Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Its About Sharing on November 24, 2013, 05:40:44 PM

Title: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: Its About Sharing on November 24, 2013, 05:40:44 PM
Living in a capitalistic world, we understandably want to have a certain standard of living and want to obtain more. It is programmed into us.
But the thing I don't understand, is that people brag about BTC being a disruptive technology, but I don't really see but a scarce few people talking about using their BTC's to help others, nor to further the disruptive cause, which helps all of us. If you haven't noticed, the world is sort of at a crossroads and needs all the help it can get. If I suddenly had millions of dollars from BTC, I can tell you that most of it would go back to the BTC cause. No doubt about it. No sense in investing in a house as the neighborhood is burning down.

I'd like all of you just to consider what BTC represents and how each of you can help to make the world a better place.

We have a great Crowd sourcing sort of phenomena in front of us regarding BTC wealth. Let's use it and continue what BTC started.
A new form of Philanthropy is among us and growing.

Some ideas as far as "donating" some BTC's, lets say 10% or more of your wealth (or more if you don't need million dollar homes), includes (add to the list):

Wiki Leaks - They are creating a lot of good disruption these days. They sort of started things in a sense.
Causes - Anything that helps people e.g. Sean's Outpost
Drug Reform - The war on people, I mean drugs, is an utter failure. It is slowly changing however.
Disruptive technologies - BTC development, dark wallet, investments in disruptive technologies in general, etc.
Banking reform - to help further change the corrupt system
Lobby-ism reform
Government Reform - At all levels
Political activism causes
Open Source Projects that help our cause
Edan Yago creating a cryptographic currency political zone - (

Its about sharing

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: BittBurger on November 24, 2013, 05:49:46 PM
I have a Bitcoin bumper sticker on my 6 Series BMW (point being its not a shitty car so I hope that lends some credibility to the bumper sticker somehow), and I drive it around a lot of wealthy people here in Miami, and Im pretty sure it annoys the shit out of them to see it.

That's about as disruptive as I've gotten.

Oh - I forgot the long winded embarassing verbal sparring with financial "experts" on my Facebook list.   I know I've annoyed them too.   :-P

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: BitcoinAuthor on November 24, 2013, 05:59:42 PM
it's certainly true the more people use bitcoins the better it will do. but it doesn't have to be giving it to causes (but it certainly could be). buying anything helps establish it as a money (i.e. the most used medium of exchange/store of value/unit of account in an economy).

anyone who is willing to risk and invest has the opportunity to make a profit. or if they malinvest, a lose. really it's up to each person to decide how much risk they are willing to take. personally, i like the risk, if the potential reward is there.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: corebob on November 24, 2013, 06:33:52 PM
We should also support Edan Yago in creating a cryptographic currency political zone, and any other nation trying to free them self from financial terrorism using bitcoin

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: Its About Sharing on November 24, 2013, 07:34:45 PM
We should also support Edan Yago in creating a cryptographic currency political zone, and any other nation trying to free them self from financial terrorism using bitcoin

Incredible suggestion, updated original post with link.
Much Thx

Its about sharing

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: hiltonizer on November 24, 2013, 11:57:41 PM
I would argue that simply using bitcoin (and not just sitting on it hoping to get rich), is a helpful act in and of itself. You cite a lot of government centric things, but bitcoin use is agorism. Government cannot be fixed, it needs to be eradicated.

I'd agree on some of the other items though, OSS projects are important, as well as crowdfunding startups.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: pa on November 25, 2013, 01:37:53 AM
It would be useful for bitcoiners to purchase (perhaps via crowdsourcing) some of the prime mainstream media and fire all of the reporters who advocate militarism, totalitarianism, and banksterism.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is Disruptive, But will you be???
Post by: Its About Sharing on November 25, 2013, 08:32:08 AM
I would argue that simply using bitcoin (and not just sitting on it hoping to get rich), is a helpful act in and of itself. You cite a lot of government centric things, but bitcoin use is agorism. Government cannot be fixed, it needs to be eradicated.

I'd agree on some of the other items though, OSS projects are important, as well as crowdfunding startups.

Hoarding/Saving helps the owner more than any one else. Let's not sugar coat the obvious.
Your argument of spending sounds essentially like trickle down economics. The benefit is that BTC is more used, a good thing. But if BTC is successful, we won't have to worry about that. Then it becomes another currency, but a deflationary one (and that can be problematic as we are seeing. Not a bad thing, but less likely to be spent.) People can do better than just spending some of their millions on cars, houses, food to help others out. Not that those things are bad in of themselves, they are just "selfish".

Of course we will use BTC but those many new millionaires, billionaires, etc. out there can do more to help to make a difference. That is what this thread is about.

Governments can't be fixed, to a large degree I agree. Disruptive technology makes them adapt to us though, just as with banking (I hope). And, even though governments are broken, they are essentially us.

Pa - Nice idea!