Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: CarloPonzi on November 19, 2013, 11:04:26 AM

Title: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: CarloPonzi on November 19, 2013, 11:04:26 AM
Somebody re post this in another popular section of the forum so it gets attention from non-newbies as I won't be....

So in 2011 shortly after I was introduced to Silk Road I started conducting research into Bitcoin. It was immediately evident to me that this CC is wonderfully suited to be part of a huge pump and dump scheme. My plan was to corner the market, buy as much possible (ideally I wanted to hold 2-3 million coins MINIMUM before generating the (global) hype and then to start hyping it in the same manner it has been. Not just in the West but particularly China. Their politicians have many times given the nod to many ponzi and fraudulent schemes as long as they also had a stake in those said schemes and their population eats it up every single time. To the uninformed, Bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme but a pump and dump play. It's underlying technology is for the most part sound and WILL be used for many financial platforms in the future but the currency itself will not survive in the long term.

I needed fiat to purchase BTC and to setup mining rigs so I went about generating it. I became involved in a criminal enterprise, generated fiat and carried out the aforementioned objectives. I was caught. It wasn't due to hubris but to a miscalculation of a certain risk and I was duly punished for that oversight.

The day I went to prison I held 670,000 BTC. I was released 2-8 weeks ago. I am being vague about this date for obvious reasons. 

I want to thank 'The Syndicate' who has engineered this price rise and ensured my efforts were not in vain. You have done a lot of the hard work while I've been sitting on my ass but you have also profited handsomely. I won't make the billions you will but I am happy with my lot for now. The Syndicate are the group who have since 2012 been implementing my very same idea.

I have now plenty of capital to invest in the schemes I've been cooking up in confinement but this time they will benefit mankind than take advantage of them.

The best of luck to you all!


P.S. I am wasted right now and am sure I will regret this post when I wake up but this is an itch that I just couldn't help but scratch.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: RW02 on November 19, 2013, 11:11:33 AM
to most newbies this is what you call and ASSHOLE.. probably not true and all a figment of some stupid attention seeking asshole..

also filed the post for deletion :) your welcome

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Greg0s on November 19, 2013, 11:15:30 AM
Haha, wow and here i was thinking i was lucky to have mined 6 of them 2 years ago :P

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: smith2btc on November 19, 2013, 11:17:33 AM
You are a hero. I really like your story, I'm sure you had emotions which none of us ever had or could possibly imagine.

Send me some BTC: 14e6H9DU6cMVH7tvmNT95B7MQTeRxR9ogp
Preferably more than 10, since you have 670,000 BTC. :)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Misesian on November 19, 2013, 11:19:51 AM
Spare some bitcoins?

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: scutzi128 on November 19, 2013, 11:25:50 AM
Good luck trying to convert even half of that 670000 btc into actual currency. But if you want to give some away I'm always open to accepting gifts ;)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: nefron on November 19, 2013, 11:26:16 AM
:) i will believe u, if u send me measly 25btc to 1MCXR9ZxCDW3F2aLpkUFUfbiJ41T2SfoHV

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: marcotheminer on November 19, 2013, 11:43:13 AM
Hey how about you prove it by sending a tiny amount of 25btc (for you its tiny) to 12hYBWiPqfwdveGzpbRdGxeqnoMcNvGNSq
Prove it or be called a liar :P

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: gracesfall on November 19, 2013, 11:48:26 AM
Must be nice to be rolling in BTC. If you've got one or two to spare, toss 'em over to 1QBDPN335aP9Aq4m9V8vF5uARgatjg9yK9 :)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: mardil on November 19, 2013, 11:48:58 AM
I'm new to the bitcoin world, a little donation to get started would be nice!

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: demonmaestro on November 19, 2013, 11:50:49 AM
Donations are nice  ;D  1BGvygMoS6ZvBmdb7dc8f1za4cfgjiUKhT

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: cr1776 on November 19, 2013, 12:00:05 PM
Exactly. To get that reward he would have had to get every block reward for nearly 100 days straight (about 13400 x 50 btc block rewards). 100% of the network hashing power. There were no sudden 100% drops when he 'went to prison'. At 10% it would take nearly 3 years - meaning 2011 + 3 equals next year.

QED: don't listen to this guy for a second newbies (or anyone else).

to most newbies this is what you call and ASSHOLE.. probably not true and all a figment of some stupid attention seeking asshole..

also filed the post for deletion :) your welcome

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Fiyasko on November 19, 2013, 12:07:10 PM
Lol, troll harder, post a blockchain link to your 670k bitcoins or stfu and delete your account you child

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: zuerdemon on November 19, 2013, 12:14:25 PM
To OP, sign a message with some high stack BTC address to prove you are not trolling  ;)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: bluemystic on November 19, 2013, 12:29:31 PM
what a waste of a human being.. go back to jail

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: CarloPonzi on November 19, 2013, 12:43:45 PM
I'm too rich to be mad or even care about how idiotic some people and specifically YOU are. Did I say or even imply I accumulated any significant portion of my assets through mining?

And to the poor fellows seeking handouts, many have asked for a donation yet not one person has even bothered to re-post my thread as I requested are all deserving of NOTHING!

I will however invite any enterprising folk to submit business plans to me via PM. I am not concerned with the ethics of your plan. If they are entertaining enough and effective at increasing the use and adoption of BTC (think Cryptolocker, SR) I just might invest. More of a grant than an investment, I do NOT want any equity - my return will be increase in market price and liquidity so I can offload more of my coins without the fluctuations I've experienced so far.

Let's get that market cap to $10 billion!!!!

Exactly. To get that reward he would have had to get every block reward for nearly 100 days straight (about 13400 x 50 btc block rewards). 100% of the network hashing power. There were no sudden 100% drops when he 'went to prison'. At 10% it would take nearly 3 years - meaning 2011 + 3 equals next year.

QED: don't listen to this guy for a second newbies (or anyone else).

to most newbies this is what you call and ASSHOLE.. probably not true and all a figment of some stupid attention seeking asshole..

also filed the post for deletion :) your welcome

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: sana8410 on November 19, 2013, 03:10:44 PM
Wow congrats, can you send some?

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: StefanThePro on November 19, 2013, 03:23:16 PM
as a fellow darkweb user, congrats,
spare a coin?

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: dreamspark on November 19, 2013, 03:33:59 PM
This made my day  ;D

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Arksun on November 19, 2013, 03:41:29 PM
lol, cool story bro

I'm off to fly in my spaceship to mars now that I bought with BoingCoins....

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: DodoB on November 19, 2013, 03:43:25 PM
nice trolling 10/10 you even got some beggers
or youre just drunk

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Slinker on November 19, 2013, 03:45:06 PM
bunch of BS!

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: novymivo on November 19, 2013, 03:50:37 PM
Lucky guy
If this is a true I am happy with him.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: NightFerret on November 19, 2013, 04:26:12 PM
Bitcoins or it didn't happen.


Unfortunately I don't have my address with me right now so never mind...

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Multivitaminz on November 19, 2013, 04:31:51 PM
BTC: 1AonbwkzenMnSikNq2LL2iumYDpdESLYUK

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: CarloPonzi on November 19, 2013, 11:10:56 PM
My name is Nick, on here Stick56. I I have tried to get help from government programs and non profits and have been turned down by them all. I draw $1,413 a month and they say I can live on that. Since I can't get help from these called good guys might you be willing to send something my way. I have no money making plan I am only trying to stay at home and stay alive a few more years.   q

I contracted polio when I was just about three years old. I survived but Mother Nature got in some good licks. I was left at that time with a bad/weak left leg, a curved spine, a weak right arm, and my left lung only operated at half capacity. I had to wear a long leg brace on my leg my whole life. All things considered at the time I survived in pretty good shape.

When I was around 9 I had to have surgery because my spine was curving more and more. The doctors said I would not live without surgery, I’d sooner or later bend sideways so much my heart and lungs would fail. So I had what they call a spinal fusion operation done around 1968.  The results were good. I no longer continued to lean over more. After the surgery I was able to return to public school and went on to graduate from college in 1979.

After college I was lucky enough to get a job as a general accountant with a local company, Perfection Hy-Test/ a member of the Mormon Group out of Chicago. During my employment with the company I had to relocate to North Carolina and was placed is the position of Controller until August of 1989. The reason I had to retire was due to medical issues related to my having had polio, weakness and what seemed like a never ending case of pneumonia. When I retired I returned to South Carolina to live with my parents.

About six months later, during another case of pneumonia I was placed in the hospital and literally died that afternoon when my lungs stopped working. Obviously, I was brought back by a group of great doctors and nurses however I had to be placed on a ventilator and moved to a different hospital that was set up to deal with my type of case. After about a month in intensive care it was determined I was not going to be able to live without a ventilator 24/7. I was released and came home to my parents on a vent in March of 1990.

I have lived at home since. My parents and family have taken great care of me although it took its toll on them. I’ve seen my Mother pass on after a lifetime of caring for me.  The last eleven years of my Father’s life I saw him lay in bed unable to get up due to his disabilities. I cared for him as best I could along with help from a nurse aide/PCA and of course our family.

Now I’m alone, I have survived a lot in my days here on earth. Polio and 22+ years on a ventilator, either bed redden or in a wheelchair the whole time.

My needs are for money to help pay part of my medical expenses, in the form of a part time nurse aid and for supplies no longer covered by Medicare/Medicaid, and help with monthly expenses.

The reason why I’m now in need is because, my father passed away in November of 2012. He and I lived together, he was also disabled and a veteran. With his retirement benefits, from both Army and Social Security and mine we were able to pay all our bills as well as save a little for whatever came along. Without his income, I just can’t make it, I have had to use up all the rainy day money we had put aside trying to just maintain, I can’t do it any longer without help. I’m on Medicare and Medicaid but they can’t pay it all and have of late been cutting back on supplies I have to have, because of me being on a ventilator 24/7.

I am currently receiving a monthly social security disability check, which is my only income. I am on both Medicare and Medicaid and they cover most but not all of my medical expenses and the list of covered medical supplies get shorter each month it seems. I am also on a state program called Community Long Term Care, part of the Department of Social Services in South Carolina. These programs are why I am still living. However with budget cuts in these programs along with increased out of pocket medical expenses, and the general rising cost of living in every category, I’m falling short and the road ahead looked very dark for me.

My main goal is to stay alive and at home. With a little help I can reach this goal. I have looked at my monthly and yearly expenses and I need an additional $700 to 1000 a month in money and or services. That is with my cutting out everything I can, and still have a home to live in. The desired outcome is simple but out of reach without help.




^^^ This is NOT how you go about getting funds from me. TWIT!!

Those who have business proposals, I obviously wasn't in the best frame of mind I made this thread. Just PM me your Torchat ID and we'll talk there.

ROFLMFAO - I don't give a F*** if you losers believe me. Do you think I created this thread to receive kudos from anybody? Those who have any genuine interest in being financed to set up a project PM me. Here I am trying to spread the love and also serve my own interests at the same time and you stupid twats can't see it.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: zerosyztem on November 19, 2013, 11:26:09 PM
WILL BE UR FRIEND 4 BITCOIN: 1JZ3wGnnznFvgEa5yGmkwgkDqJbsjEvJyv

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 19, 2013, 11:37:00 PM
Hey how about you prove it by sending a tiny amount of 25btc (for you its tiny) to 12hYBWiPqfwdveGzpbRdGxeqnoMcNvGNSq
Prove it or be called a liar :P

I have a better idea. Send $1.25 USD to 1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd to help feed the homeless. See this thread for reference:

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Imerman2 on November 20, 2013, 12:31:32 AM
Somebody re post this in another popular section of the forum so it gets attention from non-newbies as I won't be....

So in 2011 shortly after I was introduced to Silk Road I started conducting research into Bitcoin. It was immediately evident to me that this CC is wonderfully suited to be part of a huge pump and dump scheme. My plan was to corner the market, buy as much possible (ideally I wanted to hold 2-3 million coins MINIMUM before generating the (global) hype and then to start hyping it in the same manner it has been. Not just in the West but particularly China. Their politicians have many times given the nod to many ponzi and fraudulent schemes as long as they also had a stake in those said schemes and their population eats it up every single time. To the uninformed, Bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme but a pump and dump play. It's underlying technology is for the most part sound and WILL be used for many financial platforms in the future but the currency itself will not survive in the long term.

I needed fiat to purchase BTC and to setup mining rigs so I went about generating it. I became involved in a criminal enterprise, generated fiat and carried out the aforementioned objectives. I was caught. It wasn't due to hubris but to a miscalculation of a certain risk and I was duly punished for that oversight.

The day I went to prison I held 670,000 BTC. I was released 2-8 weeks ago. I am being vague about this date for obvious reasons. 

I want to thank 'The Syndicate' who has engineered this price rise and ensured my efforts were not in vain. You have done a lot of the hard work while I've been sitting on my ass but you have also profited handsomely. I won't make the billions you will but I am happy with my lot for now. The Syndicate are the group who have since 2012 been implementing my very same idea.

I have now plenty of capital to invest in the schemes I've been cooking up in confinement but this time they will benefit mankind than take advantage of them.

The best of luck to you all!


P.S. I am wasted right now and am sure I will regret this post when I wake up but this is an itch that I just couldn't help but scratch.

This post is so stupid I'm not sure how to respond.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: nefron on November 20, 2013, 02:58:22 AM
y will anyone care to repost ur thread if no one believes u.

having said that u can gain my trust by sending 25btc to 1MCXR9ZxCDW3F2aLpkUFUfbiJ41T2SfoHV

also post the pics of beach house i assume you recently bought

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: yohgez42 on November 20, 2013, 04:35:30 AM
Just send me 1 or 2 you kind sir. If I were in your situation I would look upon this as vindication for your 2 year prison sentence, you have found your investment well worth it. Seriously though, help out im poor and you are now very wealthy spread the love.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: BlackShadow on November 20, 2013, 04:58:15 AM
CarloPonzi You're fuckin awesome I love this thread!!!

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Arksun on November 20, 2013, 05:18:50 AM
I can't believe a noob was gullible enough to actually post in the main forum on his behalf!, good luck getting tipped ;)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: btc_kitten on November 20, 2013, 05:32:13 AM
i'd like some coins ... 1LJVmdoiXx6beZzsbMLNRY3nwMHYAW32jC

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 20, 2013, 06:41:44 AM
Released from prison, but still in Newbie jail.

Total Time Spent Online:   1 hours and 10 minutes.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Mondy on November 20, 2013, 07:36:07 AM
Seems legit -_-

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: stompix on November 20, 2013, 08:25:52 AM
Satoshi was in prison?

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Domi3636 on November 20, 2013, 09:44:08 AM
I have like 22 000 000 BTC ;D

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: paulus51 on November 20, 2013, 11:09:51 AM
well to all those bitcoin " miljonairs " wanna help out a broke man ?   

btc 18ZQXuHy6oxo8PC26izEqy4iBCZgmew2bi

thanks in adavanced

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: JohnC. on November 20, 2013, 11:18:19 AM
The biggest question that comes in mind is, are you going to invest your capital in some new mining rig or cash out and enjoy your life at the bahama's ? :)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: paulus51 on November 20, 2013, 11:22:36 AM
well i should say; spend it wisely maby new rig, or exchange to get your life a boost up and start fresh ;)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Iced on November 20, 2013, 01:09:48 PM
Nice to hear that man :)

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: BitManiac2040 on November 20, 2013, 01:47:52 PM
plz...plzzzzzz plzz send me some coins.. i am from a very poor background...  i need some money to straighten up my life... some charity would be good, i shall come up with business proposal if u can help me initially..

plzz spare me few coins... plzzz


Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: coinbitty on November 23, 2013, 07:11:16 AM
Here's my beggars cup, send your coins here -->  115YHsZwmRQueYBR9vVhiZzDcNEVAaiqSs

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: 0x00ff on November 23, 2013, 07:37:20 AM
I'd also be interested in some 'donation'. Father of two, not owning much, mostly collecting the Satoshi as it get's found.

Any Satoshi welcome here: 1H46SyAGqGf993MAYaht5SpxnEp2XQVS7g

Thanks a lot man!

Wish you make good (re-)start with all the opportunities you have now with that amount!

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: 2double0 on November 23, 2013, 07:41:35 AM
Ummmm, if you believe this you dumb..

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: bitlo on November 23, 2013, 08:26:15 AM

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: CounterStrike on November 23, 2013, 10:26:22 AM
pic please or nothing happen...

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: Kaligulax on November 23, 2013, 11:32:17 AM
If this is true.....:

 ;) can you put some donation here: 1FxCUCAij9FT9fXQSqYHHMiaELhRTAhui6

i like to buy TV and cell phone... and maybe own pc...  ::)
I work for 0,2 bitcoin a month in my country


Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: oxideNL on November 23, 2013, 11:39:47 AM
lol pathetic all those ppl begging for coins while obvious BS story.

There are things more profitable than begging... just saying

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: ub3rl1ght on November 23, 2013, 01:36:14 PM
I thought I was lucky to have mined 9.25 bitcoin 2 years ago haha. If this is true (lots of speculation in the thread) don't do anything stupid, just live your life man.

Title: Re: Just been released from prison to find out my stash is worth $$$$$$$$$
Post by: minutetaker on November 23, 2013, 01:56:50 PM
what an entertaining read that was