continue cheating. The name bitebtc is now known and branded so a new name is being used and hope is being created. The site is still the same site but with a slightly different design.

To the form and to the letter.
The bank really exists and the address is correct. It is strange that the fraudsters send the letters to this address. Here the police said, probably they have an accomplice at the post office, or one on the bank who intercepts these letters then.

Very important.
Don't send anything to this address. Your letters will be intercepted and the signatures, according to the police, probably used to give up your claims against the fraudsters. Then probably appropriate documents are made. And if not, this is mischief in the Darknet.

Please help everyone and spread the news on social media sites that is the new

Please help everyone.

Thank you very much.

PS: The E-Mail below is from the police officer who is investigating for weeks now. First he answered me via e-mail. Later he called me. (

Fedlio is another attempt at scamming people, they dont need a signed document... Bank of Seychelles knows nothing about this site, FBI has been updated #bitebtc #ScamAlert #FBI

I contacted the bank seychelles commercial bank, and they replied that they do not know this site and that they have not acquired any exchange and is unaware of the subject.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on July 22, 2019, 07:02:51 PM

the person that could give clarity is the Compliance Manager of SCB (Seychelles Commercial Bank):

I would not be wise to claim a link with an existing bank, if it would not be true ?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Danillo17 on August 13, 2019, 11:16:33 PM
Buy hold FREEcoin

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: jfcrock51 on August 22, 2019, 03:29:09 PM
Dont use Fedlio SCAM
Attention please!

Update July 16th 2019:

As you've all noticed, no longer exists. Instead you will be redirected to

It is promised to release the blocked accounts and funds when a form is filled out and a signature is placed under it.

I had telephone contact with my police officer and the bank in the Seychelles.

The bank has no relation to This was assured by the sales manager and the IT specialist. The manager was unfortunately not reachable, but is informed. I should receive an official e-mail with a statement from the bank within the next few hours. They will investigate the matter.

The police say that it is a normal step for fraudsters to continue cheating. The name bitebtc is now known and branded so a new name is being used and hope is being created. The site is still the same site but with a slightly different design.

To the form and to the letter.
The bank really exists and the address is correct. It is strange that the fraudsters send the letters to this address. Here the police said, probably they have an accomplice at the post office, or one on the bank who intercepts these letters then.

Very important.
Don't send anything to this address. Your letters will be intercepted and the signatures, according to the police, probably used to give up your claims against the fraudsters. Then probably appropriate documents are made. And if not, this is mischief in the Darknet.

Please help everyone and spread the news on social media sites that is the new

Please help everyone.

Thank you very much.

PS: The E-Mail below is from the police officer who is investigating for weeks now. First he answered me via e-mail. Later he called me. (

Fedlio is another attempt at scamming people, they dont need a signed document... Bank of Seychelles knows nothing about this site, FBI has been updated #bitebtc #ScamAlert #FBI

I contacted the bank seychelles commercial bank, and they replied that they do not know this site and that they have not acquired any exchange and is unaware of the subject.


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on August 22, 2019, 03:50:28 PM
Dont use Fedlio SCAM
Attention please!

Update July 16th 2019:

As you've all noticed, no longer exists. Instead you will be redirected to

It is promised to release the blocked accounts and funds when a form is filled out and a signature is placed under it.

I had telephone contact with my police officer and the bank in the Seychelles.

The bank has no relation to This was assured by the sales manager and the IT specialist. The manager was unfortunately not reachable, but is informed. I should receive an official e-mail with a statement from the bank within the next few hours. They will investigate the matter.

The police say that it is a normal step for fraudsters to continue cheating. The name bitebtc is now known and branded so a new name is being used and hope is being created. The site is still the same site but with a slightly different design.

To the form and to the letter.
The bank really exists and the address is correct. It is strange that the fraudsters send the letters to this address. Here the police said, probably they have an accomplice at the post office, or one on the bank who intercepts these letters then.

Very important.
Don't send anything to this address. Your letters will be intercepted and the signatures, according to the police, probably used to give up your claims against the fraudsters. Then probably appropriate documents are made. And if not, this is mischief in the Darknet.

Please help everyone and spread the news on social media sites that is the new

Please help everyone.

Thank you very much.

PS: The E-Mail below is from the police officer who is investigating for weeks now. First he answered me via e-mail. Later he called me. (

Fedlio is another attempt at scamming people, they dont need a signed document... Bank of Seychelles knows nothing about this site, FBI has been updated #bitebtc #ScamAlert #FBI

I contacted the bank seychelles commercial bank, and they replied that they do not know this site and that they have not acquired any exchange and is unaware of the subject.


How ridiculous : BTC, ETC, LTC, ... all important coins are listed on BiteBTC, so they are all scams ??

We listed mid 2018 when there was no problem with BiteBTC, they only became a scam exchange early 2019 ...

What a stupid guy you are ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: ereverton on September 07, 2019, 06:28:44 PM
3,399 viewsSep 5, 2019, 05:58pm
These Startups Show Blockchain's Potential In Various Industries
Joresa Blount
Joresa BlountContributor
Enterprise & Cloud

Value Transfer

Blockchain can be a secure medium for value transfer (like the Bitcoin network), where nodes agree on the status of a public ledger. Altcoins, which are smaller crypto projects, appeal to smaller niches. For example, the Free Coin project encourages unbanked people to use crypto, and to switch from fiat to digital funds. Their tech enables peer-to-peer payments that feature low fees.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on September 08, 2019, 12:53:31 PM
3,399 viewsSep 5, 2019, 05:58pm
These Startups Show Blockchain's Potential In Various Industries
Joresa Blount
Joresa BlountContributor
Enterprise & Cloud

Value Transfer

Blockchain can be a secure medium for value transfer (like the Bitcoin network), where nodes agree on the status of a public ledger. Altcoins, which are smaller crypto projects, appeal to smaller niches. For example, the Free Coin project encourages unbanked people to use crypto, and to switch from fiat to digital funds. Their tech enables peer-to-peer payments that feature low fees.

Yes, we are very happy that FORBES did select FREE coin as one of the blockchain startup's they wrote about in that artice.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on October 10, 2019, 07:23:30 AM
You have a project with an ERC20 token, and you want to list it on an Exchange ?

The #FREE coin project launches it's own DEX : (

ALL ERC20 tokens can list WITHOUT COST at our Exchange !!!! You can do this yourself, by selecting "ADD token"
We use the back-end/smart contract of #McAfeeDex. Thank you @officialmcafee !

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: kc2335 on November 10, 2019, 01:57:27 AM
프리코인은 FREE  전세계  사람들이 모두 보유하는 동전이 될것이다
이것은 곧 우리들의 희망이 될것이며  불꽃처럼 오를것이다
누구나 부의 동참할수 있다는 확신을 가져본다

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 21, 2019, 08:11:21 PM

The  #FREE coin is committed to actively support real world crypto adoption.

Therefore the FREE coin will be implemented as a payment coin in several vending and e-commerce solutions.

Our first 2 implementations :

1) FREE coin implemented in the vending machines : buy a coffee and pay with FREE coin ! How ? See : (

2) FREE coin implemented  in the #weshopwithcrypto marketplace. You can also become a vendor on this platform, sell your products and get paid in crypto ! See (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 21, 2019, 02:20:30 PM
Just want to point out that I was right about this coin the entire time.

It is not because Nutildah thinks that the free coin is a scam coin, that we are a scam coin.... Behind a keyboard everyone consider himself very powerful, especially when they can criticise other projects.

Hi Nutildah, our favorite troll attacking every posting about the FREE coin :)

About the prices :
1) we realized the price target for 2018
2) for 2019 we will certainly realize the price target in ETH, the price evolution of ETH itself will determine if we will realize the price target in USD ...

We estimate we are progressing as we hoped at start :)

Today's market cap ( $579,293 USD

Oops. Quite a bit a ways from $19 million, don't you think? How's the estimates for your progression looking now?

The truth is you offered absurd returns on your token in order to entice investors, which was entirely dishonest. Now that your coins is worth only 3% of what you "estimated" it to be by January 1st, 2020, it should be plainly obvious that you were lying from the get-go. You had no plans for development, no plans for adoption, just "buy my coin because it will go up in value."

Your token is actually worth half as much today as it was exactly 1 year ago. Everybody who invested in it ever got screwed. And who profited? You, and only you.

You sold them a pile of garbage by promising crazy returns. If this was a stock you would definitely be under investigation for securities fraud.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AmoreJaz on December 21, 2019, 11:48:45 PM

The  #FREE coin is committed to actively support real world crypto adoption.

Therefore the FREE coin will be implemented as a payment coin in several vending and e-commerce solutions.

Our first 2 implementations :

1) FREE coin implemented in the vending machines : buy a coffee and pay with FREE coin ! How ? See : (

2) FREE coin implemented  in the #weshopwithcrypto marketplace. You can also become a vendor on this platform, sell your products and get paid in crypto ! See (

more of this actual usage and maybe, maybe people will start to believe that this coin has real usage in the market. but if you will manage only few merchants, then your goal of being in the global arena is just a dream.
im not availing this coin atm because i have the impression that you will just be a holder of worthless tokens in the long run...everyone if free to fill their own bags anyway..

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on December 22, 2019, 02:11:02 AM

The  #FREE coin is committed to actively support real world crypto adoption.

Therefore the FREE coin will be implemented as a payment coin in several vending and e-commerce solutions.

Our first 2 implementations :

1) FREE coin implemented in the vending machines : buy a coffee and pay with FREE coin ! How ? See : (

2) FREE coin implemented  in the #weshopwithcrypto marketplace. You can also become a vendor on this platform, sell your products and get paid in crypto ! See (

more of this actual usage and maybe, maybe people will start to believe that this coin has real usage in the market. but if you will manage only few merchants, then your goal of being in the global arena is just a dream.
im not availing this coin atm because i have the impression that you will just be a holder of worthless tokens in the long run...everyone if free to fill their own bags anyway..

Why wouldn't people just use Ethereum for these purposes? What's the advantage of using a highly-volatile token which you have to pay a transaction fee in ETH to use anyway?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 24, 2019, 10:50:57 AM

The  #FREE coin is committed to actively support real world crypto adoption.

Therefore the FREE coin will be implemented as a payment coin in several vending and e-commerce solutions.

Our first 2 implementations :

1) FREE coin implemented in the vending machines : buy a coffee and pay with FREE coin ! How ? See : (

2) FREE coin implemented  in the #weshopwithcrypto marketplace. You can also become a vendor on this platform, sell your products and get paid in crypto ! See (

more of this actual usage and maybe, maybe people will start to believe that this coin has real usage in the market. but if you will manage only few merchants, then your goal of being in the global arena is just a dream.
im not availing this coin atm because i have the impression that you will just be a holder of worthless tokens in the long run...everyone if free to fill their own bags anyway..

Why wouldn't people just use Ethereum for these purposes? What's the advantage of using a highly-volatile token which you have to pay a transaction fee in ETH to use anyway?

we DO NOT need to pay in ETHER (gas) for using the FREE coin in the use cases we presented :

1) to pay with FREE on the vending machines and the Point of Sales systems of IVENDPAY you only need to have FREE in your mobile wallet, no ETH.
2) to pay via your mobile using a QR code : you can use SWFT PAY to pay with FREE without needing ETH in your mobile wallet

The FREE coin is indeed volatile, but ETH is at least as volatile ...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 26, 2019, 09:22:09 AM

I replied also to the projected price table that you published

My reply was already 2 times removed by a moderator ? Are we as a project team not allowed anymore to reply to attacks on our project ??

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on December 27, 2019, 04:44:50 PM

The FREE coin will list on .

As per Coinmarketcap, this is the 6th largest exchange in "adjusted volume"

As per Coingecko, this is the 2nd largest exchange in "adjusted volume".

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 03, 2020, 08:35:44 PM

The FREE coin can now be traded on Coinsbit. As per Coingecko, this is the second largest exchange expressed in adjusted volume

Next week the FREE coin will be listed on TAGZ. As per Coinmarketcap, this is the largest exchange with a daily volume of about 3 Billion USD.

Our community keeps growing fast, and now counts more than 30 000 wallet holders.

2020 started well for our project.

Thank you for your support.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: shkwarka333 on January 09, 2020, 05:23:48 AM

The FREE coin will list on .

As per Coinmarketcap, this is the 6th largest exchange in "adjusted volume"

As per Coingecko, this is the 2nd largest exchange in "adjusted volume".


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: shkwarka333 on January 16, 2020, 10:18:00 PM

The FREE coin will list on .

As per Coinmarketcap, this is the 6th largest exchange in "adjusted volume"

As per Coingecko, this is the 2nd largest exchange in "adjusted volume".

This project is developing very quickly in my opinion if you really want to make money buy this cryptocurrency, it is not a financial recommendation.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AmoreJaz on January 16, 2020, 10:25:57 PM

The FREE coin will list on .

As per Coinmarketcap, this is the 6th largest exchange in "adjusted volume"

As per Coingecko, this is the 2nd largest exchange in "adjusted volume".

This project is developing very quickly in my opinion if you really want to make money buy this cryptocurrency, it is not a financial recommendation.

do you think someone will gain from buying this coin where no one wants to buy it anymore  even at 1 sat?

how can you say that this is developing very quickly? really not a good financial reco!!! i would suggest stay away from this coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: nutildah on January 17, 2020, 03:58:31 AM
This project is developing very quickly in my opinion if you really want to make money buy this cryptocurrency, it is not a financial recommendation.

do you think someone will gain from buying this coin where no one wants to buy it anymore  even at 1 sat?

how can you say that this is developing very quickly? really not a good financial reco!!! i would suggest stay away from this coin.

The actual price of this coin is: 0.00000000001367 BTC. That's far, far less than 1 sat.

The guy recommending people buy it for 1 sat has absolutely no morals.

This is just another Ponzi Ethereum token. It has absolutely no utility and the only reason people dabble in it is to convince greater fools to buy it from them at a higher price (as witnessed above).

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AmoreJaz on January 17, 2020, 02:45:11 PM
This project is developing very quickly in my opinion if you really want to make money buy this cryptocurrency, it is not a financial recommendation.

do you think someone will gain from buying this coin where no one wants to buy it anymore  even at 1 sat?


how can you say that this is developing very quickly? really not a good financial reco!!! i would suggest stay away from this coin.

The actual price of this coin is: 0.00000000001367 BTC. That's far, far less than 1 sat.

The guy recommending people buy it for 1 sat has absolutely no morals.

This is just another Ponzi Ethereum token. It has absolutely no utility and the only reason people dabble in it is to convince greater fools to buy it from them at a higher price (as witnessed above).

and sometimes those who are advising to buy a worthless coin are those that bought it at a higher price or part of the team. they want others to suffer esp those gullible ones.
no one in their right mind  will buy this dying coin and let themselves be bag holder of trash!
global crypto usage? can they give a couple of merchants accepting their coin? i dont think so...

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 18, 2020, 11:11:04 AM
This project is developing very quickly in my opinion if you really want to make money buy this cryptocurrency, it is not a financial recommendation.

do you think someone will gain from buying this coin where no one wants to buy it anymore  even at 1 sat?


how can you say that this is developing very quickly? really not a good financial reco!!! i would suggest stay away from this coin.

The actual price of this coin is: 0.00000000001367 BTC. That's far, far less than 1 sat.

The guy recommending people buy it for 1 sat has absolutely no morals.

This is just another Ponzi Ethereum token. It has absolutely no utility and the only reason people dabble in it is to convince greater fools to buy it from them at a higher price (as witnessed above).

and sometimes those who are advising to buy a worthless coin are those that bought it at a higher price or part of the team. they want others to suffer esp those gullible ones.
no one in their right mind  will buy this dying coin and let themselves be bag holder of trash!
global crypto usage? can they give a couple of merchants accepting their coin? i dont think so...

Yes we can :
All vendors accepting the solution of Ivendpay for vending machines and Point of Sales
All vendors accepting SWFT PAY (qr code payment for webshops and point of sales)
Bitberry (a leading Asian crypto wallet, on which 12 % of our total supply is stored by mostly Korean holders) offers Bitberry PAY, to pay directly from Bitberry to marketplaces and webshops.
We are also preparing our listing on, the most used platform for crypto e-payments.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: Janu Hyder on January 19, 2020, 05:59:13 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AACNC on January 27, 2020, 04:54:57 AM
FREEcoin information and freecoin listed exchanges

FREEcoin homepage :
FREEcoin Telegram Global Group List :

Bitberry Wallet download :

(FREEcoin price information)
Coinmarketcap FREEcoin Ranking and Price Information:
Coingecko FREEcoin Ranking and Price Information:

FREEcoin, low price exchange:
(Probit, FREE_USDT), (Probit, FREE_KRW),
(Crex24, FREE-USD,), (HotBit, FREE_ETH),
(CoinTiger, FREE_USDT), (TokenStore, FREE_ETH),
(Mercatox, FREE / TUSD), (Stex: USDT / FREE), (Catex FREE/USDT)
FREEcoin List of exchanges listed:
1) BestExchange: (Freecoin Owned Exchange)
2) Probit USDT:
   Probit KRW:
3) Coinsbit:
4) TAGZ:
5) Latoken:
6) CoinTiger: = free_usdt
7) Crex24:
8) HotBit:
9) Mercatox:
10) Stex:
11) Altilly:
12) P2PB2B:
14) TokenStore:
15) EtherFlyer:
16) EtherDelta:
17) Satoexchange:
18) BOA Exchange:
19) TokenMom:
20) Instant Bitex:
21) Token Dex:!/trade/FREE-ETH
22) Delta Relay:
23) Tokenjar:
24) Bitcratic:!/trade/FREE-ETH
25) Catex:
26) Finexbox:
27) CryptloDex: symbol =FREE_USDT
29) NFXTRADER exchange:
30) SWFT:
31) Atomicswap:
32) Bitberry Wallet OTC (P2P) Trading:
34) AfroDEX:!/trade/FREE-ETH

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: tirthraj on January 12, 2021, 09:14:53 AM
withdrawal is very high at five star exchages.
 0.02 ETH  thats high amount

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on January 22, 2021, 11:35:25 AM
withdrawal is very high at five star exchages.
 0.02 ETH  thats high amount

Currently FIVESTAR exchange is encountering problems it seems : they published they had problems accessing their cold wallet.  Volume is low on this exchange, best to avoid it untill they solved the technical problems.

Most trading now on PoloniDEX (with peaks to 160 000 USD per day), this is a TRON DEX (of Poloniex), so it can be trusted and withdrawal/transaction fees are very low.

STEX is also a very good exchange, and you can trade the 3 different version of FREE (ERC20, TRC10 or BEP20)

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: tirthraj on January 25, 2021, 03:39:41 PM
Withdrawan free coin from Polonidex to catex its more than 10 days still looking for coin neither telegram admin not support helping me out .

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on February 05, 2021, 09:10:54 AM
Withdrawan free coin from Polonidex to catex its more than 10 days still looking for coin neither telegram admin not support helping me out .

You can contact CATEX support via TELEGRAM : @Bitallexer

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AACNC on February 07, 2021, 10:31:29 AM
FREEcoin information and FREEcoin listed exchanges

FREEcoin homepage:
FREEcoin Telegram Global Group List:                                                                         
(FREEcoin price information)
Coinmarketcap FREEcoin Ranking and Price Information:
Coingecko FREEcoin Ranking and Price Information:

** Strong advice:
Please keep FREE coins in your personal wallet, do not leave them on
the exchange for long (exchanges can be hacked, can go bankrupt,
exchanges can perform withdrawal fraud,...)

FREEcoin List of exchanges listed:
The FREE coin is circulating on the Ethereum Blockchain, Binance Smart Chain and on the TRON blockchain.
 More blockchains will be added in the future.
This makes the FREE coin one of the few cross-blockchain coins (another example of a cross-blockchain coin is USDT)

Trade the FREE
 (ETHEREUM ERC20) on these exchanges
1) BestExchange :
2) Probit KRW :
    Probit USDT:
3) HotBit :
4) Crex24 :
5) Latoken :
6) CATEX :
7) Stex :
8) Mercatox :
10) Coinsbit :
11) Etherflyer :
12) VINDAX :
13) ABIT :
15) EtherDelta :
16) Satoexchange :
17) BOA Exchange :
19) Bitcratic :!/trade/FREE-ETH
20) NFXTRADER exchange :
21) SWFT :
22) Atomicswap :
23) uniswap :

Trade the FREE
 (TRON TRC10) on these exchanges
2) Stex :
3) CATEX :

Trade the FREE
 (Binance BEP20) on these exchanges
1) juldex:
2) julswap:
3) burgerswap:
4) bakeryswap:
5) rubic exchange:
6) pancakeswap:
7) degenswap:
8) anyswap:
9) Innbcswap :

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: tirthraj on March 02, 2021, 10:13:17 AM
Withdrawan free coin from Polonidex to catex its more than 10 days still looking for coin neither telegram admin not support helping me out .

You can contact CATEX support via TELEGRAM : @Bitallexer

Everything done  email also to support but nothing is happening  .
Its More than a month.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: AACNC on March 03, 2021, 03:44:44 PM
FREE coin is a cross-chain multi-block chain.
Coin quantity will remain unchanged and swap between each other through your entire movement to use.
1) Use the Ethereum chain network FREE coin FREE (ERC20),: Payment by transfer fee ETH (approx, 0.01ETH=15USD)
2) use of Binance Smartchain network FREE coin BSC FREE (BEP20),: Payment by transfer fee BNB (approx, 0.01BNB=2.5USD)
3) use Tron network FREE coin FREE (TRC10),: Payment by Transfer Fee TRX (approx, 1TRX=0.05USD)
FREE coin uses several networks like USDT.
Break down the wall of the transfer fee.
Tron network is the cheapest.

Network conversion is exchanged through swap.
Payments to each other should be used on the same network.
ERC20-BEP20 Swap Exchange: STEX, LATOKEN,
The TRC10 is exchanged at STEX for ERC20 or BEP20.
Currently, the swap between ERC20, and BEP20, to TRC10 is not interchangeable.
We are pushing forward with a lot of swaps.

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: toadrw on March 04, 2021, 06:08:24 AM
Where can I buy my free coin for free?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: tirthraj on March 09, 2021, 08:23:35 AM
In December MCAP was  700K USD Now after 3 months i Year 2021 March Its 9000K USD 10X gain Amazing

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on March 19, 2021, 08:16:48 AM
Where can I buy my free coin for free?

currently there is a FAUCET on CREX24 that distributes FREE coin without cost

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: therightguy on March 22, 2021, 06:23:52 PM
Where can I buy my free coin for free?

currently there is a FAUCET on CREX24 that distributes FREE coin without cost

Hello Benn.Is the faucet on crex24 limited?Is there a limit how many times a user can claim?

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on April 13, 2021, 04:10:25 PM
You can claim it every X hours, but no limit per user

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on April 13, 2021, 04:13:17 PM

After several days of strong growth in both price and volume, our FREE coin now reached a marketcap of +100 million USD

Thank you community : we did it without ICO, without support of a large exchange and without support of an influencer.

On BinanceSmartChain we are also the coin with the highest number of wallet holders.

thank you community🧡

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on May 11, 2021, 01:28:04 PM
No fees, only rewards

While credit card companies charge up to 5% for their service, we cut this cost to 0%. Instead we give an exclusive access to discounts and offers our merchants can target to their customers


FREE coin now has more than 450 000 active blockchain wallets, this POS offer makes us a pioneer in using crypto for your daily purchases

More info on

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on June 14, 2021, 02:04:31 PM

On June 15th, 2021 the FREE coin will be listed on, an exchange in the TOP10 in the ranking of Coinmarketcap.

We participated today in a voting to be listed, and already acquired the necessary votes after a coupe of hours


Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on August 19, 2021, 05:04:45 PM

Great news for the holders of FREE coin :

1) FREE coin did reach 4.9 million holders, on Ethereum, BinanceSmartChain and Tron

2) FREE coin launched a DEFI solution to swap, stake, earn and win on top of BinanceSmartChain : FREECOIN.FINANCE (http://FREECOIN.FINANCE)

More info about the FREE coin on (

Title: Re: [ANN] The FREE Coin, the first cryptocurrency for global cryptocurrency usage
Post by: cryptobenn on November 24, 2021, 02:53:18 PM

Discover $FREE coin #DeFi on #BSC : http://FREEcoin.Finance (http://FREEcoin.Finance)

The DEFI solution of FREE coin on BinanceSmartChain supports :

1) Swap BEP20 tokens
2) Liquidity mining
3) Lottery
4) Staking BEP20 tokens (up to 40 % return per year)

Our next development that is ongoing : a specific smartphone wallet for FREE coin

#FREE = crypto payment on vending machines, webshops, retailers + 5 million holders on #BinanceSmartChain, #Tron and #Ethereum

#FREEcoin #FREEcoin_defi