Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Meetups => Topic started by: Isaac-Zen on April 23, 2018, 06:37:46 AM

Title: Zen Protocol hosts panel with Cardano ($ADA) in Tel Aviv, Israel
Post by: Isaac-Zen on April 23, 2018, 06:37:46 AM
Please RSVP on this event:

Zen Protocol is happy to welcome Charles Hoskinson from the Cardano Foundation in a joint meetup all about Formal Verification and it's importance in decentralized blockchains. Special thanks to Ayeka for hosting this event.

* 5m - Intro by Zen Protocol - Introducing IOHK & CF, the general discussion around Formal Verification & Welcoming Charles.
* 10-15m - Talk by Zen Protocol - How ZP uses FV to get rid of gas and run smart contracts without a VM and the ZP vision of a decentralized financial system.
* 15-20m - Charles talks about Cardano, formal verification, proof of stake and Ouroboros
* 30-40m - Q&A Panel - Panel with both IOHK and ZP