Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: iillaa on April 29, 2018, 10:57:24 PM

Title: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: iillaa on April 29, 2018, 10:57:24 PM
hey  i just found something so weird  .   ( this website is copying threads and posts from our bitcoin talk forum  

even the simple posts are copied  

giving some examples  

BTT link  then  the swiftcointalk link

Topic:  LIST OF BITCOIN FORK - WHICH ONE ARE WORTH CLAIMING - HOW TO (     april 27 (     april 29  

Topic: What’s hot in South Korea — What do the Koreans know that we don’t? (  april 29  at 07:31:17 PM (    april 29 at 09:09:06 PM »

this one is so  simple post  but still he copied it

Topic: Crypto trading company incorportation (   april 29 at 08:37:27 PM (   April 29, 2018, 10:16:41 PM

Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest RIGHT NOW? (      March 22, 2018   ( april 29

and i can say that most of the topic in that forum are just copy past from our bitcoin talk forum  

for example check the recent posts (  archived (

i think the forum owner is using a bot  to  copy all those topic  

and i think  the person responsible may be  this account ( or just an alt or a bot );u=1462988 (;u=1462988)    ( go to swift coin talk  uper right you will find the link to this account )

this is a major problem  and i think its not an internal problem that simple members can look into it   since it is a whole forum  plagiarism   our  members work

its more complicated  lol it is also linked to this website (   hhh a scam coin probably   ?  well idk 

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: SFR10 on April 30, 2018, 02:43:27 AM   ( this website is copying threads and posts from our bitcoin talk forum  
You should report plagiarism cases, if it's the other way around (DT1/2 members can't take actions towards him/her).

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: shahzadafzal on April 30, 2018, 04:57:55 AM
This can't be controlled or stopped, there are some other replicas of bitcointalk too bitcointalk.[to] (Don't open, even I knew its phishing but still somehow I missed it when it was already opened my tabbed and I entered by username and password only after pressing enter I realized it and now I have changed my password)

Anyway eventually they will die out they won't be getting much traffic either. But yes we need New forum software  ( so these automatic copying can be limited and bots won't be able to read and copy that fast.

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: iillaa on April 30, 2018, 05:58:04 AM   ( this website is copying threads and posts from our bitcoin talk forum  
You should report plagiarism cases, if it's the other way around (DT1/2 members can't take actions towards him/her).

What  about reporting his account in the forum  ?;u=1462988 (;u=1462988)

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: Tankdestroyer on April 30, 2018, 12:08:03 PM
What  about reporting his account in the forum  ?;u=1462988 (;u=1462988)
His/her account can be given a red trust by DT Members, but I think he/she will only continue plagiarizing bitcointalk threads in that website. Are there bitcointalk rules that discusses about plagiarism of forum threads outside the forum? If none, then DT members cannot take an action to stop him/her by doing that act. I think the account deserves a ban though, it is still plagiarism after all.

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: Lucius on April 30, 2018, 01:25:27 PM
iillaa , there is a option "Report to moderator" for each post and best way is to use this option to report plagiarism.What report should contain is link to original post/source and archived post of user you want to report.

In most cases of plagiarism punishment is a permanent ban,but you should keep in mind that there is a lot of reports and that moderators need time to process everything.

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: AdolfinWolf on April 30, 2018, 01:41:08 PM
iillaa , there is a option "Report to moderator" for each post and best way is to use this option to report plagiarism.What report should contain is link to original post/source and archived post of user you want to report.

In most cases of plagiarism punishment is a permanent ban,but you should keep in mind that there is a lot of reports and that moderators need time to process everything.

A. this is a site copying/mirroring bitcointalk, so reporting doesn't make any sense, and isn't really possible.

B. Reporting a user for plagiarism using the "Report to Moderator" button i believe doesn't do anything. You'll need to open a topic in the meta section of the forum to actually get them banned.
( I believe i read this somewhere where a moderator stated this was the case.)

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: btc_angela on April 30, 2018, 01:47:46 PM
hey  i just found something so weird  .   ( this website is copying threads and posts from our bitcoin talk forum  

even the simple posts are copied  

giving some examples  

BTT link  then  the swiftcointalk link

Topic:  LIST OF BITCOIN FORK - WHICH ONE ARE WORTH CLAIMING - HOW TO (     april 27 (     april 29  

Topic: What’s hot in South Korea — What do the Koreans know that we don’t? (  april 29  at 07:31:17 PM (    april 29 at 09:09:06 PM »

this one is so  simple post  but still he copied it

Topic: Crypto trading company incorportation (   april 29 at 08:37:27 PM (   April 29, 2018, 10:16:41 PM

Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest RIGHT NOW? (      March 22, 2018   ( april 29

and i can say that most of the topic in that forum are just copy past from our bitcoin talk forum  

for example check the recent posts (  archived (

i think the forum owner is using a bot  to  copy all those topic  

and i think  the person responsible may be  this account ( or just an alt or a bot );u=1462988 (;u=1462988)    ( go to swift coin talk  uper right you will find the link to this account )

this is a major problem  and i think its not an internal problem that simple members can look into it   since it is a whole forum  plagiarism   our  members work

its more complicated  lol it is also linked to this website (   hhh a scam coin probably   ?  well idk 

It might not be a bot but some idiots really copying from this community because as I remember last year, there was someone looking for services to do some copy and paste for him. And eventually it was found out that he wants someone to copy from this community to his forum. But I totally haven't follow it so I guess this maybe one of them.

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: mdayonliner on April 30, 2018, 04:41:22 PM   ( this website is copying threads and posts from our bitcoin talk forum  
LOL that's another level of plagiarism from the view of a BitcoinTalk user. Only swiftcointalk administrators can do something about it. IMO it's a case like BitcoinTalk.TO (<=== DO NOT VISIT unless you know what you are doing) where we can not do nothing about it.

I assume most of the account hack we see now a days for this website. Innocent people think BitcoinTalk.TO is actual and they leave their username and password there.

Title: Re: plagiarism report DT members needed
Post by: iillaa on April 30, 2018, 06:09:53 PM
iillaa , there is a option "Report to moderator" for each post and best way is to use this option to report plagiarism.What report should contain is link to original post/source and archived post of user you want to report.

In most cases of plagiarism punishment is a permanent ban,but you should keep in mind that there is a lot of reports and that moderators need time to process everything.

Hey   it's  more complicated  than a simple  report  

A. this is a site copying/mirroring bitcointalk, so reporting doesn't make any sense, and isn't really possible.

B. Reporting a user for plagiarism using the "Report to Moderator" button i believe doesn't do anything. You'll need to open a topic in the meta section of the forum to actually get them banned.
( I believe i read this somewhere where a moderator stated this was the case.)

Actually  it does really  do something  last night i reported  someone  using  that  report to mod button  and with 5 min   topic was deleted and user  banned  
 ofc if you want to confirm he got banned  just post in an already  existing topic  like i did here (