Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: TonyT on November 12, 2013, 06:26:38 PM

Title: Bitcoin community is wacko, cultist, fun, but flim-flam, agreed?
Post by: TonyT on November 12, 2013, 06:26:38 PM
C'mon BTC community, I love this place, but objectively speaking, if you look at the posts, even the serious posts, you come to the conclusion that the bitcoin community is phoney.  Full of dreamers, schemers, b.s. artists, wackos, cultists and flim-flam artists of all shades.   Ignorant if not stupid people abound.  Criminals abound.  It's like multi-level marketing, it's like those vitamin pyramid scheme parties that I attended once, it's like a cult, it's like Amway.  It's clearly hype, when it's not downright stupidity.  It's so obvious.  Do you think the promoters of BTC believe their own hype?  No.  They are selling us newbies a bill of goods so they can profit.  It's the Greater Fool theory. Nothing personal but if it walks like a duck, quacks like duck...c'mon, it's duck, not a platypus.

I really thing that the bitcoin community is unstable, like the coin itself.  But I still love this place and intend to research it some more.

Vote your opinion at the poll above.


Title: Re: Bitcoin community is wacko, cultist, fun, but flim-flam, agreed?
Post by: Mike Christ on November 12, 2013, 06:31:09 PM
This is what happens to folks who don't do their homework.

Title: Re: Bitcoin community is wacko, cultist, fun, but flim-flam, agreed?
Post by: ajax3592 on November 12, 2013, 06:33:46 PM
You can call everyone ambitious here, so maybe that causes to look negative when viewed from a outsider's point of view.

Title: Re: Bitcoin community is wacko, cultist, fun, but flim-flam, agreed?
Post by: jfrenchy on November 12, 2013, 07:03:08 PM
i would of voted for an option between 'Yes, it's obvious' and 'No, they're for real'.

sure, there's a huge majority of 'loud' posts that brings up all that negativity pointed out in the OP, yet that's just how things are on the internet. negativity brings up all that attention.

otoh, i've seen plenty of helpful, kind, encouraging, warm and fuzzy feeling informative helpful stuff as well. but where are the comments about all those fine folks who aren't out to scam and deceive you?

Title: Re: Bitcoin community is wacko, cultist, fun, but flim-flam, agreed?
Post by: Gator-hex on November 12, 2013, 07:17:03 PM
I voted "no they're for real", I'm in it for an alternative to the banking elite's debt system.

It's a monetary revolution, like MP3 was for music, or the Internet was for publishing.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi