Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: cloakdagger on April 13, 2018, 12:14:21 AM

Title: Mist + (macOS private network) etherbase long ether value instead of coin value
Post by: cloakdagger on April 13, 2018, 12:14:21 AM
I have set up a private ETH network for learning purposes. Everything good so far.

The usual initialization
geth --datadir=./chaindata/ init ./genesis.json
geth --datadir=./chaindata/

On Windows you install Geth and run geth --datadir=./chaindata/ then open Mist and click Launch.

On macOS we run a dev console then open Mist via bash like this.
geth --dev
open -a /Applications/ --args --rpc /var/folders/y1/jynwfrwj411bxck8whqgcbr00000gq/T/geth.ipc

Everything opens fine and I'm ready to go. But Mist is displaying a very long ether value for the etherbase instead of a nice simple coin value. Is this normal?

I found someone's screen shot on Windows and it shows the simple coin value. Is that because it's an older client or because it's Windows?