Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Minor Miner on November 25, 2013, 04:50:03 PM

Title: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Minor Miner on November 25, 2013, 04:50:03 PM
One of my employees had her home broken into by someone on Friday and they stole a lot of stuff that had sentimental value.   She would really like to get it back and I am not sure if someone on here might know how to track photos better than just my imac info feature.
The thief took her 5 year old son's Itouch which is connected to her Cloud account.   Only 1.5 hours after the robbery, photos started getting posted to her cloud account (it is automatic).   The photos show the thief and his girlfriend in selfies and his girlfriend in lingerie wearing some of my employee's stolen jewelry.

Since the time of the first photo is so close to the time of the robbery, she knows they live close but would love an exact location since the local cops here do not seem to give two shits about investigating anything (even when presented with a PHOTO of the thief).

So, if anyone (or if it is even possible) could determine from an exact location where these photos were uploaded to the cloud (Itouch can only use wifi), I would pay 0.5 BTC.

OR, even better, if the law enforcement personnel (who I already pay taxes to support) that lurk on these forums would be willing to use their skills to help catch a criminal, please help.   < that obviously is a joke but it would renew my faith in the world if law enforcement would help.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Damnsammit on November 25, 2013, 04:52:51 PM
Post the pictures...  it will help.

Especially the one of his girlfriend in lingerie.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Minor Miner on November 25, 2013, 04:53:55 PM
Post the pictures...  it will help.
Especially the one of his girlfriend in lingerie.
She is not hot.   and i will post, I am just trying to figure out how.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: SaltySpitoon on November 25, 2013, 04:54:58 PM
If they are stupid enough to use the device to take pictures of themselves, I'm sure they are on facebook with a status of #robbedsomepeople

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: willwise on November 25, 2013, 04:55:30 PM
Actually I have done this before when they stole my iPad. Note that it's unlikely but not 100% impossible to use this device online without wifi. You can do two things, try to find similar pictures on the internet to identify them.
Track from where the posted were posted in the cloud, I know how to do this. PM me if you want help!

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: bitcoinpsftp on November 25, 2013, 04:56:11 PM
Upload photos to an upload site.  Then when photo is uploaded, right click and select "copy image location".

Then type this code:

[IMG]paste here image location[/img] 

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Terk on November 25, 2013, 04:56:27 PM
Upload a sample photo into to check if geolocation data is available. Your iPod Touch might detect location based on WiFi router.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Damnsammit on November 25, 2013, 04:56:37 PM
On a serious note, if there is pictures on the iCloud, then all you need to do is goto:

Then enter the Apple ID and password.  Sign in, and click on the "Find My iPhone" button and it will show you the last location it was used.

Should work for iPads, iPods, and iPhones.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: on November 25, 2013, 04:57:28 PM
You can try to find Geo location in EXIF data, but I'm not sure if I touch stores that info.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: mprep on November 25, 2013, 04:57:31 PM
Contact the Cloud provider. He might give a list of IPs from which the device connected. Once you have the IP, the police will have no trouble tracing down the thief.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Minor Miner on November 25, 2013, 05:02:25 PM
Upload a sample photo into to check if geolocation data is available. Your iPod Touch might detect location based on WiFi router.
Did that but it does not give location.   I uploaded one pic there.   thanks.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: on November 25, 2013, 05:07:00 PM
Upload a sample photo into to check if geolocation data is available. Your iPod Touch might detect location based on WiFi router.
Did that but it does not give location.   I uploaded one pic there.   thanks.

Send me pic, i'll try it via exif tool.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: successquik on November 25, 2013, 05:08:08 PM

Good luck in your efforts to recover the stuff.

A total non-techie so of no value to task at hand but wishing you well.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Minor Miner on November 25, 2013, 05:18:21 PM
thanks everyone.   I have emailed the pics to someone who answered and seeing if he/she can help me.   I completely failed at being able to upload the photos even with detailed instructions as i do not really use internet photo sites.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: BitcoinFr34k on November 25, 2013, 05:19:05 PM
1. Sign in to with your Apple ID (the one you use with iCloud).

If you’re using another iCloud app, click the app’s name at the top of the window, then click Find My iPhone.

2. Click All Devices, then select the device you want to locate.

In the list, the dot next to the device indicates its status:

A green dot means it’s online.

A gray dot means it’s offline.

If the device is online, its approximate location is shown on the map. The green circle around the device indicates its location (the smaller the circle, the better the accuracy).

Note: If Find My iPhone can’t locate a device, the last known location is displayed for up to 24 hours. Select “Notify me when found” to get an email when it comes online. 3. Do any of the following:

To move the map or zoom in or out, use the map navigation controls in the upper-left corner. You can also drag the map to move it around.

To update a location, click the green dot on the map, then click the Refresh button .

Note: Maps and location information depend on data collection services provided by third parties. These services are subject to change and may not be available in all geographic areas, resulting in inaccurate or incomplete maps or location information.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: The 4ner on November 25, 2013, 05:39:40 PM
If they are stupid enough to use the device to take pictures of themselves, I'm sure they are on facebook with a status of #robbedsomepeople

LOL! Word.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: jeffhuys on November 25, 2013, 08:26:34 PM
I've done some... Er... "Private detective" work in my time. If you need help, feel free to PM me.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: sdp on November 26, 2013, 10:26:01 AM
Perhaps the photos themselves might identify where they are.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: inkadnb on November 26, 2013, 10:30:24 AM
As others have stated, all iPhones tag photos with EXIF data which contains GPS coordinates among other information.

Unfortunately, many phones strip this information when pulling it off the phone. Do you have an unaltered photo?

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: bitcoinpsftp on November 26, 2013, 10:36:49 AM
Good luck in catching these assholes.  On a serious note, police officers not wanting to look into it are real asses.  What are they being paid for?

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: Minor Miner on November 26, 2013, 11:02:30 AM
As others have stated, all iPhones tag photos with EXIF data which contains GPS coordinates among other information.

Unfortunately, many phones strip this information when pulling it off the phone. Do you have an unaltered photo?

It is a little kid's ITOUCH.    It is not an Iphone.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: TheButterZone on November 26, 2013, 11:33:35 AM
My iTouch had geotagged photos on by default; it estimated GPS coords by wifi. Nasty surprise to find some of my pics revealing my 20.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: viridisk on November 26, 2013, 11:42:57 AM
Have you maybe tried to crop her face from the photo (if it's higher res) and put it throught some reverse image search? Google have that, and Facebook would be ideal, but I doubt it's possible there. It's a very long shot, but you maybe could get lucky.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: BitcoinFr34k on November 26, 2013, 11:58:53 AM
Have you maybe tried to crop her face from the photo (if it's higher res) and put it throught some reverse image search? Google have that, and Facebook would be ideal, but I doubt it's possible there. It's a very long shot, but you maybe could get lucky.

You could also try using It's a lot better than the Google reverse image search.

Title: Re: Need HELP, 0.5 BTC reward
Post by: inkadnb on November 26, 2013, 03:48:31 PM
Can you please send me a copy of this photo via PM if you're paranoid about it being leaked?

I have extensive experience working with EXIF data, there's typically a lot more data than just GPS coordinates stored on it that might be useful in itself. Most vendors have vendor specific property tags which may yield some useful information.

My current Uni project is actually forensic software centered around EXIF data and creating possible routes a "suspect" took.

I'd be glad to give you my in-depth analysis if you provide the photo. If you have more photos, even better.

Have you maybe tried to crop her face from the photo (if it's higher res) and put it throught some reverse image search? Google have that, and Facebook would be ideal, but I doubt it's possible there. It's a very long shot, but you maybe could get lucky.

You could also try using It's a lot better than the Google reverse image search.

Tineye might be useful but I doubt it'll get any hits. While Tineye does crawl Facebook, it can't get around privacy settings. Also, it only looks for matches or partial matches of the photo itself. It's not going to find you a "similar" face in a different photo, it needs to be (more or less) the same photo.