Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: popcorn1 on April 25, 2018, 06:10:18 PM

Title: To the commonwealth the royals want you as slaves
Post by: popcorn1 on April 25, 2018, 06:10:18 PM
To all the commonwealth ..
If i was you lot i wouldn't have nothing to do with the UK royals ..All they want is for you to be slaves for their pockets..
They will put a leader in your nation and they will use you like slaves and then your leader will pay the ROYAL SCUMBAG BUMS..
They are the worst FREELOADERS  ever..

They will kill your children for monies FACT..
They don't care for no one but themselves   also slash you in the back and then sell you a plaster to help heal your cut..

Enjoy being black slaves again commonwealth ;)..The ROYALS ARE BACK..<<HERE'S JOHNNY  :o..

The UK as become a SHIT DUMP..And the biggest shits are the ROYAL FREELOADERS..

Why do we even have them? .. :-\<<waste of money ..

I turn over now when i see the ROYAL BUMS..