Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: meowzer on April 22, 2018, 07:42:07 PM

Title: lost horde sleuthing
Post by: meowzer on April 22, 2018, 07:42:07 PM
I do a little sleuthing every now and then on a lost chunk of coins I bought in early 2010, somewhere between 20-50$ worth. It was either on dwdollars old BitcoinMarket, using paypal (if I recall correctly), sometime between March-June 2010, or possibly earlier.

Possibly one of these two public keys if it was the March-June date;

Digging through an old email account I found a $42 transaction from "Bibit Internet Payments" on Feb 12, 2010. This at first recollection seemed to be to early, but then again it was in the general time range when I was home for a short time period and its in the right transaction range.

Q: Anyone know if there was a pre-exchange using that company for payment ("Bibit Internet Payments") transactions?

Likely public address?

I was a grad student at the time and had access to a few different HPCs and think I put it somewhere I would be able to ssh to for awhile, but alas no lucking finding my wallet.
