Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: siggy on November 29, 2013, 07:47:26 PM

Title: Anecdote from Thanksgiving day meal....
Post by: siggy on November 29, 2013, 07:47:26 PM
So yesterday was the US Thanksgiving day holiday...  spent it with the extended family.. and as always table conversation tended towards politics and money...

well, I'll skip the politics part...

My mom already knows I have these weird computers in my basement that do something with bitcoins... so that brought the conversation around when she asked me about how that was going...  

Long story short... my brother-in-law is one of these "gotta have the latest tech/gadget" junkies and he had never before heard of bitcoin.   If HE hasn't heard of them yet, then there is no way we have even begun penetration into the general population...  

Anyone else have any interesting turkey-day anecdotes?


Title: Re: Anecdote from Thanksgiving day meal....
Post by: wobber on November 29, 2013, 08:12:42 PM
I was thinking some time ago that bitcoin is a must have for tech-junkies. Maybe not trade and all, but definitely many of them will want to have something like 0.1-0.5 on their Iphone for "emergency" or in a secret stash, on an encrypted card along with a few hundred bucks, a silver bullion or two, and whatever they saw in James Bond. And I'm not making fun, I think it's a good thing for everyone to have some.

Title: Re: Anecdote from Thanksgiving day meal....
Post by: YoYa on November 29, 2013, 08:36:02 PM
Long story short... my brother-in-law is one of these "gotta have the latest tech/gadget" junkies and he had never before heard of bitcoin.

Meh, have worked in the IT industry, lots of capable individuals who'd wipe the floor with the best of them aren't necessarily engaged in the culture. I'm wary of most until I see they actually know their shit, and quite mindful of the fact that there's things out there I'm clueless about.

Title: Re: Anecdote from Thanksgiving day meal....
Post by: piramida on November 29, 2013, 09:08:29 PM
Yes, general public does not have a slightest clue what bitcoin is, yet. Some people respond when I prompt, usually most who heard the word somewhere just brushed it off as a ponzi and forgot. We are at the very beginning, penetrating mass conscience takes years. Now, only the early adopters and smart money investors bothered to do research. Public recognition won't come until at least 5 digits, when BTC starts invading everyday life.

At least my friends and family know. Educate people who you transact with, especially internationally, they will immediately appreciate the convenience.