Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: sushi on November 26, 2013, 01:47:55 AM

Title: Who is the next in-stock ASIC miners or short term pre-order?
Post by: sushi on November 26, 2013, 01:47:55 AM
Now Bitmain Tech successfully released a steady built 180/GHS ASIC miner called AntMiner as in-stock sale  via auctions rather than the common pre-order business model.

I wander who would be next? Or who might release the miners with a short pre-order waiting period?

3 months of wait is a bit risky investment.

Anyone receive any notice from your pre-orders that the miners are about to ship?

Title: Re: Who is the next in-stock ASIC miners or short term pre-order?
Post by: alexout on November 26, 2013, 02:26:21 AM
Where can you participate in these auctions?

Title: Re: Who is the next in-stock ASIC miners or short term pre-order?
Post by: sushi on November 26, 2013, 02:30:51 AM
If the auction were to held again, it will be in this area

Title: Re: Who is the next in-stock ASIC miners or short term pre-order?
Post by: miter_myles on November 26, 2013, 03:09:11 AM
Really?  Another thread from an obvious "paid" mouthpiece for this operation?  

I don't see any "in-stock" hardware from this ANT hw?  Can you link me to a website/shop/cart that I can pay for hardware right now?  

Pre-ordering being the worst... Auctioning isn't that much better given the amount of clowns willing to throw money at it..  however, if the greed is hot and the gettin is good.. have at it.

Title: Re: Who is the next in-stock ASIC miners or short term pre-order?
Post by: Bicknellski on November 26, 2013, 05:51:56 AM
The Wasp Project Collective will help with this and probably in December / January you will start seeing a fair number of in stock / short term pre-order units that we have designed. If there are Antminer chips in the wild we will have a Antminer Wasp out to the market.