Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: ashray on November 14, 2013, 08:53:04 AM

Title: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR, PPGBP or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 14, 2013, 08:53:04 AM
Right folks, I've waited a long time to promote this site over here on bitcointalk because I honestly thought that I wouldn't be able to handle the volume from you. I've spent the last few months promoting on reddit and scaling up the operation. Now, we are prepared to handle whatever crazy volume you bring to us!

So, without further ado, I'd like to announce - a site that lets you convert your BTC to Amazon gift certificates or Paypal USD/EUR/GBP.

We've been in business since April 2013, and have 100% positive reviews on reddit:

Also fulfilled lots and lots of orders over the past few months. If you want to convert your BTC to Amazon gift cards or Paypal then you know where to go! The site is at:

Looking forward to your business! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! :)

Note: I also posted this in 'Services' but found that 'Service Announcements' is a better fit. I couldn't delete the other topic there but I'll answer your questions in both or if a mod could merge them here that would be fine too! Sorry!

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: MPOE-PR on November 15, 2013, 10:01:47 PM
Hi. See here (

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 16, 2013, 05:54:55 AM
Thanks for the link, I read that about 8 months ago. I've been running this site for over 7 months now (launched in April) so I'm quite familiar with Bitcoin, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

However, if you do have any other tips to add to what the linked post said, I'd be happy to listen!! :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: MPOE-PR on November 16, 2013, 01:09:57 PM
Thanks for the link, I read that about 8 months ago. I've been running this site for over 7 months now (launched in April) so I'm quite familiar with Bitcoin, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

However, if you do have any other tips to add to what the linked post said, I'd be happy to listen!! :)

So you read it and decided to ignore it (as evidenced by the lack of substantiation for having followed through on any of its instructions), and have the gall to ask if there are further "tips"?

Reading is great but it's a first step, not the entirety of the work itself.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 17, 2013, 06:15:11 AM
Uhh okay, I'm really sorry I tried to start something without YOUR prior approval and certification.

I did go through your post several months ago and did indeed take into account everything you suggested. As such, it was valuable at the time. Your current attitude certainly isn't of any value, that's okay with me.

Besides, substantiation isn't something I owe you in any way. We all learn in our own ways. Just because you read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People doesn't mean you follow all 7 habits. You take what you think is good and worthy for your idea and go.

Asking for tips is just asking for feedback. Not sure why you felt offended by that. Won't ask again from you.

I've been running this site successfully with several thousand orders over the past few months and no issues and zero negative feedback. Just thought I'd share it with the community here in case it interests anyone, that's all.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: Rupture on November 17, 2013, 06:20:38 AM
Interesting choice for your name  ::) kinda sounds like a porn site

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 17, 2013, 06:27:50 AM
Haha, yes it does. But it could also just be an ode to bitcoins :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: MPOE-PR on November 17, 2013, 01:55:06 PM
Uhh okay, I'm really sorry I tried to start something without YOUR prior approval and certification.

Listen, it's not about me personally. I'm merely pointing out to you what constitutes a business, and how it is to be brought or born into this specific space. There's no point in fighting ME over it, the criteria won't change, as they're no more mine than they are yours.

I did go through your post several months ago and did indeed take into account everything you suggested. As such, it was valuable at the time.

That's great, but sadly it doesn't show here. At all.

Besides, substantiation isn't something I owe you in any way. We all learn in our own ways. Just because you read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People doesn't mean you follow all 7 habits. You take what you think is good and worthy for your idea and go.

I prefer literature. Anyway, again, this isn't about me. You "owe" substantiation to those you'd like to use your service, inasmuch as asking them to use it without taking the proper steps aforehand is pretty much begging with a promise slapped on top. That this isn't what you'd like it to be is not the contention.

Asking for tips is just asking for feedback. Not sure why you felt offended by that. Won't ask again from you.

I've been running this site successfully with several thousand orders over the past few months and no issues and zero negative feedback. Just thought I'd share it with the community here in case it interests anyone, that's all.

Nobody's offended. If you profess to have read the seminal post on what steps to take in your very situation, however, and ignore or brush them aside only to ask for "any other tips", you'll be rebuffed with extreme prejudice, because really now.

It's great that you've had a positive experience thus far. Merely saying so doesn't do anything for anyone operating sanely, once money is involved.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 17, 2013, 03:21:46 PM
Maybe prejudice is your problem.

I'm not merely saying that I've had a positive experience. In my initial post above I included the reddit review thread that has several users expressing positive opinions with their experience. Here it is again for you in case your prejudice blinded you to the URL:

You said that social media presence may be important, I started that right off the bat, in fact, it was the first thing I did after launching the site: spread the word on reddit.

And here's how trust works. Usually users will either email me if they need to, OR, they will start with smaller orders and then scale up from there. Some may even request custom orders, that's fine for me. Most users will see the reddit thread and trust that the site is okay.

If I didn't understand and follow what you linked in your post, I wouldn't have waited 6-7 months to post the site here before building up a good reputation on reddit and elsewhere. Why didn't I participate more here ? Well, you know as well as I do that this forum had gone down in the middle with some serious issues. I basically chose not to use it during that period of time.. and most other people had also decided it was time to find a new community.. but it picked up again as you see.

If you have anything valuable to add, that's fine. Your rhetorical rants don't really help much. First of all, you know as well as I do, that this isn't a 'business space' to be explored so to speak. There are already several people doing Amazon Gift Cards for bitcoins and Paypal operations can never be directly and reliably scaled up to a huge level due to their issues with bitcoins. Now, if you want to have a proper discussion about those kind of challenges then I'm open for that.

I already expressed that I found your initial post useful and valuable. Looks like you've changed a lot since Nov 2012. You seemed like a helpful person in that post. (Even though it has a condescending tone that assumes that anyone reading it is a 15 year old teen who thinks they're going to become the next Zuckerberg) Condescending tone hasn't left you though..

And... begging ? Really ? If you're going to call everyone who doesn't fully follow your "golden mantra to a successful bitcoin business" a beggar then.. well.. sorry dude.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: MPOE-PR on November 17, 2013, 07:55:41 PM
If I didn't understand and follow what you linked in your post, I wouldn't have waited 6-7 months to post the site here before building up a good reputation on reddit and elsewhere. Why didn't I participate more here ? Well, you know as well as I do that this forum had gone down in the middle with some serious issues. I basically chose not to use it during that period of time.. and most other people had also decided it was time to find a new community.. but it picked up again as you see.

Replacing the WoT with reddit is about on par with taking out a peppermint when asked for your driver's license. A social media presence could be useful. It can in no way replace the actual tools of the trade.

And... begging ? Really ? If you're going to call everyone who doesn't fully follow your "golden mantra to a successful bitcoin business" a beggar then.. well.. sorry dude.

Again, it's not about me. I'm not "calling you a beggar". This isn't a magical fairy land where everyone can make up their own, personally comfortable, renditions of the truth and thereby "grow" or whatever. This is bitcoin, we are interested in facts.

Simmer down already and work on getting things done correctly.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 18, 2013, 01:50:20 AM
This isn't a magical fairy land where everyone can make up their own, personally comfortable, renditions of the truth and thereby "grow" or whatever. This is bitcoin, we are interested in facts.

We ? Okay. Didn't realize that you are the bitcoin. That explains everything..  ::)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: btcton on November 18, 2013, 12:41:28 PM
And that's how threads get spammed nowadays. Might want to make a new one.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ngenko on November 19, 2013, 09:25:39 AM
Don't you have any issue with PayPal?
I understood that they really don't like BTC!
do you have to hide your business to them?

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 19, 2013, 10:39:18 AM
No issues so far with Paypal (in 7-8 months). They wouldn't know if my payments are for bitcoins or for anything else. My Paypal account is from the UAE where capital controls are fairly relaxed, so as long as local regulations do not require any interference it should be all good!

Been getting a lot of good orders the past few days due to the surging price! Keep 'em coming folks! And if you're happy do leave some reviews here :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 19, 2013, 05:19:26 PM
Sorry for the confusion. When you click "Buy Now" it will ask you which country you want to get your gift card from. We support .es, .de and .fr :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 19, 2013, 06:26:00 PM
Thanks! Hope you enjoy using the service!

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: etsoberano on November 21, 2013, 05:47:01 PM
Service fast and good!
Bought 100 PPUSD in 40 minutes got my money :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 23, 2013, 01:25:38 PM
Glad you got your order serviced quickly! Looking forward to your next order! :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on November 26, 2013, 04:19:28 AM
We've serviced over 100BTC of orders in the past week! Thanks for the tremendous response folks!

Working fast to have your incoming orders shipped as soon as possible. Average turn around time right now is 4-5 hours!

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: seleme on December 01, 2013, 12:56:11 AM
well, bought 100$ Paypal to test it.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: c0inbuster on December 29, 2013, 07:42:45 AM
This service has worked well yesterday for me to get 500EUR (100+400) of Amazon gift (FR).

Gift was send very quickly (less than 1 day).

Thanks for your service. Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on January 29, 2014, 07:30:11 PM
Thanks for your kind comments c0inbuster.

We've just added lower denomination (USD 25/EUR 25) Amazon Gift cards and Paypal due to popular demand!

As always, assuring you fast turn around times (<24 hours) often below 6 hours depending on the time of order!

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on March 05, 2014, 05:15:04 AM
Just added support for Amazon UK and Paypal GBP to your account!

Thanks for supporting the site so far and all the great feedback :)

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR, PPGBP or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: hrisa on September 13, 2014, 10:19:26 AM
How long does it take to receive your Amazon voucher?

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR, PPGBP or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: ashray on September 14, 2014, 08:26:16 PM
We normally take around 24 hours on weekdays and require 48 hours or so during weekends.

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR, PPGBP or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: btcrealm on July 26, 2015, 03:50:49 AM
I understand this is an old topic and I have searched for anything current on this service and found nothing new (bitcointalk or google).

The website is no longer up, the domain expired 03/28/2015.  The experience I had with the site was great and I was going back and looking to use the service again but found it no longer exists. 
Did it move or die?  Whats up ashray?

Title: Re: - Get PPUSD, PPEUR, PPGBP or Amazon gift cards for BTC!
Post by: bitcoin1387 on July 26, 2015, 06:14:00 AM
I understand this is an old topic and I have searched for anything current on this service and found nothing new (bitcointalk or google).

The website is no longer up, the domain expired 03/28/2015.  The experience I had with the site was great and I was going back and looking to use the service again but found it no longer exists. 
Did it move or die?  Whats up ashray?

I believe that the service ended