Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cypherdoc on July 29, 2011, 04:17:31 PM

Title: BTC up, USD down, Stocks HAVE ROLLED.
Post by: cypherdoc on July 29, 2011, 04:17:31 PM
what to do?


Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: cypherdoc on July 29, 2011, 07:17:21 PM
debt/GDP is now 100%.

read Reinhart and Rogoff as to what this means.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: cypherdoc on July 29, 2011, 07:34:10 PM
who here remembers Bush bragging about the high home ownership rate of Americans?  they've impoverished us.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: Johnny Pizza on July 29, 2011, 07:39:22 PM

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks HAVE ROLLED.
Post by: cypherdoc on July 29, 2011, 08:12:13 PM
very subtle but meaningful clues today; the threads Subject held true throughout the day.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks HAVE ROLLED.
Post by: evolve on July 29, 2011, 08:30:34 PM
my stocks are still doing fine  ??? .... btc market isnt moving enough for me to make money right now (and my bot is down)....soooo im holding steady on all my investment positions...if i buy anything right now, itll be stocks.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks HAVE ROLLED.
Post by: TraderTimm on July 30, 2011, 02:02:22 AM
I wouldn't touch equity markets with a 10-QE pole. Going to get real interesting once interest rates start to ratchet up. Good luck rolling over that short-term debt, America.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: tvbcof on July 30, 2011, 02:45:23 AM
who here remembers Bush bragging about the high home ownership rate of Americans?  they've impoverished us.

I do indeed remember his 'ownership society' nonsense.  Right when he said it I thought to myself that it was the poor saps who bought homes at that time would end up _being_ owned.  I don't guess that Bush-II was quite as dumb as people seem to think.  Mostly just neurological damaged from cocaine abuse is my guess.  I expect that in this case he knew exactly what was going on and that smirk came directly from his heart.

I bought a few homes earlier this year.  I am pretty sure that I could get a better deal near the end of 2012, but I didn't want to sit on USD until then.  I was quite uncomfortable earlier this year when gold and silver were on a tear so I jumped  (and missed out on the BTC spike due in part to being busy with that stuff.  I would almost certainly be sitting on whatever I had accumulated at that time but I would have gotten in cheaper and probably would have gone mining.)

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: cypherdoc on July 30, 2011, 02:53:34 AM

I bought a few homes earlier this year.  I am pretty sure that I could get a better deal near the end of 2012, but I didn't want to sit on USD until then.  I was quite uncomfortable earlier this year when gold and silver were on a tear so I jumped  (and missed out on the BTC spike due in part to being busy with that stuff.  I would almost certainly be sitting on whatever I had accumulated at that time but I would have gotten in cheaper and probably would have gone mining.)

good luck with those homes.  hopefully for you we don't go into the 2nd wave of deflation.  everyone assumes the Bernank will inflate away their debt.  i'm betting against that.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: tvbcof on July 30, 2011, 03:35:37 AM

I bought a few homes earlier this year.  I am pretty sure that I could get a better deal near the end of 2012, but I didn't want to sit on USD until then.  I was quite uncomfortable earlier this year when gold and silver were on a tear so I jumped  (and missed out on the BTC spike due in part to being busy with that stuff.  I would almost certainly be sitting on whatever I had accumulated at that time but I would have gotten in cheaper and probably would have gone mining.)

good luck with those homes.  hopefully for you we don't go into the 2nd wave of deflation.  everyone assumes the Bernank will inflate away their debt.  i'm betting against that.

I was not worried about either inflation or deflation.  I wanted to be sitting on just about anything but USD or instruments that I needed the help of a semi-functional financial system to capitalize on.  I thought about financing as a hedge if inflation occurred, but in the end the fees and interest made it not make sense to me...and it would have been counter-productive to what I wanted to achieve (e.g., dumping $$$)

I figure that a place to live is always worth about 30%-ish of a typical earners potential no matter what the economic conditions.  And if TSHTF, I'll likely have some family who could use a place to live anyway.  Prices where I bought seemed fair enough even if (both you and) I suspect they very well could be getting even better.

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: hugolp on July 30, 2011, 07:25:33 AM

I bought a few homes earlier this year.  I am pretty sure that I could get a better deal near the end of 2012, but I didn't want to sit on USD until then.  I was quite uncomfortable earlier this year when gold and silver were on a tear so I jumped  (and missed out on the BTC spike due in part to being busy with that stuff.  I would almost certainly be sitting on whatever I had accumulated at that time but I would have gotten in cheaper and probably would have gone mining.)

good luck with those homes.  hopefully for you we don't go into the 2nd wave of deflation.  everyone assumes the Bernank will inflate away their debt.  i'm betting against that.

I bet you a couple of bitcoins that Bernanke will keeps monetizing government debt (whether it calls it QE3 or gives it another name is irrelevant). Deal?

Title: Re: BTC up, USD down, Stocks rolling over.
Post by: cypherdoc on July 30, 2011, 07:34:12 AM

I bought a few homes earlier this year.  I am pretty sure that I could get a better deal near the end of 2012, but I didn't want to sit on USD until then.  I was quite uncomfortable earlier this year when gold and silver were on a tear so I jumped  (and missed out on the BTC spike due in part to being busy with that stuff.  I would almost certainly be sitting on whatever I had accumulated at that time but I would have gotten in cheaper and probably would have gone mining.)

good luck with those homes.  hopefully for you we don't go into the 2nd wave of deflation.  everyone assumes the Bernank will inflate away their debt.  i'm betting against that.

I bet you a couple of bitcoins that Bernanke will keeps monetizing government debt (whether it calls it QE3 or gives it another name is irrelevant). Deal?

LOL!  only a fool would bet against the fact that he will try.

But i will bet you that it doesn't work.  we'd have to come up with a timeframe and a measure of success or failure.  how about we bet that GDP goes negative by the end of 2012?