Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: ronaldmaustin on February 14, 2011, 12:14:21 AM

Title: I want bells and whistles
Post by: ronaldmaustin on February 14, 2011, 12:14:21 AM
I literally want a bell or whistle to go off when I found a block.  Or I want the Bitcoin program to play an mp3 of "I'm in the money".  Or maybe just a loud siren accompanied by the screen flashing.  Or maybe the computer can catch fire.

Title: Re: I want bells and whistles
Post by: dingus on February 14, 2011, 12:22:00 AM
I want mine to first play a cash register noise at 100% volume, followed by a deep, low voice saying "Show Me the Money!", followed THEN by various pictures of playboy models. Fireworks shooting out from behind my monitor are optional.

Title: Re: I want bells and whistles
Post by: grondilu on February 14, 2011, 01:03:27 AM
Just make a bash script that checks your balance and whistles if it has increased.


if ! balance=$(bitcoind getbalance)
    echo coudn't retreive the balance 2>&1
    exit 1
elif (($balance > $oldbalance))
   mpg123 someCoolSoundFile.mp3

And then in the bash command line (or in you .profile or whereever):

$ while thenameofthescriptabove; do sleep 60; done &