Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Jet Cash on May 02, 2018, 10:20:33 AM

Title: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: Jet Cash on May 02, 2018, 10:20:33 AM
A new Spanish speaking member made an interesting post on The Fit to Talk English project. It was about Wordpress themes, and it made me think that a Wordpress blog could be a good place to make English posts. Many new users seem to be concerned that they will be the subject of abuse if they post less than perfect English here. Having your own Wordpress blog is a free way to hone your posting skills.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: TMAN on May 02, 2018, 11:41:35 AM
A new Spanish speaking member made an interesting post on The Fit to Talk English project. It was about Wordpress themes, and it made me think that a Wordpress blog could be a good place to make English posts. Many new users seem to be concerned that they will be the subject of abuse if they post less than perfect English here. Having your own Wordpress blog is a free way to hone your posting skills.

Decent idea, people posting in the main sections of this forum must be able to communicate in English, otherwise we are being subjected to nonsense posts. There are plenty of initiatives here to help people

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: bill gator on May 23, 2018, 02:41:36 PM
I would happily read through any blogs that are started by members seeking to improve their English and give my feedback. I'm no English major, or intellectual, but I can read and let you know if it sounds right. I've been speaking English for decades and have a pretty good eye for things that don't sound right. Simply creating a Wordpress blog might not improve your English skills if nobody is reading and critiquing your use of the language. You would just be practicing bad habits if this were the case, unfortunately. Then you would come here with no greater grasp of the language, but a more concrete foundation for your incorrect usage.

I would like to make a blog for me too. How do you create those?

There are these wonderful tools called "Search Engines" that are wonderful for simple questions. A popular one is Google! It yielded this result, and millions of other resources that answer your exact question.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: seoincorporation on May 23, 2018, 03:04:28 PM
I would happily read through any blogs that are started by members seeking to improve their English and give my feedback. I'm no English major, or intellectual, but I can read and let you know if it sounds right. I've been speaking English for decades and have a pretty good eye for things that don't sound right. Simply creating a Wordpress blog might not improve your English skills if nobody is reading and critiquing your use of the language. You would just be practicing bad habits if this were the case, unfortunately. Then you would come here with no greater grasp of the language, but a more concrete foundation for your incorrect usage.

Reading, questioning and also helping others to understand and correct their English mistakes is what we are doing in the FittoTalk project!!
Maybe you are interested in joining it, and your participation can helps!

We also have opened a Spanish board in order to teach/learn this language too. What is your native one?

I 'm glad to see there are still some people in the forum with the will of helping others with no $ reward!!

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: mk4 on May 23, 2018, 03:35:51 PM
There are simply tons of ways a certain person can practice his/her english. Me myself, I simply watched a crap ton of movies and movie-series(The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc). My grammar is not 100% perfect, but it's accurate enough(I think). I don't even know the sort of "grammar rules" or something, I just sort of decide if something is grammatically correct by deciding if a statement sounds right or not. The best way to learn depends on the person, it depends on what certain method he/she enjoys doing; may it be watching, writing, conversing, etc.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: Jet Cash on May 23, 2018, 04:01:40 PM
I forgot about this thread, and Bill Gator makes a valid point about comments.

We did start a board where members can write an article for comment, and this is the first one in that section.

I'm toying with the idea  of requesting permission for the author to repost the article in the Bitcoin Talk forum. I would then be able to award merits for it. I hesitated over it, because the articles are likely to be fairly basic, and there will be other threads that are more detailed on the boards here. Maybe they could all be posted in a newbies comment thread on the beginnerrs board. A single thread with pre-vetted posts might be useful for other new members.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: mu_enrico on May 23, 2018, 04:16:12 PM
There are simply tons of ways a certain person can practice his/her english. Me myself, I simply watched a crap ton of movies and movie-series(The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc). My grammar is not 100% perfect, but it's accurate enough(I think). I don't even know the sort of "grammar rules" or something, I just sort of decide if something is grammatically correct by deciding if a statement sounds right or not. The best way to learn depends on the person, it depends on what certain method he/she enjoys doing; may it be watching, writing, conversing, etc.

I think this statement is true. I'm a blogger for years, and English isn't my native language. Yes, blogging is a fantastic way of improving English, but they need to know that the words chosen in a sentence "sound" right or not, before constructing a complex sentence. Human needs to speak first before write, that's just the "organic way" according to Pimsleur.

Well, if I may suggest, maybe non-native English speaker should download Pimsleur Learning System. It's free on torr*nt. I think I saw Pimsleur English for Spanish speakers some years ago. Hopefully, it's still there, or they can change their TV channel to English for months (or years).

Then, after they got the basic, it's relatively easy to copy and paste translated article from Google Translate then use Grammarly to "tweak" parts that sound weird.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: bill gator on May 24, 2018, 11:36:51 AM
Reading, questioning and also helping others to understand and correct their English mistakes is what we are doing in the FittoTalk project!!
Maybe you are interested in joining it

I'll have to admit I was a bit skeptical of visiting the website at first, but then I did some digging and also see that Jet Cash is hanging around there. I'll definitely give the project a hand wherever I can. I'm definitely interested, maybe I will even pick up a bit of another language myself. Not sure if that's possible with the project, but I guess we'll see.

I 'm glad to see there are still some people in the forum with the will of helping others with no $ reward!!

Contrary to popular belief, not everything is about money. Whenever there is a meaningful connection to be made, information to be exchanged, or ideas to be explored I always assume it to be worth my time until it proves otherwise.

There are simply tons of ways a certain person can practice his/her english.

I like this goofy project called DuoLingo, helped me a lot.

My grammar is not 100% perfect, but it's accurate enough(I think).

I have no problem reading your posts. There are little hints, here and there, that English isn't your first language, but you convey your thoughts more clearly than most of the kids I went to high-school with.

We did start a board where members can write an article for comment, and this is the first one in that section.

Consider me there, as soon as I have time to make it happen.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: Jet Cash on May 24, 2018, 12:08:15 PM
Consider me there, as soon as I have time to make it happen.

You will be very welcome. Please could you use your Bitcoin Talk account name. We ask for this, as some of the posts are copied onto the Bitcoin Talk forum, and we want to make life easier for mods when they are checking for plagiarism. It can get complex, as some posts are the work of two or three members.

I've got a couple of new applications, and I'm going to have to reject them, as they do not seem to relate to BT members. I apologise if one of them is yours.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: lespahten on May 24, 2018, 01:17:09 PM
A new Spanish speaking member made an interesting post on The Fit to Talk English project. It was about Wordpress themes, and it made me think that a Wordpress blog could be a good place to make English posts. Many new users seem to be concerned that they will be the subject of abuse if they post less than perfect English here. Having your own Wordpress blog is a free way to hone your posting skills.
A good idea. The skills to perfect English are really very necessary!

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: fernandoaleixo on May 24, 2018, 02:58:32 PM
Taking steps is easy, standing still is hard. How can we help and encourage these users willing to create such blogs? As good intention is I feel like they are going abandon their blogs pretty quickly... On my case, I'm up to reading posts and actively commenting at least twice a week.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: seoincorporation on May 24, 2018, 03:09:34 PM

I'll have to admit I was a bit skeptical of visiting the website at first, but then I did some digging and also see that Jet Cash is hanging around there. I'll definitely give the project a hand wherever I can. I'm definitely interested, maybe I will even pick up a bit of another language myself. Not sure if that's possible with the project, but I guess we'll see.

Jet Cash is, actually, the founder of the site. The idea is to give an alternative to those who can't express themselves in proper English (like me) so we can understand how to write a post with quality in here. Also, we have introduced a Spanish section, we don't know yet how it is going to work, but the goal is to bring to discussion many good topics from this board.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: mk4 on May 24, 2018, 03:45:07 PM
Taking steps is easy, standing still is hard. How can we help and encourage these users willing to create such blogs? As good intention is I feel like they are going abandon their blogs pretty quickly... On my case, I'm up to reading posts and actively commenting at least twice a week.

Me personally I really don't writing too, especially those times in college when you're pretty much forced to write papers on certain topics. Lately though, I've been writing a bit on topics that I'm knowledgeable and interested in, and let me tell you. I enjoyed it A LOT more. They should just pick a topic/niche that they're interested in. May it be gaming, sports, a certain branch of science, business, you name it.

Title: Re: Create a Wordpress blog to practice your English
Post by: fernandoaleixo on May 28, 2018, 02:32:46 PM
Me personally I really don't writing too, especially those times in college when you're pretty much forced to write papers on certain topics. Lately though, I've been writing a bit on topics that I'm knowledgeable and interested in, and let me tell you. I enjoyed it A LOT more. They should just pick a topic/niche that they're interested in. May it be gaming, sports, a certain branch of science, business, you name it.

I love writing but yeah, I know that feeling of being forced to write something that you're totally not interested at all is horrible! Where I can check the progress by the way? It's been few days and I just came back to check how things are going! I'm not an english speaker myself and I commit some mistakes (out of laziness to be honest), but I believe I can help a lot and even learn.