Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: meelos on November 14, 2013, 09:35:25 PM

Title: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 14, 2013, 09:35:25 PM
Sent 10,000 USD on the 15th October... They changed their bank from Voice Commerce the day after. Support told me they had not received the funds and asked me to send in a SWIFT copy of the transfer from my bank. Contacted my bank and they ordered an investigation. I had a response saying the funds had been deposited. I sent BTC-E the SWIFT copy of the transfer over a week ago and there has been no reply since. Absolutely terrible support.

Seems like they don't speak English too well. Had to ask my bank to investigate further and provide me with information I will need to take legal action. Shudder to think I may have to go see a lawyer. NOT a good experience.

My advise thus far is to steer clear of BTC-E. I will continue to update this forum when I hear back from their support team. Since I sent my funds the price of Bitcoin has almost tripled. I really wish I had used another exchange :(.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: lucaspm98 on November 14, 2013, 10:01:52 PM
Ouch, keep us updated. They should give you the bitcoins at the price you would have been able to buy them at, but of course they cant...

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 14, 2013, 11:10:38 PM
Yeah at this point I'm not even concerned about missing out on the gains. I'm just concerned that they're trying to steal my money. I don't have 10 G's to lose. Especially if I have to go down the legal route to recover it. Not sleeping too well at the moment. Lesson learned.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: tlielaxu on November 15, 2013, 12:21:49 AM
Quite a few people are having issues with BTC-e not releasing their money, myself included. >No one should be wiring them funds at this point.< If they had some sort of backlog you'd think they'd just come clean, but instead they give one word answers or request documents you've already submitted multiple times, in an obvious effort to stall for time. Not sure whats going over there but hopefully just bad customer service.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: l.j2300 on November 15, 2013, 11:50:20 AM
I fell into the same problem although my wire was sent a bit later then yours. It took more than 12 business days to deposit (they made me attach the swift paper), then finally credited my account. There is another problem you will most likely run into once you trade the USD for BTC (this is what happened to me). There is a money hold in the 30 day range which does not allow you to withdraw BTC until you provide photo ID and utility bill. I have sent these documents about 6 times so far and still no response from their support team.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 16, 2013, 12:08:21 AM
Glad to hear you guys got credited in the end though. I'm just not getting any response from BTC-E whatsoever.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: l.j2300 on November 16, 2013, 12:54:53 AM
Glad to hear you guys got credited in the end though. I'm just not getting any response from BTC-E whatsoever.

meelos, try to send a support ticket to them in Russian. Also add them on skype, their skype name is: Send them a message there along with your ticket ID for reference (try sending it in Russian too).

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 17, 2013, 06:20:13 PM
Thanks l.j2300

Tried both of your suggestions, sent them a message on skype in Russian both to the Russian and European Addresses. Also submitted another ticket in Russian. No response so far. Almost 5 weeks since I sent them my money now.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: l.j2300 on November 17, 2013, 07:44:20 PM
Thanks l.j2300

Tried both of your suggestions, sent them a message on skype in Russian both to the Russian and European Addresses. Also submitted another ticket in Russian. No response so far. Almost 5 weeks since I sent them my money now.

No problem.. Give it some time. I am still in the process as well, they usually take 3-4 business days to answer from experience.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 20, 2013, 07:33:13 PM
Still absolutely no answer. Spoke to my bank today they pretty much confirmed that I've been ripped off. They're trying to see if they can have BTC-E's bank return my funds automatically, but failing that they recommend I go see a lawyer.

It's official. BTC-E has stolen my deposit.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: l.j2300 on November 20, 2013, 09:21:42 PM
They just released my money hold when I checked....

The situation you are in is odd though... they should fund it since you uploaded the bank swift document.

Did they not answer you on skype/support ticket in Russian?

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 20, 2013, 10:00:53 PM
Nope, no reply. I can tell my tickets are being read because they aren't marked as "New" anymore.

Also I created a fake account on Monday and raised a support ticket asking what their withdrawal limits were. Got a response in about 5 hours. Then I replied asking them why they aren't answering the support ticket from my other account.... Silence.

They're trying to rip me off.

Turns out customers have very little protection when sending wire transfers. Trying to get the bank on board at the moment to get more information so I can go see a lawyer.

BTC-E are trying to steal my money.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: kireinaha on November 21, 2013, 05:32:27 AM
Found your thread while investigating deposit methods, thanks for sharing. Very incompetent on BTC-E`s part not to address issues like this promptly.

It seems like paying slightly more and going through Coinbase might be the safest method for now. I hope they release your funds soon. Keep us posted.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 21, 2013, 03:33:33 PM
kireinaha. Hopefully others will be deterred from making the same mistake I did. I will keep everyone updated of the outcome from this thing.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 21, 2013, 07:38:12 PM
Now they just CLOSED my ticket and had the cheek to send me a customer feedback email.

Thieving bastards.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: kireinaha on November 21, 2013, 08:17:16 PM
I wonder if a lawyer in the US would be able to help you in this situation (given that it`s an overseas exchange) or if you`d be better getting in touch with a lawyer in Bulgaria? Does anyone even know the `headquarters` or personal contact information of the site operators?

Bottom line, nobody on this forum should be doing business with BTC-E (and should exercise extreme judgement with any bitcoin exchanges in general).

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: rammy2k2 on November 21, 2013, 08:18:50 PM
I wonder if a lawyer in the US would be able to help you in this situation (given that it`s an overseas exchange) or if you`d be better getting in touch with a lawyer in Bulgaria? Does anyone even know the `headquarters` or personal contact information of the site operators?

Bottom line, nobody on this forum should be doing business with BTC-E (and should exercise extreme judgement with any bitcoin exchanges in general).

he cant, russian sites pisses on any US law by default

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 21, 2013, 10:50:49 PM
Yeah but the bank account was based in the UK... Voice Commerce Limited... I think the company was UK registered Mayzus Financial Services.

If I have to go after them I'm pretty sure I can.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: Hiroaki on November 22, 2013, 02:05:32 AM
One would think the 4th biggest bitcoin exchange and probably biggest altchain exchange isn't that shaddy !  :'(
There definitely is a demand for a secure LTC/USD PPC/USD [...] one.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: moni3z on November 22, 2013, 05:12:13 AM
They are just using OKpay bank info for deposits pretty sure, "Mayzeus" is a partner of Okpay and handles their transactions. Both will hold large transactions from 3rd party for all sorts of verification and can take a while but doesn't help if you just get no engrish one word answers

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: AndrewWilliams on November 22, 2013, 06:59:43 AM
Any updates meelos?

Sounds like you need to get an attorney to draft a formal request letter and mail and fax it to them ASAP.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on November 23, 2013, 12:11:33 AM
Nothing yet.

Yeah looks that way. Just awaiting all the paperwork from my bank. :(

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: l.j2300 on November 24, 2013, 10:24:37 AM
I hope you get everything back meelos. It may be a long process with the lawyers but it is of course worth it. I really want to see a response from BTC-E's staff regarding this situation. Although in my situation they did end up resolving it, but it took a very long time (especially dealing with their support). I will most likely not be using them again (to deposit USD in) after hearing this story. Meelos, try sending the message on their official thread on this forum, here is the link:

I am sure you are aware of this thread already but when I sent a message on their to the btc-e member of the forum, they replied back and I am not sure if it was just a coincidence but they responded to my ticket as well and shortly after, fixed my problem. Keep trying all your options until your lawyer/bank gets back to you.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: Mattzees on November 24, 2013, 04:08:40 PM
BTC-e is now restricting access to chat (the trollbox), which is where I would have gone to ask if anyone else is having problems with deposit/withdrawal.  The restriction is simply that you must have a minimum of $10 USD in your account, but it's still a restriction.  Just FYI.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: qiuness on November 24, 2013, 06:27:15 PM
i also have a friend who has 8000$ stuck for 7 days now

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: rulfito on November 24, 2013, 11:43:02 PM
They are just using OKpay bank info for deposits pretty sure, "Mayzeus" is a partner of Okpay and handles their transactions. Both will hold large transactions from 3rd party for all sorts of verification and can take a while but doesn't help if you just get no engrish one word answers

Similar thing happened to me.

Send 10k USD to Okpay. My account was already verified and had sent them a wire before. They switched banks right after I sent. Support told me that the wire would "bounce" and automatically be returned after 30 days. Haven't asked my bank to initiate a trace yet as they they seem reputable enough.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: johncclarke on December 02, 2013, 11:04:27 PM
Has anyone had any luck yet? I've been waiting since 14 November for a USD wire transfer and I'm not getting any response from their support about it

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: nahtnam on December 03, 2013, 05:32:48 AM
Hello! I am posting for someone else!

btc-e's wire deposit does say this now:
"We don't accept international wire transfers from US Citizens or from US Banks

All transfers from US Citizens or US Bank will be refused by bank"

I don't remember seeing this until today.  It's probably been added recently due to issues from US customers and such a high demand with current prices.  Sorry to hear about your situation.



Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: johncclarke on December 03, 2013, 07:30:50 AM
Hello! I am posting for someone else!

btc-e's wire deposit does say this now:
"We don't accept international wire transfers from US Citizens or from US Banks

All transfers from US Citizens or US Bank will be refused by bank"

I don't remember seeing this until today.  It's probably been added recently due to issues from US customers and such a high demand with current prices.  Sorry to hear about your situation.



I just checked and can confirm that message is now displayed at the bottom when you pick "International Wire Transfer" from the dropdown. Ok, so I guess I've got a couple of questions for them:

1) I am not a US citizen and did not use a US bank, however I did transfer the money as USD. Is that still a problem?
2) If it is, how the fuck do I get my money back?

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on December 03, 2013, 10:35:12 AM
johncclarke. I'm in the same situation. And yes, if the funds are sent by USD then there will be a mediating bank in the US forwarding the funds.

I'm gonna call my bank again today, see what the situation is. I'm based in the UK and at some point I'll be taking legal action. Sent another support ticket in Russian this week and they just closed it again.

I'll keep everyone posted.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: AndrewWilliams on December 03, 2013, 04:19:37 PM
It seems they want to avoid having to deal with the headaches associated with taking US dollars from US citizens (FINCen, FACTA, etc.).

Seems the options for US citizens gets smaller everyday thanks to US govt overregulation... at this point Coinbase is crap and there are maybe a handful of other exchanges I would trust.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: nahtnam on December 04, 2013, 01:30:01 AM
Hello! I am posting for someone else!

btc-e's wire deposit does say this now:
"We don't accept international wire transfers from US Citizens or from US Banks

All transfers from US Citizens or US Bank will be refused by bank"

I don't remember seeing this until today.  It's probably been added recently due to issues from US customers and such a high demand with current prices.  Sorry to hear about your situation.



I just checked and can confirm that message is now displayed at the bottom when you pick "International Wire Transfer" from the dropdown. Ok, so I guess I've got a couple of questions for them:

1) I am not a US citizen and did not use a US bank, however I did transfer the money as USD. Is that still a problem?
2) If it is, how the fuck do I get my money back?

If you have any questions, PM "jerm007". Thanks! :)

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: meelos on December 04, 2013, 10:52:23 AM
OK, My deposit was credited today. Only took 50 days and God knows how much lost in potential gains... But I'm just grateful to have my money back.
... Now how to get it back out.... Hmmm.

What seemed to work for me was to open up 2 tickets at btce, 1 in Russian and 1 in English.
When they close a ticket, don't just re-open it. Make sure you reply. I think the system will simply close it again automatically if you don't add an actual reply.

Then post in the official btce thread here. Make sure you post in both russian and english and quote your ticket numbers like this:

I'll keep everyone posted on the withdrawal procedure.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: on December 04, 2013, 12:39:36 PM
Recently, we started to receive  claims because of the long-time credit of funds transferred by SEPA / WireTransfer. The main problem is that some of our clients have a negligent attitude to the control of the field Details of Payment. As the result it takes an additional time to find your money. Please, make sure, that  the information Details of Payment is always present in the document of transfer, do not shorten it, don not  use your account username.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: ginbank on December 04, 2013, 01:52:34 PM

I also sent a wire transfer in USD currency to btc-e and it was credited to my btc-e account quickly. I made sure to put the right reference in the wire transfer field.
The USD did not come from a US bank and I am not a US citizen.
My USD were credited on Nov 20 2013 to btc-e, however a 30 day money HOLD appeared, preventing me from making any kind of withdrawals.
I could trade, buy and sell BTC, LTC etc .. but I could not get anything back out of btc-e.

As per their instructions I opened a support ticket right away on Nov 21 2013, with my btc-e username in the subject field and with photo ID and utility bill as requested.
After two days the ticket was closed without reply.
I re-opened the ticket and wrote a reply.

I received a reply on Nov 23 that the HOLD would be removed soon & to be patient.

Then I received another reply askign who the sender of my transfer is, also on Nov 23.

I replied with all the details about the wires, FT wire reference number, senders details.

Since then I have no received any replies to the ticket, and it was closed several times, I re-opened it every time.

No news, the money HOLD is still in effect.

I don't know what would happen if I sent BTC to the account, would the HOLD also apply to those?
What would happen if my HOLD gets removed and then I send more USD or EUR to my account, will I get another HOLD for all my funds?

At this stage I can not risk sending more money to btc-e.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: ginbank on December 04, 2013, 01:57:56 PM
bad news about btc-e:

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: petemoss on December 04, 2013, 02:26:04 PM
Meelos, good to hear your deposit issues were finally fixed. I see that others are also getting their deposit and withdrawal taken care of, albeit after
long delays. I'm also waiting for a "money hold" on my bitcoins to be lifted, hopefully by the end of the week. I think many traders on this forum have
been too quick to brand btc-e as scammers. I chose to buy on btc-e because of its size and lower btc prices. In my last buy, I saved over 13K compared
with bitstamp and to me, it was well worth the risk.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: ginbank on December 04, 2013, 07:23:09 PM
Now something really strange happened:

Instead of the "money HOLD" that btc-e promised to remove, I can see the red message "Denied for your account. Contact support."  when I try to go to the withdrawal section, no matter what I select BTC, LTC, USD ..
Has anyone seen this before?

Are they for real, contact support? I contacted support with all my documents right after sending the USD to them.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: AndrewWilliams on December 04, 2013, 07:39:17 PM
Too bad BTC-E not accepting US deposits now ...  :'(

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: ChessWhiz on December 04, 2013, 07:44:54 PM
Sent another support ticket in Russian this week and they just closed it again.
This alone should be a sign to stay away. I've been hearing about more and more issues with BTC-E recently. You can't be too careful.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: johncclarke on December 05, 2013, 08:32:49 AM
Recently, we started to receive  claims because of the long-time credit of funds transferred by SEPA / WireTransfer. The main problem is that some of our clients have a negligent attitude to the control of the field Details of Payment. As the result it takes an additional time to find your money. Please, make sure, that  the information Details of Payment is always present in the document of transfer, do not shorten it, don not  use your account username.

I made a USD wire transfer from a New Zealand bank on 14 November. My account has not been funded yet. I have had a support ticket open for 10 days now without a single response other than it wanting to close my tickets automatically. I have not even gotten a "account on hold" or any type of message. My bank and Mayzus confirmed they have deposited the funds into btc-e's account.

Can you please get support to urgently look at Ticket ID: TKZ-341-25068?

Thank you

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 05, 2013, 08:39:22 AM
This is not new news. BTC-e for months has required proof of identification before releasing deposits.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: on December 06, 2013, 05:46:54 AM
Recently, we started to receive  claims because of the long-time credit of funds transferred by SEPA / WireTransfer. The main problem is that some of our clients have a negligent attitude to the control of the field Details of Payment. As the result it takes an additional time to find your money. Please, make sure, that  the information Details of Payment is always present in the document of transfer, do not shorten it, don not  use your account username.

I made a USD wire transfer from a New Zealand bank on 14 November. My account has not been funded yet. I have had a support ticket open for 10 days now without a single response other than it wanting to close my tickets automatically. I have not even gotten a "account on hold" or any type of message. My bank and Mayzus confirmed they have deposited the funds into btc-e's account.

Can you please get support to urgently look at Ticket ID: TKZ-341-25068?

Thank you

We Can't find your transfer not by name not by confirm number and etc details. Add this information into the ticket
Pls ask your bank to do investigation

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: johncclarke on December 12, 2013, 10:44:44 PM
Recently, we started to receive  claims because of the long-time credit of funds transferred by SEPA / WireTransfer. The main problem is that some of our clients have a negligent attitude to the control of the field Details of Payment. As the result it takes an additional time to find your money. Please, make sure, that  the information Details of Payment is always present in the document of transfer, do not shorten it, don not  use your account username.

I made a USD wire transfer from a New Zealand bank on 14 November. My account has not been funded yet. I have had a support ticket open for 10 days now without a single response other than it wanting to close my tickets automatically. I have not even gotten a "account on hold" or any type of message. My bank and Mayzus confirmed they have deposited the funds into btc-e's account.

Can you please get support to urgently look at Ticket ID: TKZ-341-25068?

Thank you

Just thought I would provide an update. The funds came through at last. It took 4 weeks for my USD international wire transfer to be credited into my btc-e account.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: DeeBo on December 13, 2013, 01:06:34 AM
Recently, we started to receive  claims because of the long-time credit of funds transferred by SEPA / WireTransfer. The main problem is that some of our clients have a negligent attitude to the control of the field Details of Payment. As the result it takes an additional time to find your money. Please, make sure, that  the information Details of Payment is always present in the document of transfer, do not shorten it, don not  use your account username.

I made a USD wire transfer from a New Zealand bank on 14 November. My account has not been funded yet. I have had a support ticket open for 10 days now without a single response other than it wanting to close my tickets automatically. I have not even gotten a "account on hold" or any type of message. My bank and Mayzus confirmed they have deposited the funds into btc-e's account.

Can you please get support to urgently look at Ticket ID: TKZ-341-25068?

Thank you

Just thought I would provide an update. The funds came through at last. It took 4 weeks for my USD international wire transfer to be credited into my btc-e account.

Rediculous.  International wire transfer from the US to Bitstamp took me less than 24 hours.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: nahtnam on December 13, 2013, 01:18:10 AM
Recently, we started to receive  claims because of the long-time credit of funds transferred by SEPA / WireTransfer. The main problem is that some of our clients have a negligent attitude to the control of the field Details of Payment. As the result it takes an additional time to find your money. Please, make sure, that  the information Details of Payment is always present in the document of transfer, do not shorten it, don not  use your account username.

I made a USD wire transfer from a New Zealand bank on 14 November. My account has not been funded yet. I have had a support ticket open for 10 days now without a single response other than it wanting to close my tickets automatically. I have not even gotten a "account on hold" or any type of message. My bank and Mayzus confirmed they have deposited the funds into btc-e's account.

Can you please get support to urgently look at Ticket ID: TKZ-341-25068?

Thank you

Just thought I would provide an update. The funds came through at last. It took 4 weeks for my USD international wire transfer to be credited into my btc-e account.

Rediculous.  International wire transfer from the US to Bitstamp took me less than 24 hours.

Atleast he got his money back.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: elitenoob on December 13, 2013, 03:46:11 AM
I did a deposit of a few BTC some weeks ago and just tryed to withdraw them (previous ammount+profit) and got them within a few min. Verification was not needed for me.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: edgar on December 13, 2013, 04:13:37 AM
PM'd again while;
Hero Member
Online Online

Activity: 910

View Profile WWW Personal Message (Online)
Trust: 0: -0 / +0(0)

now awaiting a response.

9 minutes later -
Hero Member

Activity: 910

View Profile WWW Personal Message (Offline)
Trust: 0: -0 / +0(0)

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 17, 2013, 02:22:50 PM
Several more days passed with no useful support.

Coins are still stuck in BTCe

resend email, check junk mail, try again is all the autoreply bots are programmed to say...

Did you send in your ID verification documents?

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: toastedPotRoast on December 17, 2013, 02:35:11 PM
I sent in a wire transfer to them on the 3rd. Was accepted by there bank but never showed up in my account. Never blocked and returned to my account, and never even showed up in BTC-E. My money has effectively disappeared! Really its kind of working out with the drop in price, but damn where is my money?

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: adin090 on December 20, 2013, 04:47:53 PM
yes ..... btc-e lol

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: infinitybo on December 21, 2013, 02:39:42 PM
Dude where is my money ;D anyways you can still to try to charge back.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 21, 2013, 05:24:58 PM
I sent in a wire transfer to them on the 3rd. Was accepted by there bank but never showed up in my account. Never blocked and returned to my account, and never even showed up in BTC-E. My money has effectively disappeared! Really its kind of working out with the drop in price, but damn where is my money?

I have a wire transfer thats been missing since the 6th. Details of payment were correct. Ticket to support opened on Dec 7th. Still nothing credited to my account. This is the longest that it has ever taken btc-e to credit to my account.

Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: gigamike on January 05, 2014, 12:38:32 PM
I sent in a wire transfer to them on the 3rd. Was accepted by there bank but never showed up in my account. Never blocked and returned to my account, and never even showed up in BTC-E. My money has effectively disappeared! Really its kind of working out with the drop in price, but damn where is my money?

I have a wire transfer thats been missing since the 6th. Details of payment were correct. Ticket to support opened on Dec 7th. Still nothing credited to my account. This is the longest that it has ever taken btc-e to credit to my account.

Having the same experience :(

No response on ticket :(


Title: Re: Warning: BTC-E Not releasing my USD Deposit
Post by: naiden on February 27, 2014, 07:27:50 PM

I made a bank transfer (about $ 7000) 11 days ago in BTC-E, but money is not there yet in my account. I sent all necessary documents - ID, bank notes, SWIFT copy and more.Contacted my bank and they ordered an investigation. I had a response saying the funds had been deposited 8 day ago.
Already asked their support, but they don't respond  Angry Angry Angry Angry