Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: bitzenbits on November 20, 2013, 05:21:10 PM

Title: Why did my post from yesterday disappear?
Post by: bitzenbits on November 20, 2013, 05:21:10 PM
If I wasn't confused enough already about how the whole BTC wallet/key/client stuff works, now I guess I'm confused about Newbie forum posts. ;)

After buying my first fraction of BTC's from someone on localbitcoins yesterday, I came here for clarification/next steps. The post shows under my profile, but not under the Newbie section of the forum... not even right after I posted it.

It seems that if it were in the rules that I can't create more than one post a few days after joining (which I didn't see in the rules,) then I would get some sort of error message regarding restrictions... no? But not only did it never show up in the Newbie category, there are no responses - which leads me to believe it just never posted anywhere.

I guess I'll see if this one posts... and if so, I'd love to be able to ask a few questions regarding "next steps" following yesterday's BTC purchase.


Title: Re: Why did my post from yesterday disappear?
Post by: immortal4now on November 20, 2013, 05:25:36 PM
Threads are sometimes moved or deleted by moderators.