Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: BTCforJoe on April 08, 2018, 07:45:54 PM

Title: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 08, 2018, 07:45:54 PM
This user has gone too far. He has a problem with me, probably because of my Signatureless Challenge ( and the methods in which it awards deserving members of merits and my personal cash as a reward for posting great quality content on these forums.

I just try to ignore this user, but his posts are now becoming defamatory, libelous and slanderous. I am taking offense to his posts about me, which are unwarranted, and often out of thin air. It's not like he is posting on the tail end of my topics that I post in... Often times, I am only made aware of his posts about me from other users pointing it out. I don't cross paths with him often, but it seems as if he throws my name around quite constantly, which surprises me, as I could not care less about this user.

Until now.

It has reached the point where the things he says are becoming a problem and are meant purely to attack my character. They are never a given context to the topic he is posting in, and the unwarranted/unjustified posts are getting out of hand.

Furthermore, he is a merit source, which I consider to be an extension of the forums, which means he is a representative for the forums. He throws his weight around, regarding this matter, and publicly vocalizes his disdain for the current merit system and the ways that others reward merits for each other. This is fine, and all, but when it became insulting towards others is when it has become a problem.

I have tried to talk to this individual before. I have pleaded with him to stop talking about me. I have tried ignoring him. And this has been done to no avail. It's now getting worse. I don't know what to do in this situation, so I thought I'd post here and get the community's input. Am I just being overdramatic with this? I'd really like for this user to stop talking about me, but he doesn't seem to get it.

Are these types of posts acceptable here? Tell me that they are, and I'll drop the subject matter and simply ignore this user.

Here are some posts that he's written (please keep in mind that I have not provoked him to post any of these things; he's done it all out of the blue and on his own):

Here, he is joking about the merit system and about selling merits. And then he goes on to insult me; I have never posted in that thread or have anything to do with 1Katoshi.

What would you do then? I'm only interested in receiving money without doing the job. show me some respect I'm a merit source. you should call your new version 2 Katoshi. if you accept me as a team member, we could put some merits for sale. $100 per merit. buyers should also join BTCforJoe's challenge in order to receive merits. I need to get rid of BTCforJoe. there has been a few complaints about the soup in the public kitchen where he is helping 100 poor families whilst teaching us humility lessons by having his balls in our throats.  
( (

Here he is again insulting my charity work IRL. I run a soup kitchen and food bank where I feed underprivileged families, and here he is insulting the humanitarian work that I do and posting slanderously about me.

A fair warning for the OP. you should know if you are joining the challenge of the humble BTCforJoe. he used to put his balls in 100 underprivileged families mouths every morning before pouring them some soup, probably mixed with his cum. after writing some posts with good English and getting your merits. go the nearest public kitchen and open your mouth.

Next time, when you go to somebody's house, don't tell them what a shitty house they have. every new member posting a thread like this, it would make this forum a welcoming forum.
( (

Here he is calling my challenge a "merit farm". I put a lot of time and energy into the challenge, and I genuinely care about the overall health of these forums, as is evident by the money and time I put into this challenge on a weekly basis:

I wonder if alia is still around with his (what now? alia wasn't a girl? some girl did show her pussy though on camera) alts?
Sir Jet Cash the second, why don't you register another account and farm some merits in Joe's merit farming topic ( not only it is allowed, you could get 73 merits for encouraging the merit farming.

Here he is altering a quote, and then further providing racist bigotry:

Thanks for the support, guys. now lets gang bang this beggar who'd got lucky to become a source.

Yup, gang bang me. apparently I'm all alone in this and staff made a mistake to make me a source. mexxer-2 where are you man? I need more undeserved merits, these niggers are gang banging me. <Insert lols>.
( (

Continuing to be a racist bigot (he hid this statement inside of a black glow wall at 2pt size):

Don DS, note that everything I've just said above, is an act, lies. we all know that I'm a lier, beggar who would do anything to earn money. I will merit 1 at a time and wont merit the family members in rows. like 1 merit to a random nigger, 1 merit to one of the gang members of the don DarkStar_leone.
Disclaimer: I need merits, where is my supervisor a.k.a mexxer-2 to give me merits in bulk? don't make me beg, I'm trying to build a character here. just a single lol.

I fear that if this is not dealt with now that it will only get worse.

At the very least, I would love for this user to get reprimanded, or at least have the above posts deleted. At the most, I'd love for a staff member to review his post history and ask themselves if they would really like for this individual to continue going around the forums as a representative of the forums as a merit source.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on April 08, 2018, 07:54:26 PM
1.This thread should be moved to - > Reputation since this isn't a forum related issue.

2.Do you see that "ignore" button ? Try it,does wonders.

3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.


show me some respect I'm a merit source
^^ This is where you reply them with a big "Fuck You"

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 08, 2018, 07:58:01 PM
1.This thread should be moved to - > Reputation since this isn't a forum related issue.

2.Do you see that "ignore" button ? Try it,does wonders.

3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.


show me some respect I'm a merit source
^^ This is where you reply them with a big "Fuck You"

Thanks for the tip; I just moved it. I had the user ignored for a few weeks, but others just keep messaging me about him, or other users would quote his posts, to which I feel inclined to have to reply :P

This isn't my case to have them removed as a merit source; I can put together a ton more context for that issue... This is just to have these posts (at least the first two) deleted and maybe the user be reprimanded for their flagrant actions.

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: jackg on April 08, 2018, 07:58:10 PM
2.Do you see that "ignore" button ? Try it,does wonders.
Yes exactly! Just use the ignore button.

show me some respect I'm a merit source
^^ This is where you reply them with a big "Fuck You"

That's probably a comment that is deservant of being removed as a merit source.

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: LoyceV on April 08, 2018, 08:14:25 PM
1.This thread should be moved to - > Reputation since this isn't a forum related issue.
Since it's about a merit source, I'd say it's related to the forum, and fits the Meta board. But the title could be improved (suggestion: replace "User" by "Merit source").

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on April 08, 2018, 08:19:38 PM
1.This thread should be moved to - > Reputation since this isn't a forum related issue.
Since it's about a merit source, I'd say it's related to the forum, and fits the Meta board. But the title could be improved (suggestion: replace "User" by "Merit source").
I was actually thinking about it but couldn't exactly figure out where it should be.I mean usually all the DT member related queries (that is if a specific member is mentioned) are discussed in the Reputation board right ? I applied the same logic here.Title should be changed indeed.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 08, 2018, 08:23:18 PM
Since it's about a merit source, I'd say it's related to the forum, and fits the Meta board. But the title could be improved (suggestion: replace "User" by "Merit source").

I was actually thinking about it but couldn't exactly figure out where it should be.I mean usually all the DT member related queries (that is if a specific member is mentioned) are discussed in the Reputation board right ? I applied the same logic here.Title should be changed indeed.

Done and done. So back to Meta it goes... lol damnit

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Avirunes on April 08, 2018, 08:44:40 PM
Better wait for him to explain on why he opposes Signatureless Challenge. Maybe he has a point opposing such which you haven't got your eyes on. I would say PM him making aware of this thread.

3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.

Totally agree.  Eitherway even if he is removed from merit source , that doesn't means that he might have a different view towards your campaign.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 08, 2018, 09:13:21 PM
I need more undeserved merits, these niggers are gang banging me.
Ouch!  I had digaran on ignore for the longest time, as he tends to write in these disjointed, jarring sentences that I have a hard time reading--but I took him off when he started with the biting sarcasm.  I agree that in this case it's not appropriate, it's insulting, and it's mean-spirited.  But bitcointalk doesn't censor these things, which is refreshing in a way.  

If I were you, I'd just follow the suggestion already given:  Put him on ignore and go about your business as usual.  I wouldn't take the things said about you seriously, because they're written in such a trolling manner.  The merit sales thing is a bit more disturbing, and I hope that as a merit source he's not being serious about doing that.  Maybe Theymos should be made aware of that.  Merit sources might be advised not to even joke about selling merit, seeing as how corrupt most people seem to be on bitcointalk.

I don’t know how you ended up on his radar, but it just goes to show you how irrational his behavior is.
It is indeed irrational, which is all the more reason for you to have a thicker skin about it.  If he's screaming idiotic nonsense, no one is going to take him seriously and thus your reputation isn't really damaged.  Just let it roll off you, and as hard as it might be, put him on ignore and let him stay there.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Jet Cash on April 08, 2018, 09:17:06 PM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 08, 2018, 09:23:21 PM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

He makes blind accusations by calling everyone with an established account an alt of another established account. So far, he has called me an alt of @DarkStar_ and @bill gator. I don’t know how you ended up on his radar, but it just goes to show you how irrational his behavior is.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: max2607 on April 08, 2018, 09:42:56 PM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

He makes blind accusations by calling everyone with an established account an alt of another established account. So far, he has called me an alt of @DarkStar_ and @bill gator. I don’t know how you ended up on his radar, but it just goes to show you how irrational his behavior is.
I don't think you should actually care about the comments he makes, i did see how he he attacks you directly for no reason but as others suggested i feel that's the perfect solution

On a side note what you are doing is a really good move , see lauda how many people troll him daily some even make new accounts with the username insulting him but have you seen him react to it no right same way whenever you do something good there will always be someone trying to insults it's best to not react and move on

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 08, 2018, 09:49:15 PM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

He makes blind accusations by calling everyone with an established account an alt of another established account. So far, he has called me an alt of @DarkStar_ and @bill gator. I don’t know how you ended up on his radar, but it just goes to show you how irrational his behavior is.
I don't think you should actually care about the comments he makes, i did see how he he attacks you directly for no reason but as others suggested i feel that's the perfect solution

On a side note what you are doing is a really good move , see lauda how many people troll him daily some even make new accounts with the username insulting him but have you seen him react to it no right same way whenever you do something good there will always be someone trying to insults it's best to not react and move on

I've always tried to keep him on my ignore list, and he will definitely go back on that list after this ordeal dies down; I just don't like the fact that his trolling has turned into defamation. I could care less about him calling me an alt, but when he implicates that I perform lewd crimes against children, such as ejaculating into the food that I feed starving children and families, that's where I draw the line. Not only are these statements ridiculous, they're accusatory of a criminal matter, which I feel is not okay, even in a joking manner. If this were to happen in real life, I would take this person to court and easily win this case. Don't you think this level of "trolling" here on the forums should be stopped by staff members?

I'm waiting to see how he reacts to this thread; I'll be sure to add him back on my Ignore list afterwards.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: max2607 on April 08, 2018, 10:02:02 PM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

He makes blind accusations by calling everyone with an established account an alt of another established account. So far, he has called me an alt of @DarkStar_ and @bill gator. I don’t know how you ended up on his radar, but it just goes to show you how irrational his behavior is.
I don't think you should actually care about the comments he makes, i did see how he he attacks you directly for no reason but as others suggested i feel that's the perfect solution

On a side note what you are doing is a really good move , see lauda how many people troll him daily some even make new accounts with the username insulting him but have you seen him react to it no right same way whenever you do something good there will always be someone trying to insults it's best to not react and move on

I've always tried to keep him on my ignore list, and he will definitely go back on that list after this ordeal dies down; I just don't like the fact that his trolling has turned into defamation. I could care less about him calling me an alt, but when he implicates that I perform lewd crimes against children, such as ejaculating into the food that I feed starving children and families, that's where I draw the line. Not only are these statements ridiculous, they're accusatory of a criminal matter, which I feel is not okay, even in a joking manner. If this were to happen in real life, I would take this person to court and easily win this case. Don't you think this level of "trolling" here on the forums should be stopped by staff members?

I'm waiting to see how he reacts to this thread; I'll be sure to add him back on my Ignore list afterwards.
I doubt that staff members will take any action against him i do understand your situation making such comments but this isn't something new on the forum i'm sure there are way more worse comments than this and nowadays we are living in a world where people's so called jokes are gone too far

I'm sure you did report his posts to the moderators did they give any reply or just ignored it like most of the troll reports?

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: jackg on April 08, 2018, 11:11:19 PM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

He makes blind accusations by calling everyone with an established account an alt of another established account. So far, he has called me an alt of @DarkStar_ and @bill gator. I don’t know how you ended up on his radar, but it just goes to show you how irrational his behavior is.

Did QS pick up an apprentice from somewhere. I mean it's a slightly different reason why this user is picking up on people but it's quite similar to his style in a lot of ways.

I mean it's never going to be as good as the actual person but we can have a wanna be (for now).

I doubt that staff members will take any action against him i do understand your situation making such comments but this isn't something new on the forum i'm sure there are way more worse comments than this and nowadays we are living in a world where people's so called jokes are gone too far

I'm sure you did report his posts to the moderators did they give any reply or just ignored it like most of the troll reports?

Mods do ignore a lot and staff probably won't do much.
It would be nice to have him removed as a merit source though if he continues to go around like he does and expect respect because he's a merit source.

I think being called an alt of DarkStar_ is a compliment @BTCforJoe.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: bill gator on April 08, 2018, 11:19:09 PM
Are these types of posts acceptable here? Tell me that they are, and I'll drop the subject matter and simply ignore this user.

I've bumped heads with digaran as well, as you're well aware of, because they have accused us of being the same person and other nonsense. To answer your question, yes, they are acceptable as far as I'm aware. People don't get banned for saying nonsense, or even making wild accusations (see quickseller). I've made it a point to just laugh off their posts and accusations, because I'm not even sure if this user is serious, ever. I have also made it a point to send digaran a PM and try to discuss out our disagreements and their accusations; it went pretty well, from my perspective, and I haven't had any negative run-ins with them since.

I would not pay them much mind, because they are either cracking a joke at our expense with dry humor, clueless beyond reason or terribly misunderstood; I do not believe this user to be acting maliciously, only foolishly at times.

I think being called an alt of DarkStar_ is a compliment @BTCforJoe.

I've also taken this as a compliment and moved on.
Even DarkStar_ seems to be enjoying the joke, with their new Personal Message.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Thirdspace on April 09, 2018, 01:32:12 AM
I think being called an alt of DarkStar_ is a compliment @BTCforJoe.

I've also taken this as a compliment and moved on.
Even DarkStar_ seems to be enjoying the joke, with their new Personal Message.

I've seen this kind accusations too many times to different members of ChipMixer sig campaign
apparently a few people think that most of ChipMixer sig wearers are DarkStar_ alts ;D :D :P
don't spend too much time on these things :-* just ignore it and go to the next thread

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: athanz88 on April 09, 2018, 05:41:07 AM
Come on man, dont let shitty person ruins your life and your good work, there are many people who is envious and want to be yourself but they can not. I see nothing wrong with your charity things (irl and forum), in fact, it is great to see humanity in this world with a lot of human now.

@digaran , if you ever read this, it doesnt mean you deserve the respect just because you can give merit to others.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: cabalism13 on April 09, 2018, 05:53:15 AM
I'm not sure why i've got dragged into this. I don't farm merits, and I don't sell or exchange them.

I think he has a problem with you guys that keeps on getting more attention to the public, and maybe it's the reason for you to be dragged on this situation though.

As I've been looking around on this BTCforJoe challenge, I can't see any problem and can't really tell that this is just for merit farming. As for nullius is also one of the participants of this said challenge and considered as a quality poster.

And IMO, He's just jealous of you JOE.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Meepospammer on April 09, 2018, 06:03:40 AM
I remember giving him a merit in this post since he mentioned that he is being ignored and nobody can see his post lol
I thought that it will make him happy but it turn out differently
Either I'm being ignored or nobody could see my posts.

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 09, 2018, 01:30:27 PM
3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.

Offering to sell merits makes the case I think.

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: jackg on April 09, 2018, 01:39:56 PM
3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.

Offering to sell merits makes the case I think.

Especially considering he's a merit source (apparently).

I've seen this kind accusations too many times to different members of ChipMixer sig campaign
apparently a few people think that most of ChipMixer sig wearers are DarkStar_ alts ;D :D :P
don't spend too much time on these things :-* just ignore it and go to the next thread

That is quite an odd observation by other members - I mean it'd be weird if it were true (and also unlikely) I don't think he'd be able to make so many good posots like that without dropping the quality at some point...
I guess that's why he changed his personal message then - in order to humour those accusing him of being an alt?

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: LoyceV on April 09, 2018, 02:07:44 PM
Offering to sell merits makes the case I think.
It's obvious that was a (bad and inappropriate) joke.

I guess that's why he changed his personal message then - in order to humour those accusing him of being an alt?
It took me a while to notice it's just his personal message, I thought he got a special forum tag, like the April fools tags.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: digaran on April 09, 2018, 09:49:05 PM
You are a little shit, and you can shove your almighty merits up your ass.

So, the forum is a little shit? I was representing the forum, right?

I have never considered treating you differently because you're a merit source. I personally don't give a shit that you are a source.

It's not a fucking job. You don't get compensated for it

Why do you think that I am representing the forum then?

almighty merit source who happened to get lucky enough to identify 10 good posts for their application

Lucky for what?

continue going around the forums as a representative of the forums as a merit source.

Which one am I? representative of the forum or a little shit?

Especially considering he's a merit source (apparently).

What do you mean by apparently?

3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.

Offering to sell merits makes the case I think.

Do you know of any idiot paying $100 for 1 merit? if you know somebody. let me know, or are you telling me that I shouldn't make a joke? I wouldn't mind people paying $100 per 1 merit to the forum and not me. they are getting it from their friends anyways, people are getting merits and posting garbage regardless. they would pay a few bucks to wear copper to get more merits. do you have any other case, like a case on my sent merits?

I remember giving him a merit in this post since he mentioned that he is being ignored and nobody can see his post lol
I thought that it will make him happy but it turn out differently
Either I'm being ignored or nobody could see my posts.

Why would you want me to be happy? are you unhappy about getting no merits from me? sorry for that. I have just started to read the posts of members meriting me recently. refer to my recently sent merits.

Come on man, dont let shitty person ruins your life and your good work, there are many people who is envious and want to be yourself but they can not. I see nothing wrong with your charity things (irl and forum), in fact, it is great to see humanity in this world with a lot of human now.

@digaran , if you ever read this, it doesnt mean you deserve the respect just because you can give merit to others.

Come on man, don't you have something else to do? like deleting your posts after getting merits on them? if you find Joe's charity work IRL a great thing, you should kneel and wait for his balls. they were last seen in my mouth but I think that post is now edited where he shoved them in my mouth.

2.Do you see that "ignore" button ? Try it,does wonders.
Yes exactly! Just use the ignore button.

show me some respect I'm a merit source
^^ This is where you reply them with a big "Fuck You"

That's probably a comment that is deservant of being removed as a merit source.

I should be removed as a source because I have asked to be respected in a sarcastic manner and instead got a "Fuck You"?  may Joe's humility never find you and your family in need of food. he would tell the world about giving you food, as if we should send *alia to him for his charity work.

Humble BTCforJoe, you are helping low ranking members to farm merits, if you remove the merit and cash prizes from your challenge, nobody would participate. if they wont participate, they are there to farm merits then.

*= Forum's prostitute.
~FR for forum's representative.
~LM law maker.
~B beggar.
~R racist.
~LL low life.
~V virgin.
~RMS respected merit source.
~RD respect demander.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 09, 2018, 10:32:39 PM
3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.

Offering to sell merits makes the case I think.

Do you know of any idiot paying $100 for 1 merit? if you know somebody. let me know, or are you telling me that I shouldn't make a joke? I wouldn't mind people paying $100 per 1 merit to the forum and not me. they are getting it from their friends anyways, people are getting merits and posting garbage regardless. they would pay a few bucks to wear copper to get more merits. do you have any other case, like a case on my sent merits?

How would I know? I'm not looking to sell merits, you are.

You have a bizarre approach to the supposed issues with merits, especially if you really are a merit source. You're attacking Joe, who seems to put a lot of effort into encouraging people to make quality posts. If you don't like that - I'm sure there are plenty of posts elsewhere that you can send your merits to. If you see abuse post it for everyone to see and discuss.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: DarkStar_ on April 09, 2018, 10:42:51 PM
If you see abuse post it for everyone to see and discuss.

According to digaran, sponsoring merits ( as a merit source for a challenge like Joe's counts as abuse.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: max2607 on April 09, 2018, 10:48:52 PM
Humble BTCforJoe, you are helping low ranking members to farm merits, if you remove the merit and cash prizes from your challenge, nobody would participate. if they wont participate, they are there to farm merits then.

Looks like you can't read english properly the whole reason for it is to remove spam and shitposts from the forum.
It's even mentioned clearly
This challenge was designed to help eliminate spam and shitposts from the forums.
In return, you could be rewarded for posting quality content and contributing to BitcoinTalk.
If you posts are good and contributing to the forum you deserve merit because that's why it was created in the first place

If you see abuse post it for everyone to see and discuss.

According to digaran, sponsoring merits ( as a merit source for a challenge like Joe's counts as abuse.
Different people have different opinion i don't understand why does it even matter just ignore this dude he just grudge against joe and nothing else so he's making different claims against him

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: digaran on April 10, 2018, 12:43:34 AM
3.I don't think you quite make a valid case for someone to be thrown out as a merit source.I mean maybe they have a slightly different opinions about your stuff but that doesn't mean they are incapable of judging one's post quality.I could be wrong though.

Offering to sell merits makes the case I think.

Do you know of any idiot paying $100 for 1 merit? if you know somebody. let me know, or are you telling me that I shouldn't make a joke? I wouldn't mind people paying $100 per 1 merit to the forum and not me. they are getting it from their friends anyways, people are getting merits and posting garbage regardless. they would pay a few bucks to wear copper to get more merits. do you have any other case, like a case on my sent merits?

How would I know? I'm not looking to sell merits, you are.

You have a bizarre approach to the supposed issues with merits, especially if you really are a merit source. You're attacking Joe, who seems to put a lot of effort into encouraging people to make quality posts. If you don't like that - I'm sure there are plenty of posts elsewhere that you can send your merits to. If you see abuse post it for everyone to see and discuss.

Would it be bad if any of the participants in Joe's challenge paid $100 per 1 received merit for a quality post to the forum?(lol in case you don't dig my dry humour) I don't want to sell merits on behalf of the forum, because I know that's not what theymos would've wanted. stop making this look like that I was really trying to sell merits. just say thanks to me for giving you excuse to merit your friends. you all should thank me. here is your excuse to gang bang me and receive merits plus money per post. you really shouldn't take Joe's side, you have sent him 24 merits. and now supporting him here. you want to make this about me? go suchmoon go. you want me removed as a source? who is next in line to take my place? I wonder. why did you ignore the fact about Joe's merit farm? if you are posting to get merits, would you post if there is no merit reward? if you would post no matter if there is any reward or not, then join the club as everybody else and people shall merit your posts.

Not posting if there is no merit reward? then don't post. are you here to conclude that I have attempted to sell merits as a source and tag me? I would never betray theymos. I would never sell merits with this account or my brother's account (dormant for 6 months, I tried to register an alt account recently, when I opened with another browser, his account was logged in, I only looked at his personal messages and then logged out to register an account for April fools day). even if I had 20 accounts with 1000 merits, I would never sell merits, period.

especially if you really are a merit source

I should get banned for claiming to be a source while I'm not. you could've questioned staff and administration to say: what are you doing? there is a lowlife beggar going around the forum claiming to be a source and you haven't stopped him from such a trolling?

It wont matter if I'm a source or not, if BTCforJoe is offended by my posts, he could have reported them, but he had to post a topic to further rub his charitable activities in to our faces. that's why I'd call him "The Humble Joe".  digaran has gone too far according to humble Joe. he considers me as a representative of this forum, while he has called me a little shit. he also told me to go fuck myself if I'm not happy about what he is doing. he only wants me to be blamed for my actions as a representative of this forum, but when it comes to my criticism about him, he shows no respect to that representative. shame on you.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: bitmover on April 10, 2018, 02:11:08 AM
As this is a public discussion, and as I have participated in many Joe's rounds, I will express my opinion.

@digaran, I think that as a Merit Source you are somehow a staff member of this forum. You have the right to disagree to Joe's campaign, and that's ok.
You should report that thread to moderators. The moderators are the ones who have the authority to decide what to do about his campaign, not the merit sources.

But you are exposing yourself and the forum (as a staff member) when you engage in discussions like this. Too many offenses from so many people. Nothing good will come from this discussion.

Just my 2cc.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 10, 2018, 02:31:14 AM
Would it be bad if any of the participants in Joe's challenge paid $100 per 1 received merit for a quality post to the forum?(lol in case you don't dig my dry humour) I don't want to sell merits on behalf of the forum, because I know that's not what theymos would've wanted. stop making this look like that I was really trying to sell merits. just say thanks to me for giving you excuse to merit your friends. you all should thank me. here is your excuse to gang bang me and receive merits plus money per post. you really shouldn't take Joe's side, you have sent him 24 merits. and now supporting him here. you want to make this about me? go suchmoon go. you want me removed as a source? who is next in line to take my place? I wonder. why did you ignore the fact about Joe's merit farm? if you are posting to get merits, would you post if there is no merit reward? if you would post no matter if there is any reward or not, then join the club as everybody else and people shall merit your posts.

I sent merits to Joe because I think he's doing a great job and helping the forum. I have merited 300+ users, does that make all of them my friends? I'd be honored but that's a bit of a stretch I think. I don't post to get merits and I don't need merits so the rest of your rant is irrelevant.

I also don't make decisions about you being a merit source, it's theymos' problem. If he believes that you're just joking about selling merits then that's that. I personally think you should knock it off because it wasn't funny even the first time but hey - free speech.

Not posting if there is no merit reward? then don't post. are you here to conclude that I have attempted to sell merits as a source and tag me? I would never betray theymos. I would never sell merits with this account or my brother's account (dormant for 6 months, I tried to register an alt account recently, when I opened with another browser, his account was logged in, I only looked at his personal messages and then logged out to register an account for April fools day). even if I had 20 accounts with 1000 merits, I would never sell merits, period.

Not sure why you're talking about your alts but now that you brought it up you should make those usernames public.

especially if you really are a merit source
I should get banned for claiming to be a source while I'm not. you could've questioned staff and administration to say: what are you doing? there is a lowlife beggar going around the forum claiming to be a source and you haven't stopped him from such a trolling?

It wont matter if I'm a source or not, if BTCforJoe is offended by my posts, he could have reported them, but he had to post a topic to further rub his charitable activities in to our faces. that's why I'd call him "The Humble Joe".  digaran has gone too far according to humble Joe. he considers me as a representative of this forum, while he has called me a little shit. he also told me to go fuck myself if I'm not happy about what he is doing. he only wants me to be blamed for my actions as a representative of this forum, but when it comes to my criticism about him, he shows no respect to that representative. shame on you.

To be fair, "go fuck yourself" is an appropriate response to people demanding respect on intertubes forums. I can also suggest a cactus or a bag of nails to spice things up.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: yudif on April 10, 2018, 04:42:17 AM
Just try to avoid the person and use the ignore option. All people have different way of thinking and also the maturity level is different depending on the age and life experiences. By giving importance to a person who is trying to put you down, you are giving him free publicity.

Regarding you mentioning that he is a merit source, that should not be done in public. If you feel that he is misusing the position of merit source, report it to the moderators with all proofs. As you have mentioned that he is a merit source, I think a lot of members will now try commenting on his threads or posts in hope of attention and merits.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: digaran on April 10, 2018, 05:51:57 AM
If you are posting to get merits (I'm talking about other people joining Joe's challenge) would you post if there is no merit reward? if you would post no matter if there is any reward or not, then join the club as everybody else and people shall merit your posts.
I don't post to get merits and I don't need merits so the rest of your rant is irrelevant.

You are just avoiding to respond, don't just say your rant is irrelevant.

Not posting if there is no merit reward? then don't post. are you here to conclude that I have attempted to sell merits as a source and tag me? I would never betray theymos. I would never sell merits with this account or my brother's account (dormant for 6 months, I tried to register an alt account recently, when I opened with another browser, his account was logged in, I only looked at his personal messages and then logged out to register an account for April fools day). even if I had 20 accounts with 1000 merits, I would never sell merits, period.

Not sure why you're talking about your alts but now that you brought it up you should make those usernames public.

Literally_farming_merits not that it's any of your business other than theymos's. other account is not mine to disclose, however they have used the same IPs as mine. you are not sure why? read the part in bold.

I have merited 300+ users, does that make all of them my friends?

You have merited your friends more than others.

As this is a public discussion, and as I have participated in many Joe's rounds, I will express my opinion.

@digaran, I think that as a Merit Source you are somehow a staff member of this forum. You have the right to disagree to Joe's campaign, and that's ok.
You should report that thread to moderators. The moderators are the ones who have the authority to decide what to do about his campaign, not the merit sources.

But you are exposing yourself and the forum (as a staff member) when you engage in discussions like this. Too many offenses from so many people. Nothing good will come from this discussion.

Just my 2cc.

Is this the reason for Joe not applying as a source? so he can talk however he'd liked? if you could find my name anywhere as a staff or representative of this forum, we should then start discussing people's behaviour towards me. do not mistaken me as the forum's *representative. I'm representing the public, unheard, poor, lowlifes with nobody to defend them. I'm a public servant. reckless and fearless. I don't like it when somebody rubs what they are doing to our faces, like we are benefiting the most. suchmoon says what BTCforJoe is doing is great, why wouldn't he do that on behalf of the forum as a source? if he doesn't want to take the responsibility of a source, he shouldn't expect to have me removed and my post deleted because he is offended by my post.

He should have reported me to moderators and they should've deleted my post, I would have be offended then, if they deleted my post and not every body else's posts somehow offensive for other users. doing that would be like doing a favour for Joe (if they are not reacting to my case, is because they don't want to pick a side, they are staying neutral and waiting for either of us to make a mistake to step in) he didn't get what he wanted, now he has posted this to demand action resulting to his satisfaction. not against the rules, right? everybody else could and should do the same because Joe did the same, right?

Now he has me quoted, no chance for me to edit my post, if I'd made a mistake, right? this person knows nothing about helping others, doing charity? I'd like to advise those homeless families to drop some of that soup inside alia to see if she gets pregnant or not, yes that's what we do with people like alia, we would use them in our experiments. we'll know the result after a few weeks. lol now.

If I see they would keep putting my actions on theymos, to blame him like everything else, I will resign. seriously. under one condition though. nobody else should replace me. because I'm starting to feel like they are pushing theymos with every chance they'd get to further push somebody else's merit source application to be as the next best thing.

What Joe wants, is something that would only benefit himself and his friends. he is not demanding something for the benefit of the community, he'd rather use forum's resources for personal gains (instead of reporting to moderators, he'd rather to post this topic, there is 0.0007BTC per post for him and all of his buddies trying to smear my small near to nothing contribution. insinuating that I'm bad for the image of the forum, but when it comes to my opinion, they don't care what I'm saying and they don't recognize me as any authority but they would demand me to act as I have any authoritative obligation towards them) have you noticed how he added quotes of mine to say that I'm a racist? isn't that the same nails and cactus to spice this up? who said something about spicing things up I wonder? I'd say this is the same tactic mentioned by somebody else. suchmoon talking about adding nails to spice me fucking myself, BTCforJoe adding a few quotes to his report with the same intent and expecting the same result which would be me fucked. not really. if I'm not a source, it would make me sad, because I wouldn't be able to help. but I know that I should be myself, if I had been given some guidelines about what is expected from me and if I had ignored them, I'd deserved to be removed as a source.

Enjoy reading my wall of text.

*= don't throw up please.

EDIT: Above statement in red and the following:

I would like to invite you the vigilant community members to decide and conclude for yourselves, how many posts do they have regarding their merit distribution threads? who has received the majority of the merits as a result directly from their threads? how many 0.0007BTC per post they have earned? if I had never posted there to talk about farming merits with alt accounts. they were trying to allow alt accounts taking part in their thread. you all know that I'm a nobody, and everything I say about respect and selling merits etc is a joke of a clown trying to mirror whatever that happens every day in this community. for example: somebody is doing something, not for our benefit but mostly for their own. they would act like we should respect them and trust them just because they were trusted once a long time ago with a large amount of money and by somebody who had no other choice, because they were the next best thing. or when you see some people had some trades with the right people and at the right time to have them trusted by green + digits. they are using that for their own benefits not even secretly but openly. if I have offended you the community in any way, I'm a human like you, I can make mistakes too. I have always tried to stay neutral and fair. I'm sorry for inconveniences from my part. now make me an admin, this ladder was the hardest one to climb. lol before putting me on ignore.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: LoyceV on April 10, 2018, 07:29:27 AM
Humble BTCforJoe, you are helping low ranking members to farm merits, if you remove the merit and cash prizes from your challenge, nobody would participate. if they wont participate, they are there to farm merits then.
That's a weird statement coming from someone who was trying to use merit for doing tasks: Provide information and receive merits from the most reputable source. :/ (

If my signature didn't pay for my posts, I wouldn't show it either. (I do show my avatar for free though)
There's nothing wrong with giving an incentive to post quality.

It wont matter if I'm a source or not, if BTCforJoe is offended by my posts, he could have reported them
"Offending" someone isn't against the rules, and in a time where anybody can be offended by anything, I think that's a good thing.
But, I also think it's a good thing to at least try to be polite. It just makes the forum in general a nicer place.

You should report that thread to moderators. The moderators are the ones who have the authority to decide what to do about his campaign, not the merit sources.
There are no forum rules against basically anything you can do with your sMerit, so moderators won't interfere.

I have merited 300+ users
I counted 418 last Friday to be exact.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 10, 2018, 07:45:31 AM

I don't see how me spending my EARNED merits, personal money, and hours of time per week to run this challenge can be misconceived as using the forum's resources for personal gains. WHAT personal gains? I literally have no clue what you're talking about.

And to bring up @alia... That's completely irrelevant and has nothing to do with anything. But that's the type of person you are. You like to cloud your argument with shit that doesn't support any context whatsoever by bringing up irrelevant information lol. I won't entertain that.

And by you stating the things that you did state in the quoted text in the top post does make you sound like a racist. Unlike you, I don't edit other people's quotes. That was out of your mouth, verbatim. I would never use those words to describe anyone, jokingly or not. It's just insensitive and ignorant, and if you can't see that, it just goes to show that you really are a bigot.

And by you making libelous claims about my charitable actions in real life? That's defamatory, and could easily be taken as a violation of the following:

Quote from: mprep
3. No trolling.

Quote from: mprep
However, trolling isn't allowed. If a user is habitually posting obviously false nonsense ("obviously false nonsense" to an outsider, NOT to someone who follows or is involved in the discussion) just to stir up trouble, then it's considered trolling, which is prohibited. Such cases should be thoroughly documented in the report though (There are tons of reports that just say "trolling", but moderators don't have time to look through each user's post).

Anyways, it's obvious that nothing will be done by staff about you, so I'm placing you on my ignore list. I would appreciate if you would stop slandering me throughout the forums in random posts. I'll respect you enough to stop talking about you from this point forward, as well. I've already committed to doing that once before, but it seems as if you like to continue bringing me up. That's on you, but I'm done addressing you.


Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: digaran on April 10, 2018, 02:06:52 PM
Cheers mate. I will not use your name. I will use "you know who". because you are the most humble high rank member in this forum. I need to use you as an example when I need to show others what humility really means. btw. about editing other people's quotes, I have tried to make them different. if you could notice they weren't posted by the author of that quote, other people could notice too.

Fun fact, last time I edited a quote like that, it was a quote of an admin of another forum, I got banned by his brother (a mod) permanently. it was a joke and he knew it, but his brother disliked me. indeed I'm a bigot, lowlife, beggar. I have no home of my own, I live with my parents. all I need is 0.... ugh ahh. you almost got me for begging. maybe next time you could report me for begging. dig through my post history to find my begging attempts. and keep meriting each other whilst doing me here.

Note, who suggested to change the title in "Merit Source" and not "User"? this is how you know people. if you put all of their posts together, you'll have a giant puzzle of a group gang banging me. because I embarrassed Joe in front of his new ICO launcher buddy.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: bill gator on April 10, 2018, 02:46:53 PM
I will not use your name. I will use "you know who". because you are the most humble high rank member in this forum

Can you make a thread/post in which you explain all of your lingo? I'd love to be able to follow along better, because you make me laugh harder than just about anyone. I will never put you on my ignore list as others have suggested, because you are extremely entertaining. My good ole' jump-buddy.  ;D

Fun fact, I'm a bigot, lowlife, beggar.

The man admits these things openly; do you honestly need more than that to take their posts with a grain of salt?

keep meriting each other whilst doing me here.

Oh! You should also make a thread/post explaining what you believe to be appropriate merit behavior, because this too is something I would love to follow along with.

I was representing the forum, right?

No sir, you are an individual, representing your own opinion on a forum which acts as an open-marketplace of ideas. If you are not Staff, then you are not representing the forum. DT members and Merit-sources do not necessarily represent the forum anymore than a random user; although, it is more likely that their opinions align with the Staff/forum. A good example of this, is that many DT members and Merit-Sources disagree with each other about just about anything you can name. Unless you are saying that the forum is represented by anything and everything users post (which is redundant, at best), this would prove to be a contradictory premise.

It's not a fucking job. You don't get compensated for it

Why do you think that I am representing the forum then?

wat. You are compensated by theymos? Do you receive BTC, $ or does he let you jump your pick of the newbies? Being a merit-source doesn't count as compensation, unless you also consider volunteer work to count as compensation or that you are commanding your status as merit-source over others and this is compensation. Please elaborate, my friend.

Which one am I? representative of the forum or a little shit?

Oh, come on, you know the answer to that one.  :-*

Why would you want me to be happy? are you unhappy about getting no merits from me?

The one and only thing all of us care about is your happiness, digaran, how can you say such things? Of course we are unhappy about not receiving merits from you, as you are the one we pray to at night; we hope for you to notice us and only with your touch can we seek enlightenment. We strive day and night to receive merit from you, yet you forsake us, why do you forsake us?

if you find Joe's charity work IRL a great thing, you should kneel and wait for his balls.

Wait a minute, now I think I understand your confusion about compensation. 

they were last seen...

I think we know where to find them, unless they've gone astray?

if you remove the merit and cash prizes from your challenge, nobody would participate.

Well, we know that's wrong, because there has been many members that have asked to not receive their prizes. So they participate knowing they will not receive merit, cash, BTC or any other kind of compensation. That makes you wrong as can be, bucko.

*= Forum's prostitute.
~FR for forum's representative.
~LM law maker.
~B beggar.
~R racist.
~LL low life.
~V virgin.
~RMS respected merit source.
~RD respect demander.

Yes, more like this. I want to understand you, you beautiful creature.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Jet Cash on April 10, 2018, 03:55:22 PM
I wonder how difficult it would be to make a video of this thread. If I had some animation skills, I'd be tempted to have a go. :)

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 10, 2018, 03:57:09 PM

@bill gator, you remind me of that crazy counselor we all had at summer camp that was the only person that knew how to talk with that one outcast high school kid that ultimately ends up going on a murder-suicide shooting spree. You'd be the guy that's quoted in the newspaper as saying "xxx was a misunderstood individual, and if people would have just taken the time to peel back the layers, they would have seen the side of xxx that I saw."

Wow; what a weird first thought to have... I shouldn't log in to the forums first thing after waking up lol

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Jet Cash on April 10, 2018, 04:40:11 PM
We've got sex, religion and politics in this thread. Now we just need the Rock 'n' Roll

Now I'm giving away my age. :)

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 10, 2018, 05:17:40 PM
For a second, i thought i was on reddit or drama forum :D
Member on this forum can't live without drama.
That's true, though BTCforJoe does have a valid gripe with the guy.  Some of us have developed much thicker skins as far as malicious trolling is concerned.  Hell, I was pissed off when I got my first negative trust on bitcointalk, which was before I started handing them out for account selling and started getting retaliatory red marks by the hundreds.  Same thing with behavior like digaran's here.  It stings at first, but then you quickly get over it. 

As I said previously, there's not a reputation that's going to get sullied by people spouting ridiculous nonsense.  If someone really ruined a reputation with words like this, there was probably some truth to it--but in this case there isn't.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: ibminer on April 10, 2018, 05:19:40 PM
We've got sex, religion and politics in this thread. Now we just need the Rock 'n' Roll

Now I'm giving away my age. :)

Here ya go (  ;D
EDIT: "Hound Dog" would have been more appropriate for this thread!

But back on topic - digaran is delusional. Proof:
Both of them were interested about what theymos thinks about Lauda. I could think of one person interested enough about what theymos thinks about Lauda a.k.a QS. I could think of one person who'd be willing to spend a lot of money to hurt the ~Cat.
Strong logic on linking me as a bought account by QuickSeller.  /s   ::)

Even better song. (

I'm going to have this stuck in my head for the next 3-4 days.  :P

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: athanz88 on April 10, 2018, 05:40:21 PM
Two steps on how to avoid a statement and run like a pussy cat :
1. Tells other in a post "respect me im a merit source (or insert anything your position here)"
2. After people said "fuck you" to him, and then tell people that he was doing a sarcasm
Brilliant step i must say, so great, such respected, very much merit sources.

@digaran And no, i never delete any posts of mine that got meritted by people, dear respected sir merit sources.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: actmyname on April 10, 2018, 09:59:58 PM
I wonder how difficult it would be to make a video of this thread. If I had some animation skills, I'd be tempted to have a go. :)
MS Paint can go a long way. Just go with a simple 3 fps animation made up of jpegs. ;)
This thread is pretty hilarious. :◊

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: DarkStar_ on April 11, 2018, 02:12:45 AM
We've got sex, religion and politics in this thread. Now we just need the Rock 'n' Roll

Now I'm giving away my age. :)

Here ya go (  ;D
EDIT: "Hound Dog" would have been more appropriate for this thread!

Even better song. (

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: sapta on April 11, 2018, 02:23:59 AM
We've got sex, religion and politics in this thread. Now we just need the Rock 'n' Roll

Now I'm giving away my age. :)

Here ya go (  ;D
EDIT: "Hound Dog" would have been more appropriate for this thread!

Even better song. (

Hey DarkStar_, can we talk?! Shit.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 11, 2018, 03:40:09 AM
If you are posting to get merits (I'm talking about other people joining Joe's challenge) would you post if there is no merit reward? if you would post no matter if there is any reward or not, then join the club as everybody else and people shall merit your posts.
I don't post to get merits and I don't need merits so the rest of your rant is irrelevant.

You are just avoiding to respond, don't just say your rant is irrelevant.

Perfect example of why it's pointless to engage in a discussion with you. You modified your own quote to insert "I'm talking about other people". Tomorrow you're gonna twist it into something else. Find some factual merit farming or abuse to discuss instead of your sour grapes.

I have merited 300+ users, does that make all of them my friends?

You have merited your friends more than others.

You saying so doesn't make it so. You don't like Joe. I get it. But I'm still going to merit Joe whenever I think he deserves merit, which could be never or 100 more times. Get over it.

have you noticed how he added quotes of mine to say that I'm a racist? isn't that the same nails and cactus to spice this up? who said something about spicing things up I wonder? I'd say this is the same tactic mentioned by somebody else. suchmoon talking about adding nails to spice me fucking myself, BTCforJoe adding a few quotes to his report with the same intent and expecting the same result which would be me fucked. not really. if I'm not a source, it would make me sad, because I wouldn't be able to help. but I know that I should be myself, if I had been given some guidelines about what is expected from me and if I had ignored them, I'd deserved to be removed as a source.

You have incredibly thin skin for such a potty-mouth. You don't have to do it with a cactus if you don't enjoy it. Just like forum users don't have to respect you.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 11, 2018, 05:04:16 AM
We've got sex, religion and politics in this thread. Now we just need the Rock 'n' Roll

Now I'm giving away my age. :)

Here ya go (  ;D
EDIT: "Hound Dog" would have been more appropriate for this thread!

Even better song. (

This was literally the first time I’ve been Rick Rolled since 2010. 8 years, man... 8 freaking years, and you had to be the one... I should have known better.   >:(

Title: Re: User @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Joel_Jantsen on April 11, 2018, 05:58:27 AM
1.This thread should be moved to - > Reputation since this isn't a forum related issue.
Since it's about a merit source, I'd say it's related to the forum, and fits the Meta board. But the title could be improved (suggestion: replace "User" by "Merit source").
Looks like it has been moved again to where it belongs  8)

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Sellingaccs on April 11, 2018, 02:42:16 PM
We had a little shitstorm, because i got pretty mad at digaran for making such accuses without any valid proof.
His statements sound pretty psychotic, as he accuses being alt of every other person who defends the person who he is arguing with.
Merit sources in my opinion should be unbiased, and have pretty neutral attitude on the forum. digaran is not either of this things, and im pretty sure that there would be alot better people to take his place as merit source.

I think that bill gator should be a source instead of digaran, as he seems to be very unbiased and has a good taste of quality posts.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: digaran on April 12, 2018, 09:39:13 AM
We had a little shitstorm, because i got pretty mad at digaran for making such accuses without any valid proof.
His statements sound pretty psychotic, as he accuses being alt of every other person who defends the person who he is arguing with.
Merit sources in my opinion should be unbiased, and have pretty neutral attitude on the forum. digaran is not either of this things, and im pretty sure that there would be alot better people to take his place as merit source.

I think that bill gator should be a source instead of digaran, as he seems to be very unbiased and has a good taste of quality posts.

After humble Joe, you are the unbiased account seller. both of you have comprehension problem. it would be reasonable accusation if I call you Joe's alt, he doesn't know what is humility and how to be humble, you don't know what is inclination and how to be unbiased. you don't have any evidence about my sent merits to be biased. you sound pretty robotic.

I haven't occupied anybody's place, we could have more merit sources added, they could go and apply, if they get accepted, good for everybody. what is he teaching you if not to improve yourselves? seems like a cult to me. coming here to say how biased I am, while the only biased person in your post is yourself. do you have any contact information to communicate with you outside of this forum? I want to buy some accs, without anybody in this forum finding out. your username is sellingaccs after all.  

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 12, 2018, 10:55:49 PM
What kind of ignorant narrow-minded imbecile assumes that the accounts that @Sellingaccs sells are bitcointalk accounts? Take a simple look through their post history, and you'll see that the accounts that they sell are for other services.

Kind of ironic, if you ask me, that you're so quick to criticize and slander others, yet your own idiocy blinds you to see how stupid your own actions and posts really are. I don't even have to nitpick them anymore; people are starting to see you for the real psychotic individual that you really are.


Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Literally_farming_merits on April 12, 2018, 11:13:26 PM
What kind of ignorant narrow-minded imbecile assumes that the accounts that @Sellingaccs sells are bitcointalk accounts? Take a simple look through their post history, and you'll see that the accounts that they sell are for other services.

Kind of ironic, if you ask me, that you're so quick to criticize and slander others, yet your own idiocy blinds you to see how stupid your own actions and posts really are. I don't even have to nitpick them anymore; people are starting to see you for the real psychotic individual that you really are.


Master Joe,  where did you read anything about Bitcointalk accounts?

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 12, 2018, 11:19:36 PM
Master Joe,  where did you read anything about Bitcointalk accounts?

do you have any contact information to communicate with you outside of this forum? I want to buy some accs, without anybody in this forum finding out. your username is sellingaccs after all. 

If you're going to go on to state that @digaran could have been talking about accounts outside of this forum, then don't even bother. You're clearly taking the @digaran approach in keeping things extremely technical in order to avoid the context of the actual situation.

Whose alt are you?

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 12, 2018, 11:59:54 PM
Master Joe,  where did you read anything about Bitcointalk accounts?

do you have any contact information to communicate with you outside of this forum? I want to buy some accs, without anybody in this forum finding out. your username is sellingaccs after all. 

If you're going to go on to state that @digaran could have been talking about accounts outside of this forum, then don't even bother. You're clearly taking the @digaran approach in keeping things extremely technical in order to avoid the context of the actual situation.

Whose alt are you?

Not sure why you're talking about your alts but now that you brought it up you should make those usernames public.

Literally_farming_merits not that it's any of your business other than theymos's.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 13, 2018, 12:07:27 AM
Master Joe,  where did you read anything about Bitcointalk accounts?

do you have any contact information to communicate with you outside of this forum? I want to buy some accs, without anybody in this forum finding out. your username is sellingaccs after all.  

If you're going to go on to state that @digaran could have been talking about accounts outside of this forum, then don't even bother. You're clearly taking the @digaran approach in keeping things extremely technical in order to avoid the context of the actual situation.

Whose alt are you?

Not sure why you're talking about your alts but now that you brought it up you should make those usernames public.

Literally_farming_merits not that it's any of your business other than theymos's.

I must have missed that post. So now his alt account is posting in this thread to defend his main account? ???

What the actual fuck is going on in that brain? Meanwhile, he makes general/false accusations towards other members as being alts of other members accounts. Hypocritical to say the very least, and very shady and untrustworthy behavior, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 13, 2018, 12:18:49 AM
I must have missed that post. So now his alt account is posting in this thread to defend his main account? ???

What the actual fuck is going on in that brain? Meanwhile, he makes general/false accusations towards other members as being alts of other members accounts. Hypocritical to say the very least, and very shady and untrustworthy behavior, in my opinion.

It's disclosed on his profile page too.

I think this is some sort of ham-fisted attempt at satire or mockery.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: bill gator on April 13, 2018, 01:46:46 AM
It's disclosed on his profile page too.

I think this is some sort of ham-fisted attempt at satire or mockery.

I think ham-fisted, half-baked mockery is the language of the endangered digaran-genus. This is Joe's attempt to communicate with our legendary enigma, if I had to guess.
I'd say that is a pretty solid satire, if the point is to play on digaran's process of strange-premise to blind logic into a conclusion that is exclusively designed to maim; an over swing, if you will.

My guess is digaran was probably already logged into his alt, and too much of a lazy-jumper to hop back on the other account. There isn't anything to digaran's accusations or suggestions most of the time, but as I've said before you need to look at it more comically. I can't imagine that he believes even half of the things that come out of their mouth, and if he does I can't imagine that these beliefs are well-thought out or have endured any amount of critical thinking.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 13, 2018, 04:22:35 AM
I meant - digaran is ham-fisted, mumbling, whining merit gadfly.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on April 13, 2018, 09:09:58 AM
I meant - digaran is ham-fisted, mumbling, whining merit gadfly.
I'm now fisting alia to feel better. sorry you mentioned fist. now this is on you.

How the hell do you get fisted from "ham-fisted"? ???

This is why you're making more enemies the more you open your mouth. Because you take things out of context, and then spin them into slanderous and inappropriate insults in your replies.

Thanks for providing me with yet another account to add to my ignore list. ::)

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Sellingaccs on April 13, 2018, 09:22:22 AM
I meant - digaran is ham-fisted, mumbling, whining merit gadfly.
I'm now fisting alia to feel better. sorry you mentioned fist. now this is on you.

How the hell do you get fisted from "ham-fisted"? ???

This is why you're making more enemies the more you open your mouth. Because you take things out of context, and then spin them into slanderous and inappropriate insults in your replies.

Thanks for providing me with yet another account to add to my ignore list. ::)

Well i must admit that "ham-fisted" sounds like someone getting fisted by a christmas ham ;D
Although i totally agree that his replies are pretty unneeded. Maybe he is an alt of digaran ::)

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Literally_farming_merits on April 13, 2018, 12:20:34 PM
I meant - digaran is ham-fisted, mumbling, whining merit gadfly.
I'm now fisting alia to feel better. sorry you mentioned fist. now this is on you.

How the hell do you get fisted from "ham-fisted"? ???

This is why you're making more enemies the more you open your mouth. Because you take things out of context, and then spin them into slanderous and inappropriate insults in your replies.

Thanks for providing me with yet another account to add to my ignore list. ::)
Now tell me, how do you feel when you are talking to me? do you seriously feel beneath me or looking down on me? do you think that I am below your level, right? this is my idea of a person in power, authorities in position of any power, whether a small merit source or a moderator should lower himself/herself, lower than people he holds over any power. other people with greed and abuse of power should be hating this person, because he is trying to stop them from doing whatever only benefiting them more than others. everybody now hates me? they will never merit me? mission accomplished.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 13, 2018, 12:39:39 PM
Well i must admit that "ham-fisted" sounds like someone getting fisted by a christmas ham ;D

A double entrée?  8)

Although i totally agree that his replies are pretty unneeded. Maybe he is an alt of digaran ::)

Why would you think that?

I meant - digaran is ham-fisted, mumbling, whining merit gadfly.
Master alia-fister, why didn't you say this sooner? all of your backs is hurting because a lonely virgin is a little merit source? my back hurts as well master, I'm jealous of Talk merit. I'm now fisting alia to feel better. sorry you mentioned fist. now this is on you. alia is screaming because you said ham-fisted, reminding a non-native-English speaker of the house of fisting. :/

I was jealous of humble master Joe at first, now I'm not. because forum representatives now are in support of him. you'll not see any more complaining from me. but I promise you master bully suchmoon, I'm getting started with you. all I have felt coming from you, intimidation and bullying. could you bully somebody your size like you have bullied me? I should feel safe around you talking to you if I'm not a scammer, garbage poster and account farmer. you really should reconsider how you'd treat people.

If you wish to be treated differently you might want to reconsider being a dickhead.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Sellingaccs on April 13, 2018, 01:00:34 PM
Why would you think that?

It was meant as a joke, as digaran always says that someone is alt of someone. You should not take me seriously at all :P

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: bill gator on April 13, 2018, 02:11:00 PM
Why would you think that?

It was meant as a joke, as digaran always says that someone is alt of someone. You should not take me seriously at all :P

Wait a minute, is this Joke-ception or is someone out of the loop? I'm 100% positive that suchmoon was just being sarcastic when they asked "Why would you think that?", because literally_farming_merits is an alt of digaran. Then you say that it was meant as a joke and we're not supposed to take you seriously, so I'm very confused. You are aware that it is his alternate account right?

Unless you are in some deep satire that I'm failing to comprehend.

How the hell do you get fisted from "ham-fisted"? ???

This is why you're making more enemies the more you open your mouth. Because you take things out of context, and then spin them into slanderous and inappropriate insults in your replies.

Thanks for providing me with yet another account to add to my ignore list. ::)

The man is obsessed and repressed. I'm sure just about everything works out to a double entendre for digaran. If you ignore the accounts, then what fun is the thread?  ;D

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 13, 2018, 06:44:42 PM
I'm 100% positive that suchmoon was just being sarcastic

This is getting out of hand. I'm always 1000% serious as evidenced by the "/s" in my signature.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: Sellingaccs on April 13, 2018, 06:48:03 PM
I'm 100% positive that suchmoon was just being sarcastic

This is getting out of hand. I'm always 1000% serious as evidenced by the "/s" in my signature.

My excuse is my Asperger's syndrome for not getting your jokes, im going to fill a complaint to the FBI for this online bullying!! ;D

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on April 19, 2018, 09:40:39 PM
Another super-funny "joke" by digaran:

You could either buy a copper membership or pay $2000 to legitimately purchase a hero rank account from me. $1500 goes to the forum and $500 to me. I will ask the administration to change the email address, username and password of that account upon receiving $1500.
This is not sanctioned deal. I am acting on my own, if administration refuses to accept this deal, there is nothing else to discuss about.

Account I'm referring to, it has 500 default merits and the default sMerits. it was for my brother, not anymore.
Note, newbies PM is ignored by me. don't try to contact me via PM. post here if interested.
Note again, all of the account sellers here are scammers, they would take your money and reset the password, that could result in your bought account to get locked. my offer is the most legitimate way of having an account.

There is no easy way anymore to get a high rank account. I'd suggest to other account sellers to contribute this way.
@members of the usual cartels, tag me and I will have your asses handed to you by the justice department.

Note once more, if administration says no. it means no. just let me earn $500 for myself and $1500 for the forum, I'm begging you. don't be counterproductive. lol before rofling.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: LoyceV on April 20, 2018, 06:25:02 AM
Another super-funny "joke" by digaran:
He may be "joking", but I also think he'll pop up a Hero account when someone is willing to pay $2000 for it. People have received red trust for less.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on May 04, 2018, 03:52:00 PM
I just wanted to update this thread to let you guys know that @digaran has allegedly resigned from his position as a merit source:

As of this moment I'm no longer a merit source.  there was too much drama and clearly I wasn't trustworthy enough. I was unfit to represent this forum and the community. I have resigned.

Another super-funny "joke" by digaran:
He may be "joking", but I also think he'll pop up a Hero account when someone is willing to pay $2000 for it. People have received red trust for less.

Additionally, @digaran's "joking" has ultimately ended up getting him red-tagged by @marlboroza, who's negative trust became default negative trust after he was included in the DT2 network.

As seen on digaran's trust summary (;u=806776):

Quote from: marlboroza
No one who would take money to remove negative trust from scammers and cheaters should be trusted:
"I'm going to tag these cheaters and ask for $50 for tag removal on the trust feedback."

referencing this post:

Justice is served.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: suchmoon on May 04, 2018, 04:06:45 PM
I just wanted to update this thread to let you guys know that @digaran has allegedly resigned from his position as a merit source:

I'm not sure he ever was a source. He sent ~200 sMerits total, which for all his posturing is way too low for a source. According to theymos' formula ( he would have received 175 in the "airdrop" and a few more from other members.

Probably just another one of his jokes.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: BTCforJoe on May 04, 2018, 04:30:31 PM
I just wanted to update this thread to let you guys know that @digaran has allegedly resigned from his position as a merit source:

I'm not sure he ever was a source. He sent ~200 sMerits total, which for all his posturing is way too low for a source. According to theymos' formula ( he would have received 175 in the "airdrop" and a few more from other members.

Probably just another one of his jokes.

You know, it sounds like your theory could be true. He says one of the reasons he resigned was because he was sick of having 0 sMerits all the time. In a lot of threads, though, he claims that he submitted his resignation letter to @theymos. When he was (allegedly) a merit source, he would boast it loudly. While I can see him trolling everyone, I don't know if staff here would allow him to troll to that level?? I dunno...

And I wonder why the number of merit sources dropped from 80 to 79.

Title: Re: Merit Source @digaran has gone too far
Post by: digaran on May 05, 2018, 02:29:16 AM
And I wonder why the number of merit sources dropped from 80 to 79.

Now you see that I wasn't in your cartel's way? even after resigning, theymos didn't accept one of your friends.