Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Pools => Topic started by: noncecents on November 30, 2013, 07:04:23 PM

Title: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: noncecents on November 30, 2013, 07:04:23 PM
A couple of weeks ago I was going through my bookmarks and remembered a long time ago I'd mined with 50btc, so I logged in to see if I had a few coins in there I had forgotten about that I could cash out.

When I got logged in I found that I had over 160 BTC!

So I went to cash out and kept getting errors when trying to send BTC to my address.

Then I read their news and found that their system had been compromised ( ).

The last update they posted was on October 28 and no news since them. I have contacted them twice with no reply.

160 BTC is worth a LOT of money.

Does anyone know what's going on with them? Is there any way to get the BTC they owe me?

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: JTrain_51 on November 30, 2013, 07:06:29 PM
I am not sure I fully understand the story but there is always a way to get your btc back

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: kripto on November 30, 2013, 07:11:22 PM
no response from 50btc team on my questions about general pool status and payouts status either :(

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: 1bitbybit on November 30, 2013, 07:17:22 PM
I have the same thing going on. I had an account, haven't used it in a while and went to cash out. Nothing happened and I contacted customer service. I have heard nothing so far.

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: Sitarow on December 01, 2013, 10:17:10 AM
A couple of weeks ago I was going through my bookmarks and remembered a long time ago I'd mined with 50btc, so I logged in to see if I had a few coins in there I had forgotten about that I could cash out.

When I got logged in I found that I had over 160 BTC!

So I went to cash out and kept getting errors when trying to send BTC to my address.

Then I read their news and found that their system had been compromised ( ).

The last update they posted was on October 28 and no news since them. I have contacted them twice with no reply.

160 BTC is worth a LOT of money.

Does anyone know what's going on with them? Is there any way to get the BTC they owe me?

A month back their system to keep track of account coin was compromised.
Everyone's account shows a huge jump in BTC balance however that amount is not true.
My one account states that I have over 70 BTC and a withdrawal history of negative -30 BTC however on that account I have never made a withdrawl nor have a address registered.

They have released a public statement that they are working on the new site to solve the potential breach and coordinated attacks to impoverish the pool and its miners by withholding solved blocks exploit.

PS that account never had more than 17btc

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: gsm4gulf on December 02, 2013, 12:14:54 PM
i am also in v v big problem due to this ....
i bought 4pcs blade miners for big amount ...
after some days price down 65% ...
so i lost too too much money
i collected 10 btc in
now its looong looongtime i talk to them and write in another thread regarding this but no answer
my problem is bigger than u ...



now btc price is good if i sold this 10btc i have i will recover my money back ....
its v v v v good chance for me ....

hope they listen to me ... plz plz plz plz plz help me

my user/mail:


Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: HellDiverUK on December 02, 2013, 02:13:37 PM
So you left 10BTC in your account on your mining pool.   ::)  It's a mining pool, not a bank.

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: Jeffrey on December 02, 2013, 03:37:47 PM
It's kinda the thing you see all over the place. People keeping their BTC online (be it with a pool, be it with an exchange site, be it with an online wallet) and then the site gets hacked or suddenly closed down (as in, the site owner scammed you)

Usually the reason is "yes because it's so easy and I don't need to set up a wallet myself". Well HELLO it's money we're talking here, what's the problem with taking some effort to keep your money safe?

People seriously please, keep your BTC in a wallet on one of your own systems/devices, secure it properly with a code, set up a simple firewall and antivirus, make regular backups of your wallet.dat file and you're as good as perfectly safe.
(you're never 100% safe of course but this is very close with little effort)

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: btpowers on December 16, 2013, 08:50:03 PM
I've had no luck recovering anything from 50btc, no response from their support either.  Sounds like it's lost coin at this point.  Very, very disappointed.  With the difficulty where it is, I'll never mine it back.  Lesson learned.

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: HellDiverUK on December 16, 2013, 08:57:01 PM
Lesson is, always have an auto withdrawl set to a low value - no more than a few days mining.  Then you don't lose to much when the pool gets it's Gibson hacked.

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: RomZ on December 17, 2013, 03:40:07 PM
You probably didnt have that much BTC in your account, when things went ary at 50BTC peoples accounts ended up getting strange changes in their stats...

mine now says: "payouts":"82.69351408" but i certainly didnt ever make that much mining there :)

Title: Re: What's going on with 50btc?
Post by: noncecents on January 31, 2014, 07:50:58 AM
You're correct, now that they have "fixed" their system I have 0 btc.