Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: laotse on November 23, 2013, 02:32:27 AM

Title: Thank Bitcoin Because Poker Isn't Just For Pros or Rounders
Post by: laotse on November 23, 2013, 02:32:27 AM
Since all newbies must make an initial post, this one is mine:

Ever since the shutdown of the online poker sites in the USSA, it has left a major void for many people. There were a lot of folks who made a living (albeit meager) from online poker.  They used online poker to literally pay the bills.  Many of these people were not what folks would call pros.  They were just regular folks who would sit forever at their terminals and "grind" away.

I knew one lady who was disabled that lived in Boston.  She couldn't get out of her apartment because of having broken her back in a car accident.  She had no family and no relatives and no income other than disability. Though she could walk, it was only for short distances.  She had no stamina and was, for all intents and purposes, chair bound.  She taught herself how to play poker.  She built up her bankroll from playing freerolls and then micro-cash games. From all of this she was able, just before the end of the online poker sites, to win and be able to withdraw about $200 USD a month.  To get to this point she was playing almost 16 hrs a day - seven days a week.  Which, if you do the math, meant she was earning at the outrageous rate of FORTY CENTS AN HOUR! These "illicit" earnings allowed her to purchase small items that she could otherwise not afford as all her money from disability went to paying rent and buying the essentials.

Bitcoin has allowed a small group like this lady to start again where they had no other real option.  It has also allowed many who live in "restricted' jurisdictions to again have the opportunity to to enjoy the game that they enjoy more than any other and are not allowed to play because they cannot travel to the few places where it is allowed or do not want to subject themselves to the seedier side of illegal (back room) gaming.

Thanks Bitcoin.


If you are wondering how she played online with no income: she had an old computer given to her, a friend who fixed it, and used a $9 a month DIAL-UP connection.