Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: JollyGood on April 21, 2018, 09:45:09 PM

Title: How To Avoid ICO Scams Such As CrazyBet
Post by: JollyGood on April 21, 2018, 09:45:09 PM ( ( ( (

They raised over $2.5 million but the WHOLE project from start to finish was a scam. They stole images of people from online and created fake social media profiles for them and then used them in the "About Us" and "Team" pages. There was no real business or project, they duped a lot of people.

When scammers set out with a whole program of lies and deceit including using bonafide ICO and crypto promotion sites to fool investors to steal their money, it is difficult to avoid being fooled. What advice would you give to investors to protect themselves?

Title: Re: How To Avoid ICO Scams Such As CrazyBet
Post by: Nichao on April 22, 2018, 12:38:02 AM
new topic for another topic? are you serious? maybe you'll try to write some thoughts first?

Title: Re: How To Avoid ICO Scams Such As CrazyBet
Post by: shahani on April 22, 2018, 12:56:02 AM
The crazybet bet in my country is not totally known, and it is good for you to share this question so that people would also know about crazybet, and all of us can only avoid scammers if we used only the good trusted one, which have a long of business operations without any complaints from people or has already a good trust records of business operations connected to cryptocurrency business.

Title: Re: How To Avoid ICO Scams Such As CrazyBet
Post by: JollyGood on April 22, 2018, 01:27:11 AM
The crazybet bet in my country is not totally known, and it is good for you to share this question so that people would also know about crazybet, and all of us can only avoid scammers if we used only the good trusted one, which have a long of business operations without any complaints from people or has already a good trust records of business operations connected to cryptocurrency business.

The problem is the ones intending to scam tend to use fake social media to show they are "real" but there is no way of knowing for sure they are real or fake. It is very risky investing by looking at whitepapers. Here is the CrazyBet whitepaper link: (

It has fake About Us/Team and token distrubtion etc. Many people were duped by this so what in your opinion is the best way to try and avoid scams? They ran off with over $2.5 million in Ether all because they ticked most of the boxes investors are looking for but they fooled investors.