Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Vorksholk on November 18, 2013, 06:08:25 PM

Title: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: Vorksholk on November 18, 2013, 06:08:25 PM
So, if you want to mine ProtoShares with cloud servers, you might want to take a look at amazon EC2.

 Each instance costs ~$0.28/hr for a cc2.8xlarge at spot prices. Each spot instance of a cc2.8xlarge gives you 480 Collisions Per Minute when using the optimized 1024M jhProtoMiner ProtoShare Miner for

tar zxvf jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7c-linux64-core2.tgz
cd jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7c-linux64-core2
cd linux64-core2-1024M
./jhprotominer -O -u username.worker -p password -t 32

The above code will quickly get you running on EC2's 32-core systems. The 32-core systems are available at a good price in N. Carolina and Oregon, and you need to use HVM-compatible linux OSes (I used Ubuntu 13.10) for your server OS.

Currently, I'm paying $11.20/hour for almost 20,000 CPM. Not bad.

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: rellix on November 18, 2013, 06:36:45 PM
At that price per hour and the current BTC value on coingrounds, you're earning $1-2 USD/hr? Pretty heavy investment.

Unless my calculations are wrong of course. Going by your earnings per block on ypool @ 12-13 blocks/hr.

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: Vorksholk on November 18, 2013, 07:08:22 PM
At that price per hour and the current BTC value on coingrounds, you're earning $1-2 USD/hr? Pretty heavy investment.

Unless my calculations are wrong of course. Going by your earnings per block on ypool @ 12-13 blocks/hr.

I get somewhere around 0.19 PTS/Block, and the pool is currently getting 15 blocks/hr. At this rate, 15*0.19*0.0106*600=$18.13.

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: NUFCrichard on November 18, 2013, 07:34:53 PM
What were the returns like last week? 7 bucks an hour is less than I expected, can you actually cash out or are you holding waiting for a non-Chinese exchange to pick it up?

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: c4shm3n on November 18, 2013, 08:40:36 PM
i get an error on AMD-Opteron:

v0.1c M7c-linux64-core2/yvg1900
º  jhProtominer mod by yvg1900                     º
º  author: jh                                      º
º                                º
º  mod author: yvg1900                             º
º  Addresses for Thanks and Donations:             º
º    PTS: PZxsEQoiMeB6tHcW2ZySBEiCPio1WkxbEL       º
º    XPM: AW2388DEWNEfMH4rP9kcj9yKcMq1QywYT4       º
º    LTC: Lby4YjhcAxhmbsdHFb4nYydrwGoiJezZt1       º
º    BTC: 1FxekeK5La7AuF3oxiLzPKnjXyLMrux6VT       º
Checking optimizations compatibility...
Illegal instruction

Can you help with this?

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: Vorksholk on November 18, 2013, 11:36:12 PM
What were the returns like last week? 7 bucks an hour is less than I expected, can you actually cash out or are you holding waiting for a non-Chinese exchange to pick it up?

Unfortunately I only discovered the wonderful pricing of EC2 spot instances yesterday, however back at 1/4 difficulty profit would have been much higher.

i get an error on AMD-Opteron:

v0.1c M7c-linux64-core2/yvg1900
º  jhProtominer mod by yvg1900                     º
º  author: jh                                      º
º                                º
º  mod author: yvg1900                             º
º  Addresses for Thanks and Donations:             º
º    PTS: PZxsEQoiMeB6tHcW2ZySBEiCPio1WkxbEL       º
º    XPM: AW2388DEWNEfMH4rP9kcj9yKcMq1QywYT4       º
º    LTC: Lby4YjhcAxhmbsdHFb4nYydrwGoiJezZt1       º
º    BTC: 1FxekeK5La7AuF3oxiLzPKnjXyLMrux6VT       º
Checking optimizations compatibility...
Illegal instruction

Can you help with this?

Yup.... the commands in the code are only for Intel processors, and at that only certain Intel processors. They use optimizations for core2 machines, which means that they use assembly instructions that are available on Intel processors that aren't generically available.

For the AMD-Opteron, you can try the following, and see which one works/gives the best power:


Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: MessyCoin on November 19, 2013, 12:03:18 AM
What is the program you have running in all those terminals? (I don't recognize it) Cheers!

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: Vorksholk on November 19, 2013, 12:29:39 AM
What is the program you have running in all those terminals? (I don't recognize it) Cheers!

Oh, that's htop, showing 32 hyperthreaded cores and 30/60GB RAM wired :)

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: jerrybusey on November 19, 2013, 12:35:18 AM
i get an error on AMD-Opteron:

v0.1c M7c-linux64-core2/yvg1900
º  jhProtominer mod by yvg1900                     º
º  author: jh                                      º
º                                º
º  mod author: yvg1900                             º
º  Addresses for Thanks and Donations:             º
º    PTS: PZxsEQoiMeB6tHcW2ZySBEiCPio1WkxbEL       º
º    XPM: AW2388DEWNEfMH4rP9kcj9yKcMq1QywYT4       º
º    LTC: Lby4YjhcAxhmbsdHFb4nYydrwGoiJezZt1       º
º    BTC: 1FxekeK5La7AuF3oxiLzPKnjXyLMrux6VT       º
Checking optimizations compatibility...
Illegal instruction

Can you help with this?

If you're compiling yourself on the server then you need to change the march=native option in to something other than native. Try this list
It looks like there's an explicit "opteron" option but I don't know the AMD branding system so that may give you an older instruction set.

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: lajz99 on November 22, 2013, 07:59:29 PM
I'm getting an "outdated miner version" error....can someone assist?

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: runderwo on November 22, 2013, 09:04:05 PM
Is anyone able to get ptsminer to work?  For me it segfaults on AVX instructions despite I'm on c3.8xlarge which Amazon says is AVX supported and /proc/cpuinfo says avx is supported.

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: AceCobra1 on November 26, 2013, 12:06:21 AM
what type of OS should I be choosing in AWS ? It seems quite complex

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: Quartx on November 26, 2013, 12:14:56 AM
Is anyone able to get ptsminer to work?  For me it segfaults on AVX instructions despite I'm on c3.8xlarge which Amazon says is AVX supported and /proc/cpuinfo says avx is supported.

Try to use cc2.8xlarge ,c3 is much for expensive yet provide only a 25 percent rough performance increase

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: Quartx on November 26, 2013, 12:17:13 AM
what type of OS should I be choosing in AWS ? It seems quite complex

Fyi there is another related thread with much more details :D Its in the alt forum first page, sorry OP for derailing

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: AceCobra1 on November 26, 2013, 12:28:13 AM
Thanks :) What type of c/ and sh/m are you guys getting on what setup?

I take it the higher the better right ?

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: flayway on November 26, 2013, 05:07:39 PM
I get this what need do can someone help?

If i start without -t 32, then that start but coming outdated miner version and later invalid share raseon Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted.

What command closing this so i dont need reboot allways this?

º  jhProtominer mod by yvg1900                     º
º  author: jh                                      º
º                                º
º  mod author: yvg1900                             º
º  Addresses for Thanks and Donations:             º
º    PTS: PZxsEQoiMeB6tHcW2ZySBEiCPio1WkxbEL       º
º    XPM: AW2388DEWNEfMH4rP9kcj9yKcMq1QywYT4       º
º    LTC: Lby4YjhcAxhmbsdHFb4nYydrwGoiJezZt1       º
º    BTC: 1FxekeK5La7AuF3oxiLzPKnjXyLMrux6VT       º
Checking optimizations compatibility...
OK: Optimizations are compatible
Launching miner...
Using 1024 megabytes of memory per thread
Using 32 threads
Connected to server using x.pushthrough(xpt) protocol
xpt: Logged in with user.worker

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: flayway on November 26, 2013, 05:50:45 PM


Now i try this generic and coming same and even ypool worker page not show that is connected if i dont add -t.

collisions/min: 118.4375 Shares total: 1
collisions/min: 118.1633 Shares total: 1
collisions/min: 118.2000 Shares total: 1
Share found!
Invalid share
Reason: Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted
collisions/min: 118.2353 Shares total: 2
collisions/min: 117.9808 Shares total: 2

Can some hacker help me? :D

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: zKarp on December 01, 2013, 04:11:36 AM
deleted instance and it worked.

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: lithod02 on December 17, 2013, 12:48:30 AM
Also getting the Reason: Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted. Update your miner. error

Any ideas?

Title: Re: [PTS] Mining ProtoShares on Amazon EC2: Cheaper Than DigitalOcean!
Post by: cragv on December 21, 2013, 11:43:09 AM
Also getting the Reason: Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted. Update your miner. error

Any ideas?

Update your miner, perhaps? Post #9 from this thread was pretty useful for me. Cheers.

Edit: if you still haven't got it working, try -t 4 (instead of 8 ).